: -: .11 1 - -J- 'S If : : ' . J ' V mmm ECDTPAITCDIjR !ArNlD WEST Ell B.EITIE.l. X ST. RUTHERFORDTON, FRIDAY MORNING J OCTOBER 1, 1830. VOLUME I. NUMBER 33. MOW (D'A DPI i S3 fl ! ' l .V I .rUCLIKHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, BY . jROSWELL ELMER, Jr. . Terms of subscription. Two dollars and fifty 'cents, pier annum, if paid in advance ; or three dol lars, if paid within the. year :' but if delayed after the close of the year, twenty-five cents will be added. '. - . . ';" ' - -. No piper will be discontinued until all arreara ges are paid, or at the discretion of the publisher. Advertisements inserted on the usual terms. . All persons advertising will please note the num ber of times they wish to have them inserted, or they will be continued and taxed accordingly. RUNAWAY. State of Alabama, IAsiiville, Aug. li, St. Clair County, f ' 1830. i ' to Mr. John McDanieV v - VltlUlJMA ft Military Land WprantsZ ? . j I: WILL purchase claims to and jVdh-innd Warrants already granted by the Stlte of Vir ginia for the services of her Oficers anfVSoldiers AGRICULTURAL ECONOMY. T- n csT . mi ; TTiin mrt-.r. JLP ken Pasarunaway,onthe9th instant, who SttnYrASuLM ?nf! -4"wa ; - . v 1 1 1 1 1 iiiriiiii aim lqio cSLauiiBiiiifiu . ft. 1? wi 1 1 nnrt that ha ha. . . . . 1 says his name is Charles Dopey, and that he be longs to John McDanieL of Green River, Ruther ford County, North Carolina.' He is 5ft. 9 or 10 in high, yellow complexion, stout made, had a scar on the butt of his left hand (cut with a reap hook,) has had his big toe oh his right foot a little frostbitten. He says he was brought from North Carolina, by one John Thompson, and states that hei left his master in March last. Thj owner will dor himselfustice by applying immediately, prove his property and pay expenses ; if, not, within six TOontns he will be sold to pay tne-jail lees. -;--jYours, &c. s JOHNS. EDWARDS, Sheriff. locate all warrants that may be konfidedad me for location, upon the most desirfble andjf valuable lands in Ohio, Indiana or Illinoij, fas myjbe pre ferred, (bi such part thereof as 1 "dl be f$ir com pensation for the services rendt ed apIhis ser vice shall be such as ought to e expend from one who has resided 22 years i the West, and whose time has been constants and exclusively devoted to land and land matte., j " IJ Every Officer and Soldier, aikl everyQhaplain and Surgeon who served in tke (ontinetAl army, or in that of the State, or inrjhetfafy of tfce State of Virginia, who, or their representativei.fcavenot ffThe above, as will beseen,waVad- yet drawn abuntyia Jand, (and otgire than SPECULATION SARDS. ;. . TQfALL WHOM IT MAY. CONCERN i Notice is Hertbv Given. T"Tr7"IIEREAS an Injunction has been obtained V V from the Honorable, one of the Judges of I tin -. Snneriorc Hoiirt of I jlw and "F.niiitv. " for th t State of North Carolina, against Goold Hoyt, Ar- dressed to Mrl J. McD.. with a reauest on the out- ?nc tenth of aU the o'ers, sailor an thur Bronaoif, and James B Murray; of the City of side 0f tie letter, that in case of the' absence of nave yet obtained tir warrants,) are fintftled to New York , at the suit of Eliza Thomson, Exscu- 'Sach person, it be opened by the Post Master and one and can 50W Pbtam ll nnderf thej fete . law ltx, Peter A. Jay, and Peter W.Radcliff, Executors niade public s There being no such person now Ped for their beAefit. And to all sucR te do not .iind Trustees of the Estate of James Thomson of residing in this county the public attention is call- k?ow now to proved to obtain their nglijmy ser tUe City ol iew. York , (Deceased,) upon certain cd to it, that the real owner of the neffro mav nrn. vces are now temerea ana will beprombtly ren m ' rr.j; .i- . f t- . t- ..il..r .' j. .ianus nuate in the counties, oi Buncomoe, ttutn- eure lis property imannes v.. rect-m'ff alien lion is call- " w vu vUuiu ureu ujupdiiij negro may pro- vices tendered and will be' promptly . dered. - ' b t. - ,.'lH . ; , I tCF' Letters. Distaee paid, addressed ne at WAfGH MAKING ANH JFAVF.T.RV Richmond, Virginia, until the 1st of Janbarv next. I ; toMU CHS.. BECHTLER. ' wiU bTe "0, and in all cases wl"neces- votKing any uoiQ mint's, ureaitiug uuu Mm t5PPr,rriTTTl T v :r,v c ary, i wiu cau iu uerson upon mose lnpeiesiea. Buildings, C-uUivatiDg any of said nds, RhwfoMumv. neiffhrhf J CL?5.I4cE r ni. nr in anv wav nier eniiir wiui saiu i .1 .11 . , . 1 tjiimirninR. umo. jnnR m in.ui 3 mat nenas e$tabiisned nimseir as a CLOCK AND , ; . . WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER, &c. in Ruth- .THE .LADY'S BOOKj erford, and. Mecklenburg, forbidding and "Enjoin ing them, their Agent, or Agent?, Attorney, pr At tornies, alt persons claiming under them from lea sing or! wotkirl? anv Gold Mines. Breaking Soil disposing of. or in anv ,wav interfering with said Lauds, or any part thereof." until the ultimate de rision and termination of said Suit. All Persons concerned will therefore Take notice of the same, as a strict Observance will be made of any In fringement, of said Injunction.! CliAllLl.S. L. H. SCHIEFFELIN, "Attorney for ELIZA THOMSON, PETER A. JAY, & f PETER. W. RAD CLIFF. .. Rutherford ton, N C , August, 1830. 27 tf NOTICE. - : ' S HEREBY fdrew'arn all persons from trading forthree several promissory NOTES, executed ! by me to Ransom I. Moore, on the 7th instant, for one hundred dollars each, the first payable 30 days lifter date, the second 12 months after the first; and the third 12 months after the second as I have not received the bonds of title to certain lands, in con sideration f(K whicli they were given; all and each . of which I protest and will not pay unless compel- fd oy Law ana L.quity. , . 27tf ' JAMES LEMONS Rutherford, Aug. 13, 1830. . SHERIFF SALES. TW H ERE will be exposed to public sale, on the jL ' 2nd Monday in October next, at thje Court '.Ilouse in Asheville, in the county of Buncombe, 500 ACHES OF XiAITO, - in Three Tracts: One Tract, of 200 Acres, lying . on the Blue Ridge and waters of Green River, join- mg lanas i josepn otepp; aisa, zuu-Acres, on tne DevilTs, Fork of Mud Creek, near or joining lands of Pavfd 'Myers; nd, 100 Acres, on the Blue JlidgCf and waters of Green River,, near or joining 04w efordtcn, (opposite Mr. Wm.Twitty's tavern) and PIHARLES ALEXANDER, Publgher of the is now read( to attend to all calls in his line of busi- Daily Chronicle, and well knowtf 0 having ness. FronVhis long experience, both in Europe been connected in the publication of thd Saturday and America he is confident that he can give en- Evening Post and Casket, Propose in disjunction tire.satisfactiitt to all who may please to patronize with LOUJTS A. GODEY, to commendeB on the him in his biimess. Every descriptioft of Clocks and WatchesM'ill be repaired with promptness aud care, and on Moderate terms. All kinds of Jewel ry mendedohnade to suit the taste of the purcha ser, ile nas fcow on hand,: an assortment ot which hewarints to be of a superior quality. Kuthertordth, July 2, 130. 24 tf The reason that everrtliin? about Dnr fFrom the Sullivan, (N. Mercary.l . . " "iniseu, m sucn comusion. Aminadab Halfanhouraficrevc yMw. ,V?.De allr,buted lclj to one bad b-Jjit This gentleman -has a very Ion . name, "l A Ins Iiabit wdl appear trivui!v and therefore in sneakimrnf liir. we sfall "ouotless, when we name it. but iieTethe- call him Dab for shortness. . ! I c.ss '? Ls lhe cause of what Dab calb "all his misfortunes but tvbirh w. Ww . w uivi 4w4w rectly designate, the consequences of his oniy lault. Dab never Joes a thins at the moment it ouHjt to be done.. For inHnnr h. Are you acquainted with him certle reader ? for fear you should not be, i e 11 t " ! 1 . I win cescnpQ mm to you. i Dab is neither old nor young, and there fore of a certain arc : fforthe PTnlanntin of this seeming paradox we refer you jo P-Uts(ff having his cart mended, because some one more learned than ourselves) he " ?. . "u,u w UM! 11 rameoiatelyt is neither tall nor short, but yet a man 'of anrt lK; docs wanl l "ee it, he has some size; his beard is generally uncut t0 wa1 1 leisure of Uip blacimit!i or till noon : his complexio n, for want of wa- V n.ccm "e"1 re lie can begin to work. ter, somewhat resembles a chxv soil in a wiin uaD .n nll-his affairs. He drought ;.his hairis matted together, and I'uiiait cry ung as long as jks hat.gs over his eyes and ears like a wet siWc. ud when at Jan e is fod to do yarn swab ; his teeth are of the color his J Job 11 s done n ltc arl there- last quid and meal left them; his hands b.-y .uc iao wirvcep o, urrirnA A A w,a tnW nT11) morning because it will do iuv rugged and uneven, because he uses his " P.1,1 to heZ") work aAer breakfast, W teeth to trim them instead of a knife. , 3 ""V Yucn?ncy pcopien "ITS hereby g M. next ensuig sale, at the lat deceased :x first of Julv next, under the above titleJ S A aiONtHLY LITERARY MISClillLANY. . This 'w4i;lr will h Hrtvntprl PQnppVaH vt2 thf opt. . -' J -y. . vice of the Ladies, and looking chiefly 3.0 them for patronage, iio exertion will be spared t lnerit it. 'Pi 1 : . .it.. Xf .... I 1 I- ' J 1 i 1 : (.... n a ue piau cpniuiupiaieu varies maieriaiorgromuiai villCll aanglC QOWn ailUSlIlg uuuui ui "f nnv fif flip Amcrirnn Pprinrlirnla nnwtwinlatorl I f . 1 t I 11. .1 1 II- moiion oi me uoiy line me ueus uu half done their day work. In short, b is late and bcliind-hand to all bis busi- ness; nor will he ever learn the siniule truths 'fthat time is the most precious of all 11111158," aad, that order is the econo-. mizeroftimc. iiy doing every thing ia puzzle an optician to find out the original Eeason a man- caa oecomplisb infinitely tint, so worn, threadbare and diversified more than one who nets without syrtem, with various specimens of dirt has it be- lrherC ar Aminadab Halfanhour- come, by its uujniarded contact with eve- aftereverything a in this world, and they al- rir imnrinpr ll,inr: it is ornameuted bv a ys Wert, DOW are, and CVCr Will be fpv bm Imttntic nt iinrrrtnin iirterii'als. I P00r dctlls. m wr i w wr M. W W 9 1 V ft M m m m - W His dress consists of a hat with "no rim nor nothing, "knocked into a cocked hat by liard usage, and covered with various kinds of. grass-seed, chalk, white-wash, cob-webs and stable litter; his coat was of some difinite color, but now it would en.thatonthe Firstdav of Ortnhpr a? ieastl uPn the best ofita predecessors! la the. are torn at the elbows, the cuffs are rag- common size. . It measured 14 l-3inchcs g, there will be exposed to public choice of materials, though ongmal cnbutwns d the fla are beSinning to fall off, and around the butt end r the cobO L-4'1on dwemng house oi Abel Hardm, back, and one andi Uie number of grams amounted i ArJ2: ' articles -of superior value. . The numerate Masra- rent under each arm. ' Dab's vest was lU7c. . SuiXiter Gaz.1 For the informhtion of the AirficuTturift. , arhquin's cap, and by buttonholes that ph". Benbow mentions his having- found, - they trust, to be an improvement, in some" respect iWill not hold buttons, lhe sleeves ot it 1 "s present crop, an ear ot.com ol tin- ' and it executed in the style which the f'lfopnetors believe to.be within their means.? wills Ka . found. a U zines to be provided for the purpose o Selection, once black, but now resembles in color a wiu always attord a pientitnl supply ot fatter suit- f , h . . Qn anJ aoie iorme lady s uook waicn, wnea lepuuiisn- - f . TwpIvo mnro rrt will ho mv fr. v,0 nnr. led, will possess, lor all but a lew. tue aieacuon of 4UUl ol,iS 111 " WIUP chaser the puphaser giving bond with approved novelty. Extensive arrangements avelbfeen made the button holes rent out. His pantaloons freehold security. Also, all those who are indebted, at home and abroad that will give eve4' facility to look as if thev had been worn by a brick- me reaay auainmeni oi ine cnoicest 403 earnest Um u- i,ufiru ;,iin n productions. The design includes ry thing l"JA !'"" which may be expected to afford entertainment and apron, and are ornamented witb divers instruction, in an inviting form, to thoj 5br whom rents through which Specimens of skin the work is intended. . It is presumed h&, that a antj incn protrude. His shoes are not cannot but prove worthy "of the Weotiiifihe othl hpales, and his stockings of diuerent kinds C(j. It appearslic had a Jfabced alone at er sex. Among the subjects whbu mjrr be enu- One being COttOtl and the Other woollen hl,e uead of his nartv. which, nn TJirhnrr Negroes, Cattle; Hogs, $fc. - r. 1 are requested t( make immediate payment. Those who have clains against said estate, are requested to forward theij accounts within the time prescrib-.j ed m law, or tils will be plead m baragamsttbem. ! IACHARIAH EARLES, x'r. Rutherford, August 21st, 1830. 28tds33 Foil e rb n a yb D O MESTI The Editors, othe Journal, of Com- merce have beon favored with the follow ing extract of a letter, dated . 'j'nri'hnerrrtn T.,J..1f 1 OTl -' TL t . ti.. e . w . a ne Dogum rosi oi me m junc Das aarived Gen. Sucre's death is confirm- LOOK OUT A SWINDLER ! ! ! ttnF A BSCONDED from this place ' on the night aerated as likely to be prominent wjll fte Ibund they look as if his wife.was sick, and bis the wood called Beorueca found Inm ty, in the suit of Joseph Wilson's Administrators 'ottto 21st ihst. a young maii,. who cau Wltn female helpgone away to be married so dead, pierced with five balls and his mti! V' J It V. . Hf f LITTLFRTJUV M S mx n anHHi aw occasional disquisitions on the scieijce.iwl rennnts .r fc ucuu FlcItc" oaus, ana ins mulO W:w x. iiAittuduiN, znerin.- r r ,T r ,r Lf.u , i.i...'.k...5.n..i... u - dirtv are thev. llis shirt collar is uie coi- Uv th trn: - krtniso v r nir - ft-kiinn iwriawM4 tin nui i m. v ti n unit iw ikiii 'in e ipiiiiv in iim i - www iwiucoa moRci uj uauc, uui au lUUlllcitIiL WUia J :r V- . y T CF V v w I i fc i 1 1 1 C U I ill . . By DAVID REES, Dp. Sh'ff. Buncombe, August 341630. ; State of North Carolina, . ' ', Buncombe County. Gourt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions July Scs .!' -'ision, 1830. John C. Smith', pro; Ami. vs. Ori man,) he served his apprenticeship with' Mr. Long 80 : distinguished; ' BvoGRAPfucAj. AjFecuoxes, or w anesDorougn, va. rie lsaDontiaorzuyears wniumuu iiauiHVJ'wui of age, 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high,- slender built, ters of real talent ; the Jb ashioms, with 5a lllustri- diark complhxion, blackair, has a scar on the left tive engraving quarterly, fancifuiiycoluYed. This side of his face near the ear, oocasioned by a bum department will be under the superinLeudance of -i-he travels with a large valisse. He had also in persons well versed in the art, and -'ndj pains will his possession a gray mixed Frock-coat, a black and ue spuxeu reauer it iiui me leabf. Riufacuve jari white' stiped roundabout. He also swindled a of the Contents. .- '. black velvet vest a pair of blue cloth pantaloons, A word or two now and tbe wilib introduced, a; new . drab colored hat: (made bv '-A JUcKee. w"M"g cAereises uuu epun- tiyi are geu ' mr . -'I II. IF . I . I viuk iu uoin;ueaiui anc OTnEP- This nrorca that the amKnu or of his beard, and hiscravctof a change- cade must haTe consisted of a" considers' able mud hue, spotted with tobacco juice ble number of persons. It is also a strong corroboration of the guut of Obando, m whose district this horrible deed was per petrated. It is quite impossible that such a lorce could hare been collected, and such an act committed, without the co'r- and Sn much now for for his ' Daniel O; Donne! 7TT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Charlottesville,) an octave flute, and several other erally regarded as improving' aud shininir with lUabs outward mail homestead. He lives in a lanre house that looks as ragged as a hawk's nest. The shingles on the roof are loose, the class is broken Daniel O. Donnell is not an inhabitant of this State v therefore, Ordered by Court, that publica tion be made in the Jiorth-JCarolina Spectator and Aesterin Advertiser, that the Defendant be, and appear at the next Court of Pleas and Quarter tScssioniVto be heldfor the county of Buncombe, at i articles, j! He also contracted Beveral considerable tfebts pn his employer's account, without.' permis-. siou, which he also-", swindled- Th"e".publick are cautioned against the vagabond abo.ve described. Uharlottesville, Va. Jjlne.ii5, 1830-. ' r tCT Printers generally, wiH confer a fayot'oft the th'e Court-House in Asheville,onthe second fonday public, by giving theaboe a few insertions in their air me lourm amiwmy m ocpmuei ucai, iu i respective papers p,ie,au answer or uenuir, or juuguiuui uuai viii ue n I nizance of the Militarv nnd Ch-il Gm rnnr and lout of the'sashes. the window frames rat- nf tin- l'mvinr:rlin ..nitJ hentv. amnnr whir.ti RmiNC and OiscLVO innv 11.. ...;.!. ..I r.C I i ' . ... . . . - -y,0 .. t nmi uie wuiu, uie uuuia uiuuu ui mcu D nis irenuent rebeUionl a thorough and be specified; with appropnate wood (Sits by skit- , . . , i . ,111.- . : "M""" '"". a iuunjucii jua ful artists. Poetry, ofcofce,wUl,bpne of the intimate knowledge of every intabitanr, departments to which great attention1 yill be paid; oft of the doors ; the backs of the lire-pla- erery inch of ground, and crcry hidin" a, smbroidert, thepoBTRVoFi keMe woRt, ces are burnt out ; the shelves of the cup- plaCet in all Pastoi Obondo's persona" W- ?lli-iduf s??e; 9nthu!lattfc.ubject-it board are broken down; the walls are enmity to J?ucrc h well-known will be difficult to lind contributors w ican write . , . . . . , tm" X 10 ucre is wcu Known. clearly, but the engraver will be, i perllclly intelli- wiui wuunc, aim wicciajiuua.ua uui- AW accounts irom liogota, represent th- entered against him. Witness, JOHN MILLER, Clerk of our said Court, at CTitice, the first JMonday m July, 1830. Pr. ad. $3,00. 1 JOHN MILLER, C. C. C. . i36v By R. E. FORTUNE, D. C. State of Nortlr4Carolina, ? r Rutherford County;' , In Equity. Spring Term, . A. D. 1830. . lucliard Arendale and vyue .Mary, Charles Biackwell, : ChesleV Webb and his wife Henrietta, and Peter Black-. weir. Sibley i CONDITIONS. Lirin r nnnrh, nnri In lllll rxtl Hr t'fllT ft 1 1 1 W m . . . utv-ujiu fui.ui;: w kumi. ICOIJUHIOn Ol ine I re S1CCR1 tO K naitit nnrl rmils. do to his barn. One The work will be i issued in nambeiy.bn the' first door that onened at the entrance of the oi every month, and comprise nity-iv octavo pa-1, . - . . . c , f e crfaa. t i.a ,.r;na An morK:ia.MrJiti. bay was taken from ib hinges tall bcloreLas L5 ! a most la- ist mtntallc; totally powerless in the hands of a faction whom be has in vain attempt ed to conciliate, and lias not energy $uf ficient to put down. Their operations are governed by a Junta or Committee, con sisting of 104 individuals, who again ap- VS. Bill for account '. and . )' v distributioni Daniel iBlackwell, George By nrs, John Biackwell, James Biackwell, Reuben Mastin arid ' arah his wife, Rebecca Mas tin1 and Felix, Joel, and Mary Biackwell, heirs at law of Joel ' 'Biackwell. Jr., deceased. ST appearing satisfactorily to the Court, that, John Biackwell, James Biackwell, Reuben 3Iastiri land .wife Sarah, and Rebecca Mastin, de . fcndaiitb in tnis cause, are not inhabitants' of this State,. ; "It is ordered that they appear before the ' Judge of the' Court of Equity, to be held for Ruther ', lord county, at the Court House at Rutherfordton, en the third Monday after the fourth Monday, of cr epteirjber next, ; and plead, answer or demur, otherwise complainants' bill will be taken. pro con fesso and set down for hearing exparte, as to theml And that, this Order be published six weeks suc cessive! in the North Carolina Spectator and ' Western Advertiser. A' Copy. Teste. T. F. BIRCHETT, C. &M. ' July;30thy ls30t ; f pr. ad. $35025 6w ' NOTICE. ; ;,-. V' FOREWARN Jl.l Persons Ifrnm trnA'ino with. jor crediting my wife ELIZABETH SHOUT, NEW YORK AMULET, v And Ladies Literary and Relisnous Chronicle '. INI TT p nfimgnr nkinrf AC UIn ... 1- ...Ml 1 . I r !"u uiuuaij uyjci-v UJ una wyin. win ue IU vi osii uiuuiu. auu Wlliuiiw miw-owfc tjviai v va- ! H norirtrav th dplptArinna rnnspnnnnfPa nfvina I e&a : tf hin nrintpri nn n fino snnfil roval iaiifir with I "J m the most vivid colors to exhibit the beauties entirely new type, and carefully stichejdi coloured to mix mortar on, and Dab has not found and rewards of virtue in all their captivating love- covers. Every number will contain ainece of Mu- time to hanr it since. The Stalls for the Iness-to awaken the better feelings of human sic, one Copper-plate LsGitAVBOfig .at; least caUle and horses are choaked with ma- tions to lead the mind through th most dpiitrht. tents : and everv three months a coLOjSifD plate of 1 nure : harnesses and yokes are mingiea to- vomt a suoerior one 25 members. Th ful avenues to the bowers of happiness and peace, the latest London or Parw FASHioiiTTheub- gether under foot : the pitch-fork is where force Mosqu era to act according to their &c.&ci To accomplish these designs, we shall scription price will be 3 per annum payable in the shovel ought to be, and the shovel prejudices. Atone of their meetings it call tat our aid all the eloauence of truth r.lothed m advance 25 Der cent., semi-annuallv-. &Till be ad- -i . rri. i i r.u" r J . . the'itciost fascinating forms--such as moral essays dedto all subscriptions that remain unpaid, and the -' .1 1 . f '. I 1- J " j . 1 H. J . . i ..I. I horn nfo tollllKT nil nil Illf Dlir.l(lP. II1R I nU i l mt" American ecretarv were HnnmHi Ten oar pagetale ffaney-a h story- they "-ive i, ?iniare an allegory a ballad or a song, will receive an uon. Agems, receiving suDscnpxions, ina remit-1-- . j j i! i " " t . nvnw-wv Mtuij iiupc iui insertion. In each, and in all, the great end and ting the amount to the publishers,: wiK fce allowed A liegram criD is open 10 uchm uuu vincn- the honor.ot bamanity.it ifi not so.) JllT. UK'Hf laouiuaiiiig luiliia--auui as- muicll essays vitu w ausuuauiiuuus wai icuiaiu u.iu, auu uk. .. ... , - . . , . f- "-rale or pathetic tales, varying from "grave to work discbptiAned to those wha begct to j settle barn aTe tailing oil on the outside, and tne as obnoxious to them. The gay from lively to serene" poetical ketches up their arrears, dreat attention wi e paid to floor is settling on the inside. The ma- Minister and his Secretary we didactic articles in verse -and sometime to enli-1 forwarding the work to country rfeubenbers, that 1 " ' 3 " . .1 1 pleasing meaium, to ine nean. 4 The entire services of a' distinguished literary gentleman, late from London, formerly Editor of the London Literary- Magnet, contributor to the New Monthly Magazine, literary Gazette, &c. are engaged for the New York Amulet. Anoth er gentleman, formerly of London, who is favora bly known in literary circles, has kindly promised to become a regular contributor to our columns. If these considerations, added to the fact of our hav ing enlisted in our favor, some of the. most talent ed writers in this country, are any recommen'da tion to the favor ol a generous public, our claims will, we trust, receive attention. ' -t"' The New York .Amulet will be published se of copies of the work Address the hens and Turner had an interriew on the subject id weasels, and hvitb'thg'Iesiderit 3Iosiueral-' ; We; liall N B JCiibsariDtion9 received X shis Office rV' rRm Ant . nn cmcKens;opratra3pxes, anu ijuub uuuiM;iau3 axis vi- .proteci .inci, . ' , chard is oye'rgrown with wood, his fences A nolu((bri."is''preparing by the Junta, ?T , V-J.fnfrrr- ,w" """r.,1' "'7 vy,v'i"v' iiu uuiciiuuNjucra ana appoint oi. uait- -',tv, .utt T V t fatiguw :iieagarden contains on- ar Vargas and other patriots of the 25th, unooicaixicoa vowuy"" iniijf i iir-niy iusi A lOlu you me 1 r0TluCS,Oi ich "of marigolds, aXidfo'iif flourishing Socorro, Jiron and Cucuta. were in reoel- sxjamonium pianis. ..ine gates are Kepi i nom J-opez and another lndrridual bare yored up, wnen snui at aiiwrucii never excited the l'rovince of Feira againrt the npnens until the; cattle have left but lit- government. Guayquil has followed the tklhat requires fencing. ; example of Quito. There-action in June for the atfdf e work. ;nty per bushel. I Vm.."Twittyt and RobferfcTwitty; at kliuthrfordton, will take in seed for re ! XVhitOak; June 14, 1830. : A" 1 1 18 5wp 1 siL.xV:vuuaKr;.n " i i . . - s-. . mi-monthly, in the city of New Yorkt the unu- "ITff AVING procure7frorjihnvBf rtirt of the .n11v I'.vvr ri0 nf rv0 rf71 rr nni' annum Tk.. I llfl - Stoto loct wlntpr. frttv f.te - WORM frard five dollars ssliatl fpIva .ii nmipo. EGGi? not eiceedinc 1000. 1 haeJ5e fortunatai UOOK at Dab; stock. and tnose wnp reuui. twenty aoiiajs sniiii receive I cuougu upraising ouHi"viiii4jfc iny ep, "lu ca,l tweztv-five copies reducing the prtce to eight? "33 thejAtprms, and expect to aye Jby'next fall, J CENtsper volume, oniy. 2&jpt 4G0O0 eggs, which I am willmf. u distribute anmi j rn rinzens 01 iiua cuuiuyi m. ii now uuce. as sneiias.ieu my house and board, without any &ctivtd at this Office, where the work carrte exam- for the purpose of raising the vrmsifceW.I find just cause.and lam determined not to pay any con- :nP(t . - , - . . ' from Texperience, that the commoh fco3c mulberry tract tathe may JOHN FSHOUT, 'm r ,.T ' will.very well. Having tnfctinsiderable .unesiont, xtuuwiuua, ivug. y. IbiJO. ; 28U ; 1 TT iyilVri Ay Lti t, PUBLIC. U or nsinff a machine lately invented by me. call- hhpv ran be raised in this county to dFantase THE subscriber clainis the right of invention ed THE GOLD CRADLE, for washing and sep- have been advised to save all thejeg$&r the ue' tq the RAILWAY C AR GOLD RIDDLE, irating alluvial Gold from the earth, stones, &c. ; of the public, as it is dimcnlt to.obtai pern in Ihi and designs applying for a patent for the same or of constructing such upon my plan and inven- section of the country." My fimlly hae made a All persons are hereby forewarned . and cautioned" tiop, as I intend to apply for a Patent on the same, trial to wind some of the sUkfrom the i-ocoons, 7 hi against making or usiag any machine made upon The patent law will be enforced against all who which they succeeded with easel and Save , made ilia piaii isi 7xjluv.i'lu. w x a ii ujxc. lirackettownj Burke County, -Sept. 1st, 1830. T infringe npon the plan of said machine. JUlliN WUUDY. Jeanstorvn. Sept. 11, 1530. 31tf some verv nice aewin silk. ; , ri h! His horses seem Venezuela continues. aXif faint,witt hunger, and rock to and The Liberator is quite well: auraien- fro like a ship, at sea whenever the wind ting his popularity daily, by the retired v . is bigli... His oxen appear like skeletons and simple bfc he is leading in his littfe wi.ui uiues uiawii over ineni, auu uiu coiiage siiuaieu aoout a quarter Ol a muc lowed by the crows, whenever tfiey go. from this city. Ile will not remove from His sfieep are poor, sickly and few in here at present. . - ' number ntl toes as long as those of a - : ' . .- ' Turkish skipper.. . ; From the New York Erecrn? Po. v Dab's cajts, jnd sleds, and harrows, DISTRESS IN IRELAND. , aud rol!ers,mf tfireshing, and winnowing . - Qui iio dat9 dis bat . ? mrfoWnes;afe"ull out of order. x" Citizens of New York, whether Amer-i " -: How'dLyoti like my gentleman? you icans, French, Spaniards, Irishmen, or surelv must remember him now. if not. men of any nation undcr llearen, you who however, I -will be a little more paxticu-are now enjoying the numberless blcslings lar. y'' - poured aroand you from the tosom ct.ttjc . 1' i - "V v - r . J