i KdDmTriHi DRdDILlIEIA ANB WES T E1M' AIYEIT IS El. VOLUME II. RUTHERFORDTON, SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 23, 1831. NUMBER 10. (DA 1:1": - - i : " !.'-'--. it ':'"'' 1 E il r w i . .. ... Ilia ? 1 a. I, '1 ft PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY EVENING BY , KOSWELL ELMER, Jr. i Terms of subscription. Two dollars and fifty ; cents, per annum, if paid in advance; or three dol Jars, if paid within the year but if delayed after the close of the year, twenty-five cents will be added. , . .j s ; , j ' :. !t K. No paper will be discontinued uintil particularly ordered and all arrearages paid, or at the discre tion of the publisher. j :; ::; . Advertisements inserted! on the, usual terms. All. persons advertising will please note the num ber of times they wish to have (them inserted, or they will be continued and taxed'; accordingly. REMOVAL. fin HE subscriber aware that Loans Sales and- JL . business m general can be effected more m sily expeditiously and satisfactorily has removed from the City of Philadelphia to New York, whprp every facility is offered foV transacting home or foreign business correctly legally, and with de- Fpaicn. MM). V. EVERITT,' 37, Nassau St.. N. York Citv. N. B. ; (p To Editors througout the Union. Those Editors desirous of supporting and patron izing this institution shall be entitled to the propri etor's aid gratis to the amount of $5.00, by giving his, advertisement in full a conspicuous place in their papers 2 or 3 times, and forward a copy containing lie same, , . UEU.W. EVERETT, v- . ! . V ; ; 37, Nassau St., N. Y. : !' ' i ''-.it ! ' : il i' n ' j EDUCATION OF SLAVES. T i-a . ! LFrom the Southern Religion Telegraph What can the American people do, and ichat ought they to do, for the Blade Population of this country ? (Furnished by the Society of Inquiry hi the Union mi i - ifr . x ueoiogicai cemiuary.) The question how proposed, refers not only to the blacks who are now held in bondage iu the slave-holding States, but also to all the free peraons of color scat tered through the length and breadth of our country, from Maine to Florida, and from the Atlantic Ocean to the Rockv Mountains. It is a question which con cerns every member of our extended com- iversally ( desecrated, and employed far , ' the won tof purposes. . . Again, no intelectual or moral qualifi-! cation can give the negro a place jln soci ety, or obtain for him a share in the civil, literary, or social privileges of our country. His exclusion from these depends on an other circumstance than that of character a circumstance, which as it wa extirrly beyond his control, so it is unchangeable and will forever operate. This circum- , stance is he is a black man. tie has - then ho motive we speak of him as un influenced by religion tor acquiring or - maintaining a moral character, lie sees NEW ESTABLISHMENT. PL suoscnoer Having become ntractor for the Mail Stage front LINCOLNTO N twA RUTH- . . c. i i . ' ujuuc ui imuimug uic puunc, mac nis line is no bcne&t in being honest, in exercising munity, of whatever State he may be the ll,e so5,al J.f s or l? Fpg andJf citizen: for if there be guilC, if there be re- stmn hT13 depraTed propensities. , ,Tb sponsibility and doubtles there are both sPmt of "IJ "seat and dnnk, for to-mor- attached to any, in regard to the black row w,c dieL he of CCK,rsc PPlips nnnnin.inn ,. o. ti. M versally to the government of hia conduct Ch.lri ..oii ,i k ii . and the formation of his char connected with the Salisbury, Favetteville and Columbia 7. 1 . f., .,. i ' wu "MM U VV. me nvo lormer westwardly to Asheville, where it meets the Kiioivilk, Tennessee line. 1 n For myself, the first years of ray life were rH&uationof spent in a State where the sight of the i ,? j "Jrougn wnicn it passes is Healthy and romantic, aiTodiDir an exhibition I of as irrand I u j e i 7 mountam Wry as can any where be found. This line is the shortest between cSalKemS Pf'Vf hcre, 5 ad a few years, where the MOXEY IN MARKET. TOrOWNERS OF GOLD MINS, PLANTA- TlUS, 31 A J U r A C TO RI S , &c. &c. Til C subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and the public that he is daily visited by Am erican& foreign capitalists, who are desirous &anx ous of advancing and investing their funds to good ad vantage-who are desirous of purchasing & leas ing wholes or shares of Real Estate(improved or un improved,) and other valuable property who wish to become proprietors, partners or sharers in Gold ines or Mining Companies or would loan mo ney in small and large amounts at 5, 5t G, and 7 per cent, per annufn. interest to bei naiH annnallir and mi-annually-T-to be secured on mortgages of real estate tree Irom incumbrances'and valued and worth double the amount required, Therefore those who wish to sell, lease 6r mortgage Kr obtain part ners, &c, will, per mail, (postage; paid) forward every necessary instruction particularize their views and wishes and describe their property cor rectly, its location, situation, divisions, quality, irri ' . provements, quantity and real value, &c; and en--dose the-advance office fee, which amounts to $5, tor every, $7500 wantedi Commissions : when oans are effected, wdl be from 1 to U ner cent. Nonbusiness can meet with attention unless postage ; is paid and acepmpanied with a reasonable advance fee An established and not to be deviated rule is now m force, viz: no letters received (in any in stance) or taken out from the Post Office, nnless paid or franked, GEO, VV. EVERITT, , . Real Estate Broker Attorney American, 7 3vv Foreign and General Agent, i No: 37. Nasaaa St.t New York (City,) N. Y. " 0-WA3TTS A SITUAIOn, A YOUNG MAN 25 y ears of age, who writes a neat legible hand-f-is conversant with and has an idea of business in general possesses alib ,f eral education (English and Classical) has tfavel : Vied much through Canadajand the U. Stales bas been in business for himself has been unfortunate . and now seeks for a respectable situation at the Sooth, in any mercantile or respectable establish ment ; manufactory ; as agent or manager on a plan- . tation ; as travelling companion, or agent, or copy- ist in an office, &c. &c if required can give reier 1 ence. A moderate salary ' to warrant a genteel support would be required. Communications ( post paid) to the subscriber, will meet with prompt at tention. UEU. VV. tiVEKITT,. .' , 7 3w : r. 37, Nassau-st., New York City slave toiling for his master was as familiar see ;-j-it leaves Lincolnton every Saturday morning and runs to- Rutlfrfordton, and thence to Asheville l" population though not SO numerous liincolnton on L uesday mtking an easy travel-each way of and though blessed With freedom, were probably more degraded and miserable on Sunday evening, whence it returns to 8a miteain twnrtnvai UMTAU possible care will be taken of baffirajre orothir thin Kt ln V,htv iii. r. T . . &m toltt-:a ;mrtf;-,k;ii; f Vi;. that may happen. : IGARlTAm mntf aracter. Tho rce black may have the profits of his la bor: but he has been solong accustomed to the stupid lazy life of the slave, that be ing now freed from the authority of his master, he has lost all motire whatever for exertion, and the character-thus formed J f aesccnas to uis posterity. - u: a rie oj. Rutherfordton, March 26, 1831. T 6tf i I' SALEM AJfD GREENVILLE L.IKTE! : , P Q3 S T-G A HE 8 . HIS LINE is run through a distancoof 196 miles in three dajs and a half, by way of lluntsville Statesville, Moreanton, Brindletown. Bedferdsville. and Rutierfordton The contractors have good horses ard excellent drivers ; they hae made their stands Wiff a view to the accommodation of passengers. ' j . t )' . i . l This Line passes' through a romantic and healthy country, yieldirc all the bounties of nlre c I : . r 1 . i persohally concerned, in common with ev- In 5.c,clJf Vl ?S oc lD orn ery other member of the community, in nitraro inquiring, What can be done, and ought c? b ,ts bonds' a,Jd PWpatiiiC m its to be done for our black population T It advantages and the certain prospect of is not propbsed however, to discuss the P"Puai oegraaaiion wmcn isoeiore mm whole question. these things generally destroy the very , With the plan and objects of the Amer- V ican Colonization Society, we at present m UP wohlcssness and ignominy, have nothing to do. The manumission This is the case with all if Aic men, who and transportation to Africa of the blacks, ,Sh son,e. misconduct, have destroyed 'UV lCliUi.ll.IUll. JI.I1CV U1U lUICUCll 1U cinnnt nossiMv tnlcA nl.iP imminiolv ,uc" repuiai Tho n.ctmn hCnr c ;0 Who M hope they lose all respect for themselves bound to do for the blacks in the mean IT"1"1 .lh?n CTy one knows, they are titno ' ri,;io tiTr r..m om A su it is tuc same witn the black man. 11 passes through the bosom ot theuold Region ot V estern JNorti Carolina. TIipsp f.?ie;,traf;, and the cheapness of fare they-hope are sutficient inducements to irfiure a general run of trvellin" on UUS JnOnC '.:.) - i ' ' . ': V IU' a ne une irom w asningion city via t redencRsburg, Lynchburg md Danville, Va. . is kfirectly con This is the most direct Line from Washington city to New Orleans ' r ' nri,!,' A . r ii t m . . - . . 1 J r..: : tuc ucnuics are us luiiuwB, viz: jeave oaiem every Jiondiv and I hursdav-at R AT anrl 'i , '. - r.. i .l i r . j i arrivej at Greenville every Thursday and Sunday at 11 A. M. ilJeJjIUiKifll&yS we have the opportunity to do something! . Further, the relation of master and slave Saturday at 1, P; M, and arrive at Salem every Tuesday and .Friday at tff. P. M. I j : The spirit of the Gospel is the spirit of 13 not one Calculated to generate feelings inifAU possible care will be taken of Baggage and bundles, but the contractors will not universal benevolence, ' "Thou shalt of mutual affection. If the master rules, CXFare o cents per mile for regular passengers, and 6J cents per mile for way passenrs ,T f K- A1 r 1Q01 SAMUEL 311). & DAVID TATE JR., l&t'ractors. 3tf 1R. J. M'FARIiABbD, riTTAKES the liberty of respectfully announcing JU. to the Dublic. that he has located himsplf in Rutherfordton, and opened a shop jat the house of John Logan, where he may be found'uidss absent oh professional business. i ' ! . Ruth,erfordton, March26,1831.- J A . 6 4t DISSOLUTION. THE COPARTNERSHIP which has for some time existed in the fmn of WBEE ft HEINHARD T, has been dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to the concern will make payment to David Reinkardt, who will pay all the-claims against the Concern. VARDRY M'BEE, D. Lincolnton. Feb. 16, 1831. REINHARDT. .2Cw Med ical Co-partner sh ip. DRSl HARDY & OS BORN,: having associa ted themselves in the practice of Medicine. beg leave to offer their services to the citizens of Buncombe and the adjoining counties, in the vari ous branches of the profession, viz: Physic, Sur- gery, mmwijery, ofc, one oi wnom may at all times be found at theirshop, in Asheville, (formerly oc cupied by Maj. Patton, as a Storej) unless absent on professibnalduties, or other, indispensable busi ness. Ctf Asheville, March 23, 1821. - , ' tijLook at this 3) fill HE compass has been so long in use, that, I i uupe its uumy win ere long nna its. way in to Rutherford county, and put every man in pos session of his own land marks they may then es cape the judgment Renounced in a certain book. Tins is therefore, to notify all persons, (that jhey may not plead ignorance in future,) that, 1 am detei mined to prosecute all and every individ ual, who shall befound trespassing, by cultivating the soiU'removing timber, or in any otherwise com mitting waste upon any of the various; tracts of land belonging to Col. Richard Lewis, situate in the Rutherford countv4lots and land adioininir tlie'vil. lage of Rutherfordton, unless with my written or veruoj conseni , anu it is presumed that alMeases and permissions granted by him, for any of those purposes, have expired. . . Persons holding bonds on hirn for titles, would do well to present j them. Also persons having maaej purcnases ot land, in which he is interested, are hereby notified that no titles will be executed, unless satisfactory jevidence is adduced that, his pfoportion of the purchase money has been actually paid, jor secured to jbe paid, either to himself or his properly authorized agent. ! f J. OVtRTON LEWIS, Asenl. ttuthertordton, 2th Jan'y, 1831. 50 ly p WAITED. THE subscribers wish to purchase 10 SXKEIi'Sr WEGEO ItlEN, for Which thfiV ivil i : j " ' -' I'wj w.'. 1: A rT-.l.t tn ..i -i rrv lv luc suuhcriuers, ei ther at Pattonville in Burke, or Asheville. ' JAMES W. PATTONt JOHN E. PATTON. 5 Ow CBSAF AITD FASHIONASLE i TAILORING! nil HE subscribers inform the public in general jL that they'continue to carry on the Tailoring Business in greater perfection than they, have for merly done ; they flatter themselves by their long experience and faithful exertions that they wiM con tinue to receive a liberal patronage. They keep constantly in tneir employ a number of experien ced hands. They further promise the neatest fits the London and rhiladelphia Fashions can produce. J.OSBOKN, C. OSBORN, 73w. ML love thy neigboras thyself," is the com- he must rule by authority': and with such mand : and if we ask as the Scribe did, feelings in the slave as those we have de- ".Who is my neighbor 1" the answer will scribed, the business of managing slaves ho tr no a a it vona trw dim nil nlm nu1 mtft be. OS it 14 in fnrt fnnnrl fr Vw o va AiVXJl7 llO rL. and ean receive your assistance. Now I ry yexatious employment. Hatred to the II t eslaDmnmcnt ?y Pen for no one certainly doubts whether our black w"tcs is, witn trie exception in some cases JL UhS&"t Popola'ion is needy. But if there .s such of a., attachment to the person and hm. . Esoand lately a Inan examine ior a moment, in- v w wc ncany universal among Th'ej undersign- to their, real situation., the black population. This exists in differ- it requires but little discernment and in- eniagreesinamerentcases:butitisproba- vestigalion'to discover, that the blacks are bIe tnat D0 common feeling exists in any r ' i 1 1 tr pied by David Tate, by Mai. Bouchelle ed, piomisei to those who may give tfiem a call, genteel attention, and the best possiblLfare. The oaiem ana fjreenvjue cstages, and th Staces to m- iiiaPKS in i . . . . - - - Asheville, stop at the Hotel. Tliey tjaii afford any P,aced in a situation almost entirely out community .Bringing its members closer to- t?ho wish to ot the reach and influence oi the motives. g-iner,oinaKing mem to act as one man r i . ,oij travelling accommodations to those u f w SKV0 v W1VVJ f M ViUUill.J f V1U1" I " " J liiWtl nence, influence, power, these are the r06 cherished in our very bosoms a foe ila'rch 18, 1831. j Asheville, IMarch 27, 1831. ' NOTICE, i IsAMunder the . painful necessity of notifying and forevVarninff all oersons !from ?harborin and trading with my wife Mary, as she is in the habit of deserting my house, and wasting her time abroad, to the great injury of bur domestic com forts, and the manifest inconvenience of our family relations; RICHARD COVINGTON. Feb. 1GUT1831. c I i 13mp i HOUSE OF ENTERTAINMENT. AT THE SIGN OF THE BELL, Union Court-House S. C. ' KtsrtUTJt ULLY; informs his friends and.the public in general, that he has taken that large and conveni ent house lately occupied by Joseph Reid, Esq. , He thinks it unnecessarv to make promises and will therefore only invite tra vellers to call and judge for themselves. , ; . :- :.Yj ' :52 lyp - FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE, SUPERFINE Letter Paper, Writing paper, k3 and a general assotruient of Blanks. 00,06 REWARD ! I RUNAWAY -from the subscriber an Aprehtice Boy to the Tailoring business, named AL FRED BA G WELL. Said'boy-is of tall stature, bad jeountenance, dark visage, and well dressed. I hereby caution alljpersons against trading with said boy, employing' or harboring him in any way. The boy stated no rejason for leavingthe subscriber, only that some fellojv had offered him wages ; I suppose some fellow about his equal. The boy was, emp oyed, bat sacked tus job and tied. ' ! 1 JUHN OSUOKN. heville, March 34, 1831.- 7 3w irwtiriVn . : iuuugiilci uunti. uil uic iuu I ... U-U of MnV"n, ,w Lnlu!iw.n objects which' men commonly place be- willing to draw our life-Llood whenever -r- . "nuiuBgcuciiiisa. . , i . . - - i r. i . c uij(junuuuy is ouercu, ana in the pan time, intent upon doin? us all thf method to inform the people of Burke! fiountv and aA !.:- -i I misrliirf in hl nnupr its adjacent country, that I have resumed my OLD I t- . i a r. m. i i t . . STApD, iri the town of MorgantonJ for the Dflr- ol)Jects can liave no influence, or very Jit- The blacks are thus set at a disUnce pose oi carrying on the iF ' ue upon me DiacK man.' x ne siave does trom the religious privileges eujoyed by TILOHINa BUSirri-SS, not labor for himself, but for another, the whites from the knowledge and re in all its various tranches, i 1 ! The profits of his labor flow into tlie pock- finementkthc influence of the public eenti- ine subscriber can assure those wb$ may be his ets of his master. The principles which ment of the community ; they have no com- him in such circumstances, is the mon feelings or interests with them : thev ch would govern all whose hearts I are left to their own ignorance i to the Ko be has become a subscriber to tl mtit approved have not been touched by Divine grace,who ciety and intercourse of their own class, and best Patent Systems of Cutting niw extant in should be placed in- the same sitnation. and to the pernicious influences of such rV Heaoesasliuleashecan-This is per- an intercourse; to false religionto The subscriber can also assure hUfrieBi and the natural. . The very principle of ac- superstition and fanaticism to the public, that the most approved nlanoEffrnttin i,v tion and of enterprise is destroyed within exercise of bad Dassiom. nnd inAn- Sighues or Wilson's Patent, has not t&the date of him , and he yields himself up , on a prin- gence of the worst vices. - Aud this is this nntlCf. hPPn nepfl hv nnr in Ml: . t ... . . . 1. . . ..www. .kuu uua u ceptonewo cbvitJin cpie wnicn is ne mcviiaoie resuu ot his the natural result of their circumstances workmen, which Patent he will use,! connexion situation, to sluggishness and inactivity, operating on man's, natural character, with others, for the best interest pf his? customers. He has no cares no thinking to do for It may be said that the picture here caenfi himself. He docs what he is told to dq; drawn of. the character of the blacks of hett and, having no work for his mind, he suI our country, is worse than ,! fact.. It is king Cloth poats, Five for Sattinetand Three nders up hisymental powersto perpetuj. admitted that there ore excepUons, and Fifty for Homespun which prices hQe been ex- a sleep. This too is perfectly natufaU that.is a general abatement from the full acted irom the People during the last gummer and He is probaWy well fed and well clothed effect of the causes which wc hare pointed The subscriber's prices will be frk ' kk nn t and this his master thinks is aU that could otft, arising from pecuhar circumstances. $6.00 for Cloth Coats; From $3.00, d $4.00 for be des,rcd- ut does the master proceed Thtse arethe conscience of the individ- Sattmett ; arid $2.50 for Homespu. Ie hopes by on this principle with respect to himself . ualfor he is yet a man the steady hand bS.ht!lm'hm9f !fis the characteristic of the brute, iha'tV oT authority that is mainlained-constant publ c patronage. -He warrants all Garments to fA Un lL-a nr, fortl.or nnA ' ' i't. j-u r- tn, ana m execution surpass any that have been I. ", . '7 ...-.v-t .o vjju- iuwi-uu uic uuun ui u re.ie.OUS. m- uicui iiuiuiug luujc. umnmun cannot nuence. iui me existence ot these ex be brought to this. Hti wjl desire more ceptions and of this abatement, do not and the slave, having-no character of materially affect the truth of our statement, value to gain or loose," will almost inevit- The allowance need not be great. e ably, be guilty of stealing. It is observ- have stated the essential and unchageahle ed sometimes, that negroes seem to have a circumstances which are always con cbnstitutional disposition to this vice, nected with slavery, and which must al The remark might be made, with eaual ways produce the tamp result fri justice, of white men who should be nla- state of religions knowledge and feehnir A NOTICE. nnilE undersigned will .have the BRIGHT- JL HOPE FURXACE, in Greene County, Tennessee; n full operation ty, the 20th instant, where all kinds of Castings can be had on the short est notice. j - I 'Mill Casting?; Bark Mills; Forge Hammers frc, f Orders addressed ftp Greenville', Tennessee, will be promptly attended to. I r , I t D. SHIELDS, & Co. - Brighthope. iVardi7. 1S31. s 5 6w madi in Burke Countv. . j - - -7 lie win nave constantly from 4 to G ood work men who hate served a regular tiraeio the busi ness, and hopes to be ever read v. tn ;iirnmmni1fia at short notice aiid'on Good Terms, j v iJ0 irganton, Feb. 12, 1831. 2 If C OPaRTNERSOP. fin HE undersigned have this dayentered in- Ll i tn rnnnrlnnrDki'i In Ua Till ODlvn nr'f.i nlss. r r .x.oox- ced in thcir situatioij4 There is . They respectfully inform their friends nd the lner reason for this. They suppose that citizens of this and the adjoining county, that they they have a perfect right to their master's 2Stt:S property, as being tberoduct of their U- mostjreasonable terms. They deem in nnnecesary ; : and tney S1 sincC the whites as a to speak of their ability. They fitter them- hf owe their wealth to the labor of the ftiTr?' hTer' thatrbL lotns slaves as a body, therefore all slaves what- facihties they have of objaining the hW fashions ever have a riht tn nJlW- M mntra and their constant exertions to please, Hat thiy will ? ?.f. , Plllage all masters receive a du share of the public patnfeage. w hatever. All irrehgious men, placed in They will joccupy, as a shop, a roo&Wer Twit- their situation, would reason in the same ty & Miller's Store. W ' Further, as the slave is kept at ! ! ! JAMEST. jM 9 LYr work during the week, he considers him- Rutherfordton. Jan. 6,1831. stlf entitled to employ the Sabbath just as he pleases, j There are probably very few ;Ju5 slaves who have any conscience with re- ; uandsomeLy, executed at Til & office. gajdtb the Sabbath day. It is almost un- among the negroes is what it is at oresenL IVow consider the case. These are hu man beings of the same nature as our selves possessed originally, of as strong powers of miud,&of as quick sensibilities of heart capable of moving in as high a sphere as we,& of actio gin as important sta tionscapable as high attainments in sci ence and of enjoying as great civtlAc so cial advantages-and above all, posses sed with us of immortal souls destined to give account at the same bar and io be undistinguished sharers in the same eter nity. But aside from, the influence of religion the inevitable result of the cir cumstancsl3 which they are placed, is .: - t ' i'