.-.. r i i V - . . ' , ' 1 i (DAlEdDILIII NB WE STEM AB,T E1T IS E ILV j VOLUME II. RUTHERFORDTON, SATURDAY EVENING,' FEBRUARY 26, 1831. TVTTt r T T7 T O ,. - ' ... ! ' v j- i I. A, i '1 i I K . ?, i r I : V I I is PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY EVENING BY IIOSWELL, ELMER, Jr. f Terras of 'subscription. Two dollars and fifty CentSj per annum, if paid in advance ; or three dol lars, if paid within the year: tut if delayed after the close of the year, twenty-five cents will be .added. - - . . . . .' . - No paper will be discontinued until particularly ordered and all arrearages paid, or at the discre tion of the publisher, j 1 1 Advertisements inserted on the usual terms. All persons advertising will please note the num ber of times they wish to have them- inserted, or they will be continued and taxed accordingly. . r ESTATE SALE. MOTICE is hereby I given, that I. i&all sell at Publie Vendue, at the Court-IIouse , in Mop ganton, on the Tuesday of nexj March Superiot Qourt, for Burke County AH the personal proper ty belonging to the estate of EDWIN POOR, de; ition for Partis tion of Land. State of North Carolina, . I , Haywood County. Court of Picas and Q,tiarter Sessions December i : s Term, 1830. .f Sally Hinson, !; )peti Ahthonv Meace, & others. S 1 1 IT appearing to the Court, that Anthony Meace one of the defendants in this cause, is not an inhabitant of this State : It is ordered that publica tion be made for six weeks, successively, in the North Carolina Spectator and Western Advertiser, that unless he appear at the next! Court of -Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for this County, at the Court-House at Waynesville, on the first ALdnday alter the fourth Monday in March next, and answer, plead or demuj, the petition will be taken - pro confesso and heard exparte as to him. Witness, R. LOVE, Clerk of our said Court at office, the last Monday m December, 1830 i 16w Pr. Adv. $2 50. consisting oi YOUNG Una mmam VP LIKELY G ROES; - & HORSES; some CAUlviK 1 t Uitisii uti& r i and .other articles not mentioned, oa a credit of twelvemonths; purchaseis ' giving bond and approved security! The undersigned having been duly quaU ified as Administrator of Edwin Poor, deceased, a the January session of Burke County Court, 1831, I do hereby notify all persons who have claims against the estate of the said Edwin Poor, Hec'd, to present them Within the time prescribed by law, le-l gaily authenticated otherwise this- notice will be plead in bar of their recovery; and all persons in- ijebted to the said estate, are requested to come '" forward immediately and make payment, or their ' notes and accounts will be placed in the hands of an officer, for immediate collection j ISAAC T. POOR-A February 4, 1831. i: i 526w CEN3US returns; FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. I itself in the Chamber of Deputies imd all uie purely liberal narty has reUred. Uu- From the Ti. Y. Courier and Eaqairer.l I Mnf j ifi? rJ.n- mrA TW.l. New York, Ftb.fi. By the of C V T L.ZT TnV CENSUS OF NORTH GAROlUNA. InthcSiitorofthc5thinst;1wi L:. Have reUnquished office and with i ' . i uic nuuuieoD. uiiu lue uiiaaa. iroui lit i.t n - . inent ot the census oi mis state ; e Ka- aon papers 10 uie m ummo, ana lifer- n:..u. iState of North Carolina, , Macon Countu. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions December Term, 1830.) j Taletha Norton, Dowress ) j . ' vs. - V. V Petition for Doer. Gideon Norton, Deceased, j ! j H T appearing to the satisfaction of the Canrt, that JU. Joha uioXj and his wife Nancy Elijah Bra dy, and his wife .Temperance -Martin Moss, and his wife. Drucilla Ldieth Norton, and Andrew Norton ; defendants in this case, are not inhabit ants of this State : It is therefore ordered that pub lication be made for six weeks, in the North Caro lina Spectator and Western Advertiser, that the said defendants do appear at our next Court, on the Monday before the last Monday of March next, at the Court-House in Franklin, and object to the saia reiuion, or ineir consent tnereto, wui De en tered of record. ! Witness, NATHAN B. HYATT, Clerk of our said Court, at office, the last Monday of December, 18 JU. I lbw Pr. adv. leigh Star of the 3d inst., containsa more extended statement, from which' vre ' ex tract the recapitulation there mades , j WHITES. ' m ! f Males. F6rna1c$. Under 5 years of age, 46,662 '42,785 Of 5 and under 10, 35,973 -J47 Of 10 and tinder 15, 31,171; S!S,792 Of 15 and under 20, 25,582; liB Of 20 fd under 30, Of 99 and under 40, CV40 and under 50, Of 50 and under GO, Of 60 and under 70, Of 70 and under SO, Of 80 and under 90, Of 90 and under fOO, Of 100 and upwards, pool to the 5th. The principal it en? of intelligence which they contain wl be found in our columns. ENGLAND. Incendiary acts' still continued it the southern counties of England, but iri the midland they had decreased. Spicial ; i : i . commissions nau uccu issue u 10 uj REPORT TO THE KING. Paris, Dec 26. Sir Sir. Le Gen eral Lafayette has ofleird bis resignation as Commandant General of the National Guard of the Kingdom. Applications were made to the General, that be should renounce the resolution, which has afHict- aml has 15,076 10,646 5,947 2,469 650 136 .23 sions had been issued to try nu-lIC""uu w,t 4 ".TL persons charged with attempt to tbc of jour aiarjesty ltnrhflncps. and the Covenant M?pnTed France of his mat fcmct?. lit i . j : 1.1 !.. r .U- litia a measure more stiwhr indicative r' "ie u"u,i,c Tuuw Ui- A,u do. UNDER DECREE OF ronzscLoaTms. oW ON Monday the 18th day of April 5 next, (being the Monday of the Spring V v Term ot the S UDenor Court of Rath before the Court-House at RutheifordA ton, several Tracts and parcels; of Land, as the pro perty of the Heirs at Law of Augustus Sacket dec., containing an aggregate amount of about 30,000 .1 State of North Carolina, i Uuncombe County Superior Court of Law October Term, 1830. John Roberts i i I vs. Petitioa for Divorce. Agnes Roberts. S i It appearing to tue satisfaction of the Court. that the defendant, Agnes Roberts, is not an inha bitant of tliis State ; It is ordered that publication be made for three months in the Raleigh Star and Westeta Advertiser, that the said Agnes Roberts appear at the i next Superior Court of Law to be Upder 10 vears Of 10 and under 24, Of 24 and under 36, Of 36 and under 55, Of 55 and under 100, Of 100 aud upwards, merous 39.174 . 1.2) had nuhli.lied a notice rnllinrr out the mi- fne resolution oiueoenu xajcuc wu. 23,080 4,704 ;10,657 any that has fallen under our observation. 6UHIce " "ttU -..u r.Cf i 15,944 Meetings on Parliamentary reform, be- and public order, menu the pnuse of the ; ;2470 came every where more numerous in H' t 4 . i L767 Scotland more particularly a new and "I haw the honor to propose to your , ,152 neral feeling on this Subict semd to Majesty tho name of Count Lobau, Lieu- prevail, and had evinced itself in all the principal towns. A dissolution of Parlia ment was spoken of in case it should not sanction the measures of reform which it is said the Ministers intend to propose to it, with the full concurrence of the The Glasgow Bank has been robbed 51 fayette has gven in his resignation. r on nam I flattered myself that I should have seen Males. Females. The coliierv at Elseear Yorkshire has hira longer at your head, and animating !aSe 19'9 41'?9I hon dGatrov hr JnndLri your zeal by his example, and by the great oil,14b o7,50 . i J . - . IW . .. services he has rendered the cause of hb- 42G . i 236,589 235,844 White population in 1830, 472,433 : 1820, 419,200 Increase, SLAVES. Males. h3,?33 tenant General, as Commandant-General of tbc National Guard of.Paria. (Signed) "3IoNTiL.nrET (Extract, time will not permit us to give the whole.) "Brave national Guards You will partake of my regret in learning that Gen- 20,270 20;169 13,925 1249 5,790 5,622 02 1 14 I ' - f . : 125,291 121171 Slave population in 1830, 246,462 do. I - 1820. 205.017 ..-u .1 r .:n i ..n:: . i "f-"' "-t c, rafkV. rT a w ? BUU C 1 lo held ibr the county of Buncombe, at the Court Satfy the balance due upon the decree. V ' J House in Ashflvill. nn the 2nH Monrlav aftpr the l hese lands are 6ituate m dinerent sections of I ,. u T j : t.i. u j.u: Rutherford Counts-some of them in the neich- i.i a .v. .u: ner by John Koberts, or the same will be taken pro confesso, and heard ex parte.: Witness, Joshua Roberts, Clerk of said Court, at Office, the 2nd Monday after the 4th Monday in September, 1830. j i V i JJ ROBERTS, Clerk. 43 3m . Pr. ady.'4 50. i borhood of the &old mines of Whiteside's setfle ment, and will probably be found "upon examina tion, to contain mines. f A credit of twelve months will begiven the pur chaser entering into bond with approved security for the purchase money. j Titles will be made as shall be ordered bv the Court. . T. F. BIRCH ETT, C. & M. .January 10, 1831. 52 7w SHERIFF'S SALE BY virtue of a Fii Fa. to me directed from the Clerk of the : Superior Court of Lincoln County, I 6hall expose to public sale, at the Court House in Asheyijie on the 2nd Monday in April next, : ".- , -f'I ', 35 O Acres of Land, lying in the county of Bun combe, in Three tracts, 150 acres lying on Mc Dowell's creek above Leban Spann's ; 100 acres below Leban Spann's, on said Creek ; 100 acres on Green i2iver, joining or near ifobert Jones,: le- vied on as the property of Allen Twitty at the suit of William Roan. N. HARRISON, Sheriff. January 27, 1831. " ; 1 ,51 4w 1 KfLook at tkisIJ 1 THE compass has been so long in use, that, I hope its utility will ere long find its way in , to Rutherford county, and put every man in pos session of his own land marksthey may then es cape the judgment denounced in a certain book. This isf therefore, to notifyall persons, ithat they may not plead ignorance in future) that,' am determined to prosecute all and every individ " ual, who shall be found trespassing by cultivating the poil, removing timber, or in any otherwise com mitting waste upon any of the various tracts of land "belonging to Col. Richard Le wis situate in the Rutherford county lots and land adjoining the vil lage of Rutherfordton, unless with my written or verbal consent ; and it is presumed that all leases and permissions -granted by bim, for any of those purposes, have expired. : I ! Persons holding bonds on him for titles, would do well to present them Also persons having "iaue purcimses oi iana, in wnicn ne is interested, are hereby notified that no tilles will- be executed. unless satisfactory, evidence is adduced that, his proportion of the purchase money has been actuallv paid, or secured to be paid , either to himself or his properly authorized agent. I J. OVERTON LEWIS, Agent. - Rutherfordton, 25th Jan'y, 1831. 1 50 ly p State of North Carolina, i Buncombe County. . Supenor Court of Law-I-October term, 1830. Alexander Henry i i ' j rs. . Petition for divorce. Happy Henry. ; V I : I appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant is not an inhabitant of this State, it is ordered that publication be made for three months in the Raleigh Star, and North Car olina Spectator, that the defendant, Happy Hen ry, appear at the next oupenor Court of Law, to NOTICE. JOSHUA TAYLOR of JZuther ; ford County, enters one BAY GEL- UIWlx, supposed to be twelve vears I old, about nl teen bands high, trots and paces, both hind feet white up to ' the pastern joints, has the big-head: appraised at twenty dollars, the 5th of January, 1001 J' JAfllLiS rKW Hanger. Kutherfordton, February 10th 1831. 52 3w HOUSE OF ENTERTAINMENT. AT THE SIGN OF THE BELL, i v Union Court-House Si C i JAIVH3S SJOXIXLXS KL5PECTFULLY ! informs hia mends and the nnhli in pnol that 1 1 S if ' H he hLas that large and conveni- rteid, li. He thinks it n , iu iuoo p. w..o0 uu in uiereiore only invite tra vciicia iumu ouujuugc tyr uiemselves. , ' ' ' ' " ' 52 1vp I AM under the painful necessity of notifying and forewarning all persons from harWinn and trading with my wife Maryt . as she is in the habit ot deserting my bouse, and wastmg her time C abroad, to the great injury of our domestic com. .forts, and the manifest inconvenience of our family t -wk rnrr a -n tr iirTfnm-v eiauons. KllHAnU UU Feb. 16th 1831. L : ldwp Increase, '41,4-15 ' i: V, FREE COLORED, i Free Colored population in 1830, 19,75 do. -lS20.U4.01i Increase. TOTAL. I Total population of the State in . 1830 do. 4,963 do. ltton Increase, 1- l Persons included in the foregoigi , Deaf and dumb whites 194 $ blrpks 79 total 273. Blind whites 215 : blanks 157 Foreigners hot 'naturalized, total 372. 206. TOWNS. Newbern, 3,796 i 'J i rrt -- s iwo rirates were naneea in Lonaon t fod k;a rc',mf,hnn th na on the 21st Dec. he has but a short time to lire. Thisbraro A Fearful j Menace. We ha?e often General took aglorious part to maintain heard of people setting tlie Thames on order in the late agitation. I find ano- fire, and it woud appear by the following ther consolation in naming Count Lobau letter received bj a person at Exeter, that Commaudant-General of the National Swing, though not inclined to attack the Guards of Paris., He joined and partook river, pronqted by his hatred to all ma- in your daugers and your glory on the chinery, is at least determined to burn the memorable days of July; his brilliant milit- ircfcr-works, when he has an opportunity, ary qualities &. his patriotUm rendered hira The letter to , which we allude is couched w orthy to command this Citizen Militia,' - in these terms : by. which 1 am proud to be' surrounded ; Tu:.;f I j i : r .t-: and your, water works, being the pert of confidence and affection. , Lous Fuiltte. Paris, Dec 26. ' The motives which led to this resigna tion, are in one paper stated as follows: The Chamber of Depulies, apparently alarmed for reform, passed a rote enact ing that the National Guards should not be permitted to choose their own General. The consequence of this tote would bare been the remoral of La Fayette ; but this ungrateful, unpopular, and perilous step was to have been obviated by a direct op- pomment from the Iimg. To this, how ever the patriotic General would not sub- the city of Exeter, not only by taking bread out of the mouths of the poor water men, but by your overbearance and pride, this is to inform you, that if you do not 738,4701 destroy that vile machine of yours that in 638,829 9 days it shall be burnt to the ground and further if you neglect this notice yoa shall 199,641 hot only have vour property burnt 'but a your body irom SWING. be held for the countj of Buncombe, at- the Court Fayetteville, 2.863 House in Asheville. on the 2d Monday after the 4th Monday in March next; then and there to plead, answer or demur to the petition" filed against her by Alexander Henry or the same will be taken pro confesso and beard ex parte Witness Joshua Koberts. Ulerk of said Court, at Officej the 2nd Monday after the 4th Monday in September,; i3u. ; r I ! I 1 J. ROBERTS, Clerk. 43 3m Pr. adv. $4 50. Raleigh, 1,700 Salisbury, U,613 I The population o ven. CENSUS Tarborougli H 971 Warreutjon,? 062 Plymouth, j' ,660 Greensbdrouffhit562 f other towns is hot ei- I - 1 ? ' i State of North Carolina, i Buncombe Countu. Superior, Court of Law, October Term, 1S30. barali leaser, 1 J - i j rs. a Petition for Divorce. ' George Wicaser. V ' : appearing t the satisfaction of the Court, Maine, mark shall be made of your deadly enemy "Neglect not this or you will know the weight of lead." I IRELAND. Dublin, Dec. 20. Yesterday Mr. CV- Connell made a public entry into this city, mit. Subsequently the King sent for "his on ms return irom lonuon. ai an eariy old and long attached tnend,': and the la bour the different trades in this city had vitatibn was accepted, collected 'along the road from Howth to Lafayette declared that ho "appeared Dublin, eachi bearing banners of green, aot as an unconnected individual, but as surrounded by Orange colours and inscri- a negociator; and in reply to the KingV bed with a variety of mottes, among them earnest' entreaty that he would re-acccpt was to be seen, "Repeal, of the Union, the command in chief of the Guards from but no separation."-: Liberty of the his hands, said that he could never do so. press, Jews," son," &c. ' About 50t000. persons were the introduction of such an tlectorial law- collected. The houses in the. streets ns would satisfy the oeonle. and pire solid- . . ---. r, OF NEW -ENGLAND. ,1820: 1830. Increase 293,335 399,383 ilQl,048 N. Hampshire, 244,161 269,500 25,372 Vermont, I! 235,764 276,000 ! 40,236 Massachusetts. 523.287 610.014 ' 86.727 Rhode-Island, 83,059 97,226 14,167 through which the procession passed, were fty to the institutions of the revolution. Connecticut, iiu MTjjuruuuij, i:.-x4iiKiij ui me nis nanas, saia mat ne couia nerer oo so, ss," "William" IV:" 'Emancipate the without an infussionofthe popular strength ," "O'Connell, . Ireland's faTorite into his Majesty's preseut Councils, and IF, Stdte: It is Ordered, that publication be made for three months in the Raleigh Register, and North Carolina' Spectator, that the defendant George Wicaser, appear at the next Superior Court of Law to be held j for . the county of Buncombe, at the Com House in Asheville, on the 2nd Monday af ter the 4th Monday in March next, then and there to plead, answer or demur; to the petition filed a gainst him by Sarah Wicaser; or the same will be taken pro confesso, and heard exparte 275,248 297,720 : 22,478 illuminated. ,." Mr. U'l. addressed the The.last accounts from Fans represent multitude ironiv his - jiouse in mernon the state of things in I'aris in a morefa- Ile stated thar the new ministry vorable light. The mobs had dispersed solicited him j8cWjtevofl5ce, but that he and the public fund, had xisqn rcry mate- The population of the State of : New eciiuf iuaWuiu y cre noj. rialJj. u ' . .i . ' ,i . prepaneo to enpipy any rcmeoy. ior tne that the defendant is not an inhabitant of this N. England, 1,659,854 1,949,882 290,023 square York, as near jr as is yet ascertained, is 8pcciai relief onreland. . i,u4,uo. ; . i . . "FRANCE. The trial of hef ex-ministers . has Census tion of Tenn of Tennessee. The total, popula- minated ; we;, have only nas .to-day Uo ennessee, according to tne en u- :ve the smtAhcA nassed 6n them hv. thtf .X)f. Witness Joshua Koberts, Clerk of said Court, at merauon lately completed, is oq4,aS4-r- Chimhpr nf Ppprs The neorilo f ..PnVJ Office, the 2nd Monday after the 4th Monday in 542,452 whites and 142 370 fcolbred ; . r . - 1 snmWi irso .r- i - j borfrts nJh XT. ana coPT s were in a state.of the grealcaCMcjte- 1 4TtaT Pr. adv. T ' " i neiorai population, ox instate in XttW, ment durine it8 progress, andCheVoyern-l i , i ; I was A'zrl KIM mprpftao riiirinr tW leio fun I . . . w . . . AT ' J I SIO REWARD t: years 7W fUS!Lt r r . ' f RUNAWAY fr6m the subscriber, total number of inhabitants was. iri IR20. on the 27th' December, a light col- j 135.312 ? in 1R30. IQfi.374 rfriUkb'- 062. In Middle Tennessee afiJj&t'iVesi ic71 uisuciy me toiai popvuario2 was,! in, 1S20, 287,501; in 1 830, 483,44&j increase wtvk4. supposing me rano irrepre oured MULATTO BOY. named GIMBQ, about 5 feet 8inches high, slender made. He is well known by asgreat many in this County, as he was raised by Joseph Greene, Esq., and "it is probable tnat ne may be lurking about in thatneigh i i.1 . mi . i . i -ii . - . oornoou. J.e person who WALTtK u. RUTHERFORD. Rutherfordton, Jan.20, 1831. 1 49tf General Lafayette has given the follow ing explanation of his resignation in the Chamber: ' "In a neirhborinff nation it is the cus torn when a citizen retires from o distin guished office, for him lo come before his fellow; citizens, and explain the cause, and am sure the Chamber will grant me the same faror. I always hare considered that the post of Commander-in-Chief of ed. A correspondent says 'tlie ereatl the JNationaluuardsot trance was mcom- uare of the LouTre presented one ckhse" patible with n constitutional monarchy. ass of National Guards fully equipped. except undervcircumstanccs of the most hfe cannons were all served and the absolute necessity, it was this conviction treets upon the -quays were all paraded that led mc, in 1790, when 3,000,000 "of stronff piaueU.- The Cavalrv Srerc national uuaras wisnea u eiecx me tneir 0 j 'he above reward will be given to any sentation to be nxed at &O.UUU: 4Pennes- amounted and the Lancers and Chasseurs commander, at the Federation by 14,000 "ill 10 me' in this Place see after tl,e next apportionnientrin be cf the line had hay slun over tlie saddles Deputies, to apply to the Constituent As- WALTER K. RTTTTTF.R FOR TV n.1vJ . .I Jitlnnnl P... j. . . 5T i j CJOIf ABTNERSfflP, nilHE undersigned have this day entered in t JLLI to copartnership in the TAILORING BUSI NESS. I. -.:. ,; ,i :i - . ; They respectfully inform their friends and the entitled to three additional Representa tives in Congress, with a fraction of about Her present number is Raleigh' SWir. 8,000 to spare nine. Effects of Passion. A young man citizens xf tnis ana me aajoinmg counties, mat tney was tni3 morning examined before the Po- will be always ready to execute any order in their h: . t i.. . -J. - &a .i .u nee CourU on a charge of assaultms and most reasonable terms; They deem itunnecessa- ocaUng Ins Witeso severely, tnattnepliysi- ry to speak! of their ability. They flatter them- cian called in to assist her, testified on selves, hoover, that by their long practice-the oatb that she ouldnot probably j survive, facihties they have of obtaining the latest fashions, T. r j t ij. Lls lL andtocoitantexertwnstb was found bj the .evidence that the receive a due share of the public patronage. . cause of the assault was a refusal oh the They will occupy, as a shop, a room over Twit- partof the wife to accompany her husband J M AJXAUW 0 v VALENTINE MOONEY. JAMES V.JAY. Rutherfordton, Jan. 6,1831. -j on a sleigh ride, last evening. Tie de fendant' was committed for further xam- lination. Boston Transcript if their horses as ready for active service." sembly, and urge thera to issue a decree otwlUlStandlng4hese imposing demon- m opposiuon to mis oesire. i?ui suit neral of the IUngdom, who ha since be come our King, wished me to accept the same appointment, and I felt tnyselfbound to accept it, but always retaining the in tention of laying it down, as soon as I was satisfied that it was no longer neces sary .for me to retain it, earlier if peace re mained unbrokeo, but at a later period had war ensued- The declared opinion of the chamber has hastened the period, and out of respect for it 1 haVe not waited till the law was submitted to the other branches of the state. It is merely a maX terofdate;butIhoaldbe deeply Jwrt, strations,apfarariceshecame more threa tening, aud wileuJtJi. alarm was greatest. GeneraUTay&te repaired to .the place of confinef&entr ot the Ex-ministers, de manded a bed in their prison, and said be would not quit it until the sanctuary of the laws was, assured. Happily no serious consequences ensued and the men them selves are now left to ponder, over their follies or their crimes in perpetual seclu sion. . . j - There appears' to be other causes how ever which have continued to agitate the public mind in France. A strong oppo sition to the King's Ministers has shown . i. :. " 1 1 y . -