if y ' l: ' , I. : J ' . i ' i I' 70 ! THE NORTH CARO L I N A SP E C.T&T OR AN D WE STERN AD VERTI S E R. V- X if I V , ligence and public spirit of the American j of the Federal Government over it: assu- efitit is to be exercised, have not confer-1 Some time was spent in Executive busi- head, was pubhsed, some days since in people, furnishl a sure, guaranteethat, at ming the right to appropriate money, to red it, and-may ot be wilhngto content, ness. a resolution received irom meoui-i me xuassacnuseu s jouroai,anu oas Deen the proper time tbispolicy will be made aid m the construction of national works, It would seem .t&'me that an honest ap- er House, in relation to the compensation copied into several other papers. It turns oi omcers oi me marine curps, was pacu. um iu oe ue ionn oi a uccicc vt men on 'House. A message was received from I gin a ted in the fancy of the editor of a the 1 resident, announcing bis determin-i iaraccas paper. ation not to. sign the Maysville Road bill. to prevail underircumstances more aus-l to be warranted" by the cotemnoraneoiis I plication of the Conceded Dowers of the picious touits successful prosecution, thail and continued 'exposition of the Constitu- General Government to the advancement thoe which 'how exist. But) great as this tion, its insumciencjr for the . successful of the common weal, present a sufficient object undoubtedly is, it is not the only prosecution of them, must be admitted by scope to satisfy 1 reasonable ambition. uiiexwuicu ueiuaiius iuc lusicnug care oi I au cauuiu .iuw.ua. r xi wp uoii io usage iu i iirc.uuuuujr uju suppoacu iuipavnw he Government., The preservation and define the extent of the. right, .that will be bility of obtain jnpr amenoinent of the Con- success of the Republican principle rests found so variant, and embracing so much sUtution in this inspect, is, I firmly believe, with us. to elevate its character, and ex- that has Deen overruled, as to involve the in a great aesre i, Unrounded, x ne urae tend its influence, "rank among our most whole subject in great uncertainty, and to has never jet been; when the patriotism! time with closed doors, in consequence of important duties ;tand the oest means to render tne execution ot our respective du-1 ana intelligence ot the American peopic i a wmimuuitaugn xrom me xresiucui, iu accomplish this desirable end, are those ties in relation jto tt replete wim difficulty were not iully eualto the greatestejagen- reierence to our commercial relations witn winch wm rivet the attachment oi ourcit- ana embarrassment: it is in regard to cy, ana ir never am whtn tnesupiectcai- wcu ajiuiou. uch works, and -the acquisition of addi- ling forth their interposition is plainly pre-1 U bv the com na rati ve lightness bf their nnh- tiohal territorvl that thfi wactire ohtained sented to them'J To dn so with the aues-1 SENATE. A lie burdens, and by the attraction . which its first footing , In most, if not In all oth- tions involved ithblil), and to urge them from the House of Representatives, ai . me superior succegg oj us . present totue admiration the world; Through the : ruling and indulgent Providence. :tr ia blessed' ipnth. eral.prbsrifyand on the ground of usage! I priaions for le'rnaj -Improveinent and! passed in the House on Thursday too late our citizens exempted tronrine pressure i x nis suDject, has been oneot much, and the sysum'oi jptecmig auues.grg.Tiug iu ue cui iu me ceume on mai.uays - " of taxation, wWch other less favored por- I may add, painful reflection to me. It out of the anxiJes'of those more imme- among them the bill to reduce the duty on v tions of the human faniUyaro' obliged to has bearings that are well .calculated to diately intej-este.iri their success, has giv- salt; the bill to reduce the duty on molas bear; yet, it is tnie, that marly, of the tax- exert a powerful influence upon our hith- en rise to 6Uffgeltion which it is proper I ses, and to allow a drawback on spiritj tea collected from our citizens, through the erto prosperous system of government, and should notice oihis'becasion. Myopin- distilled from foreign .materials ; and the S . iaedium of imposts, have, for a consider- which on some accounts, may even excite ions on these sufcjectsnave never been con- bill to amend the acts regulatiDg the com- It was very long, and was ordered , to be w- ,A - nn r,n, printed. The reconsideration ofthebiU is ofv 7 J t- T. t c.a . .to i V xr-,;na catastrophe which occurred in Jessamin, a fixed on to-morrow at 12 oclock. Many bills ,5, nnr, c xtL , rm. xt Iew days since, on the person of jvirs. were acted upon. The House set a short it P ,tj-tr . . vwuweu, me wuc ui uic euciiu ui mat county. . The facts as detailed to us, are these, as circumstances of a strong nature prove. Mrs. Caldwell, an amiable wo man. who had been but a short time mar ried, in the absence of her husband, at- .FRIDAY,' May 28. resolution waff received , I tempted to chastise, as was supposed, a spent The Senate took a recess till se- mistress and strangled her most. cruelly with the rope. , She then laid her mistress in the bed, bound up her head with a handkerchief, placed some preparations by the bed 6ide as if for a sick person i and finally asserted that her mistress had died from her natural aflictions. But cir cumstances proved the facts in the case, and we Understand the woman awaits the doom which justice will afHict.' Hair. Ky. Watchtowcr. upon the laboring andrress -prosperous tessions ot zeal in the cause or internal on the latter cave trtquently placed : ' classes ot the community, beins imposed improvements.! lt:to le their friend is a opposition to irMivwuals as well as com- ness. , i.i r.i . i - i i ' i . I : . : . .. i 1 n . i r r j I i 1. . v on ine necessaries oi me, anu mis, ioo, yinue wmcn ueserves commenuauon, our i muiimcs, wnogciaims upon my mcuu-i icu u uiuun. , . " A gentleman recently brought" to Au- 1 1 in cases 'where the burden wasnot reliev-1 eountry is blesked with I an abundance of I ship anogratiMae 'are of the strongest I The House of Representatives rejected ,., iiauri,nn tw ir- ' ed by the consciousness, thai it would ul "timately contribute to make us indepen dent pf foreign nations for articles of prime necessity, by the encouragement of their growth and manufacture at homer. ' They have; been cheerfuUy borne, because they were thought to pe necessary to the sup- it ; for 1 do not suppose that there is an character; (uitrust there ibeennoth- the Maysville Road bill, which, in come- qUantit y 0f g0u amonc which was cnirf intelligent citizen who does not wish to ing in my uiU life which has exposed quence of the objections of the President, ' 2imp as found weiHun" 162 dwt. see them flourish. But though all are me to the suspicion of being thought ca- required two-thirds of the House to diss " to See them flourish. But though all are their friends, but few, I trust, are unmind ful of the means by which they should be promoted : none certainly are so degener ate as to desire their success at the me to the suspicion of being thought ca-1 requured two-thirds of the House to piss pable of sacrificing my views of duty ' to j it, the vote for the bill being 96,, and private considerations, nowever strongtney against it yu. xne nouse iook. a recess a d ' H ' . m 1 f . ft mm FOREIGN AND DOMESTIp quisition and maintenance of our national rights and liberties. But have we a right to calculate" oil the' same cheerful acqui escence, when it is known that the neces sity for their: continuance j would cease, may have bemr deep the regrets which from 3 till 5 o'clock. they are c4pa)l3 of exciting, v j From France. . Commercial letters from Alexandria, of February 2, sUte, that "air the measures of the Ejrvnfcan pected that the People of this country, necessary coincixion between ; it and the Government tend to nrove that the llmd i i.i fLJ ---j.ii.-i' i i.i:' : I c i. ..-i4.: vr.u . I . .......... . . . pcfuess oi lutur cousuiuuonui ouiiguiiuus i SYsieiu oi appruynauuua. . ju mc uuuira-1 Qf Uanada Will be incorporated with Tur at the cost port of Government, and the payment of of that sacred instrument, with the preser- me xieuis uiiavoiuuuiy mcurreu in me ac- vauon oi wmcn is wuissoniDiy Douna our j mesne inaquugiurea is airecieu 10 iia- Country s hopes. If diflerent impressions tional endsyit spall receive from me a tem- are entertained in any quarter ; '-if" it is ex- pera'te but teldy support. There is no John Campbell charged with the mur der of William Browning on the 6th of March last was committed to goal at An derson, tin Friday morning. He was, we are informed, taken by Capt. John Townes who had gone in pursuit of him, near tha Muscle Shoals on Tennessee river. ; Pendleton Messenger. I w t-re ii fiui iur irregular, uupruviueui, anu cipica ui ujc viiiun,butii CApeuiaiiuiis will ui iucu . utjicucuw; ujwu ctiuii- uiuci, herself insists upon the' determination, unequal appropriations of the pulic funds in tlie end be disappointed; or, if it be not is calculated, excite the prejudices contrary to the representations of her al- Will WAt Va lAiYnftrkl Oct lmnt 'hr t ll rK - aS Vine tkn m-wr ! s Visit- 1i4-4lv 4-. illA VftKlftrt; i AffQinct i aii uvi wivvpwuxv uvujouv, aj vub t tia? c i cv, uivu) iuu.wu, lilxj iui nuim uui nine iu I uuutiv; V-w uiuoi wwu. lui ii aq 1 ne In rplfltion t the Inir. IntpW rccfrl in ill prefer their local interest to There is no , doubt that Enand Tennessee, giving a right of occupancy. to any man whose wife had three or more children at a birth, oi 200 acres of land manv enorts on thp nnrt ot I lor each child- a memwr ot th lfrici.i. a right to do such a prudent system of hope from the) example of free -govern- mer is sustained on the grounds of its con- Count Cano d'lstriaa. to effect the nn. ture writes:-!"! wiU tk vou ih rrnsnn expenditure, ashWill paythe debts of the ment.- Whens an honest observance, of sistency with thf letter and spirit, of the cipafion of that Island, and which causes that prompted me to introduce that' law. Union, and authorize the reduction of ev- constitututional compacts cannot be oh- Constimn'on. gits being traced Jo the as- so many calamities to its unfortunate in- There are six women livm" in the district cry; tax, 10 as iuw a puiuj. as me wise ou- laiueu lruui servance of the necessity to protect that notbe antici portion of manufactures arid labor whose in which the prospenxy is essential to our national saie- u-om, ana irom wmcn so mucn was expec- on wmcn accou at, n is ax least enuuca w Islands, has always looked upon toe 1 have heard of three others in this State ty 'and;mdependenee:wUlallow U- Yfhen ted by the friends of liberty, may bebon- a fair experimScit: The suggestions to Count with a jealous eye, because duriag I who come within the provision of the law." ifcic uauuuiu ucui ia icuu, iu uuiics- uuuu I uuiifcu , ouu nit ucgiauiug uuiuj tuai uiau I " uivu m. uui .cliulv.uvu . i v-v.i v wu i 113 X IcSlQen Cy OVfcr vreeC he tiaS I) V BO I tiivsu wnmcuwcuu, way .? uuui r"" ? . . means appeared disposed to favor EngUsh An unfortunate YankcoT-tSostmacr - . - wmmuuiuw line ours, neea sem ox au me ponies 10 mc urigmai com- habitants, have checked rather than pro- that I represented that had three children ?ated elsewhere; and the cause compact, anjd ots having the support and moted h'is views. England, and moretar- at one birth, and one that had r.' all :re has been so much martyr- approbation of .majority of the people ; ticularlv the Govpmment of th of them noor. mvh,m I j - ' v wmmu i - - - -W'r fcT V ftrft M A hA rp.nealfid with safetir. and still leav. f And this will be the case if eznediencv rna I of larffe aDnroDnaticais. as a substitute for I . il : 3 ... .1 . . . , . . I L' !j iii. i l . ! l . . o I writes tn lh Vnr-lr T 1 o iT lit trust, without oppression to any section oi i rcaue a ruie oi constructionTW interpreting i me seuuxiiy wuiifii me eysieui uenves iruui i the throne of Cireece and the conseouent I , tne country, an accumulating surplus iuna, ne onsyiution. i ower, in no govern-i me pnucipiesiJii iiicu u uas ; nuuenoi removal of Capo dlsmas, which is consid- tul,cu puc&uu K,or as cc couia, dci which may Jbe benehcially applied to some rcentcould desne a better shield for the been sustainedj cuch a course would cer-1 ered as a banishment from his country, I not in time to avoid reformation1. well-digested system or improvement; . j insidious-auvaiices, wnicn it is ever reaayj laiuij maicie Kiiner u uureaauuauic uis i appear to the Greeks as a punishment! . .. . -- .i i. ft ft ft . ft . I r - !. . Under this view, the question, as to the manner ,ih which the Federal Government can, or ought to embark in the construc tion of roads and canals, arid the: extent to which it may impose burthens on the people for these purposes, may be presen ted on its own merits, free bf all disguise, and of every embarrassment, except such as mayl arise from;the Constitution itself. to make, upon the checks that are design- trust of the people, or a consciousness that jcted by the English Government onl Distressing Casualty. OnTuesdayaf- ed to restrain its action. - the system dpes.ot possess sumcient sound Count Capo dTstrias for disobedience, ternoon last, Jacob Leib, ayoung man of But I do not entertain such gloomy ap- ness for.its sup)rt, if left to their volun- "Whatever enemies the i Count may have German birth, was drowned" in Neue Ri prehensions. If it be the wish of the peo- tary choice; an-its own merits., . Those mong his countrymen yet he is respect- er. He was one of three on a sailing par pie that the construction bf roads and ca- who suppose tht any policy thus founded ed by; the majority of the Greeks, who ty, when a flaw of wind capsized the boat, nals should be conducted by the Federal can be long upheld in this country, have gratefully acknowledge the important scr- which immediately sunk. Unable to swim. Government, it is not only highly expedi- looked uponlt? history with eyes very dif- vices he rendered them in critical times, he soon went to the bottom. The others ent, but indispensably necessary, that pre- fereht from mibe. This policy, like eve- His removal will be universally regretted, were rescued by a boat which immediate- ions amendment oi tne onsniuuon, oe- ry oiner, must awae ine wiihoi me peopie, i an(j tne newKing, who is a stranger to y put oil lor their relief. Assuming '-these .suggestions to be correct, legating the necessary power, and defining I who will not bejikely to allow anyldevice, will not our constituents reqiiire the obser- and restricting its exercise with reference howeverispeciorts, to conceal its character vance of a course by which they can be to the sovereignty of the States should be and teriueijcyj j ! . j effected Ought they not to require -it? made. Witlioutit nothing extensively use- Inpresentinthese opinions I Jiavespo- "Vitn the J)est disposition to aid, as far as fuLcan be effected.. The right to exercise ken with tlje freedom" ind! candor which jconscientionsiy, can, in lutnerance oi as mucn jurisdiction as is necessary to pre- xinougnt tne occasion ior ineir expression lit - xiii i .... J.. . j. t.r.i iij5j ..u. works of internal improvement, my opin- serve the works, and to raise funds by the! called for, andiow respectfully return the ion is, mat tne sounoesi views oi national collection oi ijoiis to Keep mem in repair,! diu wmcn nasppen unaer consideration i cl0se to the shore, the new batteries fired the nation, will not meet with a hearty welcome at first. The Egyptian fleet has returned in good condition to our port. but will sail again shortly, for naval evolu tions in the open sea. It is said that the blockading squadron off; Algiers, having lately run in rather too Newb. Spcct May 27, JiejW, policy at this time, point to;such a course, cannot be dispensed with. The Cumber-1 for your furtherseliberatiori and judgment. --, I1.! 't i . ? i'ftv' ll t i ft lift " . . I - k.U 1 - i" vr "w "ftr m i t -w a i-vftkT isesiaes, the avoidance ot an evinnnuence iano roao snouiu oe an instructive admo- t aiu" JAvivsUii. upon the local concerns of the country, nition of the consequences of acting with- how solid is the advantage 'which the Go- put this right j Year after year,' contests vernment will' reap from it In theleva- are witnessed, growing out bf efforts to ob- tion of its character ? I lo w gratifying the tain the necessary appropriations for com- tfffect, of presenting to the World the sub- pleting and repairing this useful work. lime spectacle of a republic! of more than Whilst one Congress may claim and exer- twelve millions iof happy" people, iji the cise the power, a succeeding one may de- (JOHGRESS. vr TWENTY-FIRST' 5)NGRSS .FIRST SZSSIOX. i I WEDNESDAY, May 26. SfVTFJ" A iVlPASJUrft WAS rCivfl from 1 noirl enAnl Instalment nfta tnlam upon them, but not one of the shot reach edthem. " . . On the 20th March, two vessels, laden 15,000 cannon balls, destined for. the Af rican expedition, arrived at Toulon from Antibes. Accounts from Constantinople to the 26th February states that the ' Porte has titty-tourth year ot her existenceaiterha- ny it, and this fluctuation of opmiqn must the President olithe United States, on the nity stipulated in the treaty of Adrianoplc ving passed through two protracted wars ; be unavoidably tatal to any scheme, which, subject of the tegociaUon respecting the in favor of Russian Commerce. It is the one for the acquisition , and the other from its extent, would promote the inter for the maintenance of liberty free from ests and elevate the character of the coun- debt, and with all her immense resources tiy. The experience of the past has shown unfettered ! What . a ; salutary influence that the opinion of Congress is subject to would.not such an exhibitioiiexejciscuup- fluctuations.! ; : on the cause of liberal pnciples and tree ; Kit be the desire of the people that the Go vernment throughout the world f ould agency of the Federal Government should we not ourselves nno, in us enect, an, ad ditional. guarantee, that oui politicalf in stitutions will, be transmitteii tf the most remote posterity, without decay? A course of policy destined to witness events like these fican not be benefitted by a. legisla tion which tolerates a scramble for appro priations that have no relation to any gen eral system of improvement, and whose good effects must, of necessity, ' be 1 very limited. In the best view of these appro .priations, the abuses' to which they lead, far exceed the good which they are capa ble of promoting. 'Theyni'ay be resorted to as' artful expedients, to shift upon the Government the losses of unsuccessful pri vate speculation, and thus by ministering to personal ambition and self-aggrandize-j ment, tend to sap the foundations of pub lic virtue, and taint the administration of the Government with a demoralizing in- fluence. rr idem Carolinian. We learn by the lat Car olinian, that Co. Philo ffTute, having rccetred aa appomunent oadcrSfr. Branch, in the U. S. avy, has disposed of his interest and relinquished bin connexion in thu paper, toBIessr Jones and Craige, who will hereafter conduct this journal. We learn from the last Boston Patriot, that tb beautiful and excellent hip Bodon, was strcckby lightning, on her passage from Charleston to Bos ton, from whence she sailed on the 19th nit. It appears that on the 25tb, a black thunder cloud came up, and the ship was struck by lightning, which knocked down two men, and filled the ship with electric fluid, and set it on fire. All attempts to put out the fire ware unavailing he bold being filled with cotton. Tbe crew and passengers ixcmedlately took the boats, and had only time to save themsebres before the ship was in a full blaze. No clothing or other . property was sared,' only a 40 xljon keg of war and a small portion of proTuions. There was one Colonial Tfadef The Senate concurred added, that in acknowledgement of this in amendments made by. the House of promptness, the Russian Cabinet has rt Representatives to the Indian" BilL The mitted several thousand piastres. Tie greater pari oif the dttj was spent in Exe- Russian army was making preparations cutive business. . ; ; j. Ii j for recrossing the Balkan.-. , House. iAfter the disposition of various A orivate letter from Cadiz to the 5th resolutions laying on the table, the House ult. announces that the Spanish expect- female passenger. Miss Boar, who died on the fol be confined to'.the approbation pf money, proceeded to the consideration of the. In- tion against Mexico was to put to sea on bwingday,ofiitigueandexpoure. On the 27th, in aid tf such' undertakings, in virtue of dian Bill. I Mr. Gilmorelof Pennsylva- the 8th. .The troops had already arrived the sufferers were picked up by the Idas, bj which State authorities, then the occasion the nia, demanded the previous question the from Canada and Valentia. The flotilb they were treated wkh the utmost aindaesf: from manner, and the extent of the appropria- call was seconded, by a vote of 93 to 96. will consist of a ship of the line, a frigate, which they were removed to the ship Camilla, on tions, should be made the subject of cousti- The main Question was. then ordered to two sloops, a brig and the transports. the 30th. t tutional regulations.. This is the more ne- be taken, by, a? vote of JOI to 97; and the Don Edward Morat has entered into con- 1 VDccnnr-'!n niuln.tlin 1 .... kill fin.ll. ..IJ L'n f Al t. A 1 J TL tfnn TT W Ptfin. nfll.:. C.l. vi-woijijujiuiuii tnai mcjr iuay uc cijUlta- Linajijr pasacu uy ouicui iu ui . i. iniCtS as UOmmiSSary vienerai,ana U ac auc iiuui ii u. vuuuu j ni uidv, table among the several States; promote messagewas received from the President lively Occupied' in laying in stores, for and the Hon. W. T. Nuckolls of 5. Car harmony between different sections of the of the UniteM States bri the snbjeet of an twelve months at least. The expedition olina, passed through this place, durinr vjiuuu. uu me icpic&cuiciuvcs : preserve I cajjcwcu uespaicn iruui vctu- xriuaji, in i is lully- expecteu to De ready to UL&e its I u? iui w uu ujcu iciuiuuuui it smi- m .1 i: : . . m . i : l. r' . ti . i . t iciatiua.uu ine peniuug.ueguuauoii ou me departure irom L-uha tor its distination in i icgwa vuy. c axe vuy w team inav vuiyuiui 4.raoe, wmcn misnt .euner cani thecourse ot the month ot Auirusu it wm I uic uoa. a. oxson is cuunnca. in for the action of Congress, or require that! consist.'-of 22,000 soldiers, and no one some authority should be vested ; in theUsavathe letter i can entertain the least subject against the deleterious influence of President, to enable him to act during' the I doubt of its success. comuiuauuHs iu carry, oy concert, meas-1 recess oi me iegisiauve Drancn. ; it was I , refered to the Committee on Commerce.! Melancholy ShivwreeJc. On Friday the I here Were! several bills acted on eubse-l 16th April, the Netcry, Captain Graibie, quently by ihei House. . j '" from ISewrv, bound to Quebec, with about I t a. other parts of the constitution from being undermined! by the exercise of doubtful powers, or the too great extension of those which are not so ; and protect the whole ures which, considered by themselves, might meet but little countenance. That a constitutianal adjustment of this power, upon eqmtable principles, is, in the highest degree, desirable, can scarcely be m V - 0 WasHngton City, by serere ind'ispositioru Western larouruan.J Appointments by the President, by. end xcxth the advice caul consent of the Sen-ate. John Randolph to be Minister to Rui- In the other view of the; Sir. Carsbn'sresolution on the subiectl four hunrlrryl nawnwra onboard, ran on 1 sia. Dr. Hamm, of Ohio to be Chaste to and pay oi the officers of the 3Iarinel the mrl t PArtinrlinaon. near Bardsev.l Chili. Sir. E. A. Brown, of Ohio, to be doubted: nor can it fail to be promoted by Corps, waSJ after some discussion, upon alin Carnarvon bv.and was dashed to pie-1 CharcB-o Brazil, James B. Thornton, of subject, and every sincere friend to the success of our division by yeaji and nays ordered to be ces in a few hours. The number of lives I New Hanrjsbire, to be Second Comptrol- the only remaining one,-which it is my in- political institutions. In no Government engrossed fox atliird reading by a vote of lost is estimated at between one and two I ler of the Treasury, vice Isaac Hill, rrjec- yr i t hundred. - Englisn pa.J ted; Tbos. Uillespie, Register oi the i-ana; THURSDAY, May 27. ; , " Office at TaiHinvice James B. Gardner. A great tfeal of business was " Colombia. A proclamation purMrting rejecled'; llorran IS'evill, Receiver of Pub- plaining and deflaing the precise powers ted aumorities, while those, for whose ben- House of Representatives were passed Paez, offering a 'reward tot "B olivet t sod, rejected. tention to present at this tijne,is involved are appeals' to the source of power, in ca- 101 to 76. the expediency of embarking in a system ses of real doubt, more suitable than iq of internal improvement, Without a previ-1 oursT" No good motive can be assigned Senate. ous amendment of the iDonstitution, ex-1 for the exercise of power by the constitu- acted on. .. ' lJl