THE NORTH CAROLINA SPECTATOR AND WESTERN ADVERTISE! 51 THE SPECTATOR. t H B.TJTH23HrORDTOK: 1 V FRIDAY MORXI-, MAY 14, 1830. - We are happy to aunoun&e to our fellow citizens, that a! Society for.. General Improyemeruy and particularly of Agriculture, hag been formed in this County, consisting of upwards of one -'hundred Members; This aaghs well fur its fature prosperity, ; and we hope that such gentlemen as have not yet had an opportunity of .joiniiig it, williattend at the 'of which will be found in our advertising depart ment,)' and co-operate in a measure ofsqeh vital ' - .- . v..v. wivj-wvw VVI11UVCU by the Society, id that of keeping on hand an as sortment of useful Grasa aBd Gf'rdeo Seeds, for the use of the, inembersV at cost prJe ; and the intro- ;yauuvu vi ivv uiiu taiuauic callUS UI VI ruin, r 1 We wonld tender our thanks o Mefjb- Car son and fosNERfor copies of several public docu ments with which they have, politely furnished us. I ( j i ; : . TAc Murder. The Salem Register 'rVvs, that nothing hajs yet transpired which afford.'&any clue to the assassin. It is ascertained, however', that on assertinithat these animals were anfarticle of two different nihts Previous' : to ' the nirof.the J , - ..' 1 m. ' -j . i I mnrrlpr. n man was seen abmit tliA nifu.43 rr lowest orders m Greece. But if Aristobhanes and AthenasUs mean this identical animal, at one time it seems to have been sought after as a delicacy, and publicly pold. St. Jerom, who lived irithe fifth century, speiks of the "Orientals aid inhahitats of Libya eating locusts, where they appear in immense clouds.' r Several other ancient authors' "aaree in food in various nations. The same custom has been transmitted to the present day. Locusts are used as food by different tribes , of Arabia, who even catph them in great quantites, and bring them to the public jrnarkets for sale; Niebuhr, the Dan ish traveler, observes, that tlie lofcust arrives lean and emaciatedj and that it is only after it has fat tened on the herbage, that the Arabs qonsider it a delicacy. ; Dr; Shaw compares the taste of the lo custs of Barb&ry, where they are also ealen, to. that of cray-fish. .' Hisselquist, a pupil of the telebrated murder, a man was. seen about the predars of Mr White, dnder circumstances which leave po doubt that he had some evil designs. . j .' . - frl 4. . The Secretary of the Treasury: has ad dressed a letter to the Chairman of tfjf; Com mirtee , on Retrenchment contaMin" j "statement of the Receipts and Ependi tiires.of the United States, fromlSie. 4th March 1789 to 31st December 1$J9, w ith a statement of the annual appropriations dunnr the same peiiod," and which has i , Cculugiccl Curiosity.- A f ew weeks since,.while the wotkmea'were- ern ployed in taking out the 'grit'f irom one :-of the pits in the -Harris Mine, how Qvned by fessrs. J i& J. E Patton, three posts were discovered just at the tpp of the slate forrria tron, arid below the stratum; of flint rocks uoniiiins me 'goia. , lnese posts were sunk tier peudicular in thelate, and about four , feet from each; oiher, in a :triangular position. '. . The posts AVefei dug up and examined, and. found to be off I-osfjak ,tiih'hdr, about fo.ur feet long and ten inches , ' ,. '--' . , . . 4n juiameter-, the louver ends of the posts, were jisuou, mc fiiu uppr- vviuenuyappeareu iu 'Le sawed oir trausversly f in the: sides were mor tise fioles, together vith the marks of an . axe, too y afparertttoeimfetaken- rorri iq position in which these' posts-wtre fpiind it wonld seem that . thsy had lo'rrnedthe leg! of a rade table" or bench di syuiB lunner perioa , as : a prooi tnac no mod- 1 1 ii it) u in iivf in;! fun Trifii w nara Thnr - ' i 't- j "i have now. been found, tiie ground is elevated and near ine creoK, and -beneath any alluvial deposites oi soil ; yet when and by whom they were placed, j . tyusnur.iiit; )rseiu rgmain a SUDjectOl pnuosopil-f sticks of timber and logs have been found, in and on the slate formation, together with a varietv of articles, formed by the hand of art, such as Indian pottery, Indian arrow points, (made'of flint. V and j-ieces of wood, ia various shapes. . The bill for the relief of the widows and orphans of the late officers, seamen and marines of the sloop of war Hornet, has passed both Houses of Congress, and was approved by the Executive of the 24 ult. It nroyides-p- y - That the vidows, if any such there be, And in case there be no widow, the child or children; and if there be no child, then the parent or parents; and if there be no parent, then the brothers and bisters of the officers, seamen and marines, who were in the service of the United States; and lost in the i United States 'sloop of war Hornet, shall be entitled to, and receive, out of any i money in the Treasury, , not otherWise appropriated, a sum equal to six months pay of their respective deceas ed relatives, aforesaid, in addition to the pay due to'the deceased, oii the 10th day the ar- STATC Or TIIE THERM Oil ElEJl ROf MAT 7 TO 14. Sun Rise. 10A.M. 1 P.M. ( pThet 5 ' o o 1 " . Z' 2 - 2 H ' C &. & - - g L. er - Thursday. fH-jfair; i?(fair Vj.fair JTipuT Friday. 4i fairl OOair 7G'fa . nrir fcaturdjy. cloudy 74 cloudy brainy SoTvto Sunday, ic'airi 70:fair 75fair- kiair Monday, cloudy 75;fair 9cloady70'doa Tuesday. Utfoegj U9 fair !li:IoodTi7u!fair Wedn'y.. pefolx fillfOr ttfar fr-Ofair T II E,M ARRETS. Linn;eu8, durmg his travels in Syria and Egypt, been panted ifr order of CoubessU From of September last, up to which day " " rau&auu "-P"" . it we extract the tollowing items Jifi infor- rears of pay due to the deceasedshall be Bagging Dundee and Inverne?, 42 inch, ID 1 22; Charleston, S. C JpT 26. Conos-hort atapU 9 a 10ij Corn 45 a 47. Oau ;fc4 a 33. Peas 60. Tees wax Id cents. " TaUow Carolina! 8 a 8. lUeon 7J. Ham 8 a 10 Lard---7aTl. uuiier iosoen, ioiw; mienor, o a reau. and when a scarcity prevailed, at Mecca that they mation were. bruised in mortars, and baked in cakes, which the Tr were used as Wead; and that they wereJikewise' $758,965,664 78, that is from Customs caicu n ucu uicib vvaa liu onui-nt, i in a different manner. Sparrmahn the Hottentots feed on the immense n: The whole amount of ripts at allowed and paid by the accountin'"- offi- tovr;JcineUc Dufactare, 14a 18. Salt Livar 4a9; clurig,he samefie, is ccrs of H.e Auiy Dcpartnam. V&&2f3 custs that appear at different intervals prefer the females, which are more lrqm tne snortness ot tnen wings sioa ofther bodies with eggs. All confirmed hy other travellers,' vyhence there'is no doubt that both ancieift and modern nations have fed on locusts ; and the various modes in which they are yet prepared, may vie with tho nicest refine ments of European luxury. . 4 The following description of the Locust is Ex tracted from Nicholson's Encyclopedia : GryllusV in natural history the- locust, grasshopper and cricket, a genus of insects ut-iuiigmg 10 me oruer nemipiera 1 wmie. 12 a. 14. Drown o a ha i iimimmtn u. in uUaS,cHeu 9Ww,otd cy: irom mrernai lievenue . The Albany papers state that a politi- Cl- ixand Jamaica, Ja 4ew OrIm.,8a - " informs us, that 822,204,438; 03: from Direct Taxis.3l2,- cal meeting of the- Fnrmprs' Merchants l5"-10 17 a . Coffee-prim. rru . swarms of lo- 702,597 H : from postage 81, 09Uf 591 , and working men, was held nt the Cani- teal1. 1 ,f.!LJ . , and chiefly from Pfiblic Lands $o2,403, 57 60 : from tol in that city lately. The number as- 2Ga'27j N.OrleausJ3aS0. Black Per,Der!X ' easi y caught Loans, Treasury PSotes, &c, 8156,131,- sembled is said to have "been verv rrcat. IWnto 19 cenu., , aim uiB uisien- j . uuuiiyiyiucnusaiiu saiCB..i xiuim j ana n.rasius lioot was unanimously nom-1 A juiu, way . v.ouob nzon staple, inicncf . thpsi fata a Stnck and Rnnnsps J13 .AfS Rfi tWktv.1 n,u.f...,i.....ff..;.fr to commou fair a 10 : rnme v "vlOalOA. .u. vi i iimicu ho. uauuiuuic iui 111c uiiicc ui vju) i c i , 1 'n lur: 11 c? - n t r i . v . l ioui v t. uscon o - . .4J mi . .. 7 1 It4-ll I IIB-Ifkl .-rtl f d fT -IT 4 - tfV . "4f 'il-.-.- J ' w v , erryor. io nomination was made lor iieutenant Governor. An address was Miscellaneous Sources of Revenue 672,744 17. ; ; O The whole expenditures of Government adopted, and a number of resolutions pas ' : AlU AT V. iCft ni. tv. 1 i I , - smuc m . ci i ic. uj icy I sea. are $753297,124 34, that is, on account of the Civil List $32,400,706 44 .foreign ces, mones ITEMS. livse: Thistle and Shamrock. It is a Intercourse $23,225,074 49 :'MiSellane ris 2fi"99i517 23; fc.rTVr.litn i Sprv?- , - ! ' " I 1 . i . .. including Fortifications, Arsfals, Ar- SI"SU circumstance tnar loore wno is ies Ordinance-Internal Imilvement an Irishman, sliould write the life of I5y- jtZ Aim: don n;7 ctt . r . i. ....: Among the most numerous species, is t n Uioi f-. : r the gryllus migratonous of, LinnD.usrTjr o- M'iiQ 170 It. - 0T;i.f w common minatory locust, which of all the "V "U"4. "lt - f, . . , - , I inatan jjeparimem s.u,ou,.c 0 ; ior insects capableofmjuring mankind, seems t,re Nav Establishment S101,656,137- 10 possess ine most areaaiui powers oiij . . x rvi v. i L,V;a! t.- r u 1 1 64: and in payment of the Public Debt destruction.; Legions of these animals I 30 719 701.34 ; iv . parts of the world, where the havockthe AI """"'f ?uui".,,s Jl,slice rong y developed; t ic animal commit is almost incredible -"wholo nro- propitious and also the balance 111 the organs of combativatcss and destructire ZAJ Treasury of each year, from 1824o 1829 ness were very small '. - . .1 7 1 - inclu Another .New Mine.' A deposite mine has been lately opened on the lands of Mr. Thomas Jeans, n beomd firoad riv er in .this county, and which has ten lease'dby Mr. Charles Hill, who has em ployed four hands for. two weelis past, and avera ged 102 dwt3. per week-woiih $81 .'00 ; making the. proceeds pf four hands for two weeks, $l6: ' .fit ' ' . - I . i )-"!"'"; -. . - - ' I nis inmeNbicls lair to became one ot thebest .in Xe gold region.. It lies borderingonthe river, andtha gold has been found most abundant in one , of Us former cliannels pn extending the .examina- . tion to the. present bed-of the river, considerable I quantities have been found in the sand,, which leads to the supposition; that more or less gold is contain in. the sauds of this ahdothei rivers in this region and. that 'they' are similar to the auriferous rivers o . .f ermaiiy aiju awitzerland. 'Locusts. The number of these insects that have made their Appearance in this and f the adjoining .counties to the' east and south, has never been equated since th$ recollection of the oldest citizens ' of our county. At this time, literally, every tree ,top: has its swarm, while every sound of the woods I and every tuneftil melody of the forest, is hushed ron, who is an Englishman, and dedicate' the work to Sir Walter Scott, who is a Scotchman. A distinguished Phrenologist writes from Vienna, that he had examined the head of young Napoleon and found the moral organs ot benevolence, firmness and Corn 15 a GO. fc'alt 65 a 33. .Sugar Dal-J. Ta7 '. DIEIV lo Buncdmbe co February last, JoHs'BtKjrs mates that can be had of hi- . u MS) tr IIO i- - r M rkw a native of Ireland, and followed Uei charcoal for a livelihood ; and what 2r more a ion ishing burued one pit not more han a year pre viou4 to bui death. ' lie knew not of a amie rela tive be had in America. Few there be that hva to see one hundred years; and this instance cf Jd age; verifies the old maxim "onco a mail and twice a boy." . Communicated. In Lincoln county, a few day cioce,Mr. Kbodls, aped about TO yean. Mr. It. bad been for mtoy years the leading preacher of the Society of Duck- aras in uiat neiguDorcooo. nr. In i.alUbury on the 2Chh ult. 3Ir. John lrey, in die th year of his age. In Montgomery county, on the 4th alt. 2Jr Robert Moss, in the 57lh year of hU age. , isive-; i Appropriations. Expenditures. $31,,538 47 23,55,804 72 .24,103398 46 1823 1829 iid drowned in the hollow, unharmonious din off 'v these ill-bodilig, unwelcome visitants. Tho ento-' , inology and history of this tribe of little animals; at difforoht periodsof trie world, cannot fail totnterest the carious and inquisitive. - They fill a large space . in the history of remote times, and have 'been the : ,a)poihted insttnments for the scourge and pest ofj the- garde njspotsj of our globe j whexertheir swarms -have darkened the elements ; their ravages desola ted the face cf the earth devouring every vestage . ofvegetati-inand leaving behind them famine and ' pestilence,; from their putrifying remains. : They have ever since been' looked upon as , the sable in thelspace of aifewdays, and the aif is darkened by their numbers : nay, ;eveu I .q i wiien ueaa. tney are sun lernnie; since jg2 the putrefaction arising from their incdn- ijqoq ceivabte number is such, that it has been regaruea as one qi tne proD.aDie causes oi pestilence in the eastern: regions. This formidable locust is generally of ai brown- isn colour, variea witn pale red, or nesn- colour, and the legs are frequently bluish. Livw J743,;it appeared in irregular lg25 095;344 78 flights in several parts of Europe, as in mQ 19 ""-rT 8 "ui 1827 .10,003,663 39 tlie capital itself and; its neighbourhood, jgcjg . . 12 163 438 07 11.1, xi. n;uic, uap- , lt wiU be seen by these tables that in VV " ! t--j. .t" the first year of Mr. Adams' Administra- niur nQuinnr niian r wr r a r i -r i -rr-i --r i - some irregular wind out of their intended course, and weakened by the coo climate. The ravages of locusts ous parts of the world, at "different are recorded by I numerous authors. In the year 593 of the. Christian era, after a great' drought, tiese animals appeared in vast legions as to cause a famine in mginy countries, in i. oyna ana luesoDota- mia were overrun; by them. In 852, im mense swarms took their flight from the eastern regions nito the west, flying with such a sound that they might have been mistaken for birds: they: destroyed all ve getables, not sparing even the barkj of trees and the thatch of houses; and devoured the corn so rapidly, as to destroy, on ness of in vari- jperiods, $25,830,635 95 22,692,544 72 23,225,413 09 23,215,650 86 22,612,408 61 25,784,003 45 Of these tum3 there was paid M On ac't. of the Pub. Debt. Bal. it TreasV 1824 816,568,393 76 81,911,597 13 5,2C;050 43j 6,3;6S6 18 6.Gtt8l2S6 11 : ' - - - i 5,97j:,435 80 5,668,5-10 44 tion, the expenditures of Goyernhjent ex ceeded the appropriations by $603260 Q(), while' in the first year of Gen. iJckson's ,bo0,740 ly murdered at Sakm, ,4ofl,l78 o2 lie. . He left $141, 2a,07J;017 59 Fous relatives : and tl - There are said to be 500 habitual drun kards 'in' Albany, and 2009 persons who practice total abstinauce. The Will of Mr. White, who was late- has been made pub- 000 in legacies to vnri- ic remainder of his property, about $250,000, was left to the Hon. Stephen "White. IVo trace of tlie murderer has yet been discovered. ; . Cha. Mercury. A i friend has presented us with a qtxill, 20 1-2 inches in length, taken from the wing of an Eagle, caught in a wolf trap in Cohneat township, a cw days since, which measured 7 feet 4 inches, between the poiutfe.of the wings. -", '. " Crawford Mcsserigcr. Ltad Region Curiosities. The Galena : NOTICE A Meeting or the Rutherford Lyreum and Soci tiy for General Jntprorcmtni-wlV ho held at the Court House in Rutherford ton, on the fourth Monday in June next, for the I -lection of the Offi cers for the enduing year, and sQch uthtr busiacta as may be offered. -3Iarl0,ie30.i ' 13tda DiX. WILLI A 31 THOMAS... Administration, tlieexpenditureseii sorr (Illinois) Journal, mentions the receipt oi of the appropriations by $712,18086 ; and a piece of Honeycomb, complete ly petri in the year 1329, there was ; paitj; of the tied. The same paper states that apiece Public Debt $288,456 00 more tiim was of cedar had been -dug up in the rieiirh- ffP ESPECTFULLY iofonn the citizen f JLQ Burke County fend its neighborhood, that lie has established himself as a Practitioner of Med ' cine, at Harryburg, where he is ready to attend tC an? calls in the war of his profession. llarrisburg, (Uurke Cc.) March 13, 1634. li tf - "1 "It NOTICE. ' nn HF. F.xecatoTii of the Estate of James .loora. JL will Bell at Public sale, in Itutherf.rrlln nn the second Monuay in June next, TWFNTY- -F1VF ACRES OF- LAND, lying on ihe Wldowg Branch, (waters of Cove Cree'k:) Together with some other articles, asbeddipg&fc. Twelre months Credit will be given, purchasers will be required U give Lond and approved security before the right of '. property is chanced. GEORGE WALTON, ) Hxecu, JALUU MICllAL, tvrt. - l k Rutherfordtonj March 5, l$Sd. paictinl825, and the balance fmaining borhood 24 feet below the surface of ihe hrthe Treasury was upwards oti$.loU,00t earth. . i -J u.. iv' I . ' more man. remameu in, me ijjeaui ni 1825. Fayetteville Jotirnah The Opposition prints are iipt satified that Mr. Hill has been striped of his Comptroller s umce i ney ay now at- temDin to nlch him ot nis crdou name. by charffes-the'most extravagant and the. A gigantic enterprize is about to be at tempted in Holland, .that oWraining the rra, a v r.'v iaie iiajiaem, wnicn covers rJ,uuu acres. By the late of N. York, w - ; State of IVorth Carolina, - ! Rutherford County. . Court of Picas and Quarter Sessions April Term, t I 1630. Sarah 31'Kinley, utat 'A' new Marriage marriage Sarah Worke John W. Means Adm and William C. Mans and mbers, heirs of Jane Worke, decciue. Rct'irn of a Justice' ex ecution, Jevicd on lauds 5T appearing to tho satudartion of the Onrtthat John Cathey and h'm wife Hannah C- harbingers of some dire calamity that is about to befal the places where they make their.ominous appearance! f What remarkable event this ' multi tude of "creeping and flying things", may portend tp the good people of this section of the State we ' profess not to be seersnough to tell. From their history it appears that they have been in all ages of the World used as food to support human life. The i Acridophagi, the Parthians, the Arabians,. and even j St ' John iathe Vildernesa--have made of this an-f .( inial their food. fc Diodoras Siculus describes the Acridophagi as'an Ethiopeaii nation, very black,! of meagre person, and small stature. They were i so short lived, that their lives never exceeded forty i . " " . - . i . . . a . years ; and they generally died, a wretched death. ' ; VTinged insects of a hideous form,, were generated i and gradually spreading over, the ; whole frame! Excruciafing torments, attended with effusions of ' putrid blood, were occasioned by these' aninials when forcing their, way through ihe skin; and the ' riii-e'rablesiifferer. utterinff lamentable cries, made way for them with his hails.' At length he expi- . red, haiing his body covered with innumerable ul J cersj During spring, when the warm west winds drive immense swarms of locusts among the Acn -dophagi, tliey set .fire to wood and otjier.combusti-:bles-in a steep and extensive valley, and the flight bf locustsin: passing over it, were suffocated by the smoke. 'They were therji collected in heaps, and salted for future nse." According to Pliny, the 'arthians fed on locusts, which he infers was not! in consequence of scarcity, as they abounded in wealth; and the females full fofeggswere prefer red. .Elian, the naturalist, says, they were sold in Egypt for food; and various Greek authors men tion, that they were used as sustenance by the act. act in the state which went into effect the first of Janua ry last, it is provided by the second Section, r i i -xr i. ir u-. f -1 . .it- i : i n x , i a w ,nmni,to.;nf, o K,W,1 'n,l ff.r ,mo, "ius" uiiiuuiiucM. '" 111 limi m m 11131 fe"a ,a c auamcu iviUiam Cathev and 1.U wife Susan. Leiraof Jabe ; iSpir ;iv frhrohp- nr Hitn thls way, because we knowj31r Hill. the full age of seventeen year., and every Worke, deceased, and defendants inUaa ca. ara 1,1 a (y - Yeir daily marches, or distari- But afew weeks havepassed away, since female who Shall have" attained the full not inhabitant of this Sute: Ordered iherefoie, ces of flight were compu ed at twenty his neighbors distmgiUhcd re- age of fourteen years, shall be capable, in ?ori..tb ji PuUicatio be ,dex week, miles; and these were regulated by lead- ivAr e iv,!Tio,,tl,;r. t e -T ' successively, m tlie North Carohna Spectator and PrS orfkins. who flew fiSttand settled on PubhcanspMhetate of INew.IIalure, law, of coirtractmg marnag. . . Western Advertiser- that the aid Defendants p.- .k -Jx.1:.u .7tA - wno liare.tracea nis political! coupe, auu ; Monumtnt to Clinton. A number of at the next Court of Heaa and tiuarterhe.- iuc rimu ao;U yt , ..M orePniia;lltPfi wth his hrvate Character. I i- t .. iL Uionsto be held for Kaid County, on UiesccondMon- ' V I n.A ,,x r 4-1 l- t . . 4-nifrntn mT- i T-O rf tt I . 4 . . I tinrta (A K same hour the next day by the whole VF Vu trlt, to hi nae 1 mcomempon d o( DCXt andl u or A m tu w f . x buu - iiiw vkjk u-' v "--- - - - - - x r t r t trtr - v v w i iiit r.Fir t i - t et- - , .. . ,. . . i. pfi ii- cicvi a: inuiiuiutui iu iiii uinuuiy ji i or juagmi . o .... ii' w uvviauiviiumnii vi i 0r luagmem 'vui oe enterca op agairuiem ij oe worth, his sevices, - his integrity land his his Grea and th requested Mr. fault, and their interests in the lands lTif n. -t 'a. a ! .rtArA v f m.rA A - --.' f .-- 1 r T"i '.V gioii : these marches were always) unde; totmi nt ciirtriep. -I hp. Inf.lists 'Wftrft rit-l . ' v' . i Tv . . I Kwtaw,, in7n abiht1' Meas Ve ot !l..mlrc; Coffee', the sculptor, to make a model for p rWd h throWhack P.ld laitmu.1. 5?d P05fnui W,ior, ot iuch a work. He has conformed to their ttV? ftf?fhP rpsi caused the-t,nlort; and-tison tnis account, mat ;equest and-i3 finished an elegant mo by tlie tide and leiUjn the shores caused , . nrp nnw CJlumnia- ? - i. i.- Inl " . v V aei m ciay, which ne liiviiesmu liicmoers of the legislature and citizens generally, to call und see. Albany Daily Adv. bv tlie tide and left o a dreadful pestilence by their smell. 1071 - nil tVip rnm-fiplds of Mdnh destroyebf: and in the year 1339, all those ot,i:ombarciy. in &v, mcreain afflicted Poland, Wallachia, and adiohiinar territories, darkened with their numbers, fruits of the earth. mand. Copy. 31 ay 7. Tefcte, ISAAC CRATON, CC. 1830. Pr. adir; 30. 12Cvr . - e nosts all the he sun and ravaging all the Richmond Eiiairer. 'A writer fronxAVashinjrton evi5 this ac count of the proceedings of ourOlegation m regard to the Jenerson dinnol , 5 "The Pennsylvania Delegation, it is un derstood, had purchased tickets; With an State of IVorth Carolina! Rutherford Conniu. CcrvX of Picas and Quartrr Setoioc April Sea , aion, izjj. - Ana WorkB r. Oneofthe largest species of locust yet intention to attend the dinner. 1 One of known is the gryllus cristatus of Lhmceus, tneml however, struck perhaps With a sud which is five or six times the sze of the den suspicion that there ?was Wclmething gryllus migratopus ; and, together with wronL jn agitation, asked one bfliis col somesothers of the larger kind, is" made Manes if he was sure there wi&no devil- use of in vanot article of footl. John W. 5feans Adrn'r and William C. Means and others, heirs of Jane Worke, deed. Return of a Justice's el ec wtion, levied on land. Mourning apparel. The Baptist Soci ety, in Hartford, Conn, have voted that it is inexpedient for them longer to continue the practice of wearing mourning gar ments, upon the loss of friends. "I am a true Hollander," said DeVitt, a celebrated Republican of the 16th centu rv "I always call a svadtw svade. and and William Cathey and wife Saian, beiraof Jana hate indirect paths." He was so indig- V"r.ttff?ffrfrf t VL UCI 11 1 --- r 4- i . 1 Ki itvirriinHa1 hnn L'a I. . . ' :;..!., f 1,.,,;m-o oi: 'a . .. . rm ' .ii-l j "U1" ut Vv u,w.w iiore, mat publication oo mad lor aix week sue use oi in vanuu Faito ui uu o try at lne bottom 01 U. x ne oijier staieu rupts suspected Qf concealing their ejects cessiveiy. in the North Caroliai SpecUiof and I "ITT appearing to the saLufacUon of the Court , -1 Jl' thai John Cathey and hi wife Ilaaoah C Sharp Judging. At a foot-race, not long smce, nor far distant from this place; for a considerable purse the judges gave" a decision in favdr of one of the parties of one inch and an halj : that he had no such apprehenjpn. He t0 pUf io c racJt." He would have Western Advertiser, that nnlessLtey appear at tli was indnrpd. however, to sro arVl exrame J ,u ; rl Jnoor. neatourtor Pleas and Quarter-beswona to be the list of toasts which was prepared fori J,: JhU rppornrnndations into effect. JiZi.?l u u v ;t . : . , v. v. the liked the Court I loose at IUnU Mondav of July next, and m, f- a a 'a occasion ; and, on tiemg asqd npwne SUamboat Promrtv in the West. A Pd or demur, judement wIU be entered p rl th(m. tie reDliea, -not maicn. xie . .. ' Wi r.u-l aainxiiiem dv ociauiu and was thpn asked to orbcure a coby of the P11 m lDe 1e. Vxears "V"5 land, so l.vied on, ordere. was then asked toj)rocura coav oi tne 12tfi that i, now employ- Lob of plamtir d--nd. f . , -v L 1 . ,t1 I aramst tbm by default, and their interest in i9 writer m the ew Orleans Argus of the Ld M ,5vic rdered . 1 - rf ' liitn ult. states, mat mere is now eropioy toasts forthe examinatidn of t$ia others. . . . .... An,u ,7' J -- 1 r tj.. r 1 - 1 I - - i i i ji52. cu uuuui.uucc mmiuiis uiuwuuii., vr ::Lad?JsyronrA . "-""-f - mis was cipne, auu ew iia,-in steamboat property, on the waters letter to Sir Thomas Moore, m wh1Ch she repells tlon was the result. One. of, th. gentle- f ni , Tili wi,inm ' some charges made in his "Life of Lord Byron," men at length asked, what was tdonej nf umo ana imnlicatins the character of the' parents of Lady adding, 'for my part, I am. for ling .off ! The present debt of the city of Cincm- a . - i - i - vi a"T Copy. Teste, Mav 7, l&O. ISAAC C R ATO.NV C. C. Ir. adv. $3-50- 12 me uiciiio ui uduv aaain1'. ior ujv ui-- am.mi iv-viu; i- . , Byron, as having taken an improper part in the The others at once tell ino bis opinion. ' "r1""3 v "MVv .7;- sepon of lrd Byron and his lady. In her He then invited them to His rcKrri to spend dollars, i-- J , tlip nftfrnnmi ; and there tho whole Dartvl i A lady in ISorfolk, a. lately found an Vindication 01 iue rcpu-iiMu-. . x . .. ... 7 N - ,t-t i w . , u V. I , r IO come wrwire, ! - . t . i ,1 1: . . Jv'i;.-w I tAAt v.o;.- n;nl orlass. tonitinor the Tarili I esror of the size of a cherry stone, out wun-1 , .L,rirM va h wv. with much delicacy aecun-- . w - , --.-o. . f c, - -i,;-u .fc wnsl 7 i-Plr-rt rAtff.E. -!. - . - s r t ' y .- I rrr 1 n t. r o 1 1 rniiri ivrnifiiL 111 k ivriiiiiiuiiv 1 uul a. v v.i . ilujjli luv . 11 uivw 1 i r. ui iiviv causesjwlnch eadtomesep . - . . Ralherford, MatO, ie30. - W : TAKEN UP, BY tha uberiber living on North Packolct, a amall BAIT IIORSC, imritk mrlift-k rrff ntl htm TIF I it Hj and about ten rears old. No brands vii'ible ' 't'ha owner lirci at std ' W V-va--.- vw- -9 w t r lay the letter before our readers next week glasses.' a m - i-li i - a