RALEIGH, N. 0. TOKSDAY, MARCH 971830. ENiNG Visitor. WEAVER'S BilOS;kr W l(t lot J1 O'lt t ; 1 : lo LABQ3 WE, OF BTTTTBR AND -EGGS' i. .. ii a.-. ni fcii-w line i ' . . r ; 1 ii fie' l)pposit Ceatrti IJotd, . i ' .'1: C :! 1 . Wilmington Str.eet f - rt ' ' ;-i CaU at L. Branson's' ' Bookstore and buy a new American Sewing Machine at the very lowest figures. . For 1 Butteticks J. L. Stone; Patterns. Go to Always fresh, beer on tap at A. W. Fraps. . ' . . Family Bibies from $2 50 to $7 50 each, at L. Branson's Bookstore. ; For Organs and Pianos, and in fact all the diffarent makes. Apply to J. L. Stone, Agent. J. A. BraqfasK,! has just received a lot of fine Floriia oranges direct from the orange groves. fe21tf. Yobk's E.ioiiisa . Giumuab -High school a new edition, published by L.' Branson, Raleigh, N. 0. Price $1. Go to M. Gransman for. your gro cerias he keeps a full supply of the best and finest fpbds at low prices. J. fx Store '--'148 -How Sewing Machines 8 pianos and several organs danng the month of Janury. Feb 19tf. Look at the advertisement of M. Grausman and see how cheap ha sells his sugar. The pricas of his goods are corresponding with the prices of sugar. felStf. A full assortment of Wines and Li quors on hand at A.'-?W Fraps' whole sale department. Also 'the best Mil waukee Beer in bottles. . 27-tf. Mr. J L. Stone sold 891 of the New Homo Sewing Machines last year, heing;an , iucrenso of about 400 over fcho sproviods year ' - ."Toil" can1 "get' ' oystlrs op the half shell,! siewed,! fried m iA -ahy fashion at .ft ;F jloys ; .Club. House.! . He ftlsd kQftpa t finest kiacls of liquors. .jCall,. ye hungry aa4'.khiwty'.' ". ' jal7-tf Egypt coal at 650 per ton delivered; Anthracite (joal, Splint coal, wood, lum ber,, shirigjes,, grain," meal and forage at wholesale dnd retait Vety low feyJ , H w; fvhiOllE3,'GBj!EHi&'P4wBlliiy'fi;ii ja3-tfi iq fchll ?-itiiBMfii' JM?rw ?'jd c) 0 Qtfov .WAto fn'r;! J ui a finecaifrfaga or buggy doa't drop xnto and see Mr. Alfxed Upchurch on Hargett street. , He has ti leiarid COniMetstbbkf' botnvmdde Work? tc whkai heihdtas' jttt'eaentioa.Qf ihe; ze home manufacturers. -, nol7-bt 0. Weikle, the Fashionable tMer-. chant Tailor, has just received a jjice supply 9f' Pattern's! 'suitable' fb'Spring and SanimerP HeH invites' theypublio to call atad examine them. mhl-6t J Having heard Ithaf parties are selling bread in my- naiieI will say , to my patrons and tha'piiblio generally that Impl6yln6 carriers! My' breM fcan always be found fresh at Mr. Mosely 's Dining Saloon.. . All 'orders left there , will receive prompt attention, as I go " -with my wagon to all parts of the city daily. Graham Bread a specialty'.'-- 1 J .;V:i RespeotfuUy, :.!r 0. J. Fbikl, Baker, . feb25-lm Cor JJlount & Dafie St Onion1 Sets at Bratworf's Bookstoret They are, B p?are , his - season. ... ,C?pV If yo want to spend ,8om pleasant notrre go to' A. 'WFraps' Billiard HalL, 27-tf. Frh Beer on Tap at ,a)l tun:s, at K W. Fnpel . . 27-tf - I fuli, Pijnoa. Organs, and Sawing Machines on the instilment' plan. I ell Butteriok's" Patterns, Sewing Hacatn"e needles and e-if, Sc. See., on-If-tat tufa; ' Pleaa doa't forget Clus Jiotioe vhea you waiii thq abov nam pd goods an A oblige yours very truly, LlLl'Stane; Faye-ttSville' Street Ral- leigh, N. O. - 274f. I " Vichy, SaratogA" crinine and iSeltzer water on dfangtit' at Pes- ,nd Lee & Go's. ' r' ' fcs Placb To buy your Saddles! HarTiessV Bridles, Collars, Hames, LBnggy Blankets, &o.j watB. F.Wyatt AiJanJ psi.iJUartan street, ano door bo?0 Bfirryjftabtes. They keep a lull stock of everything you may,de desire, and yen'asfcljWpWtfeie cheap est. Ybj, last Saturday laltae, they Bold (11) eleven setts of fcanneaq They employ only first class workpoOi con sequently the work they iurfi out may be relied on. Their trade is increasing daily. Our city and country friends will find them all right, uive them a call, nihlGt Onr Soda water is dispensed from one of John Matthews Fountain's, of N. Y. WE HAVE just received a large stock of Spring Nothing for boys n.l children, and will make it to your in terest to examine them and learn the prices before buying elsewhere. R. B. ANDREWS & CO., mh6-2m Clothiers an I Hatters. Go to Pescud, Lee & Co. ic1 your Ice Cold Soda Water. line of samples from Messrs. Devlin & Co., New York. J. P. G. will take your measure and Devlin & Co. will make the suit. A perfect fit guaran teed or no sale. A large and attractive stock fine handmade shoes just re ceived for Spring trade. Prettiest, nobbiest and best in tae market. Pri ces right. niliG Pescud,' Lee & Co., have been running their soda fountain all through the winter.' hiah8 tf Messrs." Stronach & Belo will ell next Saturday, , March 13th, at 12 o'clock, at the store, a large Ut of Peach and Apple .trees of the best; .quality., lhese trees are all frdnij the finest jmportec fruit, and fro.nVone ot.the beat nurseries in this Stat$ and are 'sqld, this way to introduce, thjem iq this, section. Alo forsale, a,finei twATear old Bull out of a ilampton-.caw tpj w' Alderney., UalL ; .4fl?3( .Bull ' -' Idfe ! cold Sod a , waier a t Pescn d To He feaders of ' "the Visitor r:t ins a r j U, ;' 'fThero re (seyer,ai ; ;Babscribera in the,it t Wper forff;thj87 paper that the ..collectors.': cauyolj,, findj They . are . respectfully skeil , to come forward and settle or else their names wilj le taken off our books. . lake Ju;ud and govern yourselves, J accordingly, ye delin qucnts. ; - . " c ' j " : ; T" . i March ca ne in as gentle as t lamb. It remains to be sen whetlier, the, old adage -will,, V verinea that it win 20 out hk. a Onr exchange notthaththere will boifoHi conjunctions of 1 the moon with 'ManetSi .rfXtfuWK and !,yenjwithia ton - day's ,frora tn em insi. Mud.; Mudder. 11 r Muddersstmud. V '' Muddel-t'8tnjnd3eT. Mudereaimuddrest. Elm treca tin ,ull leaf. 'Let's get a oorneJ on these ! Ralef gh nwspapKrs. Money in it. ,Get your, rnarts reacly, boya. ; Spring overcoats ard .' bndding. New Moon on Wenesday night. The "roAT" ol a. horse, is. in froit. J TrsajurefWorfhteiforts $27,0OQ old bonds to-day. The man who ' dines off pig's eet is reduced tq extremities. But greater bore Ipan all of these All will agree, t ween, Is that confounded little teaze, The puzzel of Fifteen. Buck shad were seventy five cents a pair to day. Splendid time to predict the otal failure of the peach crop. The warm weather has resnr ected the bothersome house fly Weather. No change of Pro gramme, about the same as yes- day. March has been, lamb liko so Par, but it will not pay to discard flannels just yet. The huckster stalls were crowd ed with eggs to day at 15 cents a dozen. Mr. Geo. W. Jolly is a happy man. lie says it is a girl and it weighs nine pounds. The avbntns, our mo9t fragrant and delicate of wild flowers, has been blooming for several weeks.. Smoked herrings right from the fishing shores, the first of the sea son made their appearance , in market, tpay. ' ... . : ( . ( ; i Bairds New Orleans Minstrels exhibits in - Metropolitan Hall, next Menday night, ; instead of Tucker Hall a3 wo had it yester-. day. . .v ( i:f Drummers' licease, was 'issued yes terday to Messrs. Chafc. Branch & po of Baltimore, and to day license was iss'd'ed to"J. M. Wych of Petersburg, f tye yere 'pleased to' see' diir f rienef', WM. Malone! E3q.tofVCftldill, toi day, who is here engaged in sevrkl fraportani Wts i pbnding1 in tKesSu-retae'3ouA.n.,!- '! h"'n j.;, , ..... f" A special meeting of KaleigK Otap ter Nb; JO) Royal ArclkMisons, will be held this (Tuesday) evening at 7 1-2 o'clock for work in the Royal Arch Degree (instea i of, for instructions, as published in the morning dailies). ' AH companions in Royat Arch Masonry are cordially invited to attend. ; John Barleycorn met one , poor fellow .last i night wrestled with him and finally left him in the ditch, this morning when discov ered by , he Police, wai almost drowned having s had the full benefit of all the ram and the acumnnlation t water, in the ditch. I n9wilW .tf"? Room hanging out to dry. Lent half go,ne. :i . ,,ti Revenue Receipts yesterday, $7,082.23. " ' The Texas Tribune says : r"the late ' atmosphericnl freshness has brought on many cases of Coughs and Colds, and Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is in gVeater demand than ever. Price only 25 cents. . m Mayoe's Court. Nothing do in?, 3 drunks and down all in the Guard Houso. Fcn Ahead. John R. Ford's Baltimore Dramatic Company will play at Tucker Hall, Monday night, March 15th. Key Found. Mr. Richard Crabtree left at our office this morning a plain iron key with a pink tape string attached, which he found on Fayetteville street on yesterday, the owner thereof can obtain the key by applying at this office. BfS KIND AND GENTLK TO 'JHS old. It is said that even the can nibals have a tender regard for old age. Tliev will not eat a mis sienary who is over fifty years old. Married. Mr. J. D. Mitchell was waited in the holy bonds of wedlock, this morning at 11 o'clock, to Miss Maria C. Hill, by N. W. Pool, Esq., at the resi dence of tha bride, learthis city. How we -Colored Tatbrs do Swim. " Going to leave, Mary." "Yes mum; I am very discontent ed." "If there is anything I can do to make you comfortable, let ma know." "No roam, it can't be did. You can't alter your fiijjger to ray figger, no "tnorn't 1 can. Your dresses won't fit me, and I can't shine on Sundays' as I nsed to did at my -last place where the clothes of the lady1 fitted 'xactly." v . . ! ' m'Lm " . .' f ' ( i i ' ; s St6p TkrE?. A negro "fellow captured a 'pair of ehoes'-frdm the store of Mes'srsl Yeargiri," P-etty & Company taday, ,and ,made for tho street,' phe s "of the' clerks saw, the. movement and, followed in pursuit, the negro seeing that he was persued dropped tho sto" len goods arid 'went ; tn his way. The shoes were returned ta tho store. But the thief escaped un punished because no one'sopmed to interest themselves . to secure his capture, although. there were many pn.tliqtree a the, tjie. Public. Debate. On Monday, March 22d, the Raleigh Literary Society will hold a public debate. Subject u Should the 'AVestern N. C. Railroad be sold." We are indeed glad to hear that our yonng men are so 'energetic and have an- eye t; their iStates' wel fare. t.Theso youig gentlemea are engaged in a trnly laudahle enterprise and have,chopen a sub ject, which, is hijjhly .ortljy of their timelabor ami talents. "We bespeak for them . a large hu behavior ' alid wisli .'"ihVirl ",3G6d speed iu their noble efforts. '"''' Almost ax Accident. Mr. Mahler's little 6oa J alms being" tuxioits to iako lessoDH in h6rseVackriJlngT15'uyeist6r day, was placed on & nofsV, and befaro the little fellow could gather th reins the horse galloped off at a rapid paca down the street. He held his position for a while, brit finally "was dumpsd" in the mud. ' No bones" Drokn, nobody hurt, only a Iauh at ike boy's expense'.' He insists that hs was not thrown, but that ha jvmped off. Thsre is a differ ence of opinion on that point, 'when we take into consileratioa which en 1 hit tke ground. Try again, Jalihs.' it' was nat your fault this time, but ba sure you have a goad hold on tha reina naxt tyae you mak j the venture. We wish you better luck and belisve you . will succead. 1 Redeem your Property.- Tho last Legislature passed a law al lowing persons whose land had been sold te the State for non payment of taxes to redeem the same upon payment of ten per cent;., in addition to other charges, provided those charges be paid before the 13th of March, 1880, After that date, tiie per cent, will be nearly three times as large. Parties interested and in this city and county their name is lo-, gion should therefore lyse no time in redeeming their real es. tate. Go to the county treasurer and pay county charges, and that officer will tell you how to pro ceed to get back your property. He has a list of tho persons in Wake county for whose lands the Statti has deeds, as appears from' the latest records in the office of the Si-crutaiy of State. -. i For the Visitor. To Earnest G. Smith : Having seen your advertise ment in tha Visitor, "a' wife' wanted," and being (as most girls of my age are) a little . weary of single blessedness and feeling that your method of obtaining a wife might be a little' romantic, I have concluded to answer through tlie' Visitor. I ani nearly nineteen,' . have anbnrn hair, and 'blue eyes, ana a graduate of a Southern Col lege, and ah' only child. ' My fath- ' cr, though not 'Wealthy, is"iirde-A pendent, and I have a "small for" tune in my ,own right .fixed .upo'd me by a rich uncle. If you feel, disposed to a'Oswcr. this.' m'lioni-1 mnnicltionadcipess 'to Virginia!,' and placed1 in the ' city ' pos "office1 . will reach irie safelyvaHd;f receive prompt, attention. , 5 U"'tiRGriiA7H Raleigh.' CVlIarc'ligthr5'1' . TlTo firo'bngs are certainly in biir' irndst. ' biit' agahisT' t liem'.'''Jt Twd" oi' ' lthreo? bales of cotton, in the ref'o nit G. F. M: Dall's store,' were self on1 fire Friday night.' ' Tlie bagging was liuru'ed off arid ' some cotton on the sides yt the bales wks con sumed, " but fortunately the ' fire did iK't make much progress rtnhl daylight, when it commenced to blaze,. was discovered ' and, with a few buckets of water, was ex,un gntshed before any 'rreat- damage was done.1 The presence of barn .-. ed'-'rid unHinied' mafo'uVftri'the gtViihd disclosed tho fjict that an incendiary Wf 'been' at'-'vrdrk.' Nawbern NJrtshoU;1 otf lj

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