Ct (It 1 J Mi 1 0 .1 iVr y Ay i-"b;.!; AKx 11 II I I L J I r ... . .f. . .. VOL. 2-NO, in. Evening. Visitor; ! t' villi Bros;, m. 1 re in daily receipt' of frsli. goods such as Butter, Eggs.' Chicken, White an4 Mixed Bea?, ,Pea, all manner o- country produW at wholesale and re tail.' ' . ' "T ' Just received : ' 1 A splendid . lot of Family Mackerel, Jones' Baking Pow lr, the finest Family Flour in tho martetrSd Jaf,' Ooffeesreaa, Syrups,1 Molasses, to. i - I kep a full stock of family supplies . always on hand and for sale at low prices. CITY VISITS. News scarco. Easter will soon be here. Business very dull to day. Not an item at the Mayor's office. Slim vegetabl morning. . One marriage market this license issued this morning. Called meeting of the Board of Aldermen to morrow night. See notice of "a second hand safe wanted. Address, Lock Box : 213, Raleigh, N. C. Ix-Judge Wm. A. Moore, of Edenton is in the city, in atten dance on the Supreme Court. See notice of a front room -office for rent on Fayetteville St. Apply to Messrs. Pescud, Lee .& Co. : ; . hQ Supreme Court will prob ably 'get through with hearing arguments from the first distrct to day. We return our thanks to Col. L. L. Polk for a copy of the pro ceedings of the State Board of Agriculture held in January last. -Wi OH Thomas, Esq.,' and his beautiful bride, arrived last night and were tendered a reception, at the i residence of .... Mr. . E. B. Thomas. - :.: 1 'The ''toiiqwig :. que'atlon has been asked us : " Can a minister marry himself in the presence of witifesees Y ' Wq-turn it over ;t sl fo ppgalfta tof anl We understand that a party or gentlemen ip thi3rsciry,!,qonten plate bilying up ,theTpririlegeifjftf fishlngm Neuse I river, from' Smithiield to the Neuse ;,J riVb'r paper manufacturing company. Home Sewing Machines yester day. Tfte8emKine re th best offered here for sale. Thos in heed dionid makt ar noteiof this and govern themselves accor dingly." Jl '' $tprie,' General Agent, Mo. 18 tajeUeYiue bV The reception and supper given iri honor of his son. W. G. Thoa,- as, Esbr.andhir beaufiM' and conipliBhed bride last night at thVPwdence B. ! Thonias, Esq.', was .attended ty. a. I'arge number! (iefthfi. friondt of -the family. . Everythinff' the appetite ' could' desiirt ;wa red'in . prof usiop, arid most T heartily en-. KALKIGH N. - . Popularcouglis and cods Colored lacw begin . lo perme ate society. , Straw bead work 'will be a fea ture' o spring millinery. ''!; Peach treca sro in bloom in the gardens about town. ,. . There are one hundred differ ent ways of cooking onions. Japaeso designs and tints fig ure largely in the new percals. Ivery satin.. ribbn - makes a nice throat bow; it', suits any dress. '' Common colored ' lace, says a fashion writer looks worse than none. ' '. Summer dresses of muslin will be very simple, the fashion proph ets say. Now is tke time to plant uls ters and furs whero the moths will not get at them. Some of the delicate spring fabrics suggest tho tenderness of summer atmosphere. The man who docs not know what to think must try and think what he should know. "Fifteen" is Dot to be intro duced as a text book in our schools. That game is blocked. Not an item of a public nature could be gleaned from any of the public offices in the Capitol to day. We are sorry to hear that the family of Dr. J. W. Alston is very ill, especially his youngest child. Regular meeting of Seaton Gales Lodge, I. O. O. F. to night. Every member requested to be on hnud, promptly. There will be no services at the Church of the Good1 Shep herd to night. The Rector is suffering with a severe cold. We noticed as wo ,, parsed Lit" tleto '-yesterday, ; that the au thorities of the R. & G. R. R., wero raajuga jargoj addition-, to the, warehouse at that place wThef sanitary' condition xA the city .wasTiiever better says ;the fficer. who has it ln charffel lie says ho (.-has had, .back yards cieaneai ouu i wmcn iiiav j,wcycr. beem cleaned' out before f,lejr spmig daily iftt Mr. s. are ariying A. Creech's jemn pijUnr, and hi is sellingtheai at ke is the place. When you 'want harness - sad dies or anything in' that iine, you can be accomodated on reasopable terms, by applying to-c Messrs. ;E F. 'Wvatt & Son, on Martin itr--" ' " J1TC -ti-... j-Jr -vt' wen selected eiocsr. - Capt. . J. B. Timberlake, the i p polite and efficient Conductor on th vE.fe 'vB:rRi,w48titaken quite ill on his way to Portsm,outh yesterday and had to1, surrender Ml trafii ti'wkri1iSther ' mftn ot' Wei- hope ho will be up in a few; days,. C. THURSDAY. MARCH RcceiptVof cotton to day about 50 .l)alcs. ; Middling 12 cents. Market qnict. (j f , If "Ida L-.: 'Montrose' will furnish us -with i her real jiame, wo will publish her communica tion. . Mrs. J. A.,: wife of L. N. Keith, left yesterday afternoon for Winston on a visit to her relatives.1 " v' See notice of dissolutioi of copartnership ,bitween Messrs. Atkinson,' Bingham & Wagstaff. Mr. B. Ll Bingham becomes sole proprietor. If you ant the best piamos or organs go to J. L. Stone, who soils them on the instalment plan. Our aged and much esteemed friend, David C. Dudley, Esq., who has been absent in tho coun try for several weeks, has return ed to the city. He is looking well and is as jovial as a boy of 20 years. We see at the Yarborough, E. Pa6i Voltz, of Teher'an, Persia, who is on tho lookout far the establishment of the culutre of silk. He is much pleased with Raleigh, but is greatly surprised at its want of enterprise. Says the sou ror the mulberry is all he wants and the climate perfect, but that the electricity, produced by the frequent thunder-storms in summer, is a serious objection to successful culture. He left this morning for Durham where he proposes to establish a factory for the manufacture or the silk in Oriental style; he will then leave for Bald Mountain, the ta- bleJartd on top, he says, is,(from its uniformity of temperature and other peculiar advantages, superior to any locality in the Old World. Why can't Raleigh offer the same or better induce ments than Durham for the man ufacture of the raw material. iThe Tuckkk House. We call special attfcntion to the , card of this ; house kept -by H Mr. K, Iv. Ferrell.! ;:, The table is supplied with the.bet the market , affords at., all .. .time's. , Member of thq Legislature j will . find . ! this . an ex- celloOt house to stop a,t. v '.. (RpBa,: jBAYOr Wilming ton etvoet there are . two grocery stadsijadijoin.ing. Qne . of the firms adTgrtiies, . ;Tli4 .ptner doe's no,t,., TJUejprie, that. arertises is doing flourishing, business. , The oet: thf,ta does c.ot advertise .is closings u p his , business because we ask : 4)es it, pay , to adver tise? A; Sad Waring.--Ip yester day's ;1Sitob vvas;an(,,item abou bnrelars: breaking into the room of Ml Jordan , Wpmble's, &c It shoold have read "the room of Mr. Wouable's cQok was. broken into." The printer who corrected at the. piece, Mr. hd. Bennett now lies m stato, jftta the capitol and'W'll r be onried. to morrow". This ie .Ah sad warning (to other printers who make,., editors mad tLOnrwas BtucK rntnrougn and through, with the. scissors,, ; :l 11, 1880. ; i fMk'RftifcDlA't-the residence of tho bride's father at 2-o'clock to day, by the Rev. W. S. Black, Mr. James A.' Sanders,' of Smithfield, JohDstow county, to Miss Henrietta M. Goodwin, of this city', -daughter of Miles Good-witi,'Esq.'-1 The happy pair took the 3:30 train, bound east, for the home of the 'groom. We wish them a long and happy life." Get out your Licenses. The time for which many of the priv ilege' licenses ' under' Schedule B of the Revenue act were obtain ed will expire on the 14th of this month. Every person whose li . cense will then run out must make immediate application at the Sheriff's office for another license. Attend to this, and keep out of rouble. Attention Clans. Tho Hoo Doo'gy Joanses', Strilurs and the Scum Snatchers, aro ordered to meet to night at the lodge of the oint council. Business of vital importance to the fraternity is to be transacted. All members in good standing are ordered to be present. Any failure to comply promptly with this order will be. visited upon the delinquent with ke usual poialty. By order of ' Squash Head, Grand Mogul Small Pattern, Secretary. P. S. We would say call on Tom Harris for further particu- larf : but as he asked us not to do so, and as we like to be oblig ing we will not say call on Tom. Recollect the place of meeting at the same old rendezvous. I sell Pianos. Organs and Sewing Machines on the installment plan, I sell Butterick's Patterns, Sewing Machines needles and oil, &c. &c, on lv for cash. Please . don't forget this notice when you want the above nam ed aroods anl bbliara tdurs very truly, j. L. Stone. Fayetteville Street, Bal- eigh, N. C.t . 27-tf. Egypt coal at. 650 per ton r delivered; Anthracite coal, Splint coal, wood, lum ber, shingles, grain, meal and forage at wholesale and retail very low by ' Jones; Gre'e & Powell; ja3-tf x - Raleigh, N. C. IP Yott WaNT- i a fine carriage or; buggy, don't, fail to drop into and see Mr. Alfred Upchurch on Hargett street He has a large and complete stock of home made work tc which he invites .the attention of the public. Give hirn a! call; and patron ge nome mannfacturers; '.nol7-6B C. Weikle, "1 the "Fashionable Mer chant Tailor:' ha just" received a nice iJupplyiof Patterns suitable for Spring and Summer. , Je invites tne - public to call and examine them. mhl-6t ; Haviag heard that parties are selling bread in my naoaie, I will say to my patrpiis and the public generally that I employ no carriers.- My bread can always be found fresh at Mr. nosely ; Dining Saloon. All orders left thei will receiver prompt attention, as I go with my wagon to an pans oi me ciiy aauy. uranam rrea(i a epeciuiij. ! " ' " Respectfully, , O. J. Fbiel, Baker, feb 25-lm Co Blouni & Da'rie St Onion Sets at Branson's Bookstore. They aro scarce - this season. Call soon. . ' mhl-t: If yol want to spend somo.. pleasant t Z. -1. IXT c- t;ii.vj HalL M , PRICE ONE J. P. GULLEY hs a. very attractive line of sum pies from Messrs. Devlin & Co., New York. J. P. G. will take y oar measure "-and; Deylin C$friU make the suit- -A pt-rfcufc. i aattfan--. toed or no sals. A Urge and. &lUsac4ive ' stock fins handmade 'shoes 'fast 're-'' ceived for Spring trade.. t Prettiest, nobbiest and best in the mar UL Pri ces right i c mh6' Pescud, Lee & C6. havo been 1 running their soda fountain all ' through the winter. mah8 tf Messrs. Stronaeh & Belo will eell next Saturday, March 13th, at 12 o'clock, at the store, a' large lot' of Peach and Apple trees of , the best quality. These trees are all from the finest imported fruit. and from one of the best nurseries in this State and are sold this way to introduce them in this section.. Also for sale, a fine two year old Bull out of a Hampton cow by , a i 1 1 mi Tfc 1 I an Aiaernev .duu. iius uuu. will be On exhibition next Satnr- nrday. mar 8 Ice cold Soda water at Pcsciv1, L.ee cc Jo. J. A. Bracjasca hag just received a ot of fine Flori la oranges direct from the orange groves. fe21-tf. York's English Grammar High school a new edition, published by Branson, Raleigh, N. G. Price Si. Go to M. Grausman for your gro ceries he keeps a full supply of the best and finest goods at low prices. Call at L. Branson's Bookstore and buy a new American Sewing Machine at the very lowest figures. For Buttericks Patterns. Go to J. L. Stone. , Always fresh beer on tap at A. W. Fraps. Family Bibles from $2 50 to $7 50 each, at L. Branson's Bookstore. Look at the advertisement of M. Grausman and see how cheap he sells his sugar. The prices of his goods are corresponding with the prices of sugar. ,'-4 fel8tf. . A full assortment of Wines and Li quors on hand at A. VV Fraps' whole sale department. Also the best Mil waukee Beer in bottles. 27-tf; Mr. J L, S tone sold 891 of the New Home Sewing Machines 'last year, being an increase ot aoout 400 over the previous year ' !. , You can get ; oysters . on , the half shell, stewed, fried or in any fashion at T F -Lee's 'Club House; He'alsa keeps the finest kinds of liquor'd.!' Call, ye hungry and'thiMty. ' jiu7tf Vichy, SaratOgar genuine and Seltzer water on draught at Pes cud, Lee vfe'lOo's. :; : WE HA'v'E i just , receive ,.a, largo stock of Spring Clothiug for toys and children, and' will make it to your in terest to examine them and learn the prices boforfe buying- elsewhere. ; , ; ,-. '. R,B. ANDREWS. & CO.,. mh6-2m Clothiers anl Hatters.' r Go to Pescud, Lee '&,'.Qp, -fcr your. Ice CohiiJoda atec. I !. :t ' The Place To buy" - y out" Saddlesj Harness, Bridles, Collars, r Uanies j Baggy Blankets, ia atE. F.Wjatt & Son, on Martin street, one door above Berry's stables They . keep a full stock of ; eyerytbing you ,may; cler desire, and sell as cheap as the cheap iBt. Fhyna&t'1 Saturday alone ttiey sold (11) eleven setts of harness.' They employ only, first class wo. kmen. con, seqnently the work they turn out may Be' relied bn.' Their1 trade rntJreaSihg dafly. " Our city ' and ob'antry friends will find them all right i. Give them a , Frosh Beer on Tsp at all tims,a,t . A. W. Fraps' "- , ; ' V 2t-tf -r ' V.;

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