1 TOR; 14X JLJL N AJvM VOL. 4r NO. 141. RALEIGH N. C, FRIDAY lAPJUL 8, 1881. .1 i i TRICE THE' 1ST TTTO h AV I u V ID m yi i w ii 1' S3?;RIIVG,18S1 ! Ne Goods Again AT Vk. 'Cheatham's Old Stand. it affords us more than ordinary pleasure to offer to the trade, and consumers of DRY GOODS, one of the handsomest stock of goods in the city, bought within the last few days in Northern markets, and will be sold at prices which enables us to ask competition no odds. Our stock of Dress Goods em braces a LAUGE and c mplete line of beautiful shades and colors, from a low piece to fine fabrics. Qur stock of PIECE GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, i j Boots, Shoes. ' AND YANKEE NOTIONS &hs large and no doubt the cheap eft in the city. Close buyers will tifid it to their interest to sive 113 a call, As no house shall undersell ui. So bear in mind that you can j$ways get the worth of your money at f' D. CREECH&CO. I Being truly alive to the demands of the hour, and anxious to satisfy all, we keep, in addition to our largo stock of Dry Goods, a well assorted stock of j fL GROCERIES AND General Merchandise i which we will sell at very low i figure. Don't forget us, bat come I to see ni, examine our stock, and Speak for yourselves. .);..!& ; l L Respectfully, t i I J- ill- r William Woollcott 't . . - ; . ' . i 1 , : WEOIiKSAMC DJJALKtt in DRY GOODS, Clothing.Notions HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, MTLUNEBT GOODS, 40., BgUAnd Manufacturer oMdt PANTS, SKIRTS DRAWERS, 8 Wilmington and 15 Hargett street, Raleigh JV. C- farSers, MERCHANTS AND EVERYBODY. WE HAVE A IiAROB STOCK OP It EsM'IJfGTOJN . COTTON AND PLANTERS HOES.1 FOBKS, SBOVBLS, SPADES, PLOW LINKS, TRACES, BACK BANDS AND EVERYTHING 4IN THE 1 HARDWARE, WNE. THOS.H.iBtUGGS&SONS . ULADHBS, Dl; HABDWABB, v.. i I cl RALEIGH, N. C. ISC Btbnevg Visitor. LARGEST CITY CIRCULATION VM. M. UTLEY ' Editor.' Advertisements Today. TP. C. & A. B. Stronach Coffee, iuJMo.orve- Hard ware. .. J CITY VISITS. More rain. Very poor market this morning. Business dull in all departments to day. , Bad day on people who were com pelled to be on the streets. Eegular meeting of Phoenix Lodge 1. o. G. T. to night. The practice some people have of shooting other people's pigeons in the streets should be stopped. Mrs. A. F. Redd, wife of the Rev. A. F. Redd, died in Siu Antonia, Texas, on the 4th inst. Pastors of the different churches who desire any changes to be made, will please notify us as early as pos sible to morrow. If the colored people in the eas tern portion of the city do not go to a better place when they are called hence, it won't be their fault. Postmaster Holden's name has been withdrawn by the President and the name of Mr. John Nich ols of Durham substituted for the postmastership at this pluce. We regret to hear of the illness of Mrs. Hatcher, wife of the Rev. A. Hatcher, one of the editors of that staunch and reliable religious journal, the Biblioal Recorder, of this city. Deputy Marshal A. L. Moore has just returned from Sampson county j where Jie arrested three men for illicit ' distilling. Their names are : T. W. I Rose, B. H. Hodges and Isaac Lang J ston. The parties were recognized I in a jTond to appear , before U S. ! Commissioner Purhell in this city on 'Monday next. For good and cheap roasted coffees and fine teas go to W. C. & A. B. Stronach's. , They have a fine selec tion of both . and are selling at re-' markably low figures. They ' also keepjwything.and v rTthinj nepded in a tapjuy, and tlio KM-vhiiattfiititm ' lof our readers is directed ' ' ' l!istorefl"".'rh-1ii,e'i)P " " ''-'sj'Mll cellar' to g.ntot withrood loca r.I.Oreeill AC C3o igr&ceiits. ' ' ,J low and on News scarce in all depart meat 1 no marriage license was I this morning Prof. John Ducket, of A pet wis in the citv to dav. Maj. R. C. Badger has gone f Washington on business. ; The Mayor was unable t , ... furnish an item of any kind this morning. ' Not an item could be gathered from any of the . departments this morning. , J. A.. Gray,-Esq., President of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Ra Jroad, was in the city to day." Regular meeting of McKee En campuient to night. A full atten dance of the members is request ed. ' A large engine was carried up the R & A L R U last night to put to work a gold mine somewhere beyond ' Charlotte. The members of R H k L Co. No. 1, are notified to attend an adjourned meeting', of their company at their hall this evening at 8 o'clock. ' We are requested tb state that the Edenton St. Methodist "social re union,", which was to have been held at the residence of Judge C. D. Up- t church to night, has been postponed until next J) riday night, loth inst. ; We were pleased to take by the hand this; morning, our young and clever friend, John Y. McRae, Esq., one of the gentlemanly clerks in Pescud, Lee & Co's. drug store, who has just returned from a brief visit to Fayettville. W. C. & A. B. Stronach, our well known grocers, having greatly im proved and increased their facilities for roasting coffees, offer te the trado generally, an elegant line of choic roasteu conees rromTjenunre-wa Time Seed Tick Rio to the fragrant berry from American Mocha. At a meeting of the Board of Di rectors of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railroad, held in Fayette ville on yesterday, the said Board purchased the Fayetteville & Florence Railroad, and will go to work im mediately to comple'e the line to Florence, S. C. We call the special attention of our readers to the new and attractive advertisement of Mr. James T. Moore, dealer in all kinds of hard ware, to be found in this issue. This gentleman keeps any and everything needed by the house keepers, farmer, and everybody else, and sells at prices which defy competition. When our friends need anything in his line, they would do well to call and examine his stock befor i purchasing. Commissioner of Affidavits. The Governor has appointed Moses B. Maclay, Commissioner of Affida vits for North Carolina, resident in N. w York City. The factory of the Farmers' Boue and Fertilizing Company at Phila delphia, with some GO binithcMWS, three or four yachts and a Ismail sa loon? were burned yesterday; loss $15,000; incendiary. At Lowell, Mass , the loom harness factory of G. VV. Harris was burned; less $50,000. The Page Belting Works at Concord, N. H., partially de stroyed by fire yesterday; loss $12,000. The tobacco factory of W. S. Matn thews & Sons, Louisville, Ky., was burned; loss $15,000. Houston fc Bengell's drug store at Wheeling, W. Va., was burned last night, caused by the explosion ei a barrel of oii in the cellar; loss $10,000. Rev. Thomas B! Miller, formerly pastor of the Lehigh M. E. Church, and dean of the faculty of the Phila delphia College of Medicine and Sur gery, and Dr Isaac Hathaway were arrested in that city yesterday, charged . with malpractice. . . Mary Buthi, the complainant, ;s row .in imminent danger ut. dnath. She al pees thht Miller was the principal iiiid Ijathiiway his assistant iu the alp'racttce.' ,. . The Fast cf Death. . A TAIN'rUL KXlSTKX ' KfcLK-lMaiei'KD bl'Att , VAi'IOX. BY 1 iSpecial disnatch Eveninsr Telee-..ra.l, : Ti 'n. TXw."1 a . i?At'; jooq to day Miss Hattie Denoelf ouiiletod the fortieth day of bet iuiCutal fagC " Must "tf th4i ah lie in a ftemi-eomatoM ' stats, but j'parantly sleeps but little. When toused she is conscience of all that toes on about her, and is in thi fulJ K8session of her mental faculties. She is, however, very weak, an I en tirely helpless. Those abou her say that she is certainly neai the .hd, and that she cannot possibly live but a short time, perhaps net thrrknerh the r.itrht. , Miss Denelfis a maiden lady fifty-! two years of age, and lives i t the family of" her brother-in-law. Dr. F. H Aylworth. She has been an invalid for many years. Neuralgia and nervous troubles have made hr life one of almost ceaseless pi. in, to 'obtain deliverance from whici vi adopted the stoic resolution of stai v ing herself to death. She is ca-d 0 jibe a woman of remarkable will- iow- er, as the history cf her self-im;. sed sfast shows. Although for several years past her conduct has bi en in many ways peculiar, there has been no reason to suppose that s e was insane. A very strange " feature in 'her case is the statement that from 'November, 1879, until Wednesday night ofeliEef last week no one has heard h ;r utter a word, although her organs ( f speech are said to be in no way affected. All communications with her relatives and friends she has made by means of a slate. On the 23d of Februaay last it was noticed that she ate no break ,fast. This abstinence from food was Repeated until her sister and brother- in-iaw reiuoiiairaxeu wiiii- uor, uu endeavored to pursuade her to take some sustenance. It was then that she made known her purpose of starving herself to death. She wrote on her slate, "I have no hope of re -co very or relief, and am determined that I will die." Her relatives and friends among them the Rev. Mr. Folsem, of the Presbyterian church were called in. They used all their persuasive powers to induce her to renounce her suicidal determination, but to no purpose. At last it was proposed to force her to tike nourishment; but those most intimate with her ngree.d that this course would oniy drive her to some other means of taking her life, and it was decided that it was best not to use force, in the hopa that perhaps she would voluntarily alter her purpose. SiuO' ; then none but her most intimate fViemls have been allowed to sej her and ahe has grad ually wnsced away until now she presents almost the appearance of a living skehton. On March 28th she wrote on her slate, "Do you think it would prolong iy Hie to drink cold water ?" and presented the slate to Dr. Aylworth. He told her that if she did not drink she would pi o bablv have l'i'n and delirium, and that if she did drink he did uot think it would prolong her life. There upon she drmnk freely, and since then has taken a little water each day, but nothing else. She takes the water by sucking it through a glass tube. To day shu suffered scarcely any pain. She had one bad spell during the night, but it son passed. Her pulse is between 90 and 100. She has no fever. Up to 3 o'clock this morning her respiration was normal but at that hour it suddenly fell, without apparant cause, to between 15 and 12, at which it now remains. It is not expected that she will die before evening, as all her sinking spells have occurred at night; but if she lasts through the night it is not probable that her wasting '. system will be able to keep up much . longer the unequal. struggle with death. The Connecticut Legislature has mused a bill nrbhibidnff steam ovster I dredging. idle1 Roberts, a "as arrested in N 1 101 is for- LrOk yes- l.'l t: I'.'iil-.iir ti:i"sii:e tne uie (Join t l'uunis. Uui. liar-, c ntly arrestee for passing a ("" forged oh k or ck on a b lushing bank' tm '.i ted Roberts and TV'illiam fWtlatt. another notoiious criminal by confession. Jiia Cole, known as the 'Pir-ite of the - lississippi Sound,' has been ar-' rested in Mobile to the great relief of. Southern Mississippi, along whose coast he has plundered for three years, carrying his swag to the neigh boring islands. He finally became so daring that Gov. Stone, of Mississ ippi, offered $500 for his capture. New York carpenters and joiners tret $2.50 to $3 per day. and the em- Payers have volunteered to pay a uniform rate of $3, but they demand $3.50. House smiths will demand 50 cents a day advance. Some of the cabinetmakers are agitating an advance. In a desperate fight on Tuesday last, in Carter county, Ky., growing out of an election feud, three men were fatally wounded. The affray inflames an already excited commu nity, and leads to grave apprehen sions of bloodshed on a large scald. Rev. Benj. Arbogast, president of the Valley Female College, at Win-" cheater, Va., and a distinguished member of the B?ltimore Conference, M. E. Church South, died of con sumption Thurday last, aged 55 years. Hat Lost. The gentleman who lost his black felt hat at the residence of R G. Lewis Esq., last night, can get the same by calling at this office. Call and see George Sloman Wilmington street. at 31 Fiv and Ten ont c maters .we, completely stocked with the greatest variety of use;ul and fancy artie'.s at George Sloman's. The latest style of Spring Knits, Shirts, Hats, Boots and Shoes. Hiid a very large stock of Saratoga and other Trunks and Satchels, at Sloman's. m Jm Just received a handsome line of Prints, Domestics, White and Figur ed Piques, Lawns, Damask, Table. Oilcloths, Nipkins, Towels, Handker.: chiefs &c, at George Sloman's. a7 6fc Housekeepers Who odmire Elegant Linens, and jet wish tw Economise, a e invited to iook over soma Sheetings, Towels, Diapers, Beauti ful white and Ecru Damasks, . Turk9y-red Damasks, white ... and Fancy Napkins, D'&ylies, Tray Cioths, Crashes, Grass Linens,&c Fashionable Carpets ! Largest and finest Selection Ever Shown in the City. Trices Lower than Ever before. W. F. & R. 8. TUCKER. The Prettiest lot - f and the Choicest lot. of Easter Gift Books JUST RECEIVED At ALFRED WILLIAMS & COS., :' ' ; BOOKSTORE.. The Easier Anchor i is the Prettiest of the Season. A Prices and . 1 iAjr & POWELL.

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