i r. it 5 W . .'. A' . ; v; EQDMM . Hi ' J ATTdDER A IB IETE1 N A BY EE T I 13 ffi.. -i .'t VOLUME I. RUTHERFORDTON, SATURDAY -XUaiBER 5L (Bill . ' v.- - v- ' .1 i i i 1 11 PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY EVENING BY IIOS WELL ELMER, Jr. Terms of subscription cent lars Two dollars and iifty PLEASANT RETREAT ACADEMY. xincoLUTorj, n. c. ; HE Trustees of this Academy take pleasure in; announcing to me puDiicr that the exer- AMERICAN I STE3TO GRAPHIC AnriDXSPTg, BY M. T C. GOULD PHILAIELPHIA. MORAL AND RELIGIOUS. t! . N l" ComrnraxttatlOTT. SUNDAY SCHOOLS. it a Sunday-School Library, and so suecet s fal has the expedient proved, that a library lias now iccome an, almost indispensable Uxirarf, from the Sixth Annual RiportSSnZ XL' L .17" r I 'T.. fc ..J... w T T I " w mM r v t ts, per annum, if paid in advance ;. or three dol- cises of this institution have closed for the present U ited the principal citfes and cilleeea in the , ii paid within the veaf: but if delaved after I war nnri tha tnitinn Itt prti, TX.r crrv I .' . , .r, . . a JJr ' .... . i L", . , v inai they, will De again resumed, under his care, on Hon ot numerous respectaou inaivHuals,' in. vari- ..r - r . o paper yiU be discontinued until particularly the first Monday in January next, Mr. Dye, since ous partsofthe country, t propote a plan for "'HAT MANNER OF CHILD SHALL TniS ordered and all arrearages paid, or at the discre- his residence at this place, having devoted his whole communicating a knowledge of his rt to 11 those BE?',' is a question; which in many most tionoi the publisher. , , - -i-t-J attention; to teaching, we believe noonehaaever who may consider it worth theif 'attention, , but important bearinfrs 19 - ordinarilv settled Advertisements mserted .on the usual terms surpassed him in regular attendance, and that few who from their remote situation; cannot ei.joy the SJlfKf7 m. ,SUu, auvemg wui piease naie id? num- y any, a? bettfitqnabfieito twluJUWbranches benefit ofhis personal instruction. Im , j -V V I rTi j CTeat and VCrv ramd while Uic varirtY u lr of times they wish to have them inserted, or of literature, vhich arfe usuallv taucht insuchln- The svstem. a knowledge of vrtiirfi it iVnronn,. Tell US if a mother's eye follows, and P.1 n.nu Vr7 raPa w.DUe arirT7 w" been exceedingly important to our busi ness. Ihder the former system, every child wio was rewarded, received the hookas nis own, and thus the actual con sumption of the stock of books was very . A . a stitutions, This Academy W situated in one of the ed to communicatej may be considered tie! stan- a mother's hand restrains, the wayward- IW,Iltru', " W1U1 . VB " most healthy villages in the western part of North Idard of American StesocraphW it ii almoat f i,;., :nfoTn... ;r mofl,c reversed: the variety demanded, is - great 1VO irfcrA tfTK'TT'UV Carolina where boardinff can be obtained in ffood the onlvplan used in the United States and U . J i - . i nnJ tli rnnsnmntion slow -two or LhfCft v -.mm.., UnHrnaptum;!; ;.i.j.;nm.n , i Uuk.r.L- .i i 7. nravers are sent ud to neaven ior tties-i r t t r. - 7 npHEsubscriber, adjoin all&",2r nnTSSS Jinsoa his childhood and youUi-Tell CW of each book bemg sufficent for a anfoK hiving SdiedSte neSoS , The Pf option, per session, will be asfoi- large EdiLts, and has beePn receniy rSuc'h im- us ff his early footsteps aredirccted to the ffM?1 ofseferal hundred children- That SSSS lil lows,vi?S:-.:r ;. , i.hl J - ; Pved, stereotyped, and embellishel wit? seven. rnfw nnA nnrlnv School- -nd if his thisdiange is exceedingly prejudiaal O the r -.-a Mw,.vfc fuMuu Keaoing,, writing ana Antnmetic,- jo.uu; teen new copper plate engravings, ilust, alive of , , , , j DeCUliar? interests Of the iSOCJCtr. and that : J a - " -e rr" . i ; Xjukiisu virtuniiiir,-aiiu ueocrapiiy, cs.ou; I me meorv. it (. i : j -m o uic uauv.u nu wiimwivu i , j . 1 1 1 Ta rnnii m v v n T-n urn rm r tt r n " . . -o . orbed by ou id under otl tly obvious. ."v Reading,AVriting and Arithmetic, 1 - - n w . .. , . . n J rt..,.. , , as r uaiinea lor general practice lakes this me- Latin : Hrppk lflnmiatpa Spucps .6in no .1..1 i...J l 1 T J"" iuuu ui icuutrmg nig rroiessionai cervices 10 ms uy order of the Board ol trustees.1 friends and the public as a PHYSICIAN and SUR 'trfJOAorhbining when necessary, the old and now System together ; but, with the'weight of con fidence in the Thompsonian System. ' ' 48 4wp ; .' HUGH QUIN. Nea Lincolhton, Jan. 10, 1831.; A : : AOTICK. A LL persons are hereby forbid to purchase a irSL NO TE, given by me to David Hardin, for JAMES P. HENDERSON, Secretarv. December 6, 1830. ; , i I . 45 6w. ; i State of North Carolina, Rutherford County. Superior Court of Law,: October Term. 1830. James J.jHoyt, John Ward ' - and William Ward ; Petition and scl. fa. i A riTr frv.1- vrrlll MAt-M U a. Sfl t I Vkr 1 Via nriirilnfMci . rvT tVin t1l A Itlneo -i -t rl I u vilj uiuus nuiiv v in uiioliiulc lliC u is lliree U Mill UVVd XJL ajiuiv VlUO UUUI .fi1 1 1 - it numbersofawntemplatedseriesofprindietfurM. Unnrt.inrv. nnH with t!i mimsM mm . iai mMl-w WSorocaDy our Dusmess man or periodical numbers,' to be published 1 weekly, Lju . e r.,;t,f.,l .;;o. f would be nirded and sent, through the medium of the ma,' .br,t Pe an Pjayers of a faithful m nister of u . I bA4 juwau r M xyaiAoy uva etitAii vvAtitvr under otlicr circumtan- It would Ve difBcult to imagine any or is. i Waitman Dishuroon and I Michal Hawkins. erwise, to each subscriber, till a thorouirli kn'owl- Or? nrfk nf f ni4 ho1T Uatta tvtnn AAmmnniA Ia.I I n Vllt ' miCmtttM c? AAnAA t t r fit A AflMlktoV It will be the object of these Leetaresihot oily Lr h;9 nlm ? Knt nnV . lUmnot kan,zatloIlir arrangement better adapted to convey to each individual a complete i practical t . ,i..MA:n than ours, to secure and extend Ibe bene- knowledge of. Short-band Writmgutj rint bethe ub ject of true moral edu GxkotasZdaSthoolLibrarv. Tor, out .the most e igible way to empbyit aua Lbor a smgle hour without being impressed and . fcWc aim ume saving memoa, lor acquiring oir?r useiuu eievatea as a moral Deuiff. Ana so ueep . . . ' . , . ,. . . 1 . -r.:. I . O I it la trn I Irnilrn flint thl si fH t nHirirlll U Knowieage, oy penorming, in mnuxus aau xiiours, and enduring are the faintest imnressions " " M w- . ! : otlierwi that which must weeks. Should the above plan succeed use require , W and which influcnce makeSj lh to whom the kismets of pubbsh.ng is com ucceed,as theJl Lrea. are among the last to fade from the mem- nmted arc ejected, id equal numberf, ese periodicariumbers ory; . , , fom four denominations. . Assuming it to be desirable that such Not a sentence or a word bears the So until at least three rocra- L-ii -r i hers of this Committee certify, in writing, to Vnr.ito fJrartt ine amount 01 1 weniy-eigni dollars ; as saia note .was obtained by a conspiracy while ! was drinking and I never intend to pay said note. . - U that Waitman Dishuroon one of th defend- . 48 3wp NELSON TURNER, I ants, resides beyond the limits of the State : It is I80? to believe it may, these periodical umbers ivuuienuiu, jan. iu, wi.' a tnereiore Urdered by Court,! that publication be WUI oe.conunuea monuny, ai one uouarrper an- rrk 4 rtT i nmrtv made wceks m North Carolina Spectator num under the following tiUe, to wit: 5 3j fTflHE subscriber respectfully informs -the pub- tendant appear at tne next term ol said Supenor Of Arts, Science, and Useful Literature. P"1" UUI uiauuu, wiw,.huiu a6, , . hnrc read it and that thfY ap- II fliofr Via nAntinnAo o , I Hon ft . to hfi hoWp II 1 n 1? lithprfirrl tnn tn tho third I i Thp nhioft this urArt .will ko a f,...!.-!. in I n rifl r I rriimstft rAA. Will M TTnt 1 1 K r I V tft I . J . - . T. . COACH MAKING, in its various branches at his Monday after the fourth Monday in .March next, numbers, to the rising generation, -a Wmiaturc yield to it : and supposing ourselves to be uur u". 1 i.. extensive establishment in LincolnfonXMain street, that Judgment will be taken pro cofesso against Encyclopedia,' or General Cabinet, embracing ia I assembled to determine what system of deliberate and unanimous approbation iai.uuisc iiwuuiscYiew w rpiHwic oi uie.mosii; ,, i i r A .i oi.ine commuiec at some siaicu mecunr interesting topics ofthea-e, with the exception of means shall be employed for this end,!, ,. religion aSd politici As a matter of great conven- could we conceive of any system better fit- ; ' - - - - - - - v jence, the contents of each page mil be .denoted ted to the exigency of the case, than that '-' c,u lu . oy appropriate, words mine margin-to which mar- wn:cu- tiip AMpRICv strvnvv scnooi rvi- aocrs crai-moniuiy. ginal words, a: general index will be framed upon wmctt the AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL I M- Though the number of this committee JFA'CoS on; has been endeavoring, for six years to bcertenlar!rcd durins'Uie last Tear. lumiBuing 10 eacn reaaerrfm miaiiiDie Key to tne i esiauiisu ana exxeiia, inrougn me wona. i . . . . v . , ri-t ivhiAri Ia rTw-V I fill i. " II 1 ' 1 tne unnciDles ot itsoriraiuzauon ana rules J f"-" .j.-Li us way I I nR D TP SPIl I ITlfim f lit Will IM flCUiniPU 1 . . " a few doors west of the Court House), where he has considerable work finished, arid a number of hands iri his employ, both in the wood, blacksmith and other branches of the above business. Mail Coaches, Stages and Carriages of almost every de scription arp kept on hand, or made to order on the shortest notice. Repairing of every description in the aboveliue, punctually attended to. ' 43Cw M, C. PHIFER. : Ltncolnton, Jan 10, 1831. A him Copy Teste. Nov. 18,1830 JAMES MORRIS, CVk. 42 6w t pr, ady. $2.50 State of North Carolina, j r ; Rutherford County. , Superior Court of Law, October Term, 1830. James J. Hoyt, John Ward V 1 , and William Ward, - ! PetiUon and sci. fa. vs. I George Russel and to Vacate Grant, John Wbitesides. J ITT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that. 1L George Russel one of the defendants, resides beyond the limits ot the btate : It is therefore Or- hpnpfita hv an ultimnto cairin. nCt'.mi nUil tin . -for it is as asserted, without the. fear of refuta- SPSv of tilft nf.tn1 SflMr nf tl,e Xoun? or hc,P3 10 lheir teachers, hare ion, that a young man, who will first acq jure a fa- ' r . .i . been read, approved and published, on cility in Sft-hlnd Writing and theaprpceed f T"' m,thlS1rC!PCtCt' 13 ntl these principle, and by these rules, since to write daily m a Common Place Book; ipm the unhk that philosophical instrument, ,. v -Jix v l aJ COPARTNERSHIP. T HE, undersigned have this day entered in to partnership in the TAILORING BUSI- They respectfully inform their friends and the dered by Court, that publication be made six weeks f-itiyiJis of this and the adinininff chuntifts. that thv I in'tho K'inrtK rmlm-i Snaotgtnr n J YX7icr. AA- " J O 7 " J . w aauu ..VMAbVA UUU . .OltlU JLU I . - , . . I'll 1' will ue always reidy to execute any order in their vertiser, tha unless the said defendant appear at Pnnciple, here suggested, will acquire re uselul wh lino of business, at the shortest jiqtice, and on the the next Term of said Court, to he holden in Ruth- knowledge in one year, than it weald b) possible qu must reasonable terms. I hy deem it unnecessa ry to apeak of their ability. They flatter them selves, ltowevefthat by their long practice the facilities they have of obtaining the latest fashions, I and their constant exertions to please, that they will receive a due share of the public patronage, 1 ? They will occupy as a shop, a irpom bver Twit ty T Miller's Store. f ?; VALENTINE MOONEY. JAMES V.JAY. Rutherford ton, Jan. 6, 1831. i mnv to re-eXamineT-atthe same time suggest tb the . v riiranrv nf th( trnnMPt have not been changed ; and not le than two uun'drcd AXi riiTV distinct works. The present moment will be occupied asnirant nfl(r L-nnurlaa o matKntl lottink IT I a ' . . ' ' ' I f . I J l. 11 pursued, cannot tail to produceio mm mciilculable "4 " ""V . .w ,W,,1 tl, rr..,. Imin.fimn nf 1 . 1 1 ..I .. I J' .1- 1 UVwlUUU 1VI IV I V ML IU a 1 a w w -w rcniemoer now uuie sucn a sneicn aiscio . . , , . . . . ses' of the actual influence of tness, the vVAiAAikiijr v;t iaui nidi iicvo iuiku a 111,11 U1V11 UllVtVd IT S II LI I VUV V AUVV11V?J WW I If . m . . J n I m ml " - . . 1 - . erfordton, on the 3d Monday after tto 4th Monday . SZ SSP 7 ' P period ; but has no power to reveal the secret lu 1 so?,eiJ inai, ooiwitiisianuing ine SSSUdgment flJl be taken F laTngt influence, which it sends abroad .through trf c"dlefJ?.? n0U3l cb5r' ST" JAMES MOiTt."''. cipleswiilbetonstanUyifview-- P C;M P. , the vegetable world, filling even the wd- cler the books, from which a election , Novi 18. T830. ' 4-2fiw t Inr St9. -First To select from the great mass f human ,WOCQ xnA 110 ncto.rrrn.m,! trith i;r lias lctn made ; and liotwitbstandjnc' the t7 - . Vv,. . . - ' ' I - 1 . XOTICEi yTKN the 2nd Monday of February at 12 o'clock VJ' a meeting will be held at the Court House -. State of North Carolina, j- ; Buncombe County.' Superior Court of Law October Term 1830. - John Roberts H I ' i vs. j Petition for Divorce. -Agnes Roberts. ) i f j -It appearing to ; the satisfaction of the Court,1' be at immediate command. The scanty limits of a prospectus forbfo the ad- anion oi oiner considerations in mis piaca i I TERMS. mat me aeiendant, Agnes Koberts, is not an inha- rn ,Lw r mnn .V a meeting win oe neiu -a, mo v,oun xiouse bitantof this State: It is ordered that Dublication. "i o T--- 3;i ' " in ltntneriordton, to organise a ounaay scnooi unl- uQ jru . .u u t.i:V "juw, pajouic m am aun, w ... i- : riiu. t. -c.. j iui mice xiiunwia m uie XVaieiKU oiar UIIU I pint nflhff first thn.o nnmhors nf thp nArlnrlir.ll. from those Schoolslsewhere. in ad vancinir the Wf A111??1111 !ie Sld A!s Roberts All Postmasters bre respectfully solicited to a intli;WAnn and imnmvin- th mnrl r.harartr nf fPP?" ? ' 116X1 ; Openor;0ttri 01 lW U Dft M awents ifl. their resnect ve neighborhood. If a the rising generation, must be known to aU, and HoS nn "S?SAmf fft T Postmaster procure but one subscriber, b& will be the advantages to be derived from such an associa- IJhXJdit SiSh entitled to a grat0U3 C0P7 of lhe PWiJied sys- Hiationconsfst in the increased facility of procuring 4?Sl & irA? tem-if four subscribers, to a full course of instruc. auon consist in me increased iaciiuy oi procuring nifl nrfi0,r,n tn -fii '" and distributing information, of the best modes I ilXjni pZT I. L CZ l:n , :i . ,lon. or ?a &u;Jrora the money collected and in (Conducting such schools, and books adapted totheir (use in s;y stematic efforts to establish schools in des ; j itute places in giving aid to the feeble and stimu lating all by visitations from committees of the society. For lack of those advantages many at tempts to establish schools have proved ineffectual, and schools established have been less useful than they migtit have been those engaged in the schools started in this county, although greatly encouraged by the success of their labors, have deeply felt the necessity of such a Union. At their " request this notice ris given and all - who have the future welfare of this community or the cause i of religion at heart, of whatever denomination, are most cordially invited to attend the ineeting, take an interest in the management of the Society and unite their efforts in this work of Benevolence. ; -r By ofder of the Rutherford Sunday School Soci ;ety. :" ' . - : -y: W. H. WALTON, Secretary. llutherfordton, July 3, 1831.-' N. B. Should the Court RoOm be occupied the meeting may be held in the Secretary's room,where the Sundav School library, may be seen, and gen tlemen will be enabled by inspection to appreciate the value of the books prepared for the use of those , her by John, Roberts, or the same will be taken pro confessor and heard x parte. j witness, josnua Kooens, uierk oi said court, at Officie, the 2nd Monday after the 4th Monday m September, ledU. , ! ! V J. ROBERTS, Clerk, i 43 3m Pr. adv. $4 50., ' : ! ' State of North ; Carolina, : Buncombe County. . ' i' Superior Court of Law October term, 1830. Alexander Henry -1 111 j is. , : Petition for divorce. Happy Henry. "ill ' i IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, ( that the defendant is not an inhabitant of this ; State, it is ordered that publication be made for three rfloiiths in the Raleigh Star, and North Car olina Spectator, that the defendantHappy, Hen ry, appear at the next Superior Court' ol Law, to be held for the county of Buncombe, at the Court House in Asheville, on the 2d Monday after the 4th Monday in March next, ' then and there to plead, j answer or demur to the petition hied against hei by Alexander Henry, or the same will be taken pro contesso and beard ex parte. Witness Joshua Koberts, Clerk of said Court, knowledge ihMonlyxchichisiucfxil.- -A ; , t. V . , obvious difficulty of avoiding 'every form ' Second Td condense if us far as itsractical 1 U,UB ",c feiua3 W1 V"MI ftf srw-rrh in ' '.rl. ...crIm. ;!, ;r.. ...111 . -a? imnnmnnrnMn Lnnnl v. 01 SfKCCU, in WillCll WSDIClOn might hope Third To systematize and arrange tia whole Thn h'.ctnrv P UnuAnxr.rhnnU 5n thU lo dtlcct some sectarian bias, : i .u -1 i i. i ii I J J imuvu muuucr, uuieauime.u su'm country, as a system of religious educa- tron, embraces a period of less than fif teen years; and the present number of pu pils connected with our institution is ef timntedat .. 400,000. Probable number of teachers All Postmasters iare respectfully solicited ; to act J and superintendents, C0,000. And it we include the teachers and learners in schools not con tietced with this institution, wc shall have a total of at least 50,000. TVn Rntiifjirtnrv pstimntr. rnn lip formed scribers. that is to sav. a commission of 20"rer cent. I i .. J , . r for his serviced those who wish for a nWe full respecting tup number ot learners in ana- xDlanation. or to see a sDecimen of the oaire. type, aay-schools throushout the world : we S:q. to be used, may no doubt be gratifiwj by cal- have intellisence however rcspectir.ff their I have several Societies been formed for the nng on rosunasiers wno nave Deen geu-auy sup- establishment and prosperitv, to some ex- promotion of Temperance, but our last phedwith an:IntrpducUon.to the systembove re- . . . . v rr,h flrnnA Tiirv nvo n i-.nl.li. TmnV. erred to; and ; also with a great variety oftestamo- "-" " , . . I -"J , : , . " . IIIU UlllUllg 111C I9IUIIUS VII lUb OU, . 1 IV! I UUIUIUIIS us WV 'uuxw " " , like proportion for ja greater or less number of sub- schools; adapted to the understandings , of all ages j at Office, ihe 2nd Monday after the 4th Monday in 11 J- J l.:U . 1 J I t..':IB . Ll 1 DOA -;i l usuauy aiienaing, ana wixicn are waueu iu hk; i oepiemoer, ioou. children during the week as rewards ol dilligence. i INFORr2 ATIO W. '43 3m J. ROBERTS, Clerk. Pr. adv. $4 50. State of North Carolina, ir Buncombe County. . Superior Court of Law, October Term, 1830. Sarah Wicaser, George Wicaser. Petition for Divorce. A LETTER was received sometime since, at the Post Office in this town, directed to Mr. Esekiel Ambrose. Mr. Ambrote; having left the county the letter was not taken out of the Office, and was consequently sent to the General Post Of fice as a dead letter. The head of that Department has examined and sent back said letter, with in-. I "ITT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, struction to the Post Master to take measures to JJL that the defendant is not an inhabitant of this deliver the letter to trie person to; whom it is ad- State : It is Ordered, that publication be made for dressed and obtain his receipt ; as it was written three months in the Raleigh Register, and North by Mr. Harvey and Mrs. Johana Mathews, and of- Carolina Spectator, that the defendant George iginally mailed at Boston Mass. &, although the let- Wicaser, appear at the next Superior Court of Law ter is without an inclosure, yet as it is from Mrs. to be held for the county of .Buncombe, at the Mathews it is supposed to be very interesting to Mr. I Court House in Asheville, on the 2nd Monday af- Ambrose. ; Mr. A- at the present time, is supposed ter the 4th Monday in March next, then and there to be engaged in the gold mines of Mecklenburg, to plead, answer or demur to the: petition filed a- yaumiuoui mj. luov.yuuuuca uiuiIS SXaiO, Eilu IS I gaillSl mm UJ,&aiaux ii itoaci, ui: uicaaiuc nui uc neretxy requesxea 10 come iorward and take out s'd I taken pro conlesso, and Heard exparte. Witness Joshua Roberts, Clerk of said Courf. at Office, ihe 2nd Monday after the 4th Monday in September, 183U. J. kuulkis, czerfc. 42 3m Pr. adv. $4.50 ; I letter and pay necessary cnarges, or u will be re turned to the General Post Office after fortv davs GEO.WALT6N,fP;ai.v Rutherfordton, Dec. 30, 183Q.j 4Q tf WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. j NOTICE nn HE subscriber having been re-appointed by I THE several kinds of grass seeds purchased at the ' JL the Court as STANDARD KEEPER, for North bv and for the use of the members of the, uiu voumy oi uuiucnuiu, io uuw ivauy j auenu j KUttierJoTa Jlgncuiiurai aocitiy, naxt vten: re to the duties of his office. 1 M ; ceired and art ready for deliver to those, interested, J y iliM Livvj Ail . T By order of the Corrtsi becretar Rutherfordton, Jan, 12, 1831. . . 1 January, 1. 1831. 4 the com mittee Late been so graciously directed and governed in their course, as to be able to furnish at this hour, a uniuy-kchool library, of nearly two hi'.xdrcii bound volumes, each of which has undergone this scrutiny, and most of which are nov in extensive and approved circulation,. a- mong Christians of every denomination. ( To be concludtd nut tecek.) ' Communlratlcrr. TEMPERANCE. The public attention, in this county, seems at length to be turned to the evils resultiug from intcmprranct. Not only nial from those who have learned the arks The issuing of numbers will commence early in were but just1 now covered with thick Pd- soundins the alarm and awakening our uly. from and after which, each new applicant will nrl .r.yI-.aci3 V.or Sf fmm their inhabitants under Sunday-school ,V of the evil. The useofard?nt.piriL, has. ItrN. Ii. Subscriptions received at this umce isirucuon, man can DC iounu so siiuaiea, ior a long umc, occn granuauy iutn.iiinR for the above work-. I - " 1 in nnv rlistrirt nf tho. United States, nfl and rxtpndinf iti destructitc effects thro' NOTICE TO GOT .11 MINERS. - I the 'same size and population. And their all classes of societj'scarce a fam'Uy is to fin HEsubscriberhavinffmade several important I wide and rapid extension was pleasantly be found which is uot rendered miserable JL improvements on the rocker and riffle prin-1 illustrated within a few weeks, in a letter I by the ruin and degradation of a son, n Jni60?? I from one of our missionaries in the state brother or near relative. Ministcrs hare ing gold from the earth, &c. connected vrjth it, by pf Illinoxs, who informed us, that he had preached, moralists have written, parents means of metal si ves, &c. ; by which the process just met a, man who lived within two or and friends hare entreated but all in oi collecting gold is greatly facilitated an tbi new three miles of Raikt? first schools in Glou- vam ; unthinking voutb, nay, men ol age Z .Z 0? a1 ' r;nVr rkw C but never cared to attach himsc f and judgment of all ages ana .talents, pits that those engaged in digging can 1 brow tne , .. . . . . . JL grit at once into the machine without aty "further to them ; nor had l)e heard or thoueht about would continue to tempt their fate by com- iaoor, ana us location be cnangeaio smijine, con- mem since ne leu xiiaia, nearly iwcn-i mencing uic uauuuui ji oiuiuirjiuiw. yenienceofthose employ ed, aud at the touietime, ty years, tjincc) until last summer, when it The habit when formed, like every other from its formation, secure the gold collected by a ' ' , ,nA mvnA n r.u fatol Ai lis run its remilar coirvr. lock and key, from pillage. A part of said machine -ri- J , V " 1 , ""r, r : . '?u a " may be attached with great advantage to machine- farther and faster than himself, as to have until, with lew excepuons, it nas ended in ry now in use! The subscriber intends to apply to found him out, in that wildemcs, more ruin and death. -A disease is produced in the Patent Office, immediately, for a patent on his ilin fruir . tlmncnnrl mca fmm W,a il. ctnmsrli -which rnntiniiftllv ctivm o7lUK hrc-.hcfaeul.ie. J"??!? machine upon his plan and invention ; as; the pa- J. ne present report oi your uoara, Will moral sen uiuuicu, w uuc uc uujcui. M. a 'III w l I " lent iaw win oe enlorced againsi sucn asiniringe emorace DUtlWO or tnree general topics, is gliding imperccpuuiy irura a ii;mit'raio on his right and improvement. r pf'. And, . . drinker, or more properly a sober drunk- nAU.-L Lx.trhr, 1. The business of preDarinff. publish- aid, toabeastly one if he then gets al- PAPER FOR SALE. 1 ing and selling books. This is a depart- armed at his case and makes resolutions ment by itself. Aside from its deposito- of amendment, ne is generally laughed out nniIEiindersigneJ,PaperiIanufa(ftor(p;atthe ti,e American Sundav-School Un ion of it by his companions or ledtothebot- I f mi utnn Pa nr 11 ills, canal all tones tnr I . . . . " . . .1.. i i t. r- rr- ! - t. JL nish any quantity of . ! Imperialy ; l PRINTING 1APPR 1 f is a Society for the promotion of the uni- tie again by the cravings of his stomach, versa! moral and religious education of the After a few such ineffectual efforts to cs-' young by means of Sunday-schools. ' cape, his resolution is destroyed and he To attract and interest children,, re- yields himself a willing tictim to the tyrant wards were formerly bestowed in the use- passion.. ful; and popular form of juvenile books. mean was ever devised that promis- The variety of these was limited, and their ed ny pnwpect of success in eradicating character, for the most part, quite objec- the evil until that of forming toluntary as-, tionable ; and it therefore became necessa- sociations to suppress and discountenance States, on as jreasonable terms for Cash $s can be ry to resort to the original preparation and j the practice, " Since ardent spirits arrj procured troro the jNona. . f , , publication of books to meet the demand, fouid to be totally unnecessary tothehu- OTOrdere addressed to Mar sliaiVt Ferry', Gran jt was soon tDat thc fcflme pUrp0ge, maa constitution, except in rare cases as &Um and mich more, might be accomplished, a medicine; tobeapoison which create! a Tea.! Nov. K, '30i 4ltA witnout additional expense, by provicungi mseafeottnestomacojinaxing the subject Super-Royal, and Medium Fools Cap, ) i Letter and PAPER: Wrapping J " ; I PASTEiBOARVS, Sec lbc which they will forward on to any of the Southera Marshall's Ferry Vi r ; -: i S ' X"