VOL. ' Evening Visitor. Weaver Bros. Have just received a large lot of White Peas, iVhite and Mixed Beans, Black Peas, N. C. Shoulders. Chickens and Eggs . i " -4 CReoeived daily-f By Express. We have also the best ROASTED AMD G&EEfl COFFEES Old Seed Tick Coffee, 25c. A full line of Groceries. Give us a call. THOMAS H. BRIGGS & SONS, RALEIGH, N. C, i r - DEALERS IN HARDWARE. CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES. Barker's Brazillian Shoe Dressing. FISHING TACKLE, CHAMBER SETTS. Gen. Lee Cook Stoves. Farmers' Scpi-lips. Town and Country" Ready Mixed Faint. It, is the BEST. We solicit a share of yonrpairou-. ige and guarantee best goods at low- I 'Si prices SQUARE DEALING. "BLB STATE; FOREVER" Cou T. M. Holt Still Ahead ! ! Thittv saks T. M Holt's Family Flour. ' ' -v ' A' nice lot of Country Hams, going low for cash, at H. H. WOODELL'S. rSnlom priivs, always. apr 19 lw. The Only Genuine BUFFALO BUL MANUFACTURED BY li. L. BINGHAM, al5 Fashionable Straw and Felt Hats, at P. S. Waitt's april 19 Ira. to your interests, and buy the Light-Running "New Home." Fashionable Spring Clothing, at D. S. Waiti's. april 19 -!,ra , : , You Will Miss It If you fail to get some of those White Fish, 'only a few barrels left, at B. H. ' Woodell's. Smoke Buffalo Bul'. ; SATiSFACTION. Before buying elsewhere, satisfy yourself that you cannot, find, the same thing,, or some thing as good, at R- B. Andrews & Co., Clothiers and Hatters, topless money. Many a dollar will thus be saved you,. april 21-t j , : , u WTheoler's History of Noith Caroli na only, a few copies left.'1 1 each, at Branson's Bookstore--1 :' , ,: V. V KALKimi N. CITY VISITS. Poor market this morning. Last niglit was a lovely one. The Visitor is ono year ' old to day. Spring onions are no stronger than tiio other kind. "Come balmy spring; ba.ni boozly friildness, come!" B bland in your manners and blind in yonr prejudices; Go to Metropolitan Hall to night and help the children. Willow plifmes wavo giaci fully on tsany pretty bonnots. It is bad enough to prophesy evil, but worse to exult over it. It eases a hen'a mind to lit on glass eggs just as fnncW,,as the genuine article. April showers bring forth May floweis but they play the dace with spring bonnets. We do not believe that any great deed was ever accomplished by a man with a cold in his head. Showers rhyme with bwers and flowers; it u to be regretted that they also rhyme with sours. For the best suit, of ready made clothing, go to see J. M. Roseubaum. Never jump at a conclusion. It's hs bad as jumping out of bed and landing on the little end of a tack. What .will make- Raleigh one of the leading cities of the si nth i Tobacco factories, of course. Why is it that Raleigh is not the leading city of the south to day 1 Because she has no cotton factories. - Nsk' The balmy air and a few re freshing showers will make a per feet boom in fruit and flower blossoms. A subscriber wants to know if oreomargine takes tho place of butter in any particular, l es, to catch flies witli. Remember the meeting of Ssa ton Gales Lodge to night. Busi ness of importance to be transact ed. A full atUndance desired. The members of the Rescue Fire Company are ordered to meet at their Hall at 7:SC o'clock to-night, to drill. By order of the foreman, W. J. Weir. By-Laws enforced. Mrs. Longee will pleaso call at the bookstore of Messrs. Al fred Williams & Co., and ex amine a bunch of keys left there. We hope the party of ladies and gentlemen who participated in the picnic at Milbnrnie to day had a pleasant timo. Quite a crowd went out this morning. Few are aware of the impor tances ;f cheeking? .cough or corAnron- cold in its' first stage, Thtt which in tho beginning would yield to a mild remedy, if neglected, soon, preys upon the lungs. Dr. -Bull's congh , ..ayrup affords instant relief. r I !:' . i.h , , . , (. THURSDAY, AlMUL Stewart's gallery will Jc n the 1st of May. I ' ! J. U. Mills, Superintendent of the Oxford Orphan Asylum is in the city. The 4th of Jnly comes on Sunday this year , What day will the boys celebtate ! 'Cold time at Moseleys. He was busy this morning freezing about 30 gallons of ice cream. . .,.. . , $21,000 worth of old bondt were surrendered for rxchaug to day at the State Treasury. .( Strawberries and ice cream a1 Metropolitan Hall to night. Ad mission 10 cents. Go by nil means. ' Geo. W. Haywood, Greens boro, Hale county, Ala., has a package in the pobt oflice here with insufficient j)ost;ige. Mrs. A, S. Heidf, of Wilming ton, who has been spending sev eral days in our city, visiting friends, left for homo yesterday afternoou, accompanied by Mrs. Mary Drake, of this city. If yon want a cheap and well fitting suit of ready made cloth ing, go to see J. M. Roseribatnn, corner Fayeittville and Hargett Streets. His 6tock is complete, and his prices moderate. Soda fou.nt4uR,nlike ice cream saloons, give warning of their presence, so that impecuni ous escorts can find an excuse for croossing with ti.e expensive fair one to the opposite side of the street. , Mr. F. B. Hill has just receiv ed a lot of un canvassed sugar cured hams and patent family Hour which he will sell cheap for cash. Our readers are invited to call and examine his stock and prices. J. M. Rosenbanin keeps the most 'elegant stock of rcady macta clothing of any house in the city and sells at the very lowest prices. Call and examine his stock. A boy can imagine almost any thing; he can lug an old shot-gun about all day without firing at a living thing and be under the itn pression that he's having a howl ing good time. But all attempts to induce a boy to imagine that he's killing Indians when he is sawing wood have proved fu tile. A silver headed walking cane with the following inscription has been found and left at this oflice : "D. B. Holland, from In wood Singing Class, 1878." The owner can get ihe same by calling at this office and paying all necessary charge-'. a2'2-tf. If bur capitalists desire to im mortalize their names, for future genrationsto rise up and. bless they should invesc their surplus money in building cotton and tobacco factories in this city, and also subscribe liberally towards tho building of the railroad from here to Rocky Mount.' What say yori, getitlenien ? ; 22, 1880 Mr. Mosrley will le;if on the I freight in the morning to tcrnish a supper to the Bingham C-ulet at Mebamsvillc to muriow niglit. W. B. Mann Si Co., have just received a second stock of those elegant low cut shoes the best shaped and the best shoe for the money in this market. a221w. Two drunks and down were given 12 hours each in the guard home tnis morning, and Walter Blackwell, a small colored boy was up for forcible trespass, ami he was appropriately dealt with by the Mayor. The Gevernor to day respited George Galloway, colored, of Mecklenburg county, who w3 to have been hanged on the 7th ef May, till July the 2nd at the re quest of tho Solicitor. ' WE Ofpbr Genuine bargains in our Shoe Department. Ladies intending to purchase are assured that no houe gives so much for the money, such jew, desirable and durable goods. ;?()() pairs of Ladies' Curacoa and French Kid Button Bots, box and plain tot", French anil half French heela. 200 pairs La lie' straight and grain goat button Boot, French or plain bee's, box or plain toes. W. H. k R. S. Tdcksr. Call for Eureka Spool Sil.c and Eu- rclta Button Hole Twist, if you waut the best, at W. H. k R. S. Tucker's. Our 1 uly friends who havo used the "Eureka ?Spool Silk" will use ne ther, It is full size, full length, and always as represented. To be found at W. H. fc R. H. Tucker's. Corsets! Corsets ! Corsets! A complete assortment of American and Fivceli Woven and Hundma-le CorsKs, including the well known ('. P.; Roman k Co. Corsets from 40 cents to at W. H. & R. S. Tucker's. W. H. k R. S. TrcKER have received a large invoice of Ladies' lvid Gloves, fastened with hooks and laces; a con venient arrangement, not tearing or breaking the kid. All the tew spring shades and blacl s. It is useless to send to New York or any where else, when you can get anything you want at Joseph iCreth's, on Martin Street, nearly opposite the post office. Go and examine his stock and prices. " White Gooils, I'iques, Lawns, check ered Muslins, Nainsooks, Laces, Edg ings, Ladies' Linen Collar? and Cuffs, Ac, at D. S. Waitt's. april 19 ltn. Read Ladies ! Mrs. Isaac GSttinger is now in the northern market, buying her second stock of spring and summer Millinery. a20 3t. Completed. We have just completed a fine assortment of elegant Japanese and Nickle Pla ted Buggy Harness. Wo will receive one of the prettiest stocks of .Buggy. Whips in a few day's ever before brought to this city. We also keep everything in the 6addle and harness line. Call and examine stock and prices, as we will sdl cheap for cash. E. F. .Wyatt & Son, Manufacturers of and dealers in harness and saddlery of every description, East Martin Street, next to Ber ry's Livery stable. al 9-w Evan's hand made Shoes and ,6th. r good makes, for men, ladies and chil dren, at ; D. S. Waitt's. ! april 19 1m. 1 ": PRICK ONK ti lliose in L'iirc!! f a 1 :u whine, h mid Imv tiir! LiLtiit Ru n ni ii or V Hoire. J. j. Stoue, Stite Agent, Ral-' ?" eigh, N. C. v l'!scud, Lee k Co., have been running their soda fountain all through the winter. mah8 tf liotpskirts for la lies at A Rosen ban ui's. The "New Home" is the best BUck Wax Beans and White Wax Beans, at Branson's Bookstore. ' " Always fresh beer on tap at A. W. Fraps. Sewing Machine Needles of all kinds at Branson's Bookstore. 7 You Imve never had the nicest rolla, and biscuit if you baye not tried the 1 East Lake Flour. Only to be had ft""' apl3 B. H. Woodell's. . vichy, Saratoga genuine aheV Seltzer water on draught at Pes ' cud, Lee & Co's. "A Fool s Errand, bv On nl th Fools" price $1 a new lot received at Branson's Bookstore. lloLDFN Days, a sokndid Duner f..r young people, only 7 cents a copy, sold br L. Branson. Fresh 13tvr ou Tan at 11 fimj A. W. Fraps 07. Doracsli m l Faucy Dry Go U, at i. V iitt'r'i. Rjiiil 19 lm A full assortment of Wi nes t.riil T.I quors on baud at A. W Fraps' whole sale ilepiirtuient. Also the best Mil waukce B'jc-r in bottles. 27-if. For light running, durability, Jfc0 , th' New Home is unexcelled. Ice cold Soc.t water at Pesend, ' Lee & Co. The best Family Sewing Machine the New i.un.ue at No. 13 Fayelteville Street. , Wax Br ns A few left at Branson's . Bookstore. Fon Meal, Flour, Hay, Wood, Coal, Lumber, Shingles, Laths, Lime, AND Horse and Cow feed of all kinds.calloa Jones, Uiui en Jfc Powell, . Raleigh, N. C. Go to Pescnd, Lee & Co. for your Ice Cold Soda Water. Ik You Want a fiue carriage or buggy, don't fail to drop into and see Mr. Alfred Upohur,cl on Hargett street. He has a large aii complete stock of home made work to which he invites thd aUeutioa of the- imblic. Give liiu a call, and patron-, ze homo ra uiufacturers. n'17-6fc' Celebrated "Manhattan" White ant! : Fancy Shirts, at By S. WAin's. april ID lm. J. L. Stone sells the New England Orgms and- Pi.mos. Ofdeie No. 18 Fayrtteville Street. ' :l' The New Home has a solid steel nee dle b.tr and cam. , . J. F. (UITdiEY has a very attractive ; lioe of samples' from Messrs.- Devlin A. Co., New York. J. P. G. will take your measure and Devlin & Co. wiU make th.- suit.' A perfect fit guaran teed or n-, wile. A large and attractive stock ri le handmade shoes just re ceived for Spring trade. Prettiest nobbiest and best in the market. Pri-,. cesriiriiL mhft Bna-ntifnl Slates at L. 'Branson's', JOOkstO)f. . Smoke Buffalo' Bull ; it is delight iil 'Mi ; pi iiv Jl-2 H , 0 : ' .;).. 3 :.t 1 s t ? '') : '-;.-.'- .:..'. :M.;-i ) lit'.. . 1 . 11 -il Hi si' TKT