T A Jt'URNAI. KFVO-in. lu VirKINTFUrsi'ur 1HK PlVl.MoNT AND 1AN KlVI K Sr.l- 1 JON pEUodAA't-K IX IO..ITH s,; A.M. A .SKW.ifAIT.R loft - IKE rtOI-LE. - R'M .isilF.n I. I'M TUESDAY KKID.SVILLK, N C. AT rv IS $i.ooa Vjjr, SU Mont': jo ce-itj. OIl.B J. FIKI.H. Ijcakkvilaj-a N C Jh Mxtfully' offers hi n-nricen la ,tw pVilIK in vMtty dtpartnwnt of : J' l) E N T l H T it Yi At Office ..Saturdays and lotdy. i f V, Hi a.ten.l call-, eliew ure on ,i tlier day of t ie wek f Jai.. JJL si 4 i EARS FOR IKE MILLION'! KM 1 1 J3 IU LS A XI OK St I i K A MI Hilivrtvrit.,rK tlit, li.riii4. .( ii Un onljr absolut tu t fr Duifiie Jim n. .! This oil-in itractuI from pccu!:-r P" of nuall wlnih "Jiarlo, cul in ih. lt-lii w Sri. kivvn u Carchartmijuw Vin,t, it; lis irtue ac a nt'ratiV ui ).turig Hire (1imwu1 hy m iiutllitKt, l'lKt aiclit li.v jta'. J4IV. I CtU . .! iu nurHrtYiu and m-iij ko w.vin Hiiily ninm ulfiM. ti.i tlie rwudjr wj M jt,Jvni'H-iiiU vrw tl i:t;re ein- it"-' v -''" toiiVcmt that v , i-,r ( fa?. Sinf. ciiart-H lfti'l, lu olitr at ptr t ZAi. v. ir. i i i 1 1 a r i Ar i ' Tt w.r'oimil ir.irr!e in ny rams. " t)iit i.o u, oitblv im: mnj litxl ami lkl.li brh H'fr. ' 1 I ht km ivalt) Ikidttd. ir 4firm a git-at il ii K j n il Ct i-Uk nl cure inc. i TU T flws are LnqucKtianalIv and .Is cuToMPi'., . fcvil IrJiu txpen- rrti.tifi t'j 8iivaucn- r... i k ti.clciing 11,00, and you Wjjj ' y utujn a nu idy that w ill tuaUc TO" to l.tsr l:i.o si btKly tlc. ami w Ivm vtiuiivi ttlitU wul be ptiui.tiu.iit, iuu viil itii Hisru .doiiiij ko.'" itlitor ul iri.iiii!c ht.v.kw. I ; ; - Pad !io a Hi l(t in Ms Is, gcml t.ti3 t-J .erirllxtl Lt'lltl I ln.j.i ...o i.j It A U'lK I JKN- I t) kTl. VB- JZtit. tr.L0.S 11 YOUTH:. k,v iilli nwin . wlio su tin i d lor 3 tur li' .iclj licttilitr, liiujatuiu IX i ii a, MU a'l 1i: ilJtxi.s oi 3 outiitul IhiIlst 4 UtM'li tli.lul UlC WikC Ol IN.lllcrillg liu- l. i.iul , fceiiu litv to ail-wiio lutrd it, ' Ui ' udjit wu iintclitiii ti.i uxtking, the bi.iipie Hli.nl) rj wlm.li 1a i-ituin'. Miltclei HUi u' j-ioift" by tint" auurlii "h. exj j iIHIhi ckit u-o m Ijy auuivaeliig In (Ksrivci i.ti:utiicv, ' tj; ; v-; j J-iiN U'.' Ulil-fcJs " X'wkr-M., New t -' '- .- . ' ' - ' - ' '. ' ; ' To fconsmnptives. - Tt c arUci-tiM-r hnvin? Ih.hmi icr.rfancntly .CMUd Mlml (itfttil ili-i sf. Cjiisuiiniti jii. " " 1 X a ritii It- It tnuhrv. anxiiuA' lo, make K k ih o I. M-lh-w-i ullenr.V , tl' mvaiw - f.Vt.Hik ;1iVaW .iojrr it, ln- t ill n I o if iw riu-MMptiMii us!jl, (frm of j.a(Li J w uii Ui' oin iH'iw nr preparing n it tf r fu h ))Ky. lljcy- will nnU I H,I A-llli o. tU..iu-UUS. . ' '!; ! - litrtn 4isi ji U. p'tMiiption will 1 tvtic rVIi i.v. nli. V W ll-s UiurUi. N.Y. : - ' n..i;-i-i 'j : i . . : 1 iifai.y t. . :: j Mauufactutr of Milieu's AcmeShirt a- mDrs Sliirt n l aH kinds of Undcrj rarmnie lo order, a Hcily. . Xl (it Al f !lEKry t)H NtKAl'K. ; V1 ni,vd l aiih foi Kell" Hi-anin mi mi Vfc-avr your -snrrnicni. "-r leavi- our iwthT.,?ffaiiy iuaiuity or lo tue - lure oulrrii at 'a atorooiii, cor 0:1 ail .Wain t .. Mv fr To1T4pifr i 11 fl,:i-t nidfi tin .ru.- ('rdif one f mr. n it b V '! li "j'lit yo't re, no 11 1 1 kiii and Evt vt-ur nrnicv ohck I rwamnte ITRIMEB'9 INDIAN EUWIFUOE te laatvey amd expel Wrmt lm tiie k Jr: where tteey extat, tr vae aerorUlnr te sfce lM. It la mm re Iteblereeaeelyii! FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS . AX0,ST0R KEEPERS. 4 David E. Foutz, Prop, f- BA LTIHOItE WD POTJTSL HORSE AND CATTLE POWDE ; ' "O Rnaaa wilt (lie of CVrtfTtVr or' tXvm -nil. It rortns Powilrrs ass used In ttm. Fwilrl 1'owlrwt1lrun.fiii4i.rvirt-ti4e tfi. ' Foutris Pixrdrm will arrvri ; r .. 1 Pools" Pnwrirra wilt In-fnr ttw tnitrnt Jt4 rrmtsilrit centaitl um.1i. t.,o lnlt.r. jia swrrl. - revlis Powd, will mrw,rr rrvvrnt It r to whtra litarvs pnH miln- ft ' . t. Koi-TS-s PoT' m lla. ITtf l-1tra. n.... ' Sold everywhere,' . SATIS V.-"VTt. rrp-ritor ,a?Afcr:v:c5.C;,iix:. For-SaU by A. II. WlClt A RW" Jb C ai.d R. T. 1LI.IAM. ' v Fertil e, N. C. a ftWkalBkeBA af V SsV TORPID LIVER. Tjoas of Appetite, Bowels costive. Pain in ehaVSIeed, wits a doll aenmition lntha fasok VHS "fcaKlar U BbooWsx sSlsAB. Tallnsst affcar a.tinav witlx a. duKa eltnsssioa to xersOBi of body or aJnd, XntnevbUtty of tatmpar, XjOW apirita, witH eeimt ef having neglected some duty. Flastfit. DoU before tho eye. Yellow Skin, r i ssnf ttenerally over th riBi ere, lels9emeBa, wit fitful drama, bifblr snnMi visanesa, riDranig i no tgCjXtfjl Urine and CONSTIPATION. .; j ;11I H PILLS sura MrMeia41y svdapted te imtnai'ii don fleets etsch uliance AeViasj as to astontafa ttio uSeror. XWCsseWaa. Um Aaiatt.ee4 eaase the Wy Tae n4t, uuia th sysin te rLmr aed uy thHr TMs4a AHieta ea the liLinsl' eesMe, BspsUr OiestsMtKy TuuT'S llflin DYE. fvaaatataoa Vsmairne ehanaWI IssOwssT aasaMmiral color, arts Instaataneoosly. Sold lJ Vrriigsf or sent by exprese oa reoeipt ef Si. ' i. - iiflinniiAMtiM.Mtiiia nva. mm allTI.riB.XS WrataVAT BTT, XstW TeitTat. VjjQI Ojielr" " U a sasJlesisfSkJ W ft? K5t W 17 i 1 ! .WOO I vol; i j flR-lVORTHltlBTOtl'S THE CRCAT f (HOLERA Ja- a n RAT.1P Mil M lAttRHQEA URE f VKtO IfnUTUll Ml. kr hiw li--fl C . a. tiimnni I tin. f'H. rw)l-lliiwl: Ha. ImU IUtw tUHriM -.-!. Tmaarr frier. l'i4. M4h ratM CAUGHT a BAD COLD The SUMMER COLDS i and - Coughs are quite as dan gerous as those of 1 midwinter. But they yield o the same : treatment' and ought - to betaken In I FoTSl diseases, oL TH'lOAT' NOSTRILS. HEAD 1 OP ! BREATHING AP PARATUS I M (i 13 tho, SOVEREIGN Remedy ALL DRUbGISTS KEEP PAIN KILLER PARKLR'S I HAIR BALSAIX. This elegant ilrcMsiiic is preferred by tliusc wbuliavc unoriit, to n jr isawbtt. aiticfe, Mt ac- lit I of Its liiperi nliBc aod purity. ; It contains materials Wthr that are beneficial to the scab and hair and always ; Rettorcs thi Youtkfil Color to Brn or Ttiii Hair r Pirker's Hair Balsam b finely perfumed and is warranted to prevent falling of the hair mod to re- nuve daiHUiiH anilitcriina. Hisoax & Co . l:.Y. inc. mo4 1 1 ut, at Ailwh m nsldais. GIHGERTOPJC A SsBeriattvs Rtalth aai Streeglh Rtstorw. If you are a mechanic or farmer, worn out with . overwork, or a mother run down-by family or house. hold dmie try Parker's Cinuem Tukic. - If yoit Pre a lawyer, minister or business man ex haust.-d hy mental strain or anxious cares, do net take tutoicainyiiinulnts.hitiiie Parker's Ginger Tonic , If yon have t'ociJMmptioo, Dyspepsia, Kheuma- sat, Kwlney I'omiuili, orsriy cKsorilerof thekuf, ' stomach. Ixrwels, blood or nerves Pstirra's Gincsb Tumic wi'.l cure you. I tiUi Greatest Illood Purifier aM tit Best aai Sarest Ceaah Can Cvtr Bscs. '. It you are wanting away fromrge, dissipation or any disease or weak ncss and rcquii e a stimuUnt take Gingb 'I'nsic st stce : it will invistnkt stndbnikl yon up tmn tli,fi-st dose but will uever intoxicate It has saved hunureils of lives; it may save yours. . CAITI0! IUrn-annilrtlUttt.FMSr'sCirrTolch SMnpsti ef ttv keUmntdklaft'eU la larirsrU.swIUMllivly diffrtvnt from Tr-fsrstiensf icir-rmlnai Kmi Ceri-nvelsrle Uitcai A Ck, M. V. Ife.afl list, at eetlm la Snip. . - C&EAT SATINO BCTIXO KIUJLB SIZE. i : Isri H a d lasUne fr cince has made this dc!ish;fiil perlume exceediiiKly poptibr. There in nothing like It' Insist upon having; Ftoaas. tow CuunwiastiJIouk for signntures nmvrrri Voirl. Any rarl- IJr wjyr vui. v in.i . . rrin ft.. i lMj.k savi-xo crriNo tu. size. OF ALL mmm , POI. HAN ASP : For siore than a third ef a eentiirythe tavkse ei Tlsilsnealliserniiiii innx to miniona all ssvar the world aa the only safe relianoo tor the relief of accident and pain, it is a inetnante above price andpraiao tate keat ef Ha ktaWL Tor cyery form of extnreal Un we - - MrnTtanr Liniment tt without aaeooal. U pessatreUee Steak aasm sweseele aa tka rsry aasie mektos; the eontinn anita at naln uvd Inflammation Imoca- sible. Its effects upon Human JTeeh d the Brnte Crretkm are eqoaUy wooUer. nu. xne Aexicaa . , ,;- ' . - TJnlmont la Hie!ed tiT sVlinenedT in e-very boaao. JCyory a.y DruiCT news or Use tcraj etfavm awfal aealel ar ' enbdaed. of raewanatie sssaurtyr- re stored, or a vmlwaMe aarae er aawadbytholeeiiigiweottU UW1LV31EMT wfcJcb aneedfiy enres Ma aBments of the UUKAB ITSIi aa Bhewnattsaa, SweUlaurs, Jolssaa, rontraeteel Meaclee, Js' ad fiesslsla. tJvts. Brans e , BBs-alata. rsueaeat nun mmm fHlaa-a, fttlsTlsees, 1 eaaewses. Ola a, rjVsrayrasastsvcailMaise NlilM, ?., 1 Mtresit. aaadl wr sens mr aiaaile wstkaw For tba Bum CBaaxmsi it cores Sprala, srwiausr, etUT Jetnta, aaaa. Faa Bat. Screw Waran, B UsUsw Haraw faaraaakea, Wi Sslle, etreTl, xttreeav. suauxaaae, IA mmwim. Vail XML FllSB WweSi Usa fSlsit aawt awerr adBx-r ailaaeavt ta wsviela aa eeaoaals mt take Stable u rjeacat xsurct sura ssaasa. Tba Kezfesua Mattsaa f lalsa ia always) core eed aevac rtlaappofajta ajrtUJa,pOattlTatXi j, -x THE BEST OF ALL PCS HJLN 03 KBAHT. . Perry Davis s PainlQIIer 1, I ster A VmUmd ttm fetlubbed fct!ow-trabb)en, in hof Jinj for to- V dV ,' ' v. V-, i . t docsn'i; quote no special verse Pmvht ' I .11 .haatosay; . v ' . Dc sermon will be bery short, and dis here "Ij am de teat, " " aX half-way doinV int no 'count for dia .' world or de nex. . - 1is wwrld dat we's a-Iibbia in is like a cot- :ton row,;- . -i: - '- Whar ehbery cul!ud gemman has got his ! line tonoe; . , . j . Antcbbcry tin. a lazy'nigger stops to take , Dc rafts keeps on a-rrowin', to srauddcr p his crap. : - AVhen Moses led dc Jews across the waters ; . kde ., ;.4 ' Dcy had to keep a-goiijjest as-taa'-as-to ; could be. . "' I - - - f-- Do you s'pose dat dey cpt.l 1 ebber. have succeeded -n dcir wish, An' reached dc promised land at last, if dey i hid stopped to ftih ? ' ' in .. - , - - , ! My friends dar wi? a garden one whar Addtm libbed wid Ere, j Wtd no one to bodder dem, no neighbor fot to thieve ' j j An ebbery day was Christmas, an dey got deur rations free, j An ebbtrjt'ing belonged to. dem xcep' an ' an apj;l.:. tree. . ! Vou all know "bout de storj how de snake come swooping 'round, ' A stump tail, rusty moccasin, a-cra .vlin' on degroMR' . j .How Lv4U,.--!.-:...t','irii,tat went an la ir fae. Till the antrc! obcrSCCt aa' vfov. i offde" place. . i I Niw, s'pose dat man an' woman hadn't tempted for to shirk, ' ' Cut had gcinc 'bout deir gardenin an' tended to dcii work ; f)ey wouldii't hab been a-loafin jhar dey had n bizness t , V n' de DelLel,"d nebber had chance tu, tell 'em t hat to do. No halt-war doin's, bruddren.. If II nebbrr ! do, l say : ! (lo at vo.ur task an finish it, an' time te p ay ; den's de For even if the crap, is goo de rain'U spoil i de lxdls, Unless you icep a-pickin' in de garden of vour -sonhJ. ' I Keep a-plowin', an' a-hoin an a-scrapin' ob de rows An' when de zinnia's ober you can pay up what yot owes. lJutil'you qeit a-workin ebbery tine de ' , sun is hot, , , De SheriffSi (wine to lebby , on :bryt'ing youVg' If. . ...I.!-:,. " .. .V'T'1' ''. I Whateber 'tisi you s a-ih-ibin at, be sure and drive it through. j An don't let junmn stop you, but do .what you's grtine to do ; For when -o sees a nigger foolin', den as sho's you're bornj ' j You's gwine lo ace him comiti out de f ma 1 . end ob oe horn. ' i ' i . !. I t'anks you &r de 'tentioii you hab gib dis aftcrnooii, '"j ' j Sister illraiu will blige us by ;de raism' I ob a tune, j - . ! I see BrudderUohnson'a 'bout to pass 'round : tie hat, T ; ' i ' An' dont let us hab no half-way doin's when I , it comes to dat. - I ks- Ifed '! ft'tle-rsats'. UNVEILILG HE MONUMENT AD- 1 DRtSS h SEX ATOR Hampton. I . J Camdex, S. C . Tune 20. T tie Confederate soldiers monument was f unveiled here to-day. The crowd attendine tlte ceremony was estima led at 8,000. Senators Hampton and Butler, Gov. Thompson and ether-distinguished men. were pres ent. The ceremonies of unieiling - consisted of an artillery salute, ded icatoryprayer, ode by. the ladies, and addresses.' The veil was strip ped from the monument by a group of young ladies. 1 j Senator Hampton delivered the memorial oration. He paid a glow ing tribute to the faith, devotion and patience of Southern women and s id when the true story of the war h .11 be written they would not only occupy the first place in our hearts, but the first in honor; They, would 1 always repel with scorn and indtg nition that monuments to the Con- i federate dead marked the place ; where traitors slept.; We of the SoCith were neither traitors nor rebels r nor was our war in any proper sense a rebellion.. It was strictly: a civil ! war, growing out of conflicting inter ests and different constructions j of the constitution by opposing sec tions of theJeountry. He congratu lated the country that the future was auspicious, that the scars or war were obliterated by time, 'and de- minded that "our former enemies ; do josiice to the motives that inspi 1 red our conduct." : j i The great questions which were I at issue between the North and ;-.'-. 1 . . ! I the South and which were left to th n 1 arbitrament of , war were j decided J against us, but the sword never has decided and never will decide ques : tions involving great principles. The final judgment as to the motives and actions of man rest with a high er tribunal than any on this earth, and td that last great court of ap peal must every question of right and Wron? be submitted. rcut ! we Vl- "Tlve Wealth of the, Mind REIDSVILLE N. have the! divine command to yield obedience to' constituted authority, and it f the duty of every good cit izen who receives the protection' of the government to obey its laws. -There is no inconsistency- in our giving to the constitution and laws ' under which we live an earnest con scientious 'support, while we hold in tencler revereece the memory of the men who ditd for the cause we held to be just and right. - The oration' was receied with much enthusiasm. TIli?j; what. '$ hiiri sociable and so charm f V cMdintcVtway 0m mere Words wik tor: aail innnt a -.nnAr .-Iiftl" ch?M . . . !sf . wu U apuui , cm,u, r w , uvmus w w aa wh vvugii a JV child was suddenly taken with se vere spasms and vomiting, and with frightful . pains in the head. The Sisters write : "We used Perry Da vis's Pain Killer with the most as tonishing results. In a few hours the disease was gone and the child was well." i niirn jvith wnanmiiiT nmifrn A true I u I llurrlalMtrs. 'if . REMARKABLE COMBAT BETWEEN TWO YOUNG MEN, AND ALL EOR LOVE A tIGIlJ THAT LASTED SIXTEEN MIN UTES wUOV IiiE MEETING W.VS AR- i r ivn vh t it ,rr. I Last Monday morning ancxtradf: dinary encounter between two young men took place at Harrisb'urg, a seott distance from the city, on the it J i Richmond and Danville Railroad, and the. presence in the city yester day, of one of the combatants with his second, is how the particulars of the "affair of honor" leaked out. r The meeting at Harrisburg of the two young men was premeditated and the parties had come to an agreement as to the time and place of1 meeting, by - correspondence. One of the parties was a Mr. Meares, of Wilmington, this State, 'and the other a Mr. Hoffman, of South Car olina, but who has been going to school at King's Mountain. The cause ?of the difficulty is simply that both the young men -were in " love withv thoieaewe ywng lady," ancT the green eyed monster go't in 'his work on them. They cut at each other for a time and finally their enmity became so great that they decided to light it out according to the code. No weapons were to be used, ac cording to the agreement, but they were to have a simple, but genuine slugging match, such as the iron fis ted gladiators' of old indulged in to the delight of the Romans. r The two young men, accompanied by their friends, or seconds, met at Har risburg pi omptly on Monday morn ing, as agreed upon, and prepared for the tray. They were placed in position and at the word, fell upon each other with all the fierceness born of madness. Theypummeted each other soundly for about five tninute when the North Carolinian was knocked to the ground, but got up and resumed the fight. They fought for exactly sixteen minutes by the watch, when both gladiators, bloody and bruised fell to the ground The seconds rushed to the side of each of the fallen "slugs" and en deavored to raise them for a renew al of the contest, hut without success. Both were fmished and each one un mindful of the celebrated McDulf s invocation, cried, "enough." The seconds insisted on the light pro ceeding, but each combatant declar ed himself satisfied, mey were assisted to rise and then in the pres ence of the seconds, they shook hands and declared the matter set tied! .The comba ants were washed and cleaned up, when they took the train for their homes,' Mr. Hofiinan comingihrough chailotte and spend a day here. - . The North Carolinian suffered mosu His nose was broken and he had a painful cut behind one of Jbis ears. The bouth Carolinian as pretty badly bruised and scratched about the face, but this was the extent of his injuries." Our inform ant tells us that the young lady about whom the difficulty occurred, lives at King's Mountain, and whether or uot she knew of the desperate pro ceedings of her lovers, he could not say; The young men were merely iealous. and each was desirous of pummeling the other, and hence the meeting. ; It was a strange and tin usual way of settling a love affair and we are not advised as tQ the good it has dene either of the par ticipants. Their pluck is to be ad mired, however much the affair is to be deprecated, and it is a pity that it cannot be arranged so that both could win the fair hand for which each underwent so much punish metit. Journal- Observer. mr "'4 - -. : - iJMe only true Wealth." 0. J.iVJNE 26, I linped abut AtX0" with a cane, and could not ? Ibev 7 . down without W excmciatingpai n . vV Parker's Ginger Tonic effected an a Mn'sn,ng cure and keeps ptei well. t is infallible M. GuiUlbylt Kingham N. Y. X 4UrMsiMr. " t-Mv . , ' 4.-. -. , A VISfTOk'S IMPRESSm f vs. v iaily Pktriot. And now; lastly but not leas1 we come to lufee Dillard. We und inadequate td express whatwel of him. Tc? write of him ai he real is one's language should flow' ri, royally like that of a god, and on should blentf fall tke abrupt angles into one mejjow harminous whole, and then whn we had finished, .the thought wougl occur to us that we had not done him justice. If the Judge did not want all these com plimentary remarks made about him he ought notiio have made himself so entertaining. He declares that he has been ft "hard traveled ani mal," but to Air eye he looked like a gentleman! easy terms with the wor)d and whj had partaken geher ously of the good things of life, and was 9Ti equally good terms with hlmsCLf- If We have !?ft out paying anything tlialHgni io.be said about him we shall; always feel sorry.- Judge. Dillaris a native of Rock-' : Ui t r - J J Patricjk.Henri College partly, was eighteen months at Chapel Hill, and afterwards graduated at W illiam and; Miry College, Virginia, with me oegree otsacneior 01 Arts, in cluding the practice of law. Set- tling t Patrick Court House, Va., he practiced there until he married. - T- lie l' tu icij&uvcu w irciHouiui, Rockingham vunty. He removed to this place ia 1868, was elected to . j S the i5upreme Jiench, for a term ot agricultural society in the land would eight years irj January, 1869; was on jo to follow.' It has positively the bench tw years and resigned Excluded all intoxicating liquors on account f ill health. If Mr.from the fair grounds. If a fair as- IWUf m ne4 "ussocnannotojaLan say that JudgDil'ard is decidedl of the productions ofThe great I r i .T a w if' , f svii M the most galla. gentleman I met in Greensboro. " t:ther persons and topics I must defer until :another time. . ! f S. D. W. ) -fit i The.Hnmmrr Ilrstt l-lek. The ! summers now upon us with organizations in the State will profit its fierce ratjnd one can easily by this wise example to shut down envy the happjr lot of the winner of on the sai3 Df liquor on the grounds the capital pric of $75,000 in the during the exhibition. One other (158th) GrandJionthly Drawing of suggestion to the Agricultural Soci The LouisjanaiState Lottery, which 1 ety ana the same we offered after will take placet w Orleans, La., 'the close of the last fair they can on the iotlrdiyr ot July. Any one take it for what it is worth -that in can obtain jalljfitrther information on the future, when they select mar application tcM- A, Dauphin, New shals from each county, theyhoose Orleans, TLa, ; men who will add some substantial f? ' stamina to the fair as an exhibition A dressing tV beautify gray hair of our material resources and who every family needs. Parker's Hair will take active and practical inter Balsam never fills to satisfy. est in gathering together an exhibit I ' 'aea e eaftTsefci , j frr- ITm tKi l-crvAti r rMintistc Imiiorlunt tloiuxtrad Irerlaieis. We have alfiady printed an abs tract of the opinion of the Supreme Court in the cfe of Albright vs Al bright, frojrt filford. The case is an ii teresting foe, and we advert to it again to show 1 its. importance and general bearings - It seems from the opinion of the court that there were four judgement against David E. Albright as surety, two recovered and docketed.i6n contracts, since 1868. , Geo. Eg Albright owned the first two judgrtijnts, the other judg ment being oxy'ned by Lindsay Kirk mani Daniel Alhright had - his homestead audited by metes and bou ids his pe onal property exemp ions laid; offiothe amount of 500 valuation. - kirkman and Geo. Albrght is sued .executions on the judgment, which were recovered on contracts made sirfce i5&8, and against which the homesteaU and personal exemp tions are protected, and levied upon the excess. -T&eir purpose being to sell the excess above exemptions under the nevr debts and sell the homestead under the old judgments, thus depriving Daniel Albright from his exemptions altogether. -Tnis suit was brought by 'Daniel Albright td have the priority of the judgments declared, to Wll the excess to the greatest advantage, and to enjoin Geo. ! Albright' and Kirkman from selling und tr te - executions above issued. Thebs . were some other . !l:S.- . complications not necessary to men tion here. The case was argued at Chambers before Judge Gilmer, who refused to restrain -Geo. Albright and Kirkmarfrom seUino; the real estate, but stepped the sale of the ; personalty ungj a certain time. An 1 T w ee 1883 appeal was taken, and the Supreme Court says substantially that as long as mere is any excess over, and above Daniel Albright homestead and exemptions George- Albright must exhaust such excess before he can tpuch the homestead land personal property exemptions, 'and this is so though some of his judg ments are on contracts made before 1 868. The oldest judgments bejuig the first lien upon all the real estate in the hands of l-ariiel Albright, they could not be displaced bv mnior judgments, that Daniel Albright is entitled to his homestead and ex- emptidns i if it is possible to make j thei3K:se paythe oldest jiwigrneiitx, j and thus the .other two Judgments are worthless unless the excess is more than sufficient to pay the old4 est tudzments. Secondlv K, v Daniel Albright has an equity to, have the sales on executions issued i r-- ,.- , . , . vr vscju. rtionp-rir ann Kirtmin n he new debts stopped,1 until the . rj - - - uii monties of the judgments and other ebts are determined. nnA tb c"ss of the exemptions sold free "v n aii clouds and conflict; no- in. , brances so that it will bring the mosi t money, and thereby, ifpossi b,?fA satisfy the old judgments, thus, if possible, toprevent the sale of the hoi mestead and personal property exemp,ions The v noinf rlfriAoA a.:. JL lias nevr r 1 .1 i i . -a v it, ui'a i before been adjudicated I ItJ' Supreme Conrt, and .is 1m- porjant IS settling C"? Of the vexed .questions igrovrtniT out of thV homfj: 4, stead lawv Albright'i debt waS a security I -bligation, and "that ' his homestead j is saved tohh in Wsj . 1 l ' ... old age pro tht, k,. ' f .s. homestelaw. - Green.boro .Xext Stale Fair. L Ameruan Farmer wv "tf llliraVjic State Board of Agriculture at if meeting last January, took a ' lcig stride ii loiwara, wnicn every 1 ' Creator without poisoning and de- moralizing its patrons, it had better remain closed. Banish intoxicating and gambling devices from the fair grounds." - j We trust our State fair Associa tion, as well as all similar 1 vaaa a 4 MAVI11V VU UIIUWs at eaaaT thing of appointing gentlemen iyho can dance well and ride horseback in a lah-da dah fashion is Quixotic in the extreme and is not calculated to forward the material interest of our State. ; At a meetin? of the executive committee of the hoard nf AomVtttt. I ure, recently, the Commissioner, Mr. McGhee, was authorized to con fer with a committee from the North Carolina State Agricultural Society, and agree upon the apportionment of the $500 appropriated by 'said board for premiums, to be offered on field crops at the' State fair ! this fall.'- -:: ' I-.' The committee, Messrs. W. G Upchurch, E. R. Stamps, and T. C. Williams, held a conference with the Cdmmissioner sometime ago ! and the premh m . - were fixed as follows: $50 for the largest yield of cotton from fifteen acres of land; $30 for the .second, and $20 for the 4hird. Ffty dollars for the largest yield of corn from fifteen acres ; $36 for the second, and $20 for the third. Fifty dollars for the largest yield of wheat from ten acres. 1 " Twenty-five dollars for the largest yield from five acres each, of j oats. rye rice, field peas and ground peas. Twenty-five dollars for the largest jield jof hay from one- acre of either clover, orchard grass, herds grass or Timothy. 1 j ; Eifty dollars for the largest in val- ue of bright leaf tobacco, and fifty dollars for the largest yield in j value of heavy shipping tobacco, from one acre each. Accurate measurement of land and crop, and a detailed statement of the mode and cost of cultivation and manuring will be re quired of each exhibitor. i ner 7 -U- V o X ). 24 iy are now rccehinifwmense Stc Spring and-8ai ' t - ' :BXwt . We can sell a Wood F.,.wM c.u e' A real nice all wool Suit at 7. c0 A genuine Black Diamna! ail wnrCf ri ' r A " " - ZLj??' and ''S-oo. these goods s. .vv vaiicu ro our ar?e i Embracing the Latest-Styles and W?r:e Aears ot ape. Our Stock of SHOES is complete 0n ,S call to our 9oc. BRO(UN which we eel anvthinor rm iklc .,.rL.. , J e m j ni.ii.i ' Our Stock oJTATS ik complete. We have all grades, styles and prices nama and all other grades at Richmond., , Collars; Cuffs, Cravats, ing Goods, ;$c these Goods were bought irr Ne- latest stvle. ! - 0 ; We are Agents for the celebfaMirchant Tailoring establishment JACOB REED'S SOWS of Philadelphia. :.--?,', - L-.'. . T" ln'' rnmwm eaaiUj'V'?, ' ,ry truly, ' Growers of Fine Tobacco WILL MAKE MONEY. 1W USING ALLISON & "S T A R 1 .''! Speciat Tobacco Miurarc Since mere Fine Tobacco has been trtlt. 4nr Aka. U.IK.a. j! , " " .'-'!. ... can afford to risk his crop on any but the best Fertilizer and thousands of planters testify "that "STAR BRAND" of Special Tobacco Manure is the best yet introduced. - For sale .by us at Richmond prices, time. ' " . ; I ' . . We also keep constantly on hand a .STAPLE GROERIES, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, NOTIONS, &c.,i at prices 1 .- r. .''.', - i : . as th: bwit. j' f i 1 1 Inst r mir r r n rr v.miM ki.v. vm. ivw uuuuic itH we will ave vrnt tnnrtev - -j j. ' We grantee the quantity and quality of everything we self. . " RdsvUle,AprU ij. tZS ? MM Oss'-iSq tare, one- rime.- eai-h ad litior. , ' j three month-!, V u month. . Quarter Colunm. firs? fa-' " r r. eah adIibonai t. , , ' .tlucesTrorrthi, " ; ai sswsrafcer'': . - ": Ten line af thia ttpej cpns'". Special and Local Notices ad c unites by special contracL " Ti-anaient advrrtrscraents p ranee, i '. Yearly advertisement- advance. : -i y-: I LJ L AND - ' ' ! .' V , ..j asuu IllipuilCtl gOOClS lor SlO.Od, formerly sold for nearly double the ' . ' : h . . stnrk or k- . Olothiiigr Can suit any from 3 to ' 18 A to suit every pfice Boi one. Manilla, Mack US any point South of Scurf - Gents Fur i sh York and are euaranteed w y be the. - Hasseltine, i5on & qa;r Carolina Clothing' Store; " - Reidarille, V. CT grown with-it at less cost to the farrae .as ! Itr - 1 a i a- . ' . I - freight added, for cash or on crop . ' ; '. full supply of ; ' , GpBS, . t - '.-- i :V n'k.fAM t- . . ' , iH piv ua'jic iuyn3 ClaCWIiere J j Your friervls, l j t UND3EY, HARRIS & CO. t ." ADDISON k. - t . . -i.

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