it (DiMlRdDE AND WE TIE mN. IE 11. VOLUME X RUTHERFORDTON, FRIDAY 3IORNIH&, AUGUST 13, 1830. .N 26 u . . - 'I- ' tr - . ' -r .. ;;a' a-a -"'- '' v ' a ; " n ' : ii- - l-t ,L . r ' -i m i '5 TJS-7 . w-.--:::i'., ' i- -y-y ...-.yy.i.y- . uiiBm 1 : PUBLISHED EVERY iFWD AY MORNING BY i ROSWElL ELMER, Jr. I ' Terms of subscrivtion. I Two dollars and fiflv m - - : : - ;r ;j; .1 v vv. f . lar, ifpaid within the year: but if delayed after : " rr ' close of the year, twenty-five centa "will hi f added. :;---- i-:---;'" i 5Jo paper will be discontinued until all arreira ' ges are paid, or at the discretion of the publisher. Advertisements inserted on the usual terms.-r All persons advertising will please note, the nuni ;..'! ber of times they'Vitih "to have them inserted, or they will be coainued and taxed accordingly, j WATCH MAKING AND JEWELllYw ZHZ-CU cnn. BECHTLER, i MESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Rutherford County, and its' neighborhood, that he has-established himself as a CLOCK AND WATCH MAKER, JEWELLER, &c. in Ruth crfordton, (opposite Mr. Wni. Twitty's,tavern)and is now ready to attend to all calls in his line of busi ness. From his long experience, both in Europe and America, he is confident that he can give THE LADY'S BOOK THARLES ALEXANDER Publisher of the Hy Daily Chronicle and well known as having been connected in the publication of the Saturday Evening Post and Casket, Proposes'Sa conjunction with LOUIS A. GODEY, to commence, on the first of July next, under the above title,! A MONTHLY LITERARY MISCELLANY. This work will be devoted especially; to the ser vice of Ihe Ladies, and looking chiefly to them for patronage, no exertion will be spared to merit it. The plan contemplated varies materially from that of any of the American Periodicals now circulated: aua 11 execaiea in me siyie wmcnjme rropnevoro believe to be witlun their means, will be found, they trust, tcbe an improvement, in some respect at least, apon the best of its predecessors. In the choice of materials, though original contributions of decided merit will always; be acceptable they never wui- oe introaucea 10 ma exclusion 01 otner articles of superior vajue. The numerous Maga zines to be provided for the purpose ofj selection, will always afford a plentiful supply of matter suit able for the Ladt's Book, which," when! republish ed, .will possess, for all but a few, the attraction of novelty. Extensive arrangements have been made THE JOURNAL OF HEALTH i Hit nn Asxnrinfinn ttf Phmarilili I S FRQ5ECTUS. For the informal to ottheir i medical brethren, whose ssistanchjey in voke, & of the public at large, for who. 'the work is mainly intended the conductors of tO Journal of Health deem it proper to state with b?vity, the : 1 r.t.. rp , f uii auu scujic ui iuc cuurui. j Deeply impressed with a belief, thatVmankind might be saved a large amoun of suffer an sease, by a suitable knowledge if the law.?to which the human frame is subjected, tfaey pro te laying down plain precepts in easv stvle and flailiar lan guage, for the regulation of all the phy$td agent necessary 10 neaiui, ana to point, out H Her wiiat circumstances of excess or misapplicaU Vlheybe- cume injurious ana iaiai. i Ihe properties -of the atr, in its sevef heat, coldness, dryness, moisture and i'ettricity; the relative effects of the different articlBrof solid AGRICULTURAL. nalinp&s of cAmDle-ioTi. Ce&k freauent comDlainU ofbkad "The agncultural interest of ou. country it es- tliiaubject WC 6nd the Tottowmg tli t : . - J -r Mmo-L m ir a 1 1 f t Ia tr rtrk on t if !wrl en tire satisfaction to all who mat please to patronize at home and abroad that will give every facility to him in his-business. Every description of Clocks jthe ready, attainment of the choicest and earliest end Watches, will be repaired with promptness aud I productions. The design ; includes every thing care, ana on moderate terms, aii Kinas o. jeweit t which may be expected to aflord entertainment and in importance to them all." A. Jackson's Message. From the New England Fanner. , .CULTURE OF LUCERNE GRASS. Mr. 1 essexden, Having through your valuable jo.urnal, ib successive years, rer 1 feel it to be a duty to state all which my experience and information enables rue to do, on the subject. There cannot be a more responsible-duty, than that of recom mending a new species of culture. No person feels this responsibility more than I do. It is cruel, lightly, auu on trivial ( to Young Mother, by'a Grandm We recommend their tenure pe " -every parent. lS " "The hair Id chllT JV snort until tney are etv as the cooler the tify le dancer there is t:w. tothatpirrroiv reason forbehtL have a great quiX most liable to enf,vKrT-rt &c it is at least ceP. 7 cP T- . rfi r and liquid aliment : the manner in whic tie loco motion organ, senses, and brain, arcnj t benefi- grounds' to lead others into error. I wai- ruptions are very difnvrTTreino cially exercised, and how, and under w; ircum- thp'refore. i vfars. hpfore 1 ventured trrtM oU f L..-:Jr WiA HnthinT, brection. ' 7 J " . ' -TV-.- r w "FU'UonS V ciently clean, and the letb oi i . i..a i. i nionr ta rv- rvr t ntonia Than onw aiiDPtAe . . r . 1 - . ions; bathing and frictions, and the usr-ir waters,- rsar vjjons, yreadl; ry mended, or made to suit the taste of the purchaf- eer. He has now on hand, an assortment oi irhich he warrants to be of.a suDerior Quality. . . .. .Z - - . - Kotherfordton, July 2H, lbSU. "2A tt i instruction, in an inviting form-to those'; for whom the work is intended. It is presumed too, that a Miscellany deserving the notice of the Ladie3, cannot but prove worthy of the attention of the oth er sex. Among the subjects! which may be enu- of clover. My own experiments have been much more extensive, since 1 last addressed you ; and they are more favorable to the culture ' of the-lucerne, than any former opes. On land like my own, 1 will undertake to say, the lucerne will in common years. . yield I in the North Carolina Spectator and Raleigh egister, that the Defendent be and appear, at the 3Xt Superior Court of Law, to be held for tfie ounty of Hay wood, at-the court-house in Wayne3- ille, on the second Wednesday after the fourth londay of September next, and plead or answer the rlaintitrs petition, or the same will be heard x parte. . . "..! '- .y - Witness, John B. Love, Clerk of said Court, at office, the 2d Wednesday after the fourth Monday of March, 1830. JOHN B. LOVE, C. S. Ci . ; By R. BEAVER, D. C. 24 6wp mineral hall be prominent topics for'? Juiry and investigation in this Journal.. j . p s The modifying influence of climate "flti locali ties; legislation j national and corporate! health; a branch of study usually designated by -be term Medical Police, will furnish subjects fa ht with msirucuon, not tess tnan amusing aix ifious re search. . , !.! " I merated as likely to be prominent, will be found - The value of dictic rules shall be,bnt .lu'ally en-1 more hay td the acre, than any other grass music, including nonces oi new compositions, witn iiorcea, ana tne Diessings oi temperance, iweit on, occasional disquisitions on the science, and reprints I withamphasis proportionate to their hi :h impor- oi sucn wew songs as -may Dxe mougni wqnny 10 De tance ana aepioraoie neglects . I'nysicaijpaucauon so distinguished; Bvographical Asecdotesv so momentuous a question for lives V?thildren, Tales, and IstterestinIs Narratives from wri- and happiness of their parents ; shall be (J - cussed in tere of real talent ; the Fashions, with an illustri- a spirit of impartiality , and with, the ai1;f all the ; ; r !:rn : 1 'J- mu: J.t. u i. e. 1 1 1 'i: i . jJ! iivc cugiaviug uucuicnj, laujuMiuiv uuiuuicu. iiiis uaui v miu uavc uceuiuriusueu uy euui -eueu ci aepartment win De unaer ine supenntenaance oi ipenence. . j . . persons well versed in the art, and no pains will The Journal of Health will on all o sidns ' be be spared to render knot the least 'attractive part I found in opposition to empiricisms ; wh?ier it-be oj the contents A word or two now touching those exercises erally regarded' as improving to both health and without the special direction of a physiintheon-1 it succeeds on all soils except moistoncs. ueauiy, among wuicn riding ana ; uancing may iy compeieni juage, m me maiviauat t rso oi ais- 1 x ouht to say, however, that many per- of much iU humour, and maiy crostM The fine c;omb should "seldotaW infanYs, a? it often wounds theheau.. brush is siifficient. Xour. Ue&lt State of North Carolina.' ' I- Haywood County Caperior Court of Law, March Term, 1830. . Mary Bryant Y c ' ' ii . vs. : : : Petition for Divorce. A ' Eli Bryant " S l - RDERED by Court that publication be made department will be under the superintendance of perience 4;H sons have faded in cultiTatin it. From i what I can learn, it) is best, adapted -to , MILLS' RIVER'&l BOYLSTONf ACADSivi'sr. s '.y ; fin HE SEMI-ANN UAL EXAMINATION & JL PUBLICK EXERCISES of this Institution are postponed to the 10th and 11th of September ; on which days an early attentiohof the parents and guardians, with all others who may feel Miterestd, is resbectfullv solicited. :A:Y ' t j - . MICHAEL FRANCIS; Teacher. and Greek classes will commence oh Friday the. 10th, at 10 o'clock A. M. .Public speaking on the -ilth at 10 o'clock, A. M. M. F.I Mills'. River, Buncombe, July l.1830 j22tf i Ml STOP TUP. THTP.F I I f - Twenty Dollars Reward, rAS stolen from my stable on the 21st nit; a V V SORREL MARE about 15 hands high, ' tiv n.n0Nn nltnar Klmaoir! IVnthnrnpl Rash YanH i several other names,) I took measures to pursue i .the thief, and having succeeded in overtaking him , together with tny mare, in Tennessee.-. I took him . " back to this county, when he succeeded in making hisescape. As to his person he is about six feet highy thin visaged, with a scar on one cheek. He r has l(jt a tooth from his upper jaw ; is round shoul dered' r- Any person who will take up said thief and confine him in the jail in this county shall Re ceive the above reward. ! a . C; ' : - i WILLIAM ID A VI SI ? Rutherford, July 15, 1830 - 22p 4 , FrW the New YorkCabinet-lT . The Wreck of Genius., The, C. Colton known to the publi, ) I this vear had a niece sowed with lucerne I thorof Lacon. a work of senVi" Ai$ A and tall meadow oat grass, in equal quan- dom", is now residing in Paris w j . tities, tKat is, in such proportions as to e- squalled poverty and wretched nes 4 qual'izehe product of each, to wit. I twelve has been reduced to this state fc; pounds of lucerne,'a.btshll of tall mead- erable degradation bj habits of gVj-j ow oat seed. . It produced three tons -to He was known long since to have bce'iw the acre hade into hay " on the 30th of frequenter of the hells in London in which Mav. The lucerne is' row fit to cutarain. unclerical dens he had been seen af&ocia-. i 'M I lin of nursery gowip, mendaciousports of being nearly fou feet Wgb in rich gpots, tin ff with the noted Thurtell, the murderer! ad snrta hh . tJ. nf avph aTintifioaiw LmnnHp nrii'rintinn. and three feet on an atrage. With me, of Weare. About the time that this mux ; rr . v -r T'y .. . ."i..r ' . r-v"r . , ,, .. w . . . 1j j j-ti. .t. t uer was pcrpciraiea,- VOiion, men muca involved in debt, vanished from public oh servation in a manner so secret and myt terious that the general impression was . thahis life had been taken by such infa mousassociates: Thurtell, however, would . not acknowledge himself as the murderer i oi ionon, wno, meanwniie, was in inaru ton, S. C. and a visitor iu other cities the United States. He soon rrturnrtl Resldin; himself to a eel c bra 1 ted gaming estahlishment;aadwBitruf, cessful, that, at one tune, he declared , intention of investinj in the Ameritx 1 funds quitting play, to become an houeV man a?ain. Rut it appears he has plav ed one game too much, and now wring? out the dregs of a bitter cup, the dupe of. fjiarpers and wretches ; while the wisdom and knowledge of mankind disclosed in his Lacon may, at this very moment, be the means of restraining hundreds from a course of life which has ruined himself and blasted the hopes of his friends. rbe specified ; with appropriate wood cuts by skil- I ease under his care mianists: roiTRT. oi course, wui De one ot the ine nrevention ot diseases incidents iy ansinff Idenartmehts to which firreat attention will be naid: lout of the nractice of the different nrofefi lions, arts -V" L r j. -in.i.u t - , I 'J i . U.K1.. .i anu embroideky, mo raiiTKY of needle work, ri ana iraaes, wan De laia aown wnn. cre;y?ness ana i warm, jrruvei. or sauuy uuins w uicii uuvu i n oi inoaengagea i suthcient strength to yieli good crops ol wil fiillits due. space. ' On this latter j subject it precision, nor shall the situation will be difficult to find contributors whoi can write clesklyj but the engraver will be perfectly intelli gibfe. ,, . ' t, . - . . ' , " 4 - - . ; ; C05DITIOXS. v S he work will be issued in numbers, on the, first of every month, and comprise fifty-six octavo" na- gest to be printed on a fine Super royal paper with enwely new type, and carefully stiched in coloured eoVers, Every number will contain a niece of Mo- MICHAEL FRANCIS; Teacher? Sic, one Copper-plate EsRAvwoand at least Numbers of 16 pages each,octavo, on lie, second The Examination of the Latin I four Wood Cuts illustrative, of some of. the con- and fourth Wednesdays ol every rab kh. Price the latest London or Pari3 Fashions. The sub- I commissions, (post paid) wll be' recei Ju- scnption pnee will be $3 per annum, payable in dah Dobson, Agent, No. 101 Chesnut Hi$et, Phil-advance- 25 rer cent., serm-anntmllv. will h- nH. I adelnhia. .1. ; ? in naval and military life, be overlook ;d. in this branch ot the sum ect. - I t l , Divested of professional language i rl details, and varied in its contents, the Journal Health will, it is hoped, engage the attention f 'favour of the female reader, whose amusemt 4f and in struction shall constantly be kept in vrrv during thA nrnwcntinn n th wnrlr. ; clover the first year after manure. Roxbury, June 23, 1830. J. Lowell'. N. V. The hay from lucerne is far su perior to the best clover which I have ever seen. It is more green than and it retains its leaves in drying Temu.Tle Journal of Health wfll appear! in as well as the culmiferious grasses imbers of 16 naces each.netavn. on; ip swnn I any other hay, I Europe, but avoided England, drying almost I in Paris, he attached himself tc ded to all subscriptions that remain unpaid, and the work discontinued to those who neglect to-settle up their arrears. Great attention will be paid to forwarding the work to countrysubscribers, that they may receive it uninjured by mail transporta-" tion. Agents, receiving subscriptions, and remit ting the amount to the publishers, will be allowed 15 per cent, discount, or a proportionate number of copies of the work Address- ' ' i - LOUIS A. GODEY of CO. Daily Chronicle Office. Philadelnhia. : . , rt , . i June l, leau. j 1T Tf V1RVT .1,-1 VALUABLE LAJNDSFOR1 SALE4 ON Saturday the twenty-Srst day of August , next, I will expose to sale on the premises,; to the highest bidder; under decree in Equity, all the lands belonging to the ESTATE OF RICHARD BLANTON deed.. Comprising, one tract, of Ja- ful avenues to the bowers of haDDiness and neace. bouj six hundred acres, situate a few miles north of &c. &c. To accomplish these designs, we shall Quin's ferry, on the Post Road to Lincolnton, af- call to our aid all the eloquence of truth clothed in ioraing a gooa situation ior a mrcanuie esiauuu- me most iascmaung iorms- sucn as moral essays IEFN. B. Subscriptions received at this Office for the above work, i i ; NEW YORK AMXCET, ' And Ladies Literary and Religious Chronicle. THE primary object of this work will be to pourtray the deleterious consequences of vice in the most vivid colors to exhibit the beauties and rewards of virtue in all jtheir captivating love liness to awaken the better feelings of human nature to cultivate the socal and domestic affec tions to lead the mind through the most delight- MAVING procured froti the lowe, ifart of the State, last winter, aj few :S1U gVORM EGGS, not exceeding 1000, 1 have ben infortunate enough in raising and hatching'the egj jnd rear ing the worms, and expect to have bj Jaext 'fall, 30 or 40,000 eggs, which I im willing ''distribute among the citizens of this county J at a w pi ice. The white m,ulberry is recommended i.'the best lor the purpose oi-raising the worms? i)f, I hod from experience, that the common blatjU-inulberry will do very welt. Haying taken fl&ysiderable pains to obtain information as to the xagement of the silk worms, I have not the leasT 'iMubt that they can be raised in this county to arlvSitage.' I The American Fanner makes the fol lowing comparison - between mules and horses : First. A good mule will do ai much work on a farm as a .horse, while he retains his strength. But a mule will last, on the average, twice as lung as horse. The horse, liable as. he is to dis- easeis rarely fit for effective service aftei he has been employed twelve years ; while a mule will, as frequently wear for twenty- four. Secondly. There is a great differ-1 ence between the quality and quantity oft food required by both animals: The horse 1 must be more or less supplied with grain during the whole year, or he will become thin and unfit for hard labor: while the have been advised to save all the'egg'ji the . use mule can subsist in summer on grass alofte; of the public, as it is difficult to obtairt;Vim in this and, in winter, when not worked, can section of the country. My family hat made a i , ., t-. , ., , trial to wind some of the silk from the; iMUioons, in which they succeeded with ease, and lfcye made some very nice sewing silk. " I ' i'i'U -' trial to wind some of the silk from the itoons, in leed 011 ay without losing his health and strength, r rom tour to eight ears ot In dian corn at each meal, are sufficient for -ment; : - v - x' . " S . .One other tract, containing about five hundred acres, situate on Shoal Creek, near to M'Swaia's ford on First Broad River, adjoining or nealy ad- , joining the former tract '; -On this, is a good" grjst mill now going (the only one and the only suua simple or pathetic tales,, varying irom "grave to gay, from lively to serene:' poetical jsketches didactic articles in verse and .sometime to enli--ven our pages, a tale of fancy a humorous story an allegory a ballad or a song, will! receive an insertion. In each, and in ;all. the great end and tion for one, ) in a populous neighborhood, and good aim will be to convey usefulj instruction," through a water power ior additional macninery. on eu ipieasmg medium, to ine neart tract their, is good soil on the last, is some ot very fine quality. The exact quantity of each tract will "v'Se made known on the day of sale. A credit I of . lve months,; wilt be given bonds and approved Gity will be required of the purchaserito whom V ill be made under the direction of the Court. EVaul830. Air Clerk and Master, nnHE subORiNG business, i ILL I zehs of ier respectfully informs the cati- . ountry, that he hailh County and its adjacent uu biin LS s, in theTimenced the TAlLUKiiM ii 'te Coort-House, Secc4 of Lincolnton,' East j of Square, in a' room 'bor fromrthe cornet of !ick, formerlv nA ninginc ,tb Mr. Michael evjr, wishes to inform the01600-' The sab" met f8Pect pepared to accoyic' thatSe ,m ! nessih.ay want work doneT . 5411 s CuttiLv wa subscriber to thfe tf ceivesfc extant in the United e?fe adelDhiA?snions every ihre ronfhrrm-P,hn theFashiew .york.iw the spice of himself, thaOT PlanQ London; He flatters none can excV i workmanship, - there is . Carolina. Hlf M '"e Western part jof North be. neat and have i?"18 the fit of any garment to ! execution tf the wvceful appearance,' and the r by none. ; The subs be god, and surpassed . to announce to the jnfcrp experience enabfcs h&n Ladies Riding Dresses, proficiency ia cutting lie may want in that waay work that the pub tended to. All orderelroall be punctually at faithfully executed and aen distance; shall jbe i Usappointment and all pristomers, without litnesi " ' WiLXitffojoioned to the' lv ' Lincolnton, June 25, 1830 BEVENS. EORSALE AT TH1S UPERFINE Letter PaperIGE, 9 and a general assortment of EUgi Paper The entire services of a! distinguished literary gentleman, late from London, formerly Editor of the London Literary Magnet, contributor to the' .New Monthly Magazine, I Literary "Gazette, &c.- are engaged for the New York Amulet. iAnoth- er gentleman, formerly of London, who is favora bly known in literary circles, has kindly promised to become a regular contributor to our columns. If these Considerations, aAdftl to the fUct of oar hav ing enlitted in our favor, some of the most talent ed , writirs jn his country, are any recommenda tion to w lavor of a generous, pubhc, our claims will, we trust, receive attention. ' : The N W York Amulet will be published se-mi-montluY in the city of New York, jat the unu sually low Vice of one dollar per annum. Those who torwarl five dollars shall receive six copies and those ho remit twenty dollars shall receive twenty-five bpies reducing the pnee to eighty cests per voVme, only? r ; j , TSi&scripnrfaJthe above publication will be I received at thts fice. wherd the work can he. exam. THOMAS .CjOODE.y Rutherford, July 7, 1830. : I vl I '21 if CABINET FURNITUHE. CABINET FURNITURE of ef descrip tion, made in the best vvorkmike style, and of various kinds of wood, can be &d at the Work Shop of the subscriber, in i Ash ftle, Bun combe County. The following are, few of the many articles in his line' of business wj yi he is in the habit of making : " i i -S Sideboards,. ! China Presses, Secretaries, and' Book Cases, : . ? '' Bureaux of various kinds Breakfast, dining, ' and tea Tables, . Card and Dressing Ta- ; bles, -. Monsieur fonson ' come again ! The Portland Courier states that the Sea Ser pent was again seen in Boothbay Harbor," Me. a week since, by Mr. Chandler, keep er of the Light House, and several others. At one time heVeemed to be at rest ; another, catching fish. Mr. C. thought . him about 100 feet long. He "came ery near a row boat, the crew of which pelted him with potatoes. - . Bedsteadsqfery kind, botas, i " Ladies' WorkvStanis, Candle Standi Wash Sta'dlJ Easy Chairs; , Cradles anil rrib3, Cupboird Clock Ca&s Coffins a mule when regularly workejl ; while horse will'eat nearly double that quantity. lhirdly. A mule need not be shod oft, Jlonor. Last Saturday, his Hon. Judre ner. than once a year, dnnng the season of Huerer. sentenced two rentlemen who harl ice ; while the horse requires shoeing four been convicted at the Court of Sessions, times ; making a saving in the farrier's one of sending and the othe of canrintr a challenge, to twelve months imprison ment, and a fine of two thousand dollare each. bill alone of $2 6'2 1-2 cents a. year, for each animal. He observes further, that from actual experiment, the total expense of feeding and shoeing a horse, annually. is touiia to oe torty-iour dollars, whereas a mule will cost but twenty-two. Having served a regular apprentice fip to the above business in one of the principal ci-es in Vir ginia, he has no hesitation in saying thavhi forni- tare, for style and durability, cannot b, surpassed i. t. rm u:'r ri can Side Hill Plough. A plou gh has been w o invented by Messrs. Many & Ward, of Albany, for the purpose of turning a hor izontal iurrow on sloping lands. A com mittee of practical farmers in Mount Plea-1 An Illinois editor lately complained that his only Journeyman haq left him, and he was. obliged to have recourse to his wife and her sister to enable him to ret out his paper. We do not see why 'they might not make a fair impression Girls, wo should suppose, would make the best com positors'in the world. Their lively arid dcucate lingers would De uie very thine sant nave examined and approved it. m be supplied on reasonable terms. Cjaersfrom Their certificate is published in the Westl r. lA).JL w-j n r m distance win be thankfuUv received kS nunctu- CU H.roU ' rvL i! Jr. far hndhnPearl and. Diamond. They hill nlmttrh lias ncrnrin(rtnlir l.ofV1-l .... .... .o t"lia lowing advantages. 1st. That of always throwing the furrow down hill, without at- . : .1 .1 m leiupuug iu inrow tne return iurrow. up hill ns in thP one- nt ntho n1sitVo . OJ ally attended to. ALSO -on hand and for salilll relanf SIIPF.RFINE FLOUR. 1 if. 17 4w . SAMUEL RtERS Asheville, June 7. 1830. i f-!. ! . GEORGE C. SPECH bar still make more than their sisters of the needle. Thus both their case and those of their employers would be improved. y SAVE TftUK FLAX SEED. f n 1 HE subscribV continues to purchase, clean U- sound FLAXSEED. Wt per bushel. Wm. Witty, and Robert Twitty, at Rutherfordton, will ike in seed for me. - White Oak, June1 JOB PPJNTII TO OR sale at this of JX Law Blanks : . Subpoenas, ; ; Constables Bonds, ; ' Appeal Bonds, i Prosecution Bonds, Writs, Executions, -Sheriff Deeds, Apprentice Bonds, TTp ESPECTFULLY informs the ?itizens of That of turning immediately to the work ( JULCt Asheville and the pubhc general that;he withiiut th lns hfto .,.,.! ; lVlr r..- rowing. 2d. That of laying all the fur rows one way, und thereby 'avoiding the finishing furrow which is a deformity and an inconvenience in cultivanon. 4tb. That the share forms a cutter perpendicular a- dapted lor sward. IV. Y. Eve. Post. 4 JOHNMOQRE. 1830. . ; j 18 5wp - AND i BIUNKS. the following kinds of istration Bonds, nstables Warrants, udgmenta and Exe- ltions, i I MaViage Licences, Wiltess Tickets. Deed) of Bargain & Sale, Guardians Bends. has located himself at Mr.Patton's, fortht tbrpose of carrying on the TAILORING BUSINGS in all its various branches. He flatters hinisefrihat from his long experience and perfect knowle-: ry minutia of his business, to merit 1 BU'Je -' public patronage. Unremitted' attentiir will be -:j -j .: -u.n c- j l date those that may favor him with th custom. His charges will be moderate to compor 'with the hard times and scarcity of money, ujvfhe sub scriber has made his arrangements to ;:ceive the rnuaaeipma tasmons quaxxeny.rjj : i - - ) Asheville, Jnne7 7, 1830. Mfgl7'3w. 1 NOTICE TO MINEBek .1 THE subscriber claims the right e tint crdioTt. to the CAST IRON PLATES SIVI.S used for the purpose of separating flrt ial Gold from the auriferous earth and pebbled f nd here- 11 e I-4 ' I oy lomias aii persons iruni niKing a.t uing fcaia Plates or Sives as he intends apply intT,fa Patent. V. 2T3ITE MISCELLANY. The last of the Mohicans. Died, at the farm which her great grandfather tilled. Lucy 1 antiquigion, at the advanced are of ninety seven having descendants of the . seventh generation. Lucy Tantiquigioa was Dorn in tne sixtn year ot vieorge tbo. second's reign, and retained in her mem ory many events of the early settlement of the white people, who came from beyond the great water?.- . T. W. A. Ilarrisburg, Bxirk' Co. JIarch 27, TLR. 7lf rroycr management of the Hair In children, keeping the hair short is a cir cumstance of no little importance, and should not from any light consideration be neglected. Their health and we conceive in some respect, their beauty also, is pre judiced by a contrary practice. Nothing- is more common than to see a luxuriant head of hair accompanied in children by I Y Dante. The secret of Dante's strug gles through life was in the. reckless sar casm of his answer to the Prince of Ver; '7 na, who asked mm how could be account for the fact, that, in the households of princes, the court fool was in greater fa-, vor than the philosopher. "Simibrity of ) minds," said the fierce rtniuj, ?'J&r? over the world, the source 'l y-y A n v

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