1 POETJEtY. i rFroin tht New Hampshire Patriot. My natal Cot I how ftei tons , . ! My wearied loner tjiokghto thee ! ; ZZ hope witnmpyso m.v ; i : iVfcM .Tpom cheers my breus, y: WhUe sinking witg thought- r -T' S rQl1 eh.to part s"t 5-. 1. now,,'-;; "- :':"'; -. ;':. .vale, ; ' : vw - i-: . ,!:; , Wimintaua 3 orow dan , and mocks the gale ; .wnere .jner.wowr -, -7 ; WoV Jllne to angle j v 0 i 1 . ' .. . - . . ,1 ', 4 4 1 t,j ... V' a -Vi Anl there we hV , ? U ? : - .J wuM spoil our gle at cares wouMspo 'ft port; f Wot tnat JacK liKea wine but ,nel solve tne co-partnership, by leaving" our had a ctimbersxmej)alance in his pocket I pedlars in tlft lurch they exulted as he whic iP66 li.alkin The waiters I departed, and were hot a little tickled at stared at Jum Jike stuck pigs, but stood as the idea of their having over-r,eached a motionless as though they had been petri- cjiristian. They were now to eat an fie'd, until . he gingled lus purse, which drink the best, and tiay no turnpikesv f was snii weu sxorea wim wnat an jsnffiisi 1 long asmey ootn snouia uve. l ney jukk man aeiigms 10 iook. upon yeuow opys. 1 up xneir minas to seeK tne best nouse ana There is no letter of introduction, of tray- take a fortniht'8hpliday. Their circum- n- . 5 ; :r -1 : .1 "1 I 'm. 7 1' - i j eiung comuauion, equal to tne ready mi 1 siances ana ngia economy naa , nitneno no. -Jack was sneedilv seized- eat and I deprived-them of the luiurv of a comfair dranK. to ms neart's content, and called for tapie meal, and they would now, maKf an nis wy. xi was. urougni, ana 1 a pretty ex-, j mwnseives, ampie amenas ior au iormeiv, orbitant one it was. : He waa abAit tn dis-1 onvationsYes- dat div wnnld 4 it nr - ivaresse iiiaigy 11, nuvu-a uiuuaui iiiuugni. Mi utti I vunvu i-w luuacs, uuncvcr wuu XlaU roUJ'1"Tt for mv pj nt that moment : but theyi ;Ttror three litfl anprJntM kr nearly thret .e into convulsions, and ar lated to otfieneral laez, whicl larmed mv mother, ro miirli. tA after! f the charachof the grew better, she generally .wia the 5iQn jf'ip Shr S "bjei ctto wand contented herself with. Major ex . cavairjno unc, iiir it to all my acquaintance. 'Now, PfaTfiJ i wm;" "v . ..Li 1 - t c j : if tne act vi-tuumuu wc. v hince her mother's faux-pas at Aberdeen mm, ne exciwmeu, , ja. to quiet me. f oorWancy thougut IIU - ! . ";B fe " , :.,: 1 wild, ;and,' as I could not write for horse, threw his lasso at him , winch caugh 1 - .ii 1 w . n wm. Mtnron mm niir n c v r 1 1 . t oT?mm-1 me maior anu uisujuuuhu , i. w Xearsw6Sld.pl HtteparJ,V -r .1 -o m:. "5fwin?- bright leetngs aavs ' Their thou;4' not like mine : Thv cannot 1 -rui5 reH, My mind is with l x x cs, ana. renew me utit an rn Wnded to by the Major, who 1 ) " v . y .. , . find, liimself on the back x)f tL i C than he galloped ofiVct Jv him and he requested to see the keeper of er more sense than his brother Aaron, mjira to wnteTor me to her; which he at speeatioiiwvi.u uv "f - V the inn. f ; :v (they were so named,) that, as they wefe. N . ISonifacc made lus appearance' . when to put up at the first, hotel.: and ire as i was . .1 . . : v . i . . ri i J P. i.- i. . Ii ' L. v. r:l tVirrht this scarcely fair nlavJ mm tnat tie. wisnea to pay mm double, x asmonaoie second-nand clothing was to ,UB w"t,V"r wains, ana xne nappmess 01 , v'5".1 rrM- . , j j f r, V " DorouWas how, shipmate, tliis heres be procured; a bargain, arid after their sitting by Maiyt in.the cliUdren's-apart. and a his. antagonist had aeiendea mm-hehing---I am bound for Gravesend;ori frolic was over they could dispose of them 'ment, at their house, not far from the self weU on their ri, rencontre, be gave a cruise tomenca, put nave overstayed j ni . u smohas sailed, I mout be put in hockledv liBliayedfor their beards had been in' a sate gravelyWkinff love In tourway: . ; . Cel. Hamilton Colombia.j now to cet oacK, ana my lower worKs rinournmff a weivemontbl mounted tastv. - nie uuce. uiu ju tins occur yi - , ... , -nTer for want of prowiionrf " So I wants t gom thence bent their course to earl7 i where could it originate 1 I ccf-T An Irish lodger, being asked bow ne i - Pay jou UUUU1C 418 4 , gves ivng, iuiu.1 Tuiuuui.6ifeei, swere; accommodated I "?"" 11 w auoi iu& v jema ua-i .r t then I, bes shore not to starve as I ffoes 1 with every finery reauisitehpnTw tIimt I rerwards ; and yet my misery, my love forj ied,- well, enougn ior l supi so com, x ihis road asain.. ;But how will I kiidw yott, Yaat cheap--fixed UDon a hntl lrnvn that gil was so violent, that 1 sometimes was auWAe the wnoie mgni. 'WW- uatal col vj J, Vorttem, withhong glee play 'iVeath our pia eim n ciy - Al wander'd in.the greeu woum snaue, nA rl,irkM the many color'd gowerar", ever, when the beu s ueep , -.owpacedschoo; hoursour, rune . .-Tif witfn . jtMv)id. , 'd the nlu i. j - j . r; , i . lirtnTVl W1U1 UUiM iyuo oiiyv Vand borne away ana nappy umw ( j. tlurn'd my iocks so grey id dimnfufcine eye, and steel'd my limbs, Fnd worn within my cheeks deep furrows, Andl have wished past-thoughts forgot, Amid life's mapy cares and sorrows- All But ofiee," my natal cot. Idouht if I have pvpr hp'n reallv attached mucv uvs oisilt ivn , vuuuuvu i . . . t,txj viiu cia WlXriaii tT- C1J licl I . : ; i . I tnp. lanniorn. is mat an miom jar.K. ecu auarunenis tora tnrtntrhtsiwforari o ibiuuc. jlc mat us u ixiuv, ncciriutt ui neri .i Here then is mv hat when: ! callsHril magnmcent dinner and rptifpd in tVpir marnage several years alter was uue a MOj without put it ollrhy left hand, arid twiri it t me to eveiysr' . . v.; ; . . 1 - ii ,- .,..! - - . - ri l . i : . i i jAi . ?i i wmv' withntynght once Uvice tnriceand apair oj juu length, pier glasses. ' "xiorror 01 mymoyier ana uie astonisn- theri you'll-iie shure to remember; rile. The coast being clear they viewed them- IIn,t almost increduhty of every bo Tlie ecfesajx'dera were: .giv-en" to the selves iii them, "arid were charmed with fe . And is a phenomcnorr'in my exis servante Jacli rii'd double. and continu- their appearance i and well tWJrht for- tence (fori was not eight years old) which ed to do so, until reached the place of neither of them had evertoore been mas- nas zled, and will puzzle me to the la irs destination out fortitude, is like an oyster 11 liable to be swallowed by washed away by every wave. MAMMON. " othinrr fallswith such a with' tesVhour'ofit; and lately, I know not e"Sibli?.hr4"Pon fchuman susceptibilities I TerVv & RELIGIOUS. ofit or mor Remember her pitying sis-P;oria- .-p mid an nonest man in tnese tpr Helpn for nnt hvW nr. ndmJrpr tnn ? degenerate times a man who would scorn How very "nretty ii theperfect imae of l? iaKe inc advantage ot bis neigbbour ipr j i "V. SIGMA: V TIIEIJACHELOR'S SOULOOUY. . : 'f: ; , ! vf..': fjljA PARODY.. -l ' I '' v' Marry, or not o marry t Thatisthe question-, Whether is it nobler in the mmd to suffer . - The sullen silence $f cobwetfroorn,!. ;: ' ; Or seek in rural halls'some festive dame,1 ; - ; And, by uniting; end it. To live alone r No more j And, iy marrying say vve endy -. The heart-acheand thpse throes and makeshrs Bachelors are heirs toJ . 'Tis a consummation (Devoutly to be wished - " ,V To marryto livq in peace ; f Z Terchance in war : aye, therms the.rub ; ; ; For in the married state what ills may come, , When we liave 'shuffled off our liberty, . v " "1 Must g.iveus pause. There! the respect . j7 ! f ' That makes us dread the bond of wedlock; ; 'I For who could bekrihenojse' of scolding wives, ; . The fits' of spleen tli' extravagance of dress, . ; The thirst for plays, for visits, and for balls, , m The insolence of servants, and the spurns . , . That jpatient husbands from theft'eonsorts; -When be himself: might hi? quietus gain, . ; ..i-t.-ByliYing-'siiigle? -s , . Who would wish to bear ; ' ' " ' ' Tlie jeering name of Bachelor, , i --; But that the dreadjof som'etliing after marriage, : (Ah, that vast expenditure of income, , The tongue can hardly tell;) puzzles the will, v And makes us rather choose the single life, Than g6. to jail for debts we know not of ! . : Economy thus makes Bachelors' of us still, r ' And thus our' melancholy resolution . - , fA Is still increased upon those various thoughts. !.':' MISCELLANY. sure enpu -11 l . i m. " J.J 1 1 J A T)-..l- J . TT . . ''"an ins lasipeuny ijcas expenaea anq i mm.uuiny avulu, una sister rvacbel, it dey Ljet out tor uunnun. to seek iorvoth-l cout only zee us now, how devvout stare!' er employ. On the road he overtook two Yes said Moses,' (who always bore the imple Jew pedlrfi 7': whose exhausted main chance in mind,) and tink dat we vas WSS? - J required reesliing, and7 who frittering away our substance : but dey cant weroTtrayelling the same way. l bey no oout de bat,' bruder Aaron ioinea company in the neighborhood of a vid laffing yen I tink of dat turnpike cate: wheri the Israelites were sailor to zell zuch a treasure not a little astonished ' to find thatJack j think it is time, Courteous reader, give three twirls of his hat, in lieu of mo- should conclude this ridiculous storv i ney, for passing through it. One of his Suffice it to say then, that they lived upon inns was now iia.ru uy,. : . xie prouoseu ioj -" ui me iu.nu igr a ionniffbt. and tben them to go in and dine, But dey cout determined to go to work again. Indeed, not refort dat dey had1 some goot pret they could not rehsh a life of idleness Ha and shees in deir packs and vout tine pun ving never.been accustomed to it. Tlteir dat,; and caul him yen dey hat ton. bill was asked for : It airiounted to the tri AVell in goes Jackr dines suriiptuously fling sum of 65 guineas but they 'posses- ciiuciviiiig till me wiuic ut uie a.&Luiiiaii- c uai, ciiiu vvuuiu not luKe tne tTOll- ment which his fellow travellers had ex- ble to examine the items. The woollen hibited at his. novel mode of discharging beaver was twirled, and twirled, and tvyjr- his turnpike fare. ' Having despatched as led again. ' "Veil, zir, (to the landlord,) vat much of the good things of this world as do ye owes you now ha?. Sixty five guW he could possibly stow away, lie ordered eas, gentlemen, as by account renderjed. them to be calledTf: Thev had never look- Oh mv sroot Got I said Aaron' and thpir .... i j:- 1 c j u o.11n4-ans 1 i a JL V 1 IthewaV of invpstioratinn eu uuuu a suuuio uuuier uciuie, ouucuulu vumutuauvco iuisimciicu ai least a Vara . j 7 o . . ttt, j . r , . scarcely credit their senses, when he di4 by iheisquare. 'iBut stop, Moshes-Sav are thus, others know as weU as'I, and g5f"Sand ? every character ar vided the better rhalf pf a bottle of wine be you an't tun it rite. Gif me de hat at least comuse, me ieaiures 01 tne love-1 j, . . - 1 v v ; ly Peri which then existed, in . her, and dle V13 ?Tol out of all his earthly p i ; still hves in my .imagination at the dis- Ba"f cuuciue ai uie rauay-- u : tance of more than sixteen years. ' lam this; case both brothers were. knaves, now twenty-five and odd nfonths.' ' .9nd the one stran5e as lt ay seem, con-1 1 "I think my mother told the 'circum- 8ldered a merit to outreach the other, K L -ft I PVPn in VlPi. i Still nftff h rcTiirn nt tYim- 1 stances on my neanng 01 ner marriage ) I - . , V """ v mw . - to, the VParkyness, and'certainlf to theP! lhey Io!S brothers. But the A ... jrigot iamiiy, ano prooaoiy mentioned it , ' w..6u,,v ww - uer , answer to imss ii.. who was weu : 1 '' " -1 K A The motto. f ir: in , ber answer to Miss A. who wns tppII IUWUU4 BC" micicau acfluainted with mv childish : vtnthant. -before the fire of the furnace. and had sent the news on purpose for me. men is 4lget money honestly if ; and thanks to her ! ?:.;.., Tou 5 but by all means get money."; "NpYt to IKp tiPmnnmir' tLp rnnMneinn Their lives UTlfold th5 praCtlCO of this doC n -"1 "v w.wuu.vu i . . . tr . -r .7 sion has oftpn ncpimipd mv rpfWtinnc inmne! ct i never knew u TiUam whe T 7 . .... . . . I I I hnt thp Fpt I 4V "J-wicr ur luier uvcrreauu luinseu. by the; square, put stop, Moshes niay be yoii an't tun it rite. Gif me de hat betwixt them. He then called for bis And he twirled it to no better, purpose-. bill' with as Authoritative a voice as though The patience of their host was soon ex he had been the prince regent himself hausted," and when he discovered that itbe" ij. asu ins royat ihuiicbs ijuiuuii re" i o caucvicu iu ujry tur uii, lie consi- port says ' be is above paying his bills.) dered his boarders as swindlers, and became it was prpaucea ne graveiy iwinea nis nax uuudgcuu; ;xj.is money, or ajan,witn a -three times. Whats to pay. now you dos 1 prosecution under.a swindling act, . were Not a penny your honor.; 'Jack led the the only alternatives he offered for their way to the public, road the Jews following consideration, lhey had already tasted him with uplifted hands! ! ! 1 , ! the sweets of Newgate, at the bare men- They proceeded onward until they tion ofit be hair upon their heads llris reached another of Jacks hotels when the ed up ' . ke mls uPon the frttud P?tcu- ' ' L.aTaI -1 L.ii ' mnfi ' I hpv wprp vpt mnetpre r MIMl miin. seventy oi tne weamer, ffeiunij me oeuer i r j j -o .w yi ot the Jews parsimony, they accompa nied him in, and engaged a bed but wish ed no supper, 1 he pack was i to be resor ted t( after they retired, jocular reader. Meanwhile bur seaman was. feasted shown to the best unoccupied , bed "in the I J J : bT eas,they produced the board ,discharged the debt and narrowly escaped being kicked out or tne door. , i bey were proceedibs mv mPTYim-v vpt tpiu mo cr, ti,o mseparawe, and be that babituallv takes a whisper But, the more I reflect, the antagc of another s goodness of heart more I am bewildered tb assign any cause ultimately betray himself. , Athe end for this precocity of affection." m of S1"11. 18 "ifamyi so the utmost daring of , -r . a uypocnie, win eventuate in ins "own ir- Thc IIon. Jack if distinguished for ward wretchedness. Man may pretend tn his volubility and. eloquence, is said to be defy and scorn tthe wrath to come, but superstitious. The following tale is told there is a destiny upon him that bids hi ty of passing after night, a grave yard, a terror in; his fate, that calls tremulous' which had the reputation- of being haun- thoughts into his toward bosom, and makce ' ted.v He: tfas riding a mule called Low. bim recoil like a slave beneath the lash, The' burying ground was a solitary, gloo- fijm the crowd of bewildering phantoms iny place, and a few gentleman, conclu- that press themselves before his mental j ding that here thjy would be uninterrupt- eye. Yet mammon is to man a terrible , ed, had selected it as a conveniet place god; a Juggernaut that.;destroys the fine in which to amuse themselves by studying tendrils of the heart, rather than crushes V t - 'a ' in a" m -''A J-i a! a.: J rrtt me nisiory oi me "iour. kings. . As he aauuciormstneouiwaroman. inej oung. t..t , -:L In J I uisiury oi in uajuu. louttca wiui uu expeaiuon IOJ approached this mansion; of the dead, he the fair, the mfted- the brightest arid moin acarriagewas no more to oe jnougntj ot, was surprised to see a gUmmering hght; beautiful of God'a creatures, are victims', when passing by a qsHionable reading, flS hdrpw nPnrPr. hp nlnrd 1 and votaries tothp shrir.P of Plt. r- I i V ' i ... 1 - -w I UV VA V 1 Uvtll tl JV IILUIU CUIIIT: tllir V house breaktasted m the morning and room, ana i earmgrepeaieaum-sispiiaugn- tJaci. ah said h 4thQt,s me , auothe'r culties are wasted virtues arc sacrificed; three twirls ol-bis hat paid the reckoning. fj issue tnereirom, curiosity - prompted cried Low that's my mule : a third said affections are -broken down hearts aro They putsued, their march! to .the great emio waiK in. sureaiy tneir evij ge- u Game , ah , weer for themV brokeili and heaveri b lostf arfd all for iht r.iTv. trip pnr.nanrpn nar rp.nnp.rinnr a mirsp.i " vii. "", . ui u.xy j , - - 0 r T ' 1 A All At 1 THE ENCHANTED HAT the last stage, The pedlars had held re peated corisulation by the iway, nnd the result was that JackVhat must be purchas ed, cost what it would: They had alrea- ,1 A British soldier, who had just returne1 dy felt his-pulse on the subject but he was fronalong and successful cruise, and was prepared for it, by what had incautiously : paid off, hastened to London in order to escaped them at different times and too rid himself of : his hard earned gold cunning a bird to be caught with chaff. -j which literally burned ' in his pockets. His last inn was now entered, and the j Jack was a seaman every inch of him, and same farce acted over again. The virtues became completely miserable, after three of Jack's beaver (by the by it was made of lack I rlotnnrtinctrl limrnuor tnnmnnnA nn1 tMnsitnrr jnnffPfinfrr nf on Virwir ill V. unnecessary for Jack until they reached bad blabbed the, hoax he put upon them he miffht see nothing fn-htful, ehudjiis ffrasp of the gilded straw that floats upon ' llliaul i j i- 1 I i:v 1 . 1 ; a1 a. me Miuatc, Miieu peiuuauue mat grasp may whelm us in interminable' ruinl- It . is not well for man to be above his wants.. Indolence naturally nurtures vice; and he on wyom fortune lavishes Ler favours, lo ses his jirppcr dependence upon heaven. MisfortunMuid penury are genarally pro ductive eitbtof the despair of despara- tion, or the subraissiveness tb a divine will which Has aijiffinir to that meekness of ; heart so cnaracteri5ticof a true christian 1 1 i. i . :L aI. tvt jh -i nau luunu 1 way iiuu uiexewS,ana naa and commenced whipping and spin: .detr)mmOTticj' ringhismule. - Intheraeaitiire,tlie nobe acuautu.uauuu. t - . j . ' I became louder and more appallinir. A overwhelmed witn con usion, saymg jone r0M, had begun among the gainblers. But to the other, with Smollet s gambler, hey tl obstinate" "animal,! in no way alarmed had read Peregrine Pickle I suppose) "A 0j r BO A fn i -i.- ,1 i,f f . , . -. j ( . - - 'j I aiiv uuwtv iu nvvii unu ucaimii, jciua- yi 1 I i ed to go on. . In this extremity, the rider seeing: that the ghosts-would inevitably! I ' 1 " l lit ta Lt rom iuoore s uie ot Lord Byron. : hav fam bethouirht Himself of Dravin? : It was about this period, when he was and .while he was whipping and spurring not buite eight years old; that a feeling with all his miffht. he beffan. as he could weeks absence from his beloved element. J wool) had now ceased,and it would' have j partaking more of the. nature of love than I think of hotliing else, "Here I lay me I The effects of affluence CV Jot- the ma in vain nau lie enter ea into all tne cussipa-1 been an accomodation' to him ii other- it is easy to believe pdssible m so young a down to sleep," and continued repeatin! part precisely opposite. Yet ucVxwJ tion and extravagance of the metropolis, J wise situated, to have parted with it fori child; took, according to his own: account, J this-supplication, until the increasing cla-1 OI mammon is the paramount pow come-ai-aoie oy one pi nis ciass. ,nis cash halt a crown : but he well knew he could; entirely possession ot his thoughts, and mor and uproar of the gamblers convinced the earth, Mmd may occasionally ri cirTo.n4rl innvmiotKI , U, aU :K I..' Zt-U .1 I U 1 . ' .U! d A ii I i . . . . - . I t- .LS. Lt a . r. " . J re mortals; when he auoc luxuuient waves ox oppression. I a 1 Ti I -. tn aT. ntt M U, a. U W f a asiue tneir alarm, re-i eume mm ue euuiireiice oi middav. if iil 1 1 w . mk v i iiiiiiii at rm rrw i i n r - i t A o 7 o j O I - v t' . T T " v"jv,r- 1 aiuuvu mvu iviuuv j I - " -ft v- w AVjiuiaiu Lfw cl hsruppea on board an elegant brig bound they were black in the face, that it could 1 ! . flucmatingfrdeal the fortuitous circum- Tr a I I niTOri Ktnl-ai! ' ltni4 I n rrrnrr I n 1 ..kl. . 1 J . J .!. ! I 1 .L. ".l I nnc-r-n I I I VI t'lf If rtfl fM-tf ' " "Ko IV amnn I I I 1.4.. -I. . I w i,vmnv y,vu,o iiuiv) st"tltu ijcciuo i eiiiiuie inc iiuiuei iu cat, auu uiuiA.i ouu i uic iuiiuwk iiuooa"t xnjiii u. tJUUlilUJ,. I wiw. x auvuai lukci" i bulii(X9 Ui 1UC are UllOireiliep flPl'PRfnn Ir having restored to him his freedom of will) lodge- free, ad infinitum. They were I kept by Kim in 1813, will show how fresh- bgencer ,after repeating a statement in a its developement, as veil as appreciation. 'and was ordpirPd hv thp mnstAr to mm licr 1 n TritVin o mile, nf T rr -n on A tli-a Viot I ltr oftor in tntprvjii nf spvpntppn val ill 1 Vprmnnf nanpr thnt a man nan rais n I Pion tr-lion ATot-iii-i- tm . ' riV''"f.v ..v-iuotuc.- ma wu nuuiis reuieiiisii iu uuiae ..wiui 11, ai uie ejtpeiiae snoweu uuv . caiijr, iu uus passioii iv 10 rum, they Were mei jow returned, upon him with such force, of ; the credulous Israelites, who would most others, the sensabilitis of his nature and his mule laying tllattOea hemust ffO aam. Accordinorlv-. Havp swnrfi nnnn tbp' old tpstampnt. until wptp. awakened. Thft and wag ordered by the master to join her . at Gravesend on a given day: Jack conf ,; , turned his best endeavors to render bim- T : self pennyiess, until that day M&s so near at hand, that it was impbssibler for him to - be a man t)f his word, without the aid of a now within a mile; of London, and the hat ly, after an interval of seventeen years; all j Vermont paper that a man had raised a Even when Maturin was entirely eaga4Ted uui piuuiasbui iu t luuiucia wuiCj auu uc uia iuuiovunvi-o ui uuo Qcuijr-. iut c aim 1 .ivwu ow v . iw vu u emgic i iu me luuci uiiiuaui UiOUUCtlOnSOI UUm3n ' h-might be forever seperated from this hved inbis memory. 1 j. ; . j , potatoe, and which the Intelligencer dis- genius his wants were satisfied in a man- eighth wonder of the world No time was "I have been thinking lately a good deal believes, tells the story of a farmer near ner too horrible to be detailed: Awar a- h i-1 mu 3 a. Ji -t t t .mr : Tki3f tt 'J 'jj .L'i. tt xr . i i . i oo in .1 t t . . . 10 pe 1051. xiiey; resoiveaio.striKeaDoioi 01 jjiary juuu. now very oau.tnat 1 1 lTasuxngioii wuo pianicu 00 uunets 011 irom tne ousy num 01 city hie m seciu- c-trnh-a t n-riA ffFaiviA 1 Cf miinAna fn. rii1.-'o nLnnU lnnxra cn 'nMoi-Iir Unirn4.)1n I eaAil niriaf rAQ ortA rro t V OT'Orl Crrm t)im . ,1 .1 ! 11. n ; .nJ n . t 1 t . ... i t ' tt' i j it pv ' ." 1 . i . ..-'. .i ' a : i 1 -r t , I - : i 1 i tt mi '. - c . , i , .;. .- . I -i t;" - o . I ' j : j l - , j j- -: j- D "C5 ;- t4i(, tC, lAICi C Stage coatlv' He however prayed to Nep- head - piece. -He laughed the offer to forid'of.tbat girh -at ad age when I could a crop of less than fifty bushels. This may be some pure waters ofnarure - tlMty lur? "can wiuu ana tpoknt a toot scorn. 1 nor know the mean-1 latter ajrriculturalist was hardly as success- 1 some heart uninflupnrpd hv th T1 cause why he preferred the pedestrial to more anxious, and . after a great deal of ing o the word. . And the effect !- My I ful as an old. fellow of our acquaintance I bing passions of self interest- but 'here . This made the luckless wights yet j neither feel passion the vehicular mode of travelling. Ilel higgling, a bargain was struck, whereby 1 mother used always to rally me iabout thi in Connecticut. He insisted upon it that in this thronged city, whcYe numberless journeyed ityn solus am so,iintil the Jack got 160 guineas and the "new hat of toUdish" amour ; an4 at last, many years I he could always tell to a single potatoe, beings -are congregated together in the -:,' '"--''5 f Z & T iT tT -"."vi, uv oiuppcu uoicucaucu,; iw jjiujrciij (utwitrirtytcaH .omDUTgu, iiuiii jjiiss. uercrpiiiujr , anu j neigiiuois. nui ai an, reuues n ith, i irom me paui Tirnxe, loour Olid Tell- 'rl ',';:Z' worth eighteen pence The money in his your old sweetheart Mary Duff is married always raise just as many as 1 plant, for gion, by thatetalairse-- i Called tor the best dinner thft hilt rff f ro nnn t nA fho nonr w aW i uaI nr.' rl a L L Itmi a.a joo;n ;r : I r .1.., i , a ii , , -K " (T J J iiZ j Vt I -aa, aa " uvuw v- 1113 ucdu i iy a xai. vV"- auu niitii, rua injr im- 11 u umusu wumuouuu bij . iauu piui ui ujuw ciiuii iiiOU Cat Uiy DrCad. iV lv vavv, rii v wouuy ouu U OOltlf! OI IJarK tOOK tne earnest on nnrflinihr fn dic lewor I nn TMnrint oyn n nr f.rPAiint cfmntf Pnnnirh tn rnt pm. . - rTV:i - 4 1 1 ; . . ' -. I . . f . , . -ri w vr wij ' wn v ' V'J winiv vK"'t ' iwvv w u uu w iuwnu w. . .. , I !. iiiuihi. N O