-T -" iS-:''-X. t rcfcT'- i y t. TIE NORTH CARP iilJJ A SPECTAT O It Algp WE STER N AP VpB,TI SE R. .'A ; 4 arise to pour his Doisbnous breath into than on a discussion upon the bill by itself, . I ears of the President, the accused woulcbioved the; previous question, which mo j not be condernned unheard and hisinnoiion being1 seconded by a majority ; and ; cehce would be triumphant- they wouldhe -previous question being sustained by stiU be happy. It was -presumable alsok vote, byiyeas and nays of 98 to88. that possessing the confidence of the three; The main question was then put, viz: . successive administrations (whose estimo4' Shall the; bill , be engrossed and : ! ny in his favor I presented to you that hJhird time 1" and was decided in rwas not uu worthy the office he held, be-lirmative by the following vote: yeas j sides Jlie signatures of. a -hundred of our hays 8. i ; V; 1 , J first mercantile houses, established the ! v i FRIDAY May 21. : fact of his hnvincr tnvvne.rf e,c snti Spwatp.! Th(. bill to- nrovidefor the M UUtbUlt mj.-m m- - . 1 CJ i - xi I i - in the mannpr transtPfl tl Kn.ionnnmtmpntnf n SniiMtnrnf tlipTrpflsurv. dent, and become alaw. !M cumstances. Uut. would it not be pru nf.ua-4Ki. t u-. o.,4 oQ,i . H5T)utu nn Stnlf tIia W11 to4fincft dent, calmlv to consider whether all tins uuit,d in tins siaic fjL ttillll SPP.ll-svv its rcau 'int; iiiiiu lime miu Lua-cotu. I j .v . , rf nty, without, a moment's warning like a -a read a the af- 103 . Mi ' ' " Representatives on Thursday pased the these opinions on the sunjef 1 01 me uiu- Senate by a large majority (aftT some era discontents, I enter largely into their time spent, as was in the other Jfuse, in feelings and join them in lamenting a po- secret Session) and has been approved and licy which operates so distressingly on their signed4jy the President of the llStates, prosperity. - and become a law. lj There is no doubt, that, for some years 2. Duty on 3Tolasses. The bito re- past, the pecuniary difficulties of that part duce the Duty on Molasses, and ifa allow of the country have increased ; that the va- a drawback on spirits, which pafiTed the lue of property has diminished; and that, House of Representatives some Jiys ago, from a state of affluence, many of the cit- passed the Senate by a vote pf 3t) to 8, izens are,! without extravagance or indi- has received the signature ot the f resi- viauai misionune, greauy reauceu m cir- clap of thunder in a clear sky, your dis-k the motion submitted by Mr'.' FooCbn come a law, having passed the (Senate by whether the low price of the staples ol r uiaiui&iriciiiicimnieuiaiecause iiua ucuxi ted sand and pebble ; washed opart by ev ery wave; blown asunder by every wind. What are they now Bound together by an indissoluble cement of nature fashion ed by the hand of skill, they arc changed into lofty columns, the component parts are the sypport of a noble edifice sym bols of the Union and strength on which alone our Government can rest solid, within, polished without ; standing firm on- , ly by the rectitude of their position, they are emblems of what Senators of the Uni ted States should be, and teach us, that the slightest obliquity of position would prostrate the structure, and draw with their own fall, that of all they support and pro tect, in one mighty ruin. 4. Solicitor of tie TreasiiriWShe bill produced by that measure; whether the A distrust ot the justice ana goou iccung actual price oi imported goods paymgthe Ul ';pui ui c wu w, -duty, or the same kind of goods protected most dangerous symtom ; it ought not to by it, have not, from other causes, been be indulged even when occasional arcum kept down nearly to their former value? stances justify it. A distrust of the jus and thati i therefore, although thev mav tice of the whole is still more fatal. How which provides for the continuatifeof the lose the advantage which the fall of prices can we hope for ready obedience to our n permanent hostility of one part of the The Seriate resume the consideration the duty on Saltin like mannek ias be- distress isj to be attributed to this one cause a vote of 24. to 15. r njissal came, and, in a moment, the house the 3,0th December last, as modified by : O iov was r.onvertp.d intnnne of moun;rir Jiiin'on th.2fitli Jlnhunrv. in relation to : S, was not this the refinement of cruel-future sales of Public ; lands, together which originated i the Senate jiestnb- ' tyf? r But this was not all.-r-The wifeVith the motion to; postpone it indefinite- lislitheoffice of Saicitor of the jJCttasuVy, whom you have thus agonized, drew her ly ; and after Mr. Benton had made some passed the House jf Representees, and beiriff from the illustrious fchase. whose Remarks, i w: I has become alawr . : iH! voice of thunder enrlv broke thft Rnll rX 1 On motion of Mr. Rell it was laid on - 5. The Cumbeiland Road. i-lPJCe bill . British alleiriance. when, in the Americain the table. : ' : - f ocnate, ne swore OyWeaVjeH that 'he.' wea vu muiiunui ir. Jiramners, ine oen- vumuenanij xvoaa, auuui cnBvsjuruu wwum uarc gitcu, uiucpciiucm ui uicw rno allegiance to the British Crown pKe te resumed, as in ; Committee of the jects of InUrnal Improvement, ai;edthe iffV whether the actual expenditure is in- too, whose signature was . broad' 'before iwholej the bill authorizing a subscription House of Representatives. Arf jtmend? creased beyond that of former years, and, jour eyes, affixed to the Charf our In- of Stock in the Baltimore" and Olijo.-Rail ment was iiade there, striking OUtie ap- if tliis should be the result, whether the ' dependence. : The husba-j ad the fath- Road Company, and it having been ia- propriatiou for continuing trie Rot4 rom ev s no f such a nature as may be borne whom you have thus fooged was the mended by Mr. Chambers, r j , St. Louis to Jefferson City, jm tround without recurring to extremities in the first born son of a jf?ro, whose naval and I The bill, was reported, to theSenate, that that wai a road of the description up- hope, in the certain hope, that it will not 'Solitary renown brightens thja page .of your jahd the, amendments being concurred in, on which tbi President of the ilytates be of long continuance! r "'coimtrir's ory,''from-'76.to 1815, with the Senate adjouined. recently pu his veto j f . - For, Sir, let them also consider the pow- . whos9 5"eyements posterity will not con- house. Mr. M uunie lrom the Uom- t Imittee on ays and Means, reported a he fought for bill to reduce the duty on Molasses, and ito anew a arawoacK on spirits distilled defend to compare yours; ; amidst, greater dangers, aud . Independence; ' . , . By the side of that father urmsn war iougnt tne son; Union towards another; and that every appeal made by reason and argument to their common head, is vain 1 Persever ance will do much : for even if the illus tration which has been made, of party ob duracy, were just, we should remember that the hardest marble'is worn by a suc cession of drops ; much more may wdhopc that prejudice, however strong, will yield ..,.c ,tKAT;ee;Jc-;ivcoLii,ti..c.A and lests bv those who found iL easier to -v r,i i in liiij j.ixi3K3i31 li iii i f r.ii i -i 1st r niur. i m . jnffnf 10'nnO eoniesof tht nnmnlilpt. on I . r u.?l Jfi.jJS.il ...j I adont an 'old error thnn to stiidv n new I thev Considered, what One, tWO. Or tlllfC r-ts"" fi"".-; rr.wr. .uv ...j.. 1 oi i.epre&cntaijve i uavnijj aireat4.Vpasseu i r i ' . . "v - i - . . . . - . - - . ! Committee, on Agriculture, for the print- nph was taKen up the Senate bv a vote of 74 toltili science ; and to found political combina- O. The Massachusetts (ilnttfiM The tions upon sectional interests, tlian to ac- recklessly, Causelessly, perfidiously, and therefore inhumanly, cast helpless arid destitute upon the icy bosom of the world ; the Manufacture of Silk, and the. children and grand children of f for consideration, when Judge CirASE and Commodore Barney f Mr Spencer addre are; poverty stricken upon the soil which support of the propositior owes ;ts ireedom and tertihty, in part, to .to the objections which 1 ' - i -. --. ..'.if . VM- U meir heroic patriotism. - . opposition to it. lie gave some facts to the Militia, during, the wardf 19Ur 15, feir, 1 would be unworthy jthe Mlg of an show the superiority of the American which passed the Senate some' im ago, . American matron, or an American wife, Silk over that of foreign production, and nasspd thp House of Renrpspiita'S hv f I 4id not vindicate his, and my chil- j the preference which had been jivjen to it vote of 86 to 12 . I : 10. rPublic Lands, The bOT? which j . ' pl. i : .. . . 7. Louitille and Portland W$kal.-- f.riul agents mat are at worn lor their re rru- t.:ii -(U.:: J c.u I lief. Firstlin rmintofpffiripnrv i'thpnrpKe. . 1 . .n -R . . T mn .w 1 " 1 i:r I in the minima of tnstiOP. frenutntlV eufor- snption tf the otockotthe Lou svaie and " "1"Jr '"u crru, um n uim uiuusvs j, -""V rf " ;h passed me Senate wmi au mieuigeni, an eauca- ""J " ,vw.. . -b- menace is unwise, utwiwc i. w uci ally inaffecutal; and of all menaces, tliat strikes at the existence ol the Ln the most irritating. Have those thus rashly use it, who endeavor to liarize the people. to the idea, have themselves, ever done what they re commend? Have they calculated, have PortljinVCanal-whif h nnsl Uti in the second 'from foreign materials, which was read a Some tie ago, passed the Houtf Re- Ppl?, such as ours, these last will ul and the glo- :first and second time, and orderfed to be presentitives by a vote of 79ltooJ timately prevail. Political economy was r tpstimoriv lpnorn!c;Pfl fnr n tliirrt rrnrlinnr tn.mnrrrnr -- - fry 7 .M J r--ir.- 'it! iSHO.l J but Iatplv with na ronir?rpr? nc o c'f'tonna nous 12th of September bears testimony engrossed for a third" reading rto-morrow, I 'g. t-Frederick and Rockqittiffioad. but lately with us considered as a science; which . to Iris unshtfken intrepidity.!; .A wife, a bfter an unsuccessful effort bv Mrl Invin 1 tuJuu 0,ithAn,;n c.,KJl;.rt tnA a false, but specious, arid now exploded I ion is usband, thus deprived; a family of chil- bf Ohio to lav the bill on the table. Cfi W.inn r,,i tVoIl-.,- I policy, usurped its place. under the imno-1 who uren drawing meir existence from this dou- f The resolution reported by Mr. Am- n;t p Road Comnanv (the onlVcient S1D tllle of "ie American system. The I lami ble revolutionary fountiairj, ' you have rhrose Spencer, some time since from the i;t ;n Ponrl fi-orn xvintohij tho true science was the subiect of idle sneers they, ssed the House in Ml nrovidinff for the adiustmef&& riart Kmre popularity on the broad basis of the 1, and in reply 0f the" long contesed claim pfjliefState general good. .These doctrines are in a had been stated m Qf Massachusetts for services' refidpfed hv course ot exammation ; they cannot stand I - 1 II T."- J I the test of theory, still less of practice. oir, the professor is in his chair: the press States would be, disjoined from the rest T Are they sure they would not be disjoint ed themselves! That parts of any State, which might try the hazardous experi ment, might not prefer their allegiance to the whole I Even if civil war should be the coriscqucncV of such disunion an dren s wrongs. In this happy' land, panoply of liberty protects all without dis tinction of age or : sex. In j the ; severity practised towards my husband, (confessed ''. ly without cause,) you have injured me and my children -you have grievously in in- the py the best assayed in France. He fcisieu iiitji-eiure, on xne propriety ;oi aid ing tlie production of silk in this country. He modified the resolution so as to read as follows: I i: is at work ! and a powerful but 4emorali- exemption of which 1 carmot conceive zing agent is demonstrating the truth of me possibility wnat musi oe me state ox their science. The smuggler is abroad had passed the Senate for grading the his boats jand cutters are in all tmr bays, : .fL. n..u:. t.-j. and inlets and rivprs. and th.( Atlnnt;. . tn nek nt tho t-'urili I onns nraoTwr1 im and lost, by a vote to lay it on jthej table. Of EXTRACT mmm FROM ME. LIVINGSTON S 'a j ins the same on the culture " : " T 7 v tT inrs of the people, in such a Government thought itscll- w . . i wrnipiinnc ri ir riorm mvon r t t nm.i k'iiam iiw $m . icture -bf Silk, and the like . s . - n.V.uw as ours, are enlisted against the law, von may be of copies of Essays on American - L.' j . L J.R cannot execute them : and this b one of diQg CO Messrs. Peter S.Du Ponceau and T Pl"urT the worst consequences of the restrictive mention of it, , , . , i i i stances erroneous, ana in ine nii'nasi ae- , ,, i ji u xiomergue, recemiy sunmiueo, - tt: ' Ari'- system an unavoioaDie conseauence. I ucuaics I ?i H 1. .111 wmuiua H tt .J: J-J " ' f i I Jxespwea, tnat six thousand copies them without achieving any .corres- the report of the Committee on Agricul pohdent good toiridividuals, jto yourcouii- Jure made to this House oii .tlie 12th day try, or'vbiirself. " Silence, therefore. Would I bf March last, with the comrriurncation be criminalcven in me ; and when the j accompany hdnest and resular feehriss of this court- sand inanuf; try, (who cannot be long deluded) shall number havebepn restored , and when party frenzy Silk by uiai poison to our national nappiness, 11- uonn , berties arid honor, shall have subsided, I be printed for the use' of this House. have no doubt that the exterminating sys- Mr. Haynes moved to lay the resolu tem of "Reform" will be regarded'as the jtion on,the table, AyeS 71 .Noes greatest tyranny, though nowmasked un- Y Mr.T Polk, then rose to address the der specious .names, and executed with Jlouse, when the Speaker announced the some of the formalities of patriotism and hour had elapsed. .. ,' I oi , npeny. it is possmie mis commum-jt uhijai, inay -jz; . ! j. - -- Tl J -----, - r i i 1 . it vans m an important section ot tne fuon n TPtnolo. xrlir until uniir hoH rvljrtr ron. hSPVPrn nr,.t imiinmnnr flutiPC on imVinrt c l . . . j . , . - , J i i l .1 ? . V its lanmiage is too loud, too decist', too .sons io love ner country , wm ne rarcie. w as io, ou vne 4on.ipr its tnira reaa- got to have been 'heM -and j-iu-vy" -"utivc , f8.. U heard with the deepest concept 't has wisp, and your inclination corresponds thonzmga subscription . - of stock m the yready been ore than Once alluded to nMVjr.rc,,. nave siiii Ail.C r"""". ."J"-t" vpexuj , i,L tpm of SPVPrpktvOi,rP plr, SPKinley was ordered to lie flable, by a vyte of 21 to 19. ! The House of Representatives were oc- cuDied during the morning hour, and inlets, and rivers, and the 'Atlantic: his canoes are on your lakes; he is lurk ing in thq woods of your frontiers and pre-1 sently, Sir, when your oppressivelaws have become unpopular, he will come ia at noon day, in defiance of them. such detached parts of the mighty whole? Dependence on forign alliances for pro tection against brothers and friends; de gradation in the scale of nations; dispos ed of by the protocols of allied monaxchf to one of their dependents, like the de fencless Greeks. ' Butl will not enlarge on this topic, so fruitful of the most a p- "V.. ? fTt i t -i-v .1 'X uuiiiuuvuttuw, vi uiciu. luuniivseize. x pese oeing my-aeuoeraie p.pns on . Drosecute . but whpn f f . - paUinff apprehcnsions-Disunion : the' the means by which kt effected its frightful and degra- nsequences the ideai the very ought to banished from our Oaths are 'disregarded, evasions of law considered as proofs of genius, and the agent oir captain who has the most address in defeating the officers af the customs, is L. .1 ' . l i w sure iu ue iiuc mosi employed. iet one from our minds. God deliver us from, this worst, .this greatest evil.- AU others we can resist and overcome ; en croachments on individual or State rights cannot under our representative govern ment be long or. oppressively persevered in. who doubts this, look back to the times of There are legitimate and effectual means of repairing the injury you have clone. 1 am, Sir, your obedient serv t. . ; t t ' MAltY BARNEY. gree dangerous to : the union ,;U tn duty to my place and to my counti?o say sq. ( Having done this, I oughijphaps to stop. But, Sir, I dare not ! H dtre not stifle! the .expression of appreliejisions, which have iastened upon my nijnjN :Ja "SSI Znm IT non-Intercourse and embargo. How V correct any palpable infraction bf our The bill "in alteration of the ! " ,l7nKS . many vessels, bound from Charleston or Constitution. Try theni all before re imposing duties on imports- J?1 New Orleans to New York, blown by ir- course is had to the menace of this worst cf nsistible gales from Sandy Hook to Liver- cv"s. Uut when an honest difference ex pool; how many false log books, how ma- jsts surely such extreme means or argu ny perjured protests, how many acquitals mcnts ought not to be resorted to. Let, against evidence; presenting a mass of he cry of unconstitutional oppression be perjury, fraud, and combination to defeat justly raised within these walls, and itwiU the laws perpetrated bv men in everv oth- he heard abroad it will be examined: . . . . . J- '1 .L.' . .1 IJ erview respectable, hut who have become !"c pcopie are imeuigent, me peopie are on the CONGRESS. TWEWTX-F1R3-T CONGRESS... l.....FjRST 5 ESS ION. j . THURSDAY, May 20. Senate. On hibtion of Mr. Hayne, the bill for the relief oft widows and or phans of the officers, seamen , aud ma rines of the U. S. Schr. LVild Cat was read the second time, considered in com mittee of the whole, and, it beinig amend ed, the amendment being . concurred in, and the bill ordered to be engrossed ibra third reading. ',' - f T .Jpn ;' motion of Mr. Grundy,-the . Senate resumed the resolution, submitted 'by Mr. root on the oOth December last, m m the consideration of tile-' resolution reported )y Mr. Ambrose Spencer, to print 1 6,000 popies of the Veport of the committee on Agriculture', iand Mr. Dubonceau's and JNln L. Handrdrie's work on Silk". The pour expired petore the ; discussion was concluded, after ail unsuccessful motion o lay the resqliition on the table, byJMr. fJhilton. The :' residue of the day, was Occupied in the consideration of private bills. : !', . ' ''' "--4":" . . J MONDAY, May 24th. :nate. Much time was spent on the bill to, secure the faithful collection and disbursement of the revenue 1 shall not assume that tone, .1 .1 .1 ! 1 J cannot out oepneate ine ngnt; marwer m which the greatest evil .that canj b1al us, is spoken of, as if it was an eyerjr- ay oc currence, j. Arguments for and agastthe dissolution of the Union, are caiysed in the7 public papers ; form the toplip : din ner speeches ; are condensed into Roasts, and treated in every respect as &it were "a knot of policy that might bei familiar as a garter. Sir, it s ttirdian knot, that can be severed only by The band cannot be unloosed wet with thehlood of brothers. therefore, conscientiously, be 'si .humbly as I think of my influencliv cl-fpow word. until it i nnoti enand, contaminated by the corrupt influence of jU6t in lime these characteristics must these demoralizing laws. In every coun- iavc effect on their Representatives, try in the world, high duties have been de- ut lhe cry of danger to the Union be feated by illicit trade ; it is inevitable ; no heard, and it will be echoed from the cause is more certain of producing its ef- jWnite to the Rocky Mountains ; every feet ; it will be so forever. If the morals patriotic heart will beat high with indig- ofthe country are correct, it will corrupt nation; every hand will draw a sword ia them. If the frontier is small and guard- fts defence. tet the partizans on either ed, the officers will be bribed ; if it is ex- f lde of lhis argument b assured, that this tehsive, their vigilance will be avoided. Ifj France with 130,000 men, and Eng land with a fleet of revenue cutters, cannot prevent it, wnarcan oe expected trom our ers of persuasion, 1 should !fel!iVself hifignificantreyenue force, on a coast of miihv if thpV won. not PTPrt &A uuuiAuwmues bdq an .miand'iron- .ctiuecuou .aim tion to both parties in this eventful con- ox me 5ame exxentt. Ahee u ue, and to dis- trbteiw.lThe tariff tatheprbm will disgust those for whose exclusiv was still junder .at xciteg the disconteW!uft6me system was intended with its o tion to future suireys and sales of the pub- Pace defaulters, which lie lands ; when Mr. Robbins rose and adr cosnideration at the adjc ournment. dressed the Senate at considcrlible length. House; The bill reporteiPyesterday, for reducing the duty on Saltv being read third time. j.f -; Mr. King of New York, moved that the bill . be committed to ? the committee of ' the whole House. i :f Mr. M'Duffie opposed this . course, as merely going to produce delay and a de feat of the bill, which if there was a ma- house. . l ne resolution ottered by Mr. Ambrose Spencer, to print 5,000 copies pf the report of the Committee on Agricul-; tibn, and at the same time, convince people will not submit to consolidation, nor suffer disunion, and that their good sense will detect the fallacy of argu ments which lead to either. , Sir, I have done. . I hare tittered the sincere, dictates of my judgement, on to pics closely connected, with our dearest in terest. I have, because it was mv duty. opera-J tittered them freely-without reserve, but ce the Ijhope without offence; with' the respect causes e use ance that excites the discontents! ii a i l.. i U1 uuutlu kJlolCB PTOliy nl . i . .. ... . J.. ? .i " in South Carolina. It is denoiiid as f"Pie oi its injustice, it is possible, al- H;T i .nioine" unconstitutional, injurious tdl tfcewhole that "the improvements in machinery, h a becoming diffidence of my own. -i..r.i. .i .T -t and the comnctition fostprwl hv the nro- It would be a cause of ereat rerrret if I :i . m ' . o-ii uoumry, rumous u ine isouin, antilDene- - . . . j i i, . . , . , . o - L 1 ' inteVest the n, may reduce the price of some of ?nould have : misapprehended tbejenden- opted. i The House then resumed the Nortbrarm East. Mv sentiment thi domestic articles, so as materially to W of any of the doctnnes of which I hax consideration of the Indian bill "which led to a long and animated discussion. 5 From the National Intelligencer of June l.J OLOSE OF THE SESSION n North and East. My sentiments jd this subject may be expressed inTery fe words. a decided convert to tne iree traas. sys- tem, I think it may be departed fiirm in the few cases in which testneubni "may jUf 06 t Yesterday at 10 O'clock, terminated the bemused, with the hope of proilucirl a re- P?' m the confidence of private corres- -Zt'rni K4r '-fiJ ponaence, the venerable JeBerson, in a I acted on immediately to enectits nassare Irress. I i - : I Power. I therefore beheve the j ftresent Womeut of warmth and irntatton said, that .i ' .-' '-.! r - P O--Ji ,':u-.u.t ji i j Jr.Ll-y : I 'TOU miPhl uns.sessiuu. , j catuiuuj nu me uim uufciiiefcs-uay ui uiriu unvibe, unequal, anu upprejve ' in Nr. Ingersoll moved that tlie Commit- he present Session of Congress ; that is, its operations, but I cannot think gt un tee of the wfaole, be instructed to amdend the last day on which any bill could pass constiutional. And 1 consider dnrof its tlie bill," by adding thereto the followm 2 either House And on no day, probably, worst consequences to be, that Hiien it lessen the evil. , spoken. It would have been a greater, if. But, if these should fail, I cannot but thinking of them as 1 do, .. I had omitcd place great reliance on an address to tlie anim ad versions which I thought their justice ef, the nation, and do not believe . consequence required. ; 1 jou might as well reason with the mar- Genuemea have noken.' wkh Datriotic entlinL. wn, of the consolation thej would roreiTe al their last momenta, in aeeinr the flax of iheir rovntrv display to tbeir djin erea its emblems of uiion aa giorj. a oe penoa -wnen mine must t closed - ble columns which surround them," that " Kl " n . i . .T" ,of mT hi uttered the cool dictates it hi judg- Z'tllTS menu No, Su ! he had a higher idea of prosperity long after the distant. I h4t.tK rAm. BVUUH1VM W 1, S'iSU" l L' . . J I ; section; vrrom and alter .the aoth Sep- in the tiistory ot Congress, have so; many has been long persisted in,' an,d coiisider- j""1 wuwwumuuiMii.wu tember, 1830, the duty on Molasses, shall questions of interest (whose fate Was doubt- ed as theT settled policy of-the! nat?Sn, so A" " 5e iiKe inis, on tne importance hend be five cents pef gallon, and no more, and ful-up- to the moment of their passage) j much fmrn onAfhftpr that timp- a 1rlraWKiL- K 1 Wih rlfrinlprl- Trip T?rpviona 1 OnpRtion I ponntrv nlloirpd on all smrits distilled In tKU Was frpplv wsftd : and both Hohsps sat. failures nrotpr.tpd 1W It. as to mtffi it a uliU.uuu uai aDa sustain me aome uj.r - r : : " I : : j t i . i . v - ... T, . Worthless heaps of unconnec- lay. t ; hey, may not produce greater evil The bill up- whole nation than the benefit to bexpec day, when the laat of theae fconcnhle men baTe tuuAhed Li useful career!. Ieaaappre- ofthe capital and populatioy of the f tb Union his gemus would have drawn them haU qnit the i .U70M. y may be employed, in the nanu- a .Cerent illustration from those which -These hopes dedi uMfctertioMcfae. J J , i J. . J iVV MIT-round1 no an c.cta n triAnmA finder UTO'End enlightened Utmtitm fr n.mmmr, tVA WkUW,A SMi ' - sv-s V Mi portation thereof, to any foreign country. the same as wasllowed before the taritF of 19th May, 1828. The interior columns of the Capitol are of al i- Tn - . . . 1 Union: Inee itm. rm tk rr country from foreign molasses, on the ex. ith litUe interraption, from ten o'cloqk matter of serious calculation! whher a w.mc w. Grate. . wnaxweretney cri- ydey , . v i i i . . m adi i j man w nnn oca nPHiw 111 1 1 nmn rttr" it. i . in tne mornms oi aaturaav to tour or nve sudden and total abandonment oi aie po- c" J , r . .. , i : f j o'clock in the morning of Sunday. " licy, may not produce g 1. 1 he Colonial 1 rade. 1 he bill up- whole nation than the benefit to bempec- beautiful maitle. com nosed of varirated rjehhlo. Yerk. and confirm . : . :11 ZZ .C ' Mr. Tucker, for the purpose Of bring-1 on, this subject which passed the House of ted from throwing open the tradel ff With I wited by a native calcareous cement. J vote of the Vice President ba to of the Sen Tbe Senate hare of M. II. Noah, to be 8arreyof for the port of N. Mcl if It 'ie X ' ,ltoi , frac I Cj tiu h! ' t f f I I t I i 1 tors being 23 to 23. ' M'lV -