fx - .-. y ' TH NORTH CAROLINA SPECTATOR ANItfWESTERN ADVERTISER 43 i A. I- ; '4 i v . V Ml-". POETRY. STANZAS. BT THE AUTHOR OF RICHLIEC. I've sat and seeri one bright wave chase Its fellow on the strand. : J Then fall awiay, nor leava trace Upon the printless sand . Though scarce the pebble3 felt the shock, , ' A Tif o trAfl n trA ll'rtfn I've sat and heard the autumn wind ; Amid the branches play, . So softly mild, so blandly kind, '., ( ' It scarcely stirred the spray v' Yet soont it bore SpWg's verdant birth, To wither on its native earth. ' I've -sat and seen the evening sun Sink from1 his golden, sky, T ' v IIU long bright race of glory run, j ; , And close his golden eye . . v So slow he passed, scarce changed the fight, And yet he leA the world in'night, x I'v ' , -NT 1 And like yoif sea. in human life, r ' Events, like billows, roll, 1- .."""V KIoimfDtjfon moment, strife to strife, ;r That change us, to the soul ; ! - And iovsi like autumn leaves, fall Cast , Hope sets and being's light is past I've stood on earth's most tfaring height, . .And seen day's ruler rise, ? i .' "V J In his rnagnincehcebf light ' To triumph through the skies, - - ; , And all the darkness of the world, x V far from his' shining presence hurled. ' ',' All, too, that Fades upon the earth,, ' - Too weak to 'linger here ,. " ; , -' Tt pilenmi with n KAonrwl Iiirtlr. ' - To deck the doming, year ; , , Shall hope, then, man's eternal dower, JJeTrailer than' a failanR i rid Ail Ah rio ! like autuiniv leaves that diey That bloom again in spring, : Fresh joys shall rise from jthose gone, by, . Anil purer incense bring, ' ' And when, like suna, hope set's in ight, ,. Shall she riot beam, from worlds more briglit-?: t From Hood's Comic MelodiesfJ LIEUTENANT MJF ' All you that are'fond of wine,1 , . Or any other stuff, I, Take warning by the dismal fate . . Of one Lieutenant Luff: ? A sober man he might have heen, . Except in one regard Y He did iot like soft water,: 1, ,; So he took to drinMngpiarJ. ' -' - : '" 'f ' j 1 ; . '- - - , ; Said he,: let others fancy stops, x " And talk in praise of tea, ' -:' But I ani no Bohemian, " 1 1 , ! So do not like Bohca - . . If-wine's a poison, so is tea, .v - ; Tiiough in another shape 6 . j f --x : -i- AVhat matter whether one is killed a i, ' . By canister or grape ? : l - yy . i ; According to this, kind of taste ; Did he indulge his drought,. . i : "Ior being foydof port, he made A ; A ipo?f-liolertfR4ns mouth! .. A single pint he might have sipped, , And not been out of sorts : ; , ' Ingcolpgical phrase,! the rock . : lie split upon was quartz. . ; :i " ; To ''hold the mirror up toyice" ! , ; IVith- him was liard, alas ! ' :t ; : The worse for wine he often wa, ' , But not "befbre a glass !" ; ' ''',-' Nd kindand prndent fiiend he had ' To bid him drink no more:; - The only chequers in his course j ; Were, at a tavern door ! ' . Full soon the sad. effects of this ; ' ' His frame began to shew, ; ': .' ., .For that ojd enemy the gout Had taken him in toe, " ) And'joined with this an -tril came Of ite another sort, x For iv'hilehe drank, himself, his: purse w na trpjrmir srnnir.iriiUQi sninris, , . For-want of cash, he soojn had pavned: One half that he: possessed ; . ' And drinking shewed him duplicates ' Beforehand of the jest. - - . : So now. his creditors resolved ToselzB orthis assestV" " "'"r " -' For .why, they found that his half -pay Did not halfpalf his debts. . - ,x x But Luff contrived a novel modtj , Ilis creditors to chouse, . ,vx x For his owrt execution he, . Put into his own house ! A ,pistol, to the muzzle chargeO, . . He took devoid of fear, Said he; "this barrel is my last, ' Sq now for my last bier." ' Against his lungs he aimed the slugs', . And not against his brain ; iSo he; blew put hii lights,, an.l hone; : 1 Could loif them in again! . - " - i I - ' A ' 1 i I. 4 n . T n - j jury lur iuBwoi luct, . r And gave it in these therms-- '"We, find .as how as certain, slugs . lias sent mm to me worms. Let ns'ffo to the graves, where onr loveiofres . . And let ui choose the midnight tune, ' hen tne neaveiis;are glorious wnn many a star, : - y i r- . I- '' ' cm nd silence and grandeur raise tnougnts sublime; As Ve look from the mouldering dust, ; Ur to tlie cone of the beautious sky;- ; x So sliall oui spirits ascend, m their trust, To the' Holy spirit tht dwell eth on high. . -" - x-.- . Miss M. Brow ne. i. . hi-. MIS CELL Any. FOOL'S DAY. retJ - The trickX commonly playe off onT ioot s aay - iiave-wtvuritjiu com every .!! T "I. v 1- I. where, and are, for the most part', of the At I v I meamnjr The French, who are the first;' people successful weapon for correcting folly and holdmsr vice in ierroriim. A Frenchman nf thp eamtal is mnfp "-nfmid nf n fcnpppss. ful bonmot at his expense than ofasword, rind the 1st day of April is a day, there- v i v v v x v v..vyvyck i fore, of which he can make a , dou- bl e application ; he; may gratify his love the unlucky party who may be fooled I u1vi"."'cv . j.ic uivimc, vi jjuuv,v l(j butiv luio uesponaencv, wnen lorwiie i dvos, wnicn x nave uescriDea, a. Severe WOUnd Oil lllS enemies. 'if lie DOS- 1 frnWs s!npp m tl.A nmmnn pnnrc! nf !nrinpp nfTnVlp o-Pntlo mrprata sess the art and wit to invented perpe- ttliings, she may besurely expectj to modest, fumble, austere only'to iiraw.a uurmy piece 01 iooiery uppn mem. smile again. And again. Ppn't b(dis- attentive to his duties, and sensible srj7i votson a llvril is the name mveri to nm.rarrpri if vnuAo nU-oil in tlm Jionj I t Ti;a - i j-kj mm. vvt -. ui iift w 'vry i l . ii.iil. m a i -i rather think originally thrived frpm pz- men wear borrowed characters as brjDw- son mischief, and, not as commonly taken, ed clothes, and sometimes those who liave from Voissbria fish. The best trick Of this ''Inn o- sfnd fair hpfnro llip wnrlrl nr&Vvrv sort I recollect among! them is the well known trick ot itabelais, who tooled the umcers or justice vvnen ne naa no money ceived ; and will naturally feel sore ' tinder nen Georgia, hils pleasantly informs the of the insufficiency of the means ol grac-, into conveying him from Marseille toPar- such deception ; but to those you muf be- public of its own demise. . without the influence of the Spirit. "Sin is on a charge of treas;on, got up for the come, used ; If you fare as mostpeopleldo, r Died, to-day, after an, existence of not ncrs," said he, S'thiiik not that I expect to I purpose, and when arrived there. -showinjr they 'will lose thefr novelty before you' quite 15 months, the Darien -Pheniz. convert a single soul of you, by anyihinq; ihem hbwi they were j hoaxed. : jFor this grow gray, and you wiU learn tqp tust Consumption, inherited from its ancestor, that I can say, without the assistance cf purpose h made up spme ashes in differ- men cautiously, and examine jheirlAar- the Darien Gazette, may perhaps be bs- him -who is mighty to save. Go and stand , cat packets, labelled as poisons IfW the( acters closely, before you allow the'nfreat signed as one of the remote causes orbits by that riv-is it moves on its?trongaiul royal tamily ot i ranee. .1 he bait took and he Wjs conveyed to the capital as a iranoi, sepnhunare miles onlyl to ex- plain the joke. i Acre is a. very common practical joKe oixiupi ay m uh; wriiuMi iiiuuuus 3 n uc.-cvuviiiuji ci yi lV'" lucky dupe,; who ,is to wait tor an answer. The. answer!is,a second note, to a thitd person, vjo i-send ,tne i tool tartner." - A oungurgeon, a greeiihorn in practiced resli irpm BartlKjlorow's, his iilstru- meitts unnesiiea op ins own account," aud his surirery bottles full to repletion . J was called a few years ago ffom.the Strand, to a patient in Newgate-street, veiy rich, na- med Dobbs.n If washe 1st of April, and! i - .. r, - 1 ' t, u was insprsx paueiir , x ne young culapius was ushered into ihe'presence of the supposed patient, Who was busy wri- : . . : 1 , i-7 tin in his; countihir-hoiise. - The surgeon explained his errand, and Mr. Dobbs, hav- mjr an excellent nt. mercantile discernment, ugh the affair, lie! bowed soon saw thfo and said, f 'It is a mistake, sir ; mv name i n ii l t i -iJ ' i li t, is Dobbs, ;but I ain, thanlyf God, hale and hearty. It js my . brotherJHh'e' susrar-ba- - . i ' . j . o bowed expressed his thanks, and walked off to the sugar-baker on Fish-strpet-hill, (carriage or hordes he ! had none,') three- fourths of a mile farther; entered! anion' tl Mr- John- Dobbs, and not. Mr. JjJeffrey Dobbs,' tliat.was intended ;Wliat his name was jcuiy, uul ius uroiner Jt)nn,i a tm-rd memb-.theia.mily,. and in his business, lived at Limehouse, whithr - he thought, if bur surcreph proceeded, hef would : rind the pei;soii he sought An address 4 was . -. . 3 . 1 . . . I tromo ami I nnl.Ar.n ..,k;u UJ.I rrrJ i Rcs? wiU n Km , 1 i, AVill no.a stirgeGn do - to obtain . I is first patient; and a rich one tool Away he posted td Liine'.iouse,bnd soon found how far he had travellet SI nil d t 5n mini ll t frl ' A. cl l orn i n (r -- r ir'nn ii 'Krt.,i;i i. t n?" ..!tLa- his return! home, cursingthe Dobbs fiimi- iv everv sleirhe wiit! liP mP,l -n TTnirAfnHl u-1 T - T 2J?S Upper iiadwell, heawa horse ?al- .ii. . ;i -x. .L. t . B , iu-lLuiuuiy uown aniinoiiiiie sireet, ana fling its rider a heavy fall on the pave- meat, He ran and lifted the" fallen man, whom he found insensible. lie ' convey ed him to a shop hard by, bled bini-fend soon had the satisfaction of seeinir mm open his eyes. It sufiicesto say, 'that on being conveyed home our young surgeon attended him. until he. Avas restored- to T7Xv,i.u . a r. ... ir..n i tlons takek by .the stranger, who was ie pyramids' of snbwV sweets, and found we would till a number of oar ' ournal" reri- ". "V. r r " , -r-o VV" ovMC be glad if those vrho intend to fvor him with their Mr.Jobba,tliesugaKbaker.ofFisli-streeter the study of birds a favorite ofpery at serveu as wapoivgy lor a coat- patronage, wonld unmediatelv apprize himofih.ir i,;u ii i ix ' Ci - i -c ',l i 'L M- j Sleeve, addressed one of the company thus: mtenuons, for if the size of the school will utify hill, as hale as his, brother of .JNewgate- Elegant mind. Even the fleetest ofAiad- ;4t. -.. - . , . . CorDOial J -ithewUl employ an assistant, so a to tlm street. 41 hQ refiner; onsachrine juice tin- rupeds is jheavy and lumbering, iri pom- V Z 4J : , French Language Unght by a native Frenchman derstoodhis brother's note, stammered out parison. ' "NVe boast of the grey-Mtuid, gtant.lhat Mrs? 5an at lnham in Those who may not be acqvaintedwitli the Kulwi. alpretendld apology for' his iriistaL, and whi9h lies- panting and breaUilcsSupon dmrnming on training tuW, hut when Tbjny. W. Gilmer. Kk. ...,-,i i,' ; i 4- i , , .i i .u p j you come to the real sentimental, 1 tell you Wood, V. v. Fouthall. James U . hannderc, !X:,?.i! TifP1!- Corporal, (and l,c spoke ,he ,vords ,1, 1,11.0, Ch. CTI ,W ituuuo vi civ; iu .. 1ouiJs, UiaillWaSi -si.tn IICIU, ,U1 IHCiatC-HUlSU CJL I rich Eastilndia merchant, far advanced " v" "" "f "'vr? M ;., r,iv tit 1,0 tni, t,; i,' ,n nJaTO l9 the extreme of passion eveli iji. nediqat niately lej U IllVtllUK I'V l.V 111111 lllO IIUUH attendant and friend, aiid ulti- t him tlfe bulk of his: property, ool's Day hoi :ice o fortune, ilth: This an- Thus out! of on intended F ax, by the inscrutable caprice 4a frolic led its dupe to wealtl x - : -m t -m - j ' " ecdpte may be depended- upon as true, i ("From the New York Mirror.! - DfJAT BE DISCOURAGED t Don't bcthscouragedsif in the outset are? lirA tliintrs dh not trn nn srmantHHrx Kit spI U.V, - -..-....yy.;! vv. the future are realized. The path of lite, in the prospect, appears smooth and lev- ei enougn, oui wnen, we come xoiraveni, we find it all up hill, "and generally rough, The jQurncy, is . a laborious one, whether poor or wealthy, high orj ,we shall hnd have built endure bow our way as easily as we can. hoping - - i L I for little, yet striving for much,! is pebiaps t?. u ju.n,,' iPnninnnllv .o. trnr Kvpr LlIV . LI lit WlCUl 1 kill. Ilfllll I I nZ UlSlULUi:VUt I you a little; in otherlvords " w v , tuui zu. & ilfv a I aon't Uf p entlv from our PYnpntntmn nmlwp rtnvhe sufTprprfs: Tt It is worth while tolremr-nDer ti.ot v.t i.':jf: -iTui I that fortune is likp .'the- Kkiea1f.in 'iiXfjril. t . iif ni, ii ii i ii 1 1 1 . ii iiuu nil w i. iii ita in ii. i sometimes clouded, and sometjraecJear and favorable, and it wonld be foilyl I to to-day is stormy so it is-iquaily unwise Lple of the world; it often .happens?tlu.t ronton at the core. From sources si)i as these, you may be most unexpectedljde- opportunities to injure you.? Dotv J be discouraged under any circurastahs. Go steadily forward. Rather consuHypur uitu tuusuwutc man uic upuiwus yj iiicu, though .the last is not to be disrerded. iie industrious ue tnigai pe lipnest; eai in per ect Kinaness witn an wno.come and if, you. do rtbt; prosper as rapidly! as 1 .any of your iieighboiirs depend lit : 1 I I you will be as happy; ' ' ! - -f . :vi I ' -BIRDS. A I; . fe'! . If as noone can deny, thestudif the animated productions of NamreJbeone of the most delightful that caji" occupy! jhe --..-r A- e -n t . i.f Ji ' .n,-H 4yw ol that wide and varied kmardom, the cho- sen province, the very paradise, ifhe mi.. r.i-.riv .t: Afiii- birds. The gracefulness of their forms, uisite delicacy of their covering, the exqui the inimitable briliancy of their coIovh-s the light and life-ginng transparency 6 the element in which they live', the langu- i . 'r-.i l.l-, ...ij i i"fPri Iarvyanty of their habits, -the1 delightful melody kf their sons,. and, the mosy'sin- r mi nr inrf . that, with nrtrfins nrnfrpntlv i - i . . ; .mi imals that can imitate man in the w i- w u i t t ..ri. . . of voice, and rival -music:-'these, and ties, with the bare enumeratiori of !w hausted with a three-mile heat ; butwhat are these to the little Swift thtf pan uwaiven irom me ees ui iu rngiisii-coi tage in tlie morning, and ne$tle ml ithi .date tree on i the borders or thereat desert of Sahara before the suh be klown 1 That little twitterer is the yejy pck of . , .., ! ., f,.;' 'Fnt n wiirl A rrmnn annnr Tilft Pnrtli m-l ; . . Iniminntes;''. . I " ii! but at lhe rate of 250 miles airQ&our, , . . iAe,TttMxr -t. J. ' , " Ty T"1 " .T" ?l la 1 ,e in-'your wav. exercisihjr a hcihbourl Viand the ffhost lauirhinjr at the pale messemre'r ish V1 The imnresion which this nrodu -1.1: - - 1. . 1 I .. - .. -.r 1 . - i , 9." I . . . . . " . UU112HW sniru in vour wnoie intercourse ot destruction. iv Dorrowinirirom ronn. rpci nnon ini iir rtrpr n co stroa-. timt i iuui uujs, mm uius ue uiiuiiuiiuu wiiu oir, iiiu yuu iiuuuirecnv email cnirge; among ute notes were I wo rl and Africa, in the! briqf space or indirectly interested in the termination tbfee fo?r J $2. and the ethers arc not recollect en the eidei-dui ap- ofUiissuitl" "Not a bit sir."' "Wiyou fViC ol lour hours: eve Peimy wuwieiay. a.u coum j,preaK- utsl m fastness,. anu sup in iveiitj anu, Ietthe storm blow its worst, the golden ea- , i i i .1 . .ii do can dash riarht in the teeth of it. at the . . i i - i 1 ' 1 y W i LLaiiiuiu;c i iiiuij,j I , DUKE OF BURGUiSTDYLi rr.i. TA..i: ct..-- j .i.L tii j-ne jLfUKe ui uurguuuv, uieceuuruieu pupil of .the' crood Archbishop ofl-am brav, Fehelon. is thus described fby the I Duke de St. Simon : 1 ' " ! I aiic jjukc oi-iurjruiiuy -wiis uti icr- T' 1 in 1 : lJii a r!Hei an? jlngliis lirst years ntin US I 1 ' . . .! S""ai ..1-..., UFW degree of fury, uicapable of hean.ng the east opposition to his wishes,' ere$j from ?ime r climae ithout PuttnS self uto paroxysms Gf rage that made one ii i M-1 in urn 1 1 i r i iu iwidtipu a inn 4 i nil in i . 1. 1 r l r ; i r -VV!" i v niuii .a. uu Ij uiiuii crrii iulii t 2iuirjui n grati f tlio tnVilA ntid 1 vinlnnt huntinW delighted & . a a m. j & u. l a a, a a m i m a a w a to a degree ojxtacy witli mushr. and with un ieep piay, in wnicn of he couFd not endure to lose, and liljtwhich - it-vns nprsnnnllv rlnnimrmw to Wmrrto-pd I . f- J ''M' lVp"" passions and transported by every kinrj of pleasure; often ferocious, naturajlji ' born u cruenvi oaruarous in nis raiuery, seiz ing the ridiculous with astonishiris: just and ness ; high as the clouds, in his own opin 1t3! - . - ion, considering oilier men as atou 1 .1 . . m. with I ate beings, oetween mm ana me r. . . i i 1 .1 the human race; but even in his passions, olof lu,. Vnmhim Tiia rpnartees Ittllllh UVUI11 V wm - " I I Kiirnrisinr in his answers, there was alway, something of justueS3 and ep.h; i -------1- r O ' I i to piay wnntne mosi aosiraci citr If his bu tonnvonethincr kent him from attend in tr tn nnv one thin r at a time, and tlflfemade him .incanable m n flo liiTwi .inpnnn 'iAn.:U a nnu ,a: I oflearniriff anv thin?? The nrodior was. . ; . that, in a short Space of time, religion and the grace of God made him anew man'; ii iri i n i n i i v 1 1 i i i i v n m i to all the opposite virtues. From the a- mere arose patient, himself of their nlv obiect1 annrjtred to be, to perform all his actual duties df a son and a subject, and to qualify himself for his future obligations." ' I I T . "the DarienPhenix1 a paper conducted 'withsome smartness, in the .town of Da- death, but the proximate agent was un- doubtedly starvation : for with the appe- tite of the cormorant, it had scarcely pabr uium enougu io kuusisi,u swaiiow. let I nither hungerior disease couldsubdue its spmt or damp, us cneertulness. , To the last it loreoore compiaini, ana . cave up an enitanh is appended. W- 1 1 1 1 -1 How cursed or lauded avails the not By wliom conducted or by whom begot : 1 han nl Bl la fall rfminQ nl thAA m 'Tis all thou art and, U piou e'er wllo. Figure of Speech. At a training in one of the, northern counties of this State, sev- oral years since, the professional merits cf two drummers, a certain Ben Morse . . . , W4W . - 'm.aJl f fmem ana..f ejy uncertain T. om jiurniiam. a candidate for i i without "hZ rVr, ."" riaiu l"at Burnnam was the best musician ; oth- e affam that Morse had not hia rUrior Wl :.:...i i r . a W v. II i in nix f-iiiiiiLitr. iv i it-ii ti ii in i nnrpm.ianr. V . . " " . V J ao old rusty Queen Ann s firelock in one t ho nfhor. niirl ntter nickiiio" me tpth xith 11 i,io Knnot on,l trmi.. 1ia fA . great emphasis) Tom Bumham can drum Hen Worse's shirt tail off." . Y. pa. oorf answer. An anecdote was re- lo, us " a" .c; . 7 , M , J , - r A' case was tryintr . vester - one of the judges bf oui City dnch a drayman avjegitimate I I Ymrt in whi I " J -" son of Enrr, was called to testify. ItU was sworn .oh j liis roir dire. A limb of iJlD , . i,:mcir i,;. tL: 4 T ? .f" " " pcifljexing wiuiCTbw, cominencea uie ex- nox gam any mmg u "f . na" tion in iavor oi uiepiaiiniu : "uain any thing? By my soul, I'll rather lose than u- i cm i ? frain anv thinrrr Ah, all. sava the ' .' -c . i i 7 - ' . . u V7 i - su yuu rui lauici iusc wiau f;uiu uy n l'rav, how may you lose by it (" "Bt standing here answering que stions.xchile mu ji j--..-tj Tj't. ii. ."" iiie sirrcr. The effect was contarreous. and extended to. his honor, so that the throne of iusticc shook for awl vliile fS O mnVrl iuie. in. j. paper, i - L A Quaker apothecary meeting Doctor IT f x , uw .u.. i..n.u I othergill, I intend dining with thee to- 1 . 1 II 1 11. . ,, . J S'" lu tte swered the Doctor; "but pray friend, hast i i -i .1 i i " El"1" "i:"" "i1 s i i s-"! w Tn vnfn w tm r n i oruereai 111 111111 1111 11 in t ir. i iiiiiiil 111 a an ii - house, and muM lire Doctor took the hint, . and 1 rrrrrilrfl lionrlcAmolir V.t tl.A lwMifit m a . - a an. . a a airaBma.aaiia-aw ar aia. a w a a . a a a. a a his friend Ejihraim, and his friend the r apoinecary. j z I Thi frllrTwin a or aiTDotinirlncTinfP nf I . lIU - J Ul OUVWUlg f IWIUI.VV VI en by want and misery. A gentleman being stopped in the night, in astreet, by - a man wno aemanued ins purse m a very - determined manner, at once delivered it - l to hinf. ' "How mucli money is there ml same Othce, were discussed very free- I thematic; viz. Laproix's Algebra. and L;rendcr s r n :., . li rl Geometm in tho classical, the I-atin. Grerk atl , ' . ; j , , French lanyuare with Ancient History, Georr oiue ruin, at a cane ana a beer snantee nhv nd xivtioirr. Th inou no lose o joKe. inaecu rejoin- ; r . r . . " u"wip . cd the apothpcao-. but a very scnou, t2ftA22ii It matter. Thou hast attended Friend E- proved faJ4ion. aihis ahon in rtnthrr.S . itV asked the robber, was the answer; upon T krt nr not- M. - which the thief th mirse. took out 10 francs, m thft rest to its owner, cur- i ' . f CU1U A V x. " 'j. nrteoH at I h; PTtraordinarv procecrim, r;. - ,r . at n dv the. gent cman w" hnkrr'a hoi. lance an ne taw. umi s which he in a very lewromutis u - y lAlffn 111 m i il - nnt Of If! 111 31 1 made in 1 ,d liim lhat thenDiti question hanng v zr. . , rr Dccoine inured toim 10 francs for bread, he hadefbsedTto give any more crccTit ul hadvefusetTto give any &e debt wa? paid, and wlucii naa jusy l.?ni brought huii. Alter some further, inquiries, the gentleurn having discov ered the lodgings of his assailant, went there with the intention of offering relief ; ' but he had sccrcely entered the" miserable garret, when the poor, fellow, imagining he was on 'the -.point of being arrested. - sPranS 10 tlie window, threw himself put, ana was xajven up iiiciebs. French Paper. V Anecdote of T Vh iteJielJ. A s Wliitefft M was preaching to a large multitude on the banks of one of the noble rivers of Virgin- ia, he spoke in the course of his bcnnoii of.the strength of human depravity, ami deep current Jo the ocean, and bid it top, and see if it will obey you. Jud a mioii should I expect to stop that river by a word, as ny my preacning to stop uiai currcin of sin that is carninff you to perdition. Father in heaven! see, they arc humcd on towards hell ; save them or 'thev per- , they were ready to respond with tremb ling; 'Sve, Lord, orve pcri&li. V f nillE pubicribcr will commence hi Schocl ;a JL Charlottesville, on the Khh dar of Januar' next, for the in?truction of boys, in tht .nlifl. Latin; Greek and French lanffuase. which .will Icomprwe aMon of Irttle npwardjonen nwrnl Kvacat,on n,ODl.h ?vc?- 5' The course will conipnje, in the tn-wh Upait- ment, LnglUh Grammar, Geography, Bok-lkeep. I inff. Arithmetic, and a urenaraiorv course of Ma-. S7ifKr7sJ .;.iVJ3 cient tme for exercise and recreation; a io 9t anitruct them both in the preparation and recitatioi of tlieir lesnonaT A lie ioteads Ih jchool 11 1 1 . t a . T" I w pennanem, una oeueTcs ue a vaniazres Ol ail i . jl.i? eeucauon, and the facility of acquiring it wirrcascd j pursuing a regular and fyutematjfal plap, lu ; ould prefer, a pupils, those bova who will nrob-. ably complete their, scholastic course jth i'ni. HUc ana e course w sucu as to give txyg all the nccvary ypecially for the University of irpnia, wmIi eye t which it lias been prepared. lie would Board In genteel families, can he obtavrtpd tu Charlotte tville from eight to ten dollar j-r ruonth. TEAMS FOR A SESS 10 OF TE MONTHS. .r "oMti tne tngiuui bnnrh. Lat- Engl h branches, Latin and ilathenialic?, ' S i". .6. urc.. n,y. l - GEORGE CARR, ; Charlottesville, December l! iS? : - ! j nnripai. POCKET BOOK' LOST. TT OST by th-subscriber on the &hin. in p, JLi mg from TatW Stor. in Barke. to 3IoirV MilU,in Rutherford, a IOCKET BOOK, which had in U' in different bank note,. Inside wm n be recoUected, there were .everal ered- iwonwe noie, me ouier oi accordinX to U,e?re1C0Sef1t!,?' Del Blantoa due Elizabeth Wtlkins for S15 with a credit of fie j.n ... r7.wu,,!fltt u oa vranuerson uianioa doe-Urecn rajmer, lor 91U witn acredit f fire dollar. s a i ic uigca t. raimer lor ; a GOCuill 03 Bezekiah Wilkinsfor $27; and other paper, a- T w fnt made to Mathew Gaty w" '"onana.AajoTeoincrrocsr.erecom- acre ofland. A drove of negroes r. ere com-. ipgdown CaneCreek onlhe day cf theWJk it i I tho't ome of ihem may hare nicked ii on. Asrwr -n who may d said rxcket Uwk or any of dU pa- Pr. ana rt-iarn mem to the subscriber shall be i wn row-arHi ah rur,n. . . : well rewarded. Atl persons are hrh w.M..t against trading fur said notes or paper. v w - w t REUBEN WILKLNS. ImnerTille, March 8, 1830; tfl RUTHERFORD ILVT FACTORY rinilE subscriber would inform bis friend n.l JL customer that he continoes to carry on tha ahon in Rn!hW,f and ex.nTbrl Tn,TH ""t,c lvc iiis ennomers 10 can nrxn hit . i a . - 111 av inl5i3iXrSS. " I be procured." . nfl An .4) AJPenenee Jonmeman will meet with a a gerMItemPcpplinS 1 . -N MARTI V Prnr Ratherfordton, April 10, 1S30. . I . JL5 UiehcTMarcltsi and a MULE COLT, supposed to be two vear old. lhe owner is rpnnt -r.,-. ani prove bis property, pay charges and take them a way. I MANUFACTURE flP 1IAT .f .ii'j April 14. 1800. ASrACIO-EAULL. CKf. t 1 , 1 7 A X- i 1- i 4 x

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