v. tor JAN ID- W E g TP E VOLUM RUTHERFORDTON, FRIDAY MORNING DECEMBER 31, 1830. NUMBER 46. (Bim(n)ffiiMifJ: 'Mm .v,; " vM.-.:--.--A- 'UP- .,-r.. ,i'-:..-: . ... . . 4t EI 'mmmmr ' ' "1 ', 7 : : : : : PUBLISHED EVERY fW MORNING, BY ROSWELL ELMER, J- ; . - -i x x "- ' I. i n' j TVrWi nfubscrivtiOJl. TWO aouarB mm iixnr itM",A in advance ; or three dou lddTJB &:-?t if delayed the close of? the year, twenty-five cents will be adNodpaper wiU be discontinued until particularly ordered and all arrearages paid! or at thediscre- !ah rC tlio nnKlicflPr- 1 f Advertisements inserted on he Tjsual terms. All persons advertising will piease noie me num ber of times they wish to havej. them inserted, or they will be continued arid taxed accordingly. State of North Carolina, ;: Rutherford County. i Superior Court of Law, October Term, 1830 James J . lioyt, J ohn V ara ., X and William-Ward f Petition and vs. sci. fa. to. -.. Vacate Grant. Waitman Dishuroon and JVfir.hal Hawkins. ; WT appearing to the satisfaction, of the dourt, U that Waitman Dishuroon one of the defend' ants, resides beyond the limits of the State : . It is therefore Ordered by Court, that publication be made six weeks in the . North Carolina Spectator and Western Advertiser, that unless the said de fendant appear at the next term of said Superior Court, to be holden in Rutherfordton, on the third Monday after the fourth Monday in March next, that Judgment will be taken pro cofesso against him. ' . ' ' - f " . I ' ' Copy Teste'. JAMES MORRIS, CVk. Novl8,1830. 426w pr. adv. $2.50 State of North Carolina, 1 i Rutherford County. Superior Court of Law, October Term, 1830. YLEASANT RETREAT ACADEMT. iiirjcQiizrcou, u. c. THE Trustees of this Academy take pleasure in announcing te the nublic. that the exeri cises of this institution have closed for the present year, unaer tne tuition ot r 33tniamtn 33. i3et with much satisfaction to all concerned: and that they will be again resumed, tinder his care, on iuv nrsi aionaay in January next. X11r. Ute, since nis resiaence at tnis place, having devoted his whole attention to teaching, we believe no one has ever surpassed him in regular attendance, and that tew if any, are better qualified to teach all the branches ot Literature, which are usually taught in such In f !rru:' j ". . ouiuu'jus. i Lius vcaaemv is simaten in nnp nt tn .1 most neamiy villages m the western part of North Carolina, wnere Doardmg can be obtained in food and respectable families, either in town or in the adjoining country, on moderate terms. 1 he prices of tuition, per session, will be as fol lows, viz ! ' . Reading, Writing and Arithmetic; . $5.00; English Grammar, and Geography, $7.50 ; Latin & Greek languages & Sciences, $10.00 ; By order of the Board of Trustees. .' i' -'. - J- JAMES P. HENDERSON, Secretary, Uecember o, lBiu. i x 456w; State of North Carolina, ' i ! Buncombe County. Superior Court of Law October Term1830. i tr:n: V vs. x, ' Petition for Divorce. ' 'oily Williamson. . S ? IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant, Charles Williamson, is not an! inhabitant of this State : It is ordered that publication be made three months in the Raleigh state legislatulue: Mr. SENATE. WtdntsdayilM.Q. Martin from the committee of Mr. 'Jche from the committee of Fi nance, to Trfoom was referred the resolu tion instructing them to inquire whether Judiciary, to whom were referred the re-! solution instructing them to inquire what amendments are necessary to the existing law as to the priority of entries of vacant jJohnM'Rea.ofFayetteriUejbadcomplied. lands, &c. the expediency of compelling iwim tne terms ot an actoi ik. au- J : 1 r 1 a Ulmm. lA.nVr .tUWl ,U1im InrnallA ww ..u . - - t-"" known as speculation land to surrey and him to complete a map of the State, re- aim u was reuu me ursv ume ami! pass I v At . r fi tv', . :" , , , ; 1 mark the same ; the expediency of re- ported tiat upon due mre Claims, recommended the adorjtKraiof The Senate agreed to tht infeftiration of the quiring (by law) executors to give securi- subject the act of 1920, (not of 1825, as ty for their faithful administration, and stated in the resolution,) authorising said the expediency, of amending the law rela- loan, nas been duly ami stncxiy compuea tire to slaves offennir violence to white witn, ana begged to dc aiscnaxgca iruut . persons, made unfavorable reports there- tne tunner consiacrauon oi uic-suuu A, , j, , 1 jV i2? ; i on, ana asitea to oe discharcea irom ine wincurrcuin. v Cherokee j lands, and of memonizing furlher consideration ofthd several sub- Mr. Stedman presented to the Housb jects. i Concurred in. J I the following communication lrom nis r Mr.. Ward from the committee on Mil-1 Lxcellency Governor Owen : tarv Affairs, to whom was referred the ExiccrrfE 1n S resolution inquiring into the exped.encj Ta Ai nonMt lhec"neTJ of jrfrrt of distributing a portion of. the pubhcJ , CarUina. GrsTuvM. Grateful for myrrt einretMon OT e proposition of the House of Commons, contained in the resolutions submitted by Mr.t(51enn, to raise a joint select committee in quire into the expediency of sellir the ll 1 111 1 .1 . ' iY- J Congress on the establishment of n i lilint in this State, and appointed Messrs. Spaight, Guinn, Dick and Boddie1! form said committee on their part, j J ' ! ' . Thursday Did, 9; Mr. Dick from the select joint cbnrait Ama mwvm- awavoI tfj-MnAa ri f Vk a ntu 1 i hi sua auiuiiH w Li ai uuuuii w in aj w . u i ll m uiairiui ilt c tee to whom was referred the sevtVl bills - j0 n th.n nnmnnniAl h public favor, and fnHtieunble ofbt fcouor doae tees ot tne cierns oi me ouperiCKf. ana .nennfinemn nfinc.rri;nn ..r.iiAn.iir.rmm k-nnKmtrt.ir..; . t I I I K Uj III l.Lklt K til U)1J II U ll-iklUXlA I I W W WM MW m W IjllOll r- . . . t : ' i . t .... and resolutions relative to cleric sheriffs' fees, reported a . muuc aicuun iiicicuu, uvtuuiw.uiicu ur r , 7 - . , j T J . bm fifehe ? bil1, entultd a vf con , rnins ,hc sub- sss-u; o -y " j he arms to the police authorities, and to ting in respect to myself, and more Wtichrlf ele- (br County Courts and sheriffs' fees;ivhich J tvhich was reaa trie nrsi urae, passea sra or- ed ucreu iu uc pi 111 icu. .. i j i The hill for the better regulatiojfi -of tlie town of Williamston ; the bill to Mmend an act,. passed in leua," to preveo? vice was read .the first time and James J. Hoyt, John Wai a w;li;om Wo, etition and sci. fa. then -. - to Vacate Grant, without returning you mr thanks for the honor re ceived at your baods.' With every eatirnent of gratitude for past favorf , circumstances, neverthe less, beyond my controul.and not of a public charac ter, induce me to. request that my name shoald not be before the General Assembly aarin for the high and respectable office of Governor of the State. Charles Williamson, appear at the next Superior emancipation oi staves ; me Dili lomena referred, renorted a bill to comtel fully. yoar obedient errant JOHN OWEN. 2fpL Ltrj hISSI. ATn-X f Br the act o SeSsio?' H16 executors to give security -in all cases in HilD prtsented. By Mr. Edmonston, combe, at the Court House m Ashevdle, on the iflfc : W ro irk t fl 9. . V . . .. I . u:n r .1 r.t r 2nd Monday after the 4th Mondav in March next. C"""S """ , 1 WhlCll the Will does not Otherwise direct: a uui lur iuc ucuarirguwiiun w iuc voud- en and there to answer, plead or demur to the ine ?, ana ine resolution in WT 01 & bill.to'amem HOUSE OF COM5IONS. Wednesday , Dec. 8. Mr. Alexander, from the Judiciary publication be made three months in the Raleigh j r " i-x- i i-ii ill .1 jur Aiexanucr, iruiu uic juuitiaj Star, and North Carolina Spectator, that the said and immorality ; the bill to regulfe the Committee, to whom the subjects had George Russel and John Whitesides. 2T appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that, George Russel one of the! defendants, resides beyond the limits of the State j It is therefore Or dered by Court, that publication be made six weeks in the North Carolina Spectator and Western Ad vertiser,) that unless the 6aid defendant appear at :the next Term ofsaid Court, to he holden in Ruth erfordton, on the 3d Monday after the 4th Monday in March next, that Judgment will be taken pro .confesso against him. vx . Copy Teste. JAMES MORRIS, CVk. Nov. 18, 1830. : 42 6w j pr. adv. $2.50. State of North Carolina, v I Buncombe County. Superior Court of Law October Term, 1830. jonn xvOuerts j x Petition for Divorced I uetition filed aeainst him bv Pollv Williamson, or I Wm. Carson, were read the thimUime. r 5 j , 7 , - - 3 i the same will be taken pro confesso, and heard passed, and the two last mention. 4 bills "Kss! Joshxut Roberts Crerk of said Court, nde. Jnd 6rdered t0 Je gH: at 0ffice, the 2nd Monday, after the 4th Monday 1 he bill to prevent all persongj from m September, iwu. " x teacninff slaves to reaa or write, Hie use J. ROBERTS, Clerk. 43.3m Pr. adv. $4. 50. x the mode of allotting to amend an act, passed in 1822, entitled "an net for the relief of debtors for debts of figures excepted, was also read lU third day of May next ;V which were read the Uu iuciiu -iu. iuaj-jrcua first t,me an(j passed. Jb, nays 22. .! U : ATr AlornnrU frn Yeas Messrs. Askew, Barnes, ?easly, Coddie, Border?, Cowper, Crump, j3even port, Dickinson, Gavin, Half, 'Iflwkins., HiU. Hinton of Wake, Howell, Oonesi Lindsay, M'Daniel, M'Entirb, " W'Far, nd and explain the 9th sec- yJ Courts of Haywood ; nd also a bill to tion of airact, passed iu 17S6, prescribing discourage malicious or mvoious proseai- lottinc dower; and a bill Uons in this, state; ana Dy jut. t. J. State of North Carolina, Buncombe County. -? i V - Superior Court of Law, October Term, 1830 Sarah Wicaser, i . I" vs. Petition for Divorce. George Wicaser. y - i wm i - :. 'u -iJ . IL that the defendant is not an inhabitant of this land Mathews, Meares, Miller, Bfosely , State: It is Ordered, that publication be made for Move, Murchison, Kamsey, fepaiffht, Jr? el- three months in the Raleigh Register; and North by, Simmons, Sneed. Walton. Wa?d Wil Wiinr nnnrnt tKonort Snnomrrnnrf nfl ar liamS OI TranHlin, to be held: for 4the county ! of Buncombe, at the i Court House in Asheville. on the 2nd Mondav af ter the 4th Monday in March next,; then and there Mr. Alexander, from the same commit tee reported unfavorably to the petition of Isabella Staton. Concurred in. .Thursday Dec. 9. 'Mr. W. J. Alexander in pursuance of notice heretofore given, now moved that two members lie added to tuc committee on the Judiciary; whereupon the Speak- er appointed Juessrs. uamnircr and committee. Mr. By num the committee 10 pieaa, answer or aemur 10. me petition nlea a-1 tt tt Ijz tt- .' .fn r u i f cm i nr : .... i iiuii narns. iiiiiluii ui DKauiumnuke. 1 i- gamsinim Dy oaran vicaser, or me same will be Tr v " . . 7 Z. . ! amenainff Agnes Roberts. . It appearing to the satisfaction of the - Court, ; -that the defendant, Agnes Roberts, is not an inha bitant of this State ; It is ordered that publication be made for three months in the Raleigh Star and . : a j irm' i .i i ' i 4 tl T rus V,,tt fu taken pro confesso, and heard exbarte. ISlfnitErli t. 7 1 T r? D! Witness Jo,AKo6-,, Clerk 'of said Court, at gomery, tfewland, Ray, 5Kte52 ot MfoaftS 2J - k UnhookWelch' 4th Monday in March next, then and there to an- CV 1 J; DierK' - W ' Friday DeMlO! rerK'wprei p 1fmur to e Pfetition leJ af : L p Mr. Miller, from the commiflte on IS RbJrfl!!ie:WlU be taken : NOTICE TO GOLD MINERS. Privileges Wnd Elections, to whom Urn h. r nr: n.? "Lix.i- 3 ry f 111 HE subscriberhavmff made several imnortant A u LUtJ: c T;.:: C2 it-: ;4t;iiu Williams of &fartinJV-- ;; wisori. I i ' is . rTiT"::;; Iredell, Dick, Dobson, Gudger, uinn, - . to ., - d- cV of nIterinr or 1 , y , i means of metal sives, &c i of collecting gold is greatly facilitated, as this new machine may be placed in such a situation m the pits that those engaged m digging can throw the at Office, the 2nd Monday after the 4th Monday . in sepiemDerxcou. ; f J. ROBERTS, Clerk. 4 43 3m P. adv. $4 50. State of North j Carolina, I . Buncombe County. .. Superior Court of Law October term, 1830. Alexander Henry V j ! . m. ; Petition for divorce. : Happy Henry' y J TTT appearing to the satisiaction of the Court, M. th'at the defendant is not an inhabitant of this State, it is ordered that publication be made for three months in the Raleigh Star, and North Car olina Spectator, that the defendant, Happy Hen- be b4fd for the countv of Buncombe, at the Court fronl lsval rf km hole .r an of a . I j -u l j , . r- give evidence against tree persons color, so as more effectually to prevent a future abuse of the same. The following resolution offered by Mr. Pearson, was read and adopted: Rcsolced That the. committee on the to inquire into ipZandconstrurtedamachinecaiiedPLM;2'S xJ.ut,cs.UI.,5 " e.lc"iuu..:ulf tt,,f the expediency oi estab isbinir a Board of nfDDnrn"n D n f r r r i. : i , l.mnn t lir cittit-i rr momhcii tmrfi 4 .i'nn n. 1 " imj. iiucKi ivvvaxiA, lur wcusuins ana cleans- v.m 'rtrm- i mg gold from the earth &c. connected with ,t, by ty of Macon, made a report accompanied CTommissinnrrs of Education, xvho hll nvwmpn tiia nwi.ncD . l l . . i v. - -v . y.,. v " ,r. wiiu a icauiuiiuii. utxiafiuK lur.'iUuiun t .1 entitled to retain his seat, whieh xirp cdni curred in I and the resolution apptcd. grit at once into the machine without any further t Mr. Miller I subsequently made a;i una labor and its location be changed to suit the con- vaii;-nff moVion to consider said retfert". f venienqe 01 tnose employed, and at the same time, . T I, , r , -!' L from its formation, secure the eold collected bv Mr- Newland from the coramifee to to machine- dry citizens of Wayne, . Johnston A ash fniia nrti,0 iT:e;t. . aU nersona new cqunty iout of parts of said1 ctnties, 0 rnX fttnA f 'r f!- n1 mana?cmentof the finances of "the University, and such common schools as may he established; and the ex pediency of granting to the University all the' aid .which its situation at present re quires, on condition that the.Trustees wiU convey to said Commissioners all tne which, together shall constitute House inAsheville, on the 2d Mondav after the 4th Monday in March next, their-and there to plead, answer or demur to the j petition filed against her by Alexander Henry, or the same will be taken pro confesso and heard ex parte s Witness, Joshua Roberts, Clerk of said Court, at Office the 2nd Monday after the 4th Monday in September, lbljO P J. ROBERTS, Clerk. ; 43 3m i ' ; Pr. adv. $4 50 tent law will be enforced against such as infringe on his right and improvement. 1 1 j GREENE B. PALMER. Brindletown,, Burke, Nov. ,30, 1830. 42 4wp -Li lock and key, from pillage. A part of said machine whom was'referred the memorial of. sdn; n1:iv hp attarhprl with JTrpnt anvnntpnro tr mor-Viino- I ..r.,., U A'nr. TUn.n ? ry now m use. The subscriber intends th Patent OfBrP improvements-and, hereby forewarns aU persons Muuiy ;oui 01 pairs 01 b.uiu; c.u.cs, ft eneral fund for education : out of which"? mape an .untavoraoie report vpon; t,- University and such olher sch6ola which was on motion of 3Ir. Ask laid mav 1 hereafter established by the Staterf onuietable. , I.J areVte supported. . . ' SlPSfe M;?n pursuance of notice here- .x - ,cSv,io ,.g, , ctsj-''Mtofore giyen, moved a reconsideration of w.w Uup.v uuiy v"" W the .rpsMdVmn aiWerl on h s motioni mi. btate of North Carolina, i Rutherford County. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions October i ! ' , Term, 1830. Margaret Horton, doweresa, Willi-' 1 am Horton and others, heirs at : Law of William Horton. senior, Petition for deceased x ' . Dower and ?x vs. j x r Partition. v David Horton, Paytoa Horton and I others. ' J , JT appearing to the Court, that David Horton, one of the defendants in this cause, is mot an inhabitant of this State : It is ordered that publica tion be made for six weeks, 'successively, in the North Carolina Spectator and.Western Advertiser; that'unless he appear at the next Court of i Pleas and Quarter Sessions ; to be held for this County, 1 at the Court-House at Rutherfordton, on the second Monday of January next, and answer, plead or de mur, I the petition, will be taken pro confesso and heard exparte as to him. Copy; Teste, ISAAC C RATON, C.C. Oct. 26. 1830. y pr. adv. $2,75. 38 6w V EIGHTS AND MEASURES. ril l suDscnber having been re-appointed by SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES. ON the first Monday in January next, (it being the week: of Buncombe Count Court I , r . , .. . , . ; . 1 r 1.: . l:h . . .1 snau expose 10 puDiic saie, ai me c-oun-tiouse m j. crtiins, a 0111 10 vesi ine rigm oa Kieci-4 t1: f 1AA 1 AshevlR the following tracts of Land to satisfy fog. constables in the county of clmdeni I f.nginal Declar,.n independence by the taxes due thereon for the years 1828 and 1829. :nu. uLZS"Ll, J e free men .f th.18 State. .The resolu- 200 acres given in by John elly, lying on (7 ? ' j T r tion was accordingly recousideredand on motion of Mr. Polk, thevholc of it was to procure ucib ui uw iiuum: oi omuiuiis , wjj r. flrti w.h the Hor.imPnts rflntiiifr tntliP S,lArI r---- 1 X b Alexander, a bill to incorporate the MeC- lenburgh Gold Mining Company ; which were read the first time past and the two latter referred. Friday , Dec. 10. The engrossed bill to reduce tbe num ber cf Jurors to lay on" roads in the coun- y of Macon to UT? freeholders, which was read the second time, - ftfaended on Mr. Love's motion, bvextendingits nICTi2 ibns to tbe county 01 Haywood, and pass ed and ordered to be engrossed' The bill to amend an act, passed in 1829, to authorise the County Court of Kurke to appoint and lay off a turnpike from the Lincolrf line to Mull's mill ; was read tbe third time, passed and ordered to be engrossed . On motion of Mr. Hhetler, a select committee was appointed to inquire into the expediency of enacting tome regula tion to repress the practice of medicine by persons who are unqualified. The following gentlemen compose the com- mittec: Messrs. heeler, ircdenck. Duie, Haley, and Skinner. The resolution relative to the re-open-ing of Roanoke Inlet, was taken up, and, on motion of Air. O'Brien, amended so as to read as follows, and adopted, 110 to 9: Whereas, by the Constitution of tb United States, tbe subjects of commerce tod of nationd defence are committed to tbe regulation of the General 4J&rernmeut, and whereas, in the opinion of this General Assembly, it u iraporUnt to tbe committee of the country and to the n&lioa&l do . fence, that the old Roanoke Inlet, recently filled op, should be rc-opened by the arm of the General Government. " ' Then fore resolved, That our Senators tad Re presentatives in Congress be reqoested to one their . best endeavors to influence the General Govern ment to oodertake the re-opening the eomtnoaica' tion at or near Iig s Head, between tije Alber marie Sound and the AUantie Ocean. Saturday, Dec II. The bill for the better regulation of tbe County Courts of Haywood ; was read the third time, passed and ordered to be the waters of French Broad River, in Gloster set- me nrsl Un?? passed, and tne torreer or- tlement. joining lands of Andrew Brown. Tax dered to be! printed. due . ! . ; . - ! 82.69A. 200 acres given in by Jesse Burrel,' lying in Gloster, joining ands of Jonathan Seiniard an d Andrew Brown- Tax due j. $1,17. 100 acres given in by Benjamin B.j Alliso n fr i 2 stricken dtit except the word "resolved, and tbe following substituted b way of amendment: That a select committee beappointed, Monday. Deci XZi Mr. Guinn1 presented the followSiir res olution, which was real anddToptlrt : i Whereas the Leffislature:. in Hm year whose du'tv it shall be to examine, collect 1819, passed a law authorizing thjxom- and arrange in proper order such parts of mifcsioners to survey anaseii me vnero- the Journala of the Frovincial Anspmnlr waters of the East Fork of French' Broad kee lands: and thev were further tUhor- t: Urr, xj i ei nil . -. . ' ! 1 . : ,. 1 " " ' r "vKi- 100 Ws riven in by Joseph A. Dunn Jy- Z VA I j " . oami wuu u' " i sucu uucuiuciiui as rciau; &u me ijeciara- lying bn Averies Creek, joining McKey. Tax due 100 acres given in by James Morgan, lying on the lands of John $1,17. mff on the head waters ot uavidson s Kiver . l ax due 81,014. N. HARRISON, Sheriff. By WM. FORTUNE, D. S. Buncombe Nov. 15, 1830. I . 40 tds. County uses : v;- kl r tion of IndeDendence made bv the natri. Be it therefore resofti&Thkl tre be otic men of Mecklenburgh, in 1775; and a select committee apppd,,contjitihg also SUch measures as -relate to the same xJ 1 ltHi. dienev of tTio Statf relievincr thn fhfirp.na 1 1..n.rl' k. iu e business ofMaj.B.F.Patton, formerly a Merchant qliing her right unto them of tlwt part papers thus collected and arranged in the . ... w . r I- m Asheville, respecuuiiy requests i au p debted to him, to come immediately .an ons ln- make It JJ .the Court as STANDARD KEEPER, for I Davment bv cash : .otherwise their notes and ac- .1, i ... f D...l.k.f..j '; t. . . . ' I .5 -fi i . -.i ' uo vuiuiij ui iuLueiioru, is now ready to attend I counts Will ue pat m sun, wnaoni aiscnmina- to the duties of his office. JOHN LOGAN. tion. .: - v.-' K1UH. ti. Asheville Dec. 8, 1830. FORTUNE. 44 4w. V j MONEY I WAJNT ! And Money Jviust have ! ! ! THE subscriber having disposed of his interest in the Tin Ware Manufactory in this town, x ' is desirous to make settlement with all his custom- ers, tnatne may close nis concerns. Also, all 1 1 - those indebted to him for Goods are requested to ' come forward and make immediate settlement for the same and thereby shun such costs as will oth- ; erwise follow. ; All persons against whom the sub- J , -scriber holds notes of hand, are hereby notified to v . uitcuu iu ana pay uie same, or, uiey ww uo piuctju 1 ain such hands as will insura thftir immpdiaie collar.. " tion. The determination of the subscriber to wind x :: ot the 400 acres of land that remaM un- hands ! of tbe Governor, whose? dutr sold and reserved by the commisuiijners shall be to cause the same to be publish- in the year loiy, tor tbe use ot the-fcublic ed, with a proper preface and notes of building, and that they report by gtfur or explanation; and to be distributed as fol- otherwise j j ' j .; p . lows: Twenty copies to ihe Library of motion oi iur. wiarun, uie enye the State, ten copies to (each of the Li- WPflt into PfirYimittPP nf tllR Whole. jNIfillin- ! hranoa nCtYta fTnirorc'itiV M lio . ; - . - ' , I -v ww. . , , I Ul l.i VtUllklOllt, ICU WUJCI IU H i iuu vi m tuiv, iu iuc wuuui wu ww iw i juiDraiT oi me vonrress oi the umiea uuig in ueviu,;wisne8io estaoiish a uanit on tne iunas jox me states, and one copy to each of the Exec HSVSrS VJZSPi rafter some time spent trein.utivcs of Uie Union" , . and bearing agood character; the committee rose reported progrej j and The Speaker appointed Messrs. Pblk, . Asheville, Dec. for which he will pay cash. JAMES M. SMITH. 3,1830. 43 5w obtained leave to sit again. S3- s j- i NOTICE, j : I FOREWARN all persons from trading for a Note of hand of Twenty dollars and fifty cents. bearing date the 20th of Feb. 1820, payable to ei I JJrai:?. r. Aiezanaer. uenrv ana ux ieui Mr. M'Kay presented a bill to pDdhibit ( to comnose said committee. A the circulation in; this. State, aftH the I - Mr. W. J. Alexander, from, the -com- time therein mentioned, Bank noti un- mjttee on the Judiciary, (reported thei bill Tuesday next. uc u"'i mu j to amena an act oi icw, 10 proyioe tor en crossed. Monday, Dec, 13. Mr. WJ. Alexander, from the commit tee on the Judiciary, to whom was re ferred tbe engrossed bill to authorise itourtFfcrjf justice to regulate the business BiereoYjfr port$ unfavorably to said bill, and it was read and rejected. Mr. V. J. Alexander, from the tame committee, to whom was referred the res olution instructing them to inquire into the expediency of amending an 6T ex plaining the law in relation to constables? feet, reported that tbe law tixing the fees of constables is sufficiently explicit, and requires no amendment in the mode con templated, and prayed to bo - discharged from the further consideration of the tub- ject. concurred in. Tutsday, December, 14. The engrossed resolution in favor of William Carson, was read a third time, and ordered to be enrolled. " Mr. M'Affce presented a bill to amend an act, passed in 1620, authoriring the County Court of Rutherford to hold a Court of Probate in said county; which was read the first time and passed. . 1 Mr. Webb, from the Committee tq whom was referred a bill to authorite the , buying of a Penitentiary m- this State, reported the same with sundry amend ments; which were concurred in, and the Mil, as amended, was ordered to be prirr Aed and made the order of the. day for other States ; also a bill declaring that the division of nesroes and other I cliattel On motion of Mr. Webb: Rtmlvtd. That the committee, on Finance be a nis anairs, wm ue a somciem reason ior in$ le- lieniamin uaviason, oi uancomoe county ,as l have repeal oi a- statute snail not aaeu suits rtronertT held in common trithf tninrfrr imcroctea to enquire uio ua eipcwwT n m and compulsory course which will be taken a- paid him for the same in 1821, as I am determined brought before the reneaL I t i I,mjLnt0 ' W a Uw direcun the Trustee 1U ctte Dot Vnit such kB ifail to comply with this notice. not pay the same unless compelled by law and orouS repeak amendments, which were concujTed in, e My Trea note, that my new 7 HARVEY CARRIER, v emiity. r JONATHAN M. BRYSON. j Tuesday,- Dec.11. and the bill was read the third Urn;?, pass- be in bis 05ce. or they mar be ia frtore paid In ; YerfbrcltonjNgv.23,1830. 4ltf Macon County, N. C. Oct. 15, 1S30. h S5 ftlr. Meares, from the committee Sla the ed andbrdcrcd to be enrofetd. j tad farther to bqulre xsto tS expeccry cf rr J 1