THE NORTH CAR OLINA SPECTATOR AND WESTERN ADVERTISER. f I E SPE C TAT OR. ; sixxTiiiEnroapToigr : ; I U1UA X iUUIlli'Ut Jin 1 iw- 1 iTF-An article on ihe first page of our last paper, .f imnrr .the subiect oP'Silk," should have been ered- Jjfiied ta theTTlaleighi Star; ; The omission escaped ; notice until now. : I , fi"j-M0(! franrf. At the late Gubernatorial Elec- tlion in this State, Cloy. James Fenner, the Jack- :'- 1 'i IT i 1" -L 1 .1 71 T :. sHikssER by a'majoritv of more, than 1000 votes. , Xeitbern Bank At a meeting of the Stockhold ers of the Bank of Newberuj, it was determined to discontinue, immediately, tlie Agency at Halifax ; iund. as&rtm as taracticable. close the business of the One at Charlotte while they accepted of the re stricted extension of .their charter, . granted : by an ajct f the. last Legislature. ' .The Baltimore papers! state, that .the melancholy intelligence nau lateiypeen receivecr at mat port, dif the 'death of AVilLiam! Tudor, Charge d'Af- f ure.9 of the United States at the Brazilian Court . i - . -' .. r 1 '-;- -'. Lv . B.'BcL.qcKj Esq. has been unanimously re-elected President of the 'State Bank of Georgia fur the year ensuing, : ' ; f . 4 1 manner.' Mr. R. has examined the mines in Meck- eaiburg, and Very liberally suggested some impor- taut improvements. .At the ''Capps Mine' which has been worked with much profit jfor the last two years, he explained to the operators! w plan by -i r ' - 4 ' " 1 1 - ! . 1 . wmcn lour men coma secure as rnucn eoiu in one s -.'' i . ' -i 0 . ji - 1 1 . 1 ..i . - 1 uay, as is now oDiamea witn ten. is, that thev are manufactured in our own I Great Dividend. The Mechanics and I country, &c. Butyetthe Ameririah Aos Farmer's bank, of Albany, has declared a ession of Congress. We "owe the stock, payable on and . after STATE OF THE THERMOMETER, tro mat 14 to 21. iuntti;. 1'iA.M tsrt. session American one," for the firmness it tliplays 3Iay next. on this occasion. RichmondEuq.l the first of This is", wc believe, the largest V Steam Boat Accident. We learn by the; New- Orleans Courier of the 23d ultimo, that one of the boilers of the; steamboat Caledonia, Captain Rus sel, burst on the 18th, about seven miles below- New Madrid,! on her way lip It is stated that tin- yj the deck passengers and crew, were injured. TJie accident was attributed to, an original, un known defect; in the boiler, ; and no blame is" at tached to the Captain or Engineer. , The Indian Question. The f question has . been taken in the Seriate, and tue policv of the President confilrmed by the' decisiye majority. The opposition brought forward pretended amendment after a mendment; but they were all voted', down. And with great propriety, j TheU. S. .Telegraph shows in mi article we lay be- dividend ever declared in the U. States. 1 . . - ;The Greek Chief Tushina, reached Mobile on the 19th ult. and was held to baiTfbr liis appearance at the Mav term of the District Court on a charge of hav ing stopped the U. .S. Mail in February I ' 1 1 . 1 1 - I iasi. xie iias ueen uepnveu ot ms raniv 1 Monjav by" the upper town, and the Little Doctor Tuesday. 1 P.M. I S . a S 5.3 c 3 c c c - w w , j .' . appointed in his place. A letter from St. Louis, Thursday. ."! fair I'jfair j,fair fA fair V;;fair I7!fai. Frio'ar. Saturday. Sunday. Wcdn'y. Tufair fair (Tgfalr iftefair EJS- Tfair fir '2ckudT tTcfair -:fair 7fifair jrolfair7 dated the 30th fore our readers, that it was for stage cU Cn r.4 4lftrk4- 4ltMA Al -VI nfAtit!A I I ..1 .... i ! I ' The engineer J luat lllCiC r imcimun 10 compeix staics iuui u puny 01 eigmy ineu,uu- w&s brother, to the captain, and with a number of- A."u.iauf lu V'5 ycsioiine uei siucy , was . auoui to proceeu oulers was blown overboard andkad notbeeri Missi.sippio violate tlir rights, qrcon- Hie Rocky Mountains, on a trading ex- louncl. Thft numhpr of nprenna killed hr fmrllwPl. . . t . I r , ! , , . , . 1 i J sismns men will permit the ladiaos to THE MARKETS. . I A Public pinner! was given t$ Hon. Laxgdo Cmf.ves; at Lancaster, Pensylvania,- on the lOlhof ' Airil-i-in testimony of the respect of the citizens upon lii-3 ueparture lor aqutn ILarolma. . 1 ifr. M' Duffle's Report; We have before us Mr . M'Dutfie's Report tiponso.much.of the President': Message as: relates jto the establishment '-of i"a tioiial Hank. It is an able, lucid and' conclusive . document, and highly creditable to the tdjents and " integrity of Mr. M'fJuffie, We have not room tin i week to give-. our readers the Report, but shall en . ileavor" to make topious extracts from it next week. The report has drawn fortfi a variety of remarks aud opinions from the press in various' sections of the Uttfoii;. But it is 'generally conceded to be the proper poiicyavhicli MDuffie has adopted and much credit is awarded to him for the bold and ieai less siana wnicn ne has taken ' m detence of f ' the principles of the present banking institutioh and j' ."of Constitution It appears passing strange to J us, that a those very persons who have , been' so jealous of State rights and Estate soverign- ty who have complained of the undue influence hichthe United States' Bank has already had on - -' the purity of elections-the rewarding power of the Executive, should become the advocates of a Na :. tional Bank, founded upon the credit of the iGov- : erninent and its Revenues, To regulate the clrcula , 1 Cing medium of the Union, under thecontrol of the wpunded by. the explosion was twenty-one. Poetic Genius. A short time sinccwhile a young gdllant was escorting a fair lady, the subject of con versation turned upon the various merits of the po etry of the day, when it was agreed upon that each should make i rhyme. The lady, with an nvenr tije facutty sol peculiar to the sex, exclaimed in the following soft delicate 'and sentimental couplet : (Oh ! th sweet little breezes Hv? '. . ; , How they blow thro' the treesc ' jjTbm, in a state of surprise and astonishment,. wth scarcely the power of utterance faintly replied :" ! Oh ! Miss Emile .' Miss I'milv - 1 Vy hat poetre what poetry .' consult their own interests, they will cer tainly emigrate beyond the! Mississippi. The article froui the Alabama paper, shows that this inclination is increasing among them.-r--J0cr "proof1.- "The Mobile Register of the 13tli ult. states. from a source entitled to confideice, tliat the Choctaw Indians have sent an, agent to Washington," with a power to negociate a sale of their possesions East of the Mis sissippi." Richmond Enquiler. " Capt. Javin Woodin, formerly a respec table inlmbitatit in Hamdcn, of advanced age, hasibeen sentenced at New-Haven; to 5 years in the state i prison, for adulte ry with the wife of a Mr. Deniming, who is sentenced for the same - term. . Nelson Wetmore, for arson and burglary, in New Haven, was sentenced for ID years. A couutcy paper jrivinr ail account of INmento U cent- a recent fire states, with great grief, that the wife of the gentleman whose House p ...... was Durned, had perished m tlie names; Charleston. S.C. NayZ. CoUon-hort rttple, Oa lOi. Corna50 . OaL 32 n ZS. 7 Pea CO. Berwax IS cnt. Tallow Carolina, Kat'.U Uacon. Hams 8 a 10 Laxd 7a74. Butter Goshen. IS a 20 ; inferior, 8 a 12J cents. . Bagging Dundee and Inverness. 42 bch, 19a'J2; ". ftw. domestic manufacture, 1 4 a 18. Salt Liver pool coarse, in bags of 4 bush. $1,87 ; in bulk, 37 J a4:Jc. bush.; Turks-Island, 50. Sugar Havana, white. 12 a 14, brown ti a 9.J ; Macovado, 8 a 10 1 St. Croix and Jamaica, 9alO.J; New Orleans, 8 a ; refined loaf. 17 a 22. Coffee prime rreen, . loa!3J; inferior to good, 11 alerts. Ilrson tea e-5 a 1(H) a 108 ct. per lb. Molasses YV. I. " 20 a 27 ; X. Orleans, 29 a 30. Black Peppcr-13. arid adds: "it is, however, some coaso- For trie Spectator and Advertiser. ; Mr. Editor lation to know, that he was insured to! the full amount of his loss." The cren- The charge against Judge Peck cf Mis souri, on which the House of Representa tives voted an impeachment, js-sail to be that of having illegally imprisoned a law- tleman,it is presumed, was insured at the yer for publishing a disrespectful article Pha'niXi and a. new wife will Mjrinir up .:. 11 ii : - . I - ' . v . . - . , l . J ou wm oouge a inena Dy giving the enclosed respecting him.- Judge Conklniffof New trom thejashes of the old one. Ler piace iu your paper. u wine proaucuon iorK struct an attorney trom thoroll for A'ifritita May 8. Cotton hort staple, inferior to coumym lair, 9 a 10 ; prime and choice, 10a 10. Clour f a 7. Bacon fc a 1'). Whiskey CK) a 31. Coin 45 a T0. Salt 4'T a 70. Molae& 23 a 3:i. Sugar 9 a 12$. Tea 100 a 123 per lb. MARRIAGES. of a country school-master, addressed to his Attor- si? disrespectfully of ! him'; Out Qf . uott ney at Law ; and as it was evidently prepared with court ; yet the Committee reported against iSt wcei iren- mhch care, it mav be useful as a codv. for others an imoeachment. The lattt r w i wnul.l 11 contained a letter addressed to a .jit similar circumstances, ' especially those, who suppose the most high-handed ercise of ema,I;itl Scotland, a bond Jor GOO.; al- u ix uuic icijuffciiug uiu iiiuier vi me uoi tle would forward them as directed, which has been complied wiih. Irish pa. llH havecommitted the education of their children to power. Ihe report of the Committee on Judge Conkling's case has not yet been "Tuesday Qth 18 taken up, and it is supposed i that j Judge will Oblige me bv lnforminrr Peck wili not ue tried tIie cxt Vbssioh. oir you On Main Broad Uher. in this County, on the 13ili by tlie Kev. IInry M. Carr, Mr. JtHeph (looden to MiM hliniua (irahamdauLterpf Mr. William (iraham. f We dul v acknowledge the rp-J"" V bottle was found by some fishermen ceirl 0,"a Piece of the 'wHldin)r cake TltU is t I 1 ...II t 1 It . . r near RearhaveiK . liantrv Rav. 11 T'u'u ue' " X Wlu ia cr,a:u F . fc ,one uje . uiiu a iiujjjjj uuc.j In Rowan county.on tliel5thultimo,Mr. Wm. G Hudson to Mk Susannah Smith, daughter of the late Capt. John Smith. ' 4 hi Lincoln county, on tho 15Ui nltimo, 3Ir. Tc ter Carpenter to Mis Sarah Setzer. DEATHS. nje if You have made any decission in the company case of - against the Pendleton Messenger. Your imediate Ans will be Complyed with Tlie toast of the President giveniat the yours Respecttully j V. L. A X. fisr Lawyei - at Law i .y. P. S. 1 as I am determined to bring this to a foci your Verbal ans w'ill Co-op-1 erate with my best respects j . j The New York Gazette of the 27th ult. says, "A letter was received n this .city yesterday, by a mercantile house, dated in liondon on the 2d irist. f It was received At his rc-Mdence. in tlie county of Huocombe.on . the.ytli of November last, in "the ;th year of his j aee. Johx Jlstick, a member of the Methodirt l .piscopal Cliurch and an eminent minuter of the cospel, in which lie labored about oO years. He ; The New York Gazette says in reference to the anonymous remittance' of $2000 made to the Secretary of Treasury : ' "We nla i i rtfi 1 If . 1a.. ... ' I . ? . 1 .1.. 1 . 11 n T CP 1 1 1 ' I 13 llIC itlllliUIII. Ill CI1U HU- late celebration, ot Jenerson s birthday at i i xr i 11 :i 1 ties on a quantit' ot;smucslcd roods. V ashinorton. has Ireen n snhipp.t nf -PYton-1 mi . J - . c, , j ; i jne sivp. nisniitntinn hptwppn thp' iVntirttial Tti r r , .. wiuvmum I tn Pftlltl telligencer.andtheU. S.TelegrapV. The I , , T: 11- j . 1 1 ' "5.,-v I '"' J HiltUUM H 11V" loll 111. II ntplliorpnppr iinnprstnndQ tiiPtrict''riiii-1 ...... B ... TTnl Tt 7,- ..Vjmt ding this he conceives that he docs ample hi.n every attention d m nff ,U nainfol illneH.which y k.y -,."..,",,, justice to the Oovernincnt. which was paralytic and of ahoul two weekucon- uicau uuiiung iss iiiau Ulis; X OU el ' ' Southern States, a(hd South Carolina par- . Portentous!! The AVynaw Iiitelli- ticiilarly) "may; complain of th Tariff, gencer has made short work, and arid perhaps' with - reason ; but so"; long as throws off the shackles of the Union witli importer lias come to a determination I mver was kuown to deviate from the Kules during uue his operations, and to remit ",e rcH:eu in ine r.urcn. no nas mi a. om.rtnli a 1.1 .....r l.. fme family to mourn .hi lo'. and eighteen preat- iTrand-children. II w friend- and relatives bliowed . . . i ... . it is the law. it shall ns rprtnmivTici mQiii. 1 as much ease as it would kill n innnui-l via t. Andrews, at which place, the ves- 1 . . T V r .".. : ,r . , , u.: j:t....rj ;ui i-yu c . iainea, as max my name is Andrew Jack- no nearn: - e nowever, ueneve in Executive, :A moments reflection vvill convince g.i brm maJ iti arrived on the 17th inst. any one of the -uncertain and hazardous' effects of fa passage of fourteen days. The ob sucha system. The disposal of bank accommoda- ipot nf tKpilnpr ie tn Vnmm.inUtD intJj lde system. The disposal ' , tio u tot he amount oC fifty millions of dollars, would be a political engine in the hands of an adnlinistra . 'tip a- or Executive, more powerful than any that has hitherto existed in this or any other Government- not excepting the despotic power of the JEmperor of llussiaTAmong the wisest" provisions' of , the . . pfeserrt;banking institutioTtof the United-States is, that although 'the government of the U. S. own ono third of the stock, vet. at the meetings of the I. .' . ' O- - j4ct of thellpter is to comniuhrcate intel ligence cfT the close of the negotiation be tween our Minister and the British Go vernment respecting the Colonial Trade the latter haying signified to Mr. M'Lane thathisr2uments were insufficient to ren der the re-opening of that trade! expedient." The Telegraph says--"The Pres- tbe paramount authority of the -State.- . . . . i 1 7 : . . . 1 v lf. - : i -i ;nx s toast wTas intended to speaoX. to ur ailfglctncc is 10 ner, ana htwwno- 41 I II 1. 11 . 1 I J f . . i I . M M f ' A parues. vocates and oppressive. the South l z i ourt. Mpratoml flint A 1 1 1' TT nrt..c. I aoove me; unjust exactions ot tiie: present Wriht arrived ve,terdav in this city .from ! tinuanre. I nr lux amiable heart and accornmoda lin dispoHtinn, I can venure tt ray with confi dence, llat Uuncmbe county never produced a man lhat was more elevated in the estimation of his fellow citizens, than our mnch loved Jon Justice; B. E: Cornmn:ra:d. In York District. S.-C. on Cufl'Jo Crrck, n ' the 1 4th instant, Wyat Lipscomb Lsq. of con sumption, aged about 4. years. In I'owan county, on the. loth ultimo, Mr?. Mar- it cans as loudly upon --the ad- """g J "ic tcuerai uocernmcm except ?aret Lvnn, relict of the late Mr. Robert I Ann. in of the tariff to relax i unrrjeessarv I lrom the adhesion to Jt of South Curoli-d.e Grtli year ofher ape; and, oo the l?ib, Mr. restrictions, as it : rjoes on ha ; and are therefore ready to obey her , eazer a?cd aloat to submit with patience to the laws without fear of : treason, or the Su- SrX? o. wholesome operations of public septiment.' preme, Cor It places tjie blessings of the federal-union ilmaTion, .ir. i?onaru cranioru, netwecn hi and 90 years of age; leaving a wife and five small chil dren. . has not a single rote. Thus fearful were the foun ders of this institution of .the effects of governmeii mental patronage The Aew York Daily Advertiser of the 26thult. bays : .:;". ;, ;."'; . :. -; '' '. f '(.Fifty shires of United States Bank Il? af. aPP5fls- ?.the Pa" 0f Port au Prince, in the brig Enterprise Stock were sold at New York, on the 22d jettons to avoid colhsionswiich weaken She succeeded, we are told, in establish ult. at $127 50 ner share. The '. Journal ltle pnd owederal union. ; , ;H . in her colored people, 30 in number, en- 'i ' . ' ,..-!.!. i r . , . - I W lion n r srvvryr sr. tn -triL Iia it ai commerce remarus, wnmn ine last tour i . . . . ii , -ajid a half monthsW'On the 8th and 9th bei5? ?n1d: Patriotic sentiments ,wh,ch i m- ro,KJ. "icuiciejv ureceueu u, anu associate wiiu rbceiptpf the President's Message, "the " l"c;r"1CI11 Xli1 " v.J i " nwti,. ivJ :i oft ' ht feouth, the East, and the est, should "V iz inu jl I'll) vjct u.1. t.w i-Uw. iJit-ooarj fdl in establishinff the Iffreat nnestion nf was received, the; sales were . tfio .vitiiiit.VinolJtw f Uo Kir u urthc price' afterwards des - 11V VVllCkllUVlUllUUtT A UUllll. L11U11 LIK.V I -l -I ;nrn;mnint!iinmff tHp!imnnrtnnr.p nf . rjOUS fluctuations jtol 16, at ing her colored people, 30 in number, en tirely to her own satisfaction and theirs. They, are furnished with lands belonging to the governorr with houses, tools and mo ney, free of charge or rent, whepe they may remain for five, six or eve'n years, enjoying the whole produce of their labor, lntaimng the; importai y hewing the charter, or in j exposing the miscliiefs tliat might be looked for from . an institution like that suggested in the . President s Message, in th place of the ' i bank, j This report contains the most sa- , . tismctory evidence ot Mr. M Duliie s ta 'J lents, and his political integrity. - Although cended which rate several sales: were made about the middle tif February!. From that time to the pre- sent, the stock lias oeen gradually impro ving, in proportion as the prospect pf Con gress refusing to renew the j charter has diminished. 1 he report of Mr. M Duffie, from the Committee of Ways and Means at $120;and di,minish,ng any burdenx which and the?lhave ofthe ov ed, with va- theLr cmPlam . -. . mus ment lands, on which fo settle perman ininKrtnai me. r resident, was influenced , - . 'i .w1 more:by the salutary convictions (Ta libe- ed in tllfi 'tfriplw!U. mnm ral and enlightened patriotism vhich, if U tl, oiit1 -.- o , , 1 ... i A :& , ,. 1 .i 5 -i "J the authorities and people. on various subjects it Is not improbable m,!hc X) finallresijaredit tothe that we;should diner from hiin, of his bold fJl11 w alid manly spirit, his uprightness accor- Ppe y lue - nnivlinor t- tVrf viknrs wrtiiin Uo ohtaWhinc I vyould seem and of his independence, there cannot, be l!iat the money-dealers who are usually any difference of oninibn amonff disinter- W SJ""o Bv lia ested people.' , 1 ' ; vf"- The N. Y. Qourier ifc Enquirer of the same date , holds quite another language : it does not teach him to sympathize with those who are suffering fromf the.- runne cesary and oppresive restrictions of the ,tann, bids him extend some degree ot de ference tq the voice of reasonable complaint -than by a regard for particular interest', in saving that tlie Union must be preserved. t, -j .. i i T x. u iuui, us iu ail men aiiive iiiuutiiui u inc - " , . , v 1- j.-. "i Union is far dearer than the! Tari'iF, or the from the sales reported to day: t r - - . , M , ticular section. TAKEN UP, nv til. tjJl living on First Broad s Kirer. near Kerken- tSeS&stesk ilalls Ford, on th 13th of .May. TWO .MULKS on. a born; and the oth er a mare, about three vears old each. 4 feet '1 in. high. ..Tlie hore has a while t-pot on Iii ripht thigh, a dark brown color, and no mark or brands are to he seen: The mare is of a bay color Tho owner is requested b come forward, prove hi property, pay charges, and tak them away. SAMULL M BRAVT.R. Riithrrf .rJ. .May U. 14 3w NOTICH. AMeetini of Ihe KulhrrfjrJ Lyrtvn and Soei tiy for (iintrcl f.vprorcneni will be held at ihe Court Houe in llnh:rrdton.ontb fnunh Monday in June next, fur the Uleclion of.tbe OiE- Iumbia,tUe names of f'vur hundred cndVrT!' " lUfn't - i . T . , , . . . . as may he olltrtd. y eigiu jiarneys at Law, and tico hundrulx. .May 10,1. ancijijty-sc.vtn Solicitors in Lqiuty. . cm ancnt- V. S. Gazette. TIrere are inscribed on the rr lls at Co- 13 tdra 'The Report made by the Committee , of Ways and ' Means, is a powerful pro duction going in that respect, far beyond the Report of the Seriate. No: one will question the talent with which it is drawn up. Still it is possible for a Chatham to I make the worse appear; the better cause. It possesses, a goodly portion of -assumption jri facts failaeiesrf reasoning, and inaccuraceis in theory, plended with much ' talent extensive research and ingeni ous investigation. It is well calculated to produce effect upon stock; but that effect will be transient and evanescent' . Mr. Rkaftnoli. We have been informed by "a gentleman who has just, retarned from Aleckleu' burg .county, that Mr. Rivafinoli has arrived at Charlotte, and is making exdminations1 among the various mines in that neighborhood, and proposes soon to make a general tour t through the gold re gion. air. K. is represented as a gentleman of science and practical experience; having been ac quSintedith the mines in Mexico and Germany, and is now gathering information ' relative to the mines in this region, and should his report to the London Mining Company prove favorable, , it is expected that they will invest a large amount o capital in the mines and work them in an, extensive der the permanence of the Bank as rather more secure1 than 1 before the discussion commenced." The N. Y. American lias-.lio doubt, that the hill reducing the duties on tea: toffee and cocoa, will recieve the sanction of the Senate and President.- It approves this "as the first, important j andjudicwus sjtep in the career' of reduction, which it hopes to see1 steadily followedf as fas and as tar. as practicable that is having re gard to the f 'artificial interests which have The Union'foi.hded as it was Tn the jspirit of mutual compromise arid concessidn, he would preserve and by no otn'er means would he preerve it; than by "doing equal justice to all its parts;" by "a careful, a candid, arid liberal com promise of interest an.equalizatiori ofthe benefits and burdens" ofthe Government." - York ville Pioneer. S. C. .State Gazette. A V. .1 . r i i -a ruer in me uuMa. nroiiicie savs "Tlie jdanting of ("otton is completed, and so far as we are informed on the sub ject, .about the usual quantity of .land, is I .- . i " ' i uuuer cultivation, u me reason proves tovorablc, ihcpioduction (ofthe t ...) may l.o I Ml if ll'lll 1..1 11 DR. WILLIAM T11U3IAS, MF.SPECTFULLY informs the citizens of llnrke County and its neighborhood, lhat b , has ct-tablished hiimelf a a Practitioner of Jledi riue. at Ilanisbur. wh;re he naly to attend to ar.v calls in the wav oThw proferion. - -Hamburg. (HurVe Co.) Match 13. 11. 12 if NOTICE TUT. Fxrcntors of die EMate r.f Jam Moorp, will jwll a? public in Kutherfwrdlon. on the second Monday ia June next. TWF.NTV FIT. ACRF3 IF IM), ljin n the YYidm Branch, (waters of Cove Cre k:) Tosether with oife cuir ariici,i! iM-iU.irj c i i.nn On Wednesday the 17th, Mr. Willktm Edwards, of Slenford, put an entp-to his lAisivMvv in ciii cAuuuiuuiaiviiiamicr. r.. ...:n I - , .. til t. j lie placed a hay fork against the wall in I give tnd and approved crnritj before the right of ITEMS. I deceased, was 74 years ofae. nai xroiizuu in the c . It is not often in our power rd sucj an instance of longevity as a-jfs: Anthony Van Pelt, of Green county, late- been created by our own acts. We are ly died at the advanced age of 140 years Lout of White and Miscall's pleased to see the American, (though an and two months. . During! the Revolu- Mr.4' Sergeant Rdssell stated . - .12-- ..1 .1" . 1 ' apposition paper,; avow tne opinion, tnat nonary war, ne was excusea irom;mnita ''the true! policy of this country, freed as ry duty on account of liis age. He is it soon will oe of all debts, is!, to open its said to have enjoyed to the list, in .a re ports to th0 commerce of the- world, tin- markable manner, the use of all his facul shackled and unburthenedj beyond what ties, particularly hisighf ?; may be ribsblutely required for revenues." Newbern, N.'C.' Sentinel. The American firmly saystliat this poli- is..-' ift:nns in irri cy "has never been matter of doubt to latelv" determined to emigrate con- him ' hp. tip.xi sten isavs'iiei 10 ne ., . r- sequenceot tne cxtenMou oi ine laws oi Mississippi over their country.- -; Ai) agent lias been sent to Washington bearing the propositions of the tribe for ixxnediate re moval. . ; Hi' .TON, ) llxtcu. AL, lvTt'. 12 St POCKET HOOK XOST. arising "FT OT by the subscriber on th 5d inrt. in pa- -mtr JLi in? from Pattotu' Cwke.UMK.its'i VlV ' M illn. in Rutherford, t CKFT BOOK. Hliich llPc Lad in it ?2'l in difr jxk notes beside wme And ams (mall change; am" three or four of f ed. The Pod bnnd, two on I. well as can ber iu on tlie note,' Me were two of and .e others are not recolWt . coittaiued m eraJ note of -a Vilki2, one for a cted, there were evera! rred- otber of T5i0, ccordinp to him.-U'The next step .(says he) to be takeq, though ar less easy than the first cine, owing to the stroiig and Varied inter ests at home, with which it would conflict; is tho reduction of the duties bn salt and sugar two absolute necessaries of life. Evely argument, save one, applicable to the ireduction ot tne duties on tea anu coi- contained 'fifteen thousand 1, in the trial at bar, Mr.' II. documents weighed three fourths of a ton ! The Ilarrisburg (Pa Intelligencer, .... , - i , i : . . v. puunsnes me names oi several memDers the be4 recoUection; a ote on Daniel Blantoa ofthe Pennsylvania Legislature, who. .to de Elizabeth Wilkin for &15uUh i cmlitof fire a void the responsibility of expressing their i"1' ; a Grradcrson BlMton due Gt '. . i .u i :. u .i H. Palmer, for $10 with credit of five dolar; a opinion, absented themselves when the note on Green B. Palajer for 16 ; a dcebill on votes were lanen on several imjonani questions, a practice quite too common among our public servants. In the case of a breach or' promise of marnase,- tned in the District Lourt in fee-is still more applicable to the articles rnuaoeipma, me jury iciunieu a veroici of laltand suo-ar." And tins, argumentl for the plaintiff of one thousand dollars. H !:. . ' ' ' . - :C y-- I' : -flX . ;The birthday of Washington was cele brated, on'the 22d February, at Rome, by about 50 Americans. The ladies, in a part of New York, have formed ' an "anti-wife-wbippirig-society. Ilezekiah Wilkin for 27; and other oen. a- mon? which ia an old prant made to Mathevr Galy for 190 acres ofland. A drove of neproen were com in5 down Cane Creek on the dav ofthe k.d: it i tho't Mme of them may have picked it op. Anv pr md who may find said pocket book or any of die pi per?', and return them to the nuWriter biul be well rewarded. All person are hereby warned against trading for r&jd nofe or paper. KFruES WILKI.VS. Irvinesville, March 1530. ' 4'S '

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