- i j ' ! :' ; " i, - ' V . : : !:' : -'.I- -" ' : i : " ' ' '" ' .' ; "i '; ; - (DAI3R(ID -i: ! A N B WEST IE M AB1 IB HUT IS E.E,. 1 :-: RUTHERFORDTON, SATURDAY EVENING, j FEBRUARY 19, 1831. VOLUME II NUMBER 1. - IE ' :rf ": ' f - PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY EVENING BY ROS WELL ELMER, Jr. Terms of subscription. Two dollars and fifty cents, per annum, if paid in advance t or three dol- rioiilTICAL, EXTRACTS: FROM THE DEBATE ON THE RUSSIAN MISSION. ' I ( Continued from our last.) 1 . The itemlitself bears no mark distiri- : ...... - : : -i : : r ces. : , 1 time, in renderiu 2 himself Terr extinguish-. jl ma uuuuguisucu i-ixinisier 10 ivifciia icu 01 uie vourc OX xvussia , bdu merciurc, 19 John Randolph. ' How docs he uner- it may be said, in civing equal celebrity sianu me icrms on wmcn ne agreeci to 10 ms country, lle cenainiy gave voice embark on this mission? The course of to every tongue of rumor in both hemis conduct pursued by him since his . de ar- pheres. His mission rill hereafter be rc- ture may. give us some Knowledge on this garded as an era in our lorein rciauoni ; nnlrlt W 1jf IrfV in litfir rlnI-..t I nnrl tli a sT TAl,n 1? o n r-l fill fit e must lOOK ItkrnaVtrrionf St n . u I r r r : tlk w t ! y 1 . i 1 .1JW rbWU HMWM w UtUtti I.U11LCI II 1 II V II 1 1 1 1 1 I LI1C: mUUI I III UUUUl VI III MVlliZ. UWAlAl w All person advertisinff will please note the num- if any, are better qualified to teach all the branches 10 Other documents tor 1 Dtormation I COh- 1 ber of times they wish to have them inserted, or of literature, which are usually taoght in such In- cerning this mission, and our obligations' .i toiia ... i,ot. i, ' , f" ' . tL cOiYV. dirnnn- f they will be continued and taxed accordingly. stations.! This Academy is situated in one of the to furnish monev for suppbrtinfr thu Min- P , V ,,C S . hl? ?e ?USi C V? ;Iman' ' most healthy villages m the western part of North s?J;- taken benefit under the sinecure clause in ded by the SecretarT. - . SffRttnl'ft SAI Carolina; where boarding can be obtained in good r al lDC!.ourt ;ot Bt-. i1 etersburgh.j- his charter of ! legation. He ha left the Whot ouW-0ch ; man""dofon rua TO YelfVr Fa tome rkted ftomthe respectable famUieseither in town .or in the The paper which I - now take Trpm trje Court of our ill uXrious friend oftheAu- country iri the cttaracter of a foreign nab. jKefffe ate;ni ,er.i: Pe at f' tocrat of all thb Russians ; but when, or istert 'Just what he has done: which County,-! shall expose to public sale, at the Court l0W8,viz :- I I ! T ! . l"c t -V iV T11 for what other region? . Here the Secreta- was very much like what each man in tho nouse jn asneviue on me xna iuonaav in April T?pnrtincr Writing PLEASANT RETREAT ACADEMY. i I. ZtZZ7COXiITTOZT, II. C. rTfl HE Trustees of this Academy take pleasure L in announcing to the public, .that the exer cises of this institution have ; closed for the present lars, if paid within the year: but if delayed after year, under the tuition of j $Jr. 33 enfant lit 33. tne. close ol ; tne year, twenty-fave cents will be I Se, with mucn satislacuon to all -concerned; and added.! !! ! I that thev will be afain resumed, under his care, on No paper will be! discontinued until particularly I the first Monday in January next- Mr. Dte. since ffuishinsr it from: Others of the samckinA. ordered and all arrearages paid, or at the discre- his residence at this place, having devoted his whole or giving us 'an vi warrant for rejecting this tion of ; the publisher. Advertisements inserted on the usual tenns. attention to teaching, we believe no one has ever I ,u?L .i. L-Lu suipoKicu uiui iu icguiai aucuuauci;, tuu mat icw next, Monday in April Reading, Writing aud Arithmetic, $5.00 ; fro thc Resident of the United f tates ig cautiousiy slenU The . Chairmau nation of all parties w!k know him, man 350 Acres of L&nd, lying in the county of Bun- oombe in Three tracts, 150 acres lying on Mc Dowell's creek abcire Leban Spann'sp lOO acres below Ieban Spann's, on said Creek; 100 acres on Green fiver, joihing or near Robert Jones, le vied on as the property of Allen Twitty at the suit of William Roan, jj N HARRISON', Sheriff. January 27, 1831; 51 4w English Grammar, and Geography 7.50 ; to Congress at the present SE3Sl6n. It cer State of North' Carolina, Rutherford County. Superior Court of Law. October Term. 1830. MY professional engagements in James J . Hoyt, John Ward" ! 1 the Superior Court of Buncombe and William Ward ( Petition County in all cases, where other : ; i rs. I . ! arrangements have not been made Waitman Dishuroon and 1 ; Vacate Grant ana notice given to tnose concern- luicnai nawKins. of the Committee on Foreign Relations have expected he would do. Genius bo has ; for he is onginal, and un- other men. If you please, be is lit it tf en. flint nlrwrmnr- it. likrt must be received and considered - entirely us the H ht of aJ si ,e fact conccrng himself, sui generis. These have enabled o me piuuucuou oi v,ouie. luinisiere. thfi vova(rp, nnri traVfJa fif .u:, MimstPr him to Derform what he has done: could ll i- i i . i i .1 ' Li .t : -r I otln A flropl- Lnno'linffDI! fSniarmaa dtfifUX. Ir.;.l.r Mr, i 1 t 1 . ' i a. I of Adr'' v-v- ' -V'?.u,r.!i"ia f5"?"1. .61 has been equally so. Can any gentleman certainly " i JAMES P. HENDERSON. Secretary. l" ' Ul? . xluu?.e iDr a,Snar of this Committee either indoctrinate us like all December 6. 1830. U 111 1 45fiw. Notwithstanding these tacts the document , -i the; Hall- House- ed, will be confided to Bartleti Shipp, Esq., of Lincoln, and John Hall, Jun., Esq., of Rutherford- ton, the latter ol whom will hereafter reside at D. L. SWAIN, i . ? 49tf ' u .ours an et us know whether he is they qualify him for the services of a great n and sci. fa. rea(s and examines thW commuiucation, John Randolph? Where is our Ambas- quire sound judgment, deep, cxteasive, . maae io us so mucn at length, could,; 1 Uador, for whoe public services Mr. Van T and regular thinking; laborious penevcr- Asheville. Jan. 10, 1831. HE compass tiLbok at this! Ijas been so long in use, that, I uuuij nm ucwuK uuu itt WilV 111- I 4r j ' r " i : to Rutherford countv. sind nnt Pvrv rr, ,n inawuagmem wui ue laiven pro coiesso ugauisi . j 7 ! w r . . - j session of his own land marks thev mav thp.n es .cape the judgment denounced in a certain book. Tins is therefore, to notify all persons, (that they may notj plead ignorance in future.) that, . I am-determined to prosecute all and every individ ual, whq shall be found trespassing, by cultivating the soiV removing timber,! or in any otherwise, com WxT 1 . ro literary ffentieman in mean, no member of this is our Ambas- quire sound judgment, deep, cxteasive, think, say, without hazzard of their repu- Buren is calIin u ide a 8al. ance iu business ; and, above all, prudence thir- arc tbo S dSw but whether .he is, in pursuif of labours of patrioU. Tbey are;! of and Western Advertiser that unless the said d -S i9P i? uie femineni pmciai ,ieaUh now basking in the sunshine of a piece ; of one timfofm -h&TiUT f ;nd fendant appear at the next term of said Superior wwrac-erui uur r irbi magistrate, pui;ior n Nnnles. nr. fnr n lik n.imnsp tr-PK;n; this Ruis an reiidenc WllI7britbef jfivc blush or tie palm to any other public loft tr larn iVnm trio coma nuikontin An frnnenrtinn nf fhi rmn tu h!r ttlSTI eziemoi our imponauon ,ot urqpcan curaents from which the Chairman of the throughout his poliucal life. Court Monday him. Copy Teste. Nov. 18, 1830 JAMES MORRIS, CTk. 4?6w -pr. adv. $2.50 State of North Carolina, f Rutherford County. Superior Court of Law, October Term, 1830. mitting waste upoii any of the various tracts of land JTil-ir yr 5 n 1 politics? Have we not : brought ome, Committec on Forci Reia,,, teems AViUi a perfect knowledge of Uiis man, inn nut intn lyna ilia L i rvh tnri m.wim oir I c l . ... . - uwu imi iiiiu u3 itic ill" 11 iui r liiaA l ill u l i i - n mi - - - - - i their monarchies, that thcr .Kin do no wrog m our country any Administra rr cap belonging to Col. Richard Lewis, situate in the Rutherford county lots and land adjoining the "vil lage of Rutherfordton, un ess with my written or verbal consent ; arid it is presumed that all leases and permissions granted purposes, have expired t and iWilliam Ward, ' rs. 1 George Russel and i John Whitesides. j Petition and sci.- fa. ! ' to ,1 (Vacate Grant, by him, for any of those Vapp6' 5 , !?UV ouri l-T' to have taken advice rumor, and the the Secretary ot btatc could not bave con publjc papers.. These have "talked of trived this legation, so dUTcrent from all his whereabouts' : and, though, without others, with any view to the public service, giving daily bulletins of his health, habits, This man was sent out net to benefit the sent, believed and practised this article our rigKrta hear, cannot be questioned, tration at home. The crafty Secretary ui jiuiiuvai laiiu .nun uiuic UllsCIupulUUs devotion 'l.he! Cabii Executive have taken Vas there : ever aiirae when the friends of ion, other than the 'pre- , . t . . - i . our ngiii iu near, cunuui uc qucsiionea, uauuii u. iiuuiv. a iiu tiuuy ccurwujr with more unscrupulous xvhen those who khow-and could tell us had witnessed the political movements of Cabinet Ministep dfoiir the whole truth, persevere in asafe and this eccentric man. He feared thc com- :aken fertful councilfrom cautiou3 silence. ' et might return again and visit Ati poli- Persons holding bonds on him for; titles,' would do well to present them. Also persons having made purchases or, land, in7 which he ; is interested, are hereby notified that ndtitles will be executed, .unless ;satisfactory evidence is adduced that, his proportion of the pjurchase1 money has been actually mis met. as JCiUronean iuinisters! bemn- l :t. answerable with' their heads, for thC . 1 we are lelt b thc Secretary, without " r .' v. knowledge ot his movements or localities. ,u FtIU,,;"UUJ He had seen it blaze beyond the limits of the; State i It is therefore Or dered by Court, that publication be made six weeks in the North Caina are em.allv nninstructed by him L "VSmW&Ung men m power vemser, inai uniess me sam aeienaani appear ai vuumiuu.wiv liu v. v"u, mu nui , , . , , w ' 17 i- the next Term of said Court to he holden in Ruth- suffer any speech but of their own contri'- 5JUS t,,e nth of this Ambassador. as it not prudent taremove this ttar of erfordton, on the 3d Monday after the 4th Monday v;n tft kp fuII(l mmnninnt' vto . are merely told that he has already malign influence to another zky? It has paid.otsepurcdtdbe Pai, either to himself or hfs 22 F adroit Ministers' of our Cabinet, taking ed himself of his-right by he terms been done ; and the nation must pay, not nronerlv anthoriy.fiH pint. i unuessu aguni uuu. - , ,. , l, i ... .'.Si.! P of his commission: to abandon thc nuhbe I for a mission mnrfft for t h nHvnrmi.nt rr - - y i - - v w v mii -x-ty vv - properly authorized agent j: OVERTON LEWIS, Agent Rutherfordton, 25th Jan'y, 1831. ; 50 ly p NO Q.U ACKER Y. fTTHE subscriber, conversjint with the profession LU ' and practice of Medicine for several years past, arid of late hkving studied the new Thompso nian Sustem and havins underwent an examination by the Examining; Committee, and being approved, ns qualified for general practice, Takes this me thod of tendering: his Professional Services to his friends and the public as z PHYSICIAN and SUR- GEON, combining when necessarv; the old and : new System togethei! ; but, with the weight of con fidence; in the Thprnpsonian System.! 48 4wp I 1 HUGH QUIN. Near Lincolnton, JaiK 10, 1831. i COP ARTXERSHIP. THE undersigned have this day entered in to copartnership ia the TAILORING BUSI NESS".. ; ' ' .-j.: .. '."!. Thev respectfully inform their friends and the citizens of this and the adjoining counties, that they ; will be always ready to execute any order in" their line of business,- it tlie shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. They deem it unnecessa ry to speak of their ability. They j flatter them selves, however, that by their long j practice the vfacilities they have of obtaining the latest fashions, and their constant exertions to pleasei that they will receive a due share of the pdblic patronage. . j They will occupy, as a shop,-a room over Twit ty & Miller's Store. . i- VALENTINE MOONEY. JAMES V.JAY. Copy Teste. JAMES MORRIS, CVk. Nov. 18, 1830. 42 6w ,i ; pr. adv. $2.50. State of North .Carolina, t I Buncombe County. ' Superior Court of Law October Term, 1830 John Roberts M i i vs. Petition lor D ivorce. Agne Roberts. ) shelter under the Executive subserviency of the times, have, not only put unorr the nation this message, but the President, n man who, iitfhe moved at all; always service, in-what state ot health was . he their imprests, but made to secure the po thcn,ishcnow,orprdbably will he be,'at any Utical power of the Secretary. future time ? For legislating on this sub- . e have been told that cmr relations marched straight forward to .W.-bbjeci, H c " lulD1,niouls cna.l"" I with Ilussia arc of a high and important they have betrayed into the crooked cbui - yi"c.,eni oectxHary iiao piaceu us nouse : llltercst ; and, therefore, we cannot dis- ! sels which may J by diligent examihatioH, We haTe an e(lua11 d,1st,uJt Vlcw the pense with this appropriation ; because if 1 i i i- ! J ; I nast. the nresent. and the future. Dops -r.. .i tn j.r .i 1 I ne iouna in mis message, sent to congress r i e . r r i icubc wi uiury, wcuan oeieai ine 1 ' a m i 9 t m 1 ' I thatth'deiendant Asioberts isnotauiuhal by them, while1 they lie sheltered udder the " - vucc iuCm missi0n. Should this mission, by which 4 biotSfe imposing name ofthe first dignatar of tHe the power to tell whether John Randolph no public benefit was intended, and from be made for three months in the Raleigh Star and nation. If the King caii do nbJ wronv, m,f?nt nw. or evfr can be reauiredi by the wnich none can be hoped, be recalled, it J Western Advertiser, that the said Agnes Roberts thank God M;njsters my . m e Je ternis of his legation, to return to the Court may be replaced by one of better purpose, armear at, the next SuDenor Courtof Law to be . . . nf KiismT Ts nnttlii snlnrv mtpndpH trli ..ec- . -i w. . J s- ni w . a iiiii in in . m iui in ivi ri ii-a held for the conntv of Buncombe, at the Court "mes, De mane accouniaoie ior 116 House in i Asheville, on -the 2nd Monday after the sels which they have given hin). ;Tlie 4th Monday in March next, then and there to an- right divine id' man'" to rule, i4the pnor- swer, plead or deniur to the petition filed against m faith of ma ,made for ont. colw. her by John Roberts, or the same will be taken . , . .-1 , J . pro confesso, and heard ex. parte. : prebends in its creed no permanent; prp- AVitness, Joshua Roberts, Clerk of said Court, vision for any Crafty sycophant to skulk & vuitc, uic aiiu iti uuu ay unci 111c -tin .uuuuuv givt ii to him for the distinguished services tlon jn tbe "s.raight forward" path of our already rendered at the Court? If his relations with Russia, and we are labor-; health continue to require it, he has, -we ing to abate or remove it out of the way. are told, the. right to choose his place of Qurrtlations with the GoTcroment aro residence, uhat are, what have been tlir imnnrtnnt. TtintFn, . 4 . in September, 1830. 43 3m ! J. ROBERTS, Cleric. Pr adv. $4 50. VA t.A v y o y wuuuu v c i&u i ft i i . lt 0 4 I screen himself behind the throne, and play " 8 7 " wuceruiugwai ..uaun. lhc most numerous in population, and mt with security. ifl T "u nave f 11 see?. mm JK nl. im.s certainly thc most extensive in ter the little tyrant State of North ! Carolina, ! Buncombe County. Superior Court of Law October term, 183,0. . Alexander Henry J j , . j vs. i Petition for divorce. Happy Henry, j) tprntnrr. i I it i r: i . i t I . . - . J That part of this message, front' which -'. u "Ul U4 uuumun nnow u ofany poWeron the globe.- IVo nation of i learn the character of this mission to own opunons concerning his own health 1 the old world, othemisc than by colonics, I ivo novo mron nnorri itm nrnnnnnon his - t - ma . . we Russia, is all jot it which now j it ;-concerns us to examine. Our foreign i rela tions are u branch of the Department of Istwe; and this mission was xontriveid, and the account of it contained J in 'the w .. ... tMu mil jiiwuwuuw approaches so near ious. inis people is chronic complaint,a church-yard cough advancing in civilization, wealU), and In winter "he should not live over corn nower. bevond nnv exnmnle in its -former mmi m a m, a - m a. m M. g, in seed tirae, "lie snouiu aic plantiu history. In the last controversy of arms, "ITT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, messaoe, has been given to us 'by "the Se- II that thp flpfpnant is nnt iin mhahitant of this I . iw. ' t,. - ' ..! before harvest." He has for years been hetween Russia and thc Ottoman Empire, travelling from ISew York to Liverpool, h,ad not other powers of Europe intcrpos- -lumttMdeieniitisnoKM cretary of that! Department. The gentle- iromngiauu to t ranee ; irora .imenca cd a shielding hand, the Moslem, after State, it is ordered that publication be made for wai; m iimianmu. iuuiul Fnrnnn nnrl frnm P.nrnni to Amprin i e .u r L three moiths in the Raleigh! Stir, and North Car- man from North Carolina (Mr. Carson) ? Europe, and trom.l.urope to Arnenca, dominion of more than four centuries -in olina Spectator, that the, defendant, Happy Hen- has read this account for one purpose pursuit of health. Has he not from a 1 the fairest part of Europe, had been dri- ry, appear at the next Superior Court of Law, to sffPrmP M rl.it fnrnnw S 'K ! this, learned that neither time, nor travel, ven bevond the Bosnhorus: and the Au- be held for the county of Bufacombe, at the Court ..!!. can bringback to age the bloom of youth, tocrat of Russia would bare accnded the . JL lie in general, that he continues to carry oh "0Q! ,n Asheville. on; tne ui Jlonaay auer ine . , ,: J''.- ti u:,Or tO infirmity the Vigor Of health T thr f rnnttnntm-. Af ll UmM n- inrr r jt7ti i i 1 i i am vinnrtnv in mnrr.n tkyt tiipti nnn rnprp in I x nui i cvL 111 aiivni" iijul 1.111a i - " ... ..... . iUivn m.A.iiiu-,.in us various urancyes, at his , ."iv ;r '. : 7. . ' - , . - , . . , v. :1 ' ' il iVere he at this moment, to walk into this Uoi0;.n. ?:t. uair. secretary Van uu- nwraiiii iu iuc .11 Rqtherfordton; Jan. 6, 1831. 1 COACH FACTORY. TTPHE subscriber respectfully informs the' pub-1 be heldjbr the county oF Buncombe, at the Court U lie in irenetal. that he continnek to oarr on House m Asheville. onL the 2d Monday after the answer or. demur xo a few doors west of the Court House), where he agaV ner D7 Awxanaernpnrv, or ine same win s,tate Vho but has considerable ork finished, and Sa number of been proomesso ana neam ex parte hands in his emplpy , both in the Wood, blacksmith andother branches of the above business. Mail Coaches, Stages and Carriages of almost every de tcriDtion are keDtl on hand, or made to order on the shortest notice. Repairing of every description in the aboveJine, punctually -attended to. V 48w ! 31. CPHIFER. Lincolnton, Jan. 10, 1631. . . HOUSE 4ND -ORNAMENTAL THE subscribers take thi3 method of inform ing the citizens of Rutherford and its vicini ty, that they expect to be at J?utherfordton, on or about the hrst of February next, prepared to exe- Witness Joshua Roberts, Clerk of said Court, at Office, the 2nd Monday .after the 4th Monday in I'll ! . J. ROBERTS, Clerk. Pr.iadvi S4 50. rcn would have devised such amission, in wnnci ana ar iou5., ..at u a lhosc relations taken care oi now.as bcrc or selected such! a man to fill it, or caused 5,clte11 ?,r' "rning his health? tofore they have been, and as now cspc- such a printed paper to be sent to this ""a n,?.fulf""cu us; cially they ought io ocr Houe , Wejare told by it that our long 0' Sir l hex b? e Jc( Yes, r, I say as now they should be. ocfQKi;ei, TUt;nnfft Rcc;,i,n. i101;n who but he can be the judge of his own For now Europe is convulsed, and nfnta- totallWhani and that, in nlace of !a health ?) hA l1 neTcr. a5ain twn t0 tedftt)m the 3Icditcrranean to the Baltic.. .L:.i lJ.:a ' Af:..:' -'id. the Court of the Czar. uci liiuiiciiuv ircsiucui ixiiiiatci: . ui mai Court, regardless of the miccmn lino Knnn 1 t.fTlkntftrl iuiociuu lias uvM ixjfcv cuiv hjlj i ia i - . t p ii V- . - lents. the health', habits land disposition bf or ine saiary oi a puuuc minister, wno wmter campaign, has sent out 200,000 ' .... . - i. ,. I. I Hoo hAn in ; tho rillhli cormi. tha I f J! . 1 .1 . f ijv- .-w..w .ii, . n. igoiuicfs w ucr euutn wesiern ironuer, ,10 wn, HpiirnpH ? Bv the verv terms of this P1UCU "l U1S U"MUCU noi rcucu look oui on me old battle faelds of lielgi- - - , . -l J- ' more than a 1 like number of davs. He lnm nnrl Fmnfo fn tt,;. a;; nfKn. - I wm-- wiWf M L iUU VViiUIUVU V nought, what would a Power must be im- m mencan people. Arc September, 1830. Mi ' 1 43 3m f State of North Carolina, j ; Buncombe County. . Superior Court of Law, October Term, 1830 .i t-i ... t. t: ) hi . . Sarah Wicaser, i vs- ' George Wicaser T appearing to the "IT Jl that the defendant ij not an inhabitant of this State: It is Ordered, that publication be made for L. .t)ici tn iVo T?nloi(rK Roirictor anil hnrtli cute any Job in their line of business with despatch Carolina Spectator, that the defendant George e are, therefore, I The flame of war is bat just repressed. public 'service ia directed aud rcquired, by the Secretary Troops are called into the field, hvalmost d to suit the ta- of State,' to appropriate this item of 9000, every nation ; and Russia, in a kind of nair tn I?..in but is authorised to leave "t5" " l""cmtu neatness notinferior to any in theNothemor E aetiupurt oVIa ihat Court, and! that Empire, whenever J? me mVeT ae his bow, or gene feouUiern btates. CCT Business will be attended to KkiMTnr the conntv of TWomh. at the u'ut.LA ifti,itl,BflLi.i.l;n(l flexion, retired, and went to England! rw House in Asheville, on the 2nd Monday af- -T i i i k xr 1 ranee ? Italy I or where ? o mortal . . . i irinv niiii t r iu : w w ill iiiil Li irr iii.il n ill i - A.t UT . J Mnll. .A.t I 1 I , A VVI , 1 to plead, answer or demur to the petition filed a- "an politician jat the head of thfe fetate gainst Jiim by Sarah Wicaser, or the same will be Department would have advised the Fres taken pro confesso, and heard exparte. ident to such a' mission, or dared; to place AyitaessJauom, vierKoi .saia opn, at m na imnnt Snored tohp. Rnt tn this on the shortest notice 0 G. W DAVIS, J SAM'LD. PEUGH. 7?utherfbrdton,!jDcc. 15. 1830. ' i 44tf S 10 REWARD 1 1 man, on this side the Atlantic, can inform 4 us. RUNAWAY from the subscriber: r.ffio. Onrl Monday after the. 4th Monilav in i 1a Sitt D; Sfe "S111 coJ- September, 1830. ' ;J. ROBERTS, Clerk. . ouredMULATTO BOY, named 42 3m 1 Pr. adv. 4.50 GMBO, about 5 feet 8incheS hirh r , : slender made. He is well known I . NOTICE. During this nine days residence what services did he render to the Ameican House, such a statement of its commence- reopiei . i he secretary is sausnea, anu c ment.and present condition? In what surely ought not to be anxious about this nart c.r thA Cnnstitution. or the laws of the CTeat affair. .We are told it is a matter I - . ' - I i . i : .1 i 1 a1 mnila ri ri7 rvf Vin bvaffreatmany in this Conntv ' rrrr ,r,ralHnds of&ass seeds vurchased at the United StatesJ pr oi the usages; pirims Mwusiyciy luvyv-j "lirt was raised by Joseph Greene, Esq., Eh it i.s Xm-ih hu and for the we of the members of the Government, does he find any Uhinff in bxecntive ;. and therefore It 1S,1 presume, . probabte that he riiay be lurking about m thatneigh- j Rutherford Agricultural Society, have been re- su pport of the measure ? It will hot be 1 considered that the Representatives of the bortvood- The above reward will be given to any cetred and are ready for deliver to those, interested. uSl-i:. ni. o U Peonle hnve nn other vocation but to vote I.aZ.cll UIUHr vJ- v ouj .viiaf i 1 - House was never, oetorc tnis time, canea i prouuu uuu ix: wnnauvu. boilwod- 1 Re apove rewara win oe given io any lierson who'will deliver him to me, m tnis place. 1 WALTER B. RUTHERFORD. By order of the Corres; Secretary, January, 7. lcdl. rope, do we not require an able, a dili gent, a resident Minister at Russia? Withhold this appropriation, abolish this sinecure relation, and this rosy be effected. . One other fact, in the history of our di plomacy, renders the redence of a skilful, faithful Minister" at that Court, at this time, above all other, indispensable. We learn from the Department of 'State, through the same medium, this message, that a treaty of amity and commerce has been negociated between the United States and the Sublime Porte. The Secretary, with great candor, told as what the ,Turk had agreed to do for the Christian, but he, with great caution, conceajnl what the (I K Rmhcrfurdton;i Jaa. 20, iesi. 4?tf fa-