m THE NORTH CAROLINA SPECTATOR Alfl) WESTERN ADVERTISER 4G . i 7 ( ;. in- tion at the centre, to throw them off, and hence tne necessity t of these additional bndsbf union. ;' V T "Nothing, Sir, in my opinion is to be ap-t prehended from the former ; would to God -I could say so much for the latter" !' T "Sir, if ever the calamities of disunion should be experienced by this nation, the causes, proximate and remote, will be tra- ped to the action of the Federal Govern- inent. " x 5 "The mismanagement of this central machinery,-so beautiful in its conception and .80 perfect in its structure; and which. wor- . ked so harmoniously whilst kept within the legitimate sphere prescribed by those "rules expressly, laid down for the govern- merit of its action, wjll alone produce those 4atal cdnsequences. By overleaping here ' ": the constitutional boundaries so clearly defined, by throwing the whole, machine ry out of gear, and giving a looseness to our operations, propelled on by Xhe fofce of combined interests, composing a major ity;, against Vininoricy, the; latter - will be. V. ' lation in which the' States stood to each J other-sr-that of .separate, distinct, and dependent sovereignties. "The Sfates themselves will cling to the Union whilst there is a hope left to rest on ; the oppression of this Federal Govern- mVsnt- nun nlnnp. rlrivif thprn nffl V . ("Perhaps, Sir, if there was ever a crisis . . in xhe affairs of our Government, which V required additional bonds to hold us to gether, that crisis .is now at hand. But if .-'- r-nn i- h:ay certainly mistaken its proper lo cation., w estern Virginia and Eastern Tennessee are hot about to fly off from the Union,, and therefore ,do not require this .work ; if danger is to be apprehended, it is from another quarter. . The South is - the point to which we should direct our attention ' ; Certainly; Sir, every political consideration would direct us to ihe Me tropolitan route. W'e must encircle South Carolina with some band, or she, from re port, will be off at "tangent," and that sud- ; denly. But let me seriously ask,- Sir, of every member of this committee, . what stronger bonds of union do freemen need, or the States require, than those forged out, wrought, and put in order, by the master-workmen of the Revolution t Link con necting link, forming a chain of . Govern ment more beautiful in its principles, and 1. but wtar further dd'they urger submitted "The nrst inquiry that suggest itseii xne opea&ex prefcemeu wimcu rv- - tnrtxt.rj me duties on thatrpadm tnese troops ana provisions upon, now, sirucuug mis roaa tor tne trans ptt-rj Mr. Chairman, can it be possible that any ot the mail, is, does any necessitvp: man, m bis sober senges,' aud under the pediment exist to the transportati(SOt tne m mj juoiciai capacity, iijc ""' H . ' c ' vt tlintflate: and by influence 01 reason, can, ioronemoment, man, wnicn requires 1 the application oi i wmcn wasi greaueugiu,wMiwu j i t--- - iriat the duty on co- entertain the belief that, it this road were this sum ot money to remove or rwnedy.r o Una rc nrj- T-t I tD mncMontlftn nf th Hiiffaio and Jew coa snouia noi www , - of provisions, from Tennessee, Kentucky, plained of a want of facilities in thil par- Orleans Road Bill. The question was of which were agreea to Uhio, or any oiner otate .worth ot those, ticuiar, ana asKed th0 construcvon; oi a would travel over it? Vhat, Sir, bring road at our hands? tyr have tbjjevj! even men from the State of' Ohio, .across the suggested the propriety of the appopria- oiaies oi iveiij.uctt.jr anu ennessee s Ay, i uuu ui au sum oi mpney ior purjioses vi Sin and across the Ohio river too, with its the kind?" ' M -li!! current teeming with steamboats, ready to . "Sir, they have not;; but, upon;tlie conT waii iuc suiuicrs aim provisions uie uai;, wc mc miormea Dy mc vpjy; aoie ai memorials and petitions were present- I 1 J L. msm wv All ATI f f upon iu engrossment for a third reading ; Air. Conner aiso ' and upon a division, by yeas and nays, reduce the duty on Salt, Trhichw advo- the biU was rejected by avoteof 105to88. cated with great eapiestowt by Air. ISaf- . TTTTTT?inAV Anril 1 ringer, but it was not considered, Mr. M - J THURSDAY, April Io. t..t. nrev ous oucs- Senate.- A return concerning Ameri- ."".r": .r: - - rj i can Seamen was communicated. Sever- point of destination. But no, they must report of the distinguised gentlentaH who e(j ana orders were taken on others. The mud of Kentucky and presides over thatDepfirtment, fWe la" Committee on pensions reported, with a- trudge through' the Tennessee, by marches from ten to fifteen miles per day, till they intersect this road (after crossing navigable and inviting ri vers) at Florence, Alabama ; and then, Sir, they will have the peculiar advantage cinties are now ample, and wilf e in- mendments, the bill for the relief of sun-! creased as the means mf the Detment dry Revolutionary and other officers and win jusuiy, or the public interest all re- soldiers. The bill concerning the Ken quire. Sir, I asV the attention of the tucky Asylum, was referred to the Com- ommiuee wniie i red part ot Ui report, mittee on Public Lands. The bill for or- ffanizinsr the establishment of the Attor- of travelling this J superb national earthen J which treats of .the very subject &6w un- road trom thence to rsew Urleans. : der consideration. 1 s ir, I r.anaMi a ciin ; intn nn F.x- Bit I miWZ V VflllUl LA. Mm UUU X- A VVUli CL. V mm ' - - j 9 cy I 1 VVUlWC 1CUOl UllClii ttllW lAlUjj VMw,t "Sir, if further arguments were neces-1 Mr. C. read the follovfing extract . ..1 jl ' ' ' i . it I .1 T ' - L T ' d I tfi I i 1 sary to snow tne lmpropneiy, nay ine ez tne iveporc oi me rosimaster ueneraKj was rejected VIr. Webster's cessxve Jolly of making this road for mill- A he mail communication tween concerning a separation of the office of tary purposes, they would be found by a ew Orleans and the seat of thegneral Agent of the Treasury from that of Fifth recurrence to the history of our last war, Government, by way bf Mobile big; Mont- Auditor, &c. &c. was, after some modifi- particularly in the operations in the South- gomery, in ATabami and Auripta,' in cation, engrossed and read a third time ; ern sections oi tne union, sir, mere was Georgia, win, irom ane commofcement the biU concerning purchasing sitea in Ar a time when New Orleans was "danger- ofthe ensuing year, b effected three; times LflnBa0 fnr vo,, illtnn. .a. ously situated and eminently exposed a week, affording comfortable cbnveyan- & on tbe tai,ie. the bill for the relief of not be considered as occupying an eleva there was. a time, Sir, when that city was ces for travellers, and the whole; trip per- the widows and orphans of the officers, ted position among nations, if longer the jnvaded by a powerful and well disciplm- formed m the penod jot two weeltsj each of the nornet waSf as amended, en- defer a chastisement of Algiers for insult tion, thus cutting off the motion. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. From the Charleston Conner .. France and Algiers. - The latest intel legence from ' Europe confirms previous statements of preparations, on an exten sive scale, for an invasion of the Dey's kingdom. Some accounts give 30,000, others 50,000 troops, supported by a strong fjeet, as the armament destined to humble his barbarian Majesty. Rumour has assigned, among other ulterior objects of this powerful force, that also of the probability of its becoming necessary to interfere in adjusting the still unsettled state of -the late Russian and Turkish But it is evidently intended For the war. northern coast; of Africa. France will 1 ? . IK ed army ran army, too, stimulated to ac tion by the " Booty and Beauty" which were promised them. This was a case of great emergency ; this was a time of deep and dreadful anxiety ; but sufficient for the occasion were the spirits convened and hastily convened, for the. defence tne city, les, air, an anny was conven- ed, defeated the enemy, and saved New Orleans. 'What military road, Sir, made at vast expense of time and treasure, were thosej troops transported over? None, Sir, yet they got to New, Orleans, fought ;the battle of their country, and got home again; and thus will it be ever, Sir; this country will alway find security in the strong arm of her "citizen soldiers." Dangers stimulate to exertion. The noblest deeds , . . I .... -! are done upon tne most dangerous emer way,-tnrougn tne capitals ot inginia North Carolina, South Carolina atrdlGeor- gia. "Lines also be established of four-horse post, coaxes tablished, from the firsaa d, January next, to ran three, timeiHiweek, of both ways, between Nashville afti jMem- will dav ot phis, in Tennessee. The improvement was deemed important to keep regiilar and certain. intercourse between inepves- tion of the Army, was resumed, butyt tern States and Newrleans-:M)rnphis hour had expired before it was brought steamboats can come at all seasons of the crrztA onrl mo1 o ttiiv1 'ima Vvltl I ii npr flnrr. nnil rnntpmnt nf lier nourr for the relief of Beverly Chew, &c. was by a comparatively petty Kingdom; a passed ; the bill concerning the Bank of Kingdom which, however small in com the United States, was considered, and parison with that of France, has at difier postponed till to-morrow; some other bu- ent periods proved extremely annoying to siness was transacted, and. the discussion her commerce, as to that of all Christian on the Indian question resumed. nations. Situate in the Mediterranean, House. The consideration of the re- the; piratical character of the Algerineg. solution on the subject of a new organiza-1 has, for ages, been troublesome and des- the structive to the commerce .bordering on to that sea. The French have the credit of a close. After various motions totakeup J being the earliest to punbh their piiacies, . year : it being conteniplated to eitd this stood on calendar of yesterday were ted with dreadful cruelty. A fleet of fifty line to iew weans by steamrits, so postponed, and the House resolved itself sail, commanded by M. Beaubeu, was the Ti ao.l ll "Jta" VI. "IC:'Lr,till"c"; into a committee of the Whole on thestate hrst sent to punish these outrages. Un- te Union, on the bill to amend an act I (loot .,AA improvement, B.weeKiy line orcoacnes ,vben M, Mallarv . at some leninh I Quesne. bombarded and ct Alxricra in anil timp 1 '.j.i . : I ' r. . strong is Du win aiso De esiaDusnea ai me same time nrPsfntpH tlm viw. Af t, rA: I flmo Tl, r.. f ,t,c ;mfa ; gencies anu. uie giory oi acmeving mem irom r lorence in WMwiierf wui his own, on the bill. The,bill was then revenge, on the coast of Provence, indu is the strongest incentive to action. Sir, connect with the line from Hupisvdle) to aA jp. nnri ,u hn fPk wj1MI(1 ,u i, Tfi. t orr itnt. beneficial in its results, (whilst acting with- need I say morel Does the history of all Bolivar, in Tennessee, atwhich.cppint it nn MfT nnri tP .1 Z fii4r,r iffinal desiffn) than . .ages that have gone before us present a will. form.. a junction with the 1J3 from tufl Kill tn mitbnrJo tt, rftmm;:- Uonltmv in the limits of the original any ever devised by the wisdom of man. solitary example of a nation, at peace with Nashville to Memphis." if l "What was this design, Sir! It was that the world, and whose policy it is to culti- ' 'Now, Sir, what rnoir can be required? : all the parts should share in equarrpoor- Vate and maintain those pacific relations, tion the benefits oriniuncs resulting from I preparing for the transportation the compact ; a perfect reciprocity was tbJ by -large expenditures of1 public money, purposes, wherever H can find ivdter for Ije observed and preserved. - Under a strict the Sinking Fund to redeem the Public I its fortifications and shipping. Sig- Debt. A motion was then made to rerrm. I nal chastisement has also been inflietpil ; relations, Does notjhis report jalso prove that steam sider thevote by which the bill toconrtmct on those barbarians by the Vinetians, the aoftroops, navigation will supersede roads for all a road. from Buffalo to New Orleans had Dutch?the United States oT America what have we' to fear 1 I ans wernothih g, ; "...cither Tromexternal or internal causes.- If fears are to be entertained, they are up on the other side ofthe question ; and. let me uere admonisn . grenueman'wiio are for the construction of roads ihthejtime of the boats to run 6h ?( The.despattii profound 'peace 1 But,! on the contrary quickness"7, of steanboat passall U.OI I0M been rejected. ' A call ofthe House was and lastly, in 1816, by the English Admi- ana I nrnoro() TKo mntiAn tn KMnnciitir "i.iB ffli lnl F.vtnnnl) TVsn 1. 1 wvv.vi. J. luwmvu v . nail v. umu uuillt llllin lU12LUIILllIIIr lllfK o from I narvikA Kir a vrto rf QQ tr Q1 nnri tVio Kill I KPVPrp inflictions TA -. prove, that the hrst Memphis to JNew Orleans has dmfrn the finallv. on motion nf Mr. TTpmnbHl comnel rprtmn 1, Z inW. nsltPA' nttP.ntinn of th PostnHastPr OAnpVil Vn tno , 7; ; V, . . VT7 r. . . . - v.- pv laiapn tne tame, ny a vote oi y-i to do. I irom mm by tribute, and even dare to a power as noi ail ui iiory Generals j the! world have produce asked not roaqs; over which the advancement of their military opera-J which can be travelled with most exDedi- a;a i "una ! on, iLi iiic osn. nimi cu"iuccis nun. uctauic ui iuc auauiaLrcs soi i situm attention ofthe Postmaster Generll to that i to traspprt troops for point : and it is already viewed a A t6e rout About a quarter-past 6 o'clock, the House provoke the anger of such uieir military opera-1 which can uc iraveueu wuii mosxexpedl- aAn.,mA I - - PMn.. nri,: " SATURDAY, April 17. of principle, can only .result from th ih-" muucrciuumumMuaum.u 'V T "V s " - Vf ? SATURDAY, April 17. of principle, can onyresult from th in- seeking to. provide additional bond, of de.ipa ed theroute ,qr whaj nation appro- power Sir, doesimt this .peak flumes. SenateJ Petitions in favor ofthe South- satible love of plunder, too long subl iinuni hv wittmff Pflnnln Snrl fnuati-iiptimr nrmted th( Illtldstn P-OllStnirt fl nassaorp. arinst thft PTOPnOlttirP of thp TiilH1i mn. . . I. . .o union, by cutting canals and constructing i , roads, to beware, lest they, by their oper ations, cut the ligaments of the Constitu- . lion which now bind us together, and which forni;A only sure and certain ties b which we can remain united. No po 7i(tcaf consideration, ; therefore, in my opin "ton, does require the construction of this ' road, but, on the contrary, eminently de mands the rejefction of the bill . ' . xf p'Thc honorable chairmaii (JNIr; IIehp ratine acamst the ways contrived to rebudd with - astonish- 'a. ,..i SdL. .jf iroln lne vomminee on the llistnct too, on ineir land lorce, by no means in- ticKiiness s : wiaicu uitjiuim?f iu cuusiruci a passage ttstuusi uie ciuciiuiiure oi me puiuic mo- I Atn Tni;na . j -t v , , u Iai m;::kUi tX r-JL ' u $L' Indians, were presented by Messrs. ted to, and an indifference to the destmc- Xlu", ""!i"" T" " ulX Holmes and-AVebsten: Two memorials tion of their cities, which they have al- lint ' iiiuiii'?. ti lie n lie iiiiBiini inn iJiiiiiiirni i liiil ii ir v iiriri niiuiu im imvriift'Uiiiir lit .i . . X.: t . . "r?oZ I i .j ,r " 77, were presented remonst directed Ciesar the noint at which iifntl TVlPTl 1)0 nimintintu un uic nioa iasut. anu suuun. liic iaLa.1 anu nrivinv ui liiiic i iiiiii i n iiru ni i f r 1 . . . . . blow at W liberties'of his country ? place to the Mississippi . river,, tlce by S .Si" S!1 5 once cd "But to come down to the present time the Steamboats to NeV Orleans,Upuld be rtw .... -1? i -to things which transpired but -yester- the best. But.Sir.tkingthisalfante ?nd Sun8 WlU no taken agmst all ; day, onthe other side ofthe water Sir. it does not prove the InecLity of TZtSl?-"?1 5Pments, posible causes of-disappointment to, the liiiLL) set out by telling usthaf the two did Nicholas tax his subjects to raise structing a road for the purposeRoads Z " "rL K ,e comm: expeaiuon.; rrauce cannot, boints to which this road4scontemplated a revenue to open those passes throdgh the are already made. The mailrivtrans- n " or -r uy .1 Vf uur,e irom noni- toberuni are dangerously situated, and Balkan, over :whicn Dfebitsch led that ar- ported from this place toNalhviJle) Ten- ZZZ?X J cT l ?u7 i i bllJ5.lhe Pe7 l? nns of unconditional Xi Z w i Ii r. Tj! ... bill for the benefit of the relatives of the submission, now that she has drawn on : tmuiuuiu -cApuseum cusu oi mvaiion, nmu.BuUytv uc vttuuu... empire w . nebbee, u posx-coacn- offifcera anti KMTn wh wr : .u- n7r .ui r ... V." &c; and that this s important as a mili- its centre tand which had they not been es, at a cost of upwards of thirty-four f r j r -.f triMuvu' T Wcs V " thousand dollarsier annum; and ths line, 'IT''aw j - ,erjr ""r7 CI . war,1Ke Sir, as iweWSim tie report read tTAffp "gument, m reply resources does not produce uch a conse- istobenued theermes aWeek to ? ForSJth; anst bdl Priding quence, and, the conflict of- arms .does ' Memphis, and from khence to lw Or- tbe removal of the Indians westward once commence, she must triumph over s. by steamboatsJ Sir. whatSnore is ; ' . i1. lasenupas cr enemy at any con.oi We and trca- L i ' ' me ummisuea ousi warning i or wnai mure 111 moqsty can be askedl" -' j 1! (Further extracts in our next!) taryroad for the transportatioi : of troops stopped by pacific measures, and, I might and munitions of war. -Witlireatardtothe exposed situation of New OrleaiiSvisir, I i beg leave to differ entirely with the honor able'chairman. -As to Buffalo, I know but very little abotit it, nor have I sought to, know, because 1 looked upon that end add,' Sir, ,by the interposition ofthe Euro pean Powers, jealous of the nsmg great- resources of the Kussian Era- Cliristian flan would this dav ness and pire, the have beenwavinsr on the walls of Con, stantinople? Sir, it is by the energyof of tne roao as iiavmsr oeen tacKed on bv powenui mmos anu canaoie commanders. the committee, merely as a means of buy- that armies are led to victory and glorious ing up votes, and not that the necessih' achievements not by roads: for they CONGRESS. ofahe nation required the work, ' I shall plight lead to defeat asxwell ' aS victory leave that end, therefore, in the hands of And here let me remark, that those facul others. 8 ,V TWENTY-FIRST CONGRESS. .FIRST SESSION. 'I " So 'far, Sir, from New Orleans being in an exposed situation, I do 'say, and I say it without the fear of contradiction, that t fs the most strongly fortified place m the ties to military operations are always oc cupied by the strongest ; andJsuch a work might pro vea curse instead of a blessing nation. ISirrefery pass leading from the 011 upon tne liiaoensourg course HnlfW TVfpVlnry tn tho nltv. i wpI! owA1 war.i j x es, ir, resumed mr. but t ir ti.Uoct nn1 ortctTir fr.rt.fioMiic I would rather lose the argument afforded ::V- There are no less than five forts, (I believe thef ffifntlon ?f tthat disagreeable sub Ji ' i. I am not mistaken in the number; ifl am, jeet, than wound the pnde of the . House iness. m l sure. It will redound to her thamp. if in House. The various bills which had the same age that place Constantinople in been ordered to be engrssed on Friday, the power of Russia, France should fail in were then read a third time and passed, chastising a pirate ofthe Mediterranean! The amendments recommended by Com- But this is not to be apprehended. -mittees to other bills were concurred in. Wr n,J- t- tt- . ' The House then took up the bill to reduc . i1hab.rt, the Fire King, is pracU- WEDNESDAY, Afcat 14. the duties on Coffee and ,Tea : as amend- "ms, P?iniento with poin ; he has Senate. The bill from the H-ause of ed in Uohimittee ofthe Whole nri thp Ktntor""c"vv " pnyeicians that he Representatives, entitled an act ta'amehd of the Union, which, after some modifica J .an antlote to the poison of nn ttnt irr th hpnpfit inf thp mnn-.-ninnitoA t'mn trna rtnsnl IaU an Mno. 1 i I UblC oClu. i JT. -t . " - the I)eaf and Dumb, Iwas read aWd order i IK Kv rmrnftl Kentucky Asylum, for the eductifon of a third time to-morrow, ing r Mi. CarsOxV, (Mr. Davis of South tVt nf'nL l. oi1 . . t'ttt? The m'Transpotation of inE Mail" is the next and the last consideration to which I - the gentleman 1 from Louisiana (Mr. uv SI . uieir reco"ecilons f White) will correct me) erected tor the 1 security of that city agamstmaritime dr other Uivasion from the Gulf. ; These forts . are capable of mounting some hundred J pieces of ordnance, at least enough-to sink any fleet that would attempt . a pas sage up the Mississippi to the city. We j" have already expended near, two millions of dollars in defening the territory of Lou 1 isiana by permanent fortifications, and es- I timates are now before us for a continua j. tion ofUttose works. V v -' "What say gentlemen who urge this ' ; branch ofthe subject, Sir? Why, "that New, Orleans must always look to Ten ' : iiessee, Kentucky; Ohio, &c. f6r men and Kean bad altemntprl th rTmrnu . TUESDAY. Anril 20J iIeni7 V-'.and In the middle of ed to a second 'reading. Mr. Webster Senate. On motion of Mr. Benton, ne .wa OD1,ffe f oddres. the presented a memorial remonstifating a- the bill to authorise the' payment of the a"aience "f? craye then- indulgence. gainst the removal ofthe Southed ludi- claim of 3Iassachusette for militia servi- ff" ?7 1118 tith . was not sufficiently ans beyond the Mississippi, and tig xten- ces during the late war, was -considered, Tred wfrant his undertaking apew sion of the jurisdictiop of the uthern and ordered to be engrossed' for a third ' 1 States over them. "Aifter spendii! some reading. jlThe sum granted by this bill . Tb Alabama JonnufwlhrdTdVf il time in the consideration of Executive bit- is 8439,748 26.1 - . Grind Jnrr. nt w,n:. w... shall ask thettention of the lStf .u5?5? ?f. ? Te ?te bills, Brevet Major ia th. aerrica of tl, UTuL Committee." ' " X . c "c um luf me rai aeaiana aumD m- ow tuhoned tt Fartllitebeumtl Creek iitnoii : I feel, Mr. Chairman, that my strength i?"61881??? "ff, d Wwas readtheAW time and p Alabama :who by'aProcWioa, on the 1 "f isfailinglme .-too .much to go into Forsyth continued , . , March, commanded all whit perna not Knlr . . . .1 & . w 1 1 Mr Frehnffhuvsen. Before Mn.Forsvth Mr. Fnnt'a rptnlntmn ;n lotr. tr. tf,. ... . mtih pranci oi tne supjectto tne extent i naa rtnrln3 0L, ftj-fUi f rT fiy . " r.or """" 'nves.wiuuiitbe offiAe. desired. . ion,; however, that the framers ofthe Con- tsitution did nor intend, by tne words "es tablish Post Offices and Post Roads'" o confer the power to construct roads, &c. I will lay it down as my opin. d'flthe Senate adjourneT, INIr. pubhc lands, was next resumed, when, on daj. to leave tb, id country or ver, that he framers ofthe Con- F. to the flow tomorrow. . . motion :of Ir. Johnson, who was entitled The decision coneludeT -nhatth ea Creek Nation. House. The Speaker, cdmrrMnicatea to the floor, it was laid on the tabled Trt:!. ,T Patkm U a -Message received from the President of - The resolution bffered by Mr. Freline- TTIT' of the atate The resolution of Mr. hiiysen on the 10th ult. to prevent thel i Whet on Tea end Otfti. It will be seen bv m the" United States. buj only meant that Cdngress should de-TJ- f X T TriS .ponMicnxoi tne mail ontneoaooatn, should be 'carried, and the points , it should be opened. I shall not attempt on o.mimont Sir tn mmxra ta nnnuntnucg nnW tDCH thom in 1 D . . i - - . .. . proyisious 7-." "7"?. of this construction ; but it being mine, it 5iAf the roads over which the. mail "" TJ 3 r ;Y"uMWM.en UP ana a on me table ngresu,nMJonniai,uitttne bin for makinfa he at Which t7:: c.:; Zrr :CJSfbT. w"l" V. -"---icoaeeand teaha. paa time of war." Well, Sir, I grant this ; United States, was taken up an'io discus sed by lMr. -Vance and Mr. WiUtarns. un til the close' of the hour. Mr. ifesha has the floor upon the subject for tofraorrow. House. The bill for the reduction of I ed the Ilooae and been the duties on Tea and Coffee, was, after concurrence. Thb redaction f tbedotkiontbeM an animated and interesting debate, order- ankle, it is anticipated will amount to two xaillioa ed to be engrossed for a third reading to- ofdollart. ' J J f 1 i U m 'i . m X ii