P;rrfeP . y - r : A' Joi'RNAL.DF.VuTKI) TO THE 1NTEK EST op' 7V: J" I (I It 1 ;"3j i l,iMovr ANb Dan Rr. E t Sec' ' 1 ' f at'i ,t jo I,lf I rs yt.MI A NEvVSI'AI'KR TOR e ' TUK 1-EOJ'l.K. PUBM8H EI) KVK HV f V KSPA Y '"MS : ?l.cb a Vt.:n :ix Moiitiw t se:it it .1. Fir.u, L k a ks v i Lfe. i N. C. puiU", m tory (Uii!ini-iit of ;4'--.-i'E'2fT I T Jf . JVi Dflloe SatuHay alid .Momkys. 111 ttleild call e se'i sr on fit'ici ' t?if t -lit -ft t f w m' i via . t w ' . Tin. r i . . . -, " (?M- Pj'-vely ri.-s6,r.s t!iu li. arin;. ami 3 v is the only - fciisol-U, cure for lX-a fnes. -jjf Vliiij oil is ;hstr.oct(j I' frinn . peculiar I j IiBjcifs of j-mnil whith Kha-ks. .."clmgiit, iiJ i Jkmlelcth. Kvtry ' (Jiiincr li.-Jicviuaii." r 'A Jvi.pws virtue as a'rostoiative oil luaurg wtrri:, ciicuc id 'by a' Uiid.lhist I'i h ut u)vui I he y tu- lllw.; J s cures! , tjr fcriOfut raup airf'i iiiyB( troeiu-j irejly, muaouloits. Uiat Use -.rvii.ody waal filiiailyi ni c-t tluj tntiweint I'iif.- Jii? use l)tite m uiiiu-tjmL tiiat. 'T j tit ni ;(v4iiirt:- Jinj cit?"od, i p. Hi, tu ati) Lottie, T JJKAR VHa i 'HK PKAF Say ! t l.afc i .c-tfoi iiMd a ntiradc iu-n3 ase. l aic no -irFiiilhiy tut imi iir iiiy bead. anJ . t'f jir -inik li ftter. I l.ax t L'.on jroaUy l't j tl.lt ef. J15 t. afnt.- hc!,eii a" y;iyat ctj.1 ihii.k nUitf.tr toitle wi.r curt me. j Ctytlnc; rl.aim.icr, V1 W iuli-j as the i Uvr n J tiarr.altj Us i iyjftuHli .IVwn cxyftri- kti kl.rl .l tt iintiim. i VV-rifu nr iin-- t.i X U 1 I K 'V. ii K t.V, 'j bi ) ;i!U'l. yM i iktkl..t.ing tl.tf(i ati'd' i,u will receive tk jciuii. a itiiitdy ir.at' Hill enable you 4 l iar j lilo arybory iie. si.i ,1 aliVt ,t tit cU.vl lil bt -jK ini.iraht, Vou 11 J.vxir HRiet.; -iloin;:. tdiiur ot 1 o iv.i( in .Mjt:Is, jiU;a-c seiitl 'J l.H riii i, ll AA l:Ot K i Jl'.N- an 1 4,. K iV. I ii Stole A i.ii.ta. 'liiii M.'.' ml'.. GF YOU ill F 'yuraii m- siiiiereti, i.,r j u.ivs Nt ri.i t. -.ii-iy, ' 1',i wrt r.o U.- a, i.n a-i 'e f rt n. vo'ii.iiul in.lis- ktit 11 H'lr-r tt.rj -Vak'tP ir sulk 1 111 iiu-: miiitv-i stn1 lu-eitt. i all wlio u II. I .lui .i ! I " IliU.r 1 r 1-. 1 1 tut-Ui-iip! h u' v' Ia w lHT!Iie was iaittrf.. .1Jt--r 1.ii-u U) 1 li'lit by tluv uovea idivlii)ee. ' . . tJ. CGI KV 4; VVtli; To Ccnsun-ptite 11 e pdTtl'tiet- Via rii been J' i Vie. 'l H vbo.l.si,,11 "jt it,; i.ni n II cunt'. . ' ,' . . K li.U:. 1 il'IIchti m -ipt''ii- u-ijJLj. (;tr i.M V.Jvr l-v . il.lUbtl).'!. 'S-.Y. .- . vv iisi.ir.' V it ln:01.2m it ..lii-NUY t. .iu.i i:i, I ' . !ai iifat:lulet of ' ' ! . RliSTer s Acme Shirt iiie PreK'i Shift.-! and all Wiri f.of L'ndiV Vefit iiiat'e to grrfrr a speeiitlty. j ; . I ll .(JlWliA 'U Kli 01H i -';. C.i-f IntN i1 b'vl fm ,VeV' :B-a--ure. h t rt. r I av yuui Htrnirir1.i,4- K- ive " TTi rt itsin.e .lor aw v. tiiu-i.i or hn !u- 'iur.'ircr- .t I.1. ' ': : f4 i-m d Main t . t l'a Pit -lV-Vr "ACMIi:: -is th.- f-1 rt v'tf tt aV ti it W 'in i 4 itlci x. 1 . - . . . : . i . i'i. ' oii'e VFJlfllFrOEte destroy nnrl expel Worms from til hnmnn lMdy. t vhr itavy Rxl!t, If ued ,rrrtiiir to tlie dire. UotiH. It Ji sate an r; i lioMe remedy, , .;. ,i FOR SALE BY ALT. ORUGGISTS , ,j4S0,ST0RE KEEPERS. , . DavM E. Foutz, Prop. BALTIMORE, WD. EOU TS' S 40RS& AKD -CATTLE POWDERii 10 Unas a-m die' or prtLic: Bji or 'i.C- "EE, U Fotitr"-To rlor artf twd )nti"-''. , Foms's 'Vw.ler will firr sfudpivt nrft lis i-.' i'-!rf : rouir i-onrs v.'.n i-t-vont riM'--- iv .., v -" Foutins : P Vr H; In, rc 'p t!i a'-un? j tl warn tw.-ai v per ccnU aiul n.ak.i i'.i- I.:.", i-. - ! SWlM t. - i : FoMX Powi, .5;wi!l (in-o .r iri'wiidfihiMe i vi Hay Vt Wls'rli tifipv-wnnel i'ytll: !i- .-di:i'.-. .,'. : KotrVl'K l-Vwiii li Wll.e HVi'.'-iV.SEA: ij. SM ever)-l(pr,. . . , .;. Darrfr r, t-.tt:; rw:r: -to For Sale V.y 'A. 11. Mini a ha i-.:Ci ml. II. ' T. v ii i.i '..sis?. '; It vi'. V. . teYMPTmils OF a- r. a- IsOM of Appetite. Bowela coatTe.Pain In taa TTaaw arila a alnll -pnri tiryn ill th9 back cart, tarn under the Bhonlder blade, fullness after eaiina:. -with a diain- cUnation to exertjoa -,cf - body or nun a, Irritability of temper, Xsow spirits. With feeling f having neglecttd aomeUuty, Veartresa, Utaziaesn, I'luttering at the 'Heart, Dota before the eyes. Yellow Bxin Headache ireneTaily over the right eye, Beatieasneas; fttHt dwaiBB, h&K&Iy colored: Uxioe, awd . . - .; - asssaaMsssaavaassacKesHBSsstaiaSSfSfla Tt'11'8 PtIXS ere especially adapted to , srorh causes, site dome effects such a change ii)n as ti ratolili the saft'r-rrr. rh.r a... riaaii 1 lie" A nasa-l itr. and cause the ao.lv to Tsae oa fkrah. th' !. ywhi l - .,1 ail tufci a and ly il Hi Traai Action on the r meJW 4rv.. IJrlnr :U are pTO . SUouL Price M ceuM. a Maarraty tM-. . If. TIITTfO Hiil III I I CSSil!! i&t OaT Haw oa TirWrw chftrurwl toaGtrvwr . .nl.v ..invli..nnl:MriAllflf tlllil 1YE. illlTl. : . .mni r oi-ta I nstuntAneonslr. Sold by Praggista. or sent by express oa receipt of tl. omcr. as n tkbax st hew ioa. hWti arL IL af lainMe l'a,.'aaatla a4 to ssaae4;aaa -s psueransaf WUI v a . . JW I . tit . . .. ! :- 1. T . T' r n a -i 'r .iaiK'iah- l I. XJS , 1 w It. A' asasasBssssssiMiaHiHHPMVMi i V nx n' WII V't j nK,ii is ri vn I W4- - - - : : ' : - I IklLaS . V A AA V -XJ iJ -w .e vj II II VTTV II " s . A M f. v ,,LL-'-: !";!:'". ''v.'.- - .... -i . L , , ...... . L". V jb -.c . ' '.. -- " - :i , , ! .. I - : L . -i .- - . ; r;- .... - . : 1 1 - ' 1 - . . T n '0L. I I. I THE GREAT HOLER A RAMP AND iARRHGEA URE " . TOED ovrx is nxu lT lt ry. nHMerCwmrlnlBt, Wy.Hin(H, W .tier en-nuofka rMdI . Joti luccd ta Ik Armr. br - nrzein-nerl C. K. A. BeenaimcudMl by Gen. Vrreo. rkrrn nt-Omrni ; Htm. KmiiMlk K.incr. Boiicilur '. 8. Trunr) . andornr. frier, gm Snli bjr DrurriMi 4f! PM.I'jrjr Oitl ti"tneoitrnttniil'iwnVt tiottl.. Sole roprttor., , 1HE CHAtLU A.V88EIIR C0MANY. li Tlnuuk,. B.r U. 8. A. The SUMMER COLDS j and ' Coughs are quite as dan eerous as those lof 1 j i ' midwinter. - ! ; Hi I But they yield to the same . trpatmpnt and nucrht !. I to betaken in ' time. For all diseases of THROAT, . . NOSTRILS, HEAD or BREATHING AP- i I PARATUS I reiT la tho SOVEREIGN Remedy ALL DRUGGISTS KEEP PAIN KILLER OEaaaoi PARKER'S t i HAIR B AIS AM. This elegant dressing is preferred by thike who have used it, to: ft v .similar article, :on ac- Icount of its superior cleanliness and parity. """"materisj TebeoeficUl to the scalp and hair and always 1: ; Restore the Youthful Color to Grey or Faded Hair I'.nrker s Hair Balsam is finely perfumed sad Is warranted to prevent falling! of the hair and to re nove dandruff and itching.- IHiscox& Co N-Y. SOo. and $1 itaea, at dealm In drug, and medic Utea. PARKER'S CffJGERTOrjfC a Superlatlwt Health aad Strength Restorer. If you are a mechanic or farmer, worn out with overwork, or a mother run down by family or houso. hold dutie try Parker's GiKcsb Tonjc4 If you are a lawyer, minister or business man ex- "f panstod oy mental strain or anxious cares, do net take iiUoxkuriffstirmilants.butuse Parker's Gin crer Tonic i ' If you have Consumption,! Dyspepsia, Rheuma- sm. Kidneytomplainls,oranydisordcrofthehines. I ' stomach, bowels, blood or nerves.FARKBa's Gingkr Tonic will cure you. Itisihc Greatest Bloed Purifier Ana ia ina Best ana surest coaah cure Ever Used, i Ifyoaarewasnngaway-lrora?ge,dipationpr ! any disease or weakness and require a stimulant take oinger ionic at once; it wia invigorate Bad build you up from the first dose but wiH never intoxicate. It has saved hundreds of lives; it (ay save yours. CAUTION I Rfuie all lubrtUctaa. Parker', Ginger Toole Is compoMd of the belt remedial agents in thf woeld, and lien tire ly diflvrant from preparationa of ginger alona. Send lor circular to tiiacax k Co., N. Y. 40e. A $1 aiie. at dialers inidrnfi. CBXAT S A VINO BUYING DOLLAR 8IZK. Its rich and fauung fragrance has made this clalijghtful perfume exceedingly popular. ! There Is nntBing Ilka it. Insist upon having Floras, ton CobOCNB and look for signature of en .very hot fie. ; Anf dragglr f Jer In perfrrmerr supply ytmn ana IS cert Ilea. LAKUE SAVtXO BUYING Kc SIZE. -! P03 HMTaAITD BHAST. Ftrrmrrre than a tMrd of a eciitiiryljie MexicaiaaMaatauss; T.liilmeit has been known to millions all Over the world as the only safe reliance for the relief of accidents ana pain, it 13 a medicine (above prioe and praise te beat or ita kind, for every lorm of ajrternal pain lERli Mnstanar Liniment la withottt an equal It Denetratea fleata aviid muscle to the xrry bone mating tne oonunn- anoe Oi pain ana lnnsra ra sutm impw Ribl. Its efTects unon Human Fleah and tlio Brtite Creatiou are equally WOnder Liniment ia needed: hv somebody In every house. Every day bring? newe of sne sssjosiy ox an awini scaiu or burn snbdued, of rheumntio martyrs re stored, or a Talnable borae o? ox save a oy uie neauug power oi tola which trpewJiTy en-res Bncn aBments Of the HUMAN I'LEsn as 4 t Khtatnatiira, STrelltags, BtUT .wusaa, a uaumcica JUOaUsieS, .JtfrStrSae and -8oOai,i Data, Braiisi sand spratma. felssuoni Bttts aad HSt StUfflijeas, juMan, toil Sores, Tlcri-a. Froatbltea, 1-bUbIsdaa, SMSt-O- nipnles. Caliril Biwaut. avail indeed every form of external ! as neaas wttbout scare. For the Bbcte Cksation it cores Sprmina. Bwiuv. Miir Jnlni. Foander, aTrtx-nesa- Bern. IToor THat- eaaea, l oot Hot, Screw Worm, Scab. aauiiuvr iiera, Bcratcnea, Wlad. ajalla, 8r-avm, Thrnab, Rtna;bone, van Bona, s-ois x-.vii, r llm nsa: tbe Stabi and trvrry other all vsticb ther oecapaus- of tk taiB auaM Ceoclr'atrd are lbable.- labea Tha Iexlcsuft Mustang Liniment always carea and never disappoint; tuau ihu, pusuuvtuyi SHE BEST CF ALL ;mt , 0r?.l70RTHIIJGT0ll'S CAUGHT A BAD COLD ' - - - " i vn lT'ii yuavissrainmuer I -M' ' 1 : I TEE BEST OF ALL . : ummm OM4.VS HEART. From tht Farmer and McchanicX A womanfs heart is a curious thing, So fickle and yet so true, ' ( - Her love is as frail as the butterfly's wing ; As toughfas the strongest yew. 4 Shtf will dhange In a day a thousand times, Yet for years will remain the same, . She may love, arid though heart and soul be youcs, Still deny that love aame. And thedueenliistone in that royal train;! Is a slave at Iast if she Jove, , For the barriers pi pride fall down from' her side As the dtw-drops fall from above, E. M. accli" ti:t Ur. ' "Are vpyx a Christian ?" asked the bad boy of the groceryman as that gentiem an was placing vegetables out in fiiont of the grocery one jnor- I hope so," answered the t groceryrhan, "I try to' do what is right, and hope to wear the goldeq. crown vvhen tne time comes totllose my boo :s." ' j j "The: i how is it that you put crqt a box of reat big sweet potatoes, ad when we order some, and they come to the table, they are little bits of things, lot bigger than a radish? Ijo you. expeqt .to get to heaven on all potatoes, when you use such snj bi one s as a sign," asked the boy. as he td a ,-i-l Ki-ili ok out a silk, handkerchief shed a speck, of dust off his nicely The h-2 did ad v ant said it 1 'lacked shoes. ;roq,e?yman blushed and $aid iot mean to take any such, ge of his customers. He! nu'st have been a mistake of the bo) that delivers groceries. (iti.1. .. j a. u: a. i- i ucii you muM uirc uic ooy ifo make .nlistake!., for it. hasbeenf so pyery t me, we have had sw toes fq rve years," said g" :yig "And a fe w Jibout rt?d.corn. lfc'Zsk how ri order 2 lie ft nnrl nlumn it is WiVl if we! ...... -- --i ll dozen ears there an only t wo thit have got any corn Te&i at all, and-if; and rai gets them, anfl the rest ofilas have; to Ichew cobs Do you holje'to wear a r-rown of glory on that kind of corn ?" -ro, uch things will happen," said , . p cr ulc eery man with a laugh. "But- don '11 It's talk about heaven. Let's tal i .a ut the other place. How's tmnjrs tover to your nouse house ? And XtU tho mtr what s the You ae all dressed up, and have ot a (lean shirt on, and your shoes black ell, and I notice your pants are mf raveled out so at the bottom of the Jegs be hind. You are riot in ove drfe vou ?" "Wel,-I should smile," said t.he boy, ashe looked in a small rnirror on the counter, covered wi'n ny . . ... n i SpCCiiS "A girl got mashed on me, and ma says it is good for a boy ; 1 who hain't got anv sister, to be in! ; love wi h a girl, and so I kind of; tumblec to her myself andvshe don't go no where without I go with her. I . take he to dancing schools, and ev-j erywhei e, and she loves me like a house afire. . Say,: was you ever in love 1 iak,es a fellow -feel "queer,; don't it Well, sir, the first time I went hdme with her I put my arm; around per, and honast it scared mei . It was just like when.you take hold; cf the handleslof a lectric .battery ' and you! can't let go jtill the man turns the knob. - Honest, I was iusti asweakj as a cat. I thought she had needlesjin her belt and. was going to take mji arm away, but it was-just "j! like X "as glued on. " I asked her if sh2 felt that way too, and she ' sai4 s(he use i to, imt it was nothing when you got used to it. That made me mad. But she is older than me and knows more about it. When I was going t Jeayeherat the gate, she. ne, and that was worse than kis: e 1 nuttin my jarnv around'liear. By a O . gosh, I trembled all over just like ; had ch llf, but tJQ was as; vjm as; toast, She wouldn't let go for much as a minute.: ana I was tired as thous rHad been carrying coal -up - 5 stairs. I didn't want to go home at: all. but shesaid it would be the besjj far'nielto go home,' and come the neit day, and the next morning I went! to her hpuse -Ireloreeanyi.jg influence pf a .good father. them were up, and her pa came out to ltt tfie cat in, and I asked hid; ;g what ttme his girl got up, and he -a v-i! a , v 1 J . ! . V. 1 A fanea ana saia l naa got . utu, auu that I pad better go home and not be pieced till I got ripe. Say,how much floes it cost to get married ?" "Will, I should say you had' got it bad: said the groet-nan, fis- he set p'u '! a basket )f beets. "'Youi getting in love will be a great thing foryoftrpa.: you won't have tim&J to pla any more jokes on him. The Wealtt of the Mini REIDSVILLE N. 'Oh, I guess we can .find time, to keep pa from being lonesome. Have you seeft him this morning ? Ypu ought to have seen him last night. You see my chum's pa has got a set- i set-1 ter dog stuffed. It is one that died two years ago, and he thought a great deal of it, and he had it.stuf- j ieq, ior an ornament, weu, my cnum ( ana me took tne aog ana put u on our front steps, and took some cot-! ton and fastened it to the' dogs's luuntu u ti iuukcu jui iiuw, and we got behind the door and waited for pa to come home from the theatre. When pa started to come up the steps I growled and pa look ed at the dog and .said, 'Mad dog, by crimus,' and he started down the sidewalk, and my chum barked just like a dog, and I 'Kii'd' and grow led like a dog that gets licked J and you ought to see pa rim. He went around in the alley and was going to get in the basement win dow, and my chum had a revolver wUh some bl Cadges, and we went down in the basement ana when pa was trying to open the win- dow my chum began to fire towards pa. Pa hollered that it was only him. and nd burp-lar. hut- nftpr mv , . Q. 7 chum had fired four shots pa rui and climbed over the fence, aid then we took the dog home arid I stayed with rny ehum all nigbrt and this morning ma said pa didnt get home till four o'clock andTtfien a policeman with him, and pa .(talked about mad dogs and beingtalcen for a burglar and ncarty kMedf.fid she said she ?&ls afraid piSftd 'took to drinking aain, and she asJced me if I he.fd any firing of guns: arid I said no. arid then she cut a wtJ sa:id el on pa's head.' 'You ought "to be ashamtd,' said te groceryman. 'How does your pa like your being in love with the girl ? Does, he seem to encourage yoWn it: ' " 'Oh, yes, she was up to our house to borrow some tea, and pa patted her on the cheek and hugged her and said she was a dear little daisy, and wanted her to sit in his lap, but when I wanted himto let me have fifty cents to buy her some ice-cream he said that ,was "all nonsense. He said t I.ook at your ma. Eating ice cream wheli shp was a girl, with in jured her health for life.'" I asked ma about it, and she said pa never laid out ten cents fer tee- cream or any luxury i for; her in all the five years he was sparking her. She says he took her to a circus once. but he got free tickets for carrying water for the elephant. She says pa was tighter than the bark to a tree. I tell you its going to be dif ferent, with me. If there is anything that girl wants she is going to have it if I have to sell ma's copper boil er to-get the money. What is the use of having wealth if you hoard it up and don't enjoy it ? This family will be run.on different principles after this, you bet. Say, how lnuch are those yellow wooden pocket combs in the show case ? I've a good notion , to buy them for her. How would one of them round mir rors,, with aijzine cover, do for a pres ent for a girl ? There's nothing too good for. her.' jSlducation. As we intend to give the subject of education a full discussion in all its various features, physically .in tellectually, jmorally and religiously, we shall begin, 4as the carpenter be gins to build a house, at the founda tion of the great work' which com mences at the cradle and coutinues to the' grave,, and which is never fin ished ; for as Dr. Barker, the renow- ned phrenologist, said in one of his lectures, in tkis chy a few nights ago, no man has ever been educated up l- to his fullestjj capacity.- Home then is our - starting point. Home? What precious memories this name evokes ! What pure joys,' what noble thought?, what sublime deeds have sprung - from the influ 'ence of a good home. There did I our intellect first'dawn into consci ousness and receive the earliest rays of truth th?re' did "our 'heart expand under the pure sunshine of a foying mother's smile ; there did our soul etow. strone under the Home is the first, the chiet, the best centre for the early education of the child and to the mother belongs the first part m this great work upon which the destiny of her child de pends. For the earliest .years ,:her loving hand, her gentle tqfuch, is naed trt direct the srowthf of the tender plant -jtonfided tolie -What a wohdferful: oJEcej. wharig1onous missiori. what arfesponsaOityis hers f for chifcfly upon herffere and vjepend training in those eariy yea 1 i': 1 -' 1 1 ' :' --I ..in " 1 mii 1 iii'"'T " 1 - ; vmMm-m -rnii mr imii-i wi 11 An " '-'ns. " is th&bjUja tinel Wealth.". (I 5, , the welfare on eartiand the "happi.-jthe "fc ? . Jcoras. snc 1S lu5 m antt :,nounsh.tfav raised; and .a dreadful struggl her inlant, so she ?sf the . first also . who can reach to depths where its soul lies hidden; 'she holds the key of that souL anfefie can bring it forth by her loving call , from its recesses ana stamp er own image 1 upon it,; sne can, agt were, touch , it with her hand am.fa hion it as 'she pleases'- l ' ; a nrougn ivt me jpySjOt trutn ana vknowlege begin to tleab upon the child's mind ; through her the mys teries of this life anbf the life to come aft grduallylblded.. From her loving hart, by gentle words, her kinr- lne, heinder glances,, the child is f made grow in the virtues of faith andi&e and charity, At her side Jie knin reverential posture while she tehes his infant tongue to lisp Jfe fi sweet words of prayer, jjftow wilfully he looks up into y iiother'sace. and how deeply- he drinks in She pious words V:iii fall from uer figps. ; Low the God iC whon ste los up, the ere at eingofwhmsheeako ?o ientially and so lovingly, becomes, ior mm wonflenui injau nis attn- gathered up by the police. The ac butes, and most desing of all his cident occurred on the New York f s " v'i " '. -r -r love, because of the example of his mother's love. I But the mother is" !iaf all. The father, too. has his recognized place, as the head lof tha 'mily; in the great work ofhomeecation. With- out his example to fortify, his author- ity to confirni and support her, the teachings of the motr would very uiiw iuov. mii v.aa,a- ... ins j t , who in his erliest'years can be di rected safely; by thejtother, needs, as he grows plderttt strong will of the father toljrestraiim. In vain will the mother poirgiputto the way ward child the beautres of virtue if his life, con- vinee him of its madness also. It willthus be seefi that the first, the best, the most simd foundations of a good and lastirrpetlucation are laid in the model hdle, where the gentleness and lov of the mo ther, encouraged, suilained, and de veloped by the man&iess, honesty, integrity, purity, aii . highminded- ness of the Jfather, ayjraduaily ' form the charactef of thf child, bring forth all the -good instincts of the sotil, strengthen andiguide the ef forts of the iitellectgepress and v di minish the eyil inqlMations of the heart, s6vthat when fj goes out to join in tlte battle of $ge, and is expo sed to the dingers 0d temptations that lurk corjstantlyund his path way, he is- fquippeclahd prepared for every e'mergenc-, and almost sure to gain the viitory. Happy the man who can lsok back upon . . i . . . . '-. . . ' such a homf truittusfAi holy memo ries. He nay, no dibt, have for gotten for ajtime,thib precious les sons ; his passions, llr an impetu ous torrent may '. Msye ' swept him from the pah of hobjgr and virtue, yet sooner pr laterjlmidst all his temptations in the lifrkest hour and in the lowest depth'if his degrada tion, the image of hsleved mother willTise up before fli and, like a guardian anjgel, drawiim back even I from the very precipe where loams the fien- flood of ruir- It was the .memory of his hom that touched the poor prodigal sq'of the Gospel, irt the midst of the !lSsks of swine ' S back, sorrowful and? repentant, to the feet of "a lovingand generous father. f - mt '- " 'w This is ng fancyketch, but is actual tangible trutjii The pages pf histpry attes : that nWtrly all the great men, men dlstinguisiild abpvfe tnir fellows for extraordnSry deeds, great heroes pr great tynits, then whp strpve best to benefittheir race and cpuntry, or yvho by ftjeir crimes in flicted most miserynd injury on a . a :tw: Si Dotn, nave nearly aitpeen such as their mothers traindtt' them. Lcok into , the bipgraphiefjl of the great men pf the wprld, pfflie great schol ars, and of utions1 iclnquerors, and you will find, in ajjfeost ' every in stance, thaCthey hatjgreaf mothers The mother makes tM man' Golds- boro Messenger. The llrooklysa fsids rironi- cJa 1 iirt.;IIirror. ' - I wi 1 : - SCORES Of rN, WOMfi AND CHILD- REN, FJVENZIED Ef PANIQ AND - - hi? VTtuafc-fi iTBTTCXJE-TW-v-ra Ttrsrii NeW Yok, Mayp. At 4 o'lock this evenig the leat Brooklyn bridge was the scene? of a fatal hap pening liable to ren;r it memorable hereafter tirougho all time. At the hour mtentioneche bridge was Crowded -tcits utmpat capacity." On the platform a't thecw York tower in. a foreign land, ah brought him';. - , , 4,; t '. 6 i . ' -iff 0 tier were dead. The -clothes were ;I883. jto became so mat trk mani persons fainted.- A cry of distress began : between the - nanir;.strfrkn crowds cominjr and eointr east and 'west, and aSmmber were crushed ' to death, Jn the end the crowd om- ing from the Brooklyn side prevailed and rushed towards the New York anchorage, trampling down everv- thing in its way. Men, women and children were trodden under foot ...... and, falling down the steps leading to the tower platform, were buried under the mass of. struggling ham anity many feet high. As soon as the news of the disaster was-convey-ed to the New York station by "the fleetest ' of the panic-strickeiu croxd the police were called and the bridge was closed. The work of removing the crushed and wounded then begin. . - CAUSE OF THE CALAMITY. After a scene of great onfussion, lasting over twenty minutes, the hu man debr.-s, in every state ofmangle- ment, including many dead, was re- moved from the New York end of 1 rever-!thebrid e A mountain L of t0rn and ; abandoned clothW was. anchorage, where the solid bottom of the middle, footway ends, and two j 1- T , flights of seven steps each, with an intermediate landing, lead up the plank walk between the New York anchorage and the tower, and was brought about by the falling and screams uttered by a female wno was ascending the lower flight of aicys .u uiutct iiicuiuicu iu uciu ner, put tne crowd, Demg now iren- zicd with terror, pressed upon both I with irresistible force and momen-1 turn. AN AVALANCHE OF HUMANITY. Those on the approach below the j steps were carried forward in a sol id mass. Many stumbled, and un able to resist the pressure from be hind, the crowd passed over them. From above, the crowd coming from Brooklyn was carried to the edge of the steps, and then . fell over and v - - downvtjpoh the struggling mass be low, Aterrible strup-ele for life bt. gan.' Menand -women, fought with the strength of despair against each other. Escape was impossible with the .pressure from both sides grow ing at every shout of anguish that "went up from the dying and those who saw death before their eyes. Fear aad despair on on side, curi osity on the other, fought for maste ry. . . 4 THE DEAD AND DYING. The opportune arrival of a num ber of soldiers and policemen resul ted in the crowd being driven off, leaving naught but .the dead and dying, when the work of removing the one and helping the other was begun. As soon 'as a portien of the obstruction was removed from the steps the crowd was eased and a port ion was let through to the New York station. The rest was forced back until all of the bodies had been ta ken away. ' Along the iron fences on the foot-way, on the , railroad track and on the carriage-way pn bpth sides'-W the bridge' the' dead and wounded were laid. Many were dead when extricated from the heap. -Others' were more or less r terribly injured. They lay six, eight and Ten -rippn fhnsc in th Irt-air torn from the body of mpre than One in the attempt to i eet them ut. All were hatless, many shoelessNtnd on ethers the clothes hung in rags. Five women, all dead and trampled into unshapely masses, wertr taken from tire bottom of the "-heap. The bridge officers ttl charge say that the initial scream of the fright ened females was the death-knell pf many in the crcwd, which at Once grew utterly ungcvernable and so dense that mpvement of any ind was impossible. The crowd, forced by constant pressure arid accessions fipmthe Bropklyn side, went over the(sfeps like a citaradt, and once started fell until the walk 4ay pned with bodies .to the httgjrt of and then went over and fell down beyond it. t;h e. total casualti es In thfr evening .the .coroner em panelled a jury which viewed the bodies of the dead, and an inquest was fixed for Saturday. Revised list. of the dead and injured obtahv ted shortly before midnight from hos- A , -, , . . ...' . m ' pitals and stations embrace twelve I dead, eleven of . whom had been identified, and twenty-six injured. A SurFERER FROM RHEUMATISM I limped about for years with a cane, and could not bend down without excruciating1 pain. Parker's Ginge Tome effected an astonismne cure and keeps m$ lirntisinfatnble M e; Binghamton, Y-. fC- a : we Ciilfovle, 0 - I .5 NO. 21 -;-f -. 1 FFe are now receiving y ??S JFt9ISHlN 6000S. We can sell a good Business Suit for .awoS at 7.5o. . e"a au nuiiKU auu aaaipui leu - juuus IUI P I U.OQ, ,H2.so, and $ 15.00, these goods formerly sold for nearly double the " pnees we now ask for o-m , . Special attention is called to out large mbtcStof latest Styles and Novelties. Can suit any Vom 3 to 18 : 6 ''-.' . Qwr Stock of SHOES is complete X ' : r ::.".-!'... ; . .j . n every particular, and can suit the plainest or the most fastidious. 'Sptf- ai cyciv pdlU cial attention ciai aiieniion is caiiea 10 our 90 t. Divvyvxif wmvu n giuuiwic w cel anything on this market. ; . Oar Stock of HATS is complete. We have all grades, styles and prices maw. ranama ana all other p-rades. at .rs.icnn.ona. ! Collars, Cuffs, Cravats, ing Goods, $t. ! ' i' -... These Goods were bought in New latest styles. . . . We are Agents for the celebrated jMpBtnB&S SOmof PhUadelpliia. ! ' i . ' '- " ' ' . ' ' . . i - ' FOR GOOF 4 ; - . . . '' ' .. ' . f. ' 'Jt .Se.:-i:f; k -:-" ' 1 r 'A, ' - .' 1 f ' 'i ' '- --."" .:.:Ctt ' SEQE8 aM MAW. I We have our stpek of orKINU I we have, taken great pains in selectiag that whatever they buy from us will IX CLOTHIXG' We have the largest stock "we have ever offered to the public,' and at . e x : ceedinglyjow prices. We have an elegant line of suits for Y O V " : M E N, also a good selection of Boys' Clothing. AH we ask of stry . z is to see our goods before buying. 7JV BROGANStrom 85c to $1.75 per pair, and we would call cial attention to our $1.50 Brpgan Shoes, machine and hand made. Ladies Shoes,- ranging m price irom call tha Ladies "attention especially Children's Button Shoes. : i - r IN JIATSg TRUNKS,. AND UMBRELLAS : - - , i : - ! - i - ' ' : i : ! i : . " !'.-.' 1 . - " ' '! ' '- 7- ."- : We can't be turned down in these goods either. rWe have a big stock - are going to sell them. Come and see for yourself tt4 we mean hist .; we say. We hope that every one1 in want of Goods hi par line wdlgi; fr -a chance to show them what we have, it will not cost . a cent, j and rjb save a good deal,, and owjwejrould .rejoice that all were judges of - -then we wourd get along so s.midthly. ' -' i: Thanking ijhe public for their liberal; paUoriage in the past we are j. ,tr'. t - : ADERTI One Square, one t" - eachadJ.. ' i " six months. - .' - Qttaittr Cokuna, first ioseiiion, x f ... IKJ t J . three laoaths, -I six mooths, . Ten. liaes of thi troe constitute . Special and Local Notkw So ceut: vnless by special contract, i v : 4 ranee. Yearrr adwsftJseaaewa qqnrte. adrance. . - : our. Immense Sioc&of r--'i-iinr. 16.So. " :r ,''"l7: ' !' KX.l i, : ; 4- stock of Olbtlxing . - '1 to suit ereiy oae.! ' Manilla, . Mad: nncsi as low as anv Doint south i f Scarfs, Gents Furr. isk- -' - V York and are guaranteed 13 be thV -, .... - ;.,.'-, Merchant Tailoring establishment of. " Very truly, ; , ; . "' HASSELTRVE, SON & CO Carolina Clothing Store; EeidsTille, K. ANLi SUMMKK UUUlJS no iiuai' lusaii our goods and can say to tbt people be as represented. - r. ' ri, V - ! SHOES Shoe, worth a.eo. Gaiters and lWi We also ' carry 4 a handsome stock v sr .00 to kxo per . pair. .wlsi. ' to our handsome stock oCrelippers a.id - ' I, J , - y' . - ' ----- I-" .. 1 '';"' - , V .r -;. "' . f " .- ? VI - : i ' . I . ' : 1 : ' ' ' ' - ; . . ! ' v ..;.!; y : ' --. it i aSLi .5

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