;. ... ' -: J - . ivSj; & . ;! : .- !; V. , L ii MdDm . (DADRdDE 11 B WESTEl N RUTHERFORDTON, FRIDAY MORNING! SEPTEMBER 17, 1830. VOLUME I. numbeii mm - i 1 r i! v V PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING,' BY ROSWELL ELMER, Jr. Terms of subscription. , Two dollars ancb fifty cents, per annum, if paid in advance ; or three dol Jars, if paid within the year :- but if delayed after the close of the year, twenty-five cents will be added. - ' V . ;'.:. No paper will be discontinued until all arreara ges are paid, or at the discretion of the publisher. Advertisements inserted 1m the. usual terms. Ail persons advertising will please note jthe num ber of times they wish to have "them inserted, or they will be continued and taxed accordingVr. SPECULATION LANDS. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, j I Notice, is Hereby Given, 1 ''A WXf TnEREAS an Injunction has been obtained . yy from the Honorable, one of the Judges of the Superior Court of Law and : Equity, for the . State ot iNorth Carolina, against Goold Hoyt, Ar- ' thur Bronson, and Jame-t B Murray, of the City of New York ; at the'suit of Eliza Thomson, Execu trix, Peter A-Jay, and Peter W.Radcliff, Executors . -'and' Trustees of the Estate of James Thomson of the City; of New York , (Deceased,) upon certain Lands situate in the Counties of Buncombe, Ruth erford, and Mecklenburg, forbidding and 'fEnjoin ingthe'rr), their Agent, or Argents, Attorney, or At tornies, all persons claiming under them : from lea .' sing or working any-Gold Mines, Breaking Soil r erectinglBuildings, Cultivating any of said Lands, ! disposing of, or in any way interfering with said '. Lands., or any part thereof.!' until the ultimate de- ; cision and termination ot said suit. All Persons - HA: - NOTICE, IS; hereby given, that on the First day of October next ensuing, there will be exposed to public sale, at the late dwelling house of Abel Hardin, deceased : - '. . j Negroes, Cattle, . ':. ; Hogs, 8?c. Twelve months credit will be given to the pur chaserthe purchaser giving bond with approved freehold security. Also, all those who are indebted, are requested to make immediate payment. Those who have claims against said estate, are requested to forward their accounts within the time prescrib ed by lawj or this will be plead m baragarnstthem. ! ZACHARIAH EARLES,x'r. Rutherford, August 21st, .1830. V ..g8tds33 AGR ICULTURIIl. From the Baltimore Farrneril LAFAYETTE ONjHI$: FjyRM . Every thing connected with fne patri arch of la Grange is ,ptere$tit to the small islands, with beautiful clumps of trees; on their margin are picturesque and agreeable .walks; He then took me to show me his ice-house, which is made af ter the cheap and plain "American plau; "it X American people, for wlse ifadpendence their ice-houses very expensively, and that they do not k$ep the ice nearly so well as ours. Thursday this morning we have been to visit poor So'merville's tomb it is very neat and appropriate I will describe it particularly when we meet we also visit ed the two orphan or poor schools, which are supported on the estate of the Lafay ette family ; one for boys and the oOer for girls. ; 1. he children and teachers he came, when a stripling, to fiht by the side of Washington :Vhose coiiiidence he always enjoyed and .whdse'' virtues he has as constantly emulated.! Htnce We are induced to offer the follavihg Extract of a letter written by .an American lady iu France to Ker husband ii America, giving some' account of his farm. ll ,v The weather has-been so Iwet since ' I have been here th ever, and is now fully convinced, that docs no good at all, N. Y. Philanthropist nil f yesterday wad the first appeared delighted at seeing Mr..G. SV. concerndd will therefore Take notice of the same, j whiqh he warrants to be of a superiofquality a9 a strict Observance will toe made of anv In Vingement of said Injunction. . ! CHARLES. L. II. SCHIEFFELIN, Attnrnf ,, fnr P1.17 A'TWAMSmVI ! PETER Ai?JAY&' PETER. W. RAD CLIFF. WATCH MAKING AND JEWELRY. 1 IVIIl. CHU. BBCHTXiSB., , TOfESPECTFULLY Informs the citizens of M.W ituineriora uouniy, ana us uciguoornooa, j j -.-...ij (ui u rf,w;ci t,;mcoif n opit a vn urv uiy i couiu WATCH MAKER, JEWELLER, &c. in Ruth- General took m entirely jthroiJgh. his Gf the little girls stood np and repeated erfordton, (opposite Mr. Wm.Twitty's tavern) and farm-yard, you ckn have no-!! idea of the g0me verv affectinfr Frpnch lines thank: i,now ready to attend tpalicallsinhbUneofbusi- perfect" manner iT which his cattle are ta- ghlnJcifl nessi From his long experience, both in Europe f e i r . i 1 i . i in& 111111 or D,s oenevoience ii rescuing nnH Amori Kp LiiLt h. JL. Ken care ot tbexomtortable houses and thprr from wont QnA ntriniinpci tire satisfaction to all who may please to patronize (beds; the cleanliness and regularity of kissed the little ffirl on both cheeks when flock of 1200TOf me finest Merino sheep, up and hdd their liule faces for the sarae all of which I sAw turned out, attended hll0r. . You cannot easily believe how by two shepherds and iour dogs. The lnuch the whole 'family is beloved,' and cows are much larger than qursj: general- how Iimch they do for the poor; their sit- y, auu iC trcaicu unnv " uation in this respect is enviable. mgB-iuem uruics. xncy ui c ir iicu uui in the morning arid brought m in tHe heat him in his business and patches, will be repaired with promptness aud care and on moderate terms. All kinds of Jewel ry mended, ox made to suit the taste of the purcha ser. tie rias now on nana, an assortment o; Ritherfordton; July 281830. i 24 tf i y Rutherfordton, N C. August 1830. 27 tf NOTICE. I, FOREWARN all persons from trading with, j or crediting my wife $L IZA BE TH SHO UT, as she has left my house and board, without any just cause, and I am determined not to pay any con tract that she may make. JOHN F. SHOUT. , Limestone, Buncombe,' Aug. 22. 1830. 28tf r I SHERIFF SAJLES. THERE will be exposed to public sale, on tbe 2nd Monday in October next, at the Court 4IU3e in Asheville, in the county of Buncombe, SOOACRESOrLAND, in Three Tracts : One Tract, of 200 Acres, lying on the Blue Ridge and waters oT Green River, join ting lands f Joseph Steppj also, 200 Acres, on the Devils Fork of Mad Creek, near or joining lands of David Myers; and, 100 Acres, on the Blue " Ridge and waters of Green River, near or joining lands of Robert Jones the property of Aljen Twit-, Xy, in .the suit qf Joseph Wilson's Administrators 28 7w34 N. HARRISON, Sheriff j " . By DAVID REES, Dp. Shff. r Buncombe, August 3d 1830. '( State of North Carolina, , ; f JBuncombe County. ' Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions July Ses- r' . fiion, 1330. John C. Smith, pro. Ami. 1 i . , v I vs. v. Unginal lAttachment. Daniel O. Donnell. ) , I ET appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Daniel O. Donnell is not an inhabitant of this State ; therefore, Ordered by Court,; that publica tion be made in the North Carolina Spectator and Western Advertiser, that the Defendant be,-, and appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be heldfor the county of Buncombe, at f theCourt-House in Asheville,onthe second Monday M after th fourth Monday in , September next, to plead answer or demur, or judgment inal will be entered against him. I t v--Witness,' JOHN MILLER, Clerk', of our said Court, at Office, the first Monday in July, 1830. Pr. ad. $3,00. JOHN MILLER, C. C. C. 286w1 By R. E. FORTUNE, D: C. ;1 ":'KOTICE.r-;;;;t A" TT HEREBY forewarn all persons from trading Sta of North Carolina, ; Jlaywoud County. S nperior Court of Law, March Term, 1830. Mary Bryant i :; j '; vs. Petition for Divorce. , EH Bryant. ) iOiRDERED by Court that publication be made UJf in the North Carolina Spectator and -Raleigh Register, that the Defendent be, and appear, at the next Superior Court of Law, to be held for the County of Haywood, at the court-house in Waynes villey on the second Wednesday after the fourth Monday of September next, and plead or answer to the Plaintiffs petition, or the same will be heard ex parte.. - Ps"'-, Witness, John B. Love, Clerk of said Court, at office, the 2d Wednesday after the5 fourth' Monday of March, 1830. JOHIS d.LUVE, U. B.C. By R. DEAVER; D. C. 24 6wp LOOK OUT A SWINDLER !!! A BSCONDED from this place, on the night 'xlll of the 21st inst. a young man, who calls him self j LITTLEB UR Y M. S. FOX, a saddle and harness maker by trade, (but an indifferent work man,) he served his apprenticeship with Mr. Long of Wanesborough, Va: He is abont 19 or 20 years ofigeS feet Q or 10 inches high, slender built, dark complhxion, black hair, has a scar on the left side of his face near the ear, oocasioned by a burn hi travels with a large valisse. . He had also in The, anecdote of ja yahkec biting an incU ojfa red liot poker, reminds us of a story the used to tell in Princeton, of Gen: Putnam. While stationed in that . village during the revolutionary war, be. was intimate in the Stockton family. The late Richard Stockton vtas then a mere boy, to whom the General was much ; attached, and with whom he thought it --UneatU the djrnuvwof.a three comer hat occasionally. to plav.:l?5-, bet his young friend that he coald mafccTT' his charger jump as hih as 'his father's 1 . house, aqd was at the trouble of having , him fully accoutered for the feat.' The General mounted, and having taught his horse to rear and plunge, and making" him give one of his great leaps, exclaimed I to his little opponent, "There, now, let the house jump as high aar that." . The; little fellow acknowledged himself outwit ted, and his friends had additionally . cause to admire and love the General 5 simplicity of character. Geor. Coo. Children. How easy, and artless; and An eff&r.tnaL cure fnr the. hit, nf n xnnhe. of the day, fedsuffered to rest a' certain Last suramer a black man in Frederick time, and again turned put . until sunset county was bit oh the finder in the corn- wnentney are put up tor -.uw nigm. m house about dark by, a snake, supposed to "V" , one of the stab es ; there arj twenty two be a copper-head, from the circumstance h.s protection because they make every 1 I 1 11 TP I -1 .1 I n ' Htr f pel nn nltochment trr him uuwyuu iHou. u.CvcainiCJfac thatone was killed' next day under the here is the whitest, fattest and nicest I ev- house. Immediately his arm swelled to er saw. '1 he calves are attend! by wo- x itg ordinary size. j a.)plied men, and fattened by a peculiar process breast of a chickeri cutopen, next a large iuey give mem eggs, loursa uav iu eaii via 0f wh UUpv. tn h ivni.nH. Vi nln bathedthearm&handfrequentlyduringthe mld gvestbe following account of geveral night arfd the next day until 10 o'clock slides which took place in Keene, in the with salt and water, without any visible county of Essex, in New Hampshire, dur- unaieineni oi me swelling. At mat nine w i .1" Tlioc a t Acta xx? o r C-kii 'in rirfmVwcT beautiful, are all tbe motions of a child. Every thing that he doea is graceful. AJ1 his little ways are endearing; and they are the arras which nature has given him for bo dy feel an attachment for him.' Sir Thomas Moore, in his lne and Cor calf, which are put down their throats whole; this, with their allowance of milk, I am told, fattens them in fa very short time. Each cow is confined with a hal ter of sufficient length to let them . lie at tneir ease ; meir niaes are nicer ana ciean- er than many ot our gentlemen s carriage were thirteen Mountain Slides. The Kcescville Hc those - of the horses. . In another stable cows, amongst which were Devon breed, given him by;Mr. Patter son of Baltimore also nine half grown calves, all as he told me were of the same stock. . The horses in the general's sta bles are attended to wjthqual care.- a physician arrived, and immediately sent " A?ese 8lldcs Jwefe lour m "am fortherootbftheyellowi)oplartree,(more The first occurred about fourmiic'vj properly called the American tulip tree;) lfr1 from Graves Iron Works, amTA hp hnri a trnnr fiprnotinn' miriD r tiio tbe top or commencement of we i from he had a strong decoction made of the Jne P ,or commencement. ot we ava- barki washed the swelled part with it fro.- lancbe, descended about one td a half quendy, gave the patient half a pint every mi,e unl" il met the basest another half hour and applied the .bruised mountain, covering thfr rord between the bark which was boiled as a poultice. The mountain to a vast deych. The second relief was almost instantaneous; the swel- and third were soinewbat similar but i;nCrn cKciHi ,itvAnn;...i.;.K Ja more destructive in their efiects, the lor- There vvere in the stablesfifteen horses, excruciating,1 in a short time,. ceased mer or vesterfy; Having ccmpletely his nossession a crav mixed frock-coat: a black and besides hisC carnage horses, and three .don- nWtlr. Tl.ltnr CcH thnt covered the farm of a Mr. Wallace, .and white stiped roundabout. He also swindled a 1 keys one large .one for farm use, the ua.i t nnt hppn rnr tu fim:.,:trntinn nf compelled him to abandon the idea of at- black velvet vest, a pair ol blue cloth pantaloons, other two for the vounff lad es and chil-Lu- i i i j 1. ! tenrntinff a fain its cultivation, the latter i couvin- navinS covered to a considerable depth, anew drab colored hat (made 'by A. McKee, Lt VyiiiUiuiltisviiit;, au uuuivc uuie, uuu acvcicii umei i " articles. He also contracted several considerable I pieasan debt on his employer's account, without permis- round the park, and! 'to the lake. sion The - 1 . AlA. . T CL . 1 .1 1 I been nn- lULH,ul "y acres vi uue raeauow iu.nu, i- .i : : . .l loinrin? 10 iir. ienia . which he also" swindled. -The publick are n;fftrprv ;a tu mnst .nmnlptil vo Mn im. l U1C. UISl ls""' buuerg r? o ; . - cautioned against the vagabond above described. r 9? ' 7- 7 . K W7 TV would have been very Iiffht. 1 wish this . T . - r' ace at no great 'dis- tance from the irap works above named,, and descended about three miles with a degree of violence and fury which defies description. ' In width it varied from eight to twenty, rods, bearing on its surface the t most tremendous rocks, trees. &c. "and its pas- rnen rino hundred dollars each, the first Davable 30 davs . f - j after date, the second 12 months after the first, and the third 12 months after the secondas I havenot received the bonds ,of title to certain lands, in con sideration for which they were given ; all and each of which I protest and will not pay unless compel led by Law and Equity I , V ; 27tf y 1 JAMES LEMONS. Rutherford, Aug. 13, 1830. 1 State of North Carolina, 1 ';! Rutherford County. In Equity. Spring Term, A. D. 1830. y v Bill for account ': ' -' and distribution. ; lticaard Arendale and wife " iuary, unanes.p lack well, C lies! ey, Webb and his wife W T - - 1 Tl m. nl -! well, . ', ' : '; . ' ... " i VS. . ! - Daniel Blackwell, George By. , ars, John Blackwell, James Blackwell, Reuben Mastin and Sarah his wife, Rebecca Mas- , tin and Felix, Joel, and Mary : Blackwell, heirs at law of Joel Blackwell, Jr., deceased, i IT appearing satisfactorily to the Court, that, John Blackwell, James Blackwell, Reuben Mastirr and wife Sarah, and Rebecca Mastin, de fendants in this cause, are not inhabitants of this State. I It is ordered that they appear before the Judge of the Court of Equity, to be held for Ruther ford county, at the Cnnrt House at Rutherfordtoh: en the third Monday after the fourth .Monday of ,r,.,w. i.c.M, ana pieaa,' answer or uemur, -,olherwp complainants' bill wUl be takenpro con- , fesSO and Set down for hflariMPrnartAstft thm -r-And that, this Order be published weeks sue Li. e u Charlottesville, Va. June 25, 1830. agiiic, uoiaimug gicai "u,upr "l IIUBS ICf Printers generally, will confer a favor on the oi au sizes ages ana Dreeas,' ; dui tne one public, by giving the above a few insertions in their you gavQ the general is thedlargest ever respective papers. x . seen, and is much' thdre esteemed than 1 NEW YORK AMULET, - ' any of the others. ..The gneraf relates And Ladies Literary and Religious Chronicle. with much apparent pleasure, that an En- TSdSlusr8e" doing even better than as anticipated, carrytng desolation and dth in ft. i J wJnvin rninrt,, nihit tKp hpntiM edge, on iseeing this hoff, said, well, sir, All thnt is wnntintr i nlpntv nf rnrnnnc saffc. Ibis as well as those already andTewardsofvirtue in all their captivating love- you i may Tioast of having the finest boar I Heelers are learning the art successfully I tioncd was very destructive in its cfieci5 uv...,uu6..u,u. iUdl was-ever scm giaui and a ffood deal of beautiful silk has been u" luc ,uv a,IU 11 k ",c wmu, uuniug o j, . many acres oi vaiuaDie meaaow severar feet under the rubbish and earth of which it was composed. This, however, . was trifling, when compared with the fatal event 1 am about to record. Early on the evening of Monday, (26th lilf.) Air, m: "NValtoii, and his wife, who had been on a visit to liis brother, prepared to re turn home. The latter proposed accom panying them a short distance, and,'as :hc fctorm was still raging with violence, to tee them safely across a bridge at no great , distance from his house. While crossing this bridge, they were overtaken by the descending mass. Mr Oliver. alton escaped with a few bruises. . IS??S would 'scarcely believe tortj when with alread; mWactured. Ko doubt ls cnt"er. ful avenues to the bowers of happiness and peacer J "c ""t v" j Kt' &ci &c. To accomplish these designs, we shall 1 tea estates, and not trom ingiana. . l tie IA -11 U l..-.nnn nftn,l. -.! V. J I 'i i - . k1 ii : r.i. .w;L-wrrri. a-' .Jl call to 0ur aid all the eloquence of truth clothed in farm-vard i is a verv laWel! saiiare. . . t. . ' J . . r- the 5 most tascmatinff forms such a3 moral essavs I u.-u: : ' j! -. L: j : DV'jne 10 itansom x. ivioore, on me in instant, ior . . 1 - r uuiiuings exienaing quite runuu iu i ' 1 , -j 11 1 .u. c 11 0i 1 simple or pathetic tales, varvmfir Trom "grave to 1 , 5 . . fo ET - ? rtnA hnnrlrpd Hollars parh. thA first navnhlp ftfl rlava I- - , uui-w- iui, , j g. & I U i" .. i -v , gay, trom lively to serene poetical sketcnes didactic articles va? verse: and sometime to enli ven! ur pages, atale of fancy -a humorous story an allegory a ballad or - a song, will receive an insertion. In each and in all, the great end and aim yVill be to. convey useful instruction, through a pleasing mediumy to the heart. The entire- services of a distinguished literary genitleman, late from London, formerly Editor of the! London Literary Magnet, contributor to the New f Monthly Magazine, Literary Gazette, &c are 1 engaged for the New York Amulet. Anoth er gentleman, formerly of London, who is favora bly known in literary circles, has kindly promised to become a regular contributor to our columns. If these considerations, added to the tact of our hav ing. enlisted in our favor, some of the most talent ed : writers in this country, are any recommenda-, tiort to the favor of a generous public, our claims will, we trust, receive attention. The New York Amulet will be published semi-monthly, in the city of New York, at the unu sually low price of one dollar per annum. Those who forward five dollars shall receive six copies and tIose who remit twenty-dollars shall jeceive twenty-five copies reducing'the price to eighty cents per volume, omy Uij3 Subscriptions for the above publication trill be received at this' Office, where the work can be exam ined. - - J ' - - ' - ' ? . X LAND FOR SALE. ! fTTl WO LOTS in the town of Rutherfordton, LL joining the Main-street, one Front Lot con taming one acre of ground, and. is one half the square formerly held by Jtfrs. Gilbert. - Art - . . : Also do or -v acres aajommg xne town? lands. cessively in the North Carolina Soectator and suxrounding the Academy, on. which is afieldirf Vi .o.... . .... v-.v.!. . s . w nr ,u HcrcB ucaicu auu cuiu.u vv l ill h orinn Copy. Teste, July 30th, 1630, JIRCHETT.C&M. Pr. ad. S3 50 25 6w x JOB PRINTING AND BLANKS. FOR sale at this office the following kinds of Law Blanks : ; . j Subpoenas, : Administration Bonds , Constables Bonds, Constables Warrants' ) . Appeal Bonds, ; Judgments and Exe- ' Prosecution Bonds, cutions, ( j Writs, Marriage Licences, ; Executions', Witness Tickets. , Sheriff Deeds,- . Deeds of Bargain &Sal fence. Tor terms inquire of Mr. Jacob Michal of this town, or the subscriber. - , ;,. v-. , ; , ANDREW, LOGANS t NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. -fTp HE subscriber claims the right : of invention It to the RAILWAY CAR. GOLD RIDDLE. and designs applying for a patent for the same. All persons are hereby forewarned and cautioned ' against making or using any machine made, upon ! his plan or principle. - OSCAR WILLIS. lirackettown, tuKe oounTv, cept. 1st, ltiiJU. . I 29 6wp v " : tained of the complete success of this im- portantenterprise. The atmosphere and the waters of this vicinity appear to he ad mirably adopted for it. The present sea son will prove by actual results, of which it is expected the public will be able to judge; that silk may be rendered a new and most lucrative staple for this country, hardly second to cotton in its production and the value of its capital. Twenty years hence it may be as important an . export as cot ton. Am. Sentinel. VARIETY. with The house for . the sheep occupies an' entire siae oi me square; me Dunaings are an of stone,1 and built as if to endure forever. The general has a variety o birds, poul try, and American deer ; all (provided with the nicest possible acconjpiodationsi Were you here I am .sure yciu nftght de- signate many things that-wpuld be valua ble tor our farmers lo khow ' They make cheese-here, as well asujie finest butter I ever tastea. , ,nefiay is aamiraoiy ar ranged ; indeed, ttJwhole is a - pattern It does no good at all. A gentleman The female was carried down the stream tarni; the general appears to 'take great in this city, who was in the habit of drin- a few rods, and thrown without tbe path pleasure in it; he valks as nearly over it king his brandy and water moderately of of the slide," stripped of all her apparel, every morning as he can. Since his fall course, had a negro servant'' who was a her leg broken, one foot crushed into pie- on'the ice he cannot ride on liorse-back model of sobriety. But a few eveninsrs a- ces-, aud her whole body covered w ith which is :a great pity, ashewas Very fond go, the gentleman came home and found bruises, in which state she crawltdjo the of that exercise, and w as iiij ! the habit of Jim very drurik- The next morning, of direction of the house till near enough, riding entirely over his firm when the course, the oflfejlderswas ctdlcd up for an when the storm abated, f6Yender her cries ' i i "vr . -. i :j i it' .ti. :. i ... i:v.i .1 c -i - m weauier aammeu. . x uu uau jac uu mca ciuianauuu.-. ncnamsLiurw ara wiln a pe auuiun: w iuc . w iioie laiuny. an. n Ot t Th who are daily supplied from La. Orange he replied, "Why master,,! see when any found on Sunday, following and his re-with- every thing that cap make ' them thing troubles you, or ypu'feel bad, you I mains committed to the tomb. comfortable, besides I know not how ma- always .drink brandy amazincly. .Well, I The wildness of the scenery in the ri- ' . jj! ' " .li " i t & J. . ie.t x z . . ny oiners tnai are pruviueu ior. yesieaiy pQKe.me ot your , big i;nina Yesterday the first of June, the ladies platters, and I'knew you would be sorry, were going ta pay .a' visit in. the neighbor- and it troubled me. , I felt very bad in hopdf anti the dear general proposed that deed, so I thought I would take some bran- the benevolence of this good old man. culiarly distressing and mortified look, I ham Walton was buried in the rubbish here are at least twenty poor families and whennquired oL what this meant, about twenty rods below, where he was n any , you Well. cinity of those destructive avalanches, has long been a subject of remark with travel lers in this region, but I am told it now presents a view indUcribably grand and diJarriage should be gotj immediately, dy too ; so I kept drinking and drinking, terrific Mountains laid hare for two or Vijdxltiat Jisywould -take -me hinself to and I got drunk before I thought. But three miles in extent, presenting chasms showe6oeimproemenisonnisiarra, cng.iio good at all. Fori felt as bad a- ot vast size rocks,-some ot which are beforethl tirae forpaying the visit. His boat the platter, and then I. am" mortifiep! supposed to veigh an luindfpd tpns, lorn grand-daughters and I accompanied him, to think al-J should get drunk. It does from their beds where they had reposed and had a most agreeable ride ; he show- no good at'$4o drink when yoii are in for ages, and transported from two to tbre ed me a meadow.in beautiful j order, that trbublcV. V... miles, and trees of all dimensions plimerT had been but an unproductive swampv -tThe.gentleman said he was so struck cd into atoms, and forminff hurre chaotic The water he had collected nto p vel7vhtonest simplicity-of the negro, and masses, altogether appears sufficient to lalllC UUI1US w -uuu iviavoi suuu.u tjj l ii . - i-.u:l. 1 1 I IWO CODIOUS 6UUUU9r U1WI are emitted into one large rivulet. of those ponds he has left- three or four has determined to banish his brandy for- White Mountains of N. Hampshire. A VN.-