wt0mmm 1 T" , . -?--f "' ' ' ' .. ! : 1 : "i - ,::J-:-' ' - -v,ii-; l-V. : . r. . .- : ATPdDIE tEETISEil. Y0LU3IE 1. ITHERFORDTOIV, FRIDAY MORjVING, OCTOBER 22, 1S:50. DUMBER 3G. L it f f'i r i 1,1 11 t. vx - !i. I f : j " . - . 1 - i i:.A 'j ; ' s . . - r 1..'. ; ' PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY ilO-RNlXG, BY ROS WELL ELMER, Jr. Tcrjms of subscription. Two dollars and fifty per "annum, it paid in advance ; or three dol- paKUrWithin the year: but n delayed alter lost: of the year, twenty-five cents will be "fntsJ (the', x udde ' ; No paper will be discontinued until all arreara ges are paid, or at the discretion of the publisher Advertisements inserted on the usual terms. All persons advertising will please note the num ber of times tliey, wish to have them inserted, of . they will be continued and taxed accordingly. ' , T1IC JOURNAL. OF' HEALTH. . By an Association of Physicians. ! - PROS PECTUS. -For the information ofthir j medical brethren, whose assistance theyh voke, 6l of the public- at large, for whom the work is mainly' intended the conductors of the Jourial o.f'Ife'rtUk deeuilt proper to state with brevity, the' . aim and scope ofth; etforts. . 1 Deeply impressed with a belief, that -fnanltiid might.be saved a large amount of suffering andjdi fuase jby a suitable knowledge, of the laws to'wlich ' the human l'raine is suhjectqdthey propose laying dowulphiiii precepts, in easy style and familiar ltn jruase. for the reeulation of all the physical aeits. Necessary to health, and to point out under what ' v'iixHimstances of excess or misapplication they be oomo; injurious and fatal. -. ' The properties of the air, in its several states- of heat, boldness, dryness, moisture and electricity; rhe relative eliects of the different articles of solid .and .liquid aliment v the manner in which the loco motion organ, senses, ; and brain, .are most benefi cially exercised, and how, and under what circum stance's, morbidly impressed; clothing, protection si gainst athiosphereical vicisitudes, and a cause of - disease, when under the direction oi absurd tash- . ions bathing and frictions, and the vise of mineral waters, sliall be prominent topics for inquiry and Mivestigation in this Journal. : The mothTying influence of climate and locali ties ; legislation, national and corporate, on health ; .i branch of study usually desisnirted by the term .Medical Police, will furnish subjects fraught, with 'instruction, not less than amusing and curious re- feariih. ' . .; ; 1 - The value of dictic rules shallbe continually en ftn eed, and the blessings of temperance dwelt "on, , with emphasis proportionate to their high im.por- nce-'and deplorable neglect. Phvsical education 4o momentuous a qivestiori for lives of children, : and hiippihess of their parents ; shall be discussed in a spirit of impartiality, and with the aid of all the data which have been furnished by enlightened ec pt'rience. '''-':-. ' '. , . ' The Journal of Health yill pn all occasions be found in opposition to empiricisms; whether it be form ofnurserr gossip, mendacious reports .01 nostrum makes and venders or recommendations of even scientifically compounded prescriptioiis, without the special -direction of a physician the on ly competent judge, in the individual case ofdis cise .under his care. . v ' 1 The prevention ol diseases. incidentally arising ! out of the practice of the' different professions, arts :nd trades, will be laid down wit,h clearness and . precision, nor shall the situatiqn of those engaged I ramh of the subject.' '"; 1 - .' V Diyested of professional 'language and details, ' mA varied in its contents, the- Journal of llaith will, it is hoped, engage thti attention and favour "'oft hp 'female reader, whose amusement and in struction shii 11 constantly bej kept in view .during 5he prosecution of the work.! . " ; , . Terms. The Journal of Health will appear in lumbers of 16 pages each, octavo, on the eeond and fourth Wedhesdays of every month. . Price jier ahnum, $1,25, in advance. Subscriptiontand cqmhiissions, (post paid) will be received by Jtl .l,ih' pdbsoti; Agnt, No. 108 Chesnut Street, PKj : .'.dclphia. ' : : - ' 1 '-' GRAND MENAGERIE OF LIVING ANIMALS Td be exhibited at Lincolnton, on Tuesday and or in that of the StW, or io the Navy of the State Wednesdav. the 26th. 27th. inst. for two davs on-1 f Virginia, who, or tjieir representatives, have not ly, ainong which are, the ."' ' 1 VIRGINIA, j Military Land yaraflts. j SWILL purchase claims to Land Warrants ahd Warrants already granted by the State of Vir ginia for the services of her tilficers and Soldiers in the Revolutionary War as well as tlWre on the Continental an i State establishment. Or I will locate all warrants that may be co'nfided'to me for location, , upon! the" most desirable and ' valuable lands in Ohio, Indiana or Illinois, as maj be pre ferred, for such part thereof as will be a rair com pensation lor the sm ices rendered and Jlus ser vice shall be such as ought to be expected froin one who has resided 22 years in the West, aiid whose time has teen constantly and exclusively devoted to land ami land matters. ' 1 Ever- Ofiicer and Soldier, and every Chaplain and Surgeon w ho served in the Continental army. vet drawn a bounty ii , land, (and not more than one' tenth of all the stddiers, sailors and marines have yet obtained thar warrants,) arc entitled to one, and can now "ottain it, .under the late, law passed for their benelt. And to all such as do not know how to proceedto obtain their rights, my ser AGRICULTURAL. TIPrOO SULTAN, .The great Hunting, titephant. . DESCRIPTION AND PERFQ RM AN CES . Among the variety of singular marks of sagacity vices are now tendered and will be promptly ren in this L,lephant, he takes 1 a stand in the middle of I dered. - . ... ' the yard, and moves briskly round ; his hind feet I U-T Letters, postage paid, addressed to me at remaining in the centre, lorming a circle with his Richmond, lrginia, until the ls of January next, headj places his keeper on his tusks, and in contin- I will be attended to, and in all cases' where neces- ifed repetition round the circle, tosses him up to sary, 1 will call m person upon those interested.' tie height of 12 or 14 feet, and with the most sin- " CAD WALLADER WALLACE gularj and seemingly studied accuracy, catches him J Chuhcothe, Ohio, June 15, 183v. V I li(t 4w ionjhis tusks and trunk, and in conclusion gives THE LADY'S ROOK ' mi - . . 1 y uaii viirouicie. ana wesi k nun a navinir SuxP lowcr Oil. Many enquiries have been inane 01 us reiaiive 10 the varclv 01 Sunflower most proper for hiakiim oil. autl the process of the iniproed mode of expression. It 1ms before been Mated in the tanner, that the single-healed Sun flower is supposed to be the best Wheth er the multiflora,or inany-headd, is not so profitable, or does not afford oil of a ood a quality, we are uninformed. The many-Mowered is the common Sui.llov tr of this part of the country, and we do imt "recoliect.10 have seen the tinjilc-headcilS -here. In the north, the latter is ciuite common, and we would suggest that the seed be collected and sent to us for hale, as we have no doult i readv market wdl be obtained for it. The seed should be of the genuine single-headed variety, and should have been raised where no other ot the htlianthus tribe, such as is com panies reciprocally promise to adopt eve ry possible measure for its kuppression, uoLonly uitthi-ir own States, but in-all others' 111 Kurope." It is scact ly credible that such doctriocs of goveri'im nt could lie promulgcd in the nineteenth centurv. , llich an1 Comfortable. One of the wealthiest famers 011 the Connecticut, tells the follow 1112 storv. Vhen 1 first came here to setile, about forty years a?o, I I01U my wilt 1 im-aiil to Ik rich all h watiicu was t nout;b to make her comfort able." w 1 went to work and cleared my' Uud l'e worked hard ever since r and liu.e got rich, as I want to iKv'JMost of my cliiltiren have settled, alout me, and they, all iuive giod lanns. lsul my wife is not cuwjqrtablr yet. Manner of making Carter Oil very jaU autuli to ctnUlrcn. .Take the quantity of monly called Jerusalem Artichoke, as well j od you purpusc for the done, and.lK)il it lor a lew minutes in an equal quantity of milk, then sweeten it with a hwlc sugar. Vt licit me mixture has cook-i, stir it well, rcw 111 to .i 1 , ... ' , , tL I been connected in the publication 01 the featurdav untytothe keeper, render this exploit both more f ... . . 1 - j . - j . 1 , i , . jjvcmiii; roai auu uasiiei, 1 roooses m coniunction iangfcrous and intrepid than the laughable feats of ,:,h i ww a i m v- v ""j""1-""" This Elephant .a first of j " , r; ' uVs e celebrated Mr. -Stoker. iiale and superior in size to any in tins country, iein aDout.ten teet nign, and weigning ten tnou aand -pounds, and has tusks about four feet long. . THE BRAZILIAN TIGER. as any other kind' of Sunflower, Us vicinity, as they would bo very apt injure it. ' I he improved mode of expressing the oil lias been patented by the inventor, Mr. Charles A. liarnitz of York, la., and could, not be practised by .any one without first obtaining the n;ht lrom him ; there- lore even were we able to ge it, no ad- vantage could be derived troni it by our readers. Uut Mr. baruitz, in a pint of ' ,: AND ' I Dandy Jack on his pony. 1 Ti f PTehihitinn will lie acconibanied with Good jUSIC. ' Admittance 25 cents children under 12 years o age half price. ' .' and gie it to the child. , There will be no necessity of giving the child any tluu'g to drink afier taking the mixture, lor.lhe taste of it is more pleas ant than any drink you can give. MONTHLY- LlTi:ilAUV AHSCLLLAXW This work will be devoted esneciallv to the scri vice of the Ladies, and looking chielly to -theinior great liberality, olier's to depose of rights patronage, no exertion will be spared to merit it. nni'.n ti-mw inw ilitii n,,vtTii iLvn.k. t k-d to go m,o the busmcssM,!! U, able to and if executed in the style which the Proprietors do so. believe to be witnin tneir means, will be found, As to the quality of the oil, we have no they trust; to be an improvement, jri some respect doubt of its pertect adaptability to all the at least, upon the best ol its predecessors. : In tiie i n .i choice of materials, though original contributions PU'1 OlOUve Oil, as wellas many oth- i. l' - 1 l ! -.. . C . . . . ....1 .. ....11 I.. I tl. I ... oi decided merit will always1 be acceptable, they CI! vtm bujicrscuc wnvcuu ui never will be introduced to the exclusion of other least in this country. We have used it in 1.a1 v. OBir. ,alM j -ue uu.uerous iuaga- yariOUS WUS Oil the table to prcVCUt delphia, respectfully informs the public that will afwavs alforda Dlenfifnlsunnlv if mWrnitl ruslou steel and iron, oil hones, cVe. and 1 .'II ! r? . l i. i 1 ri J i. , a . , . ne in- able lor the Lady's liooK which, when republish- lumK It at least equallo tlie best ilhvc oil, all its 6d, will possess; for all but a few, the. attraction of and in some cases preferable ; we prefer OI tne noveltv. Kxtnnsirn ari-nninnu li'irhonn'tivi.la . . i ... i . i j . . . .... v. . i iuuiu i it Tir iiii 1 fi'it? ..I. itm 11 .. ub'gbbonng villages, that all work sent to lum !lt hume and abroad that will gUe every facility to , T V , " hVlllb done with neatness and despatch, and the ready attainment of the choicest and earliest the fuule by . many oilier gentlemen, allol productions. The design includes every thing : wiioui decidedly approe oi it. hen its which may be expected to afford entertaimnent and gltat facility ot cultivation m every iKirt tS?u1fi!??-fom'to'Ulfer Thom' oi country, and the well ascertained MiscELLAwdeservinathe nntirp nftim r.i;n3 miposMbiiity oi cultivating the olive ORNAMENTAL AND HOUSE I i PAIWTIiarG. "JTR. HENRY K. SPENCER, late ofPhila- hd nas located himself in Lincolnton,wheie he in- tejids carrying on the above business, in difterent branches ; he informs the citizens niiighboring villages, that all work' sent to him s. frdoit his long experience and attention to business, he hopes to merit a share ot public patronage. Lihcolnton, October 6, 1830. 35 4v CARRIAGE MAKING. rnlHE subscriber respectfully informs the pub- Til E VETO. A COMPARISON.. Two men, a Jackson man and a Clay man, were holding a political dispute itv the country, the other day, when a cart winch had been separated from its team, came rolling down the bill with great swdtness, while the driver stood at the top of the hill, holding up his hands, and ma king outcries that were sad to hear, but .stfrrnig not a Step to beneut bis condition. "Do you see that vehicle" said the Clay man; "thus is the VJmonon the down hill to destruction." The Jackson man, catching up a large block that lay in the way, ran before the vehicle, threw it un der the wheels and stopped its progress ; and then turning to the Clay man, he exclaimed, pointing at the , block. "Do ... C .1 I you see inut veto i i?o me tciucw might have gone to ruin, lor all that; a 111 Ciav mau would have done to present it : IUU- I . - V r- . . . . . 'I . I .1 . I . . . . . V . . . ll! lick, that he still continues to carry on the con- aa so the Union might, ii I'residcnt above business, in Lincolaton, N. C. ; and that he will in a good style and on the shortest notice, at tend; to all orders for work, of the following kinds (Jigs ; Carryalls ; Yankee Wets ons : Family Carriages; and Stages. -V i ISAAC ERWIN. Lincolnton, October 8. 1830. 35 Gw er sex. uieiaieu as iiKeiy lo ue prominent,, wni De lound . , ,,u. s,,i,,tirlM or wdl irrv nn mcsic, including notices of nef compositions, with , ?V ' Uiat - .J?u""cr try s0on occasional disquisitions on the science, and reprints become a very important item ol agncul- ot such sew songs as so vajr. .e.""- fciuereu, inereiorc,u isnotnazaruingmucn Jackson had not, by his veto, placed a block under the wheel, a few years would have'seen thw-ark of oursately at the bet- may be tnouKhtworthv to be ral produce. Mr. Larnitz calculate that trim nfin hill m nuns. aisimguisnea; uvographicxl Anecdotes. It mm hiiv tn svirtv-iW.. Lncl...lc of ih1 te;?r ta a b l" crc; and with his h i3Stated in the Boston Palladium, tive engraving quarterly, fancifully coloured. This wachinery, which will cost, with the right I that the Duke of Orleans was formtrlv, J, . .ill 1 -1 it l a. .A .i. , i. fc I I 1 I . . . ucpumeui wui ue imaer me supernneuaanceor tto use.u uooiu ouu, a gaiiou oi on can jor a short time, a resideut m ixostoii,aud uciouiis e-u 111 ine an, Rna-noJ)aras W1W h'i.i.inV plrnni .iu l-rnm fl.ic ,1 v I 1 l 1 ...L.l. l l. l BWimVwW in the P.nm t mrthRA, h znaroA trfrin'H-r it ftt.hfl iZ'f -rt.T,. -Jt VM " " V"" " 'v UOaniCU Willi Mi. rtlllUldlU,U UMWllMail, :thiMofic..ifnottdktnoutinthTP.t of the contents. I . : .tfy torrect idea maybe formed ot the pro-Uvlio lived at the wct corner ol A ilson's ' . y .. . - . . 1 . .. . 1 . . . 1 -- 1 .1... 1 . r- t 1 . , - . . 1 nufntns, ttiey willbe sent to the Ueneral ro4-Uf- A word or two now and tlTeaTyilXhe -introduced, U1 lllc UU&1"! . iuu. A armer.j- i Lane and Ct;ite Ctrtet. lie UliO reMdea, touching those exerciser and sport! which are gen- . for d short lime, in li;dlimore, where be ni.iy regaraeu a improving .10 nom neaiiu and A-Western naner informs us.that it Ims .aa , o vn,. Indv nf that i diivi j""""r j . LIST OF LETTERS, SPECULATION IiATIDS- .. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, Notice is Hereby Given, '"W7'ltEUEAS an' Injunction has been obtained V V froin lhe Honorable, one f the Judges of - he Superior Cort of La'w aud Equity, for the 'stativni' North' Carolina: asainst GooU Hoyt, Ar- thiirlBronson, and James p :uurray,oi u, v.uy oi Ko.i Vnrk : at the suit of Eli.a Thomson, ..T-Avlfv. fliwl Peter W.Radcliff, Execinors and Trustees, of the Estat of James Throsrfy of the City of New York (deceased,) upoii ceiEin Lands situate in the Counties of Buncombe, K th- ..r'Wr, and TVTerklenburff. torbidding ana pnyy. ing them, their Agent, or Agents, Attorney, or J oil nnm.ns nlaintiitiw under them : trom l r... ,.,.u:- r cinA Mines. Breakins & Cultivating any of said Lan ,iwninr nC. .nr in anv wav interferinff with sai Lands, or any part thereof.?' until- the ultimate deU)edman William Dr. cision and tefrm'ination of said Suit, AH Personifcllidt Martin com erin-d will therefore Take notice of the same,V;rvv in Villiara M. h stria- Observance will be made ol any ln-j-wm Arthur A fict, as dead letters Ambrose Ezekieli Allison Robert Dr. Adains Abednego; ' x Birchett Thos. . ; . Brown William 1 Blanton John ; ' J iJiggerstarT Aiken and i Sa v , I Orson John Cen. L6t$ej Jolin CuJingham Robert Cohtu Robert ChnsWther Ambrose Cobb Llmund D. Carter Villiam ; Cabanis teorge Crow Willam Cragg.W'ilsoj Deck Henry Davis Philip Deveny Joseph Doggett Susannah Duncan Hiram i KnticJ-John - r VV "I I A T rr . ' finonttr omnnrr nrlinlt T?rvr m v A T I 1 Littimore John amLh tbe specified : with annronriaternrtd V,.' i,v mL ascertained, that thirteen bushels f cij v. who relused him. 1 he" Duke has ' Samupl , ' ' ""i'Tfiil artwfa PurTrv nf mnro Ua vl"" Ua lCliril fill llu' C.ot). 'rrOUIld 11H. altnril nl I . U,. ..n..nl.ir ! tin. likrr-il nsrt nf . F ... ' -J ' T 1 w . " ' " I I Lynch' Llias departments to which great attention w 1 bejM ; much nourishment to cattle as nine bush Air A iiiMnril fhr rrftitlpmnii t iuarchisonKennethKev . ana emeroiderv, the poetrvof, kkedle wo-r, Ul f tln..,i ...... l.inli nm.i4mm,.l,. I r- .1... i r.-....r ) Melton Nathan . will fiill its due space. On this ; latter subject it s , , vv" ,f " 'S. qOKeii 01 iu uiu ; tu -vi, Melton Eli will be difficult to find contributors who can write supped to be about th? equivalent of lo fout adnjirer .of anolpin a,A l.lr - Melton Samuel clearly, but the engraver will be 'perfectly intelli- or 1& bushels unshelled. And a '.7r:!rr .1. ' .' ". J 1 J 1 f 1 rf.il ' nam tirnn .. i. . 1 1 . r t 1 . . ,J I 1 1 u.uvy iiv- ijLpc, auu ta: vj nil) Niiuru uuuiuuit.u I ttS IU William L. covers. Every number will contain a piece of Mi- mm Mary Mis. sic, one Copper-plate Engraving and at bast I X ' 2 four Wood C CTsvilluitrative" of some! of the con- er! as Jrmrpnient of said Iniunction. CHARLES L. 11. St;iilii l : Attorney or ELIZ A THOMSON, ' ' PETER A. JAY, & ; peter, w. radcliff. tinthprfordton. N C August, 130. 7 tl AUGUSTA BRIDGE OTICE is hereby giveii that all produce Wagons .and Carts, comaining one or mure raiiklin George pher Jacob Uher David K Her Alfred f 1 1 k-Andrew Vorv Jarksnn i er William J. Giia William A mnc Pen' AMartha Mrs. v :i rmis 1 1 1 1 wuim . - - 1 t,de, of CoUonJIogsheads of Tobacco, or barrels ilaf !;n of F bur. are from this date, entitled to pass ine 11" at 1 AiTniTiT ifinv fr nfTnll- 1 fjantk James 31 j avvvjoi i uuif - . . rienikKn It I . This, arrangement has been made; for the pur- HajJ . nose of enabling the , Planter, to avail himself of at"n ' tlu extensive Market, free of all expense. ! (Si2iu'd) v .! JKSSE Kr-NTV I A. C.UMMINU, Thomas McGean, I jos. Bigsos, yjoHN Boxes, j John Woolfolk. - . ') Committee. ; ; 1 Augusta. Aug. -25?, 1830. 1 ' . 134: NOTICE. Hamw Andrew I HortotarffaVet Mrs. HambEjMathan Hamiltxary Miss ' Hawkiiy, Hardinl Jinkins t ) M'Carthy Julia y M'Cluer Richard Moore Joseph Rev. t M'Mahan James Morris Micajah Mitchell Mooreland i Nodine John 4 Nolins Winslow Vr. i. I Oliver Maryann Mrs. . J Prather Amos i Parker Elijah Patton Elijah Col. Ponder Hezetiah ' i Rnff George ' , Richardson AViUianij . Ross James' 4 ' J Richardson Hiram L. y Reed James - , f Smith James ' V V Scoggins Joseph 2 ( Suttles Nany Mrs. i Swain Davjd L. Sutton Mary Simmons Moses i Sorrills Washington , Stockton David Terrill James L. 2 r Taylor Joshua i Treadwell John Rev I Temev Abram Sen. i i Watkins Lidnille - .Walker David ' J "Watson James . Wells Lydia 4 7 Willis Kemp Prf ' - Williams John or Mrs. ) ( . Martha Terrill (' gible I CONDITIONS. The work will be issued in numbers, on the first of every month, and comprise fifty-six octavo p;i- ges; to be printed on a tine super .royal. paper with Williams Lewis Waldrop Luke . v.l ui iie luiencaii raniicr says, :inat corn or rye, g uund and bailed, will fatten hojrs much faster tfi a n the same grain, in" its raw state--that half the quantify w iH go v. lose hints may be useful to our farni- our corn crop is light Faycttcvillc Jour. VARIETY. tents; and every three months a colored rr.ATEof the latest London or Paris Fashion s. The sub scription price will be $3 per annuni; payable, in advance 25. per cent., serni-aunualjyvwill be ;ad- " vuv. UkllUJ Llttll. II 111 IJ 111 11 1 1 1 J 1 1 I L 1 . ( 1 1111 fllf- . . . i. j: i . .i . v . i tto Unlit . l ?.,....- rii. - , voik uiscommuea to tnose wno neglect to settle ytc. xne -cw lorK up their artearsJ Gr't attention will be naid to Commercial Advertiser, in ;in nrtir l.. o,iff fnerSith6 tled The A''rcnch lievolution, contains a they may faceits H,uttvnjured by mail transports- . ' c . . r . ""lo,"a- lion.' AfitnU- rSSeiTinsnhscrintioni and remit- "u"lber ot extracts from the .,"statC-I)a- ting thamountfolie publishers, will be allowed Pers aiid proceedings published by the e 15 per ; chrTrlisyant.'or a proportionate number veral European CQUjnvesses, from the first ofcopies of the, ark Address h. ' i rn:r' : ' Trtirra nnrv r WCW.V UlliailCO aHamSl aDOI- oil, iu March I814i down to the cgeneral congress. ie4tJ at .Verona in" 1S22." " The most pointed passage, howeTer, from the documents brought into view 'by lUDjuumtu nc uave quoieu. is one I03tn cuiag5 at tne cories of Vero- he first and second articles, s'they be made to seem more tnffw&trr.ns of cop y - LOUIS A. GODEV Sc CO - . .; Iny Ciromcle Office, Philadelphia . Wl, .1835. , f - i . i vPr.-R Subscriptions received at this Office ffie at9ve-work. - 1 1 . '- . " Aln iriTi ill A "ilt oniii . iUUtt KLtAA. Otitill. r rjririL. suDscnoer continues io nurchase clean 1 v j.ULsound FLAX SEED, ateeventV five cents - Z '..Ber bushel. Wm: Tvvitty. aaJ. Robert Twittvj at 11 a'" . 1 i a v I fior.me. : Rutherfordton, will take in tfj cannot JtiLcfe, laVt w, a feJLKf.W0KM ell convinced that the system of rerrc- EGQ.NiotexceedkHlOOd:Itfelrortnnte SentdtlVe ffOVemment is as innnrnnttlA.. raising afWfatching f ' iio i GEORGE WALTON P M Rntherfn, Oct. 1, 1830. x T HEREBY fiirewarn all nersons from tradinir V for three se ve ral promissory N OTE S . executed j.iiiv . "wit, vn uie- in insianx, lur j i ,m t Tm . , , fc hundred dollars each, the first payable 30 days JKJD lirSlx AiL l5L,AlMiS. er date, the second 12 months after the first, and JlJ OK ss this office the jbllowing kinds of : . I third 13 monmsaner the second as I have not! 1 JL-. L"iyy:. ived the Donas pi title to certain lands, in con . iration for which they were 'given : all and earh t hich I protest ana will not pay unless compel- -X ' 1 17 . ly Lawanuiiiiuuy. 27tf JAMES LEMONS l544S?s and rear- with the monarchical nrinrin! n . SS Wima. i KSSSSa r ,? V-h f people is utherford, Aug. 13, 1830. FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE, UPERFINE Letter Paper, Writing Paper and a general assortment of Blanks. tics Subpoenal ConstablWs Appeal BT . frosecutiods Writs of Eipnt - Blank NoU Apprentice jt;" Writs. ', 'Executions,! V c i : xr i Administration' Bonds, Constables ' Warrants, Judgments and Exe cutions, . . Orders of sale upon Con , stables levies. , Entry Takers Warrants, marnage Licences, Witness Tickets. Deeds of Bargain &, Sale, !lv alxjut that CTeat warrior, lie was a tai lor, a man of infinite humour, with apow crful bass voice, and would occasionally afford his friends much amusefnent by his conversation. He pokc the English lan guage' imperfectly, us many of our citi zens will recollect. He once made apair of pantaloons for a Mr. Lamb, but forget ting thn name of his customer, he went into the market, and taking hold. of n Ic of mutton, inquired of the butcher; 'what you call this V That, sir, is mutton. MiiUon, hat What you call mutton's baby then V The butcher ans wcred, 'lamb irhat is Jin' I hare it Lamb is my cvtomscrP and off he started for hia shop. x ne anecaoie. js wonn repeating. among the citizens fthis couijtijta low-price, opposea to the-principle of divine right, Th white mulberry is recommemied as the best engage, in the most solemn mnnnir. to for the purpose of.raising the ftnsi yetr I find employ all their means, and unite all their from experience, that thp common black mulberry jriL tn nn , ' u j will do very well. Haying taken considerable r-yM . CI1U l" "ie system oi re pains to obtain information' as to the -management preventative government, wherever it is of the silk worms, I have not the least doubt that known to exist, in the States of Europe. they can be nd in ""aase- l and to prevent if from bcinr introduced have been advised to save all the eggs fo the use .v0 . . " , . " of the public, as it is difficult to obtain them in this into tnos &tates where it IS not known, section of the country. My family have made a "Art. 2. It cannot be disputed, that the trial to w ind some of the silk from the cocoons, in freedom of the pres is the niost efRca- which they succeeded iwiUi ease, and have made cious means employed bv the pretended some very nice sowing suk. . : , c . -",rluJtu k'J I'-uucu ! THOMAS GOODE- lenders of the rights of nations, to in- Rufhcrford, July 7. 1830. ; i 21 tf jure those of princes, the hihcontractinc &it&. Reeling waSj held in London Aug.tl7; to'express an opinion on the re cent France, raisjng a subscrip tion (iff A;great crowd assembled. 31 r. BrownrVfg in seconding the Resolution -proposed, among othet remarks said : f The Bourbons had done no more than follow the Quarterly Rcruw. He could' not call the Quarterly Review on official publication; but it had always been consi dered b demi-official one at least. That publication had encouraged the Bourbons', in their wprkTraUchief; it had told the lying theAafion is nothing and you "are ( everything ?cut up the press that disturbs vou by tlie verVrojts : bv firmness we have . done every thing; follow our example j be you firm also. The record of those sentiments remained ; it could not Je de nied. If he' should see a rain that Prince, t who was now in a very different situation to that in which he had formerly known him, he would advise hira to have that es-. say of the Quarterly Itetiew printed iu Gold and bound in pure white tbeBotlr- bou color with this inscription upon it, Th Bourtion rail. Br Bvnl Hall 1 i 1 :1 A i r 1 1 - :- . i -i ; .' . i t : ' . . . .