ii W i s 1 A MOW mm 1 AN! W IS 8 T E M Aif EX El. 1 r-1 YOOJMIii I. HERFORDTON, FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 24, 1830. NIDIBER 32. HUT - 1$ i,, V if I ,1 ;1 ' 'j ,' -. ' " "'f X' ' , ' .. .J... .' 4 riBLtSIIED EVERY FRIDAY MORKIXG, BY ROSWELL; ELMER, Jr. J" RUNAWAY. i-t nr. State of Alabama, Ashville, Aug. 11, mi of subscription. . Two dollars and fifty rents, per annum, if paid in advancer or three dol. Jirs, if paid within the year: u delayed alter ;he close of the year, tVenty-five cents will be added..) . --: "'N- V No paper will bediscontinu'ed ''.until all arreara . pes are paid j orafthe discretion jof the publisher." " Advertisements inserted on the usual terms. All pcisonradvertising will please, note. the num ber oi'times they wish to have them inserted, or riherwill be continued! anil taxed accordingly. ' St. Clair County 1830. . SHERIFF SALES. Ffjl IpRE will be exposed to public sale; on the FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, in London would call a mob of dandies, I passed on to the Quai du Lourre. TIIF NFW with a Peraevrance antl desperation, of The Pont des Arts (a wooden bridge for ' -Trt. A : - I .which, all the riots, revolts, tumults, or re- foot pa.ssenjrirs opposite the Louvre), and m mt' r I t- . i . , . I Kill A TIF.T .TMTI A. rPTYT- O.. I hn nwot I i . 1 1 1 v 1 I .1 v.. " . - I o air. jonn lucuaniei. . , -r: . - - 67" vpiaiions 01 cngiana anora uo cxr.rnpie. uie ituace oi the Institute were so crowd- , EAil SIR : There was EGRO iOiVta- lengui ami uuciw jmponance oi.jtiQ Determined, as some imagined thegen- ed, that I turned, fortunately, to. the Pont irmes to be at that lime. I fnricicd 1 saw 1 Koval. At tnt mnmpnt n rnflful tJrnil- saysinsrmmeis tieopcy,.and that he:be- must be our.' apology forbmittWthe uku- L.,.a 0 m nff' A :..,;a. ... 'YIT U: longsno jonn iucuamei, oi Ureen Kiver. Kuther- i . " vi i 1"" v v iiovv. i u- uctuu iu -uic uircunun ui tiio was answered by a direction, and in five mcnt their assailants were reinforced hy minutes 'fifteen thousand of the finest boys,, workmen, clerks, students, "coach- troops in the world founl themselves . en men", and in short, all classes. The firing caged w ith citizens ,variouly armed, became; every moment more" sharp. llere was a small party of elderly men. I returned home, and after dinner was (.National Guards, who, with a sangfroid , i Ken up as a runaway, on me inn instant, wno ioreign news wmcii we. give mis morning,' Jus name is OarfeDo and that he ;be- raust be our apology for Omitting the uku- t si to John McDamel, of Green River. Ruther- n vi- L a. i .. 111 ford County, North Carolina. He is 5ft. 9 or 10 rtl wu papei ..us wcu iorJ amongst them. Still they fought wtfh i'lace dc Greve. It in. uign, yellow complexion, stont made, had a as iB) au.niueuituu.,; x ever, na e we certainty-and desperation ; but' every mp- nuimr fire in every scar on tee butt ol his left hand (cut with a rean-t kppii rinr citizens moreanYinns trr nni(rn 1 hooki) has had his bitoe on his right foot a little ;ntoli; frostbitten.1 He says he was brought from 3orth , ' ' i i " A Carnti, hv nn .To ThnmnSnn Rtat.a that ged at an early hour esterday afternooir, he leiTt his master in March: last The owner will and the steam-boat wharves were covered do himself justice by applying immediately, prove with expectant citizens. - In-New -Yotk. rHlUMiL win oe eiposeu io puuuc.saie, on ine i i - ni.fnprt- , VPnP : if not. within six .' . i. i , iiI.'V s" - 1 mmi..wi.i..h auw.uiuuci hw auuimi "uajus, u, S. iihd Alonday in October next, at the Court- moi7he will he sold to nay the iail fees. ' I we - rX OIU u 5X Cremfv-Jlla? even.grea- making' lny way affain to the Palais tfoyal. only equalled by thiit of the beardless ; Uou.e a A&nevme JOHN S. EDWARDS, SAenJ. ter. -vl-ast venmg, at the i'arle 1 heatre, when 1 met a band of men in the Rue Vi- students of the Polytechnic School, open-' visb w am wm w l - ' . I I ,. .v-' I ilL llin l t.t lllt'l. til r ri 1 I I' li'lll'll llf-"l Slllllk i .j: i i l- . r .a Three Tracts: One Tract, of m Acres, lyins 1 The above, as will be seen, was ad- th ih.trSA 2 L" taring uie corpse oi oncoi a- their ed their fire on the Garde Rovale horse drestoMr. J. McD.V with a request on the but- Z"JV , imS v.x lauc unhappy comrades. As they passed the and loot, and artillery French and Swiss side oftae letter, that in case of the absent -of was .to be displayed onthc stage, and the Rue Colbert, where tliere yhs J (was in-I taking especial care to avoid iniurinr -ni-the Uluejlidg.e and waters of Green River, join -.'ins lauds of Joseph Stepptalso. 200 Acres, on the DeV-il's t'ork of Mud Creek'" neir or ioinin-? lands sachhadrsoni it be opened by the Post Master and Marsellois hymn Slinsr hvtllt? whole corns n:of David Myers; and, 100 Acres, u Ilidre ahd waters of Green River, m on tnc piue near or joining lands ol jliobcrt -Jones the property ol Allen 1 wit i v, in tli'e suit of Joseph Wils'm's Administrators. " -2 W31 N. HARRISON, Sheriff. . " i ; - ' By DAVID REES Dp .pCff. ; Tuncomt. A;t.?usf5d 1830. ' - '; "! : ' made uublic. There being no such person now -i;. L " aU ' .i li" A - i. lesiauig in nils uouniy tuts puuueauenuon is can cdto it that the real owner of the negro may pro- TVT AT1 C O rri! u - ; t . . , : -it ;nbv- iUKiv, oepi. o. ,x lie W ATCH MAKING AND JEWELRY, news received yesterday from France, by of the establishment, in the costume of Na tional Guards. , U. S. G azelte. importaint I: Court o iohn C . iState of North Carolina, . Ihincom'oe County. Pleas and Quarter Sessions Julyi Ses '; - 4 bion, 130. y ;.; ' - V; Smith, pro. Ami. V ' -' " l rs;.. I , Original Attachment ' Daniel O. Donncll. S . , " ;- . "ITT appeuring to the "satisfaction of the Court that JaL Daniel O Donnell is not an inhabitant of this S.. Clir.. UECHTIiEU, the way of Boston, of the dissolution of t,j l r u JLLii iniorms tne citizens ot deed !) a Swiss post, their cfios of veil- the rejjiments of the line who remained geapce were inghttul. lhet toou the grave spectators ot the slaughter that cn- body to the; Place de la TJour.?, stripped sued. . In another direction might be 'seen and exhibited it, surrounded by cancjles, the ferocious Fedcrcs of the quarters St. and amid unceasing criesof 4t Vengerfiice " Antoineand JIarceau, with their pikes of . and "Aux amies ! aux armcs !" The re- 1815,'oj other less terrible lookinc wean- port. of one odd shot fell upon the ear at Ions thousands of women and unarmed 1 mw JUML Jl A JUU M. A.XLi.J I 1113 L1LC .lLIr:ii fll I Til u ruODllTl XT f I iyTL HQ h lnM V . .tTinO I A 1, , w itulmtherford County, and its, neighborhood,! tu0 ..f;,.,; rtiVo i-i'; --if- i ' intervals; but, althoudi the. streets were people looking on and encouraging tne thatnehasestablishedhimselfasaCLOCKAND and the -subpeu on of the liberty ot the I ' , . ,1M, MM ' Lmilnr . IV rX JL Vll UTJ..XV lI.V. f J V V Xjliljr.lL. 4XU. Ill IA.UII1- 1 7 , - "V is no w reaiv to attend to a ruesi f'rim his long experience, both in Europe 1 a : -Ax ; left daiifflin in the -.centre of the' street, musketry rolled, cannons thundered. and Arneica,e is confident that he can give en- - -W" '' bringing to miud the dreadful 'use made shouts and cries were heard. I proceed- The nacket shm Hibernia. which hrrt: .f U.m ears fo X. ten o'clock' ed to a remote quarter of the town, which .tate.; therefer Ordered by Court, that public and iValdies. will be repaired with Dromolnesaaud A A.r r 1 1, i- l,ie woouen guaru-nouse 01 lue i'lace oe l lounu quiet as on orumary occasions. , m the North Carolina Spectator and carejandon moderate terms. All kinds ofJeicel-1 . . v'ru, r . jJ J :..n.f'n.V :V lti. I uuu cuiviuiuucu. ji muc iaici uuu i jl ui iuji iiuuis Tar 1.11:1:11 iuu:auia LV m I txt itt 7 a foTrrn onM-n tYi. 1 ntprpcri Itffann 1 in nan T fit iiitnll t rrifn rl. I o aUcallsinhisUneofbusi- ftfa RprnTufim? in Fmlr, TZiiikxkA elaiiterns were smashed, their long cords ly. On every hand, without intermission. tion be iiha.de Vestern Advertiser, that the Defendant be, and appear, at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter Session.f to be lipid for. the county of Buncombe, at he Court-House in Asheville,on the second'Monday after thej fourth , Monday in September next, to rilead answer or demur, or judgment final "will; be entered against him. . ! X - ' : Witness, JOHN MILLER, Cleik of bur said Court, at Office, the -first Wond-iv in Julv 1R30. - ry mfendqi,- or made, to saitf ther taste of the purcha ser. ! llelhas now on hand, an assortment ot Ruther which1 heWarrauts to be of a superior quality fordton, July 2d, 1830. 24 tf rr.ad 23 Cw JOIINIILLERCl CK C. By R. E. .FORT UNI ' NOTICE,. i'V;" h hereby given, that on the First day of October hext insuins, there will be exposed to public proscribed National saleiat tht late dwelling Jlouse -01 . Abel Hardin, deceased I :rj ! . j c t ' . 1 " 1' Ult; w uuuen iiuaru-nuuse ui iuc xiu.ee uc x iuuiiu quiet as uii uruinury uccabiuiR;. 1 ved yesterday from Liverpool, whence she -t, . " , , j . , ,M . e J . . , - 00;i.j ; ' 4t. 1 , i.- i e hi Bourse was attacked, the gendarmes I had sat for two hours, at a window sailed August 4th, has brought news of ,, , x. b . xe , ,. . .." . - - , -... - 0 . ( exnclled. and the uard-house itselt set overlooking the. citv. with a Colonel rf ineovertnrowottneuovernmentot Cnarles 4- . r .1 ,1 wu , rr'i . 1 X, and the;ht of him atid his MinistFy nfire.,A party of hapeurs Pompiers he lmpenal Old Guard. The first words fromVthe Capital, and the call of the Duke iu arrvcd to extinguish the llames burst from his hps with a tone'of rmmph of Orleans to the head of a Provisional bui.lheJ wLouId ,not .?1,owcd t0 ?ctand ""ouni uVS,nif PI"11 Ia , government. - v . 1 .. , 1 . I mi.. - . . 1 -The Ghamber of Peers Vailed oiit tie ier an ue armourers anopsia inn 3 iireaiio sno. ounng me cay. J - 1 1 TVT v " ' I - . 1 f J "' 1 TO ALL W II 031 IT MAY CONCERN,'? 1. Notice is Jiereoy Otveiiy . . IIEREASim Injunction has been obtained Ifcom the Honorable, one of the Judges of tihe Superior Court of Law and Equity," for the ' iitate of North Carolina, against GooldVHoyVAr 'thur; Branson; and James B Murrayof the City of JN'ew York at' the suit of Eliza Thomson, Execu trix, reCerA. Jay, and Peter "VVRdVlcliff, Executors rvml Trustees of the Estate of James Thomson of :ihe City of New York , (Deceased,) upon certain Lrnds sjtuate in the Counties of Buncombe, Ruth .vrf;ird, .Ind-.Mecklenburg, forbidding and "Enjoin-. , ' ; mg them, their Agent. or Agents, Attorney, or At , tornies, lill persons claiming under them : from lea j ' . . singor Rvorking any Gold Mines, Breaking Soil. 1 ' irecting Building,' Cultivating any of said Lands, I ' tiiposirig of, of in any way interfering with said i iLvind?, far any part thereof." untilthe ultimate de- i N'ision and termination of.said Suit.N xll Persons ' :ancernd will therefore Take notice ofthe same, i, -. Htv -a stribt . Observan'cjvill' be; made-.' pfaby. In-. .' liin 'cement of.said Injunction. I - - CHARLES, L, H. SGIIIEFFELIN, , Af'crneyfvr ELIZA THOMSON, V '. ' : ' i ; ' ' v pet eh a. jay: & . 1 7 PETER: W. RA I) CLIFF. J RutherfonuoR. N C. August, 1S30. 27 tf - - ' . .-i , .' NOTICE. : ; ,- J ' Hf HEREBY forewarn all persons from trading L ., M. for th'ree several promissory NOTES, executed : by me tq Ransom I. Moore, on theTth instant for one hundred dollars - each, the first payable 3) days iifte.r date, tlie second I'J months af!'4r the hrit, and the- third 12 month's after the second -as I have not a rchived; the', bonds ' of title to-certain. lands, in cpn t ideration for which ttiey y ere given ;all and each of which I protest and will :not p;iy unless compel led by Law and Enuity. v i 27tf ' , JA3IES LEMONS. Rutherford, Aug. 13, 1330. j - ; , : I -"i. ,'"" " t - - State of Worth Carolina, , - - ' Rutherford Comity. . In Equity. Spring Term, A. D. 1630. : , Richard Arendale and wile Mary, Charles ..Black well, " Chesle'y Webb and his wife - IT, well, - - ' .' J Negroes,' -Cattle, chaaer thJ Durchaser sivins bond with aDoroved REVOLUTIONARY MOVEMENTS ! fieefiold seiiurity. Also,all those who are indebted, h 'r It will be seen, in the first place, that a are requestid to make immediate payment. Those Provisional Govern input h.n 'nrnnui. whof have claims against said estate, are requested j . . " i ?, . . to flward iieir accounts within the time' prescrib- d consisting of eight members, al of ed by law, jr this will be plead in bar against them, them holding a very high, if not the Very J ZACHAKIAII EARLES, ExW. highest' place, in the estimation of their lunneripfa, August xisi? lo..vjspias.w . were attacued. and everv weapon carried 1 lne odd refused to act. liie cannonicrs viuarm, wno supplied 1 . . ' , . ,. - 1 f n . 1 r s, by breaking open . , ' . ..A.. Li' t. -.u?.!.- i :t...',i "iicu uiiuuiiiiuui 1 una. uui 111c iiaiutc i vie uiiuu . niiiLH eii.iicu iisuiiauib vi:u themselves with arm IWH inPPpLf,,llvV;nnt?r tL0 K;r,(r.. spared not tbem, for the intention was not troops. ' '-S' :f American. At four o'clock in the morning the pco- I ascertained. pie began to assemble at many , points, The cavalry were cut up in a hundred -principally in the Itue St. llonore. The charges. well-dressed mob of the preceeding day . The tri-coloured flag soon floated on re-appeared and re-inforced, but were out- the tower of the Hotl de Ville, and those numbered by the terrible men irora the of the Cathedral (otre Dame.) ' Faubourgs of St. Antoine and Marccau. I am obliged to suspend details frcn The iTuiieries were approached, but no hurry. act ot hostility occurred up to ten o clock. I On Tuesday niht Prince Poiignac . . . T J . . in the mean wliup. thp. Iiravc oi the ci-'t- 1 narrotrlvpi.-'nrw'H hPinfftnMpnritftriof lia LOOK OUT--AhSWINDI.ER ! ! V sorae 01 lliem Ior Dotn,as oenoral Uerard 4 . ' , .. ' ' t." l"r7r;.nr-'"-r? ABSCONDED frornthistface, on the night and Count Labau, (General Drouet,) The '""t uuouaie uegan w beu. uui.se was rougu.y f n-,ea-A otuielstinstayoungWwbocaUshfm- Moniteur, in conformity to tlje rule t has 011 he ulcvards, 111 the I'lace de Grove nesday night the celebrated Abbe de .Fray- -seif LJTTLEB UR FM. S. FOX, a saddle and ifollnwpd for tl.P Ut dii ivp-ii.Jtl.ot Af ho aud 111 otl,er Plftces, with the certainty of scnoug (Bishop of Hennopohs) was ar- harness maker bytrade' (but an indifferent work- nntrin tn f1 i death if defeated. At the same moment rested, I am assured.- All the Priests dis- the organ of the Provisional Gove rl?i rln rfrrCr I hfinn h 9PL' hair - hae; n c?r vi 'r r tha latt I ' . . , n mr-?vr-" , cause it speaKs volumes to those who are x - w 1 a new and most important incident oc- I appeared during that day. -----"- 1 L. . i 11.1. rr ofaie.5 feet 9 or 10 inches hieh. slender built. Tand we nartirnlariv V.nli'tbi At Lp- '"H- siuucnw ui ui xe;ie xoiy- 1 J I - - 1L! Ll-.lll.-' 'I .1. . l.JV I. - . - . " " . it t C l.i rnna viao t It r ti,in .-. i .1 ki, l-k.w -fie! travels with a large vahsse. , He had also in acquainted with the m bis possession a gray mixed frock-coat, a black and lairs. isetore the deci white stiped roundabout. . He -also swindled; a ting a Provisional Government took place: Qlacft velvet vest, a pair; ol blue clotn. pantaloons, Farious incidents bf the deepest most 0 a new drab colored hat (made by A. McKee, . , - - - - , , . , o Charlottesville,) an pctavp flute, and several other ifatmg, and we: may add, unparalleled ui- artic3esv- He also contracted several considerable terest had taken place. T-Ii population debts on hia emolover's account, without! nermis- of thp Ponitcil horl siontwhichlie also swmdled.-The pubhek are ,t UxT wi,; 'iffll. '.'....I mense toree was brought to bear oft vcr- infantry of the Guard ?aSS Se described-. lea, ras ' o, Z S, I'"'""" , ,f,1 d!vaic wf f uack: kA rCHt (or ,tc H"5 of . ? iTTPrintersffenerallv. will confer a favor on the t Tuesday and Wpdiipsi nv. tAis h smiw X"! "" . . uu. Wi v.u iut, iiai-u uj, wiuutII rvnhlm Kv irivinar tKfii nhnvo !i taw i ncDrtinnc in ttinir I X . . !. 1: ' t . ' ' 1. 1 1 I A iC QlH)t retjjecii e papers. . : x The Ministers all ran off, save Debel- teehuique, having oeen dismissed without lame, who was thrown into prison for al- tcd.. Lou- saw to duiercnf parts to take command of the march along the Boulevard part of a re people, or rather io receive it from them; gitnent of Lancerswhose appearance bl and nobly did they repay the confidence dicated extreme fatigue. Theywercquick- so placed in them. In an hour an im- ly followed by a portion of a regiment of" !...! 4- ..IV . i. .1 II - . I . 1 , . . I f 1V1WI, r siiwuc uuiu luiitu iu i v ly tin ci7 iiuttiii sonic in mc juuiiieus to lkt fiiiii 1 ,v- . i.i i i i u in i..i. .i. ri. .rti . i , .!... a :.. JC4iia j"i"tu uiu ntuuic neuriy io i -v iu u cioecv mc xuuienennu' a iiiiui, men separaieu, proceeaing smgiy. ivrc sun nciu out, uuiai max moment l vs. Dailiel Blackwell, George By- NEW YORK AMULET, And Ladies Literary and Religious Chronicle. . fUl HE primary obiect of this work will be to : Ji pourtray the deleterious consequences of vice in the most vivid colors to exhibit the beauties andtrewards bf virtue in all their captivating loye- iness to awaken the: better feehnss of human nattire to cultivate the socal and' domestic affec tions ko lead the mind through the most delight-; ful ivenues to the bow ers of happiness and peace, &ci xc. Io accomplish these designs, we shall Bill for account V and distribution. ars, John Blackwell, James Blackwell, Reuben Mastin and Sarah his wife, Rebecca Mas ; tin arid; Felix, Joel; and Mary Blac kwell, heirs at law of Joel Blackwell, Jr., deceased. a T appearing satisfactorily to the Court, that, John Blackwell, James Blackwell, Reuben Mastin and wife Sarah, and Rebecca 'Maslm, de fendants in thk cause, are not inhabitants of this State. It is ordered that they, appear before the Judge of the Courtof Equity, to beheld for; Ruther- lord county, at the Court House at Kutherlordton, on the third .Monday after-.the' fourth Monday of i. cirimiur next, ana pieiiu, uuswetj-oj ucumi, . otherwise Complainants7 bill will be taken pro con- icsso and pet dpwn. for hearing exparte, as to. them And that, this Order be published six wreeks sue "?sively ra the North Carolina Spectator and : v fsiern javertiser. opy. : l.csje, T. F. BIRCHETT. C. Prtad. .$3502a 6w J uly . 30th, 1630, rV i NOTICE, H" FOREWARN' all persons from trading witk ii w 'j iting my wdl- L.l BE Til SHO UT, d, s-at - ;n . my nouse and board, without ; lt.:Ct til.it any y.u , a.juip.ennmed not to pay ny con-;rfeJ:-,ty.makcj. v JOHN F. SHOUT. :c,'uiTcomle., Aug.; 22, 1630. 2dtf i NOiTICE TO THE PUBLIC. HE f ubsctibpr.. thims tlie right of inve R-i i - t " ; " v '11.11 ui invention til in tt.-uii.iv .u UAH -uyLO KIDDLE ,.j.uk. vxm-- i'i''7 " j,u"111 me same, 'il j-uah are lierty : ibrewarned and cautioned ;a;ibi iw-wisi-viiittufi oj:y uiauune made nnon Pa M jriiiiHple'. ', . OSCAR WILLIS !;r-.(.!u-tiown, B-irke Cuaty, Sent.-lst.lS30.. were masters of the City, having been pre . i . i " . . i i viousiv louien nv sovpra rporimfmis ni imp. . . i: iu' J I, i.ic p , hours by those' heroic-youths. I he Tinl-I were lino Q n ri rrt n rw rAtvrkl Iirl I I a Xiimcq i .11 otH I J J 1 liUVi UUUUU1 U1H 1UUlUtUVU U1C1C H ICS VJ UUIU 1 . f 11 4 11. t I 1 ti,of jfj 7i rr 1 1 it enes were attacked, and dtlended by the dicrs (Mil to our aid all the eloxinence of truth clothed in document. Also, a deputation , with 31. of carnage, sometimes the armed people mm4 ""V."" ua,...i.Wvi..!N:utAiiuui,eu-i.jcoi. premUngisbmetimesthekifag'a-'trw; Thomas d Aqum) was jually car- ,es cut up, and tire men fainting. Lastly, hutn'rtSflRtnfibpllm.l?h:TnVnw.; ried' a,id lhe 0411,110,1 carncd oft to u'e a portion of a regiment the line follow- !-.'.. M . r most imnortant Domts. and workrii tvith I nl with a mrlnnrlinlv nir. Tim rrmmn. amazinir coolness ana euect lor twelve ! clcr ot the three regiments urst mentioiic-d . 'I ... v . . . dead ; the survivors, with some s ol- of a regiment cf the line wire on (nil 1 their way to join the King at St. Cloud, of whom were Vendeane) ; tliey were the where they arrived in a most confused first soldiers who fired on the people on state yesterday, Wednesday. Early in the day the ?ape- The attack on the Louvre and Tuille- urs Pompiers surrendered. A large pro- ries was renewed yesterday, and with sue portion of the gendarmes soon afterwards cess, but with great slaughte r. The Pa- followed their example. I should have lace was pillaged. The different barrackr said earlier that the whole garrison of Pa- of the unhappy Swis?' Guards were carrv ris had been ordered out on the preceding ed 111 the course of the cay, and the Swik to surrender. In the mean tune; the De puties who had arrived in .Phns, iassem- bled,- ; and i issued . a Ideclaratipni with all their names atiixed.to this solemn Lafitte, brotlier-in-law of Marm6nt, at their head, had a conference with the Marshal, who isGeueralissimo of the King's troops, near one of the 'barriers ; thefdst fascinating farms such as moral essays ftmple or pathetic tales, varying from "grave to gayj from 'lively to serene" poetical sketches didactic articles in verse and sometime to enli ven'our pages, atale of fancy a humorous story antillegory a ; ballad or a song, will receive an insertion. In each and in all. the great end and aim will be to convey useful instruction, through a pleasing medium, to the heart. lne ennre services oi a disunguisned literary gentleman, late from London, formerly Editor of the I London Literary Magnet, contributor to the IV ew 3Ionthly Magazme. Literary Gazette, &c. are engaged for the New York. Amulet. Anoth- tlie dismissal of the obno33ous afinisters : er genuexiiiin, iormeriy oi Xjonaqn, vfna is iavora bly known in literary circlesr has "kindly promised to become a regular contributor to our columns. If these considerations, added to the fact of our hav ing enlisted, in Pur favor, some of the most talent- j bearer of these la 17 rrTillZ the answer of the tlUIi LO Uie mvut a. . cucxuus uuuitu, vui Uiaiuis i . will: we trust, receive attention. vionucu ...men The New York Amulet will be published se- r rom this moment and the details of this conference' which rf T V ?l , .u V 1 "t " - Y' will be iound amongst otir extracts, showL .1 - ? .. 1 1 r I . 1 -bj- , . . , " . ....... r . . inrnpii iiipir luprps nn i npiri nifiTifi. ttnti- 1 truwpiirn in irnm iri.ni ttTmixr n.o- the great moderation by. which the lead ers ot the popular party were still anima ted. They proposed only the repeal of the obnoxious Ordinances,: together with in sr retreat of thos- e and will it hp. hp.lheved. that theviwprp nnt I . : j i AA,nr.,',iA-' At who received their embrace, but maint; only rejected, utontumeUously rejected 1 v v' 11 - m proposals, retufned with" ' - n ; V ! f0,,?ctluentc' King,.M. IJafitte ex- U""B ".gu c m tult , u thexivif waris egun!" TV tlTJr, a.. ,a14a oficompro- - 4. n:.t.:... u " i . , -j j i vmuucn. . ah 111 iiut JLti;iit:iic;u, uu ui mi-monthly, m the city ot iew xork, attheunu- mige seems to have been abanflobed by X' sually low pnee of one dollar per annum. Those i i . .iL-J&a tne ..KioirffivP dniw n'rprpivAWT thepopulaV party--the tri-coloure flag was nni ti.nsp who remit -.twenty dollars shall retpiv'p hoisted on the TuiXeries, the TCMirns of tw&e , coPies-reduci9g the Pnce to hohu Jthe Kipg were erery where ptilfelfdown, fuua8 ie appearance oi ce- iron nuace ot the louvre, rner volume, onlyl . V- ' ' A. Jh;h.'i i ii,ii.'c termination to fight: The people, were The Due d'Orleans KiILbc kin 1 I II c : -7-.- : - '.. A. i 'w4LitCi ii i ; accumulating ijightfully. ' ot a word son is marching to Parii in aid nSfciortter?iMicriiiwifte r ; as spoken. -The garden of theTuilerits Dourgeois, at the head of his received iu w . o t uc exczm- rRIS, JUiy OU.; posicnpi to my pn- Woa r nPfL Tn tV, lo .1,, rarniispl I IIUSMT5. nnml nrnr,1 i nt tl dy!" "Present r and they ed their pieces on their Colonel, wait- jmarehed iu from Orleam with singular coolness for the wordJninir. but hearing of the i O I J Fire !" That officer immediately broke I above mentioned, they l:!:td in the Plac bis sword upon his knee, tore olf his epau-I Louis XVI.', and in the course cf the day lettes, and retired.. The people thre wl retreated upon St. Cloud, receiving a hta- themselve9 into the. arnis.-e the soldie'rs, vy fire (in their way. The tri-coloured un- Hag waved once more over ail tlie public (re-j monuments. . The joy was universal. lne appointment of General La Iay ette to the command of the National Guard was a happy ciicumstance ; 60,000 will be organized to-night. At this instant the disarming of tlie rabble li in progress, neighborhood of the Rue St. Honorc, There is a largo boat at this moment re- parties were cn face. The third ceiving the melancholy freight of the dead His of the regiment of ie head ! NOTICE TO GOLD MINERS 71"! HEREBY forewarn all persons from building a revolution. jJLl or nsmg.a macnine lately inventea by me, call vate note tt you on l uesaayeyemng,' was founa three snUadrons of Lancers of the of tlie armed force' under La Fayette couched - in these term : e are in lor Garde Royale, a. battalion of the 3d Regir The Iloyal emblems and. eviyv mention vi ed THE GOLD CRADLE, for washing and sep aratingalluvial Gold from the earth', stones, ; or of constructing such upon my plan and inven tion;, as I intend to apply for a Patent on the same. The patent law will be enforced against all .who infrsnee'upon the plan oi" said machine. j i JOHN WOODY. J'eanstown. Sept. 11,11830, 31tf i VjH ' I mnt ofthe" Gar& nnd n battcrv of six lof Rovaltv have disapni-aredtrcrv where. I wrote you two notes on .Wednesday, I pieces. ako bf the'Garde. The Tuileries The Kin-" of France, wliboTx be shall be, yl ahd 'Louvre were occupied by a regirpent must be a very limited Monsrcbto receive of Swiss Guards. They havp tMa-iahediltbe approbation of but 1 have every reason to 'believe "tin were destroved. i-.r .v Un 1 uesday evening, matters?:, egan to x few soldiers ofthe Garde were eauhg wear a very serious aspect. The 'endar-lti,f;r by-.! thc restf to wi,om mes posted on the Place du Palkjs Rqyr have referred, were on thc qnivire, ready -i.ii juuwiii.; uuvnvy wwwfcw . jQ mount or tall in the people. PTa)oleon II. is in the mouths of all the lower orders. - . The newspapers will giro 'you, other particulars. - r 5 s J - ' i ' : ' -4 ! ! 1 i ':