- r y" - . i SPE( ' 4 THE NORTH CAROLINA SPECTATOR ArND iWE STERN ADVERTISEJl 38 k r C TWENTY-FIRST CONGRESS FIRST SSSIO!T tiire tcf merchandize transported by land, or by land arid water ; and a bill authori- isms the transportation oi merchandise TUESDAY. March 30. with the benefit of drawback, between the Senate. The k Senate resumed the Atlantic Oceanand the Northern Lakes . consideration of Air. Foot's resolution, and Mr. Vcrplanck, from the Committee ; Mr. Johnson of Louisiana took the floor, on Ways and Means, reported a bill ma " but had not concluded his speech when king appropriations for carrying into ef theSenate i adjourned. v , j feet certain provisions of the treaty with , ; After the reports of committees in the jhe Cherokee Indians west of the Missis Ilbuse -of Representatives, Mr. M'DumVs sippi. The House then took up the con- resolution was again taKen up tor aiscus-1 siaeration 01 private DUis. sion, when Mr; Wayne, of Georgia, occu- j 7 MfWn AV Anr:i bill fffantins certain lands Alabama, , for the purpose e. navigation of the Coosa river," and to connect its waters with those bf the -Tennessee river,) was passed bya Vote ot m to y. r - I 1.1 I I I I ing Chronne, as the most spirited com position aiong works of that class, since the publication of Junius' Letters. The charactersu'e all drawn from life. The Dure of Wellington, in a written reply to sqae enquiries addressed to him ed bill for'ihe expulsion of the free persons I Warehouse on Hay Street,' and coming of colour." Its operation is confined to contact with some Tanner s Otft which bad v leaked from the barrels containing it, naa become saturated with it, on one of its sides. On Saturday last, that portion of the Cotton, which was imbued with the oil. was cut off from the bale, and placed . . it in a' Hogshead in the store ox lur.ruiier, pied the residue of the - hour in. observa- Senate A ons against tne resolution, omyui Q the gtate of operat. such as haye entered the State since 1825 -and even "those, who have entered the State since that date, who are married per sons, who have children born there , and lias declarB his intention not to interfere who can give security for their good tori' wiiii uio vauic.il tssiuuiisiimcui. ,y i '' v ,, - o ; The LUrpoolJournal,ofthe 20 th Feb. Louisiana is following in the footsteps on 11 ay street, yunng ounaaj tumg, says "the Stress thoughout the manufac- bfOhid and be it respectfully- said, with several persons were sensible ot an un- turing disticts continue unabated. ' The much better excuse Ohio has no slaves pleasant scent, while passing ine s rrcct, state of H poor in Macclesfield is deplo- in her bosom, which the example of this in the vicinity-of the store ; and about 10 rable. IifEdinburch it is. if possible, mixed class of people maybe calculated o'clock, that night, some Gentlemen, ob- m- ' ' .ltn'Tnicioi t...;0;qio ho, pvrr nnpd semner a smoke to proceed iromine spot, i-i t.j l: J .Acin!na a Jnror.nmlnnrnfH thn door of the store, and disco- OlslUUalCU liio I icBuiuitutu, u viuuuasuwuciUfcj'twvuMUi: -r , " ' .still worse" I" m I -rr ' h it . ine Jng ot pain nas leg by a fill from his carriage. existence of slavery, and recoramend- JMr. R(bert Owen havinV renuested an inf it to her Sister States to abolish the interview with -tlie Duke of Wellington J evil. . Ohio seems to shut her eyes against 5 u Jy fnr the iWmfica nfuTnlnlnlnff tYio r.ntlinnc I thp pmn-irmsmpnts of our- Ritimtion the Some time was spent in. u. v . - Li:a..i. - pi,-- twc jf - i - - r , i i - ' -j -oi ins Aya;iii lui-reinuvinsr me eviis wiuuii i uunuur ui Ltiiiiii wcw v thp rnnsHlprnhnn rYntivn .iisinpss.'. J . . i I y. ' . D . . - . i , tTnT'ct? rVi::::i4 n, 'A press so leav,ly upon the working classes, and yet, .the moment any roaa trom lUliaio, oy way ot- iiiuaiuii, 1 y -. . r n.uaa surficsieu uy 11 e uuHe, uiai uciiuu ito N. Orleans ; whea th bill wa, suSces- f Pfr' sef sl0 better cofeniu l.is Weas to paper, and ac- ,v v 1 I nispiissinn na tr tho hect -licr.rtcitir.ri tr hp K . . tied to coi me the. debate tomorrow. The bill making appropriations f6r improving Certain Iiaiours, ut-c. was uicmnuaeu be engrossed, as ..amentted in Committee bf thc Whoie, on the bill to construct ' a ! road from Buffalo, by way of Washington, sive ly advocated by Mr. Crawford, Mr: t disposition to be cordi , Mr. G. M publishing in the tj .itj' j-u.i,L VD Piafle-of a memmorial from Judge Peck, T .nnAi'. uiJL-- r -rm: 1 Stand'ifer, arid Mr. Richardson, and was Opposed by Mr. Crocket and Mr Chilton. Some further discussion took place, when i on motion of Mr. Coke, the committee rose and reported' progress ; and the House . tlven resol ved-itself into Committee of the thfi state of "the Union, and took -" ,; , ... e . iViuaner -Piaster s ' upthebillforthere-appropriationofcertain amendinent raade lv unexpended balances, and the bl making mittee finally rose, no quorum being pre . . - - :.- . . - sent. ; - : ' i 't WEDNESDAY, March 31.. Senate. A great variety of business was acted on. Mr. Foot s resolution was not taken up. , -'.ix;:r:-y--':--y'--.i' .,' H juse. The discussion on the rcsolu- .tionof Mr, M'Duffie, was brought to aeon- elusion and the resolution was negatived by a vote of 'Ayes 6 1 , Noes 122. Several resolutions were then offered. .The bills ordered to a third reading were passed. 'of Missouri, praying that he .might have !time to send for testimony to Missouri.; The Bills ordered on Saturday to be en grossed, were severally read a third time! -and passed. 1 he llonse then tooR; up the bill making appropriations for the 'Quarter Master's Department, and the in Committee of v the ammendments were con curred in ; and, after some further modi fication, the bill was ordered to be engros sed and read a third time to-morrow. London papers, tnsjprtpositions .'of reform at great length, insisting upon an entire change iri the moral, jtotitical and comi merciai constitution ot soyety. T r . i i iri.v moment any considerable number of these Freedmen approach her door, she claps it in their face. . .Richmond Enquirer. vered that it proceeded from 'the Hogs- head containing the Cotton, which wasin a state of combustion. The.whole houc was filled with smoke, and it is probable, that in a short time, the fire would have broken out into a flame, and hare been communicated to the other contents of the store, and thus have endangered the whole of that thickly . built part of tbe "town. . k - ; FayettcvUic Journal. "I Died, in Charleston, on the evening of Sunday last, the 28th ultimo, after a few hours illness, Stephen , Elliott, Esq. I President of the Bank of the State of South Carolina. The . Charleston Courier of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. : Military Law of 3Iassaehu$ctes The Legislature 6f Massachusetts passed a law on the 12th ult.. which has been approved Paris papers to Feb. 17rv had been re4 by the Governor, regulating military train- ceivedin London : 7 : imrs in that state. The first section pro- An expedition against AlffUM. wis Kim vide9 that all who Have or mavhold com posed to hoye been determined upn, but missions in the army, or navy for a term the 30th, in announcing this mclancholy nothinghadbeeQfinallyiirningedtothe less than five years, and all persons be- event, say?, 44 Wc announce with the rnoit tween thirty and forty-five years, are x- painiui emotions, ana in common wnn a empted from military duty, except that of great community, most f inccrcly deplore, keeping themselves constantly furnished tbe demise of this distinguished citizen. with the arms and equipments required by ncaiea n cunaay rvening, at nan past . ! United States, and the du- wnc o'clock, after a few hours illness, oX ; gout in uic siomacn. Mr. Elliott nas ; been long and favourably known as a gen- tleman of eminent attinmcnt?, both in this i the lawsof the means. ne names ot Marshals &i Cyr , M"armont and Moliter, and of Gelerals Clausel Reille and Gerard, areVien tioned in connexion with the chief W tnand. : ;' . . - 'M. De Lavalette,' who. was conderitied I ty of carrying them to the place of inspec- The Cumberland (Md.) Civihan of thq to death in 1825, and who escaped fpm tion of the company within whose bounds 19th Ult. says "n Wednesday night prison by the heroic management of his they may reside. - last, as the Western stare was leaving wde, aided by Sir. R. Wilson died on tie I The second section provides that ' all tqwn, m consequence of excessive dark- j loun. ins lunerai was numerously atth- ded, and an oration pronounced , at fce grave by Gen. Sebastiani. I iiess, it was precipitated off the bankof the tiirdpike and dashed to pieces, the hor ses running off with the fore carriage. mere was.aaiscussion ontne Dui maKing hJtJisnop inase, oiunio, was seriously in persons enrolled in the militia, between eighteen and thirty years inclusive, shall country and Europe: and was most high ly and deservedly esteemed in .the circle of his more immediate acquaintance. .. for - be entitled to receive from the Treasurers tne quaUties of the iicart and mind, of their resoective towns and cities, a sum wnicn win aucction, and command rcs- Musichas charms. From a paragrai Umml to the noil tax. which mnv have hern pectin the various rclations'of social hfc. t Ti:i -i I i r. J I .... appropriations for surveys, on the motion jured some of his ribs broken and his left x" a rnuoaeipni paper, ,k appears tnjt paid by such persons, on condition of Avoiding the thorny labyrinths of party of Mr. Wickliffe so to amend that part of arm' dislocated. The Bishop had arrived 1 ,ere IS a 5a1S .f f?lcvcs m the city, wlp keeping themselves armed, uniformed politics, he devoted his great talents and the bill which appropriates a sum for sitr- in town a short time before the.stafire.trd- Zy.S1" viw luuigiy. veys, as to limit its disbursement to works p veiling in a coach presented "to ' Kenyon ;vhUe a portion ot the gang.are j Ton, t?AL a aweiuns nouse 01 us . silver Plata which have bfei, or may be hereafter, side Esq. but being unable to reach Ohio ?ndLother valuables, the remainder stan and equipped according to law, and ot I extensive acquirements to tne promotion plunder I doing all the active duty required by law. of literature and science ; and. to almost - The third section makes it unlawful for the institutions among us, having this made by order of either House" of Con pin time to fill some appointments, he was gress.i This motion to amend was nega-1 induced to take the stage at this place. t tived. the Vote beirio-'i Aves 75. Noes lll. t The stacre was much crowded with nas- .."---V ------t. ra . j . ' . . .-." . . r t I ntoo rrrTfc Kilt M.-kA n 4 . t. tki.n 1 UlfWW. in the street and serenade the inmates, of the house with the sound of violins," ant thus cover the operations of their assoc The ayes and noes were again taken on the engrossment of the bill Ayes 121, Noes terially injured." ;Char. Mercury. u4. bo the bill was ordered to be engros sed and read a third time to-day. The House then acted, in Committee of the tin i ' . . i . i 1 T -.1 r - o . nnoie on tne state oi ine -union, on me Wright, Copt. Allen, arrived yesterday bill faking appropriations for barracks, from Liverpool, we received our files kf . From the Charleston Courier j &c.. which was reported with amenmdentsJ j THUHSDAY, April 1. . 'Senate.- Petitions resolutions, reports I of Committees, and a creat number of Thtrlndians. The Alabama Journal of the 12th ult. lays "The late Indian rJ?stnrl-rinrc in' Sholl-vi " nmintv lino r.fr0!" E"glanrf: the ship -Samyf minated in much the same manner as did that of Tuskina. The chief, who head ed the outrage, absented when the Sher- London and Liverpool papers and Ship- ping Lists, to the 21st February, the day she sailed, v ; :f ' The papers are chiefly occupied with .f-r Dins in various stages, successively enga- tuR rlobatrs iri VParliamPnt. tH nrinninlp . ged attention much business was trans- sub;eet 0f which is the conduct of tlie acted.-;! : . : ' I British Government towards Portugal. Li the House oRsentatiyes the re- la , another column of this morning's solutions fix every secpM Thursday, to I Courier will bo found a summary of the De set apart tor sucn legislation as may oe argurncnts on that subject, taken from the .'.'I necessary for, the District of ColumjDia, London Times, of the 2fch February. . wastaken up, and briefly discussed. An The 'Chancellor of the-Exchequer, on unsuccessful mdfcion was then made by lr. the night 19th February, announced the Pettis to lay the resolution on the table, reduction introduced in the annual esti- but tlie hour having expired by the time the males Gf the. expenditures of government, Ayes and Noesf on the question had been amountin g 0 up Wards of 1 ,030,0007. The called, the discussion was suspended. The proposed' reduction in the army is fe- iiouse men acieu, in voiumiucc ui iuc Whole on the State of the Union, on the bill to .construct a road from Buffalo by Washington to New Oricai, but did not come to any decision. V - . . " , Mr.Wm. B Shepherd, of N. C. spoke . in vindication of the constitutional rights of the Government to construct itoads and among us, having any officer of the militia, on days of mili- object ii view, Mr. Elliott was a zeal tary duty, to treat with ardent spirit any ous friend, and a liberal benefactor. To person subject to military duty. There his labours and constant supervision, more, arc to be three parades, one. for company we believe, than those of any other individ inspection and view of arms, one for com- ual, the Southern Review owes its cstah pahy training, and one for btttalion, or lishment and subsequent success and el- brigade inspection. Fine for son-attend. I evatioa among the first periodicals of the ance at the first parade $4.for the second I day. .Other and numerous objects of gen- $3.. and for the third $5 ; . ' cral usefulness have lost, in the death of j N. Y. Everjng Post. this gentelmen, a friend and patron, whose I . - place, we fear, will not soon be supplied. The scenje at the Police Office in the But to other and more competent hands, morning, during the examination ' of the be committed the task of commemorating watch returns, is often-times of the most bis,public benefactions, and of pourtraying melancholy and affecting character. Ma- the many virtues which adorned the char ny of the persons in the custody of the acter of Stephen Elliott. The last ead watch are half clothed wrecks of humani- .token of respect to- his remains, will lie 146'.- and in the n avy 2?3,0007. Mr. Dawson j has. petitioned the House of Commons against the return ofDIr. O Gradv as member for the " County jof Limerick. , ' "In tlie House of Commons. night of the 19th February, Mr. O'Con- the nell ave notice for the followinof TNfon tCanals, and the. propriety of exercising it, Jay,". 0f a motion relative to .ithe recent j but, for reasons which he explained, was conauct of the United States of America oppaseu to tins oui. j ; ;. ; v: V 3Ir. IV P.' Barbour replied to some of the remarks of Mr. S.iii'refereie tojiim- iff of Shelby, attended by about ahuudred men, marched into the nation, for the pur pose of arresting him, and sought protect tion among, the Che'rokees. Thus the matter iiow stands." : . j ' . 1 I . I tv.who nra nicked im shivprinir. 'enrvinor Ar. Inaid thi mnrrjinrr. riv hia wpTirifrrtativf II ard to Beat. . Mr. J ohn Oliver, a wor- pUfering in different part3 of tbe city. and sorrowing fellow citizens." thy .andpectable citizen of thi&Distnct, Creeping from door'to door, their features ' informs: ns that be has a Sow- not more haggard with misery, their limbs emacia- We4earn from the New Orleans Bee, than eighteen months old,1 which has had ted by exposure to the rigor of theweath- that a bill passed the Chamber ofDeputies r twenty-six pigs, at two litters, in the course er; ah'd their voices hoarse and sepulchral of Mexico, by a vote of 41 to 7, requiring of four months past. This sow he saj-s bv excessive intoxication, the v present a all foreigners to sell roods bv whoWnl i " i.. . I ii. - r. i hose who may bave retail store?, allowed ninety days after the publica- : evcrv Human breast. Alanv ot thrm nrp tion ot that net. tr cpii nut nr itit .ir. iKa this old : gentleman, "one-third, or five, of females who have, evidently, in many ca- same. None but native Mexicans arc these pigs have to stand by and look-on ses seen better days, and who have been Emitted to be brokers for theWrmM.. driven, by extreme penury, first to beg and Persons acting, contrary to these provi- then to steal. , sion?, forfeit the amount of whatever they i. The largest proportion, however, are may have sold. Foreigners who are man-" ; the miserable slaves of-rum, who are ufacturers, are "i permitted to retail : only ! brought. up daily , weekly, or monthly, un- such articles as are manufactured by them- ! til death removes them from the. scene, or selves; such persons are restricted to the justice consigns them to a prison as an a-1 employment of Mexican Workmen. tonemeht for offences committed in their moments of madness.' km. ..1.. . . J 4V...L. z ft 1 wv uwunu.uumau,, spectacle that cannot out awaken K clings onij pigs at the last litter, all of .which are li- 0f compassion for their wretchedness, in are while the others are sucking." ! We think with Mr. Oliver, that our country need be no longer dependent on 1 ennessee for ba con, if the farmers will only procure this breed of hogs, . and feed them , well with corn instead of distilling it. We have likewise received a Commu nication from Mr. Joel Dean, smother old and worthy farmer of this District, which shows that we need not be rlprnir1nt nn in putting under quarantine, vessels hav- Kentucky or Tennessee for our beevesJ lUg-HCC uiV" UI VUIW UUUMU. UV WJllCfl Mr Hoan cava ho Irillrvr" Ana tho rvtlioi' v N. Y. Jour, of Com. self. means free men of color, who were Brit itsh subiects, miffht cause the vessels in y Mr. Carson replied to some remarks of which they were, to be placed under quar-:Mr- Ramsay in reference to his course on antine . also for copies of tne regulations xiie Dili ; anu atter some iunner expiana- by w)icu this practice was sanctioned. five years old; the meat of which weighed 796 lbs. ; the hide70 -lbs. and the trilow 174 lbs. ; and that the meat .sold at auc tion for 862. We wish the citizens of this tion betweeen Mr. Shepherd and Mr. Car son, the. committee rose on motion of Mr. Archer, who intimated an intention to ad dress the committee, j , f j T -A-:X. ' ' FRIDAY, April 2. Senate. The discussion on ' Mr. .Foot's resolution was resumed; and Mf. Johnston J of Louisiana, concluded his speech. The Senate adjourned to Monday, j ; House. . The resolution reported trom i A Pastoral Address ed bV the Catholic signed by Dr. Curtis higher 'clergy. The a document of "creat bears unequivocal testimo ved tranquillity of theeountry, from those who must be competent judges H im presses upon pnety ot con ' The Bee states, that the Senate have not yet passed the bill, but should it be come a law, suggests the propriety of the United States . and British rovemmenta Boring for AVheat; This is certainly instructing their ministers to ask for its rc- an age of wonders. We have frequently peal. . '. , Ch. Cou.l heard of boring for water ; but never till . ' n - , recently of boring for wheat. Two per- Baltimore,' March, 26. We observed sons (father and son) lately succeeded in yesterday, jn Pratt street, 16 wagons ig timber Balti- I n;.:.. A a - . i has been publish- t' ua jrAlt11 l"u"ailtia J 'g "orsc. eacn, carryiE m. m iiwrriiiv.ra ail nil i ir nr n 111 a. m - - . m. H m m a i 11 m . w w - Hierarchy of Ireland. "'"YiJ"J u ' ZV M"iV? rao" a,,ur. 1"U5U -noor lTom a ? Carolina vessel to the W 'I . IIIIIIIW llllll II I I 'I II r I I I I II I I M I III. 111111 lli;i I K. H - I V - - a h M. . . M a . and ly others ot the li o j ... vug mwis vuju iwu ivoaa, wucrc a rrcat Prtnt-ior r-An0ra ; 0. ----- rr , eievaiea iuue uuuc ujc eanB. Loe? arc numDer ox persons arc at work lnnncr ih lmpo ance, as it to the impro- ' An interesting Painting is now exhibit- lngjn AVashingtoii, executed by Mr. Her- now reaping the reward of their ingenui- rails for the firt thirteen miles. ty.mtne county jau at xiocnester. JIarrodsburg, Ky. March 27. A little rirl under three and hnlf vmt The old, daughter 9f Mr. Otto, was burned to m-mr . ... m I JAU.M I if m JLI m H inferior Clergy the , pro- landing bf Lafayette at Cincinnati: ; It mmonweaitmy urancn -ihu m inis ueain in rmiadelphia, on the 27th ult. by intr thmlvps tri nrhnpr ;a io kw i rt QnA .k- . place,was robbed on Monday night last of her clothes taking fire. Her motW uJn:!:J r r1.,l Af."K;. .J,i - i A -en: j js b SIX or seven thousand dollars Of ltSDaner. I left her with her enn nf . jrviic vuiuiuiucc un-vuc xianiuL ui vuiuuf. uibuoii'.jui-'. men oijxinuax uuun, uuu n i nuniDcr oi njmres lnirouuceu, are neany i I . uv m.o tcu oio. ma, appoimuig every secona a Hursuay iu inculcates upon uu.ciasse, tne principles ntty portraits, une ot the many surpns- , " . . , . . o e J I . " v" v owuimicta m inures ; - i m. be appropriated to legislation for the Dis- of.loyal and atrectionateattachment to trict of Columbia, with a modification con- their Sovereign, and of' peace and good V fining its operations to the present session will to their fellow subjects of all deuom- was adopted. The residue of the day inations." : x ' V : I was occupieia the consideration ofa pri- J Letters from Constantinople state, that ' vate bill, for the relief of the heirs of Wait J the Sultan is inclined to follow the exam- ing incidents that occurred to Lafayette the Directory, it is deemed proper to wait MulUlt; 11M UUIU(I 'UUUU"M. Vul UUWUi U t X 11 t . I n 1 vwv- ter Livingstoni which was finally rejected pie of the Pacha of Egypt in adopting on of Qlmutz, a three franc piece by a vote of 85 to 59. j-jv tl" European " usages., He permits evening cup of milk. . Here was the good G ed that the same woman mingled with tbe multitude in this welcome, who gave the JNation s uuest,as he came out of the pns- and a German on her return she found her child envel oped in fire, and the boy endeavoring to blow it out. The child lingered about' four hours; the boy was also considerably injured in his attempting to ouenr rt tK Suicides. A younff gentleman of Phil- lure. The lad had been Dlavint xxAtU , t i. . Il:i..-J ...... aaeipnia, oi respectable connexions put "gieu paper. an end to his existence on the 29th ult. Watch Tower. i i r '" -i v and has mtrocuced srthe good woman in ucidet without any apparent cause, by I destroyed by fire. Loss estimated at 100ft dollars. . L-.The s Slnrtr Committee, marlft a ! rpnort on the 1 & . Comp , che4 ' submitted to them against Juise 1 ptcted to! visit the Turkish capital. S t her German j(pgtuner ySlt. Wyeth, who shooting himself through the head yon ofxew York, stating that, on 1-14 i T- : . f ; x cxaminati ti,ey bad discovered no suf-JoT India,) for the year 1830, embrace BosUmbarborr,.& whomedatCmciM : Spontaneous Combustion. A case of ticeni grouiMto warrant the .interference I by,3tl men, mciucung pmcers, ana oui4 this last sumner,' is also introduced, and spontaneous combustion occurred in this of this JHtfuse--hej, therefore;;:. desifecl bbwar, t -41 charg of : 6,1523,1122. 1 forms a Tezy AteTCStizi g part of the Pain I place on Sunday night last, which, but to oe. aiscnargea. iru , the farther .conMa v r ; :r 1 . tang -: ; ' j : Cihar. CounerJ for timely discovery, might have proved , " ; ' - . the cause of an extensive and ruinous Free P'eoph of Colour. 'The Legisla- Conagration. ; ' ture ofLouisiiia have passed "the amend- A Bale of Cotton had been stored in a ,- eration of the subject. v ftlt. Cambreleng, I ilThe newjpolitical novel Sydenham, from the Committee on Commerce, repor-j 3 said to hav.e. been . written by a young tcd a bill extending the pThruere of deben- l barristeri and is considered by the Morn- Otuhe 16th January last, a woman di-1 ed at Sur Martm-sur F.rrw? tt t . thelOl.whob;- wams.oi.wi, a young man married in or- ucr iu escape the conscription, counting, it is saxLipon a much rt;ft,il r 'rthe bonds of matrimony; 1 u '4 t. J i

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