' 1 ' Yr Si . f THE NORTH CAROLINA SPECTATOR AND WESTERN ADVERTISER. 100 y i -,7 S v V 4 tioii of Mr. -Hay nes into resolved cnnir,a.i:lon motion i jin urtui,ic 1 . . I C1 .k-onhi,!!' tn nna.nn1ul nt KIT npr I'PIIT. T f,f Mb" rTTDlrn av 1 1 1 a s .r. P'tlTed 10 lilt; OclJalc I'luscbuie i v . uiv.iu , ndiic ujiiuciis ac tin casei On their return, mey reponeu ven nuaureu auu nineiy-iwo thousand and i themselves I ty cents, consisting of six millions four hundred and forty thousand fire hundred and fifty-six dollars and seventeen ! cents progress, and the House adjourned. iVi fin. Unti. tfeti. 29. Aroonir the peti- tinns oresetidt'd, was one by Mr. Hall; front ihouiidshipmen of the navy, praying hit i wide of naval office be established, to be called sub-lieutenants, bv which pas sed inhTshipnien may be placed on ; a foot-, ing.w.fh the graduates of the military SCMOOl Ml T f 6l X'iilHn rt icicucuw ythe Com mittee on Naval Affairs : and one by Mr. "Variiura, from Elisha-Bigelow, buikkr oMie steam engine, so constructed tfcrt it is not' liable to thej ordinary acci Annt of bursting, and Drooosihsr to 1 make his discovery public for a suitable reward ; winch was referred to a select committee. !A short (I scussion arose on an) amendment off r- 1 by Mr. Speight, to the resolution pro.)os'd oil Tuesday, by Mr Jlovvard. -This amendment called tor ; the printing twenty cents of five percent, stock, inclu ding the seven millions held by Govern ment in the Stock of tbe Bank of the Uni ted States ; fifteen millions nine hundred and ninety-four thousand and sixty-four dollars and eleven cents of four and a half per j cent, stocks ; thirteen millions two hundred and ninety-six thousand two hun dred and forty-nine dollars and forty-five cents of three per cent, stocks ; the balance consists of upwards of thirty-two thousand dollars of small items. ! J The total amount of public debt on the first! of January 1831, will be thirty-nine millions one hundred j and twentv-three thousand one hundred and ninety-one dol lars' and sixty-eight cents. The whole remaining I amount of this debt is redeemable, nearly one half at the pleasure of the Government, and the .bal- . of the reports of the committee of ,Ways ance at different periodsJ down to the first Meansof the 13th March, 1328, and. the ot January, report f the committee on 1 Commerce of I The afnount of imports into the United it be contemplated by Congress ;to make any further ' reduction of the revenues, preparatory to the period of the final ex tingnishment of the public debt, it is res- pecttully suggested, that, in order to avoid impairing the necessary means for the' or dinary expenditures of the Government, or encroaching upon the sinking1 fund, it will be proper that such reduction should take efiect at a period sufficiently remote ior the payment of the entire debt, as the reduction made at the last .session will barely leave sufficient revenue for those ob jects during the ensuing four years.' - STATE LEGISLATURE. I I . From the Raleirh Register. Legislatwt.' 'On Thursday last, the billjto exempt from execution, fifty acres of the land of every freeholder in the State, Including' the dwelling-house and necessary out houses, passed its third read ing in the House of Commons.Cby'l the following vote"; " !" ' Tea. Messrs. E. Alexander, Allison, Arlington, Baleman, Bell, Blair, Bogk, Branch, Baie, Bash, Bynum, Calloway, Cartel, Cheswn, Cooper, Cox, Donnell, Dowd, Edmonston, Fleming, Flowers, Frederick, Garer, Gaston, Glenn, Henry, T. Hill tl-ll a maw vrw W : m W . ' nmiard, Hooper, W. iiorton, j. tionon, iron, Jones, Larkins, Lilly, Loretz, Love, Marshall, thousand dollars, and the amountnfexnorts Monk, Moore, Morris, M'JS'eill, Nicholson, Orr, . . . i . i I O ni:i: r i n I I T x caiouu, iiiuips, xuixiu xvuuucb, uuyve, oiujiuuub, Sloan, apargin, Swanner, Uzzle, Wads worth, J Weaver, Webb, S. . Whitaker, Villiamst Vine- man.VV inston, C; Wooten, W nght, Zigglar.- 04 JSays. Messrs. W. J. Alexander, 13arnard Barnbardt, Barringer, Bragg. Brooks,-, Brown Brower, Bryan, Bar gin, Clark, demons, Dodson, Dozier, Dumas, Llliaon, Foy, Gauzer, Grandy, Gwynn, Haley, Harper, J. Hill, Uoulder. Jarvis, Kendall, Lawson, Leonard, Utile, Long, Menden hall, Mebane, Mullen, Murphey, M'Afee, M'Ge- hee, McMillan, O'Brien, FeoplesFolki Fowell, Pnrcell, Sasaer, Sawyer, Shipp, Singleton, Skin- ndrMallarv op- thousand dollars, and in the 4th Quarter. ner Spaight; Stedman, Stephens, Stockard, Ta- nnnH niul .ffara. PnmKtAonr VcrA i5i'-;;ii: Ithemi Walker, Watts. Wheeler,-White, J. Whita- , , w.xi.ww bu. uuuui.vv.uuv vu- muu" i,., tirt,:.i. I nr:iu i7-:i a i r '.. Qh Febuaryi 1830. It wa9 opposed by States for the year ending September 30, - Mr. Howard, on the ground, that if it were . 1 830, was sixty-eight millions five hundred adopted, otjiers would be oitered, and the bject ultimately defeated. This amend- for the same period, was seventy-three mil ment was lost ; and Mr. yambreleng pro- lioris eight hundred thousand dollars. Of pose;! to amend by adding the report of the exports, fifty-njne millions four hun- Gn. Hamilton; when Secretary of the dred thousand dollars were domestic, and Treasury, in March, 179 and that of fourteen millions inir hundred thousand, , Mr. Jefferson, when Secretary of State, foreign products. J ;. V j in February, 1793 relating to the subject The amount of duty on imports and embraced in the reports mentioned in the tonnage which accrued in the three first resolution. I H quarters of the year 1830, is estimated at Upon this amendment la discussion twenty, millions five hundred and seventy arose. jiessr3. Howard and O'Brien, directing the Attorney-General to institute a prosecution. against the Ed itor of the Greensborough.l atnot, for the publication of certain seditious articles in his paper.' For the purpose of presen ting the case on its true merits, we would copy the objectionable passages which were read to the House, but that we deem to ascertain the number of totif given for. or against a Contention, and to make out a correct statement thcreol, and transmit the same to the Govornor, to be laid be fore the next Assembly. On these Resolutions considerable de bate arose, in which Messrs. Moorc, V. J. Alexjndeb, and snirr, advocated them highly indecorous and improper." It their adoption and Mesrs. liRicc, J. A. is sufficient perhaps to say. that they con- Hill, ueeleb, kj iibiek, ana voorw, sisted of free comments upon the bills be- opposed them. Mr. Stedman moved for lore ine Legislature in relation 10 persons I uieir inueunuc " of colour.; A commoication in the same decided in the afTmiative by the following paper, under the simiature of l Father rote: Abraham" was animadverted on, as con taining sentiments of seditious import The passage of the Resolution was oppW Yeas Messrs. Arnngton, Barnard, Bateman, Bell, Blair, Brgg, Branch, Brown. Bryan, Bush, Bynum, Carter, sed by Messrs. Sawyer, Wyche, Jfenden- Chesson, Clark, Clemon5, Cooper, Cox, hattt Shippand Barringer ; and advoca- Dozier, Flowers, Foy, Frederick, Gary, ted by Messrs. O'Brien, Cooptrxmd Sted- Gaston, Gauze, Glenn, Grundy, Gwynn, man.. The principle arguments advanced Haley, Harper, J. Hill, T. HUl,IIilliard, against it were, that the contest1 was an Jloulder, Jackon, Jarvis, Larkins, Law unequal one; that if a prosecution was son, Leonard, Little, Long, Marshall, commenced, there was no certainty. of a Mebane, Monk, Mullen, M'Millanidi verdictfor the State; and that the cquit- olson, O'Brien, Purctl, Band, Rhode?, tal of the Defendant would operate only to Rowe, Sasser, Sawyer, "Sikes, Simmon?, increase tbe evil complained of, inasmuch Singleton, Skinner, Sloan, Spaight, Sled as it might encourage other editors to pur- man, Stephens, Swanner, Uzzle, Walk sue a similar course ; that it would only er, Wheeler, S. AVbitaker, Whitley, Wil serve to lash an obscure individual into liams," Willey, Wilson, C. Wooten, A. notice, the very thing perhaps which he W. Wooten, Wrigteand .Wyche, 74. desired; that the course proposed was iVay Messrs; W. J. Alexander, E. without precedent, and that the Ltgisla- Alexander, Alli6on,Barnbardt, Barringer, ture could expect to gain nothing in the Bogle, Brooks, Brower, Buie, Burgin, content. Much was said of the general Calloway, Dodon, Donnell, Dowd, Du and proper bias of jurors in favor of the mas, Edmonston, Ellison, Fleming Hen liberty of the Press, which would operate rt Hooper, W. Horton, J. Horton, Iron, ' ' jm, m mm mm mm mm m W much in favor of the Defendant. On the I Kendall, Lallv, L.loyd," loretz. Lore other hand, it was contended, that the time had arrived when a signal example should be made of those persons who, re sidingamong us, disseminate doctrines cal- Mendenhall, Moore, Murphy, JFAfee, M'Gebee; MTfeill, Orr, Pearson, Peoples, Phillips, Polk, Shipp, Smith, Spurgin, Stockard, Tatham, Wadsworth, Weaver, and Archer, advocated ker, WhitleyJ Willey, Wilson, A. Wooten, Worth, tvjcue,&nu ous.es, culated to lead to the most deplorable con- Webb, White, . J. ' Whitaker, Winston, 1 ft m m m B mmmm m ' m mT. sequences; that unless some check was ortb, and Acagler, kJ. iff. av it. Before the sand dollars. question was taken, a message was receiv- The report states, that it is estimated There beinc' a tie. the Sbeaker votecl interposed, the evil would soon become The bill to prevent all persons from mTXe 1 T V-Vm W n rkTA ' nnnAflil nm M n 1 ft 1 M M I - a . m, m " -M . m. . - I - mmx m . mm. m mm. mm, m,mm mmm m . mm. sa iiwui mo uciiqic, aiiuuuiiiii" me nice- nidi ine accruing ouiy on j.ouee ana tuo tinr of the High Court of Irnpeachment coa, imported in 1830, and remaining in in the affirmative. ' t0. g"6"1 lor remedy ; that bditors occu- teaching slave to read or write, tne ute 1 -l:ft ' ' m . k m I jm m mm During the consideration of this bill, a PieP a elevated station in 5ociety, and it ot ligures excepted, naa Decome a law. for the trial of Judge Peck J; apd the House store on the 1st January i 1831, will here- circumstance occurred unnrecedenteduro- lhe opinion was entertained that theyl A committee of the House to whom a (jn I were neuam me aueniiou oi ine legisia-l iveuoiuiion, wu rcxrrri-u, lusuuwnj iiirw resolved itselt into a committee or the duced about fivp hnndrpd thi usnrid Hnl AVhole, Mr. Martin of South Carolina, iti lars by the operation of the acts of the last the Chair,; when, on motion of Mr. Buch- session, reducing the duties on those arti anan, they proceeded to the SenatePhairi- cles ; and ihat the dutiea' on coffee, cocoa, ber, to attend, said trial ; and on rtumiujr salt and molassesFaccruinff in 1831, and and .reporting progress, adjourned. payable within t consumption to diminished by the: i i i year wn, upon alike . i 189, be farther xts abc , I . mmn. 4- A.-v.k.... mm. m m ft 1. & & I- - I m mm. mm. m m m mm m. mrmm Ik I AM mm. A ll A M distinct proproSltlOtlH, With a diuereilt IUIC upiiuun wus uumiuiiu , mat iue I iucjuhc nuciuci uiusc nn noic pm- Dr Ol IDeillberS prC&6Ilt at CSCll VOte I wuloc piuuscu una hui huhuui pjcc! vuuscu mnu uuui tut; w wvr mm iwv House of Commons wefe tied, and dent, and the case of the Psew York Le- same by certibcate, are freeholders. Re of course determined bv the gislature was instanced, where instructions ported, that no person can De a ire enoiaer From the National Intelligencer, Dec. 17.T Tin: ANNUAL TR::ASUJIY REPORT. ; Tfie ahiHial report of the Seqgjtary of the Treasury was yesterday received by both Houses of Congress!. I'rom this re- Tr t it l rv Vint' fVki Pulhinfs m1 frln" . seventy-five thousand do lars. : The sub- Ireasury, in the year 1829, were, from , , , ra i , t- n, -..-! . . . iT i -i , , sequent reductions of the duties on Tea, . customs twenty-two milhoua six hundred rJrrj -i e n ' t t 'iooo i uv i . , Coffee and Salt, on the 1st January, 1832, and eighty-one .thousand, nine hundred ,;ir .iikUtKi u 1 . - a j ii i L . will prOQMmf lessen the usual importation and strive dorsandpinety-onecent; -sMi for the demand of 1831. fi-orn salos of pubhc.lands,one million five Bu- pf the circumstance8 iiijimicu ct . I ( i BCr:iicru iiicunauu vrut nun about six hun dred thousand dollars. ! The repeal of the duties on tonnage, which will take effect oil the 1st of April next ' will - further re duce tlie revenue of the next year,! about dred and se verity-rive do ceiits : from divicjends o; upor. couni the; cbuutfw ;nll be lars larul thirteen bank stock, tour hundred and ninety thousaudl dollars;. in by the enla tit 'uVzl cidt-ntrd receipts, one hnndred and thirty- L, s lv,lsyj eight thousand lour hundred jaiid. eighty- business, and th?vJ change with foreign in some degree bably in the annals of Legislation. tour num the the question casting vote of the speaker. ' On the same dav. Mr. Sawyer intro fhiced hill to estahlish a Hank on the tors ot Morgan. Un the question to DOSt funds of the State, ; the same which the Pone the Resolution indifinitely, the vote Senate, on1 the nreceedinf? dav. reiected. stood 88 to 33. Those who voted m the i w, i . p - j - - - Soon afterithe rendinir of it commenced. Mr XV TJ AirTivnm mnvid fnr Jt in- . ..v"-MeMr9 W.J. Alexander. E. Alexander, m mr m ; m dmm, mm m m mM W UM SWA W m I - m . ft f J. ;definitetpostponement,onthe ground that Rogle, Branch, Brown, Brower, Bnrrin, Callo- ine session was too iar aavancea to ma- way, carter, uiark, uoduon, uonneu, uowd, lio- ture a measure of so much importance. zier D1"111. Fdmonston. Fleming, Flowers, Foy, pe question, ,f postponement succor- l'llA duigly put and decided in the affirmative, Kendall, Larkins, Lawm, Little, LqrPu Love, Mullen, M Neil, were inven to the Attorney ueneral to commence an action against Xheabduc- mf without a title, and that persons with cer tificates, without a dead or grant from the State, have not a perfect title and are not freeholders within toe meaning of tho Constitution.' , :j ' James Harper has been elected Colo nel and S. D, VoTZf Major of Cayalryof the second Brigade.' ' FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. 95 to 47. I The. Senate, on the same day. 1 Mendenhall. Marshall. Mebane, Moore " i 1 , .i " f . .. ' lfn,nk. XfATo. Mri,- . m'f:n reconsiaereo tneir vote on tne rejection ot iu,vy " i?"?'" 1"'T ' .. .... , .. .- . I Orr. Pearoon. PeoDlea. Polk. Itand. Rlioc six dollars and thirty-four cents; making altogether; twenty-rour millions eight hun dred and twenty-seven thousand six hun dred and twenty-seven dollars and thirty eight cents. V " The receipts into the Treasury for the three first quarters of the present year, 18 3 ), were, from customs, seventeen millions two hundred and sixty-eight thousand one hundred and twenty-two dollars and seventy-four cents ; sales of lands, one .mil lion twohun.dred and ninetyrthree thou e jncreacapacity of this bill, and it uow lies upon their table, rtiif-yr- ;pll,v-u wiinoui any expectation or its Deing iur- ther acted upon at the present session. On the same day, after three ballotings, William A w.en, was elected Brigadier General of the 1 1th . Brigade, over his stic ex Ssantile uf ex-hich UV "n- , -trvties ot may be added the of with the British Colo dies, and on the Nort Pent.; public lands, will be improved by' the geu eral causes, which tend to fmprove that lrohi;the customs. i . ' From a yi ll these facts and . cir- retary estimates the Orr, Pearoon, Peoples, Polk, Itand, Rhode. Saw yeri Shipp, Singleton, Skinner, Snurgin, Stephens, Tathem, Uzzle, WadeswOrth, Watta, Weaver, White, S. Whitaker, J. WhitakeT, Witaon, Win ston, Wiseman, C. Woo ton, Worth, Wyche, Elli eon and Ziglar. 88. Those who voted in the negative were : ATny---Me88rs. Blair, Brooka. Bryan, Bu-b, Bv-I Duke of Welhngt num Cheoson, demons, Cooper, Cox. Frederick. I k. r.it,m.J t i . - 11:11' .J J ui.,o .v.. I competitors John Sloan and John H. Da vidson. Thef vote on the first ballottiug, Grandv, Goynn, Harper. Hilhard. Leonard, Lilly, Was Allen 26, Sloan 62, Davidson 56 : WMonk. Mcbolfon ,0'Brien, Phillips Pnreell, 1 A 411 ot r ' A O"u,noa" oioan, oiearaan, ciockara, owaoner. on the second Allen 81, Sloan 69, David son, 17; and on, the third, j (Davidson, being withdrawn) Allen 112, Sloan 67 In the Senate on the same day, two bills were reported; equal In importance to any which have engaged the- attention of . the Legislature. One authorising a IMPORTANT FOREIGN NEWS. Aew York. Dec. 27. One of the most important advices contained in the Eig ghsh papers, is the dissolution of the Min istry of the Duke of Wellington and tho formation of a new one from, tbe .leaders of the Whig party. A list of the new Ca binet will be found below. A sudden un popularity seems to have attached to the on. Among the mem- the present Parliament there is a powerful party in fat or ofscmo svstem of parliamentary reform. On the .Webb, Wheeler, w iihams, Willey, A. W. Woo- 2d of November, after the King's f petcii had been read in the House of Commons, a debate arose, in which the Duke of Wei- ten and fFright. 33. 1 1 1 J 1" sanu seven nunareo and nineteen .dollars an J twenty-seven cents four hundred and ninety cumstancefl,- receipts for t .ri831, at twentythree loan to the University, from the Literary m m - - m -m. m m m . - i m. . m m mm . m . - . bankdividends. rai'ons three hundred and torty thousand r und, or o,uuu, 10 De repaid witn mter- dollars, viz : trom customs, twenty-one est, and to ue secured Dy a lien on tne millions of dollars; lands, one million se- corporate property ot the lrustees. 1 he and particularly, withiu the State of North housand dollars; On Monday, in the House of Commons, a great portion of the day was spent in the consideration of the Resolutions here tofore submitteed by Sir. Btncm, in which the position is assumed, that under the Constitution, "Congress has not the right to prosecute works of Internal Improve- liugton boldly and frankly declared Lira self hostile to any project of reform what ever, observing that he had duly consider ed all which had been suggusted, but that he could not bring himself to a belief in tbe practicability or utility of any of them. II. s 'TnvssfvUjiripmm pifyhtv-fniir thmnennd IfWl and $76 and seventy-djrjn cents ; estima- v hundred thousand dollars ; bank divi- other having for its object, the creation of Carolina." ; ' Mr. Bynum delivered his ted receiots for the fourth Quarter, from aends, tour hundred and ninety tnousand . - 1 I : III' ' I. I J I lZC - a.1 ment within the jurisdiction of any State, speech was received with marks of strong all sources," five millions and thoulaud , dollar? ; making twenty-five altogether, twenty-four millions one hundred and six ; a n-ld, to be applied to the removal trom views, in a Speech upwards of three hours . - ty-o ie thousand and eighteen dollars and dredjand twenty-eight thpus .ud and six- seventv-nme cents. ' m- . I If the estimated receipts of the fourth quarter of the present year be correct, there ydl be a deficiency in the!re"vejnue of 1830, compared with that of 1829, of six hun- drnd Aiwl s'itTv-jiy thnussind kiy htmArvA and ei.rht doHars and firt-iiVne cftnts. eighty-one cents; 011 the f 1 joq nrA 1830. it was five millions seven hundred anA' and fifty-five thousand seven hundred and v T J V . IIJJIIIVIIO 1V1 VJ bllVU7U I1U three hundred nnd fiftv piirhf (dollars mrd "r dollars and seventy-nine fortv cents. The'expenditures of the three estimated balance on the; first of January, first quancrs of 1630. amount ta twentv will beibur millions eight hundred P ons seven hundred and eighty thou- aid nineteen thousand seven hundred and miscellaneous.1 one hundred and fifty thou- the State of free persons.of colour.; 1 his sand. The estimated expenditures for bill j provides, that for the next ten .years; 1831, are twenty-three millions two bun- a tax of eight cents, over and. above the I' ll -. ' I T- 'l ! 1-11 I L I ' l I I iax now iaia oy iaw,. De leviea ana col lected on i each taxable blaek poll 'within the State, to be accounted for by the She- mrm ! - . i ' 4 ': ' m rins, in like manner witn the other taxes ty-five dollars and eighty-six cents,1 inclu- 1- . 1 ii-'!' i . 1 " i 1 1 1 1 i amgjten minions 01 me puonc aeDi. The balance in the Treasury on the first of January, 1829, was five millions nine hundred and seventy-two thousand four hundred and thirty-five dollars and first of January, in lenghtj. and before he had concluded, the House adjourned. The Resolutions have not since been called up, but should a vote be taken, we are confident they will be rejected by a large majority. On the same day, Josepu Arrlngton was elected Brigadier General nfth17tt, r now imposed Dy iaw, ana 10 oe applied Brigade,-over Willib Whitaker and for the purpose above named. The TGo- Nath. T. Greene. There were two bal- vernor is to appoint an . ! if . 1 .1 ' Airent to disapprobation from the friends of reform. The friends of parliamentary reform, both in the house add out of it, were thrown by the declaration into a state of no small excitement. The city of London had made preparations forgiving a feast to the king on the 8th of November, and the peo ple determined on their part to take this opportunity to show their dislike of the ministers. The streets through which tho king was to pass were much thronged for oro days previous, and hand-bills con into' effect! the provisions of the act, -The obtain ' f . : i : u: ' . uuiuuni vi iai raiseu 111 cacu Jti7- 1uttl"g8 Wbih WC ha?e not been abJe to taining the mostviolent tirades against the m sand nine hundred and thirtysix dollars and .eighty-four cents; the estimated ex penditure for the fourth quarter of 1830, uiwwtiiii. 1 if u;ui luiiiiuiiB ouu ana 10 inou sand and four dollars and ninety-eight cents; making the wholej expenditures of 18-30, tweuty-five millions ninety-six thou sand nine hundred und fortyone dollars arid eighty-two cents. The expenditures for 1830 are, therefore, forty-seven thou sand four hundred and sixteen dollarsahd fifty-eight cents more than those for 1829. eiffhtv-one! dollars and seventy-six I cents. j 1 he Secretary states that the wu II I T 1 KJ be expended in such county, jas long as cents i the any i free black remain to be removed. 1 1. . The resolution directing our Senators and Representatives in Congress to apply to the General Government for assistance naviira- in re-opening Roanoke Inlet," passed the ing Resolutions : On Tuesday, in the Senate, the bill to establish a new county in the West, bv' l: ' v . . uie name 01 1 ancy, was rejected on its l third reading 33 to 28. In the House on the' same day7 Mr. Moore, of Surry, introduced the follow-1 Senate 36 votes to 21V after various at- ting interest employed in foreign commerce tempts to lay it upon the table and to' post and particularly in ! the carrying trade, pone it indefinitely. This is another in- nas sunerea a material depression ; auu he adds that that portion of the j carry ing trade, which is unfettered by naviga tion laws, i will necessarily fall into the hands of those who can est : and this falling o apprehend, that the navigate cheap- : i j vo a vuuvu v oeriontv hereto- Resolved by the General Assembly of North Carolina, that the representation of the people of this State, in both branches of the Legislature, under the present Constitution, is greatly unequal, unjust ana anu-repuoncan. Hesolved, that the Constitution ought to be amended, so that each citizen of the State shall have an equal share in the stance of the practical goodsense of the people of this State, as expressed through their Representatives. I he resources of North Carolina would be unequal to trie accomplishment oso momentous a work, right of representation, upon the princi- It is hoped, however that the . u. . Mates pies of free white population and taxation, will underteke it for us. and - thus 1 afford I fore claimed for American skill and econ- Us a fair opportunity of participating with I three-fifth nf nil nther' mrc..n'e The amount of public (debt! Daid in IS- omy,! in this pursuit, is yielding to more our neighbors in the commerce :. of the Re'tnlr-A: tlmt t iKp nPTt .lortmn for 29, was twelve millions three hundred aud fortunate rivalry, and suggests the expedi- world. And yet, though tins is a work Members of the Assembly, that tbe peo-eighty-three thousand eight hundred and excY of considering how far that interest decidedly,1 national in its character, some pie of this State who are entitled to yote ! sixty-seven dollars aiidseventy-eieht cents: may,i without injury to others, be relieved of our politicians say, "we had rather for Members nf th TTnti f Commons. tthe amount paid; and to be ppid, in 1830, from its depression.f - ; - ) lose the advantages of this undertaking be invited to yote at the said election, nance. is eleven millions three hundred and fifty- ! He recommends a number of important than be indebted for them to the Ueneral whether they are in favor of a Convention, Mr. R. Grant, Judge Advocate or Sec- M. mm.mmm mw m-m m m M m mtrm.m r W trm w m 1 tm . - I M ' n ,abh mmm. - A WW Mm. 11 -k A m m 1 . m . - - m, mT-m I AW ma m iourimusaiiuii nuuui cu auu. luiny uoi-1 modmcations in tne impost system, in con- i wuciiiujcm, . 11 is w.cu iur luiureior not, by wntiug on their tickets, con templation 6f 4the approaching crisis in, prosperity of the State, that a majority of veniion. or No Convention. the fiscal policy of the United States. our citizens think differently. Resolved, that the Sheriffs of each With regard to the tariff, the mo6t ma- i On Saturday, the House of Commons County in this State, or other returning terialallusion to it in thereport, is the re- were engaged almost the whole day in dis- ofiicers, be, and they are hereby directed, fj Mv W.ViWHAiy I tlltftli SUVUIU WWMQ wwuw. UMWM ww y v tUIUiVUlUbVlT iUVVl UlCUvJU HUUtWU MVVMWii . . . ministry, with exhortations to violence, were dispersed. NEW ENGLISH MINISTRY. The following is the formation of tho Ministry : .. Lord Grey, First Lord of the Treasury. Marquis of Lansdown, President of Council. Mr. Brougham, Lord Chancellor. Lord Altborp, Chancellor of .the Ex chequer and leader of the House of Com mons. Lord Palmerston, Foreign Affars. Lord Holland, Duchy of Lancaster. Sir James Graham, 1st Lord of the Ad mirality. . Lord Melbourne, Home Office. Mr. Charles Grant, Board of Control. Lord Durham, Privy SeaL . Lord Godericb, Colonies. Marquis Anglesea, Ireland. Mr. Stanly, Secretary for Ireland. Duke of Richmond, Matter of the Ordi- he public debt on lars and nine cents. . The total amount of the first of January 1830, was forty-eight milhonSihve hnndred and 8ixty-hve thou sand four hundred and six dollars and fif- retary of War. Mr. Denman, Attorney General. . Mr. Horne, Solicitor General. '. Lord Hill, Commander-in-Chief. Lord Auckland, of tbe Board of Trade. The Duke of Devonshire, Lord Cham- i t ) r r 1 t f 4 -i t ft r v A