.1 m AN 1)9 IWESTERN ADVERTISER. 44 THE N O RTH CAROL IN A SPECTATOR in 1 m. ' y POETRY. I From the New York Amulet.3 J BIETft DAY REVERIES- BV WILLIS fi. CLARK, OF PHILADELPHIA. ' ulV arrivtr ante appesantisiemerit de la cceur." Let me look backward on thy wave, V Obvious and resistless Time; i Osdreams that boundless pleasure gave On raptures high, and hopes sublime! And let the wing of Thought go forth . - My faded memories to cull, -. Midst kindling sttilqs of sinless mirth A nil rtuina dft'biaf mOmA Ko 3 11 tl II 1 I w ..L i- i r i i j ji "1 r:j. j t ii 1 ..T f I ilmra n-V. in a moment me sruu wiieeieu aruunu cry ui a iai&c iriena ; ana 1 ,utuauicj;ucc wac nuu wwpcscui, ouuiuaiv, , in ui. jn " savs 1 f,nm tho chnro unth tho trb nnitv Hpni7Pn nt the ,r;i,l0,r,0col KptrrHftion lift Should he invited, through trie Dews "cu I .. 1 ' J (11 1U SUCU 1 1 Ulll Mu t?ivr' .....&uy imvww - "v, iiuuuil . i w ; 1 t O I i . . , ltl Xn11 TO BClt It CHJliV. low me exam Die., nwoa o . - , mi n ' Atinrr1. and drown those who were present, and that the pub- "way, 1 11 go uuu u -v cWa. i,: ' T rou to sc ic ii wu b -1 , nin tniho KyUie mcht-capot Ainglieorge,- said wno graspea my property has enlus supposea oy one gentleman' max wy X T U mmn in. but of an arrow. has in part done its workt Thejillhan papers, to follow the example.. 1 1 1 f. Will - t . J 1 I one of. the men, "this is a mysterious af- career on the gallows; though the fe'ptile foc cents could be obtained from every pond as thougn fair, how could he have heardusr' f ; who blasted one of the fairest flow "Aye," retorted ! his companion, with ev a sisnincant "and then he is se ht.". Vot nnonr In Ko IW.rl StntPB? hut Ilf! StODDed wllCD lie CO IDC tO tDe S1QC OI . lw uervUu Wi idui . .or . : - T . . u:tm.:r him: callea niiu a . 1 4m . -m-m ' IV lit J" ' . 1 A m- a f M IBIW. KW I ' III! I11I1LU er Dioomeaoutot Lden, still waiKBiortn spoKe irom ms. ieeimgs rauier mail uia 7 - . .... shriifr of thp shoulders in the ODen lio-ht of rlnvJ Soon-Averv mdirment. and when the aDDeal to Ins I cowaru, ruj,uc o . - O" r J 1 . j , o nis i . " - - - ' Re.Ientless years ! ypur heaving flbw ( Hath brought a cloud upon mine eye, A shade of care is on my brow, - r As dream on dream goes fading by: And like the music of the Spring t ' - Joy' Edeneng hath died in air ; ' . The pearls are"scattered from his wing, That once a glittering sheen did wear. ; And years roll on ! A fitful score 1; ' v Is blent jwltb turbid Lethe's tide,; r ; And every golden scene is o'er . To Youth's warm Paradise allied ! ' ; The spell hath past the spell hath past : I wake to pour the voice of wail . O'er hopes on earth like venturescast y'i - O'er feelings crush' d and chaplets pale. f( Where is the glory, which the dawn ' ' Of my unsullied being wore ? '. , 7 Where, have the kindling raptures gone j ' That charmed rne on that flowery shore ? '- t know but ihis brief w as the smile r- i Vhen clouds upon my "spirit fell; And joy was powerless to beguile ' ' ' : My thoughts from' their unhallowed spelV And now I seek not to repnje, .; That-early life was clear and bright That wealth ofardent thought was mine When Time's glad bro was batH'd in light.: For looking towards that fairyland. ' ' From Manhood's high turmoiling sea, ; ' : I turn to bless" the influence' bland, -Jr That.steals, kind Memory from thee I ,' Still im 1 young; rriydays are few: v - Nought but a score -hath passed away ; And often, in my raptured view- " Gay Fancy's rainbow-pinions play; They rouae my heart, as Hummer streams ' Are stirred by the rejoicing breeze ; !: Till gladdened by my spiritdreams - ' 1 '; It thrills with nameless sympathies 2 Let it be thusj Spirit. ofJoyjj ! - ; i I woo thee not to my embrace; . Companion of the careless Boy, -; ' ' Unfit for Manhood's earnest race; 1 " k I a.k thee Hope, to lave me on Through all thy radiant picture's die ; ' The heart like Memnon's tuneful stone . Doth to thy endless smile reply ! dom.seen except ija the! soon -however, will he recje it . of vengeance. But the sands Many were the conjectures 'made by are few rTime will soonlh them relative to the! ' strange being. He for the dial-plate of Eternify.V hnH hppn SP.P.n at rtitTprPtit timps hv. nnm- . A. he melanrhol vnifP nf tnp nlrt 'rnnn and necessities Of the rreat U nf tno crklrlorc kia . n fn.loi. anA i ppn'pd ' nnrlfltor nm.n,l0Ji 001 I lei rid. wonlH pfFpt tnp A&ertA nnmosp. I She WOUlu tie UK. I J Jl vvy cuiuilli) lailU'UIS Cll'KVUCU UJ1U I v. , .ll. UlUVtCUtU IV OCUV4' I " V MVw. vv- , 1 i ' . 1 .-, 0 I rTi . 1 . !l : J I . i e ' i lonely appearance ,'excitea their, curiosity aparaneiu: wnue he threw open isoor ii. ' J 1 ' 1 l t.iV, j: :' . ii Jt 10 me mgiiesi pitcn. ouspicion Degau au nut wiuic lenoth to be entertained that I he was a side of the in the emprovment of the French : a dizzy distance and villian, and said, she 1 lie I t 1 1 1 UA I-tAfirt TO llll !! ive the ipeed benevolence had Uie freshness ot novelty. "ew uciwu .u M.w "nrcd kilort of m&lasj Besides, it was found, on further reflec- man iook ojiuuiu u r---r . e clianged tion, that a sum much smaller than that, as belore, ana ou r rcallv tlr . and letter, snaring with the selfishness t mass ol man- au uoi mc uwh .u.u ... 1 1- 111111 i"c ucoucw PUiwusv. ... ... 1J .,t I.ia that even a sinfflecent from each passen- WJtn ner garters, wmcn woutu , 1 - - t ti rr "i 1 1 1 1111.11 v . 1 ..1,1 41 1 1 envmrr nia 1 tp iiv uiuuiuil ,uuwvi;icu uy uicui, ure,uiai " l"ltc;vuiS' ' u: : u- ft,,, h'o -n wearv of cabin facinffthdlake. Mvas in a single year, make the most ample suc "X " from thidoorlothSblue provision for Fulton's famUy. Thus let her iU temper. "Ay, )ou ruuu, 1 I I IV T I I sis riirk? W nr - ft-. n WA fl W - w -Kk nTO I Alir. tllll H IT 111. 11V 7 J niiT Trip ki it man irtLrfi i ua suiuiusc liiil mri rr iiir 4ini SLraiiim LFiU5 I , , , . , . ' .1 down with unauiverino- limbs and aHfeadv jh the United States, and as there are 300 his hands behind him, ana ne em tu .iw- aa0,' ...u J : ' Jl il.LJL tK oCtTO ,r( r,,i ; c,oto r side of the oond. "Aow says the man. Ull ftllLf L.k3LL.l WW UL n Ill III llirL J LULL. - A H S take a long run, and nusli mc.a j rnod c way into the water, that 1 may be soon out of ray misery." "Ay; ay,) ou rogue replied i his wife. 111 push you far enough lri. Ml spy and; measures; were accordingly adopted water beneath for his apprehension. I On the followmlsr morning the strange eye. After unsuccesfully ruroajnii every oi man ' was again seeril by ascout, while part of the hut, with the -expectation of 1 New York alone, the. number is more mooring his .skiff under' a proe6trag' rock, finding secret papers or money, hjAyas likely to be greater than less. Let then His motions were watched by the soldier ordered to accompany tie Isolfjlrs to each one be supposed to have an average Vipfii1-riiirrtprc - ATo i, n,tAic:u;-.;i;H, v tnnrHs ho u ,,A,iii Ll iUij mmmi- f oAnk.n Tr,,lr1 ho CtOofi a warrant vou. The man stood clos-c D ed at a rapid pace along the bold shore of the lieutenant and exclaiming" Wretch ! day. Estimating the number ot days they " "r1: -" , Ko fiirtwo ot o ;ctor,op KV K;e r, mv dancrlitpr slll rnw u oo,rM'i' are PtTinlnvpri in i rpnr nt 200. thp. n- she went to some distance from him, and seen spy, until he "reached a rude log with a powerful effort, precipitate shim- nual amount would be $40,000. cabin, situated upon the brink of a fear- sen and his ful precipice, which commanded a noble death shriek- view of the water scerierv beneath. After bubbles rose 7.1 " pausing a moment, he entered and closed the bark door. ' The , soldiej closely scan- nea the surrounaing oojects, ana retracea his steps. ; ! '.. . He reported the discovery to his Golo- iiel, who immediately ordered a small de- An av- tnen came running towards him, that the opponent intd the lak A erage of. only 25 passengers to each boat "gl Fut ' "Je " . r1"1" a havy splash andlal few each day, would of course give $20,000 but just as she came un to mm, rie f tep- nWfitnpii. oritpr trr'U a vn - If nnvmrt ofthw PstimntP hp ped aside, and she leu nounce into mc From the Virginia Literary M-Useum oic ros mm rofiL. virsr. PARAPHRASE. Not for yourselves, ye sons of science toil, tachment, consisting of a lieutenant and lor yourse yeume thefaiidnight jojl:;; . . T ' . ii l nir v in spi vp 3GU nia uonriAi rra i rii T f J J V V VPJlP. 11 nnv rnrt V7 . I - II i. I-' .1 t 1 considered too hiirh. the error mav be cor- water, one canea 10 mm to neip ncr out. ri j i. rectedi by extending the time. It was but he very calmly replied, "lou.may then agreed to propose such a contnbu- inauiv ourbC,1 18 wl "V f tion to the public.1 r help you out for you have tied my IianuVJ But is the schemfi fpasiWp. 1 We would fain hope that it is. and that at all events! Some time since, in one of the British it ia worth thp triol w mM thor. I Provinces, as a irroun of Pent-joncrs spectfully, but earnestly,' submit the fol- where fctanding in a merry mood, before lowing propositions to the owners of steam e door f a public houte, they discover boats, and all who travel in them. - . d at a short distance, a' country partem 1. That the nroDnetors of each boat counted on a beast ot uncommon size. lar location for his palace," said the lieut- ries of science receive a small partiCf the provide a box to receive contributions for and approaching with considerable tpecd. enant, a man who was loathed alike by rewardsto which they seem fairly entitled, the beneht ot ulton's beus. wue.uwcneu u nu. icnowt wuvn uj- his pnnals and inferiors. and over whose whether we regard their ntlitv. thiiirirnr- 2. -That eerv nassencrer be 'invited, parson comes up, say nothing, and I will early life was drawn the dark veil ;of min- ity, or the long coarse of patient lab!ov and without importunity, to contribute one Put a joke to him.", Tic partoij arrived, is nrpnnmtim. thnt hnvp nrrviUhle rent, x - ana was taiuiea ns iouows: "uooa Good morn- It seven or eigni privates, to jepair ionnwun And wte W lives U penurv ind nain. Ii gi . to the cabin f and bring its inmate into the! Th ungrateful world, as soon or fete you'll lrnj camp." j -: Mve9 Vou no snare ot hat youi labours eji H 1 ii il v i r IT? n tt! 1 c lnixcfk n inmi I ft 1 1 1 0 Loon fAmA.lTnJ . K 1. . . 1 . ,1!'mAta gled crime Jand mystery -as they slowly previous preparation that have prcrtlably I cent. wouna ineir way up me craggy neigni : ueen rccjuirea lor their ajtainmeM&j iand "but if he makes the least resistance, .we the reason commouly tissined fochjjti in wfll tumble lirm and his air castle into the iustice is.', that the khoHpdorp Wi.TTiiirpd ... ... . i I 1 .. I. .. 17 I 3. That one cent of the 'I would rather take a loving hug with" conversation was Continued until vancing science, are. likely of every passenger whojri e passage money morning, your reverence !" 4 ay not choose io ing, gentlemen!" was the a answer. contribute, be set aprtto supply the de- was anciently the practice of clerical gen- with so much difricultv is rfeadilv crnhniu- ficiency. try to ride on asses, said the faithful ser-. nicated, and soon becomes, bj diiTpsion, '4. That the proceeds thus contributed val of the crown. "True" rctortedhe some one else, replied the guide, "lor "fe common property of the world,, iBut be remitted on the first day of every month, M1011 but. ins Jlajesty has been gra he scaled their rocky battlements like a thfsafibrds but 'part o( thefexplanan. or as soon after as practicable to the bank ciously pleased to put all the akf under tiger seeking his lairl" . ' . That class of men vhoard capable; ad- of the United States in New York, on ac- half-pay, and now we ride on horses..' I a r .L u I jt wjuui ui jr uiiuu s enuaren. i r ofeelgaen they arrived within a short dfance . bf the thusiakn for its advancement, and iyely - lathis way' a liberal provision may be The icoman vho ictnt clrocd. A lady hut. Silence was then commanded, and desire for fame The celebrity lw: ac- made)J without, being felt by any body, for who wasln the habit of spending ruost of they( surrounded the humble abode with- quire1 by their discoyeriel consti fes a the family of one of the greatest, if not her time in the society of her neighbor?, 6u discovery ormblestation. Th lieuten- part, and much the most valuable ibft, di the very greatest, of our pubhc benefac- happened one day to be 'taken suddenly ant rapped loudly uponl the closed en- their z reward. : Their minds are sfilled tors. Ilad Fujton been a subject of the U; and sent her husband, in great haste trance, and in a mpment it-was opened, by with 'the gratification which is thus fsjflbrd- Emperor of Russian-he had probably been for, the physician. : The hutband ran a the object ot their scare u Grief had ed them, thatthe pecuniary profit tfShich ennobled, and certainly ennched Had lew rods, out soon returned, exclaimed, stamped Its; signet upon his brow, "and the their discoveries may be mjade subservient hebeen a subject of Great Britain, he My dear, Where shall I find you when 1 ' m'iklew wingi of Time had done its w ork is quite a subordinate consleratiori.jBui wouldv have experienced the bounty of get back V. j of woe ; . though the .unsubdued fire of his "if men of science were influenced liuch both king and parliament; and being a ( 1 eye,, formkl a sinirurar contrast with. his by.the love of irain as of fame, thtlisel- citizen of our reDublic. there seems to he . From she New York Amaletl The following lines are iven -irt Moore's Lifof bleached locks. CahrilySurveying . the dom have those qualifications for biisiness a peculiar fitness and propriety that the Axaritt. If we con over Uie dark cata Byron. - They were intended toLe added to By- arned group;' before' him',. with, a .look of and., 'for the common cocernsrip rlife, reward of ins useful labors should be be- "gue of miseries of - man, hoW great ron's well known Ode to Napoleon. -They con- defiance and. sarcasm, his eye at length which would be necessarf for" .thilM jsuc- stowed by the people: " Such a spontane- a proportion will be found to be the result tain a beautiful and just tribute to the memojry of rested upon the lieutenant and seemed cess. These must be lookfed forin:Nv erv ous act on their, part would be honorable tnis-Daneiui passion. hat -people s as if the silent misery and sleeping ven- dinerent class of men thse who,t?6ugh to the character of the nation both for in- . Biaie pnsons wnat , nils our peni- geahce of years flashed forth 'in that glance, incapable ofmaking discoveries, jvery telligence and liberality. ' tentiariesi Avarice. - What locks up ev- The withering! look was not observed by able to understand then, land carH jthem They are urged moreover, to take.this , J an.d C1116118. sentiment of the. the officer,' and the party stood before the into practical effect, from their knowledge measure of a tardy iustice into their own ' an" cni evei7 friendship and love singular bing with mingled emotions of qfordinary tilings. And such elrsons I iiands, by the facts that the legislative Dro- V. which, like a Gorgon s head, turn curiosity and awe; j t .. . -XA may "Mav I ihbuire- vbur reasons fordis- that him who acted so glorious a part in the enfran chisement of his country: . .' ! j "There was a day there was an hour ' ! Winle earth was Gaul's Gaul thine When that immeasurable power j i Undated, to resign . . , Had been an act of purer fame ' - Than gathers roundel arengo's name ' And gilded thy decline, ' Through the.ldug twilight of all time , Despite soine passing clouds of crime, i Butthou forsooth must be a king ; And don the purple vest, ' As if that fopHsh robe could wring ' ; ' i icemembrance trom thy breast. . .Where is that faded garment V where The ge wgawsj thou ws find to weaj, The star the strhie the crest? Vain, forward child of empire ! say, Are all thy playthings snatched awdy ? i : Where may the . wearied eyeepose When gazajig on tHe great ; . .Where neither guiltyglory glows ' ; Yes one the" first the last the best - The Cincinoatusof the West; Whom envy dares to hate; ,;; Bequeathed the name of Washington, To make man blush there was but One ! " hat blanches turbinff a sad and lonely beinir.'said the L mventors. m$'' elusive riffht of usino-his steamhoats Jn ine cheek what wrinkles the forehead reciuse.-vvnoseiootisuDontne'ffrave.and ; a ne manor science, however. hasPwants mat state.) Droved nhortive. hv its hnvinr ncarii x imus L r-i t I i i :. i r t 9wm r w n r ;ed unconstitutional that the luammo answer. he who has sought refuge infhis wilderness like other men, and he may havi ivvife been adjudge word: visi "a. ' L - T" uui ii was oiuv lor a moment, lie re quested permission to finish his coarse re past, before they dis'turbed his rude apart ment Avliich was readily granted. Between two worlds life hovers like a star, 'Tw ixj n ight and morn, upon the horizon's verge : How little do we know that w hieh we are! II w less what; we may be ! The eternal surge owy reg ; l ' i i" ' I 1- n ott !- and here hath the from the deception and folly of a world and childrenjf or whose cjomfort it!i'buld bill introduced lately into the legislature so.n f Consolation never shone? In;thc composed ofnaves and fools - be his wislias well as his p'uty, to rolide. of the same state, to prov ide for Fulton's tsc's bosom. Who has never received The lieutenant-stammered out a few Vithview then to obviate this iiSiirent heirs, was reiected bv the SenntP -imnn the homage of an unboucht smile t "Who inexplanation of the object of thetr jdifiiculty, some nations, Kvith a prudent some refined arguments of policy or right ham Wood in his eyes and ypon his handsj A slight shade crime over the coun- hberahty, have endeavored to renjdy the and that no other state has attemDted hut none in his heart? The lover of Gold. naiice of the old man. when thev int.i- miustice, and make Drovision for tl Jktrlass the same'ohiert. thnnwh in cevonl r " hen the stealing sands of our num. s y I. 7 " " - J - 1 V . J. ' 1 ' I J " u r, u V ill&Ul 1 1 t mated that his cabin would be searched ot public benefactors who jare incalable of the addition of many millious to their an- tered burs are well nigh finished when providing lor themselves. J in the hip liar- nual ncomes has been produced by the EOUi to quiver upon the lip, chicalf govern ments of Eiirope, tlirisl pur- geiifus. of Fulton. Q. where then is the omnipotent power of pose is commonly etiectedjeither bjfsi pen- " gold? "What though the dreary passsge sion, or by conferring sonic ofiiceyiat is Chances of Marriasre. A mriAit "m1. 10 ihfi tomb be paved with riittcrinV dia- ju uuin i ueMiuneu as lo.ine cause oi miuc ucuci iimu a feinecurc. iui tieitheH cuiation has been entered into fenvt tho u,uuus ui u uui suii his seclusion, V! he replied, with bitter inel- of these modes .' of; remuneration is th use N. enoiy: v i ,. . f in mis countryf or is likely to be stil with- cent Edinburgh narier. thp nh5p " A 1 A II K : I nut o irroot nlio ii.rn ,n . . . . 1 . 1 .' Lk'i fTL I .1. 1 . l nvprflnir! r. rr ..4T,. . , . , -ian. jiuii iuuc liiiiiiiug acBiiiit-u m- in yuuiiu upmion.;:j.ne i vmcu is io snow xne relative numbers oil 6 -jcjb, iuujt, pcrcnance. uan, ucmug us uruul:Ies aim uarKiess "ijusntc is nocer noi uie less.ijufand marriages that taKe place among the fe-l u luc uuru nana 01 poverty, orvrest- trunK to the teartiil sweep ot the tempest calls lor a remedy. . l i j j males of Scotland, between the acs of eQ lro-ra lne lne vidow.and he ior me cause ot its desolation : ask the wave that wanders from a far sea, why rushes to destruction : but sAr not the agonised spirit to unrol the scroll of the past, and trace the burning characters which - mar' its oaire . - - - . i.. - o ot wretchedness to -I'll- .:'.'-. r ,r-' l - . uiiu ill viiiT 4 W helpless or- 4-iie preceamg renecuons were;r!res- tourteen and fortv. Of a thoncanrl pnan ana woukl this remove n inMn it ted to. the writer by the fecoUetfeof a ried women under forty, "taken without thorn from the pillow of the dvinc? would conversation which took hlacesoiit time Uelechon.'Vit seejhs thAt were married 1 bestrew his rugged pathway with since among a party of gentlemSfi; in a durinsr their fourteenth or fiftpenth vMr flowers! would the conciousnets of his steamboat. The day was fine -ftlie air 104 during their sixteenth or seventeenth, J 1 P08?0003 add onc more pulse to ., Of time and tide rolls on, and bears afar 1 v Onr bubbles ;las the ,old burst, new emerge, : - Lasti'd frojn the foam of ages ; while the graves Of Empires heave but like some passing waves- d -W: ' ;'M ' Byron - MISCELLANY. s : asfc not the soul good ; the company agreeable ; anJ ,aa the 219 durincr their ei?hteenth or nineteenth send the thoughts over boat was cutting her way onthe bradPo- and 233 (the greatest number) durincthe 11111 a. i i in in ii z riii to km ri rr n v m . . - - . T ..... - r . ...if r ;-rr. - I ... (."'i-iuou iiuui ujisi ions oi miserv. it i. pnonor i to uucea oi tne lncaicuiabipi hpnpht uhi h am rnnm.j a.. vr r . i I m- . . - 1 1 ' . L I CI A M.3 111 I serable. ulton bud rendered to mankind, f H was each ! vp.ir i mnidl v A agreed, by all the company, as lfimght and twentv-three . mvihir onlv 165. the u,cuic, aim mistook iue gossa- wcu uc, umi eery inujYiuao,iiapur- next two 102, the next 45, and so on mer-we,bbed hopes of youthful imagiha- suit ol business or pleasurtjoi h&Mi, is down to thirty-eight and thirty-nine, which tion for sober realities ; and considered now induced to travel, is enahlepVlo do give onlv 4. If this calculation is accu- the great mass of mankind honest and so, with more ease, more expedition! nd rate, a s'ingle lady entering on her twen- virtuous: but time dispelled the illusive at less expense, by means f of the mfclchan- tv-second vir hn left tn hpr nh.t his palpitating heart. know that 1 uras happy and am mi I once looked abroad upou the sunny pros : THE ANCHORITE: A LEGtND OF THE OLD FREXClI WAR. a breath of air place confidence in a 'It was midnight not A man boastinc of his hones tv. in irrn- c rally a rogue of his courage, eenerallv a coward-rof his riches, generally not wealthy of democracy, generally an ar- Bmuai oi ms mumacy with great men, generajly dispised by those he may chance to know of his wit, popularity, and bh standing, always a fool.- Bost. Gaz.j mw . - i aspirations otiyouth, and experience has icagemus and preserving efforts sEFul- fifthsof hpr nrirrinal oh Wp of mat " musx lorm-a true relish of life, iut taught me to mist' a- viper, thai'stings the ton, who has thus" added to the pliif irail ny ; and should she continue in sinirlp aslwouId do'9f painting You must bosom which warmed him. sooner than ble sensaUons of millions tfiat hrnn :i u to Dl suner your ere to be daled ?th mv ' I . - - i- t uivosLui ir.v iiiimi iiht ivpih v ki -v n iran mi w w . - - . man any farther I almost be said to have dul monev inrkv. V ho i v. ' glossy colonngs, by iraudr and mhttirtit Tufiled the transparent waters of Lake than his interest is concerned, i 1 former-rerv man's iWkei that while hp hfWi4 i t , w. - . ornaments, however thv r.; t. A . George, ou whose calm bosom the many ly resided m Boston affluent and happy, mented both the commercial and; cial statistics a place for the information of C yU r a whiIe' 'You must dwell stars ilasheoV like ocean diamonds, when My family was Jjnall, consisting of a wife intercourse of thewhole untry,tt of such of our unmaVried lady readers as mav u?Vhe mor! austere and manly graces, a small skill guided by; one man, slowly and one lovely dauffhter. The latter was the western, states has been ndvanred hv ,Uc;M u vi. which never please unnn M.;lnt approached the rocky shore Jwhere the! ruined by a fiend in human shapea him ak: hundred years in jwealthjaiuiiim- prizes in the lottery of matrimony. but cn 'they have once' pleased you' unuii wui; iaj cuvoiuu., ii iic uuau cnusu ; reuieuam j i uere me omcer ma ifovemeni cma tnat nonntnstaOfi) all I "rceraner. I Y ill Advertiser 1 tturaticu ujc, oucuuuu w iwu seiumeis i nis uumiug urow auu appearea lost UF-ao-1 tucbe 'oenents, moral andjpoiiticaliil was fromr the beach, and tny both simulta--neously. "exclaimed in a'low.tone; "The . Anchorite ! hist! here he comes.' as i .- i .t iij rv'i'i? v ii "v uie inrm i . -r. . straction; but the old man appeared not a public reproach that his famUy lould A conntrvm.n 'A hu f0R-i. "j. . no enemy to pleasure, gran- to notice his confusion and proceeded) the be in narrow circumstances. OneiHf the some wn; th0 tA u . vi , Siy 5 her proper office is to reg- the former died of broken hearf;my party then proposed that a subscbtion be revenn-ed of her "Whv what u e.our d.cfire8t that we may enjoythe roo roft frnm moUta tl.Ll,n,,U 1 J --Jn . .P . . DJ WnEt Will WeSSmff With mt. ;1 iJ. 1U1 MjuiJviij new tut uuui " w covu- i cuuuiu w liuuicuiaitiv low amon H I VOU do I said chp I lr onl;rl L I -, 0 uvu uuu wcv I 1 t ; m " . 1 - C J 1 m v AW-r w ac 111 in I IIM I v si i