... i . ' V,' . ..!..... J t. I? T HE NORTH CAROLINA SPECTATOR WESTERN ADVERTISER. jl. .' ; . . ' ." : "X. 1 A I . .1 POETRY.' 1 From the Philadelphia Chronicle "R.I.wtor While vteitin&tMrwnnifern'rtli . Tir ... v- . -r rent me might- 'ar-wrtes8ing his feats of activity and dexteri f and havta auricular demonstration of his col ; -7J"joanuiug is me result: holder rxyvv ily f5anPiritof80nS r to Cats EDSON. 4 become hushed, and bless thp messenger- of the workingmen-the affairs of tti fe- on my fever'd hauns that began to trum- wrought timidity, that stimulates them to breeze, that bears along the dying inur- gencyj and the progress of anti-mastf ty. mle like leaves p aspen. My mouth iras such silly conduct. As it is now sorno mursof its first faint strains?; Who does Amonff the thronir. there was ond, ho made o cork cover'd wi dust Ups, sixteen or eighteen years since liss not when the near an hoarse blast fallslfrom day to day had been observed f:Bg tongue, palate, and a doon till my throat I MitfonTs first poems were published his inquiries at each return of the ma but and stammack. I spak and the and we cannot sin against politeness in caj his spirits had so often been subject&tj to soun, was as if a buried corpse had tried ing that the ladj is considerably over thir- , the damps of disappointment, that tiie'lia- to mutter through the smotherin mouls. ty years. - In person she is short and very lo which enrobed the features of tfee ir-jay f I thocht on the tongue of a parrot. The stout but retains a light graceful step had entirely forsaken his r.nnntenanfi&nd central lands o Africa, whare lions can? and notwithstanding her cnbon point, and feel his nenes twitch, his heart beat and apparently he came now from the fS& of ragin' mad for water, when cheated outo'l her rustification in 'our village, the mo- nis wnoie soui absorbed and excited in the nabit, rather than from a hope of fc i':iv-l Dioou, canna De worse-7ireamea l ux a I ment sue enters ine room, you icci progressive developement of letters, seal- ingthe long expected dispatches of jds species of delirium than this dungeon'dl vincedllrat she is a person, not only of aesen. up ! mil a a rap o aew wouia i nigu iniiicct dux mgu oreeuinR hae seera'd then pregnant wi salvation 1 1 bornyentlewoman. DubUn Lit. Gaz. liainlllain! Ram! What a world oM I jT"a 6bjV toagno que futUTum F-S- uyeiupmraioiMJiaw, seai- iuug cxpecxea aispaxcn.vi 4.fu' taa,onstriun.J ' e Packages &c. &c; And who does when and kindred far away. He was h jjvp- pju voh- . I 4 ' the negative nod is given in reply to his ger and held no communion with ihi4a- n I suDsvjince 01 a snade tne negative nod is given in reply to his l ger and held no communion with thi,ra- inquiries for letters, feel the dull refluz'of round him. His features were pale-ri-da disappointed expectation, setting ori his settled sadness brooded upon their :jfe-1 life in fAatsma word! But the atmos- DE KALB. j,?d thinwhenst comest thof ' of Death that dost inv & -f j thy bones to'show- and songs of fun ? invade unconscious of the bifetl& and mair, entrenched agamst a' uquidity by I death ofthe Uaron Vc riaib, was lurnisn' . of the thronff. ; No sigbl rin-1 brazen barriers burnin' in the sun. Spit-1 ed from the late Rev. Mr. Hunter who proceeded from his bbsaly; brl tie lhad nane and when in desperation was taken prisoner bv the British, and had! I sucked the heather, 'twas frush and fus- witnessed the incidents which be describes. a the Btillj night, fiance thy form did move ybs were instinct with delight, ygewere looks of love : mpic feata thy ''trotters tried, Joyry wrestler ! by thy side ! aimon lot.-i-A Hero's shade axtfitbfbattles old to tell ; - .thousand speakest of hosts arrayed compensated. 1 Ahile in conflict rans thv "Droud Hurra." r'p.d 1 . . 1 . . . t -r t ... I . 'oj a uciu oi ueiiui, vnere iiijui oeiei ; 1 J Ikf . heart chilling his fervent sympathies.! less lines as he stood statue like,'iinr- phere lookM as if it would never meltl The subjoined narrative, relatmg to the It is well worth while of the observant, vant and in search of variety and amusement, to presence stand and watch the soers and comers, at xious look our Post-Office and mark the varied char-1 flashed athwart his lorn face, fori hi aciensucs oi me muitimae, as heir ex-l grievea c pectations are f realized or disappointed.) ed crush 1 o watch the tevensh.ttush ht hope, and I his s the pale revulsion of despair! as theyf rise I desp ana roil backward unon tni imnntp.nnnrp. I ana A single hour of observation, will iikfold t anticipation, but he stood with ah ibe- ted heart. 1 graL Then shame came to I and without manifesting any design or ob- xo rne eye,- more oi numan passion and iieving wisn, max inose jnenas wnn jyoom i my reiiei--sname even in mai uuer son- y-iwo jtvomu cuwg. no human sensibility than an aeof casual! in the more happy and prosperous'oJts of hide.' Somewhere or ither in the mulr I descried by the soldiers, who clapping their observation in the ordinary Scenes of hfe. his existence, when his .now distant $m& knew there was a loch, and . I took out hands on their shoulders (relcn mg to lus For (.occasional moments passed within smiled upon hini and pleasures mroj her mytoap. But the idewit that had plan- the Post-Office arch, we have. been amply golden blandishments, and allurements I ned it had ha alloo'd a yellow circle o had so otten led-1 aboun six inches square for a' Perthshire. I ' i t.i j i i: . il I .1 r l ..VK.tJ mt . ver nis loneness, ana iqe eai-l loniess, as u winereu oy ucuieuiu , xuui nuiuciurc uccn puuuautu, ouumw; bf hopes until the acutenVs of a sap had left the vegetable creation." I be read with some interest.' 1 ptnt s sorrow was hrpten, and , v;bro tan" my pulse and it was mm inin,- mm, x ne-acuon was neariy wociok wmcu air he had become heedless VecJ&ess, sma, sma sma noo nane ; awa and I was taken prisoner. A few moments hopeless. ? His bosom cherikhfe no then a flutter that telt tales o' the exliaus- after, Baron De Kalb without suit or aid , over past scenes of life, 1 nimsated. i . f , over past scenes of hfe. had so often:- led- internally anxious, but placid fa-1 ged their fidelity, miffHt not .forget hi..ut- polititloh came herej to I receive des- terlytbut send one solitary token of "jid- fse, amidst thtrumpets said "Ha! Ha!" patcjies, the import of which was to ex- ship and loves-rone line, to say that, h. was pand to stiil wider dimensions, or burst -not : banished trom all memory, ahchat the bubble of his little' brief iauthority, at the world had not become so much . a once. ' rie receivea wun a greedy grasp.f wuuerness as ine iainnng Jthongh thou needest little here below, ii: i t.Vii j r.n y Vonntless ."money's" to tliy deeper flow wds to thee do still a "fu(irtexfxvXl a. . y i -i y . y . . y What'slaecome o1 a' the birds, thocht I, and thejbees, and the butterflees and the dragons? a wattin' . their billsand the proboscisces in-far offrills,and rivers, and Vs pluck is thine. Nojquarter giving, C-ender spoils, in clover liyiug. V ishould'stbelookedonj'whenthe twilight wind t:nts a low dirge within' the Cypress tree: , ,he mysterious forms of unconfiiied V stalking 'ghosts, rise palo, oer stream and lea : 1 thou should'et herd with them tlie 'deafthe J' . dumb. , " fit else take refuge in the Museum ! v - i.,'.. : .y . : , vtf be eye of Wtstland shouldliave gazed oil thee UUj, genius placed thee in Titanict's train ; Ky songs would fill her sylvan bower with gleef Tiy Yankee jokes make glad her green domain"! ' 1 ; '-vvuld'st have been postillion, to her Gtace, ) " '' form's recommend from thy 1at place. ' V- thou art insolvent to the worms, ' , no mortal property for them-i. ' ' ': dull, insatiate maws, on other forms Must feast, while, o'er them sounds the reuienv! Thwi hast but bones, oh Calvin,'refl of grease ; tne parcel directed to his name anti flmpri neart orompiea mm to neueve-- m with anxious scrutiny at tn$ various -superscriptions, if possible to indentify the hand writing before t the seals were burst. The varied hues of gratified or. disap pointed solicitude j could be traced over the lines of his countenance, as the con tents coincided - or were adversed to- his epauletts,) cried out "A General 1 a rebll General ! Immediately a man on horsfe back (not Tarlton) met him ao$ demand- cd his sword. The Baron very reluctant ly presented the Handle towards him say ing Qu'il vous ctes un ofiicier, Mouj sieurr-(You are an v officer,'.' sirl) Hii antagonist with an oath, more pecempttf rilv demanded his surrender. The Bar loches? O, blessed "wild-dvueks. blouteiin. in the wfttpnr'stripr.km thpirspllq up! and flappin' their flashin' plumaere in I then with all possible speed moved up 4 .m .''..ii ' . '! .i .111 T' I a . i . I I fTL. ' iV-l ..J vne.n tne till rose and tne crowo in- ine peany iresnness:. a greai big spee-i way. . xnc cry a reuci ucusiit w eced, around to receive jthe contents' v the aer, wi' a bag-belly, was nnnuv up my cd beiorc him. lie leu iroin nis noi mail, he did not rush with them,8 but . iood leg, and I crushed it in my fierceness the mortally wounded, his body being pea aloof, with arms, folded across his -l.asti'- and a downward gaze, as if tmjnrillij. to retard the receipt of happiness to bers, and yet hot wishing to be a witness Av'ioys views and expectations. The smile of in which he could have no partners! exulmtion, and scowl oi displeasure sue-j -ine crowd came and went, deposit Vvind ceeded each other bv turns until thenack- received despatches. The business! Fvian ages had severally received .a, glance when they were re-folded, and the same quiet suavity of aspect, returned and he commenced, greeting his by standing fel lowl with, the will 1 directed I shafts of af fected civility and politeness. first inseck ;! ever wantonly murdered syne I was a wean. I kenna, whether at ' last ! swarft or slept, but for certain sure 1 had -a dream. I dreamt that I was at hame, and that a tub o whey was stan nin on the kitchen dresser. 1 dookd my head inuTt, and sooked it dry to the wood. ?lYo clerk. 'They never will . come I doubt me? not 'but they will sleep in peace. yy gathering over her shoulders: .the lit- " 1 .replied the 1 4 reiomed she Firewell thin emblem of our evanescence ! . like thee, our fitful race must waste away ; . ,. . . And all who stand within the shadowy presence, :' TVill sirikfat last, in indistinct decay ; , - And Lamberts all, and Edsons sleek or slim, jv Must bow to Death There's jnb eluding him! THE BETRAYED. '' 4 She had joved early and had been betrayed ; Hope's light had faded soon," and sorrow came ! Tc claim a patient victim like a shade . - - ' i Upon her soUl wasmem'ry of-her shame. ' Andthus,fas 'twere by stealth, life's fountain raii, ' Bating away existence; yet she smiied In mournful silence on the reckless man ; "sv :..".' , Wlio won and ruined her whilst yet a child ! . ' How long she; loved him! how long the creature "j strovij ' V '':.. :" .; ' To win him back to what he once had seem'd f So sinless and devoted washer ove, .. ." That .when a smile upon his features b.eam'd, y. Her soul, ratt over with its joy the while, 'And her dark eyes fiash'd tenderness on him, As if all heaven were mirror'd in that smile,; And all beside were valueless and dim! : : ' x . i . ' ' - . - ; ' ' Years waned she faded, and r whilst, fading clung .Constant and fond to her first miner! ! ; .Despair was in her glance, and on her tongue A seraph music lingcr'd but for her r , Earth had no furtherjoyahd when all hope Of winning pack her. promis'd destiny . : ' ' Faded away, oh fate's dark horoscope :.l , he cast one glance, and thea prepared Jto die ! and speculator were favored with piv nptl Yet it slockened not my thrust, but ag- and hastened to close their bargain'&nd my greed. A thunder-plump or water engagements. Horatio- Tristram I .lJit- spout brak amang the hills, and in an in lace Esq. once more made his appeal ?ce, stant a the burns were on spate ; the Yar- and with ungloved hands received tl pit row Toanir red, and looming as it were letter sheet and departed. The" iti irl I mad. and I thocht I couM hae drucken tie girl, who apparantly had been sent by returned, and ran home with infantil ; iyee up' a its linns: Twas a brain fever, ye her mother to receive the, iohg expected and alacrity to exhibit her " seccessj CSnd see, sirs, that had stricken me a sair epistles. ' ! ' give joy to her family. Innnmerab! p-,troke-nd I was consdous again o lyin voluptuous in their joy, and the u jrac- I up to the cruel sky. I was the Terra per cessful. went their war. some with d Hir n- Bonification of Thrust ! And felt that I was ciisi ioohs. outers wuu a iiau &uccie avuu i uc wi iuc vumucu xii , uuuw u iui i ..w. lf sins to leave beyond the reign o' the cle- cd by tho piquet, and carried dcioi urtV cAtron Vkitlltc TrnrnMiotHn ter his fall he was divested of his hat ; Aeckclotb, coat and waistcoat ; he 1 4 Then raised to hii feet and' placed agai a pine post his shirt drenched with blc lay close to his body. .At every resp tion, a copious flow of blood was cvid from almost every wound. Uc died 1 evening. His remains were carriet Camden and there interred with the a ors of war. ThU tragedy was acted I mediately under, my eyet where no take could occur; and never let it be li again to the honor of Tarlton, that bc his personal prowess, wounded andmj prisoner the brave, but unfortunate Kalb. Yestem Chronicle J . n 'American drummer having ctfoi from the camp, approached the En n-pntlv adin?tp.d 'shawl, as shft'psrfindAd half felt indifference. . K ? tl sins to leave beyond the reum o' the cle Kd by tho piquet- and earned before tr the step and returned to report to her fam- When the call ofthe last one had en i me nt to a' Eternity. Suddenly like a man commander on susnicicn of be'mg a rpf. ily the blank intelligence. ariswered,he raised his eyes, and advened shot in a battle, 1 bounded up into the air, I disguised in a dmrjimeTS uniform. Ot, t UlT K T. AT:l U:..J1" clniirlo tmirarrl tU annortiim TkoKv' in. t Btl1 Mil nff in tll mnmiklVP PHPTITV ff Deinff OUCStlOneO 116 DOneSUV lOlU UlO UUUJ . J-l a.1 UlC AJtlStCl ll XTJ.clll iaill tU i 1U- I oiun it i.ur uu uisuwa u v.. jl. v;;,u- i - - - - bj . " . " . ' . 4 quired a blustering man of business, who! peared an unwillingness even in thi?d hisl dyih; natur, till doon I fell, and felt that and declared who and what he was.' Ihi3 l was waiting for intelligence relative to desire seemed to be not to learn I if K jpre 1 .was about indeed to. expire. A sweet noi gaming creaii, a arum was . seni ior, , price of pot or .pearl ashes, the rise or fall were letters for tym, buBf there were fjine. soft celestial greenness cooled my cheek and he was desired to beat a couple, of of wheat, and hour, and the! general bros- Letters he knew he ought to have; bV-he as I.lay, and my burning een and then marches, which he readily performed and 1 nhamch o hnna tholthova ; U (f Pam rfV CAmPTflinff IlkP ft mifrMTV rllft.l LI1US rPmOVPll IIIE COmmaJlULr 11 any, when he felt that a repetition oti lis- mond a gleam that seemed to compre- of his assuming a . fictitious character. appointment only awaited him. jj:A't.tht bend within itsel the haile universe, shone "But my lad, said he, lct.me now hear, convulsion was observable in his .frpe, 'upon and through my being 1 gazed up- you beat a retreat." . "A retreat P repli- as his eves became fastened upon tbf" ni- on't with a' my senses mecifu heaven ! ed the dnmrmer.r there is no such bcatm . . . . . .I . .. i . . . ... . ... ' . . what was t but a well in the wilder- our service, ness water, water, waterJ and asI drank,'! prayed1." . Black wood.J pects of tratle, before he could fully ad venture the half formed speculation.) . "It will be in a'few moments" replied i man the! clerk. With this! answer the turned on his heels and departed. "Any thing for Horatio Tristam Tight-1 tials designating the bgx, where ;ette di zi Esq." ejaculated a gaunt frizzed rected to his and similar names wen; la- lac4 staryeling of an exquisite. . 1Who sir" said the clerli ,4;H6ratio Tristam Tightlace-Esq 'INothing for Mr. Tightlace, sir.' -IThat is d d strange too, sir. mutter- && he, fingering and adjusting the project lnglcorners of his dickey, and left , the j: . . . i. - i y- - arch. :cv : ;'i ,y . i tm oil m frnm a man with both hands quietly reposed within his pockets, and who seemed to have no other motive for the inquiry than to seek questions. j 'iNTo mail from theivest yet, sir." 1 1 in you iuutv ior leiiers uirecieu 10 ced. It had been empty for several ys, but now two folded sheets were there vtsich no owners had claimed. ;A deeper fc;fic of hope and tear playeq on his palicV Ma tures as he bent a more ! earnest-; gjg at the parcel within but still he xeny- led silent. The excited glimmer whicfe S .-ad Long time she pined in sorrow ; then a light Lake morning twilighWer hei featires came, i Her step wasiar more baoyant.and more bright .l"c au!c jjivwiuer, appearanc ; '.m'.fci.i uaJ-ji. l. Jii .,::.r jtW. mcaiea a nail -incredulity -as to the cor ,; . - x ia?u u net uain eye VV1U1 nope S CeitrSUUl name j' . .,. mil v i a t,:-' aufl.,u v.:. .v, -i. rectness of tlie. answer. .Tlrerlushof an , , i nuumiuvBuuau uuruL.uu ner iauea cneeK, And to her lips a arrange deep tint was given ; ' Then suddenly all vinish'd, and her meek , . MISS M1TFORD. j Mary Russell Mitford resides at the lit tle hamlet jof 'Three Mile Cross," near y" Reading and it is pleasing to know that all her scenes are taken from real life on found a place within his bosom Jwfe3n-fthe aspect ofthe cultivated and wooded' lending wnn me seuiea enm oi aesp country of sunny Berkshire I was not It was the banishment of this last" irk a little astonished to find her attended on which had arisen in his Jreastji thWhe her last visit to London, by that identical dreaded he was willing that it shoi re- 'Olive Hathaway,' the lame Village semp- main there, and feared the consequejr. of stress, who forms the subject of one of her ,its annihilation. At length he attef ed sweetest sketches. Miss Mitfdrd is much to speak-but . his voice was chokeche addicted to country pastimes, and often hetic-upon his cheek ran backward !nd takes the field at dawn of day acebmoa- cate voice, with music enough in jit to Ih4nged to a deadly pale he; raistfJ pis I nying her father in his coursing excur- aavp elicited a reply irom . me episues arm ana convulsively pomiea ro xnpx, sions. ilay nower, pretty Juayy is not themselves had there been any. r' speak he could not the ague'pf fng a dog of imagination, but a beautiful hound, "There is nothing for MissLucretia was fast egming over him. The cleiMn- whose two sons share with her the cares answered the respectful clerjir A tremor derstoodnms, and. from frequent ;mfj$ies ges of their kind mistress. The Mitford of anxiety shghtlv shook: the! frame of the remembered his name. He raised. And cotta re is a nrettv but fairv spot.. You fairiquerist during the search: and when handed the letters it was the wish;rf miwhtrilace it as a band box on a shelf , L" .'i - y - i - 1 . i . I ... . , P . j I o r . ... ... . uie negative was given ner, appearances in-1 superscnpiion merememoereananiwri- or hamr it like a bird cacre.in a tree ; how- A . V - A. A. I . - . .1 T A. I smtm M ung. m an ecsiacy oi joy, ue &i&mi k, ever it suthces lor the wants ot a descen tore asunder the seal, and over 1 he in tents wept out the contending tides om- qtions. He was happy. i She 'haieOdm for the ric he rpolt.' the'hef -fim for the rote he broke.' Miss Lncretia- said a deli- t Disfrancliis'd ppirit passed awity to heaven! MISCELLANY. ticipauon iorsooK. her cneeKL and with a marble countenance she continued gazing through the aperture for the delivery of letters, as n tne, place coma not be lett, without the expected package, until the i . dant of the noble house of Russell of one who may, with truth be also .termed 'a.,noble of nature,' the antiquity o whose tide cannot be .impeached, as 'has been made out by an unerring nand. There she lives the idol and' blessing of her sur- Miss Mar? xewis, a young Lady of Queen" Ann's county Mary land, recently obtained a verdict of $350, against Wool son Gibson, a young buck of seventy, fic kle and faithless as the wind, for trifiutg with her affection's fYocxo men are apt o be mischievous sometimes." . , . . ' .... L. I. Patriot Jliss Iargaret Wadsworth, of Blairs ville, Indian a. county i Pa: obtained a ver dict against George Ackerman, of $2000, that being the whole amount of his estate, . for a breach of promise of marriage. The young unmarried men irom seventy, down. wards to the days of youth, must be f. ranged. They had better be cauticoT by the examples we have quoted, - and guard themselves against the consequent ces of tnjlmg with htr affectunbJ Eiiraci from a Census Dialogue. Cen sus man. But who is the bead ofthe (ami ilrs. OTlynn. Och ! bless you, b?r us au neaa ano no neaa iney aiw J i t i ior inemseives. . . . Tnw m tntr or your family t Mrs. O'Flynn Is it that tot? is.hJ Vila, - From the Rochester, N. Y. Craftsman. ' THE MAIL THE POST-OFFICE. f Jn these two national conveniences are ' centred as many -hopes and fears, anxie ties and regrets, sorrows and iovs, to the t components of a community; xas minds and hearts are various, or as circumstan- : j ces and fortunes are susceptible of vicis- delivery, and the. fast gathering and impa situdQS. The first is the courier that tiently watching groups, testified td the lastlirameririgof hopeiarisihgfrom 5nbe Xitiz , AVith a swollen bosom, and tremb img siep, sne waiKeo down the hall the street. - j ' ' ' ' '- . . ; : ." a pause now succeeded, while tne con- teniis of the mail were being arranged for for their sins in the wilderness: :.TSere devoted friends---there is a certain num- tnnnr ( I r rnn'rn n Ill tell ye, sir, in the twmkf aT 1 posU 'Let me see thereV:u u Ai s ioun Ha (X and hiigang of waddle there'aTady 0'ldx.'""Y children; there's cs, well-gr, Wmiy O Redley,. a tp even oancrs Thirtf. Ettrick Shepherd loquib4 I "Hunrrsr's naethin? till thrust. K. An. Vin till announcing the arrival jof the great the middle o' the muir o' Ranndch fViad viving parentr(wno by the way, is.one of uiu nyiw iuc casi leu, exunguisuing me near dee d o' thrust. 1 was crossing'ae mejnost-gentlemanly and nanosome old Loch Encht fit to the heed o ulenoiiy, men in i Lngland, somewhat violent in and got in amang the :hags,i thatfor what we consider the wrong fide in poli leagues and leagues a' round that diurnal tics but that is no affair of ours) and be- region seem howked out b' the black.. bssl loved and respected of all, who, in van a - by demons doomed to dreary -days-crgsj bly, from being acquaintances, become fri- ttioir cine in.tVlO WlMprnP;B: r'PTt I nfVntPri fVlpn1a-thoM la o portlin 'nnm.l Uai. 4.. . .t-C theirhusbaHana""ikkt",'l, l"cl ?et littl ones us you wo BCTCUUf , wih tA-ap jour wnugly eyes upo nA Afe's nme'arjd Teddy, and o firry their Ta twcntyih xjLntfns btt?3 nxlodgersand fourt M?f their hopesthatxcrushesr oi- elevates ever was superscribed to, khemo sensibuities or involves in, still stood mute and musmff. and a third sickening vagueness and sus- tion. bamshinsr Dersoharanxietv. discus- was like arreat long looked for ecclaircisse- sed the politics ofthe day, the lijrht I that boil ower a slo bt ano mysteries. vv ho does would be thrown unnn Mr. Snpnppr'.d nnd wntpr RfpmM ArieA un o natur.-a e: Hot and it is onS: va a. r 11. - i t 1 s 4 . . . .1 1 - 1. 1 1 . . lani sounw 01 me man bugle, j lioy. Throop's controversy-the prospects the big drops p sweat that" plashed : n intellect, or to 7ak more gcuuy, an qt long PP7 was naethinfdr t but lowp Iowpr l,lrp- ber of persons, of a particular class who in' out b' ae pit intil- anither hourrjter 'do not like to be put in printmat are hdur till, sair forfenchen, 1 i feef-ds, little bit afraid ofthe fair lady's wit, and Census man. Ubears in its chained foldings the tidings of impor ance attached to the intelligence of thousands; tne last is me suentbut taithful which it might be the bearer. Those! who and left their cracked bottoms I bar-. w would rather keen out of her war who &-ald that dispenses to the anxious mul- would, took astandinfrontoftheirresnec- in the heat. The heather was sfiddf as get at the wronir side of the hedire- if itnftO.. the IUlhlment J Or dlSannnintmont tlroJlinvoe trtVotlio first f-cVnlrlAva nfTtrLn- I inr, -nnAntV tViot t-vT-ri A 7nnP Slf. A : . i .u ; . .i . i I .... i . 1. I ... hers Jo ae clud on woven sultriness nmnff..nt, 1 J Z 1 '--r ji i wL uu iub tunc . uuu uctcx vemrirrf . a' the sky ghttenn' wi- to open their hps if tfcey. rsct te j tt fcKJ aroers. ! . The howe o' th k A party, lest 'the authorciV sh -.V t& nown , cawdron babblin' int e their words neverth-. M ery peo VioIenblTe 13 v fire. The eleme; ?o' pie entertain the litest respect for her ; for marrir;e: a trW weakness ot their owj ter reafn lor the worst of all rtas couple who have no 1 unjting seldom ccntn 1 .1 -- s - ; c .

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