Publisher. Editor. TERMS : PER TEAR, - $3 00 Per cpy, - - One Cent. OneJIonih, - - 20 " " VuUide th City 25 " All communications for the paper or on business should be addressed to the Eyimxg Visitor, Raleigh, N. C. LARGEST CITY CIRCULATION. 0, E-'Smith in the Tobacco Plant. vfe cannot understand nor be made to comprehend why the management and charges of our railroads should so materially differ from that of the Nor therm States. "We buy our engines from the same shops in Philadelphia or New Jersey. . We get our iron from the same rolling mills for the .same price as the Northern roads. They hare to pay fifty dollars an acre for road way and five thousand dollars per mile for construction, while we pay five dollars an acre for land and four thousand five hundred dollars for con struction. The Northern roads charge two and a half cents per mils, and we charge five cents over the same iroB, drawn by the same locomotive. The road officials says this is becaufe theTOd3 in the North have so nuch more travel than we de they are ble to go for her. How could this be other when our road charges are above the business and labor of the country. Now, here is a laboring man in Ral eigh with business in Weldon, a dis tance ef ninety-seven miles. His -wages is ten dollars a month; the railroad charges hiss ten dollars to go there and back; a whole month's wages to ride less than two hnndred miles. He walks there and back and saves two week's time, and walking is no harder than plowing. "Put this same iron down in Pennsylvania, say from New York to Philadelphia, a distance of one hmndred and three miles, and with the same oars and locomotive, they will carry you the round trip for three dol lars and seventy-five cents every day in the year. Let us make a note of this. fAll right, Mr. Smith. So you walk to Weldon; we will ride. It takes you six days to go there and back. During that time wo will put your board at 25 cents a day, and y eu sleep in the woods at night, $1.50. Pair, of shoes $2 50. Time lost, at 38 1-2 cents a day, $2. 31, Tobacco 25 cents; whiskey) $1. . Total, $7.66. So you see you have $2.44 left. Our faro costs $10, if we haven't got a pass, board 50 cents, time lost, two days, 77 cents. Total, $11.27. Four dayVljime, $1.54. ( Wo are 73 cents out, but we've had . a good ride, our shoes wo food and our clothes are clean. There has been a heavy fall recently in the market price for tin plates, which are largely used in' the toy and va rietal trades. The fall in price aggre gates many millions of dollars should the present rates be maintained, ep. peoiaHy in the case of cake tin plates used in the manufacture of oil cans, vessels in which ' canned goods are packedlhe fall having been from 10 to 121-2 per ent. The Stock on hand is very great, and the, demand is not np to the, usual business of this period of h year. N. Y. Star. Parnell is going to England, but will .return after the election. ' . 1 TCorruDtion ia our national af fnif hug the same' effect (tin the .Gpvprtiment tbat a severe ugh - .Ai'i.AiJ hAi nnnn f nk . harrifiTV ft V Ar vt.KA,p jytf"r.T ".rrwT, temiii jr ulitK' al a a reform 4 in .7 it he CHAS. A. BROWN, WM. M. UTLEY, lotrtef and DrniBnli B i cough ' , 'yto in the latter ease will renoo- eT1 it for 25 cants a bottre; Fpr the Visitor. Mr. Editor: As some of the cood citizens of this community seem to tuTe had the qniei repose and the good nature of their nasal organs violently disturoea ana tWerfnllv At?ita"ted. by what they seem to regard as the insufferable and death-dealing 6tench united by the various fertilizers which are stored in our city; nd as one who " snuffs, not from afar," odurs which arc not as sweet, nor as fragrant as tho rose of Sharon, I desire through the columns of your paper to suggest to our city iatners, ana nope uicy wm nut, regard it a piece of impertinence, that at their next meeting, they pass a formal resolution calling upon the Board of Health, (I believe we have such a Board) to givtt their opinion officially, as to the probable effects which might possibly follow the constant in itiation of these nauseous vapors, and if in their opinion, as medi cal experts and scientists, they shall, report that the health and well being of the community is endangered, and the peace, har mony and prosperity of-this peo ple be jeopordized, let our board of Aldermen as the custodians of the interest's of the people, forth with find without delay, pass an ordinance, perpetual and effectual, prohibiting absolutely, under penalties of fin and imprison ment the storing in, or the haul ing through the city, of any fer tilizer which may contain the deleterious properties. The health of tho people is worth more than all tho increase and production of cotton, caused by the use of fertilizers. But, if on the other hand, the board of Health 6hall find in them no germ of disease, and nothing obnoxious to tho health of the community and shall so report, let these grumblers hold their tongue, and noses too, if necessa ry, at least until the next spring. If not' unhealthy these odor laden breezes, of which complaint is made, are only unpleasant, be cause we are unaccustomed to them. A. VISITOR SQUIBS. It is time to plant spring chickens. Maroh must be keeping its lion for the close of the performance. Lo! the poor editor! Like the hen, be must scratch for a living. Put away the new prize puzzle, Twill be never neeaea more; "Fifteen,, fourteen, botheratio 1" Bangl there goes the asylum door I "Oh, it's a daisy," said a Raleigh young lady examining a ring her sweetheart had sent her, " beautiful gem'' "Puzzle,'' yelled her little brother, as ho ran mnder the bed. A Maryland sohoolmaster told a re fractory girl that . unless she wrote ft composition he would punish her. She appeared with two big brothers. The pedagogue laid a revolver on the desk and called for the screed. It took her about ten minutes to indite the senti ment, 1 "There are yarious kinds of big brothers. Sam would stand up for a sister under ; any ctrcumstances, but there are some lilly-livered, slat-sided mungrels, who air a cross between a Gibraltar jackass and a Maltese Jew, who would sit around like a rat hole while a red headed, cross-eyd slab of unrespectf ul poverty wander around with a borrowed pop, and makes their poor sister paw aronnd for the materi als for a' composition; " . . ink Citizen Protective Association has beitt ftrma"t San Francisco in the interests of law and order. 4 ' Latest News Notes Ntw York, March 10. A special to the Telegram from Port Carbon, Pa., says, on the authority of Marshal lleisler, that the report of the Mollie Ma guires a.'ain organizing is "every word true." The Marshal's men see mysterious movements all over the coal regions, but the meetings are yery secret. St. Louis, March 10. Hon. Henry F. Scharrett, a planter of Pass Christian, Miss , is now here and says that, in view of the negro exodus from the South and the disturbed condition .of things In California, the planters in his section have canvassed the qnes- ;ion to some extent or attempting t nhfK?n Chinese laborers. Cor respondence has already , been had with one or tne uninese com panies, and probably some China men will be set t work in South Mississippi in a few weeks. St. John. N. B.. March 10- Ari unsuccessful attempt to wreck he express tram going north on the Intercolonial railroad was made last night near Weidford, where a pile of sleepers and oth er dsbris had been' placed on the rack. Fortunately tne engineer succeeded in clearing a path hrough the obstruction. The miscreants, whose intention evi dently was plunder, when they saw their object had failed, ston ed the train, breaking several windows. Paris, March 10. Perc Didon continues his liberal sermons at the Church of the Innity. Yesterday's discourse was devoted to Catholicity and . liberty. 1 ne preacher maintained that'all mod ern liberty was easily traceable to the primitive Christian Church. Ia concluding he quoted the word 8 or a Inencl ot ms irom America: "I am stifling in this old Europe of yours; I want air : let us be gone." During tho ser mon Pere Ihdon was repeated ij applauded by the congregation, a rather novel occurrence in a French chuich. Panama, March 10. the 27th of January a tremendous explosion took place in the artil lery barracks at Santiago, Chili, killing at least twenty-tour men. A part of the building wad in r . .11- uao as a manniactory 01 sneue, cartridges and other munitions of war, and it was supposed inai some of the workmen employed had carelessly1 dropped a loaded sholl, which, exploding, produced -o1 .otaotrrkrvTie" . Til ft roofs a gvuviiu i.vjv. 7. and sides f the bwildin'ga were blown te pieces." i? raiments ot shells and grenades, arras, and parts of the buildings were blown in oyery direction, causing many Weunds to people anu muuu uaiu aze to houses in the. neighbor hood. Fifty workmen were in the building at the time, besides nan tries.' messenerers and: others, and of these, bodies or portions - , of bodies, twenty-tour were ta ken from the debris, or tiers amig the workingmen are miss iug, but their fate is unknown. A -tiro broke out immediately, and for a time it was feared that it would extend to the powder magazine, where' some twe hun dred and My tons of that ex pWsir'e westered;- f v v - 'Th'e' Chilian Times' 8ayBr "The eifptosioh yms'1 so Wiolenr - that large pieces oP the' toof of s the building in1' which1 Ht 'OOCnrteH were thrown 'tri a'distkfleelfef f?d yards, and shells .and fragments of human bodies were tound on the other side of the Penitentiary. A hand and a part of a leg were lound 4uu yarns irom me vriu inode Cintura. A sentry on guard near tho workshop was blown to atoms, only part of his rifle, without stock or bayouet, has been found." An Incidontrof tho War. In the midst of the great events of the war, such incidents as tho follwing were comparatively un noticed, and left to be long after ward related in print : Miss An nie Pickens, daughter of the Governor of South Carolina, was to bo married on April 22, 1863, in Charleston, to Lieut. Andrew De Rochelle. The wedding par tv was assembled in the Pickens residence, and the clergyman was asking tho bride 11 6he was ready, when a shell from a Union gun in the harbor broke into the room and burst. Nine persons were hurt, but only Miss Picken s wound proved mortal. She bore the pain with wonderful fortitude, and was unmoved when informed that she had only an hour or two to live. De Rochelle said that he would like to have her die his wife, and the poor tirl smiled sadly in assent. The guests re- memeber the scene as tar more pitiful tkan they can describe. The bride lay on a sota, her white dress dabbled in blood arid her hair- dUhevelled, while her palled face was so wrung with agony that her efforts to smile became futile. The cermony was hurriedly performed, though tho bride's "Yes", was in a faint, labored whisper, and her lips hardly inoveel in response to her husband's kiss. She died imme diately afterward "Going from bad to worse," groaned the toper who was kick ed from the bar rom into the gutter. Many valuable improvements have recently been added to the New Home Machine. It has a solid needle bar and Cam, and a,U the wearing points are adjustable, and it is ' considered to be mest durable machine made. For alA hv .T. Ti. Stone.- No. 18 Fayette- ville street. mhll-tf A man who had a bad , cold said he had just set ' up a rig of his own. It was a little hoarse and, a hack. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. rrTFor Bent. A frent room office on Fayetteville street over P,escud, , Leo A Go's Drng Store., .For terms, Ac,, apply to . . - j nnimTri f l"n A. rIA mhll-6t Second Hand Safe Wanted. - Any person having a second hand safe which they are .willing to dispose of ?'Cheap fo Cash;' will please cor respond with Lock Box 213, Raleigh, N.Q. , mhll-6t lbs. Rags wanted: 10,000 pounds of clean cotton rags winWt iMmadiatelv at Len H. Adams', for which the highest cash price will be paid. "He ho keL on hn 1 a full supply of all grades 01 newspaper. IQrCorner' Wilmington and Martin streets. . U , mhll-2w Tuclxcr House, rxYBTTnvrXiiiB scbebt. ;I have the pleasure of informing the travelling public that I will furnish as Good Accomodations ' " 5 ' as ean bo obfeiried in 'Raleigh1 1 1 hi 1 at inodenito ratesf:'. ; .. v i eeial, ftttenO?! iM i.Pfi fc&W? WR mTrll-2w ,! 111 In vc' Ji?f9pTletor.n IHtMmte EMBROIDERIES ! L Specialties in Hamburg Edgings &Irisertings Entirely new and elegant designs and patterns just imported in America and at present controlled in this mar ket by this house. The ladies should examine them to appreciate them. 'uillineol nne jnjlunouuiv AJJuri CAMBRIC Embroideries at prices-. that defy competition. DRESS GOODS. Our Black Dress Goods Department always has its special attractions and its- special Dargains. Blade Cashmeres. , 40 in. and 42 inches wide at 50c and 60c per yard. Especially noted for their color, heauty of finish and good wear. Black Alpacas and Brillantes. Best color and finish, from 25a per yard up. m . Fine French tJlaCK liuntinga. American All-wool Buntings. .Black Chuddah Cloths light weight for Spring wear. 6otof ud Hress 0aads. Nice collection of Spring and Sum mer fabrics imported and domestic ill. 1 Black All-silk Fringes. Black Jet and Silk Fringes. Black Chenille Tassel Fringes. Passementeries with Beads and Pas sementerie Ornaments. ' BUTTONS ! Buttons. BUTTONS I The latest novelties in ladies dress Buttons. ' , , Cashmere Buttons, Fancr Metal Buttons, Enameled Fancy Buttons, Engraved Pearl Buttons, Painted Pearl Buttons, Crochet, Jet," &c. lflt. tnakfl in the U. S. for strength. evenness of finish and color. The sure test is proved by the largo quantity wo are selling. ; ; ? ; Spool Cotton De part in cnti a . : .-,-- .- t -,1 i. -I: .; . J. & P. COATS' BEST 6-OORD SPOOL COTTON. v w The leading Thread of tho world. : All colors and numbers. , At ageits prices. ;t'V " ' ..-.',,. :- Carpttirigs and ;Unho($tery- TU nlv linns in. the citv that have received their now Spring stoek of car- petlngsj straw jaareings, uuw tiiigsi Napier, iMattidgs,1 Oilj Olotha, tesigni" Atattrac&tOpficOa. ' V. lis & R. 8. TUGHEtt- Dress Tri 1. s