4 54 THE NORTH CARO L I N A S PJ3 C TAT OR AND WESTERN ADVERTISER 6t -T V" s v- dis )1m I .. CONGRESS. TWENTY-FIRST CONGRESS. .FIRST SESSION. of the whole, ordered five managers to be j ca, City, Bank, Union, Schenectady, and appointed to conduct the impeachment. I Montgomery, were lost. The J. x. city WEDNESDAY, April 28. The House of Representatives, were I yesterday occupied during a great "part of the day in considering me ism authori zing a subscription to the stock of the Maysville Turnpike Road Company, which was strongly and strenuously oppo sed, but which was ultimately ordered to !': be engrossed and re ad 'a1 third time to- ! morrow, by a vote of 96 to 87i The bill to amend an act in alteration of the several lacts imposing duties on imports was then taken up, m Committee oi me tinoie on the state of the Union, when Mr.McDuf- fie continued his remarks jri opposition to the BUI, and in support of the "amend ment which he' had offered: and which '. we here subjoin: 1 J : Mi. McDume proposed to amend the said bill by striking out all after the firsJ section, and in lieu mereot , inserting uif followiug amendment : Sacu, .SL - And he . it further enacted , -That, from and after the 13tb of June next,- so much of the act of the 19th. of May, 1828, as increases 1 the duties on y wool unmanufactured, and on manufactur es of Wool, or of which wool shall be a com- porient part, be. re pealed, 'leaving the du ties oh .said article as they stood previous x to the passage of that acts and that, from and after, the 13th of June, 1831, sp much of the act df the 22d of May, 1824, as in creases, the duties dn aforesaid articles; be also repealed, leaving the said duties as :i they stood previous to the said act.- i . '.c. 3. And be it further enacted, That, from7 and after the 30th of June' next, so - much of the aforesaid .act of 19th May, ,18218, as increases the duty on iron hi bars . and' bolts, whether manufactured by roll- f irig or hammering, on hemp, on flaxr, on cotton bagging, on molasses,, oh indigo - and oh manufactures! of cotton, or of '' which cotton is a component part, be repea led, leaving the said duties as they, stood previous to the passage of the said act; and that so much of the afofesafeU act of f the 22d May ,U824, as ihcreasesTthef du i ty on any of the aforesaid articles, be re v pealed from and after the 30th Juiiej-1831, leaving the duties on said articles as they betore the passage 01 that act. Sed. 4. Arid be it further, enacted, That the duty on salt be reduced to ten cents per bushel of fifty-six pounds, from and after the 30th of June next. ( J ' ; THURSDAY Aoril 29: House. The bill forme subscription on the part of the U. States to the stock of the Maysville and Lexington Turnpike" Road Company was, after a long and an imated debate, in' the course -of which Messrs. Hall, Johnson, of Kentucky, Storrs, of New York,, Polk, Tucker, I'ow- i V House. MONDAY, May 3. banks say they do not wish to take renew- Mr. Carson laid on the table fals under the new law. On the loth, the r ' i Cheshire, Maw. March, 29, 1830. mail will be travelling on a journey, m the : Sir For forty years (next to the salva- sense of the Law- and whether passengers tion of the soul) the rights of conscience in the mail stare will.be considered as . . i f i i i -' m. ii nave oeen anicies oi my nienesi souciwiuc names ot recreation or iraveuen im u tiAn bom the Secretkry f ,he Navy, on until the 1st 3, m w i ii ii j ii 11 biiuuiu ilia IjVJ l&a w w m - Danii iiuics i : z the subject of the accounts of Mile? King, ception of those on packets. 1 ' v' I Tv . .i .ii- i - I . t : j j r u.. c a resolution calling for various informa- operation of the new .tolls was suspended J uiw uu m -3 journey, musi oe pnmucu uj y..g. g! e xt. L;i U tfc-- be placed on a level: but that each lonely A few rears past, a Moral boeuty.vraa . formed in Berkshire for the. suppression of vice. An executive committee was ap pointed to stop travel on Sundays. Were 1 it not a serious subject, it would provoke a smile to see Belzebub in chase of Luci- to induce the Committtee to take the bill the matters required examination, and the ngiousliDerty is in jeopardy, ine ipon ler, whip and spur the commiu e orca from the Senate ' respecting the Indians, committee are to repair to the said prison fpeas for itself. ,Ifit can be bettered, I xngthebalbath to prevent habbaih break but his motion to that effect was rejected before the sitting of the next session, and know not in which particular. .It breathes tng. Y hen the pursuer- had overtaken -kbevote being Ayes 65, N6es85-.The investigate them, so as to make a' report ? language-of John Milton, Roger Hil- 0r met with his game, they sometimes com- ; iiuius, irimoui i cuu, jluuuiu uv.svu, promised, ana, ioraune, uicuaicua v us i .vcVvfi. Fuv. . . . l l ' late Navy Agent of Norfolk, ! The House; under $5, of other states, were prohibited, noi f oougea to join any "l," ' Ln ne Mr Mallow . 40t ;tlrn tha ifitV, tT, :tt ' thA mpmo- disabditiesoroppression.. Indeed, 1 stand Committee of the Whole on the state of rial the Union. Mr. Bell then made an effort keep of S. M. Hopkins against Mr, Lynds, pledged Jhat as long as I can use my tongue ?er of Sing Singprison, reported that or. pen 1 will never he dormant when re- Tarifr regulation bill was then taken up, at the same. The half mill tax arid Mr. Blair of South Carolina, and jected in the house on the 16th. Mj. Davis of Massachusettss, dressed the Committee. . - was re A reso- each ad- lution previously offered, that a 1 commit tee of two from the house arid One , from May ,4. the senate, visit the prisons, was' rejected. iThe Seriate resolvprl 5tftlf into a Court The bill for abolishing imnrisDnrrient for , --- -- . . r - J - - tr i . of; Impeachment, and the Managers of the j debt, was reported as engrossed; but its IT exhibited an article of Impeachment a- gainst Judge Peck. After 'ordering that Judge Peck be sumoned to answer there to, on 1 uesday next, the Court was ad over to the 19th, arid so on to the nextsession. &c. and I think it is in perfect accordance with the letter and spirit of the New Tes tament. It has my unqualified approba tion. , . ' . , The report of the minority of the Com mittee comes in company with the other. After what I have said, it wul not qe ex Steam Boat Explosion. let go on : but generally he was carried to a justice or the county jCourt, and fined for breaking, the Sc!;bath. But a certain Mr. Clark, being , i topped, resented the abuse," and brought suit against them for. assault rind battery, before, the Supreme Court, where Mr. Clark recovered a con- siderable surri for damages---tbe decision . being that they had no right to stop and un- hour vesterdav morninir J accounts were i v . . v- . ' j . I y . V i , . journed to fthat dav.;" The Senate then received bythe steamboat DeYitt Clinton, iook up.ine. diii lo re-organize tne iavy I oi me oursting oi one oi ine Doners oi me oil the United States, which was under Chief Justice Marshal, after her starting consideration at the adjournment. , from Newbirg at 7 o'clock ori Thursday iTTottsit to' Commit pected that I shall approve of the whole of it It discards the idea of any theolog- -I :i" f t I . - - . J O At ak early lcal controversy, and yet, m the very, be-1 horse him.' This decision purified the ginning 11 iay sine louuuauuu uiu i ciigiuua consciences ot the whole club, strange war. There never was a Christian nation how the getting or losing money will give on earthy before the days of Constantine, direction to conscience ! "Whether these who opened the flood gates of error, and set good souls, on conversion, paid back the Christians at war with each other. .If all fines which they had taken I cannot cer- Umstian nations acknowledge the first tamly tell. My best information is .that -i J ' 41 4 The Hotise resolved itsplf in- I pvenincr nn tier wav to this . r.itr. ; WTien ee of the Whole on Ithe state the MarshsVleft Albanv she had 176 pas- M?y . of the week for the Sabbath, theNew they did not. ft' .. . . ' I , , : ' ..i - I rp . . I - IF : . I:..l nfthe TTninn nnd th .,r tW Kill t a. sonars on'Tnnrrl mv Npwhnw 1211.1 A CSXameni never QOeS. Our iranSUUlQH mend the acts in alteration of, the various the greater number of u these had risen aqts imposing duties ( on Imports, when from the tea table a short time before the Mr. Davis of Massachusetts spoke for a- accident otcured. The noise made by the bout two hours in conclusion1 of a most explosion was dreadful, the wbplefront is admitted, there is not a solitary instance where the first day is called Sabbath. V here and when did the wise and good Ruler of the Universe appoint that all the attention Was paid I throughout. preceded by Mr. Crawford on I have lived Ions enoush to see that in- . dividuals often break over the bounds of moral honesty to injure their neighbors ; but this is not more frequent than it is for legislative bodies'to overleap their legitim ate guide and usurp the empire of natural individual rights. The let a lone nolicv. I t O 7 " I ..... . - I . . C . the boat. ' From the confusion of the mo-1 sevenin day is certain; nut mere is no ac- may be extended too far; but less evils, ment, and the conflicting accounts given count that it ever was enjoined on any! arise from that neglect than arise from"'a mau iur more iuau wemy-wur nunarea redundancy of laws. Tlie liberty of the native of the woods, under proper restraint, to prevent overt acts (if the expedient can eloquent argument in favor of the bill, to was blown out of the boiler, and ene of progeny ot Adam should keep every se- wfiich the most remnrknMpnniiinhrnLn the stand nines driven thrninrh the hull of venth- day holy 1 That God rested OH the .1 ' .' i . v . .1 -w-w ' ' I .1 . n .i . ' .1 ! I seven tVi taxr ia t, lie was the same side. Tliei pomrriittnin tVion nottr rn I hv siwli of the. nasseritrers as camfcon in bills reported by Mr. Archer relative to the DeWitt Chntori, it is impossible to as- years after creation ; and then onlyon a Foreign Ministers, ivhicl were reported certain exactly at present the extent of the few.: yet ms this space of tune lived Abel, to the House. . accident. Some ot the passengers leaped """"f Auiauttiu,.iuujiscucviv, oe iouna; should be aimed at. It, on cn 5 overboard, amongst,these were some la- Joseph, and many great men of God; of tering into social compact, individuals NCE. dies. The foflowinff is a listlof the per- whom we have no account that any of surrendered all to the public kxIL then Go- GENEKAL INTELLIGE tt; 7n j.' - . , . "I sons 'whom the Captain had been able to iLxploswn of the Steam Boat Huntress. Q tiii ir mi f1 - - 1CU1U- I? V1U UlUVUb . 11MU1VU iili The Cincmati Gazette states that a steam- Valant Engineer ba dly . Jameg Williams; boat accident occured on the 4th inst. at WOod s, do.; Peter Moore, fireman, a place on the Ohio Tjver about; 14 miles ao ThbsVDimond, cook, not so badly; abpve Smithland. The Steamboat Hun- t0 r0,Ur jw kJ, IrDCC hail lllf Tv ohvri, i nt ita r. , I J ' . . . ger, and care was not taken ,to let a suffi cient quantity of steam escape to secure the safety of the engine ; land as the boat put 6 from shore the explosion took place. Three persons were killed one engineer one of the firemen, and the cook; two ot&er hands on the boat jumped overboard ; though very badly scalded, no other seri ous injury sustained. Oole, waiter not so much so ; , Aaron, i waiter, do. Mr. Randell, fireman, badly. A passenger Jlr. lSurnett, was also a tnem ohserved the seventh day more than vernment may direct our food, physic. any other, llut the subject shall not be costume, marriage, association, location, left to negative ; evidence ; positive proof ocrnnntion. nrivnte onininn. rrlimnn Viir- shall soon be given. When thetnanna ing, seeing, appetite) pronunciation, vibra was given, the Sabbath was appointed, tion of the arteries, and every breath wc which soon! after was incorporated into draw. Butif all this is surrendered, the in the divine code given at Sinai, and certain dividuals lose all accountability to their a eath was the penalty to enforce it. or- Maker, and Government becomes respon- iy,yearsaiierinis, wnen mioses was speaK- 8ible for all: for it wouia be beneath the mongst the injured. The names of the i'ng expressly of the Decalogue, he said righteousness of the Divine Being to hold others cannot vet be ascertained. The Editor of the Orange Telegraph published at Newburg, states the number injured to be 30. fN. Y, Cour. & Enq. 24th iilt.1 4 x he Lord made not this covenant with our fathers,ibut with us, even us,!whoare all tof us here: alive this day." (Deri. v. 3.) The dispute then lies between Moses and tLl 1 J . l . .1 i ' " . i mu&e who say mai me oDservance oi me a man to answer for himself when he was divested of every attribute that constitutes a moral a "rent. If 1 should vary a few decrees from the question of Sunday mails, it would befol-. Philadelphia, : April . Oil Saturday ef nsatedthe?3dult.;with Which (Great-Sale' of Chiton. A letter from seventh day was appointed from "the be- lowing a precedent whicli Confess ha mnninnr Judffe i Kinjr passed sentence on Jacob Lent, and William Clark, who were con victed at the recent Oyer and Terminer ers, Carson, and Crockett participatdd, of murder in the second degree, the one oi ms wite, tne other on an acquaintance at a social party. The Judge dilivered a very "affecting and excellent address to thi culprits and stated that their Offences passed by a vote of 102 to 7. The other orders of the day being suspended, the bill for te regulation of duties on imports was taken up in a comriiittce of the Whole on the state of the Union , Mr. Polk the! editor of the Baltimore Patriot hasr been favored, says, . "The : greiat-: I est sale of Cotton ever known' in "the U. S. was effected hereon the 1st inst, name ly :-7500 bales in one lot, valued at 300,- 000. It was sold by Wilkins '& Linton, to our two-great English Houses Andrew I IT wn ninninir nn tiia l&roPlitAo I i. in . t - " w.. vw.,f uiuiil me- i iipn mrmrwr nt . fhor nit who were often reproved by their prophets gust assembly think until they are as full ' and punished by their God for profaning of matter as a bottle of wine that has no the day ; but the Prophets, who reproved vent, they take the floor, and seem to tear other nations for their sins, never mention up mountains by the roots ride on the Sabbath breaking. Nor does Paul ever wings of the wind, and direct the storm, place the profanation of the Sabbath in No matter what the question is, whether the list of Gentile crimes. Whenever a Missouri T?trrihmnt nrP.if.i;. t in Up pAiimUt , n,nne rtf & Co. pnee ten cents, but classed down thej Chair,and Mr. rDuin resumed drid such peculiar atrocity, that the ' highest m, Pnce onlinary and; inferior: the concluded his remarks in opposition to i Mr. Blair, of S. C, has possession of the floor on.this subject. . p-: ' .. :.;'vy?K-v FRIDAY, April 30. ' ' Senate. , Mr. Smith of jSoulh Caroli na, from the Committee on Einanee, to wlucK had been referred House of Representatives duties on tea, coffee and the same With amendments, read. - j;-'; : ; Ic Mr. Tyler said that the bill to reduce .the dutiestn tea, coffee and cocoa,! just reported from the Committee on Finance, by the Senator from South Carolina im posed the duty on him of asking the print- ing of the memorial of the salt makers of nation has assumed the character of Chris- tian, it has always established Christiani ty manufactured a creed appointed the days of devotion, and enforced a' salary for the preachers and if any toleration has been granted to nonconformists, it has The hall and the gallery arc struck with wonder at the profundity of the orator ; but.if the small pox was in the question, neither speaker nor hearer would catch the disease. I see no great evil in all this. 1 heir en usions may help the next ques- t - a . . t . 1 . -mw punishment; prescribed by the law must be! pronounced. Thev were accordingly sentenced each to twelve years solitary corifinemeut in the penitentiaryj at labour. ii - ii is iiuiirpss i.mr -iiiii (tp n i nifipri Tr n nir. i . . ; o - ii . .. i - " w ". " .-v. u v-. a i - . i w r i : i .Ancrnntiti a nrM . ft . n n . I . . . . . . cumsf aricohich mndpd thft rknstrnnh &"pspn ana party, oi me nuospn, uay v to ramble as the late Patrick Henry ? , i . . ' .1- I Prin-niiir xvhn hronfocterl thia tnnrmti RoAL ARIES FOR THE 1 REACHF.llS- KPnirpo I HT.. 1 J . .i . t- . - ,r . 4i4U0l ui i nr "udi'cu lu EneaK in iiir cnrrrr. 0 o t ; ' How miraculouslv brief, says the' Alba- liv Journal: the distance between 1 New heen on ye'ry degrading conditions. Such tion? nt nnv mtP tliA mpti MoMmti lTo J J . . I i . " . , - I - - - T w VftVVfctVlll A A a w xr...l. J T 1 l 4- I h?lQ hpo'n thaoaca (nTilhniitiiTiontlnntr.. . mm ' ' . . . xom ana ljiverpooi is Deconung: viov. i wjiiwiihjuuj not members ot uoncress as rrood a riht tne mu u tnn. uiu pecuiany tragic ; wnen tne young man to reduce the was stabbed to the heart by Lentz, he cocoa, reported bounded with a shriek into the arms of his 1 " 1 ' '.I . t' .I '"A V . ' ' " . . - wnicu w ere v.mozti er, and. ttiere mstantlv. exoired 'the . i ; J i ifv: '.-si i . ! . t; i ncp'i s oiooci oi nor sqn stamea, ner gar ments.1 Mornmir Journal. ' tnpamllejed Shooting., A pigeon match was shot oh Wednesday . afternoon, the 12th instant, at Mr. Ravol's at the Half Company, who breafasted this morning at the Eagle, dined in London' a fortnight before last Wednesday ! It is after all, but a span across the Atlantic.; . We shall soon expect to hear of some "strong sicim- tt 1-1 iA. mers' accompusnmg me passage. At any .rate, if the race of aquatic Leanders, and Byrons, who swam from Sestos to; Aby- dos, are not extinct, the fejit wilj be at tempted.. y law, has always been the chorus of the lojrical and irrefutable mode of Madison I ane. '1 a i i --...!.-, t. i I have never been able to say on what Ittakes every man to mike a world. I pan oi me giooe me garaen oj luaen was think Congress, on the J whole, perform was e( .WTi-. tt,.a t.v.:- ; :i.-J t i i Kanhawa. ThiFmotion was made at the Mr: Henrv M. Burton;-of Brooklvn. W . M.0Sl .imonnauon nas inai- request of the memorialists,' because Ithey one hundred dollars a side.' One hundred rectly reached us ot a transactioiii hardly i;;pv1 ttirtt tVpir mprr.nrinl rkrocprtfohi ti A;iAo : cnin 4vn- i q surpassed, for atrocity, in the, annals ot most favorable view of the subject in which yards distance. Ninety were shot on the cnme' ''' Stephen Crank, an old and they were interested, and the strongest ar- wipg, and fell dead within 60 yards of the f, culcJviM,c , Vf-.V"""- lI;iuau IS. Tl ie guments to support their clan printing was then ordered. TlnjScnate adjourned over until Monday- ; ' ' , ' ::;;.V" ..IIocsE. Mr. Cambreleng, from the Committee of Commerce, introduced " "a bill to amend the navigation laws of the Unite'd States :' which being once; read, Mr. Mallary moved to lav it on the table. -This motion called forth an animated, though desultory debate between those gentlemen, and -Mr. Gorham of Massa chusetts. It occupied the first hour - of .the session, and was laid lover till , to-mor-. trap; tliree others were shot down, subsequently fluttered beyond the distance of iGO'yards consequently were not coun tc(.' We believe thesporting records do not furnish an accont of an equal number being killed!, on any gimilarniatchV either in this countrv or England. 1 X . x. inquirer 4th ult.J - v.., been missed from home two or, three days. -',-' I mi i '." 'il l l ne people oi me neignoornooq were a good deal excited, in consequence of vague and uusaiisiaciory answers 10 mejr inquiries about the old man ; and, trom, some inci dental circumstance, they settled upon the l i; '.i' a. i- - "-I'1.. i' i - i . neiiei, mai ne musi nave Deen- murdered. Accordingly, a negro fellow yas arrested TT jiwt among counts 'received the Gold diggers. Ac froni the Gold regions, state! that n tserious ) affray has 'occured among ithe diggers in the Cherokee Na- tion.-We have heard nothig of the origin tow, wlien Mr. Wayne has": possession of of the recontrl, hut understand that a par- the floor. Several hours were spent on ty'of fifty or sixty Carolinians assailed; a tlie "bill-for the final setttement of private part consisting of twenty Georgians, for land claims in Florida ;Varidit? ultimately the purpose I of driving them from a branch passed. - Various private bills were after- in which they were" digging after a warm wards acted on. i SATURDAY, May 3i contest the ;Carolinians were driven off, 1; 1 and the Georgians remained master of the House; . The buls ordered to be en- mme. It is said one man was mortallv grossed on b nday were-passed. Mr. Mc-1 wounded by a blow from , a spade, and Duffie n oved to take up the bill for the has since died several others were badly Relief of Susan Decatur whtcK has laid iinirt. The : dvU authority should look to " on the table toe some weeks. The mo- J lt.i t Millegeville Patriot. : tion was negatived, Ayes bo, -Noes 1U4. The House then went .into Committee of Legislature of Neid York. . In the Sen- 'r the whole: cli1 the state of the Union, and j ate on the 13th ult. several bank bills en i agreed Ao the articles of Impeachment gaged attention. The New York," the prepared against Jairies H. Peck. On Tradesmen's Mechanics' and Trades- motion of Mr. Buchanan the House, after I men's and Onondaga county banks oas- ; i ; ' "concuring in the report of the Committee sed : but the Phcenix, Bank: of Ameri- 2d. If at, or near, the poles, a day wonders. They have safely steered the qual, mlength, to ayearat theline. Uhin hotvro stu nunuj;a In any case, the globe has the same form, withstanding adverse windsand mutinous Is it reasonable to believe that a wise and sailors. . The religion which I profess for- goM niler would enjoin that on his sub- bid me to speak evil oftheTulers of the jects which was impossible for them to people. I honor me throne (Government) periorin i ror us io Keepooo noiy aays, and the altar (religion t) but those who, urciu- l undpr n nrptnnrp nF rrlnnnn nnH (taaH i - - - ts wi der, would shape iH3r religion and guide my conscience, are usurping presumptu ous tyrants. A man cannot give greater evidence that he is destitute of the meek' spirit of Christianity, ana ignorant of its genius, than when he makes, or urges others to make laws to coerce his neigh bors in matters of religion. It is like put ting a tool on the stones of the altar, or making a new cart to carry the ark. I cheerfully subscribe ho the sentiment while our Northern and Southern ren keep but one, and yet begin and end at the same point of time. Let a Turk, Jew and Christian decide their dispute' by experiment. Let the Turk keep every' Friday, and travel rouud the -globe in a Western direction to the spot whence he started. The Christian travel in the same manner Eastward, while the Jew remains stationary. Each of the three will keep their day, and when they meet, it will be the same day. A P" , , !. II r.u- i- j nt. Li ... 01 on suspicion, wno coniessed tnat the mur- ,u" ul ""s "" cuuia oe given ioa secuon that Christianity is not oVJy a rood reli- hpt nnn noon pnmmmpn rv nimu t ttiati v nuiiu. iuiu uc uuevpn i kii i l wHxinr 1 . .1 1 1 . j I . j - -----w. , gum, uui me oniy religion inat U .-. t . 1 . . 1 . .1 - .1 1 1 I IjSrflM in I .otionnM Vkltt nnn- ka limp..- .1 ' . ' P . hewas mitigated to commit the deed by Israelm. Canaan:) but cannot be umver- the sinner's wants, and relieved his wo a 5071 of the old man, who was lmngwith n "ron ?a"ng ?n "c-pthe only religion that ver brought par- 1 iur. MiiTiiiirii m vi i rii t no nrcr nav mt t n a i j .1 1 w" Vr0 A" Z' lll " 7JZl'. aon lo.l.n? and gaie assurance of cannot be developed in a letter. It 1 re quires a volume. him and that the body of the .deceased was buried about 150 yards from the house,' in a cotton field. The persoijs to whom this confession was made repaired imme diately to the spot, and there fouiicfcme bo- ay Duriea aDoui 10 incnes unaer me ground, with marks of violence upon iU which seemed to have been inflicted 'with a hoe. The icxfe and son of the deceased; have, I f l t . i . luc uuue gain ineir oDjevi, von- naUon ever exceeded Tytus in wealth gressmustdecidemewnWUtweenCon- Greece in sciencnnrW 1 don to the guilty, and vtcjuai uie. uui as an institute of state policy, a question arises whether it has ever done any good. Hs any Christian necticut and Massachusetts. The laws in science ancient Rome and laWS I Cnrtha : U ' . . of Conneencut prohibit recreation; ..labor faiSL'ZZ',' and travel, from tbegoingdownoftbe.uii ti0M D0 'mn " "B: rvwua uuu uiooa . ti . s . w w 1 uun ui rz iiiiin m'ninimia 1 we understand, been arrested 'and impris- on Saturday, until the same time of day hh; iLn ,,- -ui Z - u J onedupon what other grounds than the on&unday. 1 hose of Massachusetts al- sades, established an iniiiKWn j confessionofthenegro,wehafenbflearn- low a man, on a journey, to .travel, until the South AueiiSSt i?"" ed. We give the tale as currently jepor- Saturday midnight, and resume his jour-1 tianirv oneratin it m 1 ri" ted. What could have led to this atrn- ner on isunday, at the coinedown of the ,nj it v.i: V. aiunucnanneI- 1 .J c,,n r Ll ; T..i: OJ i-ifiii 5irT ia nnr rot ioarni 1 c.iz'ulcctii i 11 111 i m i ii iiiiiv imitr. v 11 t i 1 . . lorkville Pioneer. ereanon must cease on Saturday, at the I immnrA . mtm41 . but turn itinto a pnncrple of state pohcy, it fosters pnde. hvmrn -j .i- ' kind of cruelty. Jom lElajvd, ; REV JOHNTfI 1nd4 LETTER Sday midnight-thifty six w V ill ?tr - ' ? houTS abstinehce. WVhether the stages We have been politely favored with the that mail must 8t gix hou tr!IOTCiTnr inramdin. laHa vrrw this van- ? -jm" v-"- connecucut, when they could be running mended by pmdI. V.7 w erabto advocate of h canyin thfl may be redbi 5 lT r . l. 4 it lit ; ', .v.'! 'J 1 v t - . it t 1 ' 1" : 1 J I, .1; : ' . - -