THE EVENING VISITOR. vol. 5 no. 27. , RALEIGH, N. C, MONDAY, MAY 23, 1881. PRICE 2d WilliauiWoollcott WHOLES ALB DEALER IS DRY GOODS, Clothing.Notions HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, inLLTOEBY GOODS, C, IgwAnd Manufacturer of"l PANTS, SHIRTS d DRAWERS, 8 Wilmington and 15 Hargett street, Rqleigh, JV. C- SEASONABLE GOODS : REFRIGERATORS, WATEB COOLERS, "PEERLESS" ICE CREAM FREEZERS, THE BE8T INJHE WORLDjFISHING TACKLEjALL KINDS, largest stock in raleigh, fly fans, fly ' traps. we guarantee sat isfaction, call and, see us. best goods'. lowest prices, square dealing! THOS.H. BRIGGS & SONS BRIGG9 BUILDING, RALEIGH, N. C." j Evening Visitor. largest city circulation. WM. M. UTLEY, Editor. Arrival and Departure of Trains- RALEIGH A GASTON RAILROAD. Leave. Arrive. -Raleigh, 8 40 a m Raleigh, 7 35 p m jWeldon, 3 15 pm Weldon,12 55 p M RALEIGH & AUGUSTA AIR LINE. Leave. Arrive. Raleigh, 7 45 p m Raleigh; 8 30 A M Hamlet, 2 30 a m Hamlet, 1 45 a m THE MAILS CLOSE. . R & G, 8 A. M. N C (eastern), 1 10 p. M. N C (western), 3 20 P M R & A A L (Chatham) , 7 10 p m ARRIVE AND OPEN FOR DELIVERY. R fc A A L (Chatham), 8 p m N C western) 2 30 P M N C (eastern) 4 30 p m R & G, 8 30 p m Advertisements To-day- J. M. Rosenbaum Specials. Mrs. R. A. Beasley MiH;nery. H. J. Brown Undertaker. CITYVISITS. Rain is need very much. There are r06 pupils attending the graded school in this city 353 girls andfdo.i boys. Mr. John Nichols, the newly ap pointed post master was ?n the city yesterday. C. W. Burt, Esq., of Henderson, was in the city to day. He left this afternoon for South Carolina on pleasure trip. Dr J. M. Worth has lust return ed from a brief visit to his home in Randolph county, looking much ini- t proved in health. ' The Rev. L. Branson preached at J ;the residence of Thomas Gooch, ?n the southwestern , part of the city ' yesterday afternoon. i o ; ' m on Saturday evening last from Nor- folk Va., where he has been on proiesswmu uum. - N. J. Riddick, Esq , Clerk of the United States Court returned on Saturday evening last from Gates county, where1 he has been on a brief : visit to relatives and friends. Read the advertisement of Under taker Brown, in this issue. Ho is perfectly reliable All work 'en trusted to him will xeoeive prompt attentior. fr. , Old bonds 'to the amount ot $3,700 came in for exchange to day. The State Republican Executive Committee will meet in this city, on Wednesday next. Regular meeting of Hickman Lodge, I.O.G.T., to night. Every member requested to be present. All persons . who desire to have their advertisements changed, will please send them in before 1 2 o'clock each day. The Woman's Christian Temper ance Union meets at Edenton Street church at d:oU o clock this even ing. Four persons, charged with murder, are to be tried at the approaching June term of the Superior Court all colored. t Mr. Peter Dove and Miss Lincey Myatt were married on the 18th inst., in Panther Branch Township, by James Adams, J. P. The Rev. George B. Wetmore preached an excellent sermon to a large congregation at Good Templars' Hall yesterday afternoon. , We, were pleased to see D. S. Waitt, Esq., who hf j been quite ill, so far recovered as to be able to be at his place of business to day. A fine bull dog has taken up at the residence of Mr. John Walter's. The owner can get him by calling there and paying all necessary charges. The First Baptist Sunday School pic nics at Faison's farm next Wed nesday. Tickets , for visitors $1, which can be had at T. H. Briggs fc Sons. Regular meeting of the Royal Arcanum to morrow night. Every member requested to be present. Business of importance to be trans acted. We had the pleasure of a call this mornmg irom J. .A. Jr. jNeatnery, Esq., of Charlotte. He is in the n T -r-r --w-v 'f . t city, the guest of his brother, J. B Neathery, Esq. We hope all the merchants will sign the petition to close the stores at 8 o'clock at night, and thus give their tired clerks time to take a little recreation. Col. Tucker showed us snap beans on Saturday evening last, raised m their garden. They have also toma toes, cucumbers, beats, squashes and strawberries raised in their this year.x ttvj. V w u An anti'prohibition meeting was held at Milburnie. Saturday evening last, which was addressed by Messrs J. Rowau Rogers, Geo. L. Tonnoff- ski, J. H. Renfrow, J. A. Temple and Geo. A. Keith. Regular meeting of Wm. G. Hil Lodge to night. - After the Lodge closes, the Chapter will be opened to confer the Most Excellent Degree, The Chapter Masors are invited to attend. Mrs. W. T. Lane has returned from New York, and has purchased the largest stock of spiing and sum mer goods she has ever had. The ladies are invited to call and exam ine her stock. t The following named prsioners have been turned over to the W. N. S. Railroad to do work for the State frcm Haywood, county: David Chri. topher, George Goodson and Piuk Sparks. Richard Justice, an aged cit; -sen of Neuse Township, in this county ,. , ... . 1 - . , . j hearfc diseaso at 7 o'clock of a protracted ill .ffis iemf -ng will be brought f uess. to this city and interred in the city cemetery, to morrow at 2 1-2 o'clock. Dr. Grissom's niqdico-legal report of the DeJarnette trial at Danville, Va., will be published in the June number of the North Carolina Medi cal Journal at Wilmington, N. C. Impoitant principles of the medical jurisprudence of inserity are dis cussed.. ' " No change in the forage market to day. Day's length 14 hours and 14 minutes. Yesterday was the fifth Sunday after Easter. Qreensboro Female mencement this week. College Corn- All the churches had gregations yesterday. good con- The Rev. Mr. Bumpass and family have gone to Greensboro. The election on the 'Vance' county question cornea off to morrow. .blackberries sell at ID cents per quart in the Wilmington market. Farmers are busy chopping cotton, consequently very few come to the city. Person Street Sunday School will b nic at Bledsde's grove on Friday, the 3rd of June. The Capitol Square presents a beautiful appearance now, clothed in its carpet of green. Nearly all of the delegates to the Episcopal Convention have departed ior their homes. The Rev. Mr. Wheeler preached a v ry fins sermon at Person Street church yesterday morning. The First and Second Presbyte rian churches will pic nic at the Cot. ton Place on Newbern Avenue to morrow. A lot of new hay, the first of the season, was sold by Uol. Turner, keeper of the capitol, to W. H. Lyon, Esq., to-day, being nine days later in the season than last spring, We did not. learn the price paid for it. Lost On the street, one buggy . ! The fnder will be liberally rewarded by leaving the same at Wait s Life Insurance office. Arrested. W e learn from official sources that Jiliza .Bullock, the woman who is charged with the murder of her ;n tant child at wake Jjorest some weeks since, has been arrested in Warren, and is now in jU'l in th-it county. Mayor's Court. The following cases were disposed of by Mayor Manly this morning John Morgan, disorderly conduct, $7.25; Henry Haywood, assault and battery, $7.25; Frank Yarboro, larceny; sent to court. Attention Odd Fellows ! The members of. Central Deg ee Lodge, I. O. O. F., are hereby noti fied that a- regular meeting of the Lodge will be held this evening at 8 o'clock, at which time every officer and member is requested to be pres1 ent. V lsiting brethren in the city are fraternally invited to attend Mortuary Report. During the week ending at noon Saturday, the following deaths oc curred in this city and township: May 15. IS y I via Geer, female. colored, lourtli ward, aged tv years, Hemiphlegia. May 16. John Hooks, mal colored, first ward, age 18 months Tubercular meinugitis. May 19. Phil. Coleman, male, colored, township (old fair grouuds), aged 4 years. Diphtheria. May 19. JelF Hint on, male, col ored, fifth ward, aged 35 years. Cordiac disease. The health of the city is veiy good for this season. No case of disease of a contagious or infectious charac ter has been reported to the Super intendent of Health. Look at this and act accordingly, Mrs. ft. A. tieasley oalls your atten tion to her stock of millinery and no tions, ladies' and children's readymade dresses, of which she has a full line and sells cheap for cash. Give her a call and save money. . East Mai tin St, between Wi'miugton and Blounti Ral eigh, N. 0. m23 tf Revenue Receipts. The fo1 lowing are the revenue col- ections in the fourth district, for the week ending last Saturday nijht : Monday, 82,107.56 uesday, 697.4G Wednesday, 6,922.79 hursday, 770.68 irday, 7,654.72 Saturday, 115.56 Total, 19.168.77 Comparative Movements of Cotton in Raleigh- leceipt" for week ending May Ba'.s 21, 1881, 795 Receipts for same w'k last year, 481 ucrease in receipts for week this year, 314 77 417 210 361 272 63 Receipts for same w'k in 1879, 1878, 1877, 1876, 1875, " 1874, Whole rec since 3ept 1st to date, 70,874 " " same time last year, 47,824 nc in receipts this year to date, 23,050 Recpts same time, i. 1879, 46,01 '78, 77, 76, '75, '74, 43,614 42,286 37,478 33,286 24 804 There hffc been conpiderable activity the market during the week, and parties who have been holding on are now closing out their lots. The pre paration for the new crop hai e been large, with an increased acreage ai d good weather, We note an advance in prices and we quote market closing at 9 7-8 to 10 cents for midd'ing. Published by Request. Prohibition. ORGANIZE TKE COUNTIES, TOWNSHIPS . AND SCHOOL DISTRICTS Office of the State Prohibitoby State Campaign Committee, Raleigh, N. C, May 21, 1881. To the People of North Carol5 ia: The counties, townships and school districts should be organized at once by the appointment of the necessary executive committees. Names of chairmen should be sent this com mittee. Attention of friends is call ed to the resolutions passed by the State convention in reference to or ranizmg the bodies and raising con tributions for necessr y campaign purposes. . The campaign should be a syste matic one, and therefore the friends in the various counties will consult this committee before making ap pointments for those who canvass the State at large. In each county the friends shoul make arrangements for a thorough canvass by local speakers. We need; 1. Thorough county, tow c ship and school district orgp' nation. 2. The organization of the .ladies into 'prohibitory societies' to last at least until afte the election. 3. Funds to procure temperance documents and detray other neces sary and legitimate expenses. 4. System 4i the appointment speakers who canvass the State. 5. A system in each county by which the entire county will be trior oughly canvassed. A special appeal is made ' to the friends of the movement to see that the above is carried out. H. A. Gudger. Cli'm State Prohib'y Camp, Com Just Received, 100 Hair Lined Blue Liueii Suits, at $3 a suit, at J.M Rosenbaiioi w. Just Keceived, 20 dozen plain and figured Alpajca Coats, frock and suck from $1.25 to $5. at J. M. Rosnbaum's Mr poet, Paul H. Hayne, the Southern is being personated in New York by an impostor, who has ob tained money, under various, pre tences,from well to do literary people, Coiumbus, Ga., boasts of a young lady drummer in the person of Miss Ida Sykes, who is traveling for a busii ness house of that city, and has re ceived many flattering compliments from the press iu the various cities she has visited. . Henry Toppin, a blacksmith at Guilford Station, on the Washington and Ohio Railroad, whil attempt1 ig to prevent the flight of dock of sheep scared by a passing train, re cently, whs struck in the lowei part of the abdomen by a large ram, and injured ho severely thu' he died in a few dayB. m Genevieve Ward is shocked beyond all expression because uu n and wo men are compelled to sleep in the same sleeping car. It is dreadful. We have often worried over the same j thing, and been afraid tu go to sleep est some woman should chloroform us uud kiss us in our dreams. No" man is safe in a mixed car. Bur liugton Uawkeye. The Philadelphia Weekly Magazine for Saturday, March 3, 1798, has the follow ing remarkable death notice : "At New London (Connecticut,) Mr. John Weeks, aged 114. When 106 he married his tenth wife, who was only 16. His gray hairs had fallen off, and were renewed by a dark head ot hair. A new set of teeth had made their appearance, and lie ate three pounds of pork, two or three pounds of bread, and drank nearlv a pint of wine a few hours before his death." The floating of wheat down the Mississippi river in barges has proved so successful that it is naw proposed to try this method of cheap transpor tation on the Missouri river. There are obstructions to barge navigation in the Missouri which are not -en countered :n the Mississippi, but the Council Bluffs Board of Trade seems to have'entire confidence in the prac ticability of the scheme, and has in vited the orgarized commercial bodies of the States bordering on the Mis souri to send delegates- 'to a "barge" convention. 25 Dozen white Vests from 75 cents to $4. at J. M. Rosenba'im'e. GREAT OFFERINGS ! 1 1 WONDERFUL ! ! ! We have just received 15,000 Yards PRINTED LAWNS, one yard wide, perfect colors. Warranted Fast, at 7c. per yard. 20,000 YARDS UNION LAWNS, Fast Colors, and Perfect Goods, at only 6 i-4c. per yard. Superb Linas of ROMAN STRIPED SURAH SILKS, OMBRE STRIPED RIBBONS. Foster Kid Gloves, The Geuuiue Foster Kid Gloves five hooks in all 'he new shades and blacks. W. e. & U. S. TUCKER. Tho North Carolina State Board of Education has recommonded ELLS WORTH'S REVERSIBLE C0PYINGJ BOOKS, to be used in thb PUBLIC S ;HOOL-5 OF THE STATE It is the Bot-t System, beoauee: 1. 1 is complftc iu ouiy four books. 2. Oniy half dek sp ine is occupied. 3. Eaon leaf lies perfently flat. 4. Ahiri- .'d hlotiet covers each 'page. 5. Each book contaius nil the letters. of both alphabets. G. 7. 8. The sj utem is rapidiy progressive The copies are clear, correct, con cise and instructive. Results are ease of movement and , a good handwriting. BSHPubiiuera' Sole Agents for North Carolina. : ( Send for Introduction Prices. ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO., ; Booksellers, '&c.l ' ' RALEIGH, N. C. Hi .1 1

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