- -----i--. " : - ' ; ,i - '"J'jiH - I.' ' . ' i- . ! . ! . ;;: 1 - -!. ' II.,':' ' ' " j'v Hi' :'' 1 ' ' ; modus. V .j.:;-.-'.;.--'-':-.-r. ' ; ;r;: j --' 'M '-1. : ' . -. .- ; ! ; ' j . . .: - :; .: - .. - . j ; ' - . .. ..; j; ;!f - :: 'j - . . - . A Ml! l E S TE II ABII1T1 S E VOLUME I. RUTHERFORDTON, SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 29, 1831. NUMBER 50. : -'I J' : ! li ' v. ,' ' ':. t .-. i . '. - Jilhiil i 'I ' .'PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY EVENING BY KOSWELLELMER, Jr. . Terms of subcrintion Two dollars and fifty rents, per annum, if paid in advance ; or three dol lars, if paid within the year: but if delayed after year, twenty-five cents will be the close dfi the added. No paper will be discontinued until particularly ordered and all arrearages paid, or at the discre-f tion of the publisher. l i Advertisements inserted on the usual terms. All persons advertising will please note the num? PLEASANT RETREAT ACADEMY. XiXITCOZiriSOZT, Z7. C. nil HETrustees of this Academy take pleasure .UJ , in announcmc is me duduc, mai me exer- cisesof this institution have closed for 'the present year, under the tuition ot jar.! Jjenjamm 33. J3M with much satisfaction to all concerned; and that they will be again resumed, under his care.'on tne iirst Monday in January next. .! 31r. Lite, since j his residence at this place, having devoted his whole attention to teaching, we believe no one has ever surpassed him in regular attendance, and that few STATE LEGISLATURE. CAPTIONS; OF THE LAWS Enacted by the General Assembly bf North Carolina at ils session in 1830-5 1: PRIVATE ACTS. : 1 An act to alter the time and ofj elections in Hertford county .. j ' 2. Concernidg the town of Oxford. 3. Extending! the provisions of the ; r u.. i:c j A i, n i i ber of times they wish to have them inserted, or of Literaturerwhictare usually taught in such In- act of (Chapter 1 14, to prevent the they will be continued and taxed accordingly. e LIST OF LETTERS, Remaining in the Post-Office at Ruthirfordton, on the 1st of Jan., 1831 : aiid if not toJcenoutin three months, they wilt be suit to the General, Post-Of fice, as dead tetters Allen James . lleiyiett John Wanton Jeremiah , Blackwell James Claiborne D. Philip Carsoa M'D. Joseph Crow James Carson John Gen. Carter William ' Collins John Clark Moses , . Dews Thomas, DeVenport Johiii Dickey Anthony Davis Sarah! . Dean Catharine Franklin George Fisher Jacob Forte nberry James & John Baber i Edwards C. M. Joode Martha GufFey John (iilkey Jane Hill Priscilla ' Hills Iiobert Harry II. John Harrison Rebecca Hnggins P. Polly Jolly James & VVm. , Jenkins Jesse Johnson Lewis 6c others King Noah j Lyles James Love D. Messrs. Xedbetter Barzilla i Mahew Wm. 4 Morehead Elias Mdrchison Kenneth . M'Farland James - Melton Dicy J Melton Linsey 4 1 2 Melton Daniel i Melton Sarah - Melton Wm. ; Melton Spencer Melton T. Eli. I Mitchel Wm. 4 ( Metcalf Warner 1 t Metcalf Lewis" J Mauney P. John' J M'Cluer Levi Nodine John i Nolens M. Winslow f Osburn Littleton Porter David 5 Peacis Henry Esq.: itightJob v ; Revis Morgan t ! y Richardson , R. Hyram V Swain L. David J Salisbury & Simpson i y Sutton Mary , . i Sweesey John &Elijali 4 Thompson Wm. I i fTredwellJohn i Tredwell Reubin Vickers Ann i Walker David I ) Williams Lewis I Wallace James ; ( Whitesides John York Maryarin stitutwns. This Academy is situated m one of the railing oi timber in, or oinerwise obstruc- most healthy villages in the western part of North ting the run of Rocky river in a portion Carolina, where boarding can be ?btned in good of Chatham , y and respectable families, either in town or in the . , -J ' noo adjoining country, on moderate terms. . i Amending the act of 1828, to ap- j The prices of tuition, per session, will beas fbl- point commissioners on a part of the road lows, viz l! ij -,r. tin., rom Morganton to Avery's turnpike road. I English Grammar, and Geography, ; $7.50 ; i Latin & Greek languages & Sciences; 10.00 ; By order of the Board of Trustees j 42. 1 Incorporating the Mtirfrecsboro .82. Authorising the county court of Academy. Stokes to. regulate the compensation of' 43. ; For.the better regulation of the court officers; townof Edenton. . ' B3. Amending the act of last session, 44. Authorising the commissioners of to incorporate the Lake Drummond and Hillsborough to sell all or so much of the Orapeake Canal Company. .1 . - . O I f i in. ri mcMje' town commons as tney may mink proper. incorporating tne uorcas 2oacty 40. ; rorine oeurr regulation oi toe in ijiiiucui viry, county courts of Anson. ; j 85. Amending the act of 1820, au- 46. Making valid certain official acu thorising the county court of Rutherford of Ezekiel Brown, surveyor of Davidson to bold a court of probate. ' county, and Joshua Wilson, entry taker 6G. Establishing a superior court of of said county. . . i law ana court ot equity in niacon coaniy. 47. For the better regulatjon of the Fair held near Laurel Hill, in Richmond county. 40. JAMES P. HENDERSON, Secretary 'j r I .1 . . I . . 5.' Authorising the couutv court Ofonnarapionioerapioy a person loirans- T.ini to rioc;,oto fU;ma Za CTbe a part of the record! of said court. in said county where j personal property 67. Authorising; Aquilla Day, a freo person of color, to reside in this State. 83. - Repealing the act of 1829, to di Authorising the county court of vide the regiment of Macon county. cj. incorporaunguie uunatnfcionana Windsor Turnpike Company. IKJ. Appointing commissioners to c-j December' 6, 1830. 45 6w. .11 to i Vacate Grant State of North Carolina, . Rutherford County. Superior Court of Law, October Term, 1830. James J. Hoyt, John WardYh .M : and William Ward - V I Petition and sci. fa vs. , V i Waitman Dishuroon and I Michal Hawkins. I T appearing to the satisfaction that Waitman Dishuroon one of the defend ants,resides beyond the limits of the State : It is therefore Ordered by Court, that publication be made six weeks in the North Carolina Spectator j and VVestern Ad vertiser,that unless the said' de fendant appear at the next term: of said Superior Court, to be holden in ftutherfordton, on the third Monday after the fourth Monday in March next, that Judgment will be taken pro cofesso against him. i 1 ii I Copy Teste. JAMES MORRIS, CVk. ' Nov; 18, 1830. 426w ; pr. adv. $2.50 shall be sold. 6. Repealing part of the act of 1628. to improve the navigation of creeks and rivers in Sampson county. i - 7. Amending the act to alter the time of holding two ofthe county courts of Lin coln. i i ! : ' i '. i' ' . 8 49. Incorporating Climons Academy, in Pitt county; c50. Incorporating the Jlurfreesboro' Academy. ; ' - - 51.' Amending the tact of 1629, to appoint a committee of finance for Samp son county. . . I 52. Authorising the, justices of the peace of Sampson to purchase a tract of perintend the building of a court house in liurke county, and for other purposes. -91. Amending the act of last session, for the better regulation of the town of Washington. 92., Concerning the county courts of Orange. ' 93. Altering the time of holding two 9. Altering the j time : of holding the county courts of Ashe. . , .j s - m . 10. Concerning the poor of Chatham. 11. Authorising j Major John Clark, or him and his associates to build 'a toll bridge across Pungo river. . 'U S- , 12. Repealing the act of 1823, ! con cerning the public lands in J lay wood county, so far as respects buildings on 47 3w I . , GEORGE WALTON, P. M. Rutherlbrdtori, Jan. 1, 1831. I ' . I' COIf AB-TNERSHIP. THE nadersigned have this day entered in to copartnership in the TAILORING BUSI NESS. : ' .:t They respectfully inform their friends and the citizens of this and the adjoining counties, that they will be always ready to execute any order in theij line of business, at the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. They deem it unnecessai rv to fipeak of their abilitv. Thev flatter themi selves, however, that by their long practice th? f lacilities they have'of obtaining the latest fashions! ! i u:- ; i i ti .i -ii ! miu men uuusxaui cAenions iq piea5e,inai meywiil receive a due share 'of the. public patronage. They will occupy, as a shop, a room oyer Twit- ty Jsc Miller's Store. ' i ' . VALENTINE MQONEY 'Y': '-.'(. JAMES V. JAY. . !. .. Rutherfofdton; Jan. 3, 1831. - State of North Carolina, ' i j Rutherford County i ' Superior Court of Law, October Term, 1830. James J. Hoyt, John WardVi jj and Wifliam Ward, I Petition and sci. fa. 1 1 i ' l. i I to George Russel and j ? S i Vacate Grant, John VThitesides. J f!l I . r IfT appearing to the satisfaction ofthe Court that, 11 George Russel one of the, defendants, resides beyond the limits ofthe State :! It is therefore Or dered by Court, that publication be made six weeks in the'North Carolina Spectator and Western Advertise-that unless the 6aid defendant" appear at the next Term of said Court, to he holden in Ruth erfordton, on the 3d Monday after the 4th Monday in March next, that Judgment j wiil be . taken pro coniesso against him. hi i ' A i Copy Teste. JAMES MORRIS, CVk Nov. 18, 1830. i 42 6w proyide f for summoning the Carolina, NOTICE; fOvN the 2nd Monday of February at 12 o'clock CK a meeting will be held at the Court House .- in Rntherfordton, to organise a Sunday School Uni . on for this county. The immense benefits derived Irom tnose Schools elsewhere, in advancing the intelligence and improving the moral character of . the rising generation, must be known to all, and the advantages to be derived from such an associa ciation consist in the increasel facility of procuring and distributing information xf the! best modes of conducting such schools, and books adapted totheir se in systematic efforts toestablish schools in des titute places-T-an giving aid to the feeble and stimu lating all by visitations from committee of the society. For lack of those, advantages many at , tempts to establish schools have proved ineffectual, : and schools established have been less useful than they, might have been those engaged in the schools started in this county, although greatly .. encouraged by the success of their-labors, have deeply felt the necessity of such a Unton. At their request this notice is given and all ; who have r the future welfare of this community or the cause of religion at heart, of whatever denomination, are most cordially invited to attend the meeting, take . State of North ! i ;.. Buncombe County. Superior Court of La.w October Term, 1830. j j John Roberts ) ! vs. Petition for Divorce. . j Agnes Roberts. S ' HkP ; - It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant, Agnes Roberts, is nft an inha bitant of this State; It is ordered that publication be made tor three months in the Kaleigh oar and RunAr.n e iqoi ipeaceoit crease the n hmhpr of inrnr in iKa snnpri- ana, ana erect tnereon suiiame ounamgs c vuu.uy tuuni liuuicnyiu. ot?' or court, of'Lincoln.i t i for the poor. ! . . , .j -' U4. Providing for the compensation ' oi. l or the oetter regulation ot the oi certain jurors in uaywooa county, county courts of Hay wood. 95. To improve the navigation of Ntw 54. Authorising the county courts jd( Hope river in the counties of Chatham Jones to appoint a committee of j finance, aud Orange. 55. Ameadingthelst and 4th sections 96. Amending the octonSliMo prc of the act oflast session, to authorise the vent obstruction offish up Neuse river, colliity courts of Franklin to appoint war- 97 Incorp01" Williams Acadc dens.of the poor, and to' build a poor and rny in Martin county. workhouse. J ; i. Making it tne duty oi tne snerms 56. To prevent obstructing the pas- of Surry, Gates, and Beaufort to notify sage of fish up the Pedee and Main Yad- persons ofthe day on which their land will kin rivers. 1 J be Void for taxes. 57. Concerning those persons who are 99 Amending the act of last . session interested in the beach and marshy lands concerning fishing in the waters of Blount's in Currituck county. i creek. 5So Authorising the county courts of 1W). To prevent the falling of timber Lincoln, Haywood, Brunswick, Pitt, Ma- " the Reedy trork of Haw river, in Guil con, Northampton and Hyde to appoint ford county. committees of nuance. ; 101 Incorporating the While Oak 59. To extend the provisions of the act 1 urn pike Company id Unslow county. of loll, establishing a poor house in Or ange county. 60. Authorising James II. Martin and William Hough to build, a gate across the road leading from Wadesborough to Du mas's Ferry.t; I I ' '61; : To prevent the jfallinff of timber I pr. adv.2.50. said lands. 13. To original venire to the county courts of Randolph,Rockingham,Buncombe,Bnlns wi'ek and Chatham in future. 'V- '' 14. To prevent the. falling of timber in, or obstructing the channels of certain water courses in Lincoln couuty. . . v ' 15. To prevent the falling of timber in, or otherwise obstructing the run of Old Sarum creek or Bennet s creek in Gates county, i I ! : .4 : ! I 16. Incorporating the City Guards, of Raleigh.1 . , 'V: '.' : ; 17. Repealing part of the act of 1829, to provide for the compensation of jurors for the counties of Beaufort,' Onslow, TTv1 Ancnn P!rkliimttua nnrl riiirtliri 1. Concerning the county courts of ; M Iredell j' 'f - ' i in Kandolpli county. - 19. ' Concerning the county courts of p3' Imposing additional taxes on suits Rowan.! I i ; - ; t -' at law and in equity in tqe county of-Ro- ) 20. 'Annointinff an additional nlace of beso for the payment of jurors' of theori- Dublic sale in Rutherford coiintv. &n&) Te"ire 1,1 8a,d countv- 102 Amending the act oflast session. to compensate jurors for the counties of Beaufort, Onslow, Hyde, Anson, Colum-. bus and Duplin, so far as respects Ons low county. - 103 Concerning the payment of jurors in Martin county; Western Advertiser, that the said Agnes Roberts county. Z. Establishing and incorporating Hickory- Grove Academy, in Edgecombe annear at the next Snnerior ConrtofIaw to be held for the county of Buncombe, at the Court House in Asheville, on the 2nd Monday after the 4th Monday in March next, then and there to an swer; plead or demur to the petition filed against her by John Roberts,, or the same will be taken pro confesso, and heard ex parte!.! -Witness, Joshua Roberts, Clerk of said Court, at .Office, the 2nd Monday after the 4th Monday in beptember, lc5U. ml . . J. ROBERTS, Clerk. 43 3m . Pr. adv. $4 50. State of North Carolina, Buncombe County. Superior Court of Law October term, 1830. Alexander Henry 1 ii i I rs. Petition for divorce. Happy Henry, , S IT appearing to the satisfaction ofthe Court, that the defendant is not an inhabitant of this State, it is ordered that publication be made for three months in the Raleigh Star, anch North Car- an interest in.the management ofthe Society and A olina Spectator, that the defendant, Happy Hen unite their efforts in this work of Benevolence. ryl appear at the next Superior Court of Law, to -By order of the Rutherford Sunday School Soci- be held for the county of Buncombe, at the Court ety. - House in Asheville, on the 2d Monday after the W. H., WALTON, Secretary. 4th Monday in March nextj then and there to Rutherfordton, J uly 3, 1831 . - - plead, answer or demur to the petition filed N. B. Should the Court Room meeting may be held in the Secre! the Sunday School library, may 22. Authorising afc election to. be held at Onslow courthouse. , : , . ; 23. Repealing the act of 1829, to' di vide the regiment in Macon county j J 24. Concerning the poor of Stokes county, j I : ' :,.'"': ' : 25. Appointing commissioners, for and incorporating the town of- Rockford. 26. For the better regulation . of the town of Wilhamston. i " -j" 27. Establishing and incorporating the town of Gatesville, in , Gates1 county, i 28. Establishing a poor house in War ren countyj i , ' 29. Incorporating the Wiuton Ferry iompany. . x lv- '-: . ! 30. Amending the act of 1824, ; to ap point commissioners for the townof Clem inonsville. j j ' ' 31 Incorporating an academy in the town ot ISath. 63 Preveritins obstructions to the pas- sage offish up Neuse-river, Brice's creek and Trent river. f ii .'.64.' .Exempting .certain persons in Beaufort county from serving as jurors' of the original pan nel. ' 65. Repeahng the act of 1825, to' re gulate the patrol of Lenoir couuty. 104 - Exempting from the corporate laws of the town of Halifax certain lots -lying beyond the chartered limits of said town. 105' Authorising the justices of the peace of Moore county to compell officer therein narried to hold their offices at or near the court house. . 106 Incorporating a Light Infantry Company iaNewbern. ( 107 To alter the tiro holding the Su perior Courts of Law and Equity for the counties of Carteret," Onslow, Lenoir and Cravan, and to lengthen the term of Cra- GG. Authorising the 1 countv court of Tan feupenor i ourt. . Gates to appoint wardens'of the poor, and 108 Amending the act, entitled an act to build a poor and work house. to amend an act to establish and regulate 67. Incorporating the Greenville Fe- a turnpike rood in the county of Haywood, male Academy. ' to be called the Tennessee Uivcr Turn- 68. Relative to allowing county claims pike Road, passed in 1826. in Richmond county, i 109 Establishing and incorporating 69. Enlarging the capital stock ofthe Springfield Academy, in Wake. Plymouth Turnpike Company. 110 Repealing in part the act of 1609, 70. Repealing the 2d section ofthe act chapter 70, entitled an act requiring a of 1802, to limit the term of office of cer- majority ofthe acting justices of Wayne tain officers therein named, and amending said act. I i . 7L Repealing a part of the 3rd sec tion ofthe act of 1824, to amend an act and Montgomery to be present in certain cases. Ill More effectually to preveot the depredations of runaway slaves, and tt 32. f Authorising the county courts of ,he annual elections in Hyde county. passed in 1813, altering and regulating promote their npprtliension, in the coun Gates to appoint wardens of the poor, to tlemen will be enabled by inspection to appreciate 'the value of the booka prepared for the use of those Schools, adapted to the understandings of all ages usually attending, and which are loaned to - the children during the week as rewards of dilligencel INFORMATION. A LETTER was received sometime since, at JX. the Post Office in this town, directed to Mr. Ezekiel Ambrose. Mr. Ambrose having left the countythe letter was not taken out f the Office and was consequently sent to the General Post Of- ljce as a dead letter. The head of that Department has examined and sent back said letter, with in . structions to the Post Master to tnkfi measures to deliver the letter to the person to whom it is ad dressed and obtain his receipt ; as it was written by Mr, Harvey and Mrs. Johana MathewsUnd or iginally mailed at Boston Mass. &i, although the let ter is without an inclosure, yet as it is frrmi Mrs: Mathews it is supposed to be very interesting to Mr! Ambrose. Mr. A. at the present time, is supposed to be engaged in the gold mines of Mecklenburg! Cabarrus or Davidson counties in this state, and w hereby requested to come forward and take out s'd letter and pay necessary charges or it will be re turned to the General Post Office after fortv davs ' GEO. WALTON, P.M.' Rutherfordton, Dec. 30, 1830. 1 46 tf WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. HE Subscriber having been re-appointed by JL the Court as STANDARD KEEPER, fbr the County of Rutherford, is now ready to attend ro me auues oi nis omce. ; i be occupied the against ner oy Alexander Henry, or tne same will Duild a poor and work house, .and tor Othr laiy'a room,where- ?ett P conlesao and heard ex parte. . y er purposes. ; ; i ' " "iH be seen, and gen- !'"' ua iwunuI vK ui Bam voim, 1 1 A ,j n. iqoq u I A M L1Z M. L. 11 I it m I n " 4.1 iL 1 -. I ' ITlMm '. y- I I 1 f I 1 1 I I I 1 u i iir- ni .L IJI L 3 - III 1 ! I Hi. UIDCB. LIlc jbDCI IflOIlllilV alLcf LflK 4in iiinnflav in I i " ww.t- . t' September, 1630.' f UM . V. : . 43 3m J. ROBERTS, Clerk. Pr. adv. $4 50. point commissioners on the rdad from Wa tauga, in Ashe State of North Carolina, . ! ' S t i Buncombe County. Superior Court of Law, October Term, 1830. Sarah Wicaser, 1 ! j! v 1 rs. ' Petition for Divorce. ' jrjuigv w ivucKui j - j j ; IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant is not ah inhabitant of this State: It is Ordered, that publication be made for three months m jne Kaleigh Register, and North ii 34. to the head of s river, in Amending the 4th section jof the county, Burke. act of, 1816, chapter 94, appointing trus tees for the; Trenton Academy. 35. l7- I 36. gulate 37. Concerning strays in Macojicoun- Repealing the act of 1625,jjto'. re he patrol of Lenoir pounty j Td amend the act of ljy, TZ. Kepcaltnz the act of IVZV. enti- tied an act to'repeal so much of an act, passed in 1310, as prevents any person from working seines, skimming with nets, or of setting nets in Tar river above the mouth of Fishing creek. 73.j Authorising Daniel Graham to erect a gate across the road leading from Fayetteville to .Tarborough. " '. 74. Supplemental to the act of 1826, for the better regulation of the town of Concord. ; i 75. tics of Unslow, Jouct, Lraren, Ivrooir, New Hanover, Brunswick and Carteret. 112 To compel owners of slaves to keep white persons on their plantations in certain cases in tho counties of Bruns wick and New Hanover. , 113 Giving to the tuperior courts of Moore original and exclusive jurisdiction in all cases where the intervention of a jury is nccessarry. - 114 To prevent slaves from attending muster or election grounds in the counties-. Ilanover, Sampson, OleJow, au- of New m W j 9 . w TftnrB rmrsn lnntr. Worn r!riAt( IncorobratmgtheFayettevmeRail Tnfcton TtrtmJrk ,mr? rrr;tvv Road company, ; 115 . Anpointimr commission ers to 70. t or the relief of such -persons as L.: La ir- . j r .v- CaroUna Spectator, that the) defendant .George fthonsing the county court of .Burk to ap- may sutler from the destruction of the re- j 0f port Deflancel across Wicaser, appear ai to he held for the Court House in to plead, answer or demur to the petition filed a- Gap of the fcoutu Mountain. j 4 4. incorporating w oodville Acaoe- HQ To amend and enlarre the char- superior courts in the counties of Moore, -78. Directing the' 'sheriff of Macon Montgomery and Anson. ; 1 . county to pay over certain monies therein 39. ; Reducing the number of jurors to mentioned. ' lar off roads inthecountyof Macon tofive 79. For the encouragement of Light gainst him by Sarah Wicaser, ;or . the same will be taken pro confesso, and heard exparte. i Witness josnua tiooens; uierKoi saio court, at OSBce, the 2nd Monday after the 4th Monday in September, 1830. ' " - ROBERTS, Clerk. 42 3m X Pn adv. $4.50 T I ter ofthe Mattamuskeet Lake Canal Com pany, granted to said company in 182&. NOTICE. THE several kinds of grass seeds purchased ai the freeholders. 40. Amending the act oflast session, North, by and for the use of the members of the for the better regulation of the town of . . m a A ' let . m Kuthertora Agricultural ooctety, nave oeen rtr cticcd and are ready for delivery to those interested. By order of the Corresi oecretary. . January, 7. 1831. i j ; Murfreesborouch: , "41. . For the better government o f the I town of E izabeth City, y Infantry, Cavalfy, Artillery or Rifle com panies in Hertford county. KU. Concerning the'mihtia ot lrcaeii county. ' ! ol. Incorporating the Fayettemie t e- male School of Industry. RESOLUTIONS. 1 "Resolution in favor of Solotaoa Green. k 2 In favor of Wm. Robardf, Public Treasurer. . 3 In favor of Samuel Reid. , 4 In favor of Duncan BUck. i JOHN LOGAN. 1 1 2 f i I i hum . 1

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