Is- :a:;-. V- A- - .7 V 78 THE NORTH CAROLINA SPECTATOR AND-.WE STERN ADVERTISER. 1 It y yi r. -. i . t " -: i.'-v- r'f!.-' t i5. v a few moments the young rogues hacl the satisfaction of seeing their sagacious foe so -completely corned, to use thleir own phrase, a to tumble in hhsnuffj They cautiously approached rljut what was their surprise as they drew nigh to find them as drunk as David's sow, and in this situa-. , tion they knocked 14 of them in the head in' one forenoon ! It is said the boys are still driving their profitable , game ; and crow prodigiously over their Tapacious foe whosurrender them without firing a gun. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. I LATE FROM ENGLAND. lU The most important political news is the establishment of a jegency in the isl- . and of Terceiia, by the Marquis de Pal niella, by the authority of Dor Pedro, Emperor of Brazil in the name pTthe ln- . fant Queen t)onna Maria de Gloria, and .4' to sustain her cause against the usurper r of the Portuguese crown. I u ; French papers say much on he state and prospects of thefFrenchexpedltion t against Algiers. ,The prevalent ..opinion . is in favor of its success, especially since accounts, have .been received that the Pa chas of Egypt have been determined to co-operate with the r rench. It is stated Natvthe jEffVPtian troops; have invaded t ipofrind taken four towns, , and tliat the Pacha has sent a squadron to sea, to act with the fleet about to, sail ifrom Tou- fflosota. Jn721 On reaching this ci ty; I find all in confusionsome say the Liberator will leave the countryjn disgust, others that there will he a separation, &c. I am only able to say that the clouds seem to thicken over this country. If the mad project bf a separation is sanctioned the country is ruined, and every foreign agent will be obliged to withdraw. SaUm Murder. From a private letter. it ? appears, that ' both lot the :- ftnapps were willing to, screen themselves from le gal punishment by becoming witnesses for the government, and i that a committee waited on ine jatnej ot them to Know which should bei accepted, i The thoughts of sealing thejd pom of one of his own chil dren was more than nature could support, and the feelings of the father for a season conquered those of a man. . Pointing to thq chamber in which the wife of the old- wno resides near Poplar fcpnng, some particulars of his journey, apparently un consciousof the storm that raged with out. The two brothers were seated very near each other,' .Mr J I Majoroccupying the chair nearest the window. "Tor some purpose Or- other, 'he suddenly sprang from his seat, when instantly a vivid flash of lightning, entered the room at the win dow by which they, had been , seated "and falling upon the head of hi brother, it felled him to the floor, in a state of utter insensibility. Mr. Francis -Major I was also shocked, but not soseriourly.1 " None of the other inmates of the house, as we learn, were at all injured, j An alarm was immediately given, and when our in formant entered the house, the room in which the party had beei seated, was fill-, ed with smoke, impregnated with sulphur. POLITICAL. r From the Richmond Entjuirer. t . 'WeLighUHouse ever concocted,, of more diversified , ma terials, than the -one which was presen ted to the President, under the title of 'An Act making appropTiationsJbr building Light-Houses, Light-Boats, Beacons, and Monumentfj "placing bwns,aiid for impro ving harbors, and directing surveys' 7 And et this title does not embrace all its vari ous contents. Mark the character of the Act. The 2nd Section was ingeniously engrafted upon the first- The first .enu merating all the Light-Houses,. Beacons, &c, &c, in the several Stateswhich were to be provided for by the Act. ; The 2nd takes up the States in geographical order, aria not only appropriates monies for jut "on account of oldest.". that The est, son lay, he said, young creature, save ! my scene, is described as agonising beyond hu man endurance ; Tr . j . The wife of J. J. Knapp, jr. now but about 20 years old , is one of tlie .'most beautiful and accomplished ladies in! Sa lem, and the entire devotion of her' hus band had become proverbial in that town. She lias not Vet been permitted to! visft him in his prison Her; grief and mental agony are beyond description -and she laicu nun suiuuuu .. -. 1 ' j ' ' -Mr.F ATo;h.u;o . Ulw'Vrt..t 01 naruurs ana rivers, DUilorTajlOUS .so much stunned as to be partially delir- X nu V T ri ;.-.o' uu - ' J Proving the Cocheco branch of the J floor, and to alKappesrance lifeless; . the uiuuu oozmff irom nii; neaa. wnicn was afterwards ascertained to issue, from4 a wound produced by the fall. Cold water and powerful stimaious being freely ap plied, Mr. Major, in a few minutes mani fested signs of returning life.'nd after a short time he was sjifficiently recovered to st up. - '.).- f "l .;. . Mr. Major was then examined,, when it was ascertained; that the fluid, after .it im proving the Uocheco branch or the 1 as- cataqua river, from Dover Falls, toiu ton fluence with the Piscataqua, ten thou sand dollars to remove the principle ob structions in the river Thames between Norwich and New London ,"&cM &c The whole amount of the appropriation being more than half a million of. dollars. Let us now mark the circumstances un der which this bill was thus prepared. The President had sent in his - MaYsville Message : He had expressed distinctly his Inn. !,.. The' French forces were to render- I mourns as those "without hone.' Althn voua at Toulon from the. 25th to the 29th not permitted to visit her husband, shein- ( passed down to his neck, which! being struck his head, and literally shared it, rC:;"!:: . lfnf 1 - W mereV iprk whirh hpinir 4a4"Pmeui. x ueaesignnenseen two IltCH. WUCU UCI .J. 1 . .... '.. . of April, amoa,,.ig or30,02f; if:,n,ryJ .ijtcd on gob.g to the jail, where 5ho wa9 envelop with ? to ck-cloth,Aicapcct l ZI.aZ lP? 'l , : C tiWcavalr)-, 1,-JOO arfUery, tvod 1,5 carnerl m a earnago ; ?t she was unable "nhurt. The HuH Jaring'been jturned eufer oanXn h'VZ tne necK-ciotMjnextri. e w ? , . . iew,l J C 1 1 .1 - -i" i . . eneineers. j ; i i to iook up wnen sne got tnere. ivnapp irom us course- dy rnnce ljeopoiu nas consemea to nut on weiu .to me wmaow 01 tne prison to see sirucK me Doav on toe right siaef a the royal purple. By agreement, he is to receive mnually from- England, prance, and; Russia.! 200,000, that he mav be ablej to put the government of (Greece on a proper tooting,' and to meet its financial s engagements. It is reported tliat after his settlement on the thone. he will marrv the i. only daughter of the late Duke of Placen- to adorn her ses, is united with a guilty 7.a,-who has a fortune of thirty millions of wretch,1 whose crimes render him' an out- francs, & whose beauty is only equalled by I law from the -favor and' protection of soci- her, :and it is said he did not discover any extraordinary emotion, j It is lamentable m the highest degree that the fate of two such beings should be so intimately anfl so inseparably connec ted ; yet so it isj an innocent and a virtu- ous,' young, and an amiable temale, made inches befov downwards Ta dose of the abve Ascription, or if )w the throat, .and proceeded ;0fj u w K C j- iin ','- ' A j Jectea it, to subject him to the odi s, till it was agaiu intercepted ' e "LJL j t , ' . -' . , . ... -V- . arresting SO manv nesimnie xurrr he re odium of works, as raho1f.i1 .SnUi.UA'ii JlJ u I .Jjuuva, aw., ajcc, xni ""T f" bi". miBceUaneous in itecharacter.w K:r.CZ iZr?Z ?IJ ...1 only taiaHpndaT.mornmK,6o'clock n ci l j ! to decide upon it.' The design was mc iui, , navinjr n us; pro- her mental accomplishments. A person in England ofters to smuggle British goods into fthe United States, t across the Canadian frontier, for a'premi- um f 5t per. cent. ; and 150 jtdns of York-j Fhire cloths have recently been despatched Irom Lionaon to oe lntrooucea m mis illi cit manner.! ;-'V " The Itingl. of England was in a bad state of health'. He was considered' by his medical attendants, nowever, as in no etv. Providence Jouf. fFrora thi Newtou, N. J.?HeraId.1 DISTRESSING OCCURRENCE. On Mondaf night Jasti a most afflict- sed oft at gress partially "milted his watch cfia'in. The house wa not Wterially iljure'd, some of the plastering only having , been knocked down. , ' . - j i We considered this a wonderful' es cape; and we hive very little doubt but that Mr. Major owes his life to the upon it. i he design was an in genious one ; and the. yariety.' of subjects that were thug gfduped together, and the combination of interests which it embra- ced,wduld have been sufficient to puzzle the wits, and jstagger the firmness of mos men. The PreidenJ, however, vas not to be shaken. . lie had the moral couraffe such cordial expressions oi, approDation Vom so manv of hist friends. It is not surprising that BIr. Carson, in addressing me I'eopie ot ms iisinci, euuuiu cuuuuao by saying that the course which our pre-' sent illustrious Chief Magistrate has pur sued, and particularly his firmness and moral courage displayed in opposing a system, the corrupting influence of which must ere long have sapped the foundation of our Government, revives the hopes ot the friends of the Constitution and correct principles ; and the. anticipation of last ing continuation of our happy form of Go vernment, administered according to the ' purity of its principles, may be safely re- led on. Vi ne Message oi tne rrcsioent o the Ilouse of Representatives, contain ing his reasons for rejecting the Mays- ville road bill; and setting forth his objec tions to the whole system, as it is propo sed, to prosecute it by the Government, ta ken in connexion with his determined re sistance to a rush of appropriation bills. which wereybrcta through the I louse of Representatives on Sunday morning last, (a full development of wliich I hope will be gives in due time,) is destined to place his name on the brightest page in the A merican history. . r The Norfolk Herald remarking upon me eneci wnicn mis message may nave upon'thc People of the "W est, remarks withebme truth and liberality : 'Should his . popularity suffer with them, we can only say that they might have found more rea sonable grounds of complaint than justly belong to this act, which is not only right in itself, but reflects credit on his. firmness and independence. -."' '' - . Hon, Isaac IlilL With his family, arri ved in town on Sunday evening, and left "" for Concord on M6nday morning. ' Tho his stay here was short, and not, generally known, he yet received the greetings and cordial welcome of numbers of our repub lican fellow-citizens who called to . pay their respects to him. ! " - Upon the present Legislature of New Hampshire, which convened this week at Concord, devolves the duty of electing a ' Senator of the United States, in "the place of Governor Woodbury, whose timexpires on the lourth ot March next, under or 4 pVrrentook -plate at BrarichVille, cumstance of hS neck and" l?6dy :t being ? meet Sud- dinary circumstancs, there: is little doubt H limit kMV milr. frnm tVio Tnllovn rT-,Ir-, I . . . T... . " J wt"Jg HflV mominfl nf tllA hill TfhioVi Vol tlino I .Lnt.l 1 f V IT 1: 1J vMwuvuiumif itum n iiiiacb uiitnvuui i i t 1 i j - w . w nw uua liik iiKiniM-rar.v in 11. iiHiniixiiirPMimiii Between the lours of 10 and 11 o'clock Vi -'a-?e concocting of the several scheme! which roc v mn.n th Sph trhn hA .VJJ.U nA u UL-Iv:i Tr,"1:1 tmn'Wwiirii J tt.. ..Jll -'iJ i - . ,, J i. . lagr, haying risen to an unusual height, Uecommenaed il aU similar cases,' its hlv- "1?' .n ' cb.cri!hfd W intereso.andjiifdicalcdher jii yyuocuucm,c ui mo iuec uuauuuca ul inir hpon fiithor cj . ao in xikj i 1111 i ii j i - . i . i . . immediate danger., Thekiug is approach- , t, n fUv th MilW9m Si- inn1 hia - envrnt vpar - nnn . nnnnnf h i - ,.ir TV . . 1 - . i T I expected loriff to beaiv'up against the ac ..... : wi - i- i l uooer ena oi ine village, fraye wav wuni ri n.i. j xvLicai aa wa wpy- a impartial man blame him- for this nprsnn. i - rrr- cumulation of infirmities under which he labors. In the event of his death, Prince VAVilkam Henry, the weak Duke of Gar ence, will succeed to the crown. f The king of J Spain lias abolished the .salic law, which debarred. females from the succession to the crown.. The decree has been solemnly proclaimed . streets of Madrid. ! . Cotton grown! in New South ,AVales is announced for sale in Liverpool. This John Bell, Esq. which was situated at the upper end of the Village, gave, way jwith a tremendous crash, and an immense co lumn of water, about 25 feet in depth i was suddenly precipitated into the stream be- t ? i . . v . . i -- i -i -1 1 .. carrying aestruction ana aesoiation in its whole course through the Village. r r ' . 1 A t . i r f r -i-V Ii&jlu OU UJiUC UU IBOIU lie r1! Will n ,0 do duty-finnly anddeUhetate- Pet. 0)d Dominion,. ay JW. . , , . He eaminid the b(Upecehel iu (inmois) April 22. :;lasi it.fof furthei consideration JCan in m the . - . ' erea near Apple creeK, or a while engaged in digging for rock, in that part ot our country. He made known the circumstance to the neighbours,, who tvpral clwelhng houses below were inun- Rattipsnak; the largest ofwhich, 'as our "-"""g" "w :;Wtta- JuaiMnformaiTt. who was nn'the snht. tn d us measured nearly four feet in length. Be- courses .ian any one, who pretends to be friendly to the Constitution of his coun try, throw a censure upon him, for the principles, as Governor Woodbury has done. But under" present cuxumstanccs, she has a higher duty to perform. One of her ablest sons, her most fearless and in defatigable champions; has been put ou der the ban proscribed for his proresstotrt proscribed because he is a mechanic a Printer and an Editor. Since the above was in type, Governor moral conrage which he has displayed up- Woodbury has passed through this city on Is something new. From the N'..Y6rk Merattti!e Adverli3er.-T Late, from Colombia. The packet brig Medina Capt. SuHivan, arrived yesterday in bed asleep jnear her ; she had from .Carthagena,' having sailed from that port; on me oin oi may. lur. jd. q. rur rows,! passenger, who landed at Point Comfort from 'a Chesapeake pilot boat, . . m consequence of , head winds, reached j j here on Sunday night. Mr.' B. has obli ' 'i cinslv favored us with late papers', and V the following summary of the state of af- ' . fairs in Colombia at the time of his cepar; '. ture. The Bogata mail, which arrived just oeiore tne lueuina, sauea, Drought an aa dress from the acting President, Mr. Cai cedo recommending to Congress the i re : " cognition ot Venezuela as a distinct state fron Colombia. Immediately tlie Brit ish, American, and BraziHran Ministers . drew tip' a remonstrance, notifying the go vernmcnt, that as soon as suclan'aet should be adopted, they should be com pelled to leave the Republic. This had effected great excitement, and it Was ho ped would be attended with the most hap py effects, and prevent the separation, which if persisted in, must destroy Colom- bia. Those generally of the best inform i.ed,' still looked to Bolivar to save the coun V try. If lie could not guide her, she would Sooit be reduced to the condition of Guat--''; emala7Buenb$ Ayres, Chili, &c., the are ' na of civil war and bloodshed. 'Private letters on which the gre atest reliance can be -placed, ' stated; that the Congress would, the day after the mail left Bogota, invest Bolivar with supreme : power, arid place the fate of the country, in his. hands although1 one of the most ditin guished individuals at Bogota , wrote that it was not certain but . the Liberator : would iii disgust leave Colombia forever. G cneral O'Leara, had been appointed M mister to the U. states. Mr. Burrows received letters three davs before sailing ; j , , . . : - o to prepare tHe Medina for the accommo dation of this Minister, family arid suite, who would be at Carthagena on the 10th, ' to embark for New York but as, every - berth in the vessel was engaged, it was impossible-to accommodate the minister,and ' .he would probably take passage in the . jiext packet," the Athenian. I . nun v escaped narrowly,! and some mirac ulously from drowning. . v Tie family of Mr, M'Daniels very nar rowly escaped drowning. Mr. M'Daniels hacl retired to bed, in an upper chamber, his kvifewasin a lower rbom, reading! one child lay on the cradle, two others were scarcely on this whole subject 1 That the friends of Mr. Clay, who ne ver affected any extraordinary respect for btate Bights, should abuse Gen. Jackson heard the sound - of the moving mass of water before the door of the room in which she Iwas sitting was burst open by its fvio lence. . She sprung upon a box which1 was near her, with her infant inher arms, and there she stood, the water reaching , near ly ;tc her chin, holding her child above it, until Mr. M'D. descended from the cham ier.l! He found his children in the bed, floating on the surface of the" water, unin sured; and one of them still asleep, and conveyed them all to a place of safety. The house in which Mr. Michael Mack- erlyj resided was entirely swept away ;J the place where it stood cannot now be accu rately pointed out. Mr.j Mackerly and his wife were the only persons in the house; they! found themselves amidst the wreck of their dwelling, the horrors of a dark audlstorriiy night, and all the desolation and devastation that surrounded them, bonie rapidly along the foaming torrent. Mr. iMackerly , was struck sever ely on j his head with a piece of floating timber ; when ne recovereq, ne louna, to ms inexpressi ble horror, that his wife was separtd from Hm He was carried some distance far theri when he again caught hold.ofa bush, and -wjas able to make, sufficient! exertion to gain, for the first time a footing on land. Mrs. Mackerly was unfortunately drow- I Vl .1 . nt i i i i destroyed, together with one Copperhead. Bnrrir:Q:n(r nttj10tY;rmn;ane K,i,i t - i a u A M M A v A ft A C V m m tllltfe W 11 1111U4H71 M 11UIL, Coummg the yo'ingtmes, there were up- pretem3ed t0 enroll themselves among the wards af 1000 killed: . r-i:.un .u deny him any sort of credit for the mis iii .1 ii ii cnieis ne nas arrested, wouia reauy sur prize any one who was not acquainted with the character of men who became politicians by trade. For what do we now see i Editors, who once ostentatiously declared, that they would hang out the banners to the outermost wall' denoun cing, and even rirliculing the course he has Miseries .of Wealth, We witnessed, says the-Philadelphia Bulletin, a strange sight on Thursday evening, within a few doors of our office. A young man had drawn a large prize in one of the lotteries, and had just Teceived the proceeds,' am ounting to near eight thousand dollars. It drove him crazy on the spot ! " No soon er had he recciyed the money, than his senses forsook himand 'being an utter stranger in the city, he roamed through the streets like a madman,- until going into a jeweller s shop near fourth street, the way to his residence in Portsmouth. We learnthathehasdcclinedbeingacan- . didate for re-election to die Senate of the United States. All the friends of the Ad- . ministration feci deep regret at the loss of Sir. Woodbury's eminent talents and ser- vices in that important branch of the Na tional Legislature, where he has always been, in himself, aliost. But circumstan ces have made it desirable to place in the. Senate another able and patriotic son of New Hampshire, and; Mr. oodbury m declining a re-election under the circum stances of the case, has given a new proof of his patriotic devotion to the republican cause which we are sure will be remem bered with grateful feelings by every de- taken without allowing him the smallest mocraroflbe nation. ' Boston States. parucie oi crean, lor ine miscnieis ne nas . - averted. - Aw Hampshirt, Tho. Legislature of Our readers are not aware perhaps of New' Hampshire met at Concord, on the resnonsibilitv which the President has Wednesday last. In the Senate Jos. M. ' l it ' . . r t I TT-i 1 he purchased a dagger, or which he oUerr inclirr t v . : Manv-of his Haroer was chosen President, . Samuel TOWd fAa In; ncmor- Tun. Hlprk. In the Hi of iiiriiun ill iiriiLiii.ivv ncici 1111,1 &u a a a v . s . w . r . 1 i-ii . mi ' 1 1 I T" 1 i .! 1 . t i lt 11 ' ea to give a nunarea aouars. . jy c had followed bim j to the door, attracted by the singular spectacle ; and he came out, swearing vehemently tha he! would kill the first man he met a threat which his disordered senses would have Certain ly, compelled, him to execute.! - We left him in charge of some humane individu als, a melancholy; instance of the weak ness of poor human nature, j ' ; ild. v. passage of this bill. The two leading pa pers in that State, attached to his cause,' have been exulting at the anticipated suc cess of May sville bill, achieved under his administration. 1 he Legislature ot Ken tucky have, (it is said by 'the-Frankfort Commentator,) repeatedly and in each in stance almost unanimously, adopted reso lutions in favor of procuring the aid of the Representatives, Jds. B. Thornton, (late ly appointed Second Comtroller of the U. S. Treasury, in the place of Mr. Hill) was chosen speaker. He had 136 votes Ichabod Bartlett 86. i . Loteell Factories. The. Merrimack BTanufacturing Co. have fiTe Factories, each 150 feet in length, 50 feet wide and general governmeptin constructing a road 1 four stprica high. They manufacture in from Maysville to Lexington. The Pies- one; week YZo,T3b yards of cloth ; weight " GtiilfordlGold. There are almost as ma ny gold mines in thi3 county as there are ident was aware of the risks he might nn. 20r,547 lbs. and print . into calico about' fcquareinues.fc , xuw uie quaimty w . goia Uut he was Willing tO meet every COnBe-ly,VW yarus ciupiwjr ttwuncwuauus, . dug Irom each, vanes in proportion to the quence for the good of his country. He two-thirds females, richness of the mine and the quantity of was duly and deeply sensible of the kifid-J i ! her husband had been taken from the wa ter. labour bestowed. We have been politely Wss which that r.ountrr has manifested to- favored with a statement of the amount Wards him. hut he was resolved nottobe- nedi Her bodv was found about P'nV.lArk realized by one Company that of Swain's tratv her confidence bvsacrificmz his prin- the riext morning, under a heap, of rub-f and Macy's at Hodgin's Hill, from the ciples to any local interests or, temporary bishi within a lewteet ot the place where Ui PWiasiiuciu. iuisf p0pulanty. We have beard otxciaaia- wuiyany jiavc imu scvcu uauus, ju luciri tlOM trom biS UPS dUlinff these evemiUl employ, dunng he period mentioned, and scenes,- which are worthy of the best days nave aug ana washed out i ,o 0 1 penny weights of gold, worth $997$00- ! : ' ; -Greensboro XJrjpt. : JohnS. TaUaferro, Esq. of King Georgel tion which it would have opened uon county, Va. the only son of the Honi John Congress and upon the people, the more Taliaferro, of the House of Representa- dafply sensible we are of the obligations tives, fell a victim to a premature death 1 wjuch.we owe to him. You cannot con on the 4th inst. His horse plunged -into 1 ceive (said' a very distinguished member to Rappahannock, from which he fell,! of Congress the other day,) of the disgrace- and receiving injuries from the horse while I ful scenes which are already acted. Had On the evenin or alluded to a Mr. Maior. 1 in the water, he sank to rise no more. 1 this thin? erone on. I would not answer wnu jiau just iciiimcu uuiu, tuc Tccicini j. no Lcascu was ill me uujutc;viu uic buuecuueuues ' t A " . i i V i . ! ' I lity. i I T. ' I Ti ' -t . country, alter a long absence, was oetau- age, ana nas lcit a wiaow ana, nve nine ingvto his brother, (Mr. Francis' Major) I orphans. (RaL Staiv I IVondcrful Escape On Monday eve ning; last, a severe thunder storm passed over! this town , without, however, causing any serious injury, although, in one. in stance,' several individuals escaped mi raculously from its effects, as win be seen by fhe following statement, which . we have gathered from a gentleman who was present immediately after the scene occurred. -:T: ' ' - .-il'.. . Newb. Spect Distressing Casualty.. On Tuesday af ternoon last, Jacob Leib, a young man of German birth, was drowned in Neuse Ri ver. ' He was one of three on a sailing par ty, when a flaw of wind capsized the boat, which immediately sunk. Unable to swim, he soon went to the bottom. The others of tht Republic. The more we consider were rescued by a boat which immediate- ine injurious consequences, wmuu wuwu v m,u.u .vuv.. have resulted from the passage ot tnese bdlsr-rtbe torrent of intrigue and conyp- New Hampshire Senator. We learn by the Ua 'H. H. Patriot," that he Hon. Iaaac Hill, whose no mination as Second Comptroller of the Treasury, was rejected by the Senate, has been elected by . the Houae of Represents res, as Senator to Con great from New Hampshire having received 117 votes out of 220. Geo. 8aillivan had 50, Levi Woodbury 22, Ichabod Bartlett 13, J. F. Paroa 6, ( M .Harvey 1, 8. V-- Salma Hale 3, J. JLIason It is no wonder, therefore, that the firm I moor 1 ; d confirmed by the Senate by a vote o. course of the President should have drawn 9 to 3. . ! . V:. 01 t ; V i I I V jr I v

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