I- - i MODUS1 (DAMdDU. a A - i j .:t: 1 I . f i VOLUME I. RUTIIERFORDTON, SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 12, 1831. NUMBER 52. TESTA t 1 " '; PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY EVENING BY UOSWELL ELMER, Jr. Terms of subscription. Two dollars and fifty cents, per nunura, if paid in advance 'r or three dol lars, if paid within the year: but if delayed after the cluse of the year, twenty-five cents will be added. '.-.-:;, .. ; . No paper will be discontinued until particularly ordered and all arrearages paid, or at the discre tion ol tne publisher. Advertisements inserted on the usual terms. All persons advertising will please note the num her of times they wish- to have them inserted, or they will be continued and taxed accordingly. MY professional engagements in the buperior Court oi Buncombe County in all cases, where other arrangements have not uecatnade and nonce given to those concern nd, will be confided to Bahtlett Shipp, Esq., of Lincoln, and John Haltl, Jun., Esq., of Rutherford ton, the latter of whom will hereafter reside at Aheville. . D. L. SWAIN. Jan. 10,4831. 49tf PLEASANT RETREAT ACADEMY. fTn HE Trustees of this Academy take pleasure JJ in announcing t the public, that the exer cises of this institution have, closed for , the present year, under (the tuition of $Sr. JJcnjamtU 33. xajje, with much satisfaction to au concerned ; and that they wilt be again resumed, under his care, on the first Monday in January next. 1 Mr. Dye, since POLITICAL. h extracts; from tjie debate on the , THE RUSSIAN MISSION; I Jan. 13. Thejllouse rcsuraecl the con sideration of tlie general appropriation bill the question being on the motion made yesterday by (Mr. Stanberry to strike but his residence this place, having devoted his whole the appropriation tor the salary of the attention to teaching, we behave no one has ever Minister to Russia. i , surpassed hirn in reguhtf ttejance, and. that few Carson said he heard with surprise if any, are better qualified tdTeach all the branches . . li 1 vi .1 oflierature! which are usually-taught in such In? the motionmadeyesterday by the gentje- stitutions. This Academy is situated in one of the man troui Uhio ; ana it was with Still more most healthyi villages in the western part of North surprise he had heard the, reason !which Carolina, where boarding canjbe obtained m good the Wntlemaii assigned for his motion; and respectable families, either in town or in the I , . , ., . :., cTt . . . Wdioin-mircriintrv. on mnH.r terms. wnicn was tnai tne uouse naa been m- Ther prices of tuition, per session, will be as fol- formed by the message of. the' President, lows, viz , ' , Is V ' - that ve had 110 iMinister at the Court of Heading, Writing aud Arithmetic, ;. jfro.uu;- t Thfntlpinan had mW-ikn thi English Grammar, and Geography, i, $7.50 ; ussia- lnegeiuieinan naimstaKenUie Latin & Greek laneua-es & Sciences, S10.00 ; Executive message ;! he had mistaken the NOTICE. HE subscribers, Executors of the last Will I 1 JL and Testament of iVILLJAM I K. KERR, deceased, late of this) county , hereby notify all per sons having dem a hdsj against theEstate. to, present - them for payment, authenticated according, to law, on Wednesday the 16th day of February next, at the late residence of the deceased. ( All persons indebted to said Estate are also re quested to make payment at the same time and plac. lltNKY 31.KKHK, 1 KATHERRINE KERR, . Rutherford, Jan. 25, 1831- 1 i "50 3w, By order of the Board ofTrusteesi. JAMES P. HENDERSON, Secretary. December 6, 1830. ,' " i :456w. State of North j Carolina, : Rutherford County. Superior Court of Law, October Terra, 1830. James J. Iloyt, John Ward and William Ward I Petition' and sci. fa. rs. I .to Waitman Dishuroon aid ii Vacate Grant. Michal Hawkins. 1 1 : ! . Ex. iXjLoqk at this! FTn HE compass has been so long in use, that I U hope: its utility will ere long find its way in to Kutherford cohnty, and put every man in pos session of his own land marks they may,then es cape the judgment denounced in a certain book. Tins is therefore, to notify all persons, (that they, may not plead ignorance in future, ) that, I am determined to prosecute all and every individ ual, who shall be found trespassing, by cultivating the soil, removing timber, ,6r in any otherwise com- . j t x 1 jl 1 m 1 rvnrt mittinff waste unori anv of the various tract, of land . (Superior .ourx 01 ww, yeioqjer xenn, ioou belonging to Col. Richard Lkwis, situate in theTTJamerJ.;1 ; "oyJohn Wardj Rutherford county lots and land adioining the vil hge of Rutherfordton, unless with my written or verbal consent ; and it is presumed that all leases and permissions granted by him, lor, any ol those purposes, nave expired. !j ! Persons holding bonds on him 1 for titles, would do well to present' them. Also persons having made purchases of land, in which he is interested, arc hej-eby notified that no titles will be executed, unless satisfactory evidence is adduced that, his jroportion !of the purchase money has been actually jjid, or secured trf be paid, either-to himself or his properly authorized agent. I J, OVERTON LEWIS, Assent. Rutherfdrdton, 25th Jan'y, 1831. 50 ly p A O UU ACKER Y. fjr HE &ubscfiber, conversant with the profession JL and' practice of Medicine? for; several years past, and of late having studied the ! new Thompso vian. Ststejn and having underwent. ah examination by the Examining Committee, and being approved, ns qualified foe general practice, Takes this me thod of tendering his Professional Services to his friends and the public as a PHYSICAN and SUR GEON, cdrhbining when necessary the old and new 'System together ; but, with the weight of con ii deuce in the Thompsonian System. 4S 4wp ' v HUGH aUIN. Near Lincolnton, Jan. 10, 1831. ,i . information which it conveyed to theHo.use, and if the motion originated in tha$ mis take, it fell to 'the ground.; Wheri iji mo tion is submitted-by a member, - said Mr, Uarson, courtesy requires that . we; sup pose it to be prompted by a high sejse of auxy to inis upuse, or 10 me country 11 is for those who hear it to judge! if ithave any other motive. If any other Resign leave rise to tiie present motion ift was T appearing t0 the satisfaction of the Court, made as a covert blow at the Execirtive, it that Waitman Dishuroon' one. of the defend- r 1 1 1' i . i ' i i. therefore Ordered by Cburt, that publication be was too nervefess to reach its' objecf Mr. made six weeks in the North Carolina bpectator j C here read tlie tollowmg passagef trom Western.Advertiser, tha unless the said de- the president's Message : tendant appear at the next term of said Superior ltA r A i -.i t - , f Ciuirt. to be holden in Rutherfordton. on thethird u.r relations With Russia are ' of the Monday aRer the fourth Monday, in March next, most stable character. Respect fof ! that that Judgment will be taken! pro cofesso against empire, and confidence in its friendship towards the j United Mates, have been so long entertained on our part, and so carefully cherished by the present fiinpe ror and his illustrious predecessor! as to have become incorporated with thelpublic sentiment of the United IState. No means will be left unemployedon rny part to promote these salutary feeling, and those improvements of which the commer cial intercourse between the two cbjintries GTorRusrelTnloTtlie is susceptible j and which have "derived beyond the- limits of the State : It is therefore Or- mcreased importance from our'f treaty uerea Dy iourt, tnai puDiicatipn pe made six weeks I with the Sublime 1. orte. - I rertiser, Aat unless the aid (defendant appear at ll!inCr1y Tefet. to mfrm 1 ,at he next Term of said Court, jto he holden in Ruth- our Mmisteri lately commissioned to that erfordton, on the 3d Mondayl after the 4th Monday Court, on whose distinguished talents and U March next, that Judgment will be taken pro great experience in public affairs I place coiuessu usaiiisi mui. m . i i- 1 1 i i ii i i acted, under similar circumstances, were he now a member ot this House. . If we are to pay "that; individual for the public services, which it is said he had performed, et us do so directly, not indirectly : not pay him for those services by giving Inm a salary for an' office which he fills but in name. These principles 1 learned, said Mr. S. from that gentleman himself, in here listening to Jhim with delight, while denouncing the abuses of other Adminis trations in misapplying the public money. Mr. Archer said, there were purposes, covered by the motion, which would In duce him to trouble the House with a few observations. 1 he gentleman aimed at by the motion, was from his own State; distinguished by a large share of its es teem, and some degree of sensibility tnigbA be supposed to be awakened by the at tacks upon him, and on the Executive for his appointment, circulated very extensive ly, aud now .disclosing themselves Jicre. Exception had been taken to the appoint ment. With what propriety the House might exert i a restraining judgement, lion to be temporarily absent, and its grounus. i he annunciation nas occn re ceived, in the best temper, and responded to in a spirit of the utmost cour tesy and politeness. Rut, whatever mijiht be the character of the absence of tbc M m- isteratSt. P. from his station, it furimhed no colorable support, Mr. A. maintained to the present motion. It lid not belong to the House to supervise in this mode, the demeanour of our diplomatic function aries. This wathe uncontested function of the executive. Were th? intentions of this function warranted could nny man conceive the present a proper case for it, and the ground alledged adequate I And in the worst view, were we to suspend diplomatic relations with Russia, because ive were not entirely satisfied with the conduct of the functionary who bad been deputed there I For that ftich would be the effect of the denial of the entire ap propriation, no one could contest. If we. did not like the MinUter the Executive had selected, were wc therefore to deter mine that wc Would have no MtnUli r; him Copy Teste. Nov, 18, 1830. JAMES MOIfRIS, CVk. 42 6w' , I pr. adv. $2.50 through the, incidental operation of its J which we could not have, if-we made no power to aeny appropriations on tne msu- provision ior me payrceni oi a xuinjier. tution of missions. But in relation to the This was the simple. question to be deci- persons by w hom they were to be filled,, ded in the vote on the motion. It was a or tlW conduct of the incumbents in their false , inferrnce. that,' because we bad discharge; it was not the province ofth competence" to determine the continuance House to exercise judgment audtiiscretion, ot a mission we were invested wim mc but of the Executive. We intruded on that same competence to determine the pftpri discretion,if we made anysupposed conduct ety of contjnuing' a Minister; or if wo oiineincumDcnts,aswc aia upon uccency, were investea wim ii, mai netwuiuri if we made newspaper fabrications the erase such a competence on grounds that ground ot our proceeding on such subjects were inadequate, and in a Form that would But where was the ground for im- derogate from the dignity of the House. State of North Carolina, Rutherford County. aid William Ward, rs. George Russel and John Whitesides. Petition and sci. fa. to Vacate Grant, TT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that, Copy Teste. Nov. 18; 1830. JAMES MORRIS, CVk. 42 6w ; pr. adv.42.50. COPARTNERSHIP. THE undersigned have this day entered in to copartnership in the TAILORING BU3I- ni:ss.. '. : ,,: . . m , m They respectfully inform their friends and tbc citizens of thiaandtbe adjoining'counties, that they will be always ready to execute any order im their line of business, at the shortest notice, and on the nit reasonable terms. They deem it unnecessa ry to speak oR their ability. They flatter them selves, however, that by their long practice the facilities they have of obtaining the latest fashions, and their constant exertions to please, that they will receive a'due share gf the public patronage. They will occupy, as a shop, a room over Twit iy & Miller's-Store. 8 ' i VALENTINE MOONEY. JAMES" V.JAY. Rutheffordton, Jan. 6, 1831. i COACH F AC TORY. ' State of North (Carolina, Buncombe County. ; Superior Court of Law October Term, 1830. John Roberts ) j 'is. x Petition for Divorce. ; Agnes Roberts. ) j! ! It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant, Agnes Roberts, is not an inha- in l. in i. ill 11114 ; h I ii ix iiniprHfi iii;ii ill 1 11 ii:;ii 11 in I i w ..r., r 1 -ii . be made for three months in the Raleigh Star and "oing so,: ne win repair io - cm.: 1'eiers- Western Advertiser, that the! said Agnes Roberts burgh, and iresume the dischargef of his appear at the next Superior Court of Law to be official duties! I have received the most held for the county of Buncombe, at the Court .. c i 'y- , . ... i House in iAsheville; on the;2nd Monday after the satisfactory; jassurance that; in the mean swer, plead or demur to the petition filed agains er by John Roberts, or the (same will be taken trerrie indisposition to exercise.a privilege, which, in consideration of the extent to which his constitution had teen ' Impair ed in the public service, was committed to his discretion of leavin; temporarily his post tor the lad vantage ot a iinordf genia climate. ' ti- J "If, as itjis to be hoped, the improve- ment of his health "is such as to justify him to icre. putation, in any view m the present in stance t -As regarded the nommtion, for which the Evecutive had been arraigned with censure so widely diffused, and un- Alr. Mallart stated that there were some great couiderations connectcdwitU this question 1 'which demanded notice. He w as not disposed to speak of the gcn sparing, the person receiving it-who was Ieman w!lo1loias the appointment of .Min he I Howmany filled so large a space of iscr0 a m&a fr0m X reputation? ; V ho was 'there reniaminc n .i i. .i u:-u-. 5 putation r ; no was 'there remaining on the public theatre, who had filled so long and unbroken a space of public ser vice a career of active, and seditious, and brilliant exertion, extending beyond the ia. He thought there were higher con siderations to be cicwed. -AVe well know the influence which the Autocrat exerci ses. He puts Ins foot on tbc neck of period of thirty years ? His .talents- his lhumh b Jvamtichatka, his little where was any to be found sUpenor, n- f:n:rcr louches the Aleutian Wands; it is penca minis long penoci ot service, to the kuown aJso lhat C.frcls orprt!cpds lullness, yet not beyond it of the- most to fed - friendfchip for Uniied fruitlul maturity His political attain- Statc? t 1S our dut t0 cullime. ,hi8 mnntcJ tlirv wart tint inlunnr tn luc tn - . ..... , . ... Iieeiiiig. v e know our situation is oeu lcnts. 11ns was the nomination which .... r ' 1. v ; i? ! What is to be done ! How arc tve to im prove our condition. Not by conCdin t our a (Fairs to persons who bnvc.no higher qualifications, than that they ore gentle men of l trgmta. Ae want some body. I at the Court of Russia to bold intercourse ro confesso, and heard ex parte. Witness, Joshua Roberts,; Clerk of said Court, at Office, the 2nd Monday after the 4th Mooday in beptember, lcdU. ' c s I : 1 J.! RU BERTS, Clerk. v43 3m fr. adv. $4 50. State of North Carolina, I Buncombe Comity. Superior Court of Law October term; 1S30. Alexander Henry ) - ' . j 'i s. Petition for divorce, Happy Henryl V ih I a IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant is not an inhabitant of this State, it is ordered that publication be made for three months in the Raleigh Star, and North Car olina Spectator, that the defendant, Happy Hen- nntif .....;u- f.,ii,T ;Cr. ti, ry, appear at tne next fcupenorj i,ouri or iaw, 10 JI lie in general, thathe continues, to carryon e keld for the county of Buncombe, at the Court next ma v rv2 ;u:'J....:,,J uvi -V w;D House iri Asheville. on the i2d.Mo.nday. after the extensive establishment in Lincolntjon,(3Iain street, "aay m maxcu next, " a'.l,lcI" l" a lew. doors west of the Oqurt House), where he Frer T v Y T ,f 1 i"""" has considerable work finished, and 1 a number of against her by Alexander Henry, or the same will hands in his emDlovj both i i the wood, blacksmith te taken; pro comesso ana.neara ex parte nnd other branches of the above business. Mail Coaches, Stages and Carriages ofal vcrintion are kept on hand, or made t shortest notice. Repairing of ev ery descript tlic aove line, punctually (attended to. 1 . 48 6w ! M.C.PHIFER. I Lincolnton, Jan. 10, 1831. I i i , HOUSE AND ORNAMENTAL Till HE subscribers take this method of inform JL ing the citizens of Rutherford and its vicmi ty, that they expect to be at Kutherfordton, on,or about the tirst ot February next, prepared to exe Witness Joshua Roberts Clerk of said Court, lmo;t every de at Oificej the 2nd Monday1 after the 4th Monday in to order on the September, 1830. j . ' , r description in JO 0 ! - ERTS' C 43 3m! had brought vehement vitupemtion on the Executive, as an extravagant abuse of its discretion of appointments ! But consider the matter in nnother'view: A trie'd public servant, who, in a most ac tive career, of thirty years, has never souitht 1 T llllllll IIIIMI1 I'lK lit llfll 11111 IIIIV m W - a "i'i "". - vntlithe Autocraf to meet him face to nas now receiveo; nor oiuer rewaru, man - - f nn . i . kllMWft hn lK nn to communicate m g rtr tint mi icfi - some degree impraired, but Jus faculties Ministcr wl:Q is to be continually an all ied no disrespectful lleman, but ve want : It lb Antrfrat- in. through the; Secretary of Legation, with h.rnZ into the public service epresen- Reference to the mutual intrrcsts of the the Russian Cabinet." - i! - ting a greapolitical division in the nation, tWQ coultlr:c. Such a one do w c want . Now, said Mr. C. does this justify the ot w nc n has been an eminent ornament at je Cf)urt of Risia The U man motion, anr4 as a measure of policy, Avould wnou uM"ciwa wncn ne nau leu mefrom Vir-inia tells us that. Mr. Randolph 5 appropriation T Ul has done ureal femces to thee face not on landed knt the favor, of his immediate constituents, crxnt nnA i,rt,.v.i , . J. . . ... . ,., . tne spot, ana Honestly and public esteem ; retires, with health in Mf i 1 , . , . 1 . . , . our honest wishes, vt l rt.-t.-f Afirntittr r iicntiiliinf e unhfnL-An if l . t will be preserved from ore ud cei; bv the 11 ",aucr ol Jusl "FU"IU " r, flpr,:on nn ,iin interccursR t Which l.n will v'rniitiiiiiH. utlvc which his exertions contributed to I tnll Mn f.L t n I ! -.. .. it be right to strike out the appropi What inference could be drawn from Our refusing the appropriation, ! but hat w;e were.aboutto suspend our mtercouj-ee. and " uuiiuauiq i viauuu nil uitv.uiu j til iius- sia ! Sir, Gen. Jackson and the! admin istration need no support from m" The Administration speaks for itself, nd can support itself. i " ;g ' Mr. ,StaAtBerry rose and repljcd that the motion .was dictated by those, princi ples which brought Gen. Jackson5 into of fice. During the preceding Administra tion, great clamor was heard ;about the pro- rnmtrv thnt this proceeding into qucstion--that it has ,C u dhtrnzllb!.ctl for his talent ond 'so been desirous to extend to a public servant fonh let that pass. Ru Vt wa5 not eV w,WUM. vW, vnUw..u.Uv w merely because n person had bured well merit a mark of rezard a recall to re- . J. ,i . i.A i. newned exertions ol Jus abilities t Had- e ,j vsnUti. W n rrin ,T . . , . ,. . . . sclcctco as a 4iinister. v c w nnt a man not, Mr. A. would not say the individual, wllocnndotlcb:?inr5SOflhecouniiy-.irl.o but had the country a right to CXptCt rnn nnt l.imf Iwfnr th Emrwrnr. and tell him what w c deem to be the tuit- The complaint disclosed by the present able relations bclw cen us. It is merely. motion, however, was not directly , to the because Mr. Randolph has, in a certain appointment of Mr. Randolph, but his fashion, distinguished himself oi the absence at the present moment from the floor of Congress, that be has ltn felect-. scene ot his duties. Ihe brst suscestiou l A n n Minister. Hp Mr. MA believed tins? fliffate exDenditure of the oublic? 'ihonev. 111 P511" vituperation which had pre- that he understood the character of Mr. and about IcAncfrnrtivfi iotirnevs;: and a vailed wasthat he had assumed this pri- Randolph as well 1 T mf . mf . 11 t fl i I Pr. adv. $4 5a State of North Carolina, Buncombe j County. Superior Coof t of Law October Term, 1830. Sarah Wicaser, i -fn' ';) - ' I rs. Petition for Divorce. - '." George Wicaser. ) J .:' ' ,: IT appearing to the satisfaction of the ; Court, that the defendant is npt an inhabitant of this Stnfo. Ti i Ordered, that rmKIirntmn lie- m:ide fnr ciite any Job irt their line of business witfi despatch three "month's iri the RaleigitKegirter, ;and North : -V nvi i auj in iilv """""" i iaroiina opeciuiur,- mai me t ueifiiuaui eorge Southern States. QTBvjsiness will be attended to J Wicaser. appear at the next Superior Court of Law to be helfL lor the county ot Lancombe, at the Court House in Asheville, on the 2nd Monday af ter the 4th Monday in March next, then and there to plead, answer or demur to the petition filed a gainst him by Sarah Wicaser,) or the same will be taken pro confesso, and heard exparte. . Witness Joshua Roberts' Clerk of said Court, at Office, the 5nd Monday after ithe 4th Menday in September, 1830. J. ROBERTS, Clerk. 4-2 3m Pr. adv. 4.5Q on the shortest notice C,. W DAVIS, SAM'L D. PEUGH. ' Rutherfordton, Dec. 15. 1830. f i 44tf S 10 REWARD!! RUNAWAY Irons the subscriber. on the 27th December, a light col- ooreft -M-bLATTO BOY, named GIMBO, about 5 feet 8 inches high, slender made. He is well known by a great many in this Conntv ns he was raised by Joseph Greene, Esq., and "it is probable that ne may be lurking about in thatneigh borhood. The above reward will be given to anv . I Ml 1.1".. 1 . J " .1 - ' 1 person wno win ueuver mm 10 me, m mis place. WALTER B. RUTHERFORD Ruthirfordton, Jan. 20,1831 40lf NOTICE. - THE several kinds of grass seeds purchased at the Nofih. bv and for the use of the members of ihe Rutherford Agricultural Society, hare been re- ceiced oiul ore reaay jor atnrertf 10 mose murestesii Byorderofthetorres.becrtlary.' January, 7. 1831. L as any man: and va- ; 1 -1 : 1 . ! t lf " ii. . . . , Administration was urged for viiegoi aDscming uiuiseii, uiiptrnuueci. jue, Jus talents about as mgft as any one. of correcting these ahuses. 1 1113 suggestion Had been refilled by the imt here is o plain matter of IrtiEinc ; saw no differeiice l. between message oi me i resioeni wuicn nau ucen and we want a man who will be on the He un change of t tlie purpose , r. 1 ' I 1 .I1.' .1 1-1 . .. . . paying an officer! for a! constructive., resi- rcaa DJ T,lp ?tmu uian irom - Carolina, Up0t,aiul stand by our interest. dence and;-for a constriictivcTjourney. Larson.) iad just heard read, Hhat the ton in this respect had been accorded to catc health, and", could :to Russia does - not reside ' the minister.on what grounds? His health, ro?h -winter of a Jlu?i The Hbus'e! 1 Minister sent mere we have all seen mm yiiere we know him, land know that he cannot re- lde there-4-if he receive the public money as Minister, to Russia, without residing there, he will be paid for. a constructive residence. n Ve know, as far as we know- any thing about him, that! he resides in England, Or in France wq know at any rate, that he! does notj resjde at liis post in Russia! and haxe reason to believe that he will hot reside thereJ Ik for duties as Well res Ihe exercise of a discrc- ,l,.rtood that the centlcman was in deli- not stand the pconte climate. thoucb better at the time of his accen- YI1. we want some one who can : nnJ tance of this mission, than for a consider- Lot a Minister who is obliged to rttreat able period, had been impaired. "With alfrom the inckrcency t)f a I'usian arxnos feeble constitution, and such a. state of nhcre, to the more concenial climate of health, he distrusted the extreme rigor of the climate of Russia. Permis sion had, in this veiw, been accorded to him, in the event of his health failing, to remove to a more .favorable climate. In the actual occurence of the contingency, it ri wlit tn mv he had availed himself of the permission. thus performed ?(i Mhthenot with the pupose of returning to his situa side at home, and still be consid- Wlth the removal of the cause of bis ered minister to" Russia, as to reside in jocpanure. England or France in that citpacitv! Mr. I An erroneous impression, Mr. A.' be- e . . ;.".!. i .i i 1 1: i i ji i .i t i fc. said thatl in smaKiiig ine motion, ne uctcu, nau wen lasen up, iDatmeuciwi had aimed !no covert blow j at the.Admin- jure of Mr. Randolph from St Peters istration:lhe had made the motion in pur- purgh, had given occasion of dissatisfac- suance of what he deemed his duty to the Uiou to that Court. , Jlr. A. had seen me public. In doing so, he was acting as the correspondence ensuing the annunciation individual in question Woulcl hirnielf have to the Riisjau Government, of hisinten- i t France, and to leave the interests which have been entrusted to him in the bands of the Secretary. Something to this effect had been stated to us in the newspapers, as well as in the Message. Mr. M. then referred to the clamor which was raised when Mr. Rufus King was sent to Eng land by the late Administration, because his state of health was such as to render it im possible for him to remain yet, we are now called upon to ?ote a salary for a minister who has merely made his bovr at Court, and stayed ten days,6c then left the business of his mission to a Secretary and we are told the purposes of his missioa were successfully fulfilled while ne re mained there !lf all which if required ro