- f f :..- ,- "---- j ... EVEN TOE vol. 4 no. 129. RALEIGH, N. C, FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1881. PRICE SC. S3PIMIVO, 1881 ! iNew Goods Again AT- ID. CffiA- Cheatham's Old Stand, Itaffords as more than ordinary pleasure to offer to the trade, and consumers of DRY GOODS, cne of the handsomest stock of goods ;in the city, bought within the last few days in Northern markets, and will be sold at prices which enables us to ask competition no odds. Our stock of DgiJooig em braces a V ' LAKGE AND COMPLETE ine of beautiful shades and colors, from a low piece to fine fabrics. Our stock of PIECE GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, Boots, Shoes. AND YANKEE NOTIONS .re large and no doubt the cheap iet in the citj. Close buyers will ind it to their interest to trive na i call, as iin house shall undersell ;s. So. boar in mind that yon can ,lwaj&( 5 'get the worth of your nouey at J. D. CREECH&CO- Being truly alive to the demands f the hour, and anxious to satisfy ill, we keep, in addition to our argc stock of Dry 'Goods, a well 1 ' i Msorteu stock ori ...... GROCERIES AND 3 'General Merchandise ty eisf ti? vhich ' wc will sell at very low igures,' vDon't, forget iwj ,iu$ , qarpe o soeius, examine our , stocK, ana peakvtor .yonrlres. ' . i ( ' i Respectfully, 7 USl'l -LI'1 v. : J.D. Creech &: Co 0. FARMERS, MERCHANTS AND EVERYBODY. WI HAVB A LA ROB STOCK OF REMINGTON COTTON AND PLANTERS HOES. FORKS, SHOVELS, SPADES, PLOW LINES, TRACES, BACK BANDS AND EVERYTHING IN THE HARDWARE, LINE. CALL ON OB ADDRESS THOS.H. BRiGGS & SONS LEADERS IN HARDWARE, RALEIGH, N. C. Evening Visitor. LARGEST CITY CIRCULATION. HIA. M. UTLEY, Editor, CITY VISITS. No old bonds this morning. Middling cotton 10 1-8. The jail is now, in "a very cleanly condition New little bonnets are brimful of loveliness. See notice of Col. I. J. Young, in this issue. Go to Mr. W. R. Crawford's stall to morrow morning for fine steak. The price of eggs indicates that the hens are getting on-nest again. f ashion s new red takes the name of iron rust. Next it will be brick duat. . , ... Though cinders are grate results, the net result thereof is not great. Help comes when men need it not, . 1"! 1 . 1 1 out is denied wnen cne need is great. A barrel of (jflour to a poor widow is worth a cart load ot essays on charity. When one gets so much humility that he is proud of it he is just too good te live. It's easy for the hotel clerks to keep warm. Has always hanging over the register. To measure a man by his own yard stick may be fair, but the result is seldom satisfactory. Those who have no faith in the uprightness of others can have very little in their own. If it took coffee as long to set tie as it does men, a great many ot us wouil drink water All the fragrance of all the spring flowers fail to offset the effluvia of the moving fertilizers. f, :The frequent changes of tempera ture this month cause a general pre valence of bad colds. Philanthrophy is inexpensive so long as you content yourself with lip-phrases of sympathy.' Go tothe Mayor s office and reg ister, if you have changed your wards since the last election. Regular? meeting of Pheenix Lodge, I.O.GiT.; to night. A full attendance of the members :e- ; quested. ijjjjpMr. R. J. Harris is receivinghis Maine ice, which is 24 inches . wiW) aim ia picjtaiou uu niiuiou tua l public with all the ice they want. See notice of Mr. Joseph Kreth, fashional merchant tailor.1 He." litis just received a large and elegant stock of French and English goods. Gall and inspect his stock. Madaoie Bdsson; has just returned from New York, and has purchased one' of the largest stock of ladies, misses and children's goods, she has ever had before. She will tell our, readers all about it in a few days. Quite windy. Fork scared. Colds flourish now. Beautiful weather. Turnip salad plentiful. Very good beef market. Isn't the dust delightful ? Bring out your summer hats. No marriage license issued this morning. No old bonds received or drum mer s license issued this morning at the .treasury Department. The poke with higher brim and narrow sides is among the latest bon- nets. It is more conspicuous than ever. QRegular meeting of McKee'JEn campment to might. A full attend ance of the members is earnestly requested. Cols. T. C. Fuller and I. J. Youne will speak at Barbee's store to mor row in the interest of the new county of Durham. It is a pretty safe rue to go by that the woman who makerf a great dis play of rings can make but a small display of brains. As the spring comes on we notice a slight change in dress, a great many of the heavy winter wrappings worn by the ladies have disappeared. The owners of the Citizen's Na tional Bank are having a new side walk put down on the north side of Martin street, next to their bank. In our notice of the Messrs. Tuck er yesterday, we stated that . they would sell fine silks at 25 cents per yard. It should have read 85 cents per yard. 4 , v - A half iron and half brass key marked "M. W. & Co." has been found and left at this office. The owner can get the same by and paying for this notice. calling See notice of removal of the bar and fixtures of Mr. M. W. Wood ward from the National Hotel te 31 1-2 Fayetteville street, where he invites his friends to call and see him. At a meeting of Pythias, held last the Knights of night, ten new applications membership, hear of the this Order. were presented for We are pleased to continued prosperity oi 1?. T. Gray, Esq., has been ap pointed one of the directors of the deaf, dumb and blind asylums in the place of Dr. T. D. iJogg who has resigned. The appointment is good one and will meet the entire appro bation of everybody. Mr. Harry Lewellyn, the gentle manly night clerk at the Yarb ro House, and Miss Ida Edwards, of this city, were united in ruarriagf last night, by the Rev. VV. R. Gwalt ney. ihe v isitor wisnes tnem a long and happy life, The loss on cotton by the fire this morning only amounted t ) about $10. It whs owned by J. D. Joyner, who is one of our leading cotton buyers, ami was protected by insurancw in the Commercial Union insurance Company of Iiondon, represented in this city by Messrs. P. F. Peseud & Son.; The Hocial tion by the : meeting in contempla- adies of the Edenton Street Methodist Chinch will beheld to night at the residence of Mr. Chas. D. Upchurch, on Fayetteville Street. All the members of the congregation, aud others rwho may wish to attend, will be cordially wel comed. Dr. Hubert Haywood, of this city has been called to Col. Swepson s Mills, in Alamance county to attend Mr Walker, 1 the nephew of Col. Swepson, who is quite ill. Dr. H., is one of the youngest members of the medical profession in this city; and this recognition of his talents as a, successful practitioner, is quite complimentary. The Rev. S. D. Adams, P. E., will preach at Person Street church at. 11 a. m , to morrow, and also Sunday morning at 1 1 a. m., and fat 7:30 p. m. The public are cordially invited to-ttend. Messrs. Ellington, Royster & Co., contractors aid builders, of this city have thirteen houses now in erection. They employ upwards of forty hands row, and when they complete their own shop,' which will be 125 feet long, and 25 wide, they will have room for 75 hands, which they ex pect to keep at work. They now have 40 hinds employed. When their shop is completed and the other houses connected with it, they will have over a half an acre under roof. We are pleased to hear of their prosperity, and , hope their business may double in a few years. Fire. The alarm of fire was sounded about 2 o'clock this morning, and it was found that two bales of cotton at the "Baptist Grove were jm fire. The different fire companies turned out promptly. The cotton belonged to Mr. J. D. Joyner, and was fully insured. This is the second fire at the same place in about 20 hours. There seems to be a determination on the part of some one to burn up the cotton in the grove. What their object is, we are unable to conjecture. We would suggest that a strong guard be placed around the grove, and if the incendiaries should be caught, they ought to be shot upon the spot. " Victorina ; or the Maiden Slave." The above is the title of a new novel which has just been written by W. C. Etheridgej Esq., of. Bertie county, and who has been a resident in this city for several years. He has just sold the manuscript to D. Appleton & Co., of New York for $5,000 cash, and the same firm also offers him $3,000 more to dramatize the same work. We have not seen or read the manuscript, but learn from those who have seen and read it that it is well written and will no doubt meet with great success. Mr. Etheridge left this morning for New York to superintend the proof read ing, and will be absent for several months. Ihe writer is quite young yet and should he live long eiiougn his friends think he will become one of the foremost novel writer of tins country. An Act to Regulate Official Adver tising. The following bill was passed by the last Legislature in regard to offi cial advertising, aud we publish it for the benefit, ot Uie biieiiffs of the different counties, and also of the newspaper profession : The General Atsembly of North Carolina do enact : Section 1. That notices of every sale ot real estate, made by order of any court, or bale under execution, shall be published oiiue a wrek tor four weeks immediately preceding sush sale in a newspaper (if any there be) published in the oounty wherein suck sale is to be made : Jfntcided That the cose of such publication stiail not, in any case, exceed three dollars, to 'be taxed as other costs in such proceedings or action. ' Sec. 2. That the notices, inquired by section 45, chapter 45 u' Battle's Kevisal, shall be published once a week tor four weeks . in a newspaper (if anv there be) iubh.-iiei in the county : Jr'rovidd, 'inat the costs thereof shall uoi, in any case, exceed two dollars. Sec. 3. That the-annual statement of county commissione s, required by section iiJ of. chapter 27, Battle s Kevisal, shall be published in a news paper (if any there be) published in the county : l3rovidtd) That the costs of the same shall 4not exceed a half cent a word. " ! Sec. 4. That tne annual report of the county finance committee shall be published in a newspaper (if any there be) published in the county : Provi- ded, That the cost of the same shell not exceed a half cent a word. , ... Sec. 5. That all laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act be, and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 6. That this act snail be in force from and after the first day of March, 1881. Ratified this the 11th day of March, A. D. 1881. . In His Flesh for Seventeen Years. At the battle of White's Tavern, in 1863, Mr. Robert Priddy, a gen tleman now living in Manchester, was shot in the left leg, just above the knee. The ball penetrated some distance in the flesh and has never been extracted. Mr. Priddy has since suffered very much from his wound and for the past three weeks has been quite unwell. Tuesday, while dressing the wound, he discov ered a piece of the pantaloons, about the size of a five-cent piece, which he wore during the fight, imbedded In his flesh. The ball forced it into the leg; after much difficulty the cloth was taken out and Mr. Priddy was much better fyesterday. It had a fresh appearance and though hav ing been imbedded in human flesh for more than seventeen years looked as if it had but recently been cut out of a pair of new pantaloons. Gener al J. R. Chambliss and Mr. Priddy were near each other in the fight and were shot about the same time, tli? former being killed. Richmond (Va.) Whig. As the funeral cdrtege of the late Czar passed all hats, says the dispatch were lifted at the approach of the catafalque. In the same dispatch i ': is further made known that no plat forms were allowed to be raised and none of the citizens were permitted to 'rent their windows, as these points offered too good an aim for marks men. Mile. Bernhardt went to Bee Ni agara on Sunday. She was spell bound, but the falls were not. The falls roared; the Mile.' shuddered. Then the latter went to her hotel and wrote in the hot 1 register; 'How good God is to have created such beautiful things with enthusiasm signed, Sarah Bernhardt", 1881.' A new stock of tine Buckskin Hats just tvoeiveo at 1) 2" ti. L. li' SKNTHAIi & Co S. W. 11.8. TUCKER Sillc lepai'tiiieiit Black Silks! Black Silks r WE SOLICIT APPiJCJAL EXAMI- ;' NATION OF OB PBESENT OF FEEING OF at 83c. , SI, PEU YUiD. TnUY A US THE FIN EST GO"IS KVElt S LD IN THE CITY AT THE PRICES. i;, : Also, a ivine of high black Sat in Brocades ! YjiKY ELEGANT IE8IGNS POSITIVE BAKGAJNS. AT H. & B V TUCKER. EASTER CARDS AN.'.i- Bivihday Cards. A New and Beautiful Stock of Prettiest Styles, JUST RECEIVED AT Si .23 and $1.60 ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO., , BOOKSTORE. Make your Selection Early. i

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