m. r u. 'Vi THE NORTH CAROLINA SRECT A TOU AIId: WESTERN ADVERTISER. T s 6V r . : T H E ,S P E C T A T O R. V RUTHERFORDTON, " FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 6,. 1830. Post Routes. In nur columns will be found a portion of the Advertisement of the Poet Routes in 'this State by the Post Master General, and partic ularly those in the Western' part, in which our rea ders, are more especially interested. We notice with pleasure the liberal spirit manifested by the Post Master GeneFal in establishing several pew lines of stages and mails in this part of the State, which will afford to our citizens advantages which they have long and earnestly solicited, and to trav ail ers.facitities for visiting a section of the State . which, presents many objects to attract then: atten-Jtion.;---with the rapidly improving and populating ccction of country the discovery of such a vast 'r number of precious mines will hot serve a little to f heighten the attraction of the beautifukwd sublime ' oenery and healthy situation of this region. . Our satisfaction, is not a little increased with the prospect of having our country soon traversed with Stagea from Lincolnton to Asheville, and, from "Salem and Morganton to Greenville, S, v With regard to the former route there seems to have been some mistake in the advertisement ; as the route , laid down for the stage is the ; same .as that now pursued by the horse-mail, which is notj only circu-, itous and long but enirely impassible vith a stage ' coach. .We have no doubt but the good sense of the Post Master General will lead him to alter this! route (No. 2151) so as .to have the mail transported en the road which has-been laid out by the County and patronized by the State, which would make , the distance from Lincolnton to Asheville thirty miles less and over a good road. ' N :): in the short-period of h;i residence among us,' at-J cates a temperature . of 88 degjees ; tTf"tori tn V imcalr Vif n iTtdr-t trn a ' in1 -fi v a A tVt a Ann. 1 - 1 mAmriAn r ocnlt atw t 1 1; This! NOTICE, fidence of the community of which he was a mem- ry locomotion, and in mental t1 -i ' . ' . I . t .1 ' 7.. " t I i rmr ucr. ii lsuiuuiui uuuer circumstances oi me ereai- i lahe uniis us twv osuiuv ue.. inn rniTrrPMiviiritir.mnl1 . .. IK 1 .1 I -..' - I - - - . w a mm M. mm . . . - 9 vrrM-Wt mm est consolation "To see a sister spirit it tak its'wing,1 ty the riuiiifies, this weather. and Brutuses ot the generous j -I 1TC haukn ... V j .L. 14.L J.. alt ars' to .! temVne'.w'H f 2.?J? ?k I saie, n morranion, ALL Llir. rLKOUiNAL Lo TtjCatos sistin? of Seperal Likely Negroes:" A large number 'of Beds $ Furniture ; A tbtoeJc oj every description ; Household and Kitchen Furniture : and many other articles. r ' ITFThe Sale will be continued from day to day, until all is disposed of. LTA credit of twelve months wul be given, the purcuaser giving bona and approved security. JOHN M'l'VTIHP iMinri. Nullification Jt easts, fe-everal 2il folks . N. B. ? All those indehtedto the. Estate his feelings andJtfee nobility of histharacter, will Jn South Garoliua are setting Urf -iiullifi- are requested to make immediate navment: and all cherish his memory witK theifonde'st regret,, and cation feasts," as they are callpdS A cle- perso"s havillff claims against the Lstate,wUl pre- tL u i f ; T7 ..uln i. I u: ... . - v it vvflcu, iu uie va.it; ui cctis,1 r etiiuy bjiuii wemcup visions of thepast, they will think of him as one th$ choicest companions of an pearlier day. , f ; Communicated. but that pain is doubly enhanced when we see one have an amazingly warm .tim of ahout soyoune so full of life and ! health of promise these days, in "throwing a State t&on its and of hope so rich in the affections of all around sovereignty." It is worse thafi thrbwirrg him, thus suddenly torn, in the very dawning of a vicious pony. All brisk an&ezcitiflff la hij honors and his usefulness:' from the 'association bors of that kind, should be but off i till I of kindred spirits and the more interestmg circle of cold weather Bait. Pat.iJ uly 6.' domestic5 endearments the friends and associates wah whom he mingled in social communion, to whom he had endeared himself by the! warmth of I ITEMS. 1 ip ver Carolinian, on his way totjieririgs, of was asked the other day wjia th 'ihrase meant i a. uumncaiionieascmt;, Yis one wnere me guesxs eai auu unn j every sent them agreeable to law. .Morganton, August 3, 1830. 25tds ' f South American Republic. On pur. 2nd page - . will be found a sjketch of the : Constitution of the ! Ke pub lie 01 Colombia, which cannot faij to mter ! est our readers; who must take delight, in hearing the leading principles of our own free' institutions .. adopted by our Southern neighbors. There too, has the tree of liberty been planted ?by the toil and blood of her sonB cherished by the ; genial influ- encc of the principles of Washington, Jefferson and Hamilton,' wp. may safely trust that it will hereafter flourish in -beauty and luxuriance coequal with our own happy country. Now,, when we see this new lie public settling down under , the happy restraints of law, social order and humaity binding their Provinces together by a magical but indissoluble tie, like pur own Union, what American but must tuke nride "and pleasure in the reflection, that it is to his own happy Government that opposed throughout the world are It is due to Bynum W,!Bell, Esq. Sher iff of Macon County,! to state that he has been first, the present year to settle his pUblic accounts . with thd Treasurer. It is 'a singular circumstance and worthy ot FASHIONABLE & CHEAP "WORK. rni HE subscriber, grateful for past favors, begs iJL leave to inform his friends and the public, m. arrive at Salisrmrv ever i . I J v Leave Liucolnton cvrr Vcdnrinh 10 ti. m. arrive at SalisDury every Thur day by II a. m. 2145. From Salisbury, by Houitoi Matesville, 32 miles, tice a week. borseqHJst coaches. ' ' Leave Salbury ctry I hurray, at noon, arnve same days, by 9 p. to. Leave Statesville TueV . Q : fc .ii. j u. iu. turi c ai o. nv innn. ,v-s. '2150. From Sah.H snerniis i-ortiaioul too, ilfon2s Mill- Creek, and Fort Dcfil 1 &l miles fttisl Irnol rjrW- iiuu uav . f uiUk-v Leave Salisbury every Mov, rioon, arrive at Wilksboro ev day by 5 p. m. J Leave ilksboro every i T 7 7 3 ""-6 , rTiV? "a5T tnat' he continues tn carry on the various branches fl m -T ments-they nullify flesh, fish J foiwj. and of TAir.OB.TTIO. at hw old stand, in lin. . - . .O wine, airainst all thp. nilfts knfl rptr,i4nt;Ana I colnton, on a more extensive scale, and. m thl II r rom LinCOintp of thp tpmnpranrp infiptiP5 " if - ! I times require, upon more moderate terms than ville, Gamer's Iford, Dun I : i ' I hsrernfnra in'H I. nr.no k. I,!- 1'.. . I T...l " 1 m rtHT r Tiv V Prirt V I ij i.ia puuviuajiijr iu uicn i liumenoruion, xxuieysTiii AV I i. f "H'J - with a conUnuance of that liberal Dationahiiher- .-.i. :iT: in -C ' j . ..i ' . I . . . o In one ot the south Carolina nnivrs. I w receivea. ; rejnark, that the amount jof taxes paid in- compiaint is made that Mr. Poinsett has to; the Treasury by Mr. than was formerly received wood before that County Macon taken from it.s Bell I New Hampshire. At th Democratic Members He is a subscriber to Ward's much admired Sus 13 ffreaterl 1 j -.u .1 .u-r l o 1 1 fW,vy tuning, ana is reguiariy iumi?ned wun llie from Hav I V , r V V- "T"" I vuaugcsiu uib r asoious, iQgemer wnu coiorea r.n- , t , "Cl It is not long since Mr. P. left a Jwuntrv gtavings, representing the various forms of car- was dmaea and TrPYipn' whprp hp w Pnnn'irli " r Writ!, ments, by which eentlemen are enabled to select Kaieiffh Keg. .i,onro or, r 'ncn stYes as suit their own taste. m. j .li i-7 : ... u-j "is prices nereaiter, wm te, without respect m. arrive at. Lincolnton every It- The anarchv and wretchedness nrrfm inor m n-n. , L imuunnj r a convention 01 ; c;u c; "is .;.:r t?i, r p...o-. " . 'v of the N. Hamp- gen in severd of thein from tfae & j For homespun coats, from.OO to ; " " c From Rutherfordtpn,bj for re-election as Pres shire Legislature, held at: Concord on the of a Dretended riirht to secede or wV idraw SS?6 in P;oPrt'0 l.h ii t ' Gpti. Jarkson was nominatpri , . ! v f .UJ r "io accomoaauon oi tanners, ne vu, r -i tt j "UUI me vuiucut4ov,; wi uitiutj, w f ucver i taKe, in exenange lor worK. au kinds ol grain, lam Siqelnt Ot the Umtea.1 tU n-pnprnl crnvr-mmpni- Hiri nnt flritSioatle- I'ber. Dlank. ahinHes. Alp. A-p. rTJir? h. i? pr or.btait Harvey was nf3minate6 for re-election as irovernor oi tne state ville. to Asheville. 110 milt; once a week in' two lioTS . Leave Lincolnton everyytx a. ra. arrive at Rutherfordtrx L and at Asheville evcryundrn - Leave Asheville every itfondr o p. m. 215;!. Shoals, Moorsbo;' to their dictation. . National iz. ' The Small Pox is said to be on rboard of some i of the ships at the quaiantine J . ground in New York. I i Art I I I fllAKTIIN ZIJIJILIUIAXV. Lincolnton, August, 3, 1830. 25 The Steamboat Rein (The editor of the Boston Courier, the oracle of the federal baDers in this State. who attemrrts to exercise a suDervisorv boiler on her way up the Ohio 4)fiwer over the politics of N. Hampshire, tleman was killed, and a lady w5nd is not pleased with the VYdiceJof New by the explosion. ; ' i 1 1 Deer burjit he A), gen- ded Hampshire" as expressedby the democrar tic members of the Legislature. . He calls thh preamble 'weak, and makes some ve ry weak, ahd'in our opinion, very silly Fecundity. . On the 35th ut. th f Wife of Mr. Samuel Dersham,. of iWlr :edeer General Post Office Department, ' July 10ZA, 1S30. : PROPOSALS For carrying the Mails of the U. States on the following Post Routes in North Carolina, will be received at this ollicc until the 12th day of October next inclu sive. r f IN NORTH CAROLINA. Farmers, he will I viusville, to Buffalo,l45 miles, and bac once a week. -r Leave Rutherfordton every Sunday a. m. arrive at Buffalo fcainc day. bvj m. i Leave Buffalo every 3Ionday ntL arrive at (rvitisville by, 7 -a 111 Rutherfordton, same dajr, bjnS pTSvS 2151. From 3Iorganton, by Pleawi Garden, Old-Fort, and SwannaDo, -8nevnie,ou miles ana back, once a wcei m stages. Leave Morganton every Saturday at a. ra. arrive at Asheville same day at C p4 ni. Frnm Salpin liv' I Tnrtc ;il TTm, tnwnsnin rtrpaprttprl tn him . at nni ihirtL I . n m . . comments upon that document, "Via truly, married iU years, and blessert'J with oflntn'RrinHlptnWn np,?fi.r,?v;n "" Ul me uay oy Nfw Hampshire," says he, 'whenshejoi- 11 children. The triplets werM6jg well erfordtou, White Oak, Gowanaville.S. C. nejd theJnion, expect .to Ktaxed to re- on Thursday last. , , J.; and Milford to Greenville, 19G miles and myve uie xuumns ior uibj ueutsmi uyy xu iue suuie iieigunoniooov li? same back, twice Q Week, ill four llOe S the eyes of the particular neighborhood in Georgia, or a- week, the wife of lr. John Diefi daffer coaches turned to catch n! other State.' New Hampshire was a presented to him twins. Perhaps' ome of . Tpa;, post p. m. 2155. From Morganton by BeardV Forge and Little River, to StatcsviEe. 61 miles and back, once a week. .. 4 Leave Morganton every Monday at 6 V. . ll m i j ; .1. in. itrrivf.ni .iinirsvi rvirv i not-rff the .reflections which gleam trom her peacetul and paiiy iu iuc cvxiuaui.wviiyu guaxaiitccu wi muse ma iaie. ut ceuuacy wouiu incline dav at 4 a m! arrive at Huntsviliphv ft n t - 7 J . - . - 4 I iart-ri o i-Vi ovtin'mnchrriDnt rr trio Itinion ! tninntmmrmr tvrr n mcii : V7i I . ... . I O tjcmficent mstrtuuontbat this lathe star which vs "' ""8"""";v"- r i j s?wiwni..iMpea, 1T,t ana at Matesville fame Javs.bv o nci; i ; PRpnr.j!ip. fniinWh 'Rtar..whieh Wfe to lands within her limits, and knows ;"A . i Milton Pa. Milton&n.l - paVft StatAvillA n.vtvw n,..'i ,A-,i L L,cave " r-F- Tr;--"- " , ... that ftnrrift naiH t-thft Union, a valna- . k nl.,. J T:t.J!if . V '." .. . OJU m. aiTIVC at :bas attracted the eye oppressed ami (? ne nnea otwesjas ae- rnaay, at a m, arrive at Morganton dav,ive n uia vuuiiig ouui juuu i i l iifju uays, eunesuav ana aturaa - x 1 n oo ri laT mini not? t t .TMnt not. V. .. -. . : 0 A rymct in thn ttili Jf Jihich : f-orif- of old, with slow but persevering steps until the - , A ' ipy.t i i . . i. , 1. -f , sia has so longs aDd tr l&mtly waited. Chains oi Donaage snan De loosea mine oroaa aay of liberty and independence ? a dark cloud now lowers over h& political prospects,- but clouds have been the harbingers of peace : and liberty -'the 'darkcst night preceeds the brightest day,'--even gia has so long, and . . p 'iehtly Again he says it would not, probably have cost the State of New Hampshire : five hundred' dollars for the Maysville Road." True it miffhtnot -and five hundred more for the Rockville road, and 500,0()0 more 50 may it be with-lallen Ureece the land ot scif the CTeat road from jjew Orleans to -'lice and Ot art. . rRnflTnln firo mUlinnss mntP fnr thp ntliPr rrmppts phntpmnlatpfl. nnrl so on rid. iwfn- Methodist y. il u .lA.. un mJj ((.ut, juiiiii me icvciiucs ui.uic nujiu tvuuu r Camp Meeting. , The ;Rutherfbrd Oarop Meeting which w,as held at Jarrett's Creek not. mpp.t. thp annronriations. and thpconn- near PoorV Ford, commenced on" Thursday .the kL itgeif the liberties of the! people .-.a . m mm a . 1 . 1 l A. a yth ult. and termmatetl on iuesciay morning tne, ould not seU for a sufficient sum to pay 34 instJ theitcv. Hartwell Spain presided. The th eXpense. It is not the amount of five congregation was large, and orderly, with a few hUdred dollars to' the Maysville Road, exceptions l.he weatner unti Monaay mgnt was extremely fine ; though gather warm, when a slower of rain fell which subjected the congrega tion to some little inconvenience, by the dripping f ' - .t . I ! .1 . A. . .. . pa tne rain inrougn some oi uie lenis. At ai meeting of the Lincoln Bar, held in Lin jlnton.'on Tuesday morning the 20th ultimo ; 'llobert Williamson, Esq. in the chair, the follow ing Resolutions were .unanimously adopted : ; . Resolved, That deeply sensible of the loss we tatesyille every. Wednesday ' at jlorganton every Thuta- sheville, by 3Iill Run. ltnnt-i11 Pnthou'c rmnC . HP m ..... The eastern people are, apprehej isive of .n ; and arrive at Green vdlc next days, S C. Keowee. and'Pickensl h. mPpil inconvenience to families, from' tlft ques- bnrsrJayud Sunday, by II a in . dlcton cy2 mde-s and ba k uoiis which uie uepuiy marsnais ivli asKj -vi. n.vmc cicij kraiuiua mm weeks. m taking the census. For instance ' who 1 "stray at 1 p ni, is the head the family 1' and 6f wVfot age Edgefield. July 10, Our C6ttpCrops are. and have been suffering Seve rely in tins part ot tne aistnct, tor want rain, and such is the advanced state'of cpr corn cnops, we fear that they are heWi i reco very. If we have not rain soon, o r crops , . , r: 7 must be unusually short. r ?ndse,1 "f1 ; J - ',? borough, La nesbo ui i ij ui, arrive ai iioriranton i iae- next riavs. Sunnnv nnH iVw npctliv Kv K! .. J . y i ; Vv,v o a. m. arrive at rendleton the next eel- pm; leave Morganton next days, Mon- nesday bv noon. day and Thursday, at 5 a ni,. arrive' at i J'i-un i..tu j fe a esvi e same days by G p m ; leave at noon, arrive at Ashev'llc the next Sa Statesville next dayn, Tuesday and I riday, turdav by 6 p. at 5 a m, arrive at Salem game days by 8 SlGO.j'rom Asheville, by Tdrker creek. Pi' ' f I II. 'IV Wnrul P, ll nr WoVMotvitlo onrt PmnL- m From Faycttevillc by OraW. ciu iia bac v - - have sustained, in the 'death of BEVERLY' J. THOMPSON, Esq:, we will attend his funeral fliis eveninrr at 6 o'clock. - i . ! Rcsolrcd, That as a tribute of respect for the me- L the present enormous duties drawn from mory of our departed brother, we will wear the the pockets of the people J must iri a.short usual badge of mourning for thirty days.! I jv in ..u c IIIUC lctil ciiui i ui lUBCiius isiiuuiv lint. 111- that IVew Hampshire values, were, that the end. ' It is the principle at which she striKes, ana sne will contend tor it as stre nuously as the colonies contended for the principle not to be taxed- by the lJarhamerit, without their consent that tax might ,not amount to more than three pence on a pound of jtea. It is astonishirfg that any man mon sense and common honesty,. yocate the system of appijjpriatiolis con tended for by the Clay men, which hun dreds of millions can neyermeet, and which .i ? i ...!.. i L STATE OF THE TH.1RMOM; iTLR, FR03T JCLY 29, TO AVGCST 5. ; ii ' ! Sun Rise. lu A. M . of com- can ad- usual oange oi mourning, lor thirty days, Resdlred; That Messrs. Graham, Swain, and Mar shall compose a committee to superintend the ne cessity arrangements tor .the funeral. T f&sotred, That 3r.' Hill wan announce to. the Court the melancholy-event which has transpired, and solicit on behalf of this -meeting a suspension "cf business during this day. I . ; ' .. . (Rtsolvcd, That.the proceedings of this meeting be .published ; and that the Secretary transmit a -opv to the mother, and relations of the deceased Tlin UPWS To Secret, 1 accordance wun me ioreoiuji; resuiutiuiis vi Tbfession the Court suspended the transaction f btess during the day, and at 6 o'clock, P. M. an mlnse. funeral train, lhovihg in the following processi "accompanie(i tiie remains of Mr. -Tsthetomb.' : V C and Committec of Arrangements ; tercsts of the debt to be created, iri . ' .i . . . quence.. - ' The voice of New: Hampshire' which Mr. Buckingham pronounces weak, will be echoed by thei democrats of this coun try from one extreme to another, and will ring in his ears for months to come. j : ! U , 1ST II. Patriot. conse- . , lheTHE CORPSE, .B0ProyfesSwnembers of l Profession ; VliamsoA5, by Msrs. Robert . itC V"-" ... HI lV " f- 1 ' Mr: JIcDuffie's Speech. The Newbern (N. C.) Spectator says : r"We are credi bly: informed, that there was not a sen si- bid Repreeentative in Congress, Jvho put the1 least faith in this gentjemais's nothing about exporter s payintne dutiesj - it is a doctrine which owes its origin ito Mr. Calhoun, got up for political effect, and adaDted to the southern meridian, to make: the South believe, that tinder the hoperation.of the Tariff' they pay loiirths ot the revenue, proportion to their exports. Even Mr. Cambreleng, whose notions on political economy, are yjewed.as practical and otthodox, derstand expressed his decided from such rdasoninsrs. The fact J' Vi rP,. I 1 ' 1-1 .1 ' ' tnf n:aiu, Hftflpswffi Tnpfinps iiip mpsp. art iiiuv luuuu J.jinnm rti" - ,. -..-----.., " V eQ ;inlnm, mdeeJ' viciatedsome Wiosebn the ignorant and uninformed, rx 1 jiiiinW excellencies of Vjjuman char- Atv1 ays respect ivhat they cannot un- The, Countu Courts: :ouk Vie. Cf The numcrous concourss9mbv j ;arhatae tne laivi dutv otahe oc- t Acinu. x- w- - 1 - I .u .woat;ed. evinced the v an(j pdship from such rdasoningrs. we un dissent is, tha ated to 't,P most striking j 'cter-frank and enpg gaginginmsiepsengett. Vl deem mystery nce.. t o and obscu- eter, m a 69fair 6jlair 65,fair roci fair. GGjfair (GO rain 54 fair 6jfair C-8 fair ; i9Ufair 9()fair '8l!fair " . 66 cloudy 180 fair Set. lieeifam u. 91 fair- fair StkainO fair f ;9lair Wair a 4 r: 190 !76 ii86lfairH Thursday. Friday. " Saturday. Sunday. iJlonday. Tuesday. Wedn-'y. m B t rT n 7r.--" ni. f Fropdsals icill be received for twice a MARRIED On Beaver Dam. fn fhm rnimtv V u - - m U 0"U ..1. 1 HT- T IT' I ' i W . T C. AVoodward, of Fairfield Dis. S.C. tMiss CJ..1 Lf.L' ... ?,... ua ouiue. oi mis coumv. 78cloa ?2cloa 70iair saac Ire- J In this county, a shortjime since Mr. William lain, juesviiic. aacs- f. ne&boroujrh, Cockburn store, i M..n ituP;iiuj . r. IMaxwell s;. store, CharUte and Hunters- m. arrivc at Clayton ecry Wednesday ville, to Lincolnton, 159 miles, and back, 6 p m . J , once a week, in two horse stages. ' t rUvLr. cr r.,A c - .Leave Fayettevillc every ednesday, k , ici' jiu ' ,i u i at 4 a mi arnye at AVadefehorough every n . J J ,r Thursday,; by 10 a m ; leave Wadesboro' o,: From Morfranton. T at 11 a mrnve at Charlotte every Th- vcr NorthCovc, Bear Creek, Bakersville, daybylOam; leave Charlotte, at 11 a Greenleesville, and Ivy, to Asheville.; 01 -i X.U.VU utu., tame uay, uy , p m, es aird back. Once a we-kT V . I n. m. nrnvp nthrvi r L.eave ljincointon every v canesday, at a n m . . i. . ' J rillc every Sundny by am;' leave Charlotte aH2, arrive at Wadesboro' every Friday am; leave Wadesboro' atj.l-n"m, and ar Leave Asheville every Monday at 4 a. -Kiol m' arrir orSanton every Tuesday by ' j nt 1 1 n m luoi'O CYt mttlf r inline, jubij. ui mi-inn coumy, 10 juss jLUzauetn Guffey, of this -county. " ; 1 : 4 On 2nd Broad Kiver, in this county; on Sunday l. 1 . '. . 1 n if iT!i . m I " . n . . ii me jaiuisi. uy iv. rv. v uson, lusqA. air.nyiuiam rive.ai rayeueviiie Morehead to Miss Betsey Fortune, all of Ujs coh- by 4 p m. t VJ 1 1 ?H! ' I Olll V IT T..l I .1 ' . .. . ...... . . . . 1 -xx. ifuui xiupc-ciiiu ueumes r ora,i siaie meir prices ny the year; payments DIEDln Greenville Dis. S. C.pnthi Vjlstult. nine miles, and back, once a week. ' j to be made quarterly, in the months of day, Saturday, p. m. NOTES. 4. Persons who make nronoLils will r , ' - ...... .w. v 1 ' fl 7 joi 1441. at the house of Mr. Bliss, Mr. Jonathan ) pcwell, of Buncombe county, aged about 25;yeart ' At the timepf his death he was engaged in;wago ; ng be l 1 1 l L : 1 j 1 1 1 1 I kvu uulu ins uoree ana suaaemy expjrea. , ie was a very respectanie young man, and has le$ 'a ten der father and mother and a number of Ioy jg bro thers and sisters to mourn his death J . j Comil . 1 ' State of North Caroliri - Rutherford County 4 . T T..:.. C3- rn 4 Wi ia f , Kichard Arendale and wile r . ;1, .-- 31ary. Charles Blackwc .- 1 $ I nesiey, w cud ana nis wue Henrietta, and reter lilac t well, r . vs. ' A Daniel Blackwell, George By-' firs, John Blackwell, James , . Blackwellleuben Mastinand Sarah his wife, Rebecca Mas tin and Felix, Joel, and-Mary Blackwell, heirs at law of Joel Blackwell, Jr., deceased. 1 m Billgrcopnt t !disj6.dtion. Leave Hopewell every Friday, at 5 a.m. May, August, lYovember and Tebruarr, arrive at Ueatties I ord, same day. by 7 a. one month after the eimration f erh . . . rf , m. - . auaiter. - Leave Beatties Ford every Friday, after o. None but free white persons shall bo the arrival of the mail from Salisbury, ar-1 employed to carry the mail. rive at Hopewell in two hours. . 9. The number of the route, and ituhr- . 2142. From Charlotte by Steel Creek cinning and termination, should be stated and Sjoweesville to Hoylsville. 29 miles, in every bid ; and the proposal mint be auu uuck, once a weeK. sealed, directed to the "lieneral Port Of- Leave Charlotte every Friday at 11 a. ficer office of Mail Contracts," and super- m., arrive at lioylesville sarne day, by 8 scribed "Proposals." P ra.! The following is a proper form for a Leave lioylesville every . Thursday at proposal: . - noon, arrivc at Chailotte everyFriday, by t4 will convey the mail, agreeably to ad- " vtriistmcm. on rouit ia. frira . m. - . m. 1 " if '- '. T " it'-. . ' yi4.J. t rom Kaleigh by Prince's bridze, to .for' Pittsboro', Dorcettsville, Marley's mills, the yearly compensation of dollars." ' Ashboro'. and Spencer's to Salisbury, 1 19 Hp must state the place ofhis residence; nines, ana DacK, twice a week, in 4 horse and, it not airontractor, must accompany . post coaches. . , , his bid with satisfactory recommendations. ' Leave Raleigh everfr Tuesday and Fri- 14. No contract can be transferred with- ' I l ..mn. . m . . - I . i . . Mastin and wife Sarah, and Rebecca 3Iast . de- aa a. im. arrive at Salisbury next out tne approbation of the Postmaster fendants in this cause, are not inhabitants j f this J Thursday and Monday, by 11 a. m. j General ; and the assignment of a con- is oraerea uu iuey apptr ue Leave Salisbury everv Tuesday and tract w thout hi mnunt fnHVit i . - "ITT appearing satisfactorily to the; CourC that, jL John Blackwell, James Blackwell t euben State. Judge of UieCourtofLquity,tobeueldlorther-p.i M ' ; ; " , jy'u ,v, TV,,. r7 i j r VT ' ford county, at the Court Ilouee at.ltathert,dton, ,v., ,r .V wm uccr.oe ucpancu iruw. v on the third Slonday after the fourth Mofrlay of next mursday and IVlonday, by 4 p. m. 1 17. All contract for routes embraced. . Npritprnhftr .nftit. and tueaa. answer, or 4 emujr. I l . rrnm niicrmnr her ri iranni. in t hia QrfrAtav,Mi vii AmArt r r- r ' Ti ' M wv- f y I UU Ll ILILUIUU L 1 lilll LxJUlxxJlUWV ' and, otherwise complainanteV bill will be taken n p con- Mount Mourne and Beatties Ford to Lin- the 6rt day of January next, fesso and set dowta for heanngexparte,asta themJ i. ri , , ' W4 'dUUu; L And Ant. th OrdPr be nubliahed ix weJ ts sue- colnton, 51 miles, and back, once a week, ue four years. cessively in the North Carolina qpectatl i and two horse stages. I Decisions on bids will be tac yestera Advertiser. n I ave Salisbury every Thursday, at 2 J on the 10th of October next. f.Py-TeH' r . W1LLTAMT.BA r.indi r Jniv 3Utb, lcJJU. rr.acif5-?u-7 3 tjw fcn m . : 4. T T.J 1 I . i ? . 4 s I - : A " m it mm. ttimmuMi i