...i '. ' in I I TTTK NORTH CAROLINA SPECTATOR ATT) WE STERN ADVERTISER. 67 : t . 1-1 i -'J ! f THE SPECTATOR. A RUTHERFORD TON, . FRIPAY MORNING, JUNE 11,(1830. (TpWe are authorised io announce Dr. John Tr I'vTtpr f a candidate to represent the County of Rutherford, in the Senate, at the nextSession of the Legislature. ' . . .. 1 . ; . rrrWe are authorised to' announce the name of Robekt McAfee, fcso.. as a canaiuaie jur uiesai i'rases of his fellow citizens, io represent this conn- ty m therfiouse ot commons, ai uie euauuig .rec Uon for members of the General Assembly. rrf We are authorised to announce Got. Wm Carso.n, as a candidate for the office of Sheriff for this County.. . - ,'. ' - Oar readers will pardon us for the absence of many articles of domestic intelligence, .which we have omitted, tolnake room for MrsJ Barney's let ter and the extract from Mr. Livingston's Speech, on the great Constitutional question, which cannot - faitlo intererestour readers.' jWehave given Mrs Barney's letter as we found it, not vouchingjbrher statements, as being entirely correct and without prejudice with regard o General Jackson's course toward .her husband, in his removal from office. "Murder will out." The Gardner, Maine, Chron-. ferrugenous sand, universally admittvB as icle, gives an account of certain disclosures of crim-rj the gangue pf the precious metals and pre- inalacts and intentions, made by a young man, on I CiOUS Stones. his deathbed, in Litchfield by the. name of Ed-1 "' . mund Williams, aged 18 or 20 years. It appears Appearances seem to justify the supo thatij arthe prospectof his recovery became smak- sition, that an immense torrent of auife- -.Ki . i j:. - .1 ' I : l il ' m." I pi au uuatuuumuuic uicuiiu uiaucoa picjcuujivm I riOUS-IUVa,: ai IX gicav ucgicc UI ueaif W.US nim untn at length he declared, that he could not projected trom the DOWeiS ot thej eartti to leave the world in peace until he had made certain wards the westward, or south-westeifi part disclosures in which he had been concerned in com- .of this region, and meeting re'sistiirice! from piny wiUi two ethers, relatives, living in the same the structure of rock, composing the jow towii, named Levi Williams and Isaac Arno. This er part 6f its formation, passed ilonil'iin- crimiiial trio had committed several robberies der it in an eastern or rather northea; di- broken stores and done many acts of yiolence They had formed a plan of entering the house an old gentleman named i Robert Patten Esq. Litchfield, whom they supposed to be possessed The Season., Every kihd of-vegetation in this oeighborhood, at present we,ars a fine' and growin appearance, l ne corn and cotton looks uncom moniy well, and for many years the wheat and a kindspfsmall grain have never given more flatter ' ing hopes to the husbandman. ; The weather has been fine and serene, except from sthe 23d to the r 25th of May , When we hadafew-flays of rainy cold vweathec. A very Budilen change took place , oa Monday last, when the thermometer, fell . from 85 to 63 degs. du'ring the afternoon;' and j " on. Tuesday the weather was unasually cold, thef i tnermomeier ranging m me warmer part pi day, jiot more than about 70, while in the moniin '. and evening "the blazing fire" felt quite comfor- :'. table. : '' ! rectidn, raising it up to a considerable de nr gree, and sending up streams throuirUthe of fissures and rents made in the rockjby its heavings, with sufficient force tol reach the n,Aaa rrinn aA ..- m sunace, auuuiuciimcs.imuwinjr un coil- , ., . j r . i i siderablex portions ot the rock itself, m the ancLfamily, if necessary, and after securing the mo-1 " j u- , i . l ney,toset fire to the house. They hadprepared m- -p - ""t"'jy . . ! . i . ; J . - L rentsat their base. The former ofi these lucuieniB necessary, ior entering me nouse logeiu- u u- , ,-. , er vith instruments of death long knives or dag-1 . , r- -L - ' j', i . I PAmnnoniM kn train minuc r r-i l.A gera attached to handles of several feet in length, iT - f& ,, , t .. 5 b awu , v ' 1 what are called the deposite miaes of ;sr old, u. TrZLi Z-rCZ wund-at tne foot of tne hUl .ai. centred tneir ick, and the business was postponed to await his i ; he vein mines commonlv hnnehr in 1 ;i l 1- i! r,- ..' State of No rtli Carolina, llavicood Count u. Snperior Court of Equity Spring Term. iniormaiioa uira dt the Attomy fienfTalF Romulus M. Saatider?, Attorney General, i ! r- J Margaret Lattimer, ' Jam a Lettimer, l.lizabeth Lauimer, and intimately mixed together, and the gold is in) finer particles and more universally dis- seminaicu among the whole mass, all ot which-seera to indicate that the commo tions which produced tliem were less vio lent aud of shorter continuance and. the lava more rapid in cooling. x in tne neighborhood of these veins, and sometimes at a considerable distance from where any have been discovered, I haveMr6arel'LtttfmJ- trequentlybsen-ed volcanic slugs, and jThf. Kie', sometimes considerable portions of this la- reward C. Uale va which from their isolated state seemed Sarah Dale, and to have been thrown through the air. I !. !jf Dale have never examined any of tW, which ia LaulmeT'' 1 did no nnd aunterous, but most, com- Marearet Lattimer, monly they were slightly so, and the cold Henry Lattimer, and in very fine particles. It teems probable, that, during these irruptions, considerable quantities of lluid matter were sometimes thrown into the air, and that the gradual diminution of their projectile force misht be favorable to the aggregat ion of the prin- cipui part xxco ."'"nauH; , aim uiu ay they werHo the occupancy of the Cherokee ln- perhaps account tor the most considerable diand, aud cMituted a part of their territory. '2. lumns oi iroia oeinir lounci aior near t ie " "imam tauican ana cwj- . 0 O - - I Mff tkAfl 1 - art of the gold tlilV contained Info "dponeolfewinjt iejiMnt ofconsiderable 6,ze; and this may ySZZ&wwZoi I Uii Slate, in Sed'tnce to a resolution of the Le Et(4ali)re, praym 'that two prant for 4:tTi. a ere of land each, lying in A coaniie of M nr on and I 1st wood, 'maul to on Kntxie. made in the county of Buncombe," bv William Cathcart aii ted an, aud which pants are( in the . name of Wilhvn'Catit cart. and beirrs date oq die 2fnh cf Jufy 17W, X may be vacated. notif ied and revoked, and de clared ahaolutelv roid. The Iafonnation 'clcrpet that tbew rrenvt wore fraudulently, irregularly and illegally obtaiued up- , 4n untrue urestion. and in direct coutraTtotioa ' if the Actsof AffMmblr.toochinf the m term r .var ying and granting of land, which alleatioais of facta? . wereentarcii - I Jannei Lattimer. recovery; but growing worse heas constramed oblong slips, ,their . longiUidin'al ' dh&tion vu T. " . -j. oearuig 10 me east oi norm, and cbfres- deith. Warrants have been issued for the appre- ponding with the direction of$e vel?is of hension of Levi Willianis and Isaac Arno, but they rock throughout the country ; an4 itbey effected a seasonableKecape, and it is not now commonly rise to the .surface ffroij the known where they are j Previous ,ta the diqclo- west, in an angle of about . fbrtyVfivl de- suresbfthe deceased Williams, we do not learn that grees,but frequently appear diverVd from anj suspicions of crime was attached to themv this, which seem to change their i'tural They were farmers. - . t course, by some obstruction iq theu 1 pas- Only a small part of these streams, Suicide. On Friday the 4th instMr. John Smal- . ley of Brackeltown, Burke Tunty, committed su icide by hanging himself with hickory bark across the limb of a tree in the7 woods, x The circumstan ces aa 'related to us by the Coroner were, that the deceased had forborne years suffered from a brui Bed knee, which had affected his whole nervous 'vyaivia. zvi suine vvtteKs pusi u nau Deen ODser v,cd that 'he appeared etrange and melancholy at timesi butnot till about a week before.his death. did The Gold Mines. We have noticed several pub sage. surface aud unconnected with any mine. th5-tM 1 Thatnrt CTeri TC clUzta But - in all cases whatever throughout the of the Raid lands. previooMo obumin- the jmmtx, . whole of this-region, the gold is found in and that Johhua Williama, vcvgneiihopltsm irregular and indeterminate fornis, and ap- rviy ? 3 I V- lP""Uf ; D i .. .. .. I iam Cathcart. and directly mtererterSkth rrint pears as n u naa been tiirown into small 4j TkaUhe entries contain no definite djpticn, crevices or among sand, while in a fluid! of the land entered, are deceptive in thU fartica- OlUlUa i tat auu uiwiiui u luurirnc. s. mat LUJC crinl . .The'similarity of the lava'' composing de.t0 U ,U"ra Cathcart nfow irreffulary the gold ore in all the mines melius re- include more than 640 acre-, each. nd thai seta- . not made of the land mentioned That no taxes have been paid or Stato Goternmeats irom rhe I IT'; In thA var lTT r.n l.nif. and by One great commotion of nature. that on the contrary, the said William Cathcart, by The deposite mines may doubtlessly be himlf or UU agent, in the rear 1790tarmd that gion, both in point of.age and composi- rate 6urveys were tiou affords a strong evidence, that thpv I in each entry. 7. ..ii i,f : to the General 1 1 r I I i f ' . hcations deprecating the pursuits of mmmgfor the v hpn nnIv nn hiia jftna an precious metals, as tendmg to retard the prosperity number of others mav irenemlW hk&lA and advancement :of the country in the arts, public near at ditferent depths, as if the Is- liinnivwpnriorits iinrl tHo mnrnl hannmaiig nfttia'nin. I ' . iL: 1 ! 1 1 1 1 - i J ' p.; r- ....j.waaw. r-" ures inrougu which iney Durnt weremace v4; These ill boding prophets, in the height of at diflerent periods of this trreat dommo- ,i : ' lit . l . i 'I. - tJ . K f - taeir iears, noia up me picture oi tne preseni jCon- tion, and the lava sent up with diuererit diaon ot fepain, jjiexico and the states ot putn j degrees ot forcer " ' j j; S the effect of the gold mines -that the grovelling veins appear to be of the same' a& atid, employment of searching for the precious metals although at a distance tVpnv" acli pother, servedto debase the mind and destrov the princi- thev often exhibit someTshadea of'&iiRer- pies of patriotism and liberty. But what are the ence, perhaps fromchemical or acciden- a Iarge horizontal stratum, which lies un- irTw ordered bv the Court that a ennr of thU'Tn. facts. 3Iav we'not rather attribute it to the des- tal causes : they are nevertheesd-essen.4 derueath the 'rock composing the, lower Jl formation beerved upon the said John Brown, may r11 Ui luu eiil iuriirctuuii,wuicii uus iH.fii I ru a, wm ti.r La tracer! to imfnenee herls - lindprnentli ilie 1 the said lands were exempt from taxation upon the UJtiuU. ahUoughitmaybeccn. g& 'T"" ly. probable, that upon the cooling of these f The Information further charges and the fact is beds and the pressure of the hills the coll- verified by affidavit, that the aaid William Cath- nections between them and the deposite, cart was a citizen of Pennsylvania, andibcU ctf , i . i 1 i.i to be dead, and that one John Brown, aa a-cct)f may be nearly or quite destroyed, and the .he defendant whft fcm r!li,-M ftr p.u upper surface of the beds be found much has in their trnme commenced suits in Ejectmewt. lower than any part of the denosite. I against divera citizen of thia State in the Circait The vein mines seem to be derived from ,VUT f"" oir unmet. ioru i a new mciuaea in uie saia pianuu fiy& ia.iuuj.t:uiirruuu iears oi nis suiciaai lmenuons, wnen oe expressed nimsell to his tamuy, th.U, "be fore a we'etmore hadrolled round, he should stand a monument to the heavens and the earth'." A lit- tie son was nowengaged to accompany him and watch hia movements. ' All noticed his melancho lynd .drooping appearance, 'at times which con firmed their worst suspicion. ' On Friday mention ed, he visited one of the gold mines not far distant from his house. accompanied by his little son. - About sun down,; theyset put on theirreturn home when they had proceeded-part of the way, he men tioned to his son that he yantedshim.''to go back to the mine and bring his pipe,Tthich he had forgot ten to bring along.'' The child returned to. the mine for the pipe, but not finding it, returned to the spot where he had left his father, but not find ing him; he spread the alarm at the mines, 'when all turned out in pursuit ' of the deceased. They continued the search untir about, midnight,.. with : torches and &c. in every direction ; but returned without finding the object of their pursuit. Early in the; morning, the search was renewed and a little before sun rise he yas, found hanging to the. prpjec- - ting limb of a treeOn the steep side of the- moun tain, and withhickory bark around his neck, dead Itjppearjktfiiat he had matured his plan cf escap ing the watchful eye of his sop, and under a false pretence 4ent him for his pipe'; in the meanwhile ie, turned into the thickets of the wood and pursue ed his vvdy to the side of the mountain, . Where he carried his fatal resolution into execution in the man ner described. The deceased, was about fifty years of age, and has left a large family of children i. The Coroner's Inquest was held oyer the body : of the deceased on Saturday, who gave a verdict of )! ' Suicide by haikriver." r C -i iL:. . U nnn:.: I tiallu- C( tVio camo inmnncilinn t ntn'A kiid ignorance of .ute people, fixed and cnfirined be considered as a cellula or porcju) lava derived. That this stratum is of. great -- by the shackles of the Papal religion which! has the most prominent ingredients of jwlnch tnicMicss ana extent ana likewise very ncn National Gazette, of Pbiladdphii, that the a:d LL r- . , are niifirt. irnn nnt snlnhi'ir. hut nr intor. in this precious metal, is apparent from deiVndanU appear at the next term of this Cocrt. uuug-aDow uwm ior cenraiww; me an mcuoua too- . . . Ui . r : .u iaImM .t'W.vnill. nn th A 1 .v r i. . .1 . I mixen witn alinost everv known ' rnernl mc ticni caiciii ui wuuuy in iiicn ijitsc i . . v i J . "-- mg them of every power to improve the condition ?xea almost every Known neral. 6 J day after the, fourth Monday in September next. of their country, and encouraging nothing but lux ury by which they could'dissipate their vast resour ces than the corrupting influence But what have the people of this State United-State?,! to fear from the effects mines in this region ? Surely no evil. Under a wise and equal Goverment, and under raws which protect individual enterprisenot controul it ; a people active, intelligent and jealous of their rights and all striving to advance the greatness of the na tion in improvements and arts. ' Wherever 'indi- .They are always securely xokterjround veins abound, the quantity ot matter they ffi rVawerw di with yvhat is called talk or soapstcr to ; but contain and ttieir increased nchnefs the loon or the same will be taken . . . I J .1 i m I .1 1 . It . the raid loforma- proewftuo aad i . . . . i j . i . it i rr i .i'i- i i i . u. . . i. . .v a. i . . m. I ri iii T A t j nnir o m mi I nirciri via Tmni-ni.'p n o i m . v w r i m e .1,- .aa i iiiissuubiauctJNseema io ue pnricipai?y com-I "v,vrv iuntvi.. uutniajs , ui v. fiW. . f ,, . rtM , :1 i , nfthermstof fnrmntinn.roverinTtl,icstr:i- itneiw, Jorfioa Roberts, Clerk and Matter xT or of the " U. Pffiee..the second WedDeedafter of the rcold I -fr c a" . S lu vuicumc juricaf 11 oi " B-ri " "V the lourtb Monday of .March . 17 Cw w I T Hi a lovo onnonra -klATA aaa AH am.. KILL U12iu:t-S. ill 111 Iin.Cn IM' ill lit" Iiiilrf" lir IrSk I i n4 W7 rji w i;riir IITO W r iiiiikj & la La u niiL.ni 3 lu n k . a.iiraa ' . i iiiaiiiiw i m - a u a .: wwm iiiiiii.it -i . ri siderable rapidity, and the topoftlie veins diffibultjto penetrate, but its average thick- j CABINET. .FURNITUUC" . -I r to nave cooiea nrst, and in sucti a taanner "wajr 0uriua.u . uui itii iu ABINLT FURMTUBE of every descrir. as io nave anoraeu a passage jior gxnaia- pt'"v "w o"fc v1 w,v 1,11,3 i 1,w on, maae in . ine oest workmanlike style. ations trom the lower parts until tK5ir heat aeposue mines in me county ot liurKe. ed. Infollowinothesfveins?ii thVir That such an immense body of heated - - h - " - W .W1 I - . subsided. and of various kinds of wood, can be had -at riie Work hon nf the nuhcriher. in Athprill rtnn. these veinstln their Aliai BU" u" "umvuse uuuv t ntuicu. .. V. descent, the toprock, or that par&earest lava on?e existed, at no very -reat depth manv orur,C(-in hiji 0f bosine which bei ia Utdfezd reverY kioi, tofaf Indies' Work iShindt, ' Candle Stands, Wash Stand, l!ayharr, Cra'dlea and Cribs, Clipboards. Clock UaMMi iV Coffin. visual enterprise has been unshackled by Govern- Lhe surfacei iahvavs the most hSd and fro:n the surface, is farther corobc mental influence, success and an improvement in firnV and contains the most quarti. and is by the appearances of the ledges and qunr- SMeboardu, tiw nnnniTinn nt n n nrnnnn nna tbsvo haari thai i . " i i .11 f -. rios fiT rrir 1 ti in i nr nirri: rt iiuj sm 1 v .. uuv..v.uu v. ... iuvuuu, "u lunug uvl.u uiv, HCUUcUlIV 1 1 1 It. Illl 1XCQ Willi 1116 Willie aTSC- I limvwj Jt U V4 UilO Vl'UIIII consequence. Nor does; it matter much what oc- nite of iroir and sulphurite of different aD- bave frequently found the veins and fis reuses, Secretaries, and Ttook CaM.. cupatipn is' followed so lbng as it is productiveof j pearances. It is so poor in gold tat it is J sures these to exhibit traces of heated j liureaux of various kinds weaitn ana tending to add to the resources f the seldom il ever wrought. 1 - fg vapours auu exiiaiaiions naving passed i uuie, u nation-keeping all classes employed and cbnse- Qwin to the varietv of miAeTnlnd e. XhT0Hn them lrom underneath, and to be , 'D' Ta. qaentJy benefitting all. The effect produced on neciiallv ta the. nuantitv of snl Al.nr rnnt5n- c.ated over, in the same manner and with I tie,, . this section of the State has been favorable to the PA tn'thU lnvn it oo,to..tfv nntin tl,e same substance, as the smaller masses Having sencd a regular ppremiceJiip to 4 hiterest of the Armors a4 weU a, those.ngagd in decompositioil. The blact sSpfiurit! flava in the upper part of the vein mines. J;;? mining, in the ready sale of their produce, at high- of iron becomes converted iiAo tlielredox- . S 2 inslallcts 1 liac loundthe coatT tnre for stv,e and durability. cannot be fcurpae4 etprices than they have formerly obtained, and ide, and even the quartz itself bers eVi- inS to torm a black Porus nPtus of sevcr by any in the State. Thoe wUhing to purchase " tbattooinnmg'' Many whoseafiairs a dent marks of corrosion andMecay. This al !"ch?& 1,1 ""cknws, partially decompp- can ,be supplied on rcanableterm.. Ordersfrora 4 ti c tf - u u UKUA3 uiuuHwsjuu ai u.uaay. xius j considerably auriferous, but the a distance will be thankfully received and puac- yearsmce were m a state of embarrassment,. have process is however favorable to thj devel- Bt" a' u,,ucrau,y u"rirs D"1 le y fcttcnued to. ' " cllectedther,ii(WenfrcayurtS"fromtheirowdsoil, opement of the eold. whichfrom!t'SDuritv 1W- . V - T ALSO on hand and for&ale.ll hnr. i j i " . a iftnAkVkai a Kin ... . . a. . .a l i.. i - and made themselves independent and haobv.- is exempt from any chemica actGm and vl u u-iau.e nuniutr m iarKe nn or rel. of SUPERFIXE FLOUR." I. . ! I . . . - . 1 1... mountains, as they are sometimes called, which I have examined, I have never fail- Ana many mterpnsing adventurers who have en- uv oecomes .lmeraied lrom its Lf anmie. i- -.w '.-:' I. .-.I!-. A t. 1 .1 . ' i? gageqinrii, nave Deen rewarded witn a pientiiui, : m vvuai pcu luese streams cr veins golden harvest. At present, the mines whicji are first make their appearance it tli$surface Worked in this and-Burke counties,, produce jit the now for to the east, or rkthfl to the 1 1 V C( J l'l . kjf riorthpnet tli least caiuuiauon i.nuu uvvis. oer aiem.. or as.rnnii- --w, wunawiu.iaai iiwuu i . 1 east we are not so well acquainted, but should pre- m oouin Carolina to irgima,'Qrodgh- goIJd minei . : -same them to be still greater. We ask what eH ,ou th.e wole gion, which has t3en des- . can this n,ew source or wealth produce on: tho pros- h , " r,"'rr? lyuvMpipom iiiLjiiii-ftiUUiULitK, Verity Of this State? . I extent, cut, at the place where tuppose tkom jvs to kj. uicmiu coinuience, tne commotion oi tne Sanitise. KIA.A1. J 1. 31. . Set. a. . . . i 17 4w Ashcville. lune 7flP:U). SAMUEL ROGERS. ed to find volcanic slugs, scorive andoth- PUDLIC S A LIT OF HEAL ESTATE. ' er evidences ot their luvinonce inherited TfTMlK authority from the President and Di all the phenomena of volcanoes ; and the J rectors of the tstate Bank of North Carolina, r i uniformly bear 1 WI"on !na'H'l,ie 'V-j OI i 7, n J'libhc bqaarc, in the Town of Rutherfordton. - Uie 1 1 I Dwts. J , 85 -1 120 -1 ' ;240- : i-p 445 : :;.- 1 i i i . I. . i: , i The receipts of the mine worked bv Mr. Charles dnn, wnicn occasioned their existence,- Thursday. u:n oj n;n,j't:.:. .u; . Ll appears to'be the most violent: i And the r"day- i i ,A y . J Streams e.nnseniipntlv mnra frenuiint onrl aiuraa. inree. weens nave Deen as ioiiows : . Hands employed. Days. : - 6 ... i- '-.f- - 5 - - '-8 -: . - . .:; ; 8 . .' -: . 6 ; 22 : ;".:.'r 16; "Worth $356, and averaging 3$ dwts. per day? -"berve to awaKen enquuaea and stimulate to an in- vestigatloBofthe causes which have produced the , veposilea ot tne precious metals in this region. vf -lA Jen 'SWace Mnc. 1 A surface'mine has; late ly beeij disfeojered onnhe plantation : 0f Mr. iohn I VF Wniteaide Settlement, n this county; ;) which ms putchased last week by Messra J M'D. ' Carsoi and Jines Allen, for'$6,000. The mine x is. saw wy.iuu,.oiie personJiaYb collected with a lunple Aan the value of St2 in r.. streams consequently more frequent, and Sunday'' disgorged a greater portion of thr con- Monday. tents upon the surface wbich in sme pla- Tuesday, ces by subsequent decompositioiiyhas for- Wedn'y- med a 'rich and auriferous soil oflconsid- I. - - - , ::itr erable extent. The deposite mine as they are called, and which appear to liive 64'iair 74jfair ,e5fair 6(fair 7J.fair 'Jtiair 67jfair . 80,fair 02?air 70jfair S4(fair fMrain 6U fair . 75-fair . .-5 rain 45 fair 64cloudy jl fa.ir 45;fair 1,71 .fair 'A fair fTHJfair . ha.fair 8t':fair &0!fair C3Tair- 60 fair Wfair MARRIAGES. EXTRACT From Ubservations ,and Gold Mines i been I ,in H11? Cnmty. on Sunday evening lat, by R. PnmnA vxt u i A.. -C&i i I V- Wilson 1.8q. Mr. lolivar Davis to Mis9 Kath- iui iiicu J lata i;usiJiHii uui oujlic UUSC I j . ... - , i 'r.L u'n 4i p t p"'"0 JU6au uausiinri auubcs ioaan r.sq., anoi m thA hi k 9fP in tho virmitv nf tila nlono .l: ... . b 'VI T"! 1. : ! IJ t'l-" I I V. 1 T-k- . . . . , .xhcm; laner uiiues currespouu jpreciseiy " iorK uismci, cso. c;. a lew days since, Mr on the Gold Region with the gold mines, in the Iralltfd among James Randall of this county, to MUs Martha Wi of North Carolina, the Honkadoo hills, in the iiiteridf of Afri- ley Fthe former place- ' ' i. BY JOEL STRONG. Ca, described by Mungo Iarkfi At this I From the geological features cf thisjorr place, the lava likewise seems to tave been Yirk FSPFPTPiTf t v .Iz.-J . F wefnan,?? ?ndvW propose to-let the tion of country, it may ba considered of ionrer in cooling and Drobablv (f?om the LK Asheville and the MMc ZlwTt he Vl?" M"!f". if'1?": econaary,aimpciap&oi voiuami; iuriua commotions Ot the eartli, to I hayt? under- I uiiustii ai air. i aiton . ior me purpose oi I almost entirely confc-Dcted withoot enconntriii t on. i ne tocks are principally snicious gone some degree of agitation, while n a itarinnQhn u- Yr'Z . ? M ine .u w slate, sreeristone, quartz, feldspar, horn- nlacid .tate. ffvomhle to thl LiHh ViSL..9Lfl following tracts of land, owned by the Bank, and lying in the county of Rutherford, via : i 53 acres, oo 13 mad River, wnnerry the pre-" perty of Robert II. Taylor. 80 acres, formerly owed by Robert Harden. 700 acre9, in Creo River Cove, formerly ow ned by Richard Aln Ksq. 100 acre?, formerly owned by Jamea Lerasn. 270 acrpi, on the Road leading from. Rather. fordn to Morgantoa, formedj owned by Freder ick F. Alley. . Acreditwill be given, on all sums over one" han ded dollars, by the purchasers giving bonds with ipproved security. Terms will be more fully mcs Inown.and informaiion.aato the Tide gtfen, on the fay of sale. By ISAAC T. AVERT, Agent of the S. Bank of .V. Carolina, at Horgnnten, . Rutherfordton, May 22d", 1830. I5td ' ' . . p - viinviTJimvrvi II ,1.1 U UlVillil 1 rHE Commissioners of the Hickory Nat Gap Road, have lately marked off an alteration t a place known by the name of Paris . Cap, jutt elow Jay Freeman's; and, now propose to'iet the placid state, favorable to thd aeation hklonnInV i-t j i i i j:r . ; 1 a.feV . - r an examine ine ime oiguncuy maxaea loruieiow- meuu, peixusuca., uj .u wc, u. un- oi ine gold into larger paruqes. 5jin some rJ mmuna oi nis Dusiness, to merit a share of the hr side of ihe road, and make proposals mmde ferent varieties and modifications,but near- instances, and especially at jtheVdeposite pub!ic Pnase-. Unremitted attention will be yU)tbe Comraissionersarople time wUl te fr- lererl as ' thp !i . : , k ; I!n l0 compieie me worn, liona ami sooc seca 5 tjose that may favor him with their custom. y wiU be Veqn Wd ofthe contractor: and the -mo- rtZ Is almost 4 His Charges Will be mnHprat in rnmnnit with lliAlr :n i . ii - . i- 71 f ever the most abundant, and is found of wholly separated from the rest of he lava .hard times and scarcity of money. KTThe rob- hpportunities ofetxxlLc A for oioi5. at a Iewcre ' almost every color ; and from the softness and'appears in compact anal' ho&vgeribus J f.16,0.19 arrangementa to receive the eason 0rthe year, are few and far betvne make j .-i L lr rr i LL i6 .. I rniladelphia Fashions quarterly. JT n VAnr mind. nnLi. mA c. wk:i rfa no 9f steatile, or soapstone, to that of the masses rarely containing any gbl j pr bth tibst hard and silicious kind. The soils er substances. Passing from ffeis place have a red, a white, or a grey appearance, to the eastward, or rather nortlicastward, and are evidently formed by decomposi tion ; the former rivrites, the second slate, and the latter of sulphureted iron tents upon the surface. Thje and quartz, and often constitutes a dark; wise more, porous and its ingredients more Afiheville, June 7 1630. - 17 3w. NOTICE. m cawuu, r TV. iTi j A JIeeting of Rutherford Lyceum and Sod deposite mines have beei discovered, etyfor General Improvement wUl be belt . I A.1 . I principally oy uie. iron i and tne vein mines appear less numerous, at tne uourt House in of the softer species of and to have disgorged less of their con- Worday in June neit, for i-i I cere ior. uie ensuing Year. laiti is line- i held Rutherfordton, on the fourth (p your minds quickly, and fay what ou will do I for, as it must and will po boon. . JAMKS tiRAHAM. ? Uwwn- J - . "a . t . U1K.LT1JH I . siOHon. Junel.lKV). 1W as rnay be offered. May 10, 1230. WEIGHTS AND MEASUKES. the l.lection of the Offi-lnn II C subscriber havinr been re-appointed Try and each other TUKmess I JL the Court as 8TAJS DARU rvLl.rx.li, Tor . I a m a M w tpe scanty oi Knxnenora, is now rewj m -sxu&a 13t(2ic ,'b the duties of hkc See, ' 4 4 ) ' 701IN LOGAJL ill -