.V.;,;. -? .' .' y' - " ' 32 - T H E NO R TH C AR OLINA SPECTA TOR AND WES TERN fiRTISER. -., - ' ; '-- " ' ' - . 1 - ..,. - ....... - M POETRY. itiated and imorant: rr iw: i :r- e t i . I o - . l turn invyre a juuc ui uuiu jjjtiuu. j T'The following yerses, never before printed, were mtten dj uor a uyron in answer to some lines re- rr.w"v " i0 aulcci mai ifc i most pertect soecimpn nf foroiI V I ceived Trom a friend exhorting him to be cheerful, New UniTesity of Columbia Collet ill f ever seen in N vT 0"em3i her air, I nd to Danish caref wiU showVith wbat establish professorship in that Ibt hW SiTu S1 Jfiner face; hkA mxj naeutyvenwni e under tne pressure ot . Talon r f i -wuu "bot. her ancle, h .MORAL AND RELIGIOUS. .r beauties niade their ALJXSi m lasnionable society, i There waa oWnever .lwWed amr thin of his to uch a .: .. .A'SrSS bImi-A - w j . . i - j d m -fiirnr nr r mil w m miT k. im . i.uuliih iui t Propriety of custume has been elevated ffirHiiT L , into a science, and hu:An tWrt- ,T. " "w " nsmerenes St liX sorrow. hi reverted to the diaanoointment 13 early affection, as the chief source of all his offerings and errors." : - Newstead Abbey, Oct. 11,1811. . 0b, banish caf' such ever be ' -t . TTie motto; of revelry, Perchance roitoe; when wassail nights ' Renew those riAtous delights, ' .f . T yWherewith the children Tof despair . f i? ' ljreJlonVneart, and 'banish care, JBut not in morn's reflecting hour, When present, past, and future lower, j When all I loved is changed, is gone, J Mock with sucn yye taunts the woes of one Whose every thought but let them pass U, ThoSknow'stI am not what I was. hlworld hold e in a heart.that ne'er was cold, , ill the powers that shaen revere, ithyJosonidear, fthy hopes above, 2 1 i y . gpeak-speak of any thing but love.7 JITwerfe long to jell, and vain to hear Tbejale of one who scorns a tear; i , ' i'And thre is litfle in that tale " V Which better bosoms would bewail. : imine has suffered more than Well r l 'Twould suit philosophy to tell: -x I've seen my bride another's bride- , NvT-llIave seen tier seated by his side- - W Have seen the infant which she bore WeafTCe sweetj smile the mother wore, -, When she and I m youth have ;snuled, ; r As fond and faultless as her child,' ; i Have seen her eyes, in cold disdain, "Ask if I felt no secret pain ', ' " V i And I have acted well mv part, ; f And made nty cheek belie my heart, . Return'd the freezing glancleshe ave Yet felt the while ,Aa woman!s slave; 5 - IJave kissM, as if without design The b'abe,which ought to have been mine, ; . And show'd, alas ! in ach caress, .Time had not mbde me love the less. . jU But let this pas I'll whine no moret JjjUtseek again in Eastern shore, - x ne wona Denis a Dusy Drain 7 : , , . - I'll hie me to its haunts again. : - if in mmn mccffdiTi fr vsjit . 1 . .ov.,.. . Britam'sVMavis in the sere.' ' hear'st of lone whose deepning crimes' ith the sablestu of the times f e, whom Mve nor Pity sways, i..f hope of fame, nor good men s praise ; One, who is stejn Ambition's prid, 1 ; chance not blood shall turn aside ; ) e rank'd in some recording page ith the worst anarchs of the .age ; " know and knowing, 'pause, have been i discovered hid unrlpr Jushels 1l n oil u &ready captured several andcrur t barrebr i Thei mostautifid among the racef corruscations ot tancy have bef1 brought dandi "er u116"601 & even supenor out of heads that had been riidered full hftny thing can be superior) to her per- of bills; accounts, reduction Aid Subtrac- son. Her powers of wit; fancy and imi- tion. Tn sbnrf tlio owjent pfFpnt n( irination. ar iust" ODeninff and thev show these fancy balls has beenePUy perceiv-1 a richness, an unrivalled richness, perfect ed in everv section nf S kaut . ion. ' On I Ir astounding: to all the naturalists of the the Occasion refeffed toe various char-1 city Some think that ; she came dowfa acters were strikingJ"ipmal well sup- J from the bright, blue sky, others that 6he ported and i admiraby hit oS. The fol- is the daughter ofsome enchanted king of lowing is only a specimen ot the charac- the great deep ; many -swear thatshe was ters. . - . : ; - ' ; -' ".' I d'ropt from the bright cloud last summer Tecumseh. tie great Indian warrior. I was a year, and that Doctor Mitchell This was a tram dress, so far as the less I knows the fact, but be passes it off as one p were pnnorftd." Hift talked Indian with 1 the nhenomena of electricitv. Such is the sreat ranicUv, but a.Winnebaffo told .him I transcendant beautv of this unique ere a- his tonsrur had a touch of the "brouge' l ture that three hundred young men; 1 He had long dispute about the removal 1 fashionable life have been taken sick, and of the Indians, and the flavor of canvass! now complain of despair, dispepsia, jad backs j " T 'tithe other, ten thousand signs of true lovers. A couple of Swiss peasants. 'These! The physicians are ever on the drive.- CFrom the Charleston Courier. T ' - . r 1 1 a canting OCC.OCCO.C. ana bo wcmi - MlirC M wpII of imnrovemeut as on tor Halt an nour aousing msown aeui- k aa frm n wniL- lnc-. tl,a nlilAM At it. ' It Alii " . m,. least ius uijivv vi 1 , 1, cation, or at writers were equally sincere u wouiu uc . in lhe midst of Churchyard., Th( ludlCrOUS.1' j 1 hv;AnJe fil,ftc. nrfir, fprpr Hrv ;"He told me that the night of Uie good im - fiilent admonl success of his School for Scandal, he was . cotwerLto the beholden truths tha knocked down 'and put into tne watcn bcar the ost beneficial influence. The house for making a row in the street, and f nt roomimental inscriptions that at being found intoxicated by the watchmen. obsemtion are at once salutary anc t4AVhen dying", he was requested to un- . - . . d us f Aorrrn an nnonitinn . TT ronlied that hel ' "-6u,."x "t"""' , I once were. They remind us of those that had already submitted to a, which were M tthc fitill mall voice'to, enough for one man shfe time. Being ask- nrn tn fnl!n Th. memorials by which we are there surrounded, not ed what they we're, he answered, having nis nair cui anp siiung lor nis picture. I I have met George Colman .occasion ally and thought him extremely pleasant and convivial. - Sheridan humour, or ra ther wit,' was alwAys saturnine, and some times savage ; he never laughs, -(at least that I saw and I watched him,) but Col man did. If I had to choose, and could not have both at a time, I should say, 'let me begin the evening with Sheridan and unfrequently discover to us the resting ' place ofsome near relative, or friend, some kindred or acquaintance, with whom per haps we were wont to participate in many of the gladsome scenes of life, whose pres ence cheered, whose smiles enlivened, and whose sympathies,warmcd by the ten der emotions of human nature, tlicd a- round them the congenial endearments of - each' social bliss. In contemplating such a scene, who is he that is not hum finish it with Colman : Sheridan for din were two Deautitul girls andjiancea uKe I ne Journal 01 llealtb, and Medical ln-1 uer.oiman torsupper; onenaan ior ciarei 1 Dej ji 1 now :ugt cxliblem of the angels.- 'l heir short dressjjeveaiecl ancles qiurer,are read by the head ot every tamily. or port ; Out uoiman tor every ining irom 1 voutn beauty that sleep beneath the of the most bewitching kind, and what is I A most violent disorder like the influenza,! Madeira and champagne at dinnerthe l, 1 marble is the once Wocitninr loveher than a beautiful foot-and ancle 1 1 has sewed up all the old. bachelors, 5n claret with a layer of parf between' we I nrtTr tV,ot v v a . IJ1I&- 111 J IY 11 1L111 A 11 AAU W-M m J U LMJU to the punch of the night, and aV e illUst indulging such rcflcc- A Turk with a big mustachib went up 1 consequence of this wonderful girl. The glasses up ana asKea mem someiningaooui xvosseau 1 poor 01a wunerea spngs 01 ine Deau mon-i aown 10 uie and the lake of Geneva; They tbll him de are almost, lulled one day with snee,z- 'break. All these I have threatened with both the same. Sheridan was a CTtoadier ' tco nmnfntu ' tions, the melodious tones of the Organ, they drank .water out of it last summer when they returned trom .Niagara. Ua! ha! ha! The peasants were particularly lovely. -: . Queen Elizabeth in crimson dress van dykedtarched stiff and Hned ermine. IShe moveA around the rooms with great digri- y ordered her vassal lord to attend her and hand her blanc mange, Sec. &c. A1 little bit of young Raleigh . pulled off his jerkin and trailsfeTr.ed it mto a carpet for ing. and another with coughing. srtort, i. xork was never in such an aw ful predicament as it is at this moment. One third of our population, is dying jin love one-third for lucre and mainder of starvation. the re- of liking for me ; and he never attacked me, i ai ieasi; 10 my ice, anu ue uiu every uqay yhhv. hcnir not at all daunted, but with 1 . r i.iiFc?- i ii I else high names, and wits, and orators.! tiio mnCt cr nmrA fare- kA:- "If tioned in senpture. It -a. LI ...-T-BOUieOl UICIU UUUIS U1SU. A IlUVc BCCU 1111X1 I rmi dk im nir fA tho fro nnr, it l hilt n J1'"1 "' I ill rn iiii w r nvi uu 'Jiiiiiir ri la m. t . vwu oili fi. viiii v uw a VI ll I LI ' it I A., Tv f . drew I V f J. im wilt thou or with the eflfect forget the cause The anticipations of his own future cireer, in se concluding lines, are of a nature,it must be owned, to awaken more of horror than interest, were we' not prepared by so many instances of his exaggeration in this respect, not to 4e startled at any lengths to which the spirit of self-libelling would carry him. ! It seemed as if with the power of oaintinff fierce and gloomy personages, he hacT also the ambition to be himself the dark 'sublime he .'and that itt his fondness for "the delineation heroic crime he endeavoredrto fancy, where he - " 9 ; ' a. ; l 11 The. following passages from the 'Memoirs Lord Byron by Moore,' relate to Sheridan, and are , truly characteristic of that great and eccen her carriage. She was a splendid Queen, !0? i1 have' m,et T?ie?d5n ffe--a isi, JL.w- xi- utl quently ; he was superb ! He had a' sprt 1 1 1 1 1 iiur miiiiiiii. i ir., KHjauiii . niu I - - - Six or rooms ibr. told sad and they, were crossed in love how their fa thers locked them up in the nunnery how they preyed and confessed. Ah" said a' Cossack, "I wish you would con fess you' love me." "Never'Vsaid one of the nuns. Another drank off. a glass of champaigne and said "I feel now my sins somewhat lightened." 'No doubt of it," said Commodore Trunion, "champaigne isL' devilish good thing to lighte the load There was a very dairy maids and French moved about with great elegance, and talked without ceasing. They Jaid siege tg one of the supper tables, and it disap peared like enchantment.. . ; . ; A most beautiful gipsey girl, with a straw bonnet and buff dress, tripped about the rooms, singing Buy a Broom, and oi ine uuaros, dui voimanawnoie regi- ..r ,uot untunn ii m,mrl. T ment-of LighUnfantry, to be sure but nej mUsic'was soon gone ! It suU a regiment. . . had passed away like the breath of life A young city fop, in company with wa& 9huh: M . .r Thp chnnnva ipntrlhcnrvl unflP. . Altikincr e country a pleasureing," when tney saw r 11.1 V- I. " of ij j. i:.u I on the transitonness of all tliat iscarthlr. a poor COUniry iau wura. u mo imu b . . siothinking it a fine, opportunity to I retired from the precincts of the Sancturr. show his wit to the damsels, by sporting . - . . , ... . with th France, he thii accosted Jofin. Westtys Bible" I have, thi .. .... j - i i r :. :1 t Bible which is in good condition: it con- I1UW liXl ll vv tcC aa J i . " , . , nnrt 1.. : wliich is the most direct road 1" Foor ttWUl V'T4 cut up Vhitebaudjquiz Madame de Stael, annihilate Colman, and do little else by some others, (whose names as friends, I set not down) of good fame and ability. f The last time 1 met him was, 1 think, at SsirxUbert Elliot's when he was as great as ever no, it was not the last time; the Ded his bead and drove on. loai Ltiuc vTcxo ai iuuKiass xuiiuauu B.I A "I have met ties at Whitehall at the Marquis of Tavistock's at Robin's I long and maps of all the ancient places men- contains the Apo- salms of David in mc- r v v w . m . . m short distance:,iftothejaU, it stands but nis iridic lormeriy ix ongea xo inc a few rods, this side ; but if only to pover- grandfother of the immortal Rev. 'John ty and disgrace, you are now approaching Wyy 1 alsobclongcd 10 1118 fa tuiu uiiuuy ucvuiuc iuc luupcjijr til t.ai late Jlr. John "Westley. It was in tho house when it was on fircj but was saved from the conquering element. " . It was left . o 4 . a a t your journey s end As for the most di rect road to either, you are now in it, and cannot miss the way." The dandy crop- - . w w mWT - r - . a - m. i trt iir.. t mr n inpnn- ot ni. nnn vma I ' ; I w - - - him in all places and war- During the American revolutionary war, I giren to Mr. Robert Daggett, of this town. , with the Melbourn's, 80 old German soldiers, who, after having when preaching in London, by an old lady. served under different moaarchs in I wrtn "the following words written on a 1 .l . - c: ii i: -rlJ i I -w-t ' i : .u A.l,:. I rkwtW lrt AlnfrlJcli lIie nucuouect b, ui on lAuiupxircy jLBTy oi Caurope, nau reiireu ocru&s uio xa.utuit.tw, i i o I at 5um rvoer s in snon. in most unaa ana convenea weir sworas mio diouzu-i giris. oeverai ---e- . , r r' , - j . " , , e j., i . i or uuuipany , aim utways iuuuu uiui very i snares, voiuniaruy iuruicu iiicuiscivcs mw i blank leaf by her : 'Search this holy book those once did to whom it belonged ; for informed them that Christ died for all." convivial and delightful. Mia company, and distinguished themselves have seen Sheridan weep two or three I in various actions on the side of liberty. times. It may be that he was maudlin ; but this only renders it more improper J for who would see From Marlborough's eye the tear of dotage flow telling fortunes to a host of Greeks, Turks., Africans and otherJBarbarians. There was an exquisite smile in her face that looked extremely wicked when she, com- could not find in his own character fit subjects for menQed decyphenng the palms of several J I" Vfr He healeth the broken : in heart, and bindeth up their wounds. "r. 147. 6. Oh thon who dryj'st the mourner's tear, ' Rl'- How dark this world would be, " -If, when deceived and. wounded here,. K We could not fly tf thee. "-: zJr - V The friends. who ijn our sunshine live, When winter cbmes are flown ; , And he who has but tears to give; Must weep tliose tears al.one. , ; But thou wilt heal that broken heart, h . Which, like the plants that throw . r Their fragrance from the wounded part, " Breathes sweetness out of wo. ':. .. When joy no longer soothes or cheers, V v . -Aode'enthe hope that threw ' v J 'A moment's sparkle o'er our tears, v , . Is dimm'd &nd Vanishd too ! Oh!. who would bear life's stormy doetn,' . v Did not.thy wiig of lore -'; Come brightly wafting through the gloom L Our peace-branch from above T " Then," sorrow touched by thee, grows bright, . i ' .. - i With more than rapture's ray ; As darkness shows us worlds of light, - We nfever sawby day ! . 3 broad hands. She predicted several in- gular events, but appeared to be more an fait with the past than the future. A tall young fellow made his : appear ance as Goldfinch, whip -and hunting jacket in the true style. He said he had tested the ! Widow Warren, by his stop waicn online oaroxoga race course. ' Wont do, says he I must and shall have that Hungary peasant ffirl. . Widows flat d d flat now fa days, unless they have titty thousand to begin with Mary, 7 beautiful Mary- Queen o icuis, eniwd me room aim atiracten cv- Jf ancl 'touched every heart. She fall the loveliness of face, beautv o shape ancl dignity of demeanour, Which she displayed when she twas the head -o the court of France and the consort i Francis. She danced sefsauadrilles and displayed altogether finest persons in the world. The in a beautiful woman that er impression on the min? tWvw a? than either pickled oysters25yV- ters stewed according to Uie'most approv ed methods. Is this not true o.ul of sen sibility f i ; ": ; ' ' - Y ' 1 A beautiful little Buenos Ayrean girl trippeUitJighdjthrpugh a German waltz, and afterwards a Spanish fandango. T Her broken English was particularly admired oy au immense Kalmuck l artar, whose And Swift expire a driveller and a show, I Once I saw him cry at Robin's the a auc- ioneer's, after a splerOd dinner, full of great names and nign spirits. . 1 nadj tne honor ot sitUng next to feheridan. , lhe occasion of his tears was some observation or f other upon the subject of the sturdihess of the .Whigs, in resisting oflace aud keep ing to their principles. Sheridan tutned round : Sir, it is easy for my Lord GL or Earl G. or Marquis B. or Lord H. , with thousands upon thousands a year, some of it presently derived, or inherited in : sine- KOT'ICE TO MINERS. THE subscriber cWirn the Keif cf invention to the CAST IRON PLATES or 8IVES used for the purpose of separating Alltrri&l Gold from the auriferous earth and pebbles t and here by forbids all persons from mairiii or wiog said riates or ditcs as be intends apply tne lor a f stent. T. W. A. bUMTER. ITamsbtrrg. Bnrke Co. March 27. 1830. ?tf WUO WANTS MONEY. TIIE Commissioners oftbe HICKORY-NUT GAP ROAD, hare let that part of the road cures or acquisitions from the. public 'mo ney, to boast of their patriotism, and keep not have The Captain was nearly 100 years' old. and had been in the army 4U years, and present in 17 battles. The drummer was 94, and the youngest man in the corps on the verge of 70. Instead of a cockade, each man wore a piece of black cravt as a mark of sorrow for being obliged, at so advanced a period of life, to bear arms. "But,'' said the veterans, "we should be dpfir.ifrnt in mratitude. if we did not act in I marked by them "Itlow PorUr$ f Dttbton defence of a country which has allorded -Tlr rTl Lots or pieces of Road, marked for alteration and improvement, at OuSland ItiXg, thoxe Wahiag ton Harris', and fronx lt Itland Ford, above Johu Davenport's, to iFsi. Ledl titer's, are Hill ondir pos ed of, and now offered for contract at private tle. All persons desirous of making some money, ex & leisure time, after they lay by their crops, wocld do well to examine tbese alterations and make pro posals to the Commissioners," or either of than, xmmtdudtly, as these contracts will be let in a short time; Bond and security will be required for the completion of the w oik end the Road to be finished on the 16th f October next.' The money will be paid beyond all doubt according p contract. - JAMES GRAHAM, Commit T. F. BIRCHETT, $fenm. Rotherfordton. March 19, 1830. " &tf us a generous asylum, and protected us from tyranny and oppression." 1 J Enghsh paper. i A newspaper is a panacea for every dis ease, both mental and bodily. ' Sick or well, hot or cold, full or fasting, it is al ways welcome. The man of business re laxes his toil to devour the inestimable treasure; the idle man declines it as the first end last rjemedy for ennui. . The following letter, addressed to a gen- aloof from temptation ; but they do kpow from what temptation those kept aloof who had equal pride at least, equal talents and not; unequal passions, and nevertheless knew not, in the course of theirlives, what it was to have a shilling I tlemah in Farmville, Va. enclosing $100, of tneir own." And in saymg this he wept, has been received by the person to whom I ;! have more than once heard him say, I it was addressed : "For about $70 stolei that he never had a shilling of his own from jrour large iron chest box, in Man- j MISCELLANY. If From the New York Courier and Enquirer. NEW YORK FANCY BALE. The Masquerade Ball recently held at J latitude and longitude both measured six tKe Park Theatre, was a great bore a feet and one inch. A young Greek ofB- odigious humbug, and illegal to boot. , cer, fresh from the, gean, brushed the . lev ua; j uuc oi wese maguin-1 j. anar away, ana iook tne lovely rtuerios t entertainments was given m one of Ayrean under his arm. carried her to the fashionable streets, by one of our fash- tables, and stuffed her with bine annles nable leaders of the ton. It was the first I and compliments, ice cream and flattery. one given during the present season, and r A number of the did characters and old a spienaia openiqg u was. or many dresses ot last year perambulated ; the Weeks proceeding- the celebrated night, rooms, but there was nothing so remark- nothing was heard in the private walks of able in appearance as to produce either life, or in the tcte-atetes of the haut ton thunder, lightning, or rain, or even a touch but inquires about characters, suggestions of an earthquake. They cracked several on. dress, and criticisjrilon doublets, hats of their old stories, but there was" little djarapery. : &ince.the lrancy Balls ofl laughing done on that account. On the ytitf, the neau monde have made ma- whole, however, it was a splendid assem- To be sure he contrived to extract a good many of other people's'. . - f J "In 1815 1 hadVoccasion to visit my Jaw ireian Chancerv-lane : he was with Sheri- ?aan. After mdtual greetings, dtc. Sjieri- dan retired hrst. isetore recurrmg tq mv own business, I could not help inquiring that ot fchendan. Uh replied the attor ney, 'the usual thing ! to stave off an action from his wine merchant, my chent. Well said If 'and what do you mean to dor 'Notliing at all for the present said he. .A 1 j Old Sherry ? What would be the use of it? And he begaif laughing, and .going over Sheridan's good gins bfconversation. r "Now from personal experience I can vouch that my attorney is by no means the - .7 limprOb ' Aaracter cmentS i and many, discoveries. is now studied with an inten I plage of the beau monde, most ejegantly and judiciously assorted for the occasion. Chester, a number of years ago." -The sum returnedexactly coversvirincipal, in terest and postage, y . T he smallest bank notes that are circu-i lated in England are of five pounds, equal. to about $22.1 In a commercial view, it is important tnat our currency should ap proximate as hear as possible to that . of England. In a recent debate in the Brit-J ish Parhameht, the Duke of Wellington saicl "nothing was so desirable as for the country to carry on its mercantile opera tionsSAth a paper currency founded on and supported by a metallic basis". In France there is no bank paper in circula tion less than 500 francs, say equal to 9IUU. " A- . - The Philadelphia Gazette says, the new 1 dm ; - - " .11 1IG mWV. UU tenuerest ot men, or particularly accessi- ori west bank of the Schuyl fJLJ a will have a front eight hundred feet, statute of record ; and yet Sheridan iri half cach extending hack five an ihoui -had found the way to soffed and hxatdred feetf It wiu, probably, ; be the uvuwwuiw a iumuH largest poor house in the world, think he would have thrown his rJ lent fan! i 6 i r . . ' honest man, with all the law and somi 5 jus tice on his side,) out of the window, had he come in at the moment. I ! "Such was Sheridan! he could soften an . . KOilCiT " : ALL persons indebted to the estate of TIIOS N. PETTIS, deceased, are requested to make payment immediately ; and all those having demands against said estate are reooested to bring tbem forward legally authenticated for settlement, or this will be pled in bar of their recovery. 3wpd4 JOHN 3. FORD, SdminuCr. Rutherford, March 8, 1833. attorney ! There has been nothing like it dollars. own since the days of Orpheus. I "One day I saw him take np his fMonody on Garrick ,He lighted upon the rredicatton to the Dowager Jady. The receipts of the Ladies Fair in Sa vannah, I on Friday last, for the building a nw Baptist Church m that city, amoun ted to nearly two thousand seven hundred 1 ': Clarence." a tale of our times Jbr the author of Hope Leslie, is announced' as bemgVjpress at Philadelphia. NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the estate of BEN JAM IN HERN DON, deceased, are requeu ed to make payment immediately ; and all those hating demands against said estate are requested to bring them forward 1 rally actbenticated Sor set tlement, or this wiTJ be plead in bar of their recov ery. JOHN 8. FORD, Admins' vpdt CESILY HERNDON, ( trcfor. NOTICE. ALL persons are forwarned from cttisg or remoring any. timber, 1 or comolisg any nlher lnrlatvnB a fk. l.n. .rf.ln I" Riffrnr. in the eounry of Rutherford, adjoining the town of Rctherfordton. under the . peofty of law in each cases. . REUBEN D. GOLD ING. Area! for JOHN L. BITTING. febrorySa.lKS. , f I !VT- , 1- f i .yS- ' : . " ' '''' ' - V-."-' v " i '