WNh WESTERN ADVERTISER; 1' THE NORTH CAROLINA SPECTATOR 72 POETRY. 1 1 , j For the Spectator andAdvertiser. Answer to Mr, Q. .TO J1 1 UlUAll. Yes social friend, I love thee well, In learned doctors spite ".' Hove thy fragrant, misty spell, j I love thy calm delight. - V- What if they tell, with phizes long, r Our years are sooner past? I could reply, with reason strong, They're sweeter while they Jast. And oft mild tube, to me thou art - A monitor, though still Thou speakest a lesson to my heart, . i Beyond thVpreacber's skill. -' When in the lonely evening hour. Attended but by thee, O'er history's varied page I poie, -; . Man's fatei in thee I see. . . Awhile like thee the hef o. burns, : And smokes and fumes around, " And then like thee to asnes turns, And mingles with the ground. . . - Thou'rt like the man, of worth who gives To goodness every day,. : r - v . ' The fragrance of whose virtue lives ' . i When he has passed away. - " . . "1" Oft when thy snowy column grows, , , . And breaks and falls away, , ' I ; ' ;.. '' t I trace how mighty relm3 thus rose .'' .Then tumbled to decay. , From beggars frieze to monarch's robe, One common doom is passed ' I r V Sweet nature's works, the mighty globe v . Must all burn out at last. , And what is he who smokes thee now ? A little moving heap, That soon, like thee, to dust must bow iute uiee,; in ausi must sleeps. And when I see thy smoke roll' high Thy ashes downward go, ' Methinks ti's tfiiis my soui'shall fly- '. '. Thus leave my body low. - , rf : A huge cigar are all mankind, S ; I ... And time's a wasting Breath, i - That late or early we shall find, : ; ' ; Gives all to dusty death ! ' X. I THE CONTRAST! v Away with your lassies pinched up in the middle, Drawn rearward their shoulders, and cramp' i every rib; . ' ; . ' ' . With cheeks like the lily that faints in the valley , Ashamed ofihe labors their grand-mothers did But give me a fine, buxom lassie of nature, As round as a melon, and plump as a seal ; , Whose cheeks are as red"as a sun-burnt potatoe ; Whose fingers can ply both the rake and the wheel t Our grandmothers surely had died broken-hearted I ' Could they of the future had a glance of the eye : To see how their impious daughters had pitrted With 6tout linsey-woolsey, exotics to buy-i- And hung up their distafisSand burnt up their . ' -treddles, . t' ''. , ; . . '',. j And sung to their, lap-dog their best lulluby ; y Politely dissevering peas' in the middle, , Instead of devouring a whole pumpkin pie. -f I'll tell you my height, 'tis just three feet eleven, ; I'm haunted with hypo, spasmodics, and spleen ; A poqr sickly dwarf inheriting evil, s i , .' i ' . - f Because that my mother in fashion has been. 0 had the tall Alps been the place of my model, lIy mother a Moor, without sweetcake or plum ;. 1 then might have 'sprouted like Alick M'Donal v And looked down with pride upon little Tom . ' Thumb. -!.'':.."; From the Virginia Literary Museum. SONNET; TO E. B. ; On the de'atk of the amiable and leant if ul Hss L. M. to whom he was about to'te'iirvitedi . :, Thy destin'd bride swept off in beauty's bloom, Young, air and excellent, the soul .defies All future ills; and thy affection lies V IjOW with theJovely tenant of the tomb : But he who gave may sure his gifts resume, f And none dare murmur. Lift not thus thine eyes r And voice' reproachfully to yonder skies, Upbrakiiug heaven with tdo severe a doom i f - Thou hast been happy ; thou hast know n the bliss Of mutual hearts and thou didst never feel j . Neglect's all blasting frst, which doth dismiss From out the breast not lovb, but life ; his seal Thus stampt by death on breathing clay ; oh ! this Is wretchedness nor time nor skill can heal . ' MISCELLANY. A TALE OF THE SPANISH yAB. It was durmgtheexterminatinjrwaffare which characterized the invasion of Spain py tne r xencn,-tnat a small body of Cm- .As the speaker thus addressed-his audit rassiers, detached from the main division, . ors every eye was rivetted on thejperi iiuu iiaiicu iwi.uic "ig"i-ai a vmae call ed - Y iguieras. The appearance of-this company was 10 ine poor inhabitants source-ot disagreeable anticipations, actu ated as they -were by natural antiDalhv a uouiniecniig ioe, ana Dy anxiety tor little property acquired Dy.thetoil of con- &lr , J ,v-: .. cucu leader of the soldiery, as he stopped froiratP(l VMrii f" What hn . TJ t- lore the gate ot the monastery, the only house in the Iiamlet that appeared capa ble of rendefnng any tolerable accom'mo dation ; --upen your uoors, or, by rhy val ient Sovereign, all your Ayes , will pront you, aria, as ne spoKe he struck tne portal wmi nis swora, as,n to prove liis threats would speedily be enforced, ifj a ready acquiescence were not accorded to his mandates. There was silence for a time, as though I the immates were ; deliberating on what , .,. u c coureetopursue;andthenjthefigueofan aged man beeame, apparant, as with trembling hands he loosed; the fastenings Which secured the dwelling. He bore a i , i . p . . torch, whose gleam threwNa murky glare apon the men at arms, and served but uidistinctlv to illume the gloomy court. Save you !" said the French Colonel ir- French Colonel ir- An;M1i--''if i- i w- I pmcally, at the same time makmg a low- ly obeisance, "I bear my superior's greet- mgs to-ychjr holy bodyw an4 expect good fare for mv rnmmnn- th rP nra nrA fare for mv mmman- tlW rVllnro nrp wlllltnrri P? a i en siorea, no doubt i A crimson glow for a moment flushed the pallid cheek'of the venerable father, as La Ville (for that was the colonel s name) concluded his ad- dress; but it past instantly away, and he u: j place their chargers in the spacious court- f v.uvu uu icspuusc &an; ojr a geiiuc iu- thouffht that you our' enemies. niut die ,UUJC u oiaiCB micu r purcuasvu, mo pa 10 oe neia onto me view 01 ctuunanizca turope. Clination of the head. witl, , Jc kai0n tni.mA "Lwl, year, 308,0Q0 copies of the Holy Scriptures, aver- and of all laliona., "It wUI appear noble even to t iLaVille rerd iSot his emotion but " ' .bal9am to the tortured ; body, aging nearly 1000 copies per day. Iathestatesof those who shall behold the Millekial glory." Tbo ia v me regarded not ma emotion, but, Does not the yenom even nqw rankle in New Jersev. Pennsylvania and Maryland, the present is a moet favorable time for voa ti perform Oraering niS SOldiers tO dismount and rnnr vfino? finooL cl,volcnnoU" work i nladv aecomDlished. In tl six New ronr nut! inrAnf nmmni innmnonidinrit ard, entered the solemn pile accompa- tbev listened to the dreadful declaration tGt?,jr is 80 -ar effeClf d.-,lh&t aeT!.mo?'s P1 !f 1ecdcd to P1" oracles of God in every fam niedbv his brother officers! 'The clang TnJi h.?! J1 fcL??0" utt. . If Tot. put 01 ine spurs as mey paced along tne vaui- M1;."18 us 'Vc f."s lVc vaiu" ted passages escorted by their aged guide, too plainly announced to the monks the propinquity of the ted SCOtterS OI all the Sacred OrdianceS Of religion, for such a character had quired ; partly true, but principally found ea on tne misrepresentation lot tnose wn fiA nn tho mirprpContot;Uf tl,A0o ; w .vjwHTOMWMjW "u" I were weu aware now mucn sucn a beliei ; ii .i -.-'it i . would kindle patriotic zeal against them. !PAS they entered the refectev. the as- sembled brethren ose' from their seats, 1 i L 4.1 r u I and calmly viewed the haughty intruders. ! -r-- hxcuse me, Fathers! exclaimed. La Yaie, aWea io respect by heir dignified wmuym,-. xajj uiviu lynuuoicpuBc, i nnn in thnco rrnnh nne times l as htr a nnn,. tesy is needed, I have that iplea to war- rhrit this intrusion - mv niPn mnct hp nrn. rant mis intrusion, my men must be pro- i " wui- i rided with good cheer, or else" and he touched the hilt of his sabre significantly. I ti w . . r.. I not occasion for proceeding toextrem ities, the odds are too much in our favor." ;--Sir," replied the abbot, vyour wishes must be obeyed, were even our desire to serve you less." "I deem, if I relied on that, my entertainment were but very pjoor." -'.'This is an unkind jopinion," re ttirned the superior, "deeds will con vince you of its, fallacy." So .rnptioned them to sit down, and prl thp! -fiprvitrtre to lnnrl tVip fahlp witK tKo I trrTZulfA best the monastery could afford. . j The table soon groaned beneath the weight of delicacies, and cordiality usurp- i? i i , j. . . ; . j . 1 ed the place wher distrust so lately reigu- edi The abbot left the anartment for a brief inteval. and sneekil v ' ' iv.tiirned a fol-ris if r- --.. I cahdidly. I exclaimed a young officer but lately arri- convinced at the first glance ;V)f his eye, even in the low country to some considerable ex vbd from the military college, teU,me overshadowed. by manly brow, that ou Pt during the summer, and be Clashed next win- . i( you have any pretty damsel here-you imaerstand me, a niece or so, to benent conscious ot nis immense elevation to show and v asmngton counties, the good work has alrea by your pious admonitionsi, The eye the least pride. "S i. day been accomplished. In Beaufort, Craven, Ilo- of the Superior shone whhVrathful gl ' On no Russian prince hJ more, care U &&wmb'f"d at the speaker, and then a bitter smile passed across his features. 'r ear not, he m be than any youshail UreoflcA enjoy ; but Heaven forbid we should har- bor such polluted beinjrs as vou alluded tb !,, 4'Ay," replied La Ville "af least for ireli.ioui laymen, who knoW not how to tamper tneirlove suits with pious sighings iyi uie greai liuquiues 01 ourjiraii natures ; but a truce with raillery, : arid let us taste :te wi be : nothing so much ptomotes irood rin It ? ' a tcllcwship. - 'But good fatlier," Jie conlitiued, as he ruled iil goblet vvith the SDarklin? wine. ilL ..v' . 1 I bin I - 1 UJ uu me 111 ?a oumper, SO nil ypur glass," "The rules of bur order for - ISd us to indulge in wine," answered the abbot-'Varid therefom vmi Imnsf oypikp ,;oVfe brethren, from &tig oTtie mbv Droduee of the vine A.U Villf smJl ironically. as though hetiiouirht. it wns P. . ( e ' : u,onwe muier s part 111 retusing to dnng any thing stronger than the li- quia spring ot water. He raised f 1 .A - let to his lips, but plaped it aain on the board. The monks looked the movement with suspicious eye, to seek solution for the Frenchman's a j "Suspicion strikes me," cried La Vi act. rille sternly, "and if my surmies prove correct; tltlC cVinll Ko tVio loci- nvnlnU L.. ...II! be poisoned : such deeds hate bren "npr- formed before, and by monastic artifiee." - or, wnose countenance atlorded no credit to the colonel's surmise. "Drink of the a .wine hrst," continued La Ville "vou and - vbur brethren, and then we will follow? to vDur'exaraDle.ni The abbot raised his eve?. the to Heaven, and seemed tor a moment bu- xid in meditation ; then taking the prof- ine i ireu cup, swtuiowcu lue contents. -- j.ne be - entire confraternity also drank the po- - I ! J "2 -11 .1x1.. . ' . m, tion. r , . 1 v b - "Now are vou satisfied he enauired: - "now are your -unsrenerous doubts resolv- - ed?'T " Yes." reolied the French: "and not herelwe pledge to you, good fathers. Cup succeeded -cup, as the elated soldiers I delighted with their superior entertain merit, "sought to : take advantage of their present, favourable quarter "Believe me, stammered out : a .ovial heutenant, "we will ever prove grateful for the kind-1 riess, we have1 experienced; and mayhap, r . ., ,t I maysend m exchange fortius Sauterne, a lovely girl of mine, the beauteous Lou- ise." "A poor exchange retdrted, another "nothing so true as wine, nor so fickle o , " AUC ttS "" p X as woman." t . . I " - tf.i , Vhen our rnval p vK waves over the entire land, cried La Ville. the brethren f tha .. u :Li- .nrAA " viiiaicijr BUdu uc uiupij itiiuiuv-u for tbeir hosnitalitv. and-. "StOD VOUr I i 'I 1 . J I I kjnd commendations," interrupted the ab- bot; "that day: you shall never behold: u ' f , ! . i ,. u 1 i J- f - base tools of violence, hear me, and shud- der at my words ; know that 'the wine wc drank was poisoned ' Srart not 1 our coun- trv claimed thp snorifi RnaxHllinfrlv we did our duty and thou h the. pangs of death are fast approachtn'ff,. yet 4he . ' - i o ' r nnnct0m;ftnJ e;A X7'i. clared how (rue was the assertion. Mad- clared how (rue was the assertion. Mad- Jyhey rushed- on their betrayers, but deatl was already enacting nis part, and Soon ' the Pcmnthpr. m-n f-,C..i Ua a . r ; V : ... & I hO ' TYInrni n T I came . ana OI tne manv who. had entered I nn thp previous evenm mto the monas- V i. . .. i I i i . Ll.A- i I ZZtXiZZr' fyyw.. iikvu uciuucwuuiuaj. i ft THE EMPEROR NICHOLAS. Ataju a . - ii . I ojciwucu, wHoius iuc cast, uie louowing j I ' . . i? -m I 1 . v i correct mlormatlon rpsnpplinr th nnwpr. I e i 1 c u u n A i- i , ful mer 0t tne wlU be found the l. iA : - u ... . - accepiame, as n may serve to guide the lover of truth through the'mists of En-1 - i .. . ,r I glish prejudice and French flattery. It is! an extract from the ' letter of a gentleman who resided for some time in! St. Peters- burgh. . Paris, July 10. -1829. I n ' You desire a;picture of the EmWror Nicholas the present .erne of disown m OUT Saloons. I.Will endeavour to rivel !'J -lJfi a.v. i iL' i i ,??r Pleasure, ne 1S a well formed and 'finely proportioned young man, rather taller than! Alexander, with a hansome manly countenance, blue i j " y"vc WAUC serene eyes, and a mem ti imperial, The first imnression he leaved unon-von that of a manlv sniinrl. iinr1iRrtftnHinr I r . ----- . . j tt & i 1". I ' e I its assurance. You cannot help feelinfl: I have a man before you who is too fully been bestowed than on Nicholas. His education was superintended 'by the em- r.'i ; Paul.Whose favourite as weil ai hope, he was fom his chilhood. 'His educa- tion hadibeeb chieflv committed to Ger - mans, among whom .was -the celebtated Richter, and to. speak the truth, his teach- ers have discharged their duties in a man- ner wnicn aoes nonouro tneirnation. r or 1 this nation. Nicholas has the Whpt rPS- "Pect, einr himself of German descent. i . : v ,v , In his earlier years he had somewhat.of a romantic cast, , ana sugnx musracnois cur- 1 1 1 a ; 1 led on his upper hp ; he still wears whis- J """ Vmo I L-orc - 3 1': . . - .. . , . . i. . v , 1 ou maY lorm some idea Of how, httle tnis pnnce is mchned to yield, even in tri- fles, from the foUowin. AVhenlhe w J imperial brother Jn England. in I lol4, he contracted an intimate acauain - tance with several noblemen o!fthe hiirhest 1. ..iii--, ! 5-. M5 "S"?.. vonshire. The English cabinet, in'a sort I I" f aV ti " . . f I . 1 latter was sent to be present at tHd coro "fl UM110iaS' FT im! a V1.6W to natter the monarch, and perhaps to in - i. tt' i i -i t i iiiicuvciiu ou a c&rioui puui. Atissaiul that .theduke, presuming on! his? former Att-. !-. xi j:" il. " -.. . a. . - a m - - . . - w fV'jZS- .r-.- - wrU himselt and hlS imperial tnend, and that he wa 'admemshed of it in as manner nnlirp. hut ot tVi crv. tima e.t0.:-. tW tVio p-t.!! - A&iA u- that the Englishman lost adolutely. his nntinfonnnrtn f 11 iTV- J.l..l wuxiiuauuc. x tuiu, ucuv-tticiy as ii was hahdjeij, was soon discof ered by. the lono- face of theJ Enjrlishman and RPrvprl wue idu; ui ito Mpnman, ana jenea baying, ue tne impressions as taithiully as I;have re-1 hfteen or sixteen thousand Bibles and Testaments I rom the command- ceived them. . I have seen hirn frpnnpntl v. have been procured by ourdifferent Bible SocieUes. by forbids j the gob- i awe 01 menussian autocrat evert since navenoi Deen .warning inform ,Vm. ordered to be soUiasaiislacura cf plaintiff's de- untasted e day of Peter the Great, did not fail to 01 wiumenaawe eai ana iiDeramy. vv asnmgron mand. , . ; . . . avail itsplFnf thp knnwn nnrtinUiiv P- tr.l -7 vu.u, .r..v. UJ . .v.. vv.v,vv... opy. xesxe, ioaau LlLViU.i, upon avail itseu 01 tne Known pan?aiiityrot . the persons, some of whom contributed S20 eadu mv7. lfcto. Pr sv rt an I2.r as if new emperor towards the duke, and .the Iredell having at considerable expenie provided to amuse tbe-tfgh circles of St. Peters- 6, $25, Ac. "U society -has ntly purcha - ourgh not a Utile', as all the nobility hatel sed 2,000 Bibles for the purpose of assisting in sup - v n 1 . si f ? A yOHt who had not lone been emerged " . - - 5 . . ' , & Biuuieu wiiu a pretty lace.j.consuitea nis nation of one thousand dollars to the American Bi former preceptor whether he would advise I We Society. These ard prais worthy examples. i . . ;. ..- him to conjugatel'iNo," replied the peda gogue, "I should say, by all jjmeans, de cline." MORAL AND RELIGIOUS. I I (From the Raleigh Star.1 ' TO THE FRIENDS OF THE BIBLE -;- throughout worth carolisi- - . I J known, that the AmmaaxuMt Society, at its anual meeting in May, 1823, adopt, ed the Velution of supplying, in two jxars.aUtne destitute families in the United States with the Holy Scriptures. The society did not adopt this met without being fully aware of the magnitude or the enterprise,ch they were about to undertake, and without haying received numerocw pledges of I!ii!.SJ Tl iKIa An rizrA in l t Taw-am aa a nfiM MnntfT I . ru u,, cucn an enterprise neeoj oniy to do menuonea, u i order to commend itself to the patriotism, the phi- lanthropy. and the piety XhtSLald . f's7" nu7lac. wiouiana .1 1 .1. . 1 r.L : I 1 T1- - I of this whole nation. The toe. sacred wnunrs into I "eigu nuiiarea uwusanajamiiiv- wnicn save Deen lxitherto -unblessed" with the oracles of God,' must exert an influence on our populaiioa, and be attended with results which no finite mbd can es- ti,at?: 3 great society, which is trily nation- S . a I ai m us YicwB anu moors, ana wnicu nirnoers a-i mongst its warm friends and liberal patrons the I most excellent characters oivanous denominations I England states and in the state of New York the! 18 counties have already been supplied, and L 18 onS" "wlU expectauons are emenamea iuax ine remain-1 aiso De supuueu ueiore me nexi anniver-1 ,7n the other states, land in the territories, the Work is 1pm forward, bat manvextPiisivftJifrtrirta especially in Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, , North I w.&uu uiu ucuiiiu iiaic uccu ryuuiim. fluii hi. I i ' I fc wnere.vmucu prepararary 1aoor nas Deen Derlormed: and the Hoard think that thA I Ji . applying au ine aesutute laminea in the United States with the Bible in two Tears from i . i ii .i i ... . . . . . United States with the Bible in two 23&. f insumuon wui ail co-operaie. wiin i co-operate. With prompt and energetic effort on the part of all, the means can be sent by road, or otherwise to either of the fof be raised, and the books can be printed and distri- lowing gentlemen in Raleigh, viz. William Hill, bated. And the Board wish ii to be distinctly un- Esq. Joseph Gales, Esq. or the Rev. William Mc- . . f . . m a - done. : 11 many 01 tnose societies which have pur ftVioaAii VkTkLr Q ' rr gTfrAt A Tint fkiav Cnr fnom ti'ifkin . - - . .y. .vu. niu.m a few months, the work cannot be done. If those societies which have pledged donations, do not in some cood measure atieast redeem their pledges. w5rk cannot be done. If those 'counties which ar yet to be supplied, do not enter "on the supply . ,1 ZZ i. .1 1 rri . j' " at once, the work cannot be done. The great dan- ger as to the failure in this enterprise is from the thief of time," procrastination : conquer this enemy and the work is done, every family has its Bible by ii ay, jool. . r or the preceding general remarks, we are I chiefly indebted to the ew ork Observer. Per. mit us now to invite your attention more particu- larl7 to Bible cause in North Carolina. Ex- 1? l&ZZSSftS . tionsof the Union. Since November, however procured by the North Carolina Bible Society.and fowarded to the following places, viz. liooto k. denton, 500 to Plymouth, i 00 to Washington, 1,. 2 I?ewi,?0! ! ;Vlulmiton-500uI'a7- ettevile, and 1,000 to Raleigh. It was expected that nearly aU these Bibles would have beendis- tribnted dnrinff the winter and soring Rntth. ciety has been greatly disappointed m their efforts 111 i II LiJC BCI V llrTS UI a BUU1UCU1 ! Ill 1 1 1ST r 111 W 1 1 . ,i -.: .: r . i r n consequence is, that a large i have not vet been distribu- ted. The work of distribution will be prosecuted in IredeU, Caswell, Granville, Hyde, Tyrrell, be completed. Agenuhave eithercommenced.or are soon to begin their operauona in LincoInMeck I lenburff. likes. Surrv. Oranee. r raakiin. Iish. SSX haps a few other counties. Preparatory measures I have beenalready adopted for extensive operations. the general agents propop to visk with as Ut- aSSCsW proceed as ar east as Camden and Currituck, the omer.as iar weaias naywooa anaiicon. A ,e c?nes bave lormed societies, and com- ITl i ouFrvUIft vca"lulc mui ui- bles without waitingto be visited by n agent. a ...k .l ii j A z fls U,B,U,;'U u;u we we vawu vupy i yery t'ens've-a.na "me ,ailoue" compusn a I preat work 19 Rhnrt. wphoneothercOUrtiM will t. ' . . . . . . . 1 . T bibit equal zeal m this glorious cause. J .ven half a dozen cordial.friends might form a society, pro- clure Ulblea eit.ner on creaiior as a nation irom Se. 1 1 of special efforts, of untiring zeal, aid Uberal pecu- 'e- Whilst in other SaUs during the l nasi year many naveconijiDuiea 10 me tsiDle cause their twenties, their thirties, their fifties, their hundreds, and a few even their thouands, there - for lts own wants, has purchased 600 Bibles tand i nmnirpn nn nponi mran Hniarpni rnnrnT. i u f. nJceSiy foncSrscrin W 1 menced to ascertain how, many persons could be iouna mine county, whs wouia give qiv casa. ' i n in m : ; ..... i i Twelve 10 subscription was soon obtained, and I it was exnected the number would be increased to Menty more. Rowan CountyBible Society has 1 voted to use hs endeavors to raise during the pre - so Bcnt year $1,000. One person immediately sub- I scribed 25. and ten others S10 each. JS'o doubt h8 renamed but many persons not present at Ue meeting would subsoibTliberally. Ii Caswell, I . D T. . r one laflv h&3 piren her gold watcn, anouier, yu. Granville Bible Society having supplied ita own numerous destitute familiee, has voted to raise $2,- rw c.i u.a 0h othr. I i r i i . -.!. .i I VV e could mention rentlemea in other counties who I bave &en heir tens and their fifteens, and I ThAmaa m:- AfUA T vtt34 Anmnrnn I j r i .. t .1 ik sou migoi easuy De lmnaiea oj uunuanas in norm Carolina. Should the friends of the Bible in this State generally exhibit an equal degree of ana iid rainy in uus good wonc, we snotua i . i t a I Ui tnese, b,uuo Bibles ana 1,000 Testaments were 1 nates or fc have the necessary means for tapplying "our thirty a a m t a ..' have nroenred nearir 20.000 conies of the lloW Scriptures, payments as yet has been made for on- l7 small proportion of them. . Should the cloriou, authorof the Bible rraoously tnule on our bumble eflb lXSnSe oY ih notdi will be procured in the course of the rear, and the supply of our whole Sute be completed by April . . ' If this rreat work shall bo accomplished, (and who woufdYot regret it. rilure,) it much tobJ' feared their will be a deficiency of funds to the am- unl Ui0usafd 15oniMTnr .tM . T I . , am la a . J . ua m no.u f&j. " uccucu. lor our earnestness and personal address, Reader! have von Sone auYlhmr for "A ffierreHal Bible tjforty Any thinr far your town, your twen r -t i r- ... i - r ' ty, your State, or your nation any thinjr, corres ponding with rour means, and wortfcy cl Uie liod- tik.objectf lfso. we congratulate yoa on having lent your assistance to carry forward one of tfceno- blest enterprises of this age. A gentleman, who .has seen as much of the relinpus world as almost . a w . a. - anv otner man livmr. writes irom Greece. ia re- ference to the present atutvde of the Bible cause jn the United States, "This is an example worthy and cordial co-operation with other friends brreal- main idle spectators, whiLtt others perform all be laoor ana sustain aii ine expense, you cannot par- ucipaie in uie tievaxea kt ana- cumons rewards. enterprisl. They wUI Wong to other.? S not ta von ' ' Editors in North Carolina, the Editors of the IjIuuicbuju iusm i cri . ui uii liuuuk i u ilcii . rwi i a ..a.- gious xeiegrapn. are respecuuuy requesia w co- the aboTe artirl mla their rutvdiTi nmcri. P. W. DOWD, )Agentof the American U. UUULU. i IS. S. lor IS. Carolina. Wv.18 P. S. Monev for the Bible cause la N. C. inav Pheeters, D. D. DR. -W.F. TIIOSIASf RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Burke County and tho public, that be has es tablished himself at Maj. J. E. Pattos's, (Harris burg,) on the road leading from Slorganton to Rutherfordton, where he may at all times be found professionally absent, ready to attend to all ma7 desire his assistance in the different bran of " profession, . viz : Surgery, Obrtetricka an- Practice of Bledicine. . He hopes from Lis uiucuuiuni aiieauua w uimocn w receive a uun 01 P00".0 patronage. s iiarnsDurg, iuure uo.) 3iay is, isju. , iu NOTICE TO MINERS. THE subscriber claims the right of invention to the CA8T IRON PLATES or SIVES used for the purpose of separating Alluvial Gold aunieroua earth and pebbles: and here in persons from making or using said' ives as be intends applrinr for a Patent. T. W. A. SUMTER. . Harrisburg, Burke Co. March 27, 1630. 7tf State of. North Carolina, ' ' Ruthtrford County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions April Scs- sion, 1830. -4 Daniel Coleman ' V ti. Mark Alexander and Petition for Partition. wife Sarah.' IT appearing to the sausfactioaof the Court, that, the defendants in this case, are not inhab itants of this Sute: It is therefore ordered, that publication be made six weeks successively, in the North Carolina Spectator and Western Advertiser, that unless they appear at the next Court cf Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the County of Rutherford, at the Court House in Rutherfordton, on the second Monday in July next, then and there to answer, plead or demur, plaintiff's petition will be taken nro confesso. and beard exnarte. Copy. Teste, ISAAC CRATON.C.C. .May 7, 1 830.- y Pr. adv. $3,50. 12 6w State of North Carolina,- ; ' Rutherford' County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions April Term". 1630. Sarah M'Kinley, alio' 1 Sarah Worke W,Meaas Ada, Return of a Justice's cx- ' ecution, levied on lands. and William C Mean and othera heirVof Jane 1 ' 1 Worke, deceased. n I I IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that John Cathey and bis wife Hannah C, and - l J William Cathev and his.rife Susan, heirs of Jan Worke, deceased, and defendants in this case, trc not inhabitants.pthis Sute: Ordered therefore, week pear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Ses sions to be held for said County, on the second Mon- 1 r .-a ,v " 1.. j 1 or judgment wuTbVenteredTpa ffldfirii! State of North Carolina. rv. i r. Ruthtrford ,Conniy. ' I Court of Pleas and Quarter Session April Se$. i , . u.u, i&jw. . y Ann Worke John W. Means Adm'r 1 and William C. Means. Return of a Justice's ex ecution, levied on land. j and others, heirs of I Jane Worke, decL TTT appearing to the satisfaction oT the (Tourt il that John Cathey and his wife Hannah C. I ji ttrrir -...! s - i- a . . ana uiiau siuey mwu atso, neirsoi Jano Worke deceased, and defendant in thii case, are not inhabitants of this State : It is ordered there- for, thm .nblic.ion b tnA far .t -rv- cessively. in the North Carolina Spectator and 1 Western Advertiser, that mnkas they appear at the . r ii ... . a f . o - :r oeasions 10 dc TTonsn at Rnth- ofJtly next, and I plead or demur, juorment-will be entered up Mr. I against them by default, and their interest in the mm I l9inlf mj lviftrf nn nr-i- nri 4 M V a tvi rtic. faction of plamUfFs demand. Copy. Teste, ISAAC C RATON, C. C. May 7, 1830. Pr. adv. $30. 12 Gw AFORSALE AT; THIS OFFICE, . zeall CI UPERFINE Letter Paper, Writing Paper soon K-7 and a general assortment of Ulaaks. i ku.m . w 4 V