f i 1- t 1' I6G THE K.ORTH CAROLINA SPECTATOR AND WESTERN AJ3VEKTISER. s : ' ' ' - ; . !, . j . '. t . I - '. - '- ... ' .. ' . . ... ., . . . ulation were no longer considered as syn- tary emigration of the remnant of Indian i commended, that all this class pf persons I this rigid, but 'salutary Tide, to the de- error and folly to answerfor, as a vigilant, onimous with prosperity, but that the pre- tribes still to be found in the Southern residing within the State,1 be required to mands of North Carolina, any portion of guardianship of the interests of the State hirrh office that everv claim comnatible with the! forme to offer you. in tlie just rights of the State will be allowed.' which I hare been called, my hearty co- The resolution, relative to the employ- operation in all measures caiciuaieu , ior ment of counsel to defend the interests the developeraent and application of our cious j metais naa uiwcu uwu, unvcn qwicb-ouu i uauiumauon, was ae- give security tor the faithful discharge ot our claim should be lost, it is tne part oi commmea 10 our cure, iw from us, and the curreucy ot the country vputiy to ne wished lor. Certainly the those duties which they owe in return lor wisdom and patriotic In the pursuit ol these objects you sooepreciateaas iouioiuoin.acAcxJdugc- j icuuij "ttS"cuaa no ngui io ex- ine. protection thev receive, Irom the laws a murmur, under the tunest assurance, are now asseinuicu, m n able value, except at so great a discount, cept me systematic opposition which it of the. State. This - regulation cannot that the boor and middle classes of the has received, knowing that 4 it had been prove onerous to thnse who have sus- . ; n ! I i i w : - ... 1 . . - . community in point 01 weaiin, were not approveu ana recommended by successive tained a good character ; fori the ease uiTfreouently deprived of all their proper- Presidents of the United States, ever I which thev will h Pnahlfid to Hve the se- tv. without effecting the payment of their since the territory proposed to be exchang- icurity reouired. will serve as! an examole of the State.in the lands called the Chero- vast, and hitherto too much neglected rc- debts. And this will never fail to be the ed, had been a3uiredforthecourdiT.,Theito them Irom anv unoleasant operations keeLauds. affainst irrants fraudulently ob- sources, and for the furtherance of the ease in any community, where therepre- unsuccesstul attempt of the present illus- of the law; and it must be remembered, tained,has been complied with. So im- public good. f I" am, Gentlemen, most respectiuuy, ine uuruuu ul;I v-uifvr uiusi ue- u ucueyeu 10 nave resuiieu worn i tue general tceitare. ana aaapi'inera 10 mese grams, mat. acting. in ineaiscuargc oi a uign puuiic trust, 1 deemea n accessa ry and proper, to add to the counsel November lGfl, 1830. ready employed, Henry Seawell, Enquire members, had become , mtru- cessarily fall. The defects of the system base advisers, many of whom, having fled the circumstances of their country. Uncier . WHICH vc nave uccu piaviiMiig, lis tendency to produce reckless adventure improvidence and fraud, and its certain JOHXOWEX. Maac duvisers, many 01 whom, having ned tne circumstances of their country, from the just punishment i which awaited. Among the most unpleasant subjectf them m the communities; of which they which I feel it my duty to call the att. Were once members, had become intru- 1. f - r!l .u; i:' to aid in the detence ot the suits now iu the Federal Court, or such may nercaiter be tound neces- prosecuteor delend. The coun- employed, together with, the At torney General, who was directed! by y the GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. New York Election,' Returns.' hare been received from 45" counties, leaving 11 to be heard from. The present majority- for Governor Throop is 11,593. TheLvc- re- i fifiriciarnra onn inprp iirp rp;ni)iis rn uu- i lhiii iii lis iprnrnrn -kroui-ii tr iha vom i i t . - i . - . n ' . . . prehend that the present moment is pe- nant of Cherokees, who have remained hprt 'forth' ML:ffL0 ,i0 .-tWi r;.t same resolution to aid in such proceedings, P . 01 onaa7 ,taJs inafl "ie culiarly appropriate iorits! examination- within the , State ; regarding those who n ieorpardv of life or limb.- the highest as they might deem proper, to tcstthe ya- TZj.lTuLT JSl jough the currency of he country have sustained a good character among judicial tribunal known to the laws of the is now in as sound andheaitmui co.nai- u emseives, as worthy ot all the rights ol State, has decided, that where jury lis ,non ixs 11 can u iuaue, uci"g uuuurui iu i viuf.ciiiup, uu; iiiconsisient Wltn me prescnt majority by 1 be counties of Broome, Che value with the precious metals, and the spirit of our laws, and , guarding also quantity, probably equal to the demands against its violation, by such secun- furnfshed by the commercial operations ty, as the Legislature may deem it expe- ot the Mate, yet it is witmn ine Knowledge dient to require. of every member ol the.- Legislature, thaj this amount is in a course of such, rapid diminution, tnat it may proauce such a sudden appreciation in the value of mo ney, and consequent depreciation in the ed two of its branches, . and all the local bauks have lessened their circulation to a sum, within one-third of what it va but a few years since, and by a conventional regulation of these institutions with the State,! they are all compelled soon to cir cumscribe their issues within a' certain sum, much below, even what it now is. "Vheii to these considerations is added the fact, that they, have all ceased to pro duce much profit to the State, and less once charged with the trial of a prisoner tor an onence,'the pun shmentfot "which would affect "life or limb," theycan , ne ver: be discharged without a jverdict, and that the expiration of the legal term of late Colonel Ben iamin I'orsvtht, and ap- The Tariff of duties, imposed s by the the court without the ' rendition of a ver- propnted asum annually, to defray the ex- pongress of the United .States upon im- diet by the jury, is, in effect, the adjudi- penses of his education ; but in a few ports,! has ever been deemed not only un- cation of innocence' and liberty Ito the years thereafter his health became so iyise but unconstitutional, and calls at this prisioner. i ' I.-, j much impaired as to render a change of urae ior your soiemn proiest. vnust ag- it would betruitless to commence an climate necessarv ; and a place was pro- Dject tor tne purpose cured ior him in the iavy ot tne united whether "the detect States, as promising the administration oil toration ot his health. imiijr ui wic B.-ui u 4uMv,M.v 500VOteS. uuucu iu iuc tt icpui 1 uu ujw 8uui,n ti iiivii uango Chataonue Trie Geneece Liv I have the houor to trasmit to ;he Lcgis- lature. " eca and Stucben, gave considerable ma in the year 1817, the Legislature pas- jtics for the anti-masonic Clay candi- ecu a iMuiuuuu ttuuiuig me ovu. ui "iv 1 dates, i. he journal 01 commerce says 4So far as heard from, there are one in favor, and six opposed to ministration, elected to Congress. twenty the ad- r- v' rijiv . - . 7 iiunure, couuuerce, ana manuiaeiures, investigation oi this su debtor part of the community in ruin, receive equal encouragement from the , alone of ascertaining : . --uu,c. ",uo a'.cW "7U"U; general Uovernment, all . parts of these is in the law, or in the numerous republics were animated bv uusperiLy pui, no sooner was a aisposi-J ion 10 loster one, at the exptiae ot an ther manitestcd. than the violence and Massachusetts Congressional Election , In Berkshire District, there is supposed to het no- choice.. - Notwillistandinf llr. most speedy res- D wight bad declined, a good many votes 1 hat ttiis-State werc forilinj ." Gen. WUUs wassun- ported by the Jackson party, and several other candidates were in the field. Ia Hampshire District, Isaac C. Bates, the present member, is re-elected over Mr. Mills, the candidate supported by the the law." it-is now tne established law however should not seem wantuc in re- o-?jVorth Carolina, according to which, spect for the memory of her brave de justice is to be administered yi the Courts ceased son, who had sacrificed himself of the State. TheTprovibions of .our pe- for his country the Legislature! in 1825 animositv. of Dartv snirit: whir.h had hppn Jnal r.ndft havp Vipp.n rlppmpd in hp. tnri snn. I nntltnriTpH thA finTprnnr-tn drniv otat of appeased, began to threaten the separa- quinary--yet here is a decision,, which, the Treasury of the State a certain sum, I friends of the administration. No election. iuii oi ine union, wnicn woniu De nornjg loiio wing perhaps me trauiuoii oi ine I and. vest it in some productive sjock me I has been made m Bristor'District, altho ess than the overthrow of,th-feosi beau- common- law of lngland, is Tan o'utrage principal and interest of which should be 1 jir Hodges, the present member, was a pphed forthe benent ot James Ior- candidate. - In Plymouth District, John ythe, his only son, and be transferred . to (V Adams is doubtless elected, there be- itement hich has prevailed on this sub- expense of common sense and common I him, provided he' should live to kttain the! jng little opposition and a-few votes bein tge.ot twenty one years but I the l&sti pTen in. . Norfolk District has elected M. tf neurit Tiro Viovo . rf tfio ITnitoi- Srfttofl' I t f " " f ' 11 r not surrendered, Will certainly not be. - thft heavlesthnrdens she has pvpt hppn held hv the most distinguished eouri- sloon'nf war tl, TlkmPt on Lard nf STi?JA7iT& ru" T , : ; -TV , - - j j . -a r- . I r ' - , r . ;iuuu iuuici uas cictkcu ivuius vuuuic galled on to sustain and are we yet re- J sel in the fct&te, to auction the ) decision J which young Forsjthe was distiruishmgl Dy a large majority over the present mem quired to manitest a patience, which can ot the voiirt little indeed have we ad-ihimselt a -Midshipman, leaves io doubt I her Mr. Crowninshield a zealous mem- never be exhusted, and a meekness, vanced in regulating our. junspruaence, j that he, with the rest ot the. crew, nad Which shall bear all things V Isitsuppo- and in adopting it to the character of those perished and this too, a few lays be- sed that our feelings are but the slumbering 1 on whom it has to act, if, instead of tend- fore he had attained the age of twenty tended by the LegislatureJ JChe State of North CarohVia will theRl soon have the alternative presentcao her, of submitting to a circulating radium furnished'hy the United States'Bank (the existence of winch bey which beyond Us' present charter is cer- imbers. of discontent, which require only ing to dimmish' the amount I of c tainJy;dort5tful.V or of providing for her- an opportunity to be blown into a flame? be found to exert a contrary influ ber of the opposition. In Middlesex, Mr. Everett is elected. N, Y. E. Post. - Massachusetts Members of the Con gress. The election of the following gen tlemen is ascertained : ' ". V Essex S. District, Rufus Ch6atev Suffolk, Middlesex, Nathan Applcton, Edward Everett, Henry A. S. Dearborn John Quincy Adams, Joseph G, Kendall, John Davis, George Glennell, Jr. Isaac Bates, Jolui Heed. crime, it I one years. ' Ine circumstance ot ms uu- oDoorCitnitv to be blown into a flame? be found to exert a contrary influence dnl tiraelv death, has deorived me of the an- eelf such a medium of exchange, as, will 1 Have not recent occurrences in our own the morals of thecommuhitv.and that the! ticiuated nleasurc of transmitting to him i iesi suoserve me interests oi ner citizens, neighborhood, from which we have kept highest ottenccs against the laws .of Uod a few shares of stock in the State Bank, (guarding equally against ruinous excess, 00r proved that these are not -the '? feel- and man may be committed with 1 inpu-1 and a small amount of money, and his and sudden deficiency. It is therefore re- ings which have actuated us ? Very lit- nity,' however indubitably th fact'may be friends of any benfit from this munlfi- Norfolk jfipectlully recommended, bat a liank be tie is the character of "oiir State under- established, if .the corruption of; a single cence of tlie State, unless you shall extend Plymouth, established, somewhat upon the princi- sood, if, it is believed, that her patience juror can be efitcted. It is believed the evil it to his surviving sisters, .who, are reprc- Worcester,N. pie of the United States' j Bank, neither nndsubraission under wrongs . inflicted by maybe remedied by. repealing! so-much sented as in indigent circumstances, and "Worcester S. uujjwy wie piujjwiy wi uie owie, -Jfithe.lieneral liovernment; are the enectol otthe law, as prescribes a period tor the are no less the decendants ot their, brave I Franklin turcty ui luuiy iuuaia icijrtug liciiuci strvite tear; or a conciousness ot insecurity ci on me pruaence oi airectors awnef nor yithin herself. v;pi uuiumiucu cimici iu iuc .uuuagemfuu on.wfaich she with all the other States of death, aud authorizing tHe pftsidiug ofii- ol his son. . . ;: 1 ..Bristol Essex .North, and probably of tlie Legislature. The first, actuated I ,r - r A. i t j. wc, wuiwav; , jiv. uuw.i, ouu i vt ouv.. v v."" v r i lie resolution uirecuns tne uovernor lierKsnu-e, nave maae no choice. j ."v-r; .w,,arr .',i6w"WOB "V iq suppose max me principles oi our go- me same irom uay 10 uay, ior an maen- to transmit the act- of the last session, to rmUlT .v w v-'-m iernment were iounuea upon any otner nue perioa or unm me veraici oi meiu- ,rnmi,rntP thp .b nmmmnnH nHOr- Ohin. ThP Oh o Smto Jrl ' tr tho. riorvmrrla VF rnmmnr(a -mirrl-it I 1 ! 1 ... t - lj.ti-. . I - ; 1 J 4L. :..Ji 1 I .... . I ... .... v . u. vk r vuu. vvVUmrr estimate, ana pamcuiany upon any esti- ry is receivea, auu .uie juugemem oi.uie nnpak Cnnnl rnmnnnv.tn th GnvP.nnr ThursdAv hn iho nftir nl rrtt,mf Ha mate of human character which admits court rendered upon a t capital lease, the of Virginia, and to request. a confirmation vernor from all put five counties in that of no alloy, would argue a want of expe- trial of which may have ; been previously thereof by their Legislature, has been State, by which it appears that General nence in the framers of our constitution, commenced. ' And this alteration of the complied with, and at an early period of M'Arthur has 50,382 votes, and General w(nicn our own unaersianuing, ana our law is respectiuuy recoinmenueu, oemg theyear.the enclosed authenticated copy of Lucas 47,982. own experience, mscaru us visiuiiary. ueemeu suuicient . iu Fievci! !c cur- an act (marKed A.) passed by the General j -A common treasury, witnput deriving rence ot lnconyemencies wnicn nave been Assembly of that State, incorooratin West India Trade. Two British vrs a common benefit fromit, and a common already experienced, and as not coming said company with certain exception and sels entered the port of New York on Tues- cuiuriuuuoii iu rejJieuisu u, is us uujusi, j iu cunuici wnu iuc cuuauiuuuuai pruvis- as a community of goods without a com- J ions on this subject. . I i munity oi ton. it aiscourages an energy The acts of the last session, "id enable tiply the circulating medium beyond all ,due bounds and the latter, feeling only a community' of interest in such an insti tution with theother citizens of the State, and subject to annual change, might re quire the excitement of individual interest to preserve in a healthful condition the affairs of a Bank. In such an institution, restricted in their annual j dividends to a specific sum, and this very little, if any, c u" .uieiBbi yi niun, ii.is by destroying the reward ot labor, and the State Bank, and the Banks' tof New- UVtieveU Uiai UU lUUUie CneCK; WOUIQ ,Oe irtntba AnonnHnn nf thA rnnntrv Hpnon- I. : I rL . f :J. Li. -j.. : dent upon, and subservient to another and to fix a uniform rate of collection," :a . l - ... l. .: - . . i rf o n, counteracts tne very; principles upon aiso required theFresidentsofsaidBanks vres for light or Horse artillery," and which our government was tonned, Viz : to make known to the Governor, on or about three thousand of a system of in tut; cuumuit ucjculc uiiu igcnct ui zuctji alterations to tne act ot iortn Carolina; aay. ine uutics in casn on their car was received, and in obedience to the re- goes will be 10,000 dollars. So much quest of the Executive of Virginia is now says the Courier, for the opening of tho provided, whose force and imluence from . it? very nature, would operate on the 5dir rectory at the moment when loans wjcre madcj obviate the motive to excess'dfis- V sues, and thereby ensure a uniformity in the currency with the precious metals the primary object, to be eflected by all legislative enactments on this j important ! urL. ur.u clueyous tendency of which, cannot be . " L' i ' v u mistaken. 1 he discovery ol this mil State may grant, .a . compensation .would nr -Anf-nn , vtU stw laid before you. About three hundred copies of tem of Field Artillery, including West Iudia ports. a sys- mance- rare. an 1 1 been circulated very extensively in the Sonthern country, the desigrn and mis- be renuired: it Slio.ild he mid.-not anan. pruuuutiuu inr irguna, c0u - , . .-- s j.. v - j , L...l .-... s...!-1 Car- .Him I Itiif. rinf nt thA PTniratinn nt its phnr. 1 i - ... - o , .r ter, and out of the surploi profite .bf 'the VffiV 10 o own Stated can leave no BankJ For this mofljfccation of the sts "P" ra'?"8!"1. a n.'Af UkM. ' j j j tcmaiiu uiiciiiwi jsmaKinj; Dy some recK- tem ot banking, now proposed, and re- ii 1 T&, J , , Map of North Carolina. - "We were gratified by the inspection, a few days since, of the manuscript copy of the new before the first day of July then iiext en- struction for militia Infantry, beinz the Map of North-Carolina, by John McRae. L transmit to the Legislature a copy of sumg, whetherhese several, coroorations quota, to which the . State." is entitled, of Esq. It is a beautiful production, and rc 1 1 incendiary publication which has would assentto the extensiohf;of their these works, compiled forthe use of the fleets much credit upon the skill and taste chartersias proposed by the .Legislature, militia of the United ptates, and publish- of Mr. Urazier. It is now complete, with Incompliance with this provision of the ed under an act of Congress, have been the exception of a few particulars ; to ob law, I received from the Presidents 0f received from the Secretary of War, and tain, which, it will be sent to Raleicu in each of these institutions theirj assent in await the, distribution, ofjthe Legislature, a few days, and be submitted to the in writing, to the restricted- charterand The file marked B,' contains resolutions spection of the Members of the Assembly they are now operating under these acts, adopted by ; the Legislature' or Georgia from those Countics.which are incomplete, as parts of their several charters. 1 f and Connecticut, upon the subject of The Manuscript will be placed in the hands ' Under a resolution of the lastjLegisla- amendments proposed by the States of of Mr. Tanner, of Philrr?lpbia, the "En ture, authorizing anddirectirfgthe Gov- Louisiana and Missouri, to the Constitu- graver, by the first of glairy next, and ' ernor to appoint an agent inlbehalf of tion of the -United States; and rcsolu- he has engaged to coo te the engraving ile work, in fiv less personssome too. I who. '"I ! ... ' - Cover ofv pious exertion to emisnten tne otate to attend to tne aaiustment ot tions oassed bv the leffislature ot 1'enn- and Dnntmcr ot the w, ie the isnrant. and lead them from sensua-1 her claim affam - f) (f ing darkness, are willing to sow se- expenditures made in defence'jof the present Tariff which have been-received A good Map of our? els very muchY' c notthe one arttuiiy destortmg the peaceful doctrines ing the late War," I appointed William request from the respective Executives ofl about to be published 1 Jlr. lJ ae will . of the Bible, is intended and well calcula- j M. Speed, Esquire, of Granville. To these States, that they ould be laid be-1 be such an one. It hi . n ted to prepare the minds ot that portion ol enable the, agent to support the ;claim of fore you. v i - i . expenditure of much t bf ditian commended to the adontion of the, Le- gisliture, I am indebted to the simultane ous suggestion of two of the" most distin guished citizens of our Stale, who have commanded almost an unequalled ot tne puoiic conhdence, whic doubt not, ensure "for it the res oiuciaituii wi ure ijesisiaiurCt ) ." ... . t D r ! v iuc v,uugruss oi tne united tetates atj desperate. "u rZfF c?ramon- ,s tl to complain of the rela- which the Executive office afforded; were ces of the Peace, as have been received sincerely iy "x3in,( ny which the tion : between master and servant, and prepared and furnished him.i : The cor- during the recess of the LeHslature. be bestowed f rT?C . VDKea states is author- Would be criminal in the Legislature to respondence on this 'subject islopen to The happiness and prosperity which we handsomely remuv I2ed to haveso much of :the terr tnrv Ha- L.i ;a Ll 4u :iJ...fL- jI . . r" v J. - -e 1j t.TJ t- , fv TT:toj , v V "fF w aujr re&puusiuuuy grow- iuc citmuuauon ui me jacgioi? mxc, nnu now enjoy, naving been secured to us Dy i oi anxietj aua longing to the united plates west of the m!g out of this relation, (inherent in the will shew; that nothing has been omitted the disinterestedness, the voluntary priva- led to it." Mississippi, and not mcluded m any State, Vjolitical condition of the Routhern ' r.onn. on the nart of thft nrAnt. which could ad- tm. .ac Jt, -L ihlrl. ' " . r r u W4 wioum. w try l oy wmcn eimer the security of 1 vance the interest ot the state. 1 1 we annually commemorate as the bright-1 nana, izobbery. & for the reception of such, tribes or nat,onS pfperty, or its value, may be affected ; If from the many unfounded; and ini- est ornaments of our' forefathers itshould at Newport, ILL m cn oi xnui uiib, a& inaj 10 exenange for jn the same proportion as these are se- quitous claims which have beeni preferred not be forgotten, that the dory of our ult. and robbed of ; F 33? for them the lands where mev now residAl j :ii .u i t 1 !: l.j . - - b . . . 1. ( rrf our population for any measure, however the State,7 and obtain a fair and equitable I The file marked C, cV itains the resig-1 ney : the fine talents of , jQ . at the . 1 hio-ihave loyed in its, . (Lit . Jd we hope, thi. : , ; -wjH ed opon y.'i Uti '-Ms will labt 't icb4' as devo- b'Bank lb ICth ciired, will the general protection and J against the General Government, it has! country is now in our own 1 keeping, and I vault. (rota the ; 1 :iti. Hiiiiiif. h ii ninnntinn i i i , Pnmtnrt r mft stave ne rAtmrriArt. as it i hppn tminn niMcarv tn miarti n.rainsti that Hnt crm.- a ,nm nit. l J i a . i-w.w.- ti - i - ww-w. , n n , u. wMa uut. t v iauiiiiuiuiuviv . P"?? and fraud, by re- ticularlv those uho r immediately .to Counterfeit "FItaI l i N ' . 1 some of the tree persons of color in the ainnnir all claims to be clearly i establish- follow us. imnela us with inflexible reso-1 S. Bank. -and making .; for their one year l his measure, .eaanating no less irom btate, have permitted themselves to be ed supported by vouchers-an4 to have I lutkm h and unwearied perseverance to are in circulation humanity than IrOm wisdom, is the only used! as agents, for the distribution of se- grown out of acts of their authorized harwTdown to them the government under so well executed a U C j.vyv v v. vwb : i viuu-1 uKjuus jmwiwu!, u iccpcuuuuv ic- j ugcuus ouu uuucr me appuauoQ ui i vruicn we live, witn as small a portion, oi "judges. v" payable -fie-- 1 i; J. T Utit rt'.at recti h'ali. spt Con, t4ou afu.: rud put rr c Cl lic pin er i lis Oa , fur - to mr iJi: oft UJ doi die in hx tel hi' n Cli da fio th of Sj I. d,; oc cr F, ! i m ly IU n fe vi rr It a: d r ti r ,1 o c I: r, iL iillsoftbe IF. York Branch, said to be fire the best of. 4 4 41 v. ii