X a: 1 5IS(DTAi?(DExx X. M WIS T E li-N AED YE 1ft T I E -flt. 1 i i VOLUME I. RUTIIERFORDTON,1 SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 15, 1831; NTOIBER 48. ; : , . :- - ": v ' j i ' ; 1 -. . ' . 'A I - - . S - . - . " ' s , , j " 1 - " - ; ;; ; - :-' : ! ; i ' I - ' ' ' 1 i PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, BY . ROSWELL ELMER, JrJ ion. Two A' I PLEASANT RETREAT (ACADEMY. LincoLrcroitf, 17. C. Terms of subscription. fin HE Trustees of this Academy take pleasure HMFORMATSOM. CONGRESS. ollars arfd fifty JL i in annoancing te the public, that the exer- eents, per annum, if paid in advance ; or three dol- eises of this institution have closed for the present Countv th lars, if paid within the year: butj if delayed after year, under the tuition of $Bri aScnfamtll 23. -ni un'wnn mun saiisiacuon 10 au concernea; and A LETTER was received sometin; since, at twewtt-first cowgrem. 'A tUa Pnd Offlrp in this tnwn :r:'tv f. I r.sfkipl mhronp. Mr. Ambrose hjii lft tK I 1 . . CLiiAlL ..SCCO!D 8ESSK!I. opened the case, and addressed the High Court until three o'clock ; when, having taken a review of eiht of the eighteen specifications contained in the article, writ- an adjourunjcnt of e letter was not taKenout of the Office, Friday. JJcc. 17 A petition was pre- ten bv Mr. Lawless 'y;X?.VJl?I: ?r Mr. Sanford ftom the Cl.a,: the Court look place. the close of the vt-ar. twentv-five cents will he Tl -i4tk BniSafjininn t ii .o. wascon.equeni added. , . : f that tf, Willh nin rnm(J n, nn r , uo u T .,v , 7. " i " T y vi"'""': I fwr nf Inmmprw' of the Uitv nlpw York I TB,U ).. oi tfl.. r - .. . . 1 " " -7 " " - .vU.uvu, iuiuh uiDwib.vu hoa ST!lminlll1 .111(1 VHI IOTK Baill I ATT or vith tn I j . -'"lull Jll. Ml. VlilCI UCIlVTliUUll io paper will be discontinued until particularly the first Monday in January next. I Mr. Dte. since u2-: . iw M,cir t t,L " 1' nmvinrr'for n rpdnr.tion ofdutioc on silks Uft'.t..: .1 r- ...... 1 t . I I I.- I DL1 UI.L1U11S LU LJ&C A Utl AI tJ fcUHD 11 1 1 TiAn U I WZ sm III I wsbww-"-- - - fc w iu lA.llllUlia illlll I lir II ri'M'11 1J1IIIIII 111 H IIU11IW tq I u; j 1 j a j i i - . ' - : I - - . .1 r -M - EbSS hSuefe" oWharever JeU'e letter to the pers0? to whon, it is ad- imported from beyond the Cape of Good ber of resolutions, among which was one uSMmfa Mr. Hendricks, 'from the com- offered hy Mr. WicklLfL directing tl.e: ifany, are better qualified to teach all: the branches iiQaUv mailed at Bo'ston a bill Committee on the Judiciary to.inaairc oi utpraturevyjiicn are usually uught in sucu in- ter b without incosure, yet as it ; is;ffom Mrs. providing Tor carrying into effect certain into the cxidiency of abolishing itnpris- w - ImArfitW iiw fn tfio o f Knrti, r""-" - ..vM"i, . luuiuu ucunvs. nci u Buuu.uuic iem oument lorclcM bv virtue ol procc irom Carolina, I where boarding can be obtained ordered and .ill arrearages paid, or at the discre tion 01 the publisher. ; , Advertisements inserted on the usual. terms. All persons advertising will please note the num ber of times they wish to have them inserted, or they will be continued and taxed Accordingly COPARTNERSHIP. ffll 11L, undersigned have this day entered in- JL to copartnership in the TAILORING BUSI NESS. ' u : ( They respectfully inform their friends .and the r.itizens of this and the adjoining counties, that they will be always ready to execute any order in their line of. business, at the shortest notice, and on the most. reasonable terms.' They deem it unnecessa ry to speak yf iheir ability. They flatter them seUes, however.. that by their long practice the facilities they have of obtaining the latest fashions, and their constant exertions to please, that they will receive a due nare of the pubuc patronage; ; They will occupy, as a 6hop, a room over Twit ty fc Miller's Store. ': '".'.''. ; VALENTINE MOONEY. :. and respectable families, either in town or in the adjoining country, on moderate terms. I; ; The prices'of tuition, per session, will be a$ fol lows. Viz : -Vl , ! ; J ' . " Reading, Writing aud Arithmetic, S5.00 ; , English Grammar, and Geography, 1 : $7.50 ; Latin & Greek languages & Sciences, 10.00 ; By order of the Board of Trustees. . .. M JAMES P. HENDERSON, Secretary. December b, loiU. . i . 4obw. up rc .Cabarrus or Davidson- counties in this fente. and is Uie enaic aajournea until luonaay. fgolved itself into a l-ommiliee i.t the w.iolc, hereby requested to come forward and tke out s'd Monday. Lftc. Several bills ot a Mr. Cambrelcnir m the chair, and procee- letter and pay: necessary, charges, or it Will be re- private nature passed their second and third 1 ded at the assigned hour to tbt Chamber inmeaio tne ttenerai I'ost umce aiiArr rtvdavs. i j . a v. . i . - . . GEO. WALTOtt! P. M. readinirs." Rutherfordfon, Dec. 30, 183a Stf , ; ja3if,s v.jay. v; Rutherfordton, Jan. 6,' 1831. , LIST OF LETTERS, Rrmaining m the PosUOJfi.ce at Rutherfordlon, on the.lst of Jan., 1831; and if not taken oul 'in three months, they loill be sent to . the General Post-Of- 1 State of North Carolina, 1 1 5 ii Rutherford -County. ' ' Superior Court of Law, October Term, 1830. James1 J:jHoYt, John Ward ' I ; i and, William Ward ' (Petition and sci. fa. V- ! .- ! rs. , ! '. to " - : Waitman Dishuroon and 1 j i Vacate Grant. Miehal Hawkins. i 1 J t I TT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, 1L that W aitman Dishuroon one of the delend- . i; NOTICE. fin HE Subarriber. bavins' bppn annniAitpd A rnt s . j q : i l JL . and Attorney for the purpose of closing the business of Maj. B. F. Patton, formerly Merchant in Asheville, respectfully requests all -persons in debted to him, to come immediately.; ind make payment by cash ; otherwise their note ( and; ac counts will be put in suit, without ;scrimiua tion. . I RICH. E. FO&rUNE. Asheville Dec. 8, 1830. . , fej 4w. , . 1 . : After, spending some time in 1 0f tlic Senate, for the purpose of proct-e- the consideration of executive business, ding with the impeachment of Judge Peck, at twelveVclock thdScnate having orrau- Mr. McDufiie rt-guincd and concluded his' ized itself into a Hifh Court of Inipeach" ment, for the trial of Judge Peck, of Mis souri, and Jud ire Peck with his Counsel. 3Icssrs. ! Wirt auu. Meredilh, and the Managers on the pat of the House of Hepresetitatives, alesirs.BuchanaiSpcn- rcmnrks ; arid after various documentary evidence had been submitted, the Court adjourned aad the mi mbcrs returned to their Hall. I 3Ir. Cambericng reported troress ; and the House adjourned. Mfdncsday I) c. 22. Mr. Hr.fiman, j NOTICE. HEREBY forewarn all 9 . a. i i frt tradiniH opened tliecase auai cer, WicklifBei McDiffie, and Storrs,of fr0m the Coramiiuc on Naval Afiairf. re- New York, being prelent, the tnal proct'- ported a bill to authorize the construction of ded, Mr. McDuffie foi the United States, pei r kt ersons st the' respondent for one PROMISSORY NOTE, fesecuted by and continued his artumcnt until after Thomas Grant to David Wright, on ttei 23lh of 1 ' - ' I kill V lVlt f IIV.1I VVUI CftVl IVUI I V- V4 three schooners for the n val service of the United States. It a as rt ad twir, end referred to a Commitu e of the Whole on thcblate of the Union. Mr. McDutBc, fice, as dead letters. Allen James ,v Bennett John Blanton Jeremiah Blackwell James " , Claibome.D. Piiiiip Carson M'D. Josepli Crow James j Carso'n John Gen. Carter William Collins John Clark -Moses 'Dews Thomas ; Deven port John ; Dickey Anthony Davis Sarah Dean Catharine Franklin George fbiier Jacob' :' Fortenberry James & ; John Baber Edwards C M. . Goode Martha Guft'ey John . Gilkey Jane Hill Priscilla Hills Robert -' IJarry H. John Harrison Rebecca Huggins P. Polly ; ' Jol ly James & Vin . Jenuins Jesse ') Maliew Wm. i Morehead Elias . ' Murchison Kenneth M'Farland James J Melton Dicy ) Meltoni Linsey 2 Meltonj Daniel Melton Sarah , J .Melton Vm. . a Melton Spencer . J Melton: T. Eli. Mitchel Wm. 4 ) Metcalf Warner ' Metcalf Lewis Mauney P. John: 31'Cluer Levi - y Nodine John . Nolens ;M.. Winslow Osburn Littleton ) J Porter David: v yPeacis! Henry Esq. Right Job.. i Kevis Alorgan ants, resides Deyond the limits ot the State : it . is therelore Urdered by Court, that publication he .ovemoer, 10-3, ior jpou, aue mezom ox iovem- r...... n., n 1 1- ot . , . i made six weeks in the North Carolina Spectator her, 1831; as I have not received a title for cet- : -'W- 1.1b'uv"1 P' irom tue ccieci vommiuec 10 .wuwm nau knd W&atern Advertiser, that unless th said de- tain Land, m consideration of fhicbJit: was 2iv- tern, communicaxea a memorial irom sun- been relerred that part ot the iTesidtnl fendant appear at the next term of said Superior en; which Note 1 protest and will not ptiy unless dry inhabitants of Hutfcr county, ra. pray- message which related to the question t yourb 9 be hoiden in Kuthertordton, on the third compeiiea oy : Law ana iuy. m ' in l' that the transmission on Sunday of f the n-t-li nihility of the President for report upon the tub- 7rr " hy law. i The Senate havingorgpnised it- jeet. It was read a first and second-time. Monday after the fourth Monday in March next, that Judgment will be taken pro cofesso against him. Copy Teste. 'JAMES; MORRIS, CTk. Rutherford; Dec. Nov. 18, 1830. 42 0w 1 pr. adv. $2.50 j State of North Carolina, V ill , Rutherford County. Superior Court of Law, October Term, 1830. James J. Hoyt, John Ward ' I ; i and William Ward, ' Petition and sci." fa. . . f' v i ; ts, i '' . I to George Russel and r ! J IVacate Grant,' John Whitesides. 1 J I ' . "STT appeanng to the satisfaction of the Court that, JL; George Russel one of the defendants, resides beyond the limits of the State : It is therefore Or dered by Cdurt, that publication be made six weeks in the North Carolina bpectator and Western Ad' J llTlrfJTT' I ri I . Vt 4 X UtlU.l f ikJ. I If f ll.rrK r..nitt l,n..nlinill I I 1 I 1- ! . . . I f - Tl t-l. nrm,, , i . . .'. .1 i mnj , bai&iii Willi ui iiuu,uuiuiviiii mU UJUCItU III UC UIIUICU. 'JI. U Villi UK T Rl Hh subscriber herebv pives notion, that he 1.4 I . . . - . - ' . I I I ""- " 'b'" II . J thn tnnl svi Im on I rae Ir . wr. a nmvolrl I IT". I I...:... a 1 II. . . JLL duly appointed the Agent of Isaac Bronson iv-i . y.t oucreu u.refeuiuuuii niui iiic iiuuw uirct &Goold Hoyt, Lsquires, ofthe city of iNew York, with. Mr. IMcDuflieeoncluded his argu- at 1 1 o'clock, and attend the Senate at 12 the present proprietors of the lands formerly owned mcnt on the part of ?' blouse of Rcpre- duruiir the' trial of the impeachment of M-B:8ira to 'nd.I.eprjxJuc.ion Judge 1'cck: Mr. AVbitc,' of .New York, with power j to sell and lease ' thdljame and oi some uocumeiil ideuce, the Court called for the yeas and nays on the qucs to settle and compromise' all questions' 3n relation adjourned. . , , , - : tion, which were ordered a sufBcicnt xneieio ;. tne injunction issuea at me sm oi me re- Wcdhtsday Uec. The lull for car- numbo risin" to sustain the call. Mr. Eresentativesot James Thomson, dece&d, having , (r,.; , ,'.:.;, I n .. t-T i. mi r t t-i j een dissolved at the last Court of ESty in this r n- mt. ct certain Indian treaties, pctttst Mr. Dwight, Mr. Clay, Mr. Dod- County: as will be seed by the DelSee of the was read the third tune and ordeied to he dnctec addressed the House on the tuhject, Court herewith published, he is no ready to Jengrossed. After twelve the. o'clock i High I the latter gentleman moving as an amend- make any , contracts in relation to sain; lands he have claims to parcels thereof Vp call up'ni inds he rnnrtof I mnrnrlimpnt for-tri: may think proper, and he invites all persons who . . .i 'nriVtttm .n ntxti him and u . - ?. . . f xticnaruson K. xiyram muwoi uB wu ueie ojipnu at purchase the land -or make an amicabij settlement upon tne, arrival oi uie rr i Swain L. David , thenestTerm of said Court, tohe hoiden m Ruth- n;relation theretowhich the subscribyiHs willing House 6f Representative J Salisbury & SimpW ?rfordton, on the 3d Monday after - the 4th Monday t0 do, on fair terms, moderate price-ad reasona- nr0cCedt)d rvith J Mr l J Sutton Mary 1 m March next, that Jadgtneat .svill ,be .taken; pro ble credit. While he is thus anions. Max as -pos- rreeQta W,UJ-. HwePSRV JOfin fc r.lliall WUirowacaiuoi, UlUI. I i 1 ihlo tn eottla a 11 onntrm nrd M in rs ltiC"V If. I Uca '""'"""J Thompson Wm f lfedvvell John Tredvyell Reubin i Vickers Ann L-X!opy Teste. io, 1COW JAMES MORRIS, CTk. 42 6w pr. adv. $2.50. Johnson Lewis & others Walker David King Noah' Williaps Lewis Lyles James - . Wallace James Love D. Messrs; Whitesides John Ledbettet Barzilla ? York 3Iaryann 47 3w GEORGE WALTON, P. M. Rutherfordton, Jan. 1, 1831. j ; . . NOTICE. I -;: ; CKN the 2nd Monday of February at 12 o'clock a meeting ill be held at 'the Court House in Rutherfordton, to organise'a Sunday School Uni on for this county. The immense benefits derived from those Schools elsewhere,: in advancing the intelligence' and improving the moral character of '-the. rising generation, must be known to .all, and the advantages to be derived from such an associa ciation consist iii the increased facility of procuring and distributing information of the best modes of ' conducting such schools, and books adapted totheir use in systematic efforts to establish schools in des titute places in giving aid to the feeble and stimu lating all by visitations from committees ' of the society. For lack of those advantages many at tempts to establish schools have proved ineffectual, and schools established have been Jess useful than j State of North Carolina, ; , Buncombe County. . . Superior Court of Law October Term, 1830 j John. Roberts i . . ; '' : ra. Petition for Divorce. . 1 Agnes Roberts. S : '-' ' It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, I that the defendant, Agnes Roberts, is not. an inha bitant oi this btale ; It is ordered that publication lands without recourse to legal meturj,-l, and does jnot desire to take the benefit of improvements made by innocent or ignorant persons, he fer bound to notify all interested that if not so settleahe shall be oungea, as sucn agent, io insiiiuie fuiw vgainsi ev ery one who shall be found holding a ptentor oc cupying any part thereof, to whicru hiij principals (ha.ve title ; and he suggests to them tlfe,. policy of settling their claims without coats, Avhfje -it may be done, in many instances for Iesyhantrift costofde- .tending a litigated suit, rather thansul sious or preiudices to lead them to iullfi their pas- embarked V :in ie 'loss of V before tbaVtamtnr ! had bee- the Se .Mr pres' in r S' be ! made for three months in the Raleigh Star and Llin law suits which must eventuate Western Advertiser, that the said Agnes Roberts their improvements and involve them" iirheavy bills appear at the next feuperior Court of Law;to be j jOfcost; fbrwhatever inteiestedaud pieuced men held tor the county , of Buncombe, at the Court may say' to the contrary, as these laad.Ajyere enter ed by citizens of this btate and pateniw according TT'tfge J ment to the resolution, the resolution sab- d mitted by Mr. H oilman on the preceding day, to the effect that the Hooc should at--ts tend day by clay during the trial. Mr. Hofl iiis man supported the necessity of theatprn ck; dance of the II onsej and after wme re .emcn. marks from1 Mr. Strong, the amendment cC, aud I of Mr. Doddndre was negatived. . 3Ir. Dravton moved a further 'amendment that 1 relinghuysen the manaiers only should be reouired to o to sundry clerks attend. This was also negatived ; anil the t ards in the United question was taken on the passage of the crease ofcompensa- resolution by yeas and nays, and lo&tby de, acting, as a High n vote of hi to fel. Tlie remainder of the ment. for. flic trial of session was devoted to tlie-orders-1 of the fross esamfnation of Mr. day ; and about 3 o'clock the House ad- House in Asheville, on the 200 Monday after the 4th Monday in March next, then; and there to an swer, plead or demur to the petition filed against her by John Roberts j or the same' will be taken pro confesso, and heard ex parte. ' Witness, Joshua Roberts, Clerk of said Court. at Office, the 2nd Monday after the 4th.. Monday in September, 1830. r 1 ! H i J. ROBERTS, Clerk. 43 3m . I Pr. adv. $450. j Lawless, was coucluOl iourncd. nv tneTrtninsei tor tne respouueut. it is by citizens of this btate and paten to the existing law, thirty -five years sint;,and'were sold to those under whom the presentjyproprielors claim, for their fair value, and the tai on them in the ft" ih,,-u"J their labors, have engaged althouffh they t might have been those schools started in this county, encouraged by the success of r deenlv felt the necessity of such a Union. At their request this notice is given and all who, have the future welfare of this community or the cause of religion at heart, of whatever denomination, are most cordially invited to attend the meeting, take an interest in lite nianagemenof thje Society anp! unite their ettorts m this work oil penevoience. , By order of the Rutlierfbrd S unday Schoc 1 Soei- ety ' . W. H WALTON, Secretary. Rutherfordton, July 3, 1831. 1 j N. B. . Should the Court Room be occupied the meeting may be held in the Secretary's room,where the Sunday School library, may be seen, and gen tlemen will be enabled by inspection to appreciate the value of the books prepared Jot the use of those -schools, -adapted to the understandings of ill ages usually attending,1 and which are loaned to the children during the week as rewards of dilligence. State of North jGarolina, ; Buncombe County. Superior Court of Law October term, 1830. Alexander Henry 1 j . 4 'If rs. Petition for divorce. Happy Henry. V I 1 : ITT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, JjL that .the defendant is not an inhabitant of this State, it is ordered that publication be, made for three months in the Raleigh Star, and North Car olina Spectator; that the defendant, . Happy Hen "ryk appear at the next Superior Court of Law, to be held for the county of Buncombe, at the Court House m Asheville; on the 2d Monday alter the 4th Monday in March next, then and -there pleadi answer or idemur to the petition hi against her by Alexander Henry, or the same will be taken pro coniesso and heard ex parte. Witness Joshua Roberts, Clerk of said Court, at Office, the 2nd Monday after the 4th Monday 'in lever, which cannot fail to be sustained .by the' same jwhoiesonie laws which protect the ng4:4s and pro perty ot all toe citizens ol this State. VV JOSHUA I tJlljlAN. Rutherfordton, Nov. 4, 1830. ;'.: j-v State of North Carol iia, Rutherford County, . In Equity. Fall Term, A. D.k830. James Thomson's ilxecutors, &.C. )ijf ! fa ma-narers; 1 - various pcti jii presented, t:es, and- the .-smessin secret presumed that Mr. Lwili be further ex amined to-morrow, Tues. Dec. "2S. tions and resolution? harebeen regularlypaid theyhave asalidalegal J reports made from ( and equitable title to them as any otl untitle what- transaction of EXeCUti. session, resolved itself into a high ' Court of Impeachment, and the trial of Judge Peck was continued. . After receiving the testimony of licnry'L. oaycr, Ustj. tue Rev. Mr. Hernll, and Arthur L. JMnginnis, Esq. witnesses summoned on the part of uie House; 01 ueprosentativcs, nnu tne rs. fujuncuon. Arthur Bronson and others. ji: N ' T'HIS cause comin on to be; heard upon the Bill, the answer of Joshua Form an, agent for the defendants, the exhibits thereunto attached; and the exceptions to the said -answer filed After solemn argument of counsel, It hiordered, adjudg ed and decreed by the Court; that, the said excep tions .be overruled, and that the Injunction, obtain ed upon. the said Bill be dissolved the costs there on to await a future hearing. j The foregoing is truly extracted from the decree made in the above entitled cause, it October Court, 1830, by ! . ! ;!,.. 1 38tf .- T.F- BIRCIiyTTC , $r,M. I PAPER FOR SALF? THE undersigned, Paper Manafacijirers, at the Houlston Paper Mills, can at. iU times fur nish any quantity of "" il J. BnpcnaU . PRINTING Super-Royal, piPPn. and, 'Medium j . v . 'Fooh Cap, Y -Vtt. ' Letter and ; V PAPER; .Wrapping ) ' . . PASTE-BOARDS. 3&&c- i Carolina Spectatori, .that the 'defendant George J which they will forward on to any of tjte Southern Mon. Dec. 27. After the'usual prcteh tation of petitions and resolutiohsjthe resolution submitted pn a former day by Mr. Taylor, respecting the printing of die indices to the Journals of Congress, was, upon the motion of Mr. Polk, indefinitely postponed. The motion of Mr. Johns, to rescind the resolution thnj' the Houw attend the Senate chamber, "duiing the trial of Judge Peck, was tlicn taken up; and Mr. Irwin of Ohio, moved that its consideration be deferred until Monday next. . On motion, how ever, of Jlr. Sttx- Vn rocnltil inn trni I 1 il ftrwrt fVii. to. cross examinat.onof those gentlemen by hV by n v6te of ayes, 76, noes 7. The the managers of the impeachment and Housi lhcn rcM)lTed itself into aCommit the counsel for the respondent, the Court, fM1 nf Whole. Mr. Cambrclen- in the at a late hour, adjourned until 12 o clock rh -nd nroCcded to the Senate cham- tr nr-tiitp 1 lr i mrwnrlimi"Tit. At ! Wednesday. Dec. 29. BIr. Dickerson, M pa8 o'clock, they returned and in pursuance of notice given, asked leave, and ijie House adjourned. ; auu liurouuceu a joun resuiuuuu, prui-i . oa dingfor an amendment to the Constitution, "5' .u" XZ Z 7 have twice rePm " csuluuwws "1,,;f PM.u"ilvJ Mr. isucnanan. irom ine tomrauwr on September," 1830. 43 3m I J. ROBERTS, Clerk. Pr. adv. $4 50. J so that no person who shall the United States, shall again be eligible Judiciary, reponea a DUi lurxoer taue; tsitttntr n n I PIlC mc UUUV wi .mnwititj "vutiw wi im, United States, 4nd the Solicitor of the State of North Carolina, Buncombe County. Superior Court of Law, October Term, 1830. Sarah Wieaser, . ' vs. i Petition for, Divorce. George Wieaser. , ' I t T! appearing to the satisfaction of the! Court, that the -defendant is not an inhabitant of this to that office.' In the Senate, sitting as a High . Court of Impeachment forthe trial I of Judge Peck, the testimony on the part of the! United States was concluded: Charles S. Hemstead, Edward Charlies, V j . ' Dortcd a bill to alter certain duties on. med, and testimony of a documentary na-rv , ,- j - . tare having been submittedby the mana- mTanUT' ,roi.Wa.,m?: VM Treasury. It was read twice, and Qfer red to a Committee of the Whole on the state of tne Union. Mr. Cambreleng, from the Committee on Commerce, tc- for- various NOTICE TO GOLD MINERS. T HEsubscriberhavingmade several important improvements on the rocker and riffle prin fjples and constructed amaqhine called PilLflffiB'S IMP RO VED ROCKER, for washing and cleans- inr irnl'il fr.wn tlio onrtVi Am nnnopt0l with'itr tiv I n 'I' annfiannf to the satisfaction of thft. Cnnrt. I t-a- J . v T 4 TlfT) .. : I Xti,tn ! AmT?.- C T- XT r w wy- w.. j . -!-rr.- . o . 7. . . t . ' I ' jtlicr Unit Ai rjiv i xuuuuaf iicau ai uie icuuisi ui iui iiiu , . means ofmetal sives. &c. : bv which the nrocess I JJ that the 'defendant is not an inhabitant ot this ; I . - I ? ; , : . .i t irom me coiumuiee on ofcollecting gold is gVeatly facilitated; as th'is new State: It is Ordered, that publication be made fbr Snnnc J,' ' . - Tit "V'J """W? luf awSfC" gave notice that be fchould, machine Biay be placed in snch a situation! in the thre months in the Raleigh Register,; and North 1 ; PASTE-BOAhDS, g.f., of Mr. Uirt, who was suddenly 1Ied move tj, the 1 louse ro inU pus uiai iuo!e engaged ra digging lean tnrpw me I uarouna opewawir, uuu uie ueieuuaui vieorge j wiutji voey win iuruu u i ij tj cuumnu mime uie Eivauu yi unc ui ui9 taw I . Wi 1 th K'll T V. gru ai once into tne machine without any further J VV leaser, appear ai ine next ouperior uoort w Law J otates, on as reasoname lerms ior v ajp as can ue i jjyj - j . v. . (UUWB MW labor, and its location be chanced to suit the con- toMbe held for the county of IBuncombeJ at the I procured from the North- v v I V 4 1 price of the pubbc lands. Mr. Taylor Vehience of those employed, and at the same time, Court House in Asheville, on the 2nd 3Ionday af- , ItrrOrders addressed to MarHuilV Terry. Gran HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, presented a new resolution for printing of irnm its formation, sernrp tho . irll i AAllMorl Vr a I tartha Att .lionnav in ftiarch npit. thpn anrl them I ' . -,m :n u i.i .. i.j I " . i ,i w . , w. 6ck and kev. from nillaT Ar" JZXrZ .T Jlnswer n demur to thff Won fii Z W "rrTnti r7" i Friday. Dec. 17. The bill to establish tne inotces io ine J ouruau ot uie procee- Marshall's Ferry. Ten. lov. lb. !. 41 1. mi rfm . . a i 1 i Mil La ill lUU ncciciii nuiLJi wns gera. ine ountnen aajournea over to r.. , if M; w..1:fl. . Pubbc Lands. on Monday. " . r r e i move tnai me tiousc go into a uimmiuxe may be attached with great advantage to machine- J gainst bimt by Sarah Wieaser, or the same will-be ry now m use. i ne suDscnDetj intends to apply to I taken pro coniesso, ana neara exparte. - the Patent Office immediately; for a natent on his I ! Witness Joshua Roberts. Clerk of said Court, at improvements and, hereby forewarns all persons I Office, the 2nd Monday after the 4th Monday in irom using or nuiKing me wnoie or any. part of a I Septerfloer, ioou. : j . kuclk i s, nerk v machine upon his plan and invention ; as thfe pa. L42 Sm Pradv, 4.50 ! " tent law will be enforced against 'such as infringe on his right and improvement.1 1 ' . GREENE B. PALMER. . Brindletown. Bnrke, Nov. 301830. 42 4wp FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE, C1UPERFINE Letter Paper, i Writing Paper K7 ana a geaerai assortment pi mariKs. i i NOTICE. :TilE sertrd kinds of grass seeds purchased at the North, by and for.the tuse of the members of the Ridker ford AgriruUural. Society, hare been ' re- ttited and are ready for delivery to those interested. . I By order of the Lorrcs; fkcrtiary. January, 7. lool. . certain post offices and to discontinue oth- dings of the House of Representatives, nr.a tnLnnnli A 1 ". J a t im a t tA I CTiTTX rnflC ID t witfl tYlt 1 Pt l t Vt fTTKV 4rtA , ninnfAPP A TTI Vf us, was wnmup, ttiuugauu uuiujo.v- . V 7 -vw,,, , t-AKKlAUrj iUAiYiiij. j;o..eo: Anc . rnr ihe Icnntinurd to the nrent tim- Hfr T1lr Tf qtiori taken uncincurring in the moved it. indefinite postpoutment.- Mr. above business, in Lineolnton, Nr. C, and that he amendments proposed in the Committee Cambreleng suggested iti referrence "Ho will in a good style and on the shortest notice, a 0f tlie Whole, the House adiourned. the Committee onthe Library; !Mr.Pilk position, it -was, af bo r'derred. :TM body to the Senate Chamber for j House rcceiTcd a mresoge trcia the Sen the purpose of prosecuiing; the. impench- ate-thatthev hiid'rcsolTed.tlicriiEclTCa-in-ment of Judge Peck. Mr. McDuffie to a High Court of Impcaciimexit, on o " fnu wail ruci3 v - v .6 . . . jay. jjtc 20. The House, alter I acquieang; m ine pro g$i; 711' J some preliminary arrangements, pr6e- ter sorae-drscaisionf .r. . y 1 ded in a Family Carriages ; and Stages. I - ISAACEJiWIN: lineolnton, Octobers, 1530 ( t

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