ROSY -j "11 ' T butTtr. 'crms of subscrivt'ioTt. ronUs'lper annum,if paid in lars. ifpaid within the year :f 1 the 'close of the! year, twenty-five cents I added. 1 ;;' i- " . v i -.V-, '' ri. -VVVl- - r '.v ' nor will hp iHsrontinned until all arreara- ..; frrM nrp'tiaul. or at. the discretion of the publisher. K v v Advertisements j inserted bu the isua terms.--j j) All .persons advertising will please note jth'e riurrt- ;j L berof times they wish to haye them inserted, or I they will be: continued and taxe,d accordingly. ' , J. IliU UlC week 5a a dav exercises; and v mail, anif the by DK. D. W. SCHKNCK, day,-the .violate 7TB ESPECTFULLT informs the, Citizens of a suppression oU JL(L Rutherford County, that he has lestablished memorials, are fordton: and has" -taken the room formerly occupied 1 holier than bv Dr. Sclueffelin. at Mr; McAfee's ; where he may be found ; except when engaged on professional .or other duties.- sality audi believe in week as a d) memorial quest that! poses. of his ow 1 LAN I) 1 OR SALE, f rTI WO LOTS -in the town of Rutherforldtdh, "H loiii'niL' the Maiu-streetr o-neFront Lot "con-; turning "One acre tot one nau uic me proptj iilbert. ail, ana the town Jands. now m my, on JiOX is a.neia or i-ieabi.u utoven luminguue aero i giuuuu, a;u square formerly held by -Mrs. G ii Also '' or SJ4 '' acres 'aljbj&ing' aiirrrijinilint the AcrnliMllV.. Oil j.V Sor 10 acres cleared land enelosedkwti:h a good 'fence. For terms impure of Mr. Jacob SHchal of tliis town, or 'the subscriber'.1 - "; . IK AIS ULiiL. AyIAJUAIX. Mlii 1, 1830. &f V DOCKET LO$X. - I' O ST by the subscriber on the 5th inst. in pass-' A in'ir irotnl'attons' Store, in, Bufke, to Moored MM, in Itiitherfora; a POGKET BPPK, whick . liad ir it ,"-0 in ditlereiit baiik notes - beside 'some vVmall changev among the note's wefe tvo of $3 ancf three or.four of .'i.aud the others arenot recollect ed. The Pocket Book -.contaiued several notes of 4i.and, two on I;iizabeth Vilkinne for aa ihygr&und that the question refenf! :' weibas can benicollected, there; were everal cred-J coie withih the -gnizance 1 119 iut uuic;. 1. ii villi- i vi.oiw,uvi( ui.wiuui v . i i the best recollection ; a iiote on .Daniel Blanteli j,lue f.lizabetii Wilkins for $15 with a credit ofve I dollars ; a note on Grandersbn Blantbr) lue Green hh;-PsAmeT. for S10 with a credit of five dollars : a autho: .Co md va7 authc' wnat p apart by tne contrary containsi in anotlier. which no law r r M t- . w or proiibiUns-Jthe )roiibiting-?the lreo'w comfifittee might ' here .rest tntw note"bri- Green B Palmer fof jj'Ki ; a dueilt on , ii eeKian v uicms lor. 5 ana piner pliers, a- i'fijong which isanoldgrantniadejto Muthw Gaty J. tor 100 acres of land. A drove , of liegrbes vC'ere com-j i ing down Cane Creek onthe day -of thefoss,& it is tho't some of them may have picked itupr.Ariy per son who may find said pocket book or anyoRhe7a- persyHird retjirn them to the subscriber, shall be" .well rewarded. j AlFpefsana are hereby! warned against trading for said notes or papers. - F REUBEN. VyiLKINS. Irvinesville, March 8, 1830.f ?, I . ' tfl he perseverance and zeal; with whiqh'the memo-TV riausts pursue tneir object, seems to require a tur- ed wi ther elueidatiohTof the subject. AwV as the oppo-j theirL lieTr renrior. religion, per which their $WiT iiVi.tiiiiuiiu v t8" in: atrocity, -bythe ma5 ju: sers of Sunday mails disclaim all intentibn to unite church and. state'the committee donbt feel dispb-r sed to impugn their motives ; and whatever may be advancer in opposition to the measure, will a jise.&o'm the fears entertained of its fatal tenden cy to the peace and happiness of the nation. The trated by Christian hanJ catustrophe ot other nations, furnished the framers J examine the records of Im of the constitution a beaconef awful warning, and giae of cruelty equal ta the they nave evinced the greatest possible care in ery religious sect however mec guardmii against the same eyu. i Jh i' m'enced the work , ot Derseciiti Tho law, as it now exists, makes no distinction quired political power. -iThi fra 1 a tA friut n 'i l' J K 11 nrQai. Ki-it- & imVtnVnCw I. V I ni!i.;An . . r. , r. r A I ' . ; . , . , 1 the Postmasters shall attend at l all reasonable man's relation with his God, is abo hours! in every ,day, perform the duties of their eislatibn, and the rights of conscience in office? ; and Hie Postmaster General has -given his f lieasohing was not necessary- to establish rmstrujctions to all Postmasters, that at Post Offices truth; we are conscious ot it in our own bosorntf ""J-fc tne mail arrives on Jsunday, thfrorhce-iSalltia the consciousness, wito winch, in. defiancftjaf Iaj kept' open one rionjr more, after the amvIT hiiiman laws.," has many martyrs in ,ay""6 uikilus? mn. in (.asc- mm wouiu tortures ana in names, j. ney jeu mat tneir duty to Qod was superior to human enactments, and that .than cbuldexercise no authority over their consciences : it is an inborn principle which noth- I mtertere wnit--fhe hdqrs of public t worship, the orhce tobe kept open for one hour a'tter the u&asy time of dissolving the meeting. This liberal construction 'of the law does not satisfy the I memorialists! ; But the committee believe that there is no- just grounds of coniplainti unless it be ;onceueu that they have a contioiling power over , i - . i . i .... mg can eradicate. The bigot, in the pride of his tiiuiia day: the wet and devoi be more col appeal eiciuot jL'niverse to i authority, may lose'.sight of it but strip him of his power; prescribe a-iaith to mm which his con science rejects. ; threaten mm m turn with the dan- J eiume tneir the. consciences of others. If Congress shallKbyl geonlantl the'faggot.; and the spirit which God ws htlTRTHEREAS. ; JOSPPH LAYPOLE ' y v hound to me' by me County Court of Pleas - .and Quarter Sessions .tt 'Lincoln County , and he.the faiJ.Jo.;e'ph having fan off from me, Ido hereby forwarn any person from harboring the said Jo seph. MARTIN ZIMMERMAN. r L'tncolntoii N. C. March 9, 1830. ' ' ?'3t4. U' .'(.".k-V;;: I SCHOOL. rgn II Frsufescriber 'will conimence his School in 13 f Charl ittesville, on the 10th day of. January is wiliihg jivxl, for the instruction ! of boys,; in the Lnglisli.. erty which the authority of law, sanction the measure recom mended, it would consTnute a legislative decision of a. religious controversy, in which even CIirs tians themselvesl : are at issue. However suited such a decision may be id an ecclesiasticpil coun cil, it is incompatible with a republican legislature, which js purely for political and not, religious pur poses.. - i 'u :. : ; ; " .',"'' In our iudividual character, we all entertain o . pinions, and pursue, acorresponding'practice npon the subject of religion : However diversified these may be, we , all harmonize as citizens, whue each has implanted in him, rises up and defies vou. Did the primitive Christian ask that Government should recognise and observe their religious insti- lutibus ? AH they asked was toleration : all thev complained of, was persecution, -What did the France, ask of. their Catholic superiors ' Tolera tion, f What do ; the persecuted CathoUcs of Ire land ask of tneir oppressors ? Toleration. ' Dq hot all men in this country enjoy every reli gious right which martyrs and saints, ever asked ? A hence, then; the voice ot complaint ! carri be I" - ' IiatiiX.Greek and French lanlguages,--which will comprise asession of little upwards of ten months. .A yaeauon qi one mpntn wni ue given m August,, '; The course will comprise)-in tlu English ' Depart--' meht; English Gramma GcCraphy,-Book-keep-i big, Atithmetic, and a preparatory ..cotffse'o'f Mil-'theniatir-s; viz. Lacrdjx's Algeb'awind LegenderV. s Geometry; jn the classical, the Latin, Greek and French languages with Ancient History, Geogra phy , and IVf ytologyi The ihstructbr will be gener ally during the bay" ; with his pupils, save u sufri- cient time for exercise arid' recreation; so as to ;is- . "ist and instruct them both m the preparation and r jcuation oi their lessons. - As he intends ins school to be permanent, and believes' the advaivtages of an eeucation, and the facility of acquiringit increased by pursuing a regular and systematical plan,-he would prefer, as .pupils, those boys who.will prob ably complete their scholastif course w ith him; His course is such as to give boys all the npcessary preparation for any of the Coliegsiar Universities, ynd eupecially for tho. t'nivfeisity of Virgnia, "with .an eve to which, it lias been Pre Dared. He would be glad if those who intend to favor 'him with their , patronage, would immediately apprize Lim of their inteiHious, ior ii ine sie oi uiu scnooi win justaiy it he will employ1 dn assistant, so' as to have the r .French Language taught by a native Frehchinan. ' Thbse who niay not "be acquainted with the subscri ber, he would refer, to ThomaslVU-Gilmer, Rice V W. Wood, V. V. Southall. James W. Sdunders, Henry T. Harris, Dr. CV Cocke, Thomas J.Ran dolph, Philip P. Barbour and AVm. K. Gordon. Board, in genteel families, can be obtained in Who in it that the crther shall enjoy tl'iei same lib- that in the fiili enjoyment of every principle which i he claim- for himself. But in our re- human laws can secure, wishes to arrest a nortion of these principles from his neighbor ? Do the n- lost. 'The iwiividual acts for'himself the repre- titioners allege that they cannot conscientiously par sentative for Ms constituents. He is chosen to ticiD'ate in the orofits of the malrftnntrno.ta nA wat represent their political, and not their religious vie ws-h:o. guard the rights of man; not to respect me ngius i oi conscience, uespots may rejarU their subjects as their property, and usurp the Di vine prerogative of prescribing their religious talth. But the history of the world furnishes the melan choly 'demonstration, that the disposition ;of one man to coerce the religious homage of another, springs from ah unchastened ambtfc)ri.rather"than . i . . l- v mi i 'olhces, because the mail is carried on Sunday 7 If this be their motive, then it is worldly gain which iu aviiuu auu uui mi me or religion. UQ they complain, that men, less conscientious in rela tion to $he Sabbath, obtain advantages over them, by receiving their letters and attending to their contents 1 Still their motive is worldly and selfish. .But; if their motive be to induce Congress to sanc tion by law, their , re ligious opinions and observan- a sincere devotion to any religion. 'The principles ccs, then their elforts are to be resisted, as in their or our. government qo not recognise m tne major- tendency latai, Doth to religious and political free ityl any autiiority over the minority, except in mat ters which regard thej conduct ot man to his iellow man. A Jewish monarch, by grasping the. holy censer, .lost both hia destiny as little to be American people, w dom. f Why have the petitioners confined their 'prayer to the mails ?. Why have they not request ed tliat the Government be required to suspend all its executive functions on that day ?. ; Why 'do. they not require us to enact that our 6hips shall not sail ! that our armies shall not march ? that officers of ins- tice shall not seize the suspected, or guard the.coh- j victed ,! 1 hey seem to torget that government is a-necessary oh Sunday as on any other day of the week. ' The spirit of evil does not rest on that day. It is'the government, ever active in its functions, which enables us- all, even the petitioners, to wor-' snip m our cnurcnes in peace, uur uovennent Christian, have succeeded iu the incorporation of furnishes very few blessings like bur mails..! They their religious tenets yyitrr the, political -.institutions bear from the centre of our Republic to its distant of their country. ? The Persian idols, the Grecian extremities, the acts of bur legislative bodies, the oracles, the Roman augijnes, and the modern decisions of the judiciary, and the orders of our Ex- nriesthood of Eurooe. have all m their turn, been erutive. " Thei? sneed is oIIpii essential to the dti- tne-suDject or popular aaniauon, anq tne agents oi tence oi tne couritry, ine suppression oi crime, ana polititical deception. If the measure recommen- the dearest interests of the people, Wrere they A TCiTarlottesville from eight to ten dollars per month; ded should be adopted, it would be, difficult for Ira- suppressed one day of the week, their absence mifst sceptre ana ins ireedoui ; a envied, may be the lot of the ho Jiold the sovereignity ot power, if they, iu the person of their representa tives, snail attempt . to .unite, m me-remotest ue- ;ree, Church and. fctate' ; ; y From the earbsst period of time, religious tea chers h&ve dtttanedL great ascendency over Xh&. mmasiSoi me peopiqiiana ui, every nation, ancient or modern, whether Pagan, Mahomedan,. or &4o TERMS FOR A SESSION OF TEJI, MONTHS For instruttfiin in tlie English branches.: ; Lat-;'m",- Greek,1 French and JMatheinatics, $35 ; Erigiish branches, Latin and Mathematics, ' $30 Lnghsh branches only,-(- , ! ', i "t'J'V Yf - 'r r':V'..-i'- .-A-. 'Principal.; j Cliarlottesvillc, Va. December 1 , 182'J. f JOB PRjTtNG AND BLANKS . TTjl OR sale at' this office the following kind's of it' Mr. McCl Office !a sundry ii trans po i babbaj of the The fir tioj 07 ', J of Start not biddc law. ' Law Blanks.: tubpcfnas, t ' Constables Bonds, Appeal Bonds, -Prosecutibn Bonds, ; Writs, ; ;'"" !- r " ! Executions, .. ' 5 Sheriff Deeds.v : ; Apprentice ionas, Administration Bonds, j Constables AV'arrauts, i - ? 'Judgments and Exe- ' cutious, -; . ;'.y JMarriage Licences, . J ; Witness Ticket!?. Deeds of Bargain '& Sale, Guardians Bond's. : man sagacity to foresee how rapid w;ould,be'the Lle oftn supplied by public expresses; and, besides, successiori, or how lflimerous the train" ofiiiTeasures I while "the mail bags might rest, the mail i coaches which might followJ involving the deares rights I wouldj pursue their journey with the passengers, of all the right off conscience.; It is perhaps for-1 The mail bears, fronl one extreme of the Union to tunh.te. for our couhtrj', that the proposition should1 the other, letters from relatives and friends,1. preser j Itv have . been made at this early penoa, whue the vmg a commahion ot heart between those tar sep- as. am opirit-of the Revolution yet exisW. in full vigor. jrarated, and increasing the most pure and refined J or as j Reugious zeal enlists the strongest prejudices o pleasures, of our existence: also; the letters ot com- I ol tne rnercial men convey the state ol the market, prevent l ot time lOHitows speculations, and promote" general as wH as individual interest: theyjjear iainunierable reli gious lettrnewspapers, magazines and tracts, which reach afhiost every house ' throughout -this wide republic. Is the conveyance of these a vio lation fjLhe Sabbath.? . The advance of theAujman 'if- :'- , oi any aescnpiioj 1 y ? -1, VT J.. and"despatch,Vin V 1 on the'mbst rr. All orders for yanks.'show bills or job printing, of any description, exeeutetl with.ncathess the ' human mind ; and, when misdirected, excites the worst passion of bur nature, under the delusive pretext ot tlomg AjOA service. . mlu- rrates the heart, to deeds ot rapine and "blood; no so incessant in its toils ; so persevering in its determinations'; so appalling in its course; or so dangerous in its consequence. .The equality of rigtits securea ey ; tne constitution, may Dia aeu- ancei to mere political tyrants; hut the robe M depends in pan uponjhe sptfedwith wliicnavawi sanctity too often glif ers to deceive. The c0n- edge of the pasi is disseminated. W'ithpat ail ih- stitution regards the conscience of the Jew as sa- I terchangexbetween .one country and another,"va red as that of a Christian ; nd gives no more atu-1 between ddjerent sections ot tne same count tLbrity tg adopt admeasure affecting the" conscience j ery improvement in moral or political'! of a solitary individual, than that of a whole Com-J the arts of life, would be confined toj race indntelUgencen yirtire, a&d inreljgion itself, j they 'lhe pet the moral. TlUi." W fere to treat! mgs oi into, l'Cl( new and handsome type, and 1 munity. i That representative who would violate hood where it originated al.lluH "office. viv terms, this -principle, yould; lose his delegated cbarac- j more frequent this interchange, . .) mm:- L 4 k ' -t- I -.i; - '.-! . ! -' '

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