Pi v .v v.- 11 4- NORTH CAROLINA SPECTATOR ANRfwESTEIlN ADVERTISER. o2 f THE POETRY. For the Spectator and Advertiser. TO MI3S. y If my heart fs too warm 'tis my nature's defect, . 'Ti a weakness I cannot subdue ; J X Yet, because it Is warm in its general respect, O think not itsJove is untrue. ; : i No ! the heart that looks out at.the love beaming eye, " Though it seem all aljike to revere, j , ; Tho often its smilt?, and though frequent its sigh, . . When it pledges, 'tis eyer'sincere. ' ' L . " Nor think the warm heart if it once bei deceived, . Is'robb'd of its sensitive fire; A O no ! it deplores what itwrongly believed, But still feels tb-pfeasing desire It rouses as quickly at beauty's bright ray As though it were never KlUtrest, And while one affection is fading away Another is gently Imprest. , - and changes from a la Santog to Bishop's companions, would at any time.comand sleeves will hardly leave time to attend to my most grateful acknowledgment but her nonsense. But as sure as I am alive, to have been chosen by them during! my the- very first mansion that I entered, I absence from the country; to fill thisres- foiind the bid' thing lounging on ah otto- possible office, at a period when our anient " T : " - ....- ' . man, pouring her talk into the'ear" of a and honorable institutions are sd u-jyustly cherry-lipped lady and her laughing' - ami rT bands once, Vergennc, wnjje.0 .Mar-. ; NEW - bois, who was then Jlesident JUmisxer ai Ana uiaitwTVS the Court of Bavaria, to know exactly the np HE primary object of state of the Elector's healths lie receiv- ,0o exhibit .he.bc.utie,, ed for answer that his highness was in ex- d of nae in all their captivatms love- ccllent heath, and not liKeiy to oie uittujr lmesg0 awaken ue oencr sis- assailed, has awakened warmer and;4cep ter1, who were handsome, beautifully dres- er feelings than I can filid language ex- sed, and lookmg for all the world, asf my j press. .. . p little, servant Mary savs 'iust like afdsKA I cannot but regard the clamburnthat toi. The conversation was made up of have been raised against us from wftev ihreds and patches ; for the old lady's mind er they may originate, and the charitable was a perfect rag-box. . "Mrs 's jiew and noble principles of our order; ldi$ us sfti of emerald was nothinsr in the world to iu-Jsre favorablv of the motives of d"r ad- but blue glass. 'AsforMiss .who pro- versaries, as a fortunate circumstanb: for . . t t . v . .i . . . r.. . . . i .. iv -i . ii-iUi- duced such a sensation with her enmson it win inauce uato be more minaiuiud" dress. I could tell a few things about: and ever ot bur duties as Masons and tp grac- . v - - . n ' - 4 - jo could Barrett, too 1 1 fancy I always tisemorerearnestly those virtues out Ot the know a colored dress the; very moment I Chapter, which are inculcated ifu.nt. is a" very praise- l-Those persons who have organized if worthy thiiWt to be sure. What can Miss selves into an opposition to masonrk, cau- She; snends a thou- not Know what the virtues ana f juries sand dollars a vear in blonde lace, to ray taught by bur venerable traditionsVeally Then doubt not my love, though I seem to admire certain knowledge; and her fatneris no more are, or they w'ould be convinced jat to , Every object where beauty is shown J . worth a mill ion thaii I ami It is true beau- be an ti-masonic, is to be anti-m oriL anti- it b only a light, that emits from the fire, ty jouffht to be decorated ; but I reckon her charitable, and in this country, antl-Qhris- T. 1 bsautv woidd'nt amount "to much if calcu- tian and anti-renublican. If thev ' yould lated according to the rule of subtraction; only read the prayers and chargesf the she I hair teeth That burns for my Betsy alone. : From the Boston Galaxy and Mercury A SONG.; . i Young Joe he was a carman gay, . , , As any town could show, r1 Hi team was good, and. like' hi pence ."TlrtV'as always on the go' thorizij ng as every jackass, knows,' w g f.Vhich often lead to wo,! K the bill ; "r .'.. ; ." certain!! out that he fell in love, . "propriaty' some odd chancq or whim , rrioiOt XPS Aiice Paine, beside whose eye ' . AUodieVeyeYwere dim: ':' ':'; ' Tf h painful t3le must o (it indeed She was A Pain to him. rFor when he ask'd her ciy illy ' i . To make oner of tliem two, She whipp'd her tongue across her tetith, And said ''D'ye think it true, . . I'd trust my load of life1 witii-sich - A waggoner as ybu t ; "No, no to be a "carman's wife Will ne'er suit Alice Paine ; . .I'd better far a lone'woman "For ever more remain, ' Than have it said while irrmy youth, .My, life is on the .wain ."I "O Alice Paine, Olr Alice Paine ! j ; ' " Why don't yoa meet with me Then np she turn'd her nose, and said, Go ax-your axletree ; '' I tell yoa, that once for all, ' ' -My Joe you shall not be.". - A" She spoke the fatal "no" whith put A Bpoke into his wheel And! stopped his happines as though "She cied ico ! to his heal '. The9e women ever steal our heart-', ... . . And then their ownnhey steel. .: ' ;- r:s:": .- i-: - ".. ; ; ! i "',: r Jo' round fiis melancholy nck , . Poor Joe his drag chain tied, And hook'd it on a-hook, "Oh! what A weight is life !" he cried ! Then off he cast himselfand thus The cast off cabman died ! i sadden manner,-uuless from smallpox. natcre-w cyiurae j----rjcli.u. Immedi?;efcupon receipt of .his in.el tTTdt - ffPnrfl. Vcrrcnnes Slimed the. American ... rprt .nlkh thee dewsn. we shall Treaty. So that any derangement ofthe calf to our aid all the eloquence of troth clothed in . destive orsransof a petty German rnnce, me most lascmaunj "r-- r J"e0 mi-ght haveprived'usof the important ??&f$2dSZ.. aid of France, and by prolonging tne war, articles in verse end sometime to cuii- have increased greatly the loss of. blood Ven oar pages, aule of fancy a humorous story r allegory oauau r a ""i-t , - of small pox. ana treasure, during mat sanguinary vuu- -rSv.j - w-.-y , rv wrpat .ad anr flict: ,It is not a. little curious that theM- iylinruction, through Hiiecior aieu auoui a year unci wuius, uuu nieasin medium, to the heart. - ' The entire. 9" i oi a ai!Hiusu,wllcu " gentleman, lat a i Indon, formerly Editor ot the London Lit,. .Magnet, cpntnbutor to the New Monthly Magazine, Literary Gazette, &c: are engaged for the New York Amulet. Anoth er gentleman, formerly of . London, who u favora bly known in literary circles, has kindly promised to become a regular contributor to our column. If hese considerations,, added to the fact of our hav- In the last number of the London Quar terly Review, the reviewer, after dwelling on the blunders of physicians arid surgeons. makes these remarks : uAFori;l man 'linwpppi- n ri Tct morn I inr enlisted in onr favor, some of the most talent n-mnrrloofUl trinn ntbpra for the same cd writers in tliis country, arc any recommemia Tpng headed than JtoeJ- tiontothe favor of a generous puilic, our claims abundance of mistakes areQmmitted in -,, t receive attention. " all the practical pursuits of life. Our ser- J The New York Amclet. will be published ?- OUT 1 llll-iiiuuuiiT , ux uif- tiiy jg icvv i ui is., - I . - - F -1 Euaiiy low pnee ot one aouar per annum. - who lorward hve douars hau receive fix ropirs anA tl.Aflf who rm?t riventv dollars eball reccivn eyes- you know there is a man in town J trines are taught- we will withdral our I are done wrong. . The errors of medicine I twenty-five copics-preducingthenceto r iout. who makes killing false eyes! .trust from all those who are gui m by AM Aiti;A CfU human 1 rrHTs nor volume. 6nlr. ui wz uiijv mr til iiniiLi v Liiuia jl iiiv tiuiti l a a : . "What sort of a time did you have at such principles." If they knew tt i ben- mbd, exemplified on a subject of cxtraor-l . AJhT.AicS iJtrs. s party j x Here wasa irood deal ems aenvea irom our nonoraDie anji wiue ainorvimrortaiice. i - 1 Amit vi ftrart ih f..il.ivinf coniroeuuwrv onecervauons o wiiicn m'Ei b? auutu uum- "4, dis- of,lau2rli!, I understood, because the lights spread isntitutions bv.the poor; aud fkept such ffood hours,, eh i Even indni- tressed in distant and foreign lar mate things get regular habits, you know, shipwrecked mariner, the wounded sol- Longswallow, (said a good in: a well ordered tamily. Was any body dier, and tne neart-sicu traveller tney tressed in distant and foreign lands, by the Hard Cider. "Why dear m'c, Mister o9 ,hcn. eqnally favorable, had we rcria. htw- lady) how can shal, wantia?f on 0r part, to render the work bqld enough to ctit the great centre cake 1 f could not say to their tellow-citizeriS, "we 1 hard cider, at a single draught?' As soon -a;'--r, ;- . . . I 1 a 1 - a a t-"-i 'I , - - 1 je heard it surmised that if was nothing will deprive you ot these adyantagetjr-you as the man could brea bqt a frosty fog a very appropriate orna merit tliis bold weather!" sm. .-..iJ -r 1 1 jl ius ueimoi v mass one w ouiu hardly! thank Wornt hearing ; yet it tookthe lathes unpressions, and the cloud .whicl? now an tne next day.to walk round and repeat nangs over us will soon oe aispenieu oy you drink 'down a whole quart of that are I worthy the approbation whicb-has been o,UU-rl- ngie araugni i iis soon i ly oesiowcu upon it. breathe again he repli a a -a a . I . . - ' shall renounce them, or we wdl pirjtyouto "lbeg pardon madam, but upon my uie pan. io American wouiu so act. u was so hard coukt not bite it on." nublic" rWellkborc Gaztt:e.l The Anti-Masons must labor undirl false '.'" ! 1 M "Judirinff from the m&sterlv manner in which t ed "v.e highly pleaed wiUi the manner in soul I ure jQ rtcommendiu" it to the attention f :'uf it and bytthe time they have used if their guests will furnish them with ano budget equally valuable! up, the light of truthi Let us in 'theimean- her time answer the aspersions that acre cast : i : ?': upuii us uy ri"iuiv piuciisiii" iuc;' vmuca a. w tr a w liepartee A counsel at the Old liailey, conlain9f v. e Uiink it promUea to be a u-ful au l in cross-examining a witness, asked him, intereting work." Somcrs;t WLig.l nmr.no' ntbpr nnpctinns "wUw b wna nn - "We particularly recommend this priodicnl in V . ... .... i. . I thn natmn.ift AlthA I Jrsarniiu. 1 'There is oije place,' thought 1,'where that are taught us in every Lodge and I shall not find thisjwalkiug pestilence Chapter we enter, and above all, lettis ab by the fire-side of Ihejintelligent and j the stain from every act of retaliation. jVhen I'.- I " a ri -a ' i i I 11 1 . S 9 "Vl literary 1 A ins - l tound the old exone called upon to vote tor a. pib.iwj. mn9 ne there ! "Mr. Such-an-one is very agrelible ver let us ask the- queitionvis he,ti is he i "I ' '" a 1 1 . a .a. I a-1' v . a i ata nil conversation ; but hp is the greatest thiett not.a Mason. It would be unwotthy ot Miss- a particular day V t'fc which he replied, "he was in company vith two friends." "f riends!" exclaimed the council, "two thieves I suppose you meaa." "They may be so" replied the witness, "for they are both lawyers i ' T'l. TV7J n I .1. Tiv.'r- Xra,.. imaginable: every fine 'thing he hears he us Doth as honorable men and as Masons, 1 r ici ,u . i- , -f . ' i I-.-. ..... : 'lnsl. It I tvniiln ntrrPA tn Iiva mv tnvontv nr -is go- to be governed by ; such motives Lin our " 'l' 4,?"T r"L: : I ' I . . - I - - I I (lLliri HC wr:aiwwiiii ra . a a- r-aa ivv r 2 1 irji I II t ..kiiiw with appropriates to himself. mg to be married !. tliinking of! tip thing as she ry Lights and Shadows-of Scottish I jshoulfl think hisfriends fate might have tatugnt mm a lesson ne is obliged ta clean hfs wife's' nails, they say: and hefiudsihej ' a a .: . ' 1 pastry not halt as light as her poetry.! fand here the old lady; shrugged driven by our 'opponents - . nn,o JfnnnrU;k;i00 nevolence, and more pleasure than pain contrary to ourpnples, deah The djh,, Id inevitably disgri . our M i . " , , . into a course so 1 ...V .L ..1,1 4- . - J- ;D 4 might say nay) gloomy and hvnocondn- lUBuiuuuii. . , &v i : i" - . i . I iuu paper ocaui I have been most unjustly 4ccied of ""1 'f kind.- "We have ecn no publication for a long tia.e. . with which, we havt been belter pleaded." - . j - Northern Spectator. 'It i conducted, with tptrit, and written in an elevated rtyle, calculated to attract the learned, and to instruct the i hamble scholar. Tl oimu ally low price at which" it ia publiNtcd, places j withio the reach 0 every family ; and it it ju-t. eucli a work as the ; Chriiian parent would he in structed by reading himself, and would willingly place in Uie banda of hia offering." ! . flNational Ilirforisn l you, i ne iiiwr w a man oi talents ana ainiiuv. hole ; that I weU c3"001 t- conduct kucii a york. e OI te-1 it a i,A.a. r:t .i .... W aVl w f U ft UHkJ aa tV IV UaiW UIV any to read, a dollar can be better expended thau in the pnrchae of this paper.- - ' Liberty Hall, and Cincinnati Garctte.1 Thin paper is beautifully primed, and an exccl- wor oi me Kina. - in. u. Uazette.p . For neatness of execution. rMirity of tarte, an 1 - lit- c L i - a.- i j . j : i - ! uiasuoitu.nuu wc uicscu.a u ucsuauiui: or ucainesB oi execution. tMmtT ortajctr an I "As fpr subscriptions, you cannot judge extending our order and our principles in- c' 1 - .1 '.'.i i-..t;rtn cn,;!!, ui a n,pmy 01 w sre,a i.i- ; j i ,1 4, rTpi ' uu ' f 1 ofthe future, always counting that the worst elevation or sentiment, nbids fauto susum ahirh of the goodness of a worn by them. Tiere to a neighboring country; with; a yiew of wm hanDen ' because it mav hannen To rank amon5 the many periodicals ofthe day-c aie a thousand motives ifor, stibscribing, convertinff them intQ.an engine oooliti- ppen, Dec3ause it may liappen. . 1 o . VS. B. Tunis.! you know. 1 subscribe for but then" cal influence. In the presence of ilys-res- ., J , " - . "w , our opmion, jtne work is not surpassed m her Dectable assembly of mv brethren! and on shoulders ; she had a .remarkable talent the symbols of our order which j(qr winking, nodding and shrugging virtue around me, and the. sacred book the evils which have never happened I arfenread temperament is sanguine. I steer my ir J?;;i. bark with hope in the head-leavinp: fear and talent out of the world. : 'L f From tlti Liverpool Mercuiry A MODERN MIRACLE. - He wha giveth to the Poor, lendeth in f the Lord. Last Sunday, when at Church, 'tis said, Collections for the poor wvere made, GuIrL, with a heart as heavy as his purse, And uttering mainy an inward cuif e, ty.elng his shilling pieces o'er. At length selected from the store, Half Ot a soveretgnTsuort of weight,! And trembling, placed it on" the. plate open before me, I solemnly aver that this 1 tlew to the fireside of the clergyman accusation is false and tirifouhdedrand J ajQ ' and there! found her telling how a Rev. that if masonry has any where'beeiV con- 0 . r ai l1.:.a.:L- U' .l l.Cl. "J "a.' ll ll' 1 -I a. : a.l a.1 ..Lj' I ! I A'J uuiuaiiau uiumer imu jooivcu in ai a Dan: 1 veiieu 10 any oiner in an uie uure mm uiu- .and given it as his opinion that mpyihg lanthropic purposes for which It vraa Linsti- such' a perversion f its prinbipleli and "ig "S"- r reaaers weeKiy on emnity i here (iclare, r V "eV v ' V .-uu. as auvance aany, sins. In despair, I "went to seetW cused nersonaire : but mv enemfiv kpptii- with thp. snmo solemnitv a s --tv -., . : . . - - ji . r .. . . t: .. v eci guted with ubiquity, tor there 1 tound that it such evil j her laughing about the: good eating and vail iii this couii t ill. 1 ' " . 1 1 1 T' 1 a I 1 a . ' y 1. (ifintung or tne sen-denying discipline ot verted into poht t ai; aiii.w'niiii iv ai m mi arm councils were eveHo pre- " r .v try, and Masdnry 4 per- thmk. .? uecessary to , wiialK (iAA liurans witn the numberless style, matter; or appearance, by any ofitskiii.l published m the .United States." 1 - I West Jersey Observer. I- astern. My hopes, indeed, sometimes J th 1; tail, but nojt pftener than the forebodings we have late neruscd." T Danville Intel!i?.nr.r i - I "If. we may be allowed to iadce ofthe useful- Memoirs of Th : Jefferson. J5" f wor,t h imen before us, we . . J know of no work which promises to be of greater ! . benefit tn twriotv Th :inr;,i ;n ti.. A.a. .Ae lnjluenct of Temperance. e ber evidences deep thought, and the aelrctioni. ar esceneni. in mecDamcal appearance, it will ve with any periodical ofthe present day." j 1 . Piqna Gazette. . MISCELLANY occupy our CO-1 liJauuscntiomfortheabcre publication trill be little victories Tc"cca ai iau Wice, vnere uu voric can be exajft- - 1 i . 1 I . - w a a rki n a at a-a am m .aanHAU& a a w the orthodox. . V . Ibid, I. would sever the ties, dear asf hev are ,T i uiuerem places, liut l Tn o-nnrl truth r AnH lor t mo .r.xV Tr.o tn'mv&f..i. uuw-ana inen a 'act 01 weight comes be- VIL.KFaSROno iP,T.PMV In the ball room descanting upon dress ers. . No, my beloved companions and lore Us' f vinJ: neu.mcal testmony of its np iIE Summer session of thir iiwtitution will iii the kitchen talking about ecoiomyi-in brethren, let the storm pass by us.nndlet Powfrful and extensive control, which we .Ser.nSiSn'S! T!71 tlje co us withstand its violence by firmtladhe- mst employ, a moment or two to record. Gsr.' GooSriSfc ures in the store winking a comment on rence t; the admirable principles rf our gentleman of extensive business, who $30, and in the country at from 20 to rcr tlie eighth commandment and morning, order. Let its seek to convince ene- ncenUy traveUed from Albany south J",.f fivetnonths. Tuition, 10 per nvaiiAa L;'.Af.i,.,;. u :r. lju.a: as far as Baltimore, informs us that the M.. Laua and Greek, and 87,60 for Lnglkh stu- v v wi.vi ij Jail . n-a iii viiu allien 11.1 1 1 .r..t . 111 ra 111 11 1:11 1,1 iu . lit liit: 111111111111 iiuriiv 1 1 . v . - - j " ' r 7 - r y. 1 j 1 : ri:. .1 n 1 1 uitn. v"' - i i": : 'V '- ''.' ! ' . , ' From the Mass." Journal.:" x ; , THE FAVORITE GUjE&T. St. It is strange how some ne'bpldihid their ' vay into society as they do. There) is, y for instance, ah old lady of my acquaint ance,, who has neither "stealth, beauty, wit or talent, who manages to be. a welcome guest every where. i -When I first niet her she was tea with a family- of unmarried sisters a certain age : and here she made her eelf infinitely amusing by telling how -Miss Tabitha Such-an-one had set her cap in vaiii for a certain widower ; and how she -, guessed Miss Susan had outstood the mar- ket ; aiid how, she had it for a positive fact, taking of that Miss Would-be-Yourig did use her spectacles to thread her needle, and that one see very. she was very sh of Jetting any hijr with her carrott. 5 . ' . All this appeared to me to be . " andutiiriteresting jbiiit,' saidt. 'these spin- 1 sters have so little to occupy, their minds, 4: ! no wohder. theyjire entertained with tri- ' fles. ' The old lady would find no listen 1 ers ebept among old -nrakls.. Biit "the next day I met her in the dwelling of a very Responsible mechanic. She was tel ling the 'woman of the houseV how her next door meighbor laid abed till; nine o' clock, and put out all her sewing. It wiis strange to me that the mother of a family could find time to listen to such unimpor tant stuff; but she seemed delighted with her visiter,; apd heggd . her to come often. To me the 'rt'd breature-begah tolbe veirv 5.disagreer ' ad I resolved to avoid her. . V7- fI willo in j fashionable world, thought r 4 r she is .Uj vulgar to be admitted there ; : . , of our lives, and by our zealods devotion quantity of liqdqr drank at the public hous- wakesboro' is situated in a romanti. !W 1-. to our civil and religious duties. . i:- r" "J FB'6f " eenuie uiue itide and Umhy Mountain, and I repeat to you, companions, nVy sih- small that ;hew' very sensibly trockwith te their neighbors;. Every body bv turns cere thanks for the honir vou hs2i rnn- was uiuucea 10 imjuire or a iana- Kf,"7 rX.ul Hi J. . 1 n j - - i 1 in -w... a a ... . . a . aiiai.a. a aa aimi. - w. nil H a i a. i rt Ua r ....!.. I I - .1 - . U . 1 figures inj her "black book, yet every bo tie reader, it is not Mrs. Royal, of w I complain 3Irs. Roy all has been v crazy for committing one half of the fences of this favorite guest. Mrs. R'oivall n discharge of the duties of the stath you "f sam ine7.couia . A Lav; Plp'vntnrl t.,P-lt;p xrhioh j-iii i Th temperance societies had I a. - .- v. w v. ujv uv.a.av i . a. vJ ir ,11 li t af-k 1 . ... of- rendered less arduou i, by tlid character uar 9US1 ness; J na13 rciurn P AHany, the iom ote talking about every thing under the sun. She is the greatest hypocrite'alive ; yei ev- Vl'VCm. thinks lifr trim in tHpm nnrl fHilco -W i " " " a.v. aa . au avvua vw..... U-J., . 1 ' L " 1 1 . f 1 . IllP.tllh HI lUfllin. ... iV.. 1 ' . . their neighbors. Every body bv turns cere thanks for the honor vou ha3i rnn. " ""u waucea 10 inqwre or a land- s::"7 nVr,r:r: -Z. J. : "l ,UiC cu.,,ea nn -n flnr n th?fii Mord how the inn keepers could make a Zi; rJTL L.": iilltr nvprt inv ViVct fV.riiliOc t-S l.n M - .a w a a. ill I Aua. vanilo II1C I 1. . . a - , a I - f- a-kraai v , aIU laa r" lie saia iney couia noi mnxe n iirinr.i wn, ana an almost abaninfit for.;.,.. -r i ruined their ; uiucexacau"Mucu probably t iu .u I are not rpaed. , Albany, the! ' ; na-Virr.u",. ' . .,..,1 ....i-:r. - i:.ii ..a same regaru ior lemperance was mam es- v tAnmrTo . ohu uuaiuituuuiis ui vui muai excellent I . . . - V . . . ..I ., . . . -ik.ciJ.M. DeeTr. could not get President Jackson, or 'any .companion who so worthily fills the first Pv...1 TCe.Ue" ; a? on nis llxe5Doro w' C. AprU 10, 1S30. l(Jp " body dseito keen her n rr.iiTitenni.rri nt nfrirn nf tlm firml fimn.l T?r.vl : A "a iuuin l9 -ca, nanuy a Dar . r t "w .-r" r' ALj i v- i ashinoton ; but this woman is petted, Chapter of these United States." and Caressed, and quoted at Washington; " The ceremonies of theccasionbein beyond measure. . . 1 concluded, the Fraternity teoaired; to the Her name is Mrs. Gossip. ; She has. a Refectorj', and partqok of a handsdrie en-j?a.n un"!X daughter of verv bad character called San- tertainment whir h hnd heeif nrennrabl. rhi. l au" PPporturl dal. This daughter often goes into sbci- ring which a number of sentimenW ? were 1 Ca".Se 13 5X.ertlDP in. ttmmmnry. ed. The Pocket Cook contained ety in. her mother's garments. One lialf I given, and several appropriate tlie world don t know them apart : and the songs sung. other part i n mis mere is not much to choose a. . a between them. mi li'H I'm - . aifiVh. rfoe'd in public vchi- lir&fe J cies, must, vm tne ever changing com- "lf. Kutnerford, a POCKET BOOK which lq A-ciose observer a pretty rriA" V in ajUerxl1 bank ota uida aomo ltylndgiDgoftheiDflucni K.!ft."-rfes -1 If the h nf tbeP inn b.M t.ft hand, two 0n " ?' S weu "PPWca witn not conee, ana iruit, in I i :k " "rewa, mere were several cred- From the National Intelligencer, I MASONIC. ;At the Installation ofthe Grand Offi cers ot tlie eneral ltoyal Aicxi lhapter the opinion of the same gnnUeinan, they IheuJre ,a , ..l u i-t.-j "i aote on Daniel BWat. The Editor.of the New York Commer- "ld not have lacked custom sufficient dne Elizabeth Willdn. f a is i wiA SS.i7Slia cial relates the" following .singulajxanec- t0 make upr the reduction of their sales 4 ' a not oa Grandereon Blaatoa dae Gre dote:, A ; ft: of liquor. I N. Y. Bap. Register. credit of fire dollar?; "In the) work of Morois, recently trans lated by Mr. -Lawrence, of this City, an anecdote is related, which shows uDon JOIT PRINTING AND BLANKS. - 'X U1 wiuj a credit of note on Green B. Palmer for $16 : Herekiah Wilkinafor sSrtnd c a nnoT.,11 for. $27 ; and pther nanera. Aclministration Bonds, ; Constables Warrant, " ' - Judgments andEie- V cutions, ,. 3 Marriage Licence; Witnesa Ticketa. Deed of Bargain &. Sale, -.ri.- tt. cr.. :ii;r:iJafrJ.i. I a l i-. V ui me umifu ,c uiics, luiucviiy ti i asu- wnat sienaer contingencies, j political e ington. ou the 3d ultimo, the Honorable vents of high importance depend. At the Edward Livingston, of Louisiana, having commencement of our revolution, e A been r duly installed as General Grand merican Ministers were endeavoring to in- Higb Praest, and conducted to the chair, duce the Count de VergermeMheFre-nch he! rose, and addressed the assembly, j. ; Premier, to sign a treaty ofeV-TTbe flhelonorable Joel K South Carolina, was piity General Grand ter taking his seat in the1 cast, - rose ' and the event: of his death, war wppTd in a- lonthe most reasonable terms, at this ofBce. ewa.o-wiwi..t....- i x u ujuuuuui. wive niace. loi iue4actess .t-.t r & .mmTw.. companions ana-iiretRrtn: ihe honor ion, between Trance, and "Austria, f Not CJUPERFINE TLetter Paper Writinir P conferred; on one on this occasion by my wishing; to have too many enemies on his ''S and a general aisortmentof Blanks. 5 apW TH OR sale at this office the folio w in kinda nfl for 100 "VT fJ 3IllUie' G aty JT Law Blanks : , L inir cwTCir! St " w com-. tho't aome ofihem y UtTi5cU Sfn U U find.aaidte Subnopnas, Constables Bonds, Appeal Bonds, Prosecution Bond, Writs, j- .,: Executions, Sheriff Deeds, Apprentice Bonds, . 1 omsett. ot warv Dohtician h.id ecfiivediintellsrpnrp. next installed as De- that the health of ihVktu4&lh lgh afnest; and iat-. i was in a declining stale, and of course, in and desDatch. nnon new and han,m. per., and return them to tl TubscXi V n well rewarded. All pe7m? agam.t trading for aald.notea or nap 7 - Irvinesyjlle; March WILKL; TTT NOTICE. - AA Pjwnaare (bnrarned from (.jha. remonnr n . o other derrpJ-xiin.i. T?T or committing any town of cases. REUBEN D. dOLDfco. Aent for JOHN L. BnTlaNG.