-serve on Ktifi. - of "tJ. ontil their morn iV. " uxen an irretrievable rtepr ies ed 9 jy reflec Ince of rela ""appointment ilter revili . OQC let tstwh Ul. iefore them by this A Clerjrr. jw wnu'ns-s: k O 13 betrayed as Mnd ohiort f . nis rpnAH ' tfesides Stf!m.. l " . " neiKk iL ,as cn i an. Citizen of remiw, hi ""6"wra nave rone arfnr i . quence, he and thnv tnlST' J no.w' ad o ave no wtrigl.t. i&tian Jsc gentle in senti. TSyrnan" to Chr 1 on the other? tcye can J coj rta ,vork hiding J a WfConeM could di-iJJTf0? the said rfc,;,, s wddiing,!, the nmes. o due VoSeratio; Z the XS thembeforPfi,,,J.:f.?ubJ5ct' .aid separate t.o Fuuon would fc r, .v.I disregarding X?': ?Py w.Vdom bv despising ,1 un " constnwnt.. anJ h.,deaSofJ;.r:0, "Tr. Certainly different frim th" vAt. 5iw .antoman, he said BehnM .C V 11 V -d -that is wisdom - and to , rf,n J fear of t,,e ' standing." "And David an f?7 CviI " the same yie. ;i:aV, and Solomon expres, . ' e fJirif; foJunie teaches me , same tmt h Ian said, Iplivo ie cannot tne Unioii- be done. If nd is on Hear! believe, 'A at too. I mp-in JJnot dQ justice 1 BBW jiA9m UIJL Iffl a place r , .M- i.nvV"- ne cloven foot, And at one enentv of ever thinff that uuiiJii lii uiumuLc luciui A-uun icucc. -rlrJl' , ' ,. , ' ,' ttVjram ana pure reugion. mere sir, there's the man vhocan lay it down about right. But when he comes to speak of Congress he takes the rag off the bush oh no, that wont do, I would rather say, be caps the climax of beauty and mili- fluence. j "I. come now to say that Congress has usurped a power that does not belong to it, and has the aarroA Ife mut he GriW ( I ,r r. .t eatejjtviX "V5 lnTJMve of the ten oi l)iU?Md pleasure of app!auJin relusinz to fp.-if a...i gtI.e.V!,t,mofc.. I . - ' J - - t. Will mandment in the dccaIonie i A X - " COui AfWcrc, that his. wisdom ih " V Nr l,3-v' 7 -ee. -in tl.;r,. U4".?n' wisdom offwi- - greey, m this niatzer. are just al k" viV A.. madness. ' lz-JoUu, cvi u Bat he gives us farther SDmm.iia ; . evidence of Aft y here, that they Will Lv;t:7Pn, ana laws of the StaWas well as the n war." If they do, I laws .of Jehovah,! and it is therefore cruel, uncon- Et, and shall think that sututional and wicked." i hus vou see, tna,t wnue I' I. ... . -t. r . , t mm . t fo A t.r. -111 he vmdicates the ngnts oi "jenovan" ana tne ething worse than Turkish I ctful Jte which is due from a christian and a It! leaven pie fact, because I UKeJ? ru "e Blio,l,lh" -ini ft wobld be Sionil; ri P manjr 0,!l-rjr' L'lut individualist WE" - Sptnenta are all implied, and m,,ct VI I. w.!r nis readers. DocshVthJni, "VVun, u'M,eu X f mentioning " :r, ;4"1 c"-nitanco ould shield the nation, and i ..r- - . iuk inai me rirrumx lof mentiomnir "this simn! c.t .."nV uauuu, ana secure the wrlfrn- ie government as well as indirullt" , f!.01 der his wisdom did. not suggest to him for tJ m TY of hi! nation, ty dC sending his mighty letter, with iu weiVhtr " argument -becawe. I believe," direct to WaS mi?i7'i v -U m,Sht there be seen, and flow lit direct Imes , to every corner of the Union. But th6 best -minds cannot think of every rood and great thing at onetime My little mmdi won derfnllr nuzzled with the fact that the advocates of aabbath mails, the tew men of the nation, nev, bmi? any argument t Rimnnrf fk:. i eopl( i i w ytioarii-Sounds 'cy oi said and wood, Ion Fulton ; ,in his Of- lufficient, ade. lc of Yen ezuchr suspect being concerned in the monarchi cal scheme ; but the declaration that he made the 'day 'df his Teslnuuion, when he said, "Neper neverI swear, has the am-. bition of a crown stained my mind " con nected with fond recollections, may recon cile them to him. Much, will depend up on Paez; if he can' be appeased I think the nation may yet be safe. J All the v oner is baso miicrnRcn.i:.. -. . i man cau have any superiors: Finally, gentle red f86!. Pon' ljamble belief, With . - B6l-1 der' yu;wlU "aa ourineuu s concluding -""'-n.r- .-. t,. -.v - irT,.. . . or rather: antidote, to be worthy of himself. I here give a short extract from it. ".Mr. Editor, in con clusion! ; I am compelled to notice a commnnica- tionin your second number over the signature of "A Citizen of Lincolnton;" but I will doit briefly and then wipe my fingers." . There aain you discover another instance of bis extreme deli-l cacy : he wouldi. not have touched this impudent! "piece 0 abomination u he had not been compel ledtodo'so, But of course he must "wipe hid fingers.' Yes, and I say let him wipe his moutn also,1 for surely he must, begin to slabber with s4 But ahe lablihed l"IC. The Liberator ii 4S years old :a small, creat and so. continued a flux of honey. liht made, and active! man, dark com- all. we never can estimate this great man as wL i ! . ii iii . .J. .i i i ousht. uutirwelook at the treu?th of his arru- piexion, ana nam to tne top oi nis neau. ments-take a sample or two of that. "And itfaigood."- This is a charge, against Heaven iih I In private circles his manners charm eve- the reproach of the United States that in the Post witness ! Very probably, sir, "A-. Citizen of ireat uuesioes oeiuemeni, uanns to be a christian a iaw th u neither, "lioly, just nor ry uoclyl tie makes you lorget, directly, umce department, uiey violate the ftaubatn. u that ybtl are in the presence of the great 13n.tain i0 not thus. ihere are twenty ven i - iv L u r an u lx'.i ii mail-stages enter tlie city of London every day in chieitaih, whose fame tills halt the world, lh6 we&f except on tLe Christian Sabbath, and and you are cheated into the belief? that there U not one on that HOLY DAY." ;JSee the you see only a very agreeable gentleman, force anid conclusiveness of his reasoning. Who fond of talking, and disposed to be in good doesjiot see from these frets, that if we had a,, ,- j i r i i i to establishment here as they liave in Lngland, the nuuior, aim lowaKe every ooay eise so. Sabbath- could be kept as sound as a roach. And you may see from the drift c our friend's remarks, that if tiie magical influence of this holy day upon He dined with Mr. Moore . a few days since, in company .with the members of the diplomatic corps, and the principal " gov ernment officers, and gave Gen. Jackson, as a toast, remarking, among other things, that lie was the perfection ador de lagloria de su patria (the perfecter of his country's rfory,) and gaid many things,compliraen- tory to the United States. f . Bostox, March 2.. Hail Roads. The House of Representatives of this State ba the mind, should be -destroyed or impaired, by the conUnuajice of the- present 1'ott Olhce regulations. allhougu tliey have, tis true, already existed up wards of twenty years, the consequence, finally, will be the total overthrow of religion and of civil government. ' Dreadful thought truly but as there is yet, nothing in point of fact, to warrant this hor rid apprehension, let us hope such fearful conse quencesj will never take place. Now, is it not Eossible -that our- friend's fears onf this head, may ave "been augmented by perusing a piece on the same subject, copied i,ntothe Calvinistic Mas- azine, irom a uosion paper, where the bloody thlp ving rejected the proposition to undertake .sceneswen occurred under uobespieire, and oth iiiC . & V i-i . er tyrants, are attributed to the loss of the Chns- I tlm rniwtnirt i nrt fit rail rrrta rrt n crcfom 1 .. J ..... ... .. .1 . .1 . . mVW 11 All T I ... i , wia ww... , ; -- .v-.t - J 1 A. V VJ U V 11 1 which by which the. 55 tate should take a share in upon the baneful effect, produced in the minds of. cnrl onnlioMinn linx-o W n,oc0ntJ Ii deistical writers. But since it is not very probable missus- ov,VI" v..wi. ...t..vv.. w.vsvuivu . i moea ?r t.n : i.vil i.. . . , . , , . iiiuiw uic uiom ui -"- ivih.ii .ucu jh:. nuo w ere power to to th X-fegtslature for charters to private known 0 be uiiterate at that period, read much of Toads in dinerent directions lrom .lioston. propapie mat tne moD was driven into these mad Four bilk for rail road charters are now eLilTLTa t- fa'u i - e .1 f . . - r . ment of causes producmg a revolution among about before the Legislature VX One for a rail twenty-sixmilhons of 'peoplc'and twenty million. road from Boston to. the v ermontpr ewl of that number an oppressed peasantry, the Bas Hamnshirft linp. inr thfi Vlirprtinn nf T?rnt-1 tile; Letters de catchet, heavy and uneaual taxes. J Ueborough, has passed the House of Re- j? fe LC' fr?m h the nb" P1: -.JiJLh iB A u, ,u- s " M$y d flergyere exempt, and these taxes pciotuiomi au.. uww "ciuiu we kj-u-1 coueciea wiui tne most nnjeeunxr rigor. In the vat the su- id to tcsu? the Jeap- ?cou- tred a ' IS ! iute, to rof your famewor- erit your 'chyou, 1 cove- to ateL Another bill, authorizing a rau road instancejof the duty on salt,some paying a small ex- from Boston to Lowell, has passed the Sen- caseo,e,gm orien nvresonthe Hundredweight, -j- uc5 ..ti' rri while others had to pay fifty or sixty livres manv . .... . . . , I of them not being, able to procure that necessary two .other bills nave not yet been acted on article without!: paying for it the enormous sum of by either House. Une is tor a rail road eight ten doiiarsp er bushel; and if they smug frdm Boston td the New .York line, to- gleiere condemned to the galleys anddeath." rrtU JllKW nr Tmv a ntW fnr B theudal rights, called; in French Silence dts "7r r x - - " gTe0U'" wuen tne lady of the Manor lay in, a i tin luau iiuiii liuiiuu w x tuuutm,i, i me peasanis were ODiifeu to beat Uie watpr in marshy places, to keep the frog silent, thai the lady- need not be disturbed." : These small mat .m r-.l ... ters; wtn many otners too tedious to mention now, one wouldlsuppose might be taken into the calculation of a writer who undertakes to account for the enormities following in the train of the r rencn jievoiution. . . air. ryOitor, i i ear i. nave tresspassed on your patience;, but I must beg your indulgence, while make one closing remark. 1 should, as an rndi- with a branch of the same road to Taun ton. . Daily Advertiser. . - COMMUNICATIONS. i : SABBATH MAILS. 1 Mr Editor. Weaned with the noise of party strife, the jar of conflicting interest, and disgusted with the Dride of ooinion. we naturally lookaround for something whereon the rnind shall repose with j vidua!, be quite satisfied and rather glad' if Con- pleasure... - s i vuuu, wuuuui paruaiuy, grani mc prayer 01 JU KXXlWZ, UU TUUI UdUCI J1 UJC JU1 UUh uw, I hub VCUUVUClt IVI MUUU1UC UiC UOIlSUUIltUUIl OI . ii. . - ... r . . 1 I .1 4 -4 t-i . . . . . . taav. it leu to mv nanDy lot to nna inax envia-1 we Jiau on ounaav. nut as 1 am contenied with .'! r .. ir L. J I .1 .L . - i i i .. '.. . Dy uie perusal oi tne piece puonsnea i ue sysiem asuu, snouia sucu aiierauon ne attend- Sini ? n T I J : :.L!.jj;.!..i vi .1 tiergrman." . i es sir, ue very name i cu iu. Mcuu'aai cxpeoBe, x iiope ue peuuoners a oi meeKness, cnaxity, ana m a wui payu i . ujux oiiuu and yet Ac believes it would Ye better for our s l emment to have no religion!! He j withe iLc Sahhath to have no influence in thei Vot Oth establishment, and no' douU in hi? own private . concern.', (for is it not a general thin, I llicv i? is, that those who arc cppoK-d to stopping .he mail on the. Sabbath, mate no matwr of ron- -science to transact their necolar or worldly ' ness on that holy day.) What then would becor- , . of us as a nation I Where would be our precious privileges and boasted honors ? Let me refer u A Citizen of Whitesides' Settlement" to the French revolution, and annihilation of the Christian Sab bath there to the wide spread of irreliirion, infi J - " ity, discrace and ruin, that covered that di huk d land. 1 here he will learn, what is plainly ta agh . in various other ways, tliat the christian Veligioa ' cannot, vill not remain in a land, froni which th. christian Sabbath b banished." This "Citizen" teems to imnnute that worldlv iuterest and individual convenience Li, andtvzh!' to be. the- highest ohtect of attention, and first of pursuit, "to the -government as well as individu als ;" and that by insulting the Lord of Heaven. . and God of Providence ; is the best way to secure aoiessing.ana ooiain uie cesireu onject. lie ap pears not to know, or admit, that the Lord over rules all the affairs of men and nations; and pros pers or blasts them, as seemeth good in his sigh?. "For promotion cometh neither from the cart, nor from the west, nor from the south : But God is the judge ; he puttcth 'down one and settelh up anoth er." Psalm 75. C, 7. I also recommend him and all other?, even the. members of Conre. to read carefully the -141th Psalm, and by it rm their ideas ol a prosperous nation. '-Happy is that peo-. pie that is in such a case ; yea, happy i that peo ple whose God is the Lord." That'istlie God of any individual, which is the" object of the highest attention or regard. Now not the Lord, bnt profit or convenience is the God of "A Citizen of Whif sides Settlement, and he hopes and wishes Con-' . gress may make the same God to this nation ! It cannot be considered a penemon of holy writ! . say, in tliis case, "Cursed is that people' ihat m in such a case ; yea, cursed is that people wlioserol is not the Lord." For this "A Citizen of White sides Settlement" wrote, for this he hone. V1,:.? rean he now think of his patriotism T . .What of hU I now take the liberty of asking him hoic man . of the citizens; in his vicinity he has convened -with who are wrry for "signing id petition, ani hope it will be of no weight!" He says h is "a number. Two is "a number ;" and one is "a -number. . 1 rom my knowledge of facu and cir- cumstanccs, -1 believe, hke many others," that . number is rerv small ' I further ask him, if ho. did not aim , his letter, addresd to you, as a fatal -shaft a deadly jlt, at a certain character or bdi- ' vidual ? I advise him to be careful lest, "His mis chief shall return apon his own liead, and hw violent dealing shalf come down upon his own pate. VVislung prosperity to vour paper and success to the memorials mincf 's.nf .k9tk am yours, &c. Rutherford, NVG. March 2C. 1630. HOMO.