lh I the a- tiraatc-of the ppcar to require that they should iss and self devo- ny man has weight pear him through o the Duke of glisters come for xlonment of one hcm in like amount of ;d in tome on tlic h we fair, ' :nta- UJut ns 1 3tura , sustained -t three millicnsV iTMr-fivc tlininul cnreciatjon on real .rsi-iti per cuit.) amounts to a mill half.' Tliisis ccrtninlv n imw. -rflul argument hi favor, of scl project J to ret ire the trade of Boston. . ii ne tiarcd to make a similar itimati or the depreciation and lo, which our town ha, suffered,' perhaps -the rcMilt, would be equally as startling. . Salem Observer. An extraordinary phenomenon is now to be seen, in this town. It is a person . emaciated, that his bones ami tendon - are to be seen through the skin. Al- ' though so wasted, as scarcely to appear to be a human being, he has a cood :;p titi; and retains the strength of an ordii.nry man. No satisfactory canto ha Ucn discovered for this extraordinary chausv. We understand he has been Mi'ied by fin barren and other Medical nm!, innn who have pronounced him 'the most m- - Lmarkable specimen of n v.ilkm- n..-.!,i. my which has evcrdiecn witnesMd in this country. LVtou Daily Adv. New Constitution of Virginia. stated itl,f. 'lnl ifir.il Aroni . f 1 . lHolnll V I M.'.nU o.wl I...,... II P.... will he candidatcs'at the next Octo- Jcctlon for septs in the House of Del-, .s, underlie new constitution. Would not be very advisable, and very proper. for those who made the new- constitution, to put it into operation 1 Believing that it would be its best interpreters, we doubt rf&rj not 11 ould give general satisfaction if :i. ' OlOOQ OI . r.i. .' .- i . ' t rT tliA nnronnnti awa w .uv V11UU1 "lie e re- uce u2nc rsprincipally msideration of Execu- to main- sideration future ac- rn fiinti-i r ui uii ton of theoC rVkich they i at they are Idress in the k ig that j be ted anions of Stand- in. Y ciatcs 1 coun- Lhorae and or- r ne. rpnn- n au- ecn lpro- lotives the in- d octroy, Jdle class, discerning ',ar Jo have e been con- ioth among ,s the penal- laws upon migration, me- not only been . have been es- mer, -..either by partisans ; as fhnexed to j this use. The " proceedings were of an uninterestins character. L There was some discussion on the resolution .offered, by Mr. Swift, relative .to the survey for the purpose of. fortifying one of the islands in' Lake Champlain, but no question was taken on its final disposition. The) resi due of the day-was- occupied on thfc bill to construct a road from Buffalo, in the State of New York, by way of Was, ton, to New Orleans.;. . to apply their shoulders to the wheels of the new gpv. enunent, and set it in motion. ; A fire broke out oft the 1st ultimo in the Chemical Works of the Norfolk Labcra- ural ajid impossi lections too between the a, m science, trade, and all kinds of intellectual and civilising intercourse; constitute channels of sympathy and mu tual interest, that must lead every well in- tory,iu Ruxbury, near Boston, belonging loruiea ana nucrai minuea uraerjcan loi io mr, jonn 11. liiaKC, irom mc tmrsung cherish a lively regard for the welfare of of two demijohns of ether. The fire England. : ; Kspead so rapidly that the buildiu?,.with its In the House of Commons, February 5. 1 contents, was consumed. And ou Mou- Mr. Robinson inquired " whether'any - ne- day evening betwen 10 and 1 1 o'clock, an gotiation is pending between this country other fire brokc out in a range of wooden and the United States, with a view to the buildings on Snow's wharf, Boston, which renewal of a direct intercourse between the "were entirely consumed. The latter fire United States and our possessions in Can- is supposed to lc the work of ar? incendi- TIIURSDAY, Marcl 25. senate., x ne oenuie sat neany hours with closed doors in the considera tion of Executive business. The! o'nly nominations which jyere finally acted on, we understand, 'were those of William Ring, as collector of the port of Bathf in Maine, and James D. WetcoU, as Secre tary of the rl erritory of Florida both of whicli were confirmed. i -f IIouse. The resolution offered by Mr. Swift, relative "to the fortification p'fLake Champlain, was modified, with the con sent of the mover, on motion of Mr. Wickliffe, and in that form was adopted. The House then took up the resolution Mr. jUcDurhe, uirectmsr the imff-! seven .wJn aua Mr. Secretary Peel My answer to the honorable gentleman's question is this that a communication .has been received from the Minister of the United States on that important subject ; and that this com- munciation is still under the consideration of his Majesty's government. . . In rcplyingto an observation of 3Ir. IIus- kisson, Mr. Peel said, the honorable mem ber had avowed his satisfaction at the speech of the American President. 'His (Mr. P sj 'was equally great, for the Pres ident's expression of amity and friendship towards this country were such as it gave him extreme pleasure to re-echo with res pect to America, and he hoped that all the future competition between the two coun tries. would be that of industry, peace and civilization! ' f , n 1 i. Retrenchment iommiuee 'to report I bill ,OId nickorj-scemstohavc.icklcd John hte ofConsrcss T'.r u"" ",naX,Ve,m: One oft to reduce the pay of members alined that the pill was not swallowed with the less avidity, for coming from the hand that smote him so desperately at New Orleans. I New Sovereign of G recce. The follow ing paragraph appears in the Gazette de r ranee ot Monday, 1st iebruary :- "Ae BIT , A. melancholy .accident occurred iii Shenandoah county Vir. a few days since: The miller employed in Mr. Pitman' mill,a few miles above" Woodstock, had safcfy'cQnducted.over the river iii a ca noe a number of ladies, and was crossing for the last time with Mrs., Pitman, a daughter-in-law of the Mr. P. first named when the canoe upset and both were tlirown into the stream. The Miller, however, seized Mrs. P. and was convey ing her to the shore, whenthe canoe, which had Jodged above them on the mill dam, broke loose .and struck him on hw head, with such force as to deprive him of motion, and both he and. Mrs. P were .drowned, i Bepuh. . New York, March A duel was fought yesterday morning, at llobokcri. two young lads of tins city. the parties was slighry injured in re been desijr rindaius, aljho' to two dollars per diem whenever the first session of a Congress shall exceed 120 days, and the second '$0 days in length; This. resolution led to some debate, which was continued till the expiration, of the hour, without producing any. result.' Af- ter this, the House went into Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union, are assured that the definitive protocol res on the bill to construct abroad from IBuffa-1 pecting Greece has been signed in London lo to New Orleans ; when Mr.. Carson op-1 betweeu the plenipotentiaries of the three veatures with posed the' biltt some length. The bill powers, arid that Prince Leopold of Saxc I ' . . . w .11. T r n t- .I'.i.i i assesses, m was men supporiea oy mr. craig oi v lr-1 conurg, is mvcsica wnn me sovereignty ot Vtern co- ginia,Ir. Ramsey and -Mr. Smithl . Mr. Greece." ' ' : - ' - Jnt-irp Tinri -Xr-ti. fehepperd then moved that the com- The I'afis journal du Commerce savs, tat genera- mittee rise. TJie Ilctose then considered, we are enabled to announce, from the most raittee, can-J in Committee of the Whole on thftktatn of authentic, information, that the exnedition the Union , the bill making appropriations against Algiers was decided in the Coun- fnr 'PTiiminntifina flnrl snrvee Art rtnA tVo I il wtilnli irnc liolrl vctorrlnv OOft mnti I bnrrla nf T'lmir orrli-ml o( l-ctrkn .1.-. bill makinsr appropriations for harbors. I are destined for the . expedition, to . com-1 1 Ith inst. which Atere reported. mencc in 3Iay. Prince Leopold of Saxe Coburgis short Iscome the fntage and nttee, con- f this coun- poitionsofit Relieved the which has of the more q a coinmon i, to the plan j 7 witn Kinaness, UUU i.u . v. them, the lnfla the arm, when the seconds interfered ami prevented lurther mischiet. c undcr stand that the afl'air grew.out cf a dispute . concerning a young lady 'of this 'city.' They should, be well birched for their fol- 1). ' Daily Sentinel. On the 9th inst. the dwelling house of Mr. William S. Foreman, of Pitt county, N. C. together with all its content were consumed, by. fire. . .. r ' . .' A public meeting of the citizens of N. Yrk was called for Tuesday evening last, to make arrangements for the erection of a monument in mat city to the late Uapt. Lawrence, of the U. S. N. - , n .1.. l ji i -t ljiocii iiiuuuuu uiiiuur(.'u nuu uliny 1 FQCEIGW AND DOMESTK; , exoccled af Paris, ivberc tlie rort o TFrom the Baltimore Farmer.! ; TT his marriage with a daughter of the Duke i Lnrush papers nave been received tromi oi uneans is revived. 1 . . n vtm 1 Of l-i "VvT f 1-m t vjr l.ol1 o JLiUliltwlif ivr niVs i.vui ui ui uui j ;uu tv f j r nrpvnt thmr counts asree in represeniinff mcaisiress- : isiiua. . icuer 10 uie eunpra vi me r - i . .1.1.1. .. , . . T . T- tiTAiiin D(i r i A n . . r- n t . i tii 11 'ii'i wi r 1 w 3 ri n wm . v i iitti ' . www mr m-ww-ww t i u ... i r-ww t m i i i 1 1 1 i.. . ' , In New York, on the evening of the 4th inst. between 6 and 7 o'clock, a black m.ui snatched from the hand of Mr. Gcrardus 5'ost a hankerchief containing about '00. He was pursued and caught, and commit ted to Bridewell. The Williamstown Lyceum have voted to plant a jiursery of 12,000 white Mulbery itiiioii. uiat jiur . .i u corora anil imnorcni havSnri vnnni minor nnTP rkt Tii iiit snva .1 1 ' J t tne Indians, ot . . . f.-f,Lt . u.u u Mr0-. irees eariy in uie spnn anu appointed a 1 1 II . J V : I 1 1 1 1 1 1 III UIC UISIUII KIL LlltlL I' I ruL. UllL I VU11CU11UI.T lu uuun JL iiic cuivuiui ui . - 1 C i AnwnJ. .rnn I Knoin nnH inn aro thia icUnH inHctuin ant 1 "vv . wu.. iv.uiuuuu ' ! . ' ' I ffeesiions, anu 10 uie bill imfortunate the governmen nation. ; The demand upon Spain, and declare this ishmd independent, i. ieiit, for some measures of im- has just been discorered.: f wenty-s-en vcc into cf-. ,Tr 5 ' mediate anivrSUical reliet, as is stated in arrests have been made, anu. 1 s! ul. I. I ' 1 -t. i '1...-L1I' ii J k ' J 11 " i all tile private letters -jeceivea uere, pro- nuuuxeu ciuzeiis m mi arts buspccicu 10 ceed from all classes and conditions, ex- parties. Aiie untisn in gate inton am- tjperhaps the public creditors! ' Howl ved to-day from Vera Cruz and Tampi- end it is lmps-smie 10 say ; ipe ms- co, in ten aays sue repona nuinuig oi me e past puts all prediction at defi- political state of thatyntrvTcept that iaE?y- from Napolebn the 10,000 men were y 'Hp Ypripst tvrn in Tiolitirs.l Texas, nrohahlvr The Senate have confirmed the ap pointments "of Anthony Iiutler, .ChaTge des Affairs to the Republic of Mexico, and T". I TX"-- tn 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 ii ir i .'vi in inn w-vttiiv kfuti iiti vj n ru. I ? . . A subscription has been opened in New Qork for raising "money to publish an edi- v ..-- - j - " j Mr .--- frs. Webster a and liayne t -- . . , bankruptcy and over-1 trad

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