THE EVENING ITOR voil 5 no. 144. RALEIGH, N. C, MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1881. Price 2c VIS EVERYBODY Bead for oiroalara aud prices of the celebrated ' 'PEERLESS "Ice Cream Freezer. which is, without a donbt, the Best Freezer31ade REFRIGERATORS, 'v' WATER COOLERS, CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES our motto: 8est goods! lowest prices! dealing! SOVAKB THOS.H. B1UGGS& S0N Leaders in Hardware, Stoves and Seasonable. Gooda,:'' RALEIGH, N.X;,:,- - 1.1 4 - r. -I litre t iAL M&nvnAVJj for fair week, espeeiauyttoe urooery department. They bave the finest lot of Hams in the city, Virginia Hani Bagged Hams, uucanvassed Virginia Hams ami Boneless Corned Shad, Mackerel, Mullets, New Her rings, Tar "bell Cheese, best Goshen Batter. Time is money. We will fill your orders for any goods as cheap as any house in -elm oc8 6t -- RVTCTCTNfr V TSITOR. - - - . tARGEST CITY CIRCULATION. WM. M. UTLEY, Editor. Advertisements To Day. Mrs. Taylor, Dress making. Dr. Eugene Grissow, notict-ie 7 tors. A. D. Royster, collector of city taxes. Thomas Harris, groceries, liquors Ac. For Sale, feather beds. Jno. C. Palmer, watches and jew elry. J. S. Taylor, watches, clocks &c. B. C. Manly, city notice. Chas. J. Friel, hides, fcc. J W. Parker fc Co, dry goods &c. Lost, a cuff button. J. L. Stone Notice. CITY VISITS. 1 Warmer. Bring out the street sprinkler. See notice of City Ordinances this issue. See notioe of Mr J S Taylor this issue. in in Maj. W. H. Bagley's youngest child is quite ill. Mayor Manly is confined to .' his room from sickness. Middling cotton 10 5 8: low mid dling 10: market dull; receipts light. The Register of Deeds issued one marriage license this morning, to a colored couple. The beautiful new State uniform for the Raleigh Light Infantry, haves . l mi i i arrived, xney are very nanasome, Mr. Li. W. lood has taken a po- '. sition with Messrs. J. D. Creech & Co. and will be pleased to have his friends give him a call. The Cotton Eichange will be .i j rru. j i. vr ii u i i . j -c will ho WPiorhctri nn fha(-. How Vnr. , . . , , , .. mprfl nnrl nr. nor a will rot a Hub nntino W R Capehart, of A voca, Marshal of the Fair, arrived Chief this morning, and took rooms at the Yarbort House. A meeting of the Raleigh Light Infantry will be held to night. Every member is requested to be present.' Trim B. Hawkins, colored, a per fectly reliable driver, has purchased a horse and carriage, and is now rady to serve the public. C His car riage will run daily between the oity and fair grounds. urn -The city is rapidly filling up. Wilmbgton received 1,019 balea of cottofc'-e Saturday last. Zinowill stand exposure to tbe wat $rpLcr than marble. x etvrar. was tbe seventeenth oun- Ds'svJeiU 11 hours and 29 mndtft If It dt 'HAargaiwwd of strangers in the ear. 7 Tbi paipter who imitates walnut djfc brown. . 'Spare facts would often look better if 'clothed in choice words. 'See notice of Dr Grissom in this uane. ' ' , V 4The 8tate Board of Agrioulture nfjeets to morrow. fm G Hill Lodge will; hold a regular meeting to night. .Ail. the churches had very good "congregations yesterday. what Mr. Thomas Flar- says and then give him . Arts r lends will enry Build- !ing tomorrow night Td bia comfortable and contented, spend less than you can earn, an art which few have learned. If man has a great idea of him self, it is eertaiu to be the only idea he ever will have i We hear complaint in some quar ters of ravages being made by squir rels in the corn fields. fGeorcre M Sniedes. Esn.. left this Dkk O ' morninS for Baltimore. During his l i r ii ..: "i. T a r i i auseuce ne wm visit new xoric ana other northern cities, Mr C J Friel tells our readers whm to brinz their hides, furs. &c. Read his notice in this issue. A D Royster, Esq., City Tax Cols vui-Ueoipr, is ready .to-receive the city . . -r . next n t . taxes for 1881. See his notice in this issue. Mai. L. H. Yeargan, of the firm of Yeargan Petty & Co., has just re turned Iroru the northern cities, where he has purchased a large stock ot dress goods, notions, &c. Mr Geo T Stronach has two hun dred and fifty turkey gobblers. He proposes to have them drove through the country to New York, soon. He will probably march them around tne race tracK on lnursdav next, in order that the peoj le may see them D. Reid Unchurch, Esq , returned Saturday afternoon from a six weeks visit to Cumberland county, Va., where he went to visit his wife. He is looking much improved in health, and his many friends here were de lighted to welcome him home. W R Henry, Esq., has just return ed from Vance county, and reports the tobacco crop entirely .destroyed by the recent frost. He went down to conduct the legal examination against some negroes who had broken into his uncle s cotton gin. They were sent to jail in default of bail a. new nag stan iz leet men, a as put up on the south wing of the Capi toi to day. A new one, the same heighth, will be put on the north wing in a few days. The pole on the south wing will have the State flag attached, and the one on the north wing will have the National flag at tached. Died, at the residence of her hus band, near Oakwood Cemetery, at o ov r" , Ter 'angering niness oi typnoia iever, -Mr Sieveis only a few days , ...... V . J Mr Sieveis only a few : buried his little baby, and I . now the last link is broken. He deserves and will receive the sympathy of this entire community in his sd affile tion. i The funeral services over Mr. W, it. Pace's little child took place at the First Baptist church yesterday efcernoon and was attended by 1 A . large concourse ot relatives and friends. The following named gen tlemen acted as pall-bearers : Dr. R, D. Fleming, Messrs. M. T. Norris, S. F. Mordecai, and TH Briggs, Jr, The Qoral decoratioas were band some and tasty.' Cabbage are high enough. Gen Joseph C Abbott is dead. The marriage season hat net in. Plug up mice holes with soap. The mice will not go through. Glucose is used for sizing paper and for making printer's rollers. The Supreme Court took up cases from the Second district to day. See notice of a cuff button lost. Return it to this office. A drummer's license was issued this morning, to Lee Roy Myers, of Savannah, Ga. Miss Sadie W.'Green of Fayette ville N. O. is in the city stopping with Miss Janet Wilson. The fall term of Johnston Super ior Court oieneq at Smithfield to day, with Judge -Graves, presiding. oeveral ot our lawyers lert yesterday and to day, to attend court at Smith- tittld. The many friends of the Rev A A Boshamer, will regret to hear that he is in a very critical condition. Mr John C Palmer, the veteran dealer in watches, jewelry, fcc, makes an important announcement to day. Read the notice of Mrs. Taylor, dress maker. Call and see her, near southwest corner of Nash Square, on Martin street. Messrs J W Parker & Co., make an important announcement in this issue. Read it and then give them a call. The United States Senate met in Washington to day. Hon Thomas F Bayard will probably be elected President "pro tempore" of that body. James Taylor, a white man living in Rhamkatte, tried to kill a colored man by the name of Henry Sorrell, near the cuy lcto& Saturday night last. Drouth still prevails to an inj vi nous extent in many parti ot trie State. Mai.y'ot the streams are still too low for the grist mills to get to work. Mr. R. S. Perry, of this- city, re ceived a di?patch this morning from his son James A. Perry, now in Texas, Btatiug that he was seriously and pro bably fatally injured by a Railroad accident. The country stores are laking in enormous quantities fof dried fruit. An extraordinary demand is antici pated the coming wirtes for every species of dried, preserved, and can ned edibles. Milk dealers by the dozen are be ing fined in Now York for selling an adulterated article. From six to ten per cent, of water was found in each lot seized, and one dealer was selling buttermilk as fresh milk. Capt E G. Cheathim, of New York, but formerly of Granville county, in this State, died in tbe former city yesterday, of heart dis ease. The deceased was well Jknown in Raleigh, and the State generally, and had many friends who will much regret his loss. There are yet persons who are looking anxiously for a verification of Mother Shipton7s prophecy, and who dodge every time they hear a loud noise. The circulation of mutilated coin will have to be stopped altogether eventually in order to defeat the petty rascals who make a regular business of punching coin. Capt C N Allen's cotton gin was destroyed by fire on Saturday even ing last. A colored boy was burned to death. gHe was in the upper story and couldn't escape. The fire was caused, it is thought, from a piece of iron getting in the gin. The gin was partially covered by in surance. Drivers Tickets. Dray, hack, and carriage drivers will remember that they can secure tickets to the Fair ground good 1 for the week, at $2. Apply at the Sec retary's office a the Fair ground. Floral Hall. The exhibit in Floral Hall this year promises to be unusually large and attractive. The entries from abroad, or outside the city will be very large and attractive. Already, enough have been received to make a fine display, if another article is net eutered. Man Killed. Eli Russell, about 40 years old was killed by the south bound train on the R. k. A. A. L. R. R. It was sup posod he laid down on the track and went to sleep. He was killed about five miles from Hamlet near section house. He was well thought of and highly respected, rie was supposed to be under tbe influence of liquoi. Come Again After an absence of ten years Mr. Wm. Kellogg visits our city. This ih the little Willie, of the Ml irem-iine live and Brothers. Loug may he prosper, and always, as he did here, receive the applause he so richly de serves. Leavitt'a Minstrels, without him, would be like a ship at sea without an anchor. The Opening of the Fair. The fair opened to day very suc cessfully, the entries in all the de partments being far greater than ever before on the first day, the ladies' department, the agricultural depart ment (A), the stock and poultry de partments being especially full and complete. All the horse and cattle stalls were filled by 10 a. m. and, at 1 1 o'clock the sheep stalls were being converted into horse and cattle stalls. The crowd in attendance is large. Teacher's Certificates. Inasmuch as the late school law re quires the County Superintendent to examine all applicants for teacher's :ertificatts on the 2nd Thursday in October, and Professor Duckett be ii.i! sick, iio ha auiiioiized and em powered Capt. John E. Dugger and M. A. Jones to attend to the matter on Saturday, the 1 5th day of Octo ber, on which .ll applicants will please present themselves. The ex aminers d-sire tli it ail appear at the Graded School Building, in Raleigh, at 10 a. m. (sharp) on that day. 1 Chas. J. Friel, Hargott street, be tween Wi.iuington and Blount, Ral eigh. N. O. dnaler in Hides. Furs. Cottun, Wool, Tallow, Rags, Sheep, Deer and Goat Skins, old metal,bees- wax, tactory waste, peas, dried fruit, &c, Consignments of country pro duce solicited. Highest market prices guaranteed. oclO 6t Mr. W. H. Vaughan is not now a agent for J. L. Stone's canvassing music house, and those who desire information in relation to the Shon inger organ, either for purchase or otherwise, should apply direct to J. L, Stone, Kaleigh, N. C. oclO tf The mammoth clothing emporium of Jonas Rosenbaum, corner of Fay- etteviue ana tiargett streets, is one of the great attractions of Raleigh Let every man, woman and child who comes to the city call and see for them selves. It is a sight to behold the great varieties ef style and fashion display ed at tins clot hing depot. ocl tl Carpets ! Carpets ! For carpets,go to C. 0. Clawson's. He ban the largest line at the lowest pi ices. You will surely regret it if you do not examine his stock before purchasing. oc4 tf 1 i Tke great rush is at J. M. Rosen baum's temple of fashion, corner of Fayetteville and Hargett streets. Don't leave the city without giving Jonas a call. oci-tf The first official Sunday school census in the United States is now being taken by the Government. Circulars Containing questions are sent to every superintendent. These cover the number of teachers and children, the ages ef scholars, the number, value, and character of books in libraries, the property owned, the money collected, and the increase in attendance since 1870. wall at I- C. Bagwell's and get a package of Tryphoba Coffee. oc4 tf Frist's bread and cakes for sal) at Emmet Levy's and M. J. Moaefey'g confectionery store. Tryphoi a Coffee at L C Bagwell's. Every man who visits the fair is expected to fix up a little for the occa sion. A good hat, a nine necktie, a nice suit of olothes, or anything else in the furnishing line can be found at the establishment of J. M. Rosenbaum, corner of Fayettville aud Hargett streets, at the very lowest prices. No stranger should leave Raleigh without giving him a call, ocl tf Try Tryphosa Cotfee. It is the best at L. C. BagwellV. Piano for Sale. A good second hand piano, 612 ocave. for sale cheap. Address Box 167 for the next thirty day. J se28-lm School Satchels, 25c and less, at Yeargan, Petty & Co. Cheal) Wood We will deliver from the country a limited quantity of first class hard wood , in lots of five cords or more, at $3 per cord; dry.pine at $2.75 per cord, cash, if ordered at onae Jones & Powell. Friel's fine cakes are Sold at Em met Levy's. For good Bread call on C J Friel. OPENING OF NEW GOODS ! New Goods for FM and Wiatar, Comprising the lat9st Novelties in Silks, Satins, Velvet Plushes, Striped Satin Moires Dress Goods, Mourning Goods Laces. Hosiery and Ladies' Jndrwear, CLOTHS, CLOAKSNGS, Casi meres, forming the grand est display of New Goods to be seen in this city, all of which we will offer at our well known popular priees. W. H. & R. S. TUCKER. If You Wish To See a nice supply of Winter Goods Such as Shawls, Cloaks, Balmorals,, Blank ts, Mexican Quilts, Bed Com forts, ladies', pentlemeu's and children's underwear, Canton and cotton flannel,, domestics. 8 1-4. 9 14 and 10 1 4 sht. ing, an excellent supply of table linen ana towejs, a very $;ood supply of hreakfrtft and crochet shawls, nonntar. panes, from Too up, and stockinps to suit every ooay, corsets in 10 ameren-t vaaties, and children's corsets and corset waist. The public are invited to inspect our stock and judge for themselves, at ocltf M. ROSENBADM'S. COT'J ON BOOES. The most -mplete assortment wer n the city Just Keceiyed. - JVecan suit ,yoa exactly, whether you wMWicte WANT A COTTON BOOK for your cotton field, for your cotton, gin, or for your cotton exchange. PRICES ARB LOW. i ALFRED WILLIAMS I CO.." Booksellers, J Aa. . BALlIOH,NC.