it 38 THE .NO RJTII CAROLINA SPE CT1TOR ANR WESTERN ADVERTISER. VOL. II. : r to stupify every mental faculty to de stroy every aspiration of high and honor able enterprise-f-to weaken every moral and virtuous feeling-to break down eve ry barrier to viceto give full play to un- place that tbroushout the Whole extent of this free, enterprising, happy and j Christian -people, there is scattered a population, sucnas jl nave tjescrioea. , Ana u is nu merousAnd it is increasing, j Millions of our feilow-creatiire are spending in such; Circumstances, the, period of their earthly probation ; ajnd thousands are, ev ery year, passing into an unknown and . awful eternity. The black population is, .then, needy very needy and every phi lanthropic, and much more, every Chris tain fueling should put us upon asking, What can be done for them 1 What can ice do for them? I To these questions some answer, thing can be done. 1 his is an . answer I , of creat and awful extent ; and were it l 5-U no- it gain, if you expect to do any good to the form of the military school of St. Cyr, and 100 to 120 thousand men ; to meet these,! near this place, was shot at and severely black man, you must do something more the greater number were ladies, hid the' about half the number of Polish veterans I wounded by some unknown person. A than put a book into his hand, even if it is grateful tradesemn of ex-royal family. 1 are already on the march, with an enthu- number of shot were extracted from him the Bible, He must be influenced hvoth- Towards nightfall nn attack wastdade on I siastic' nation to suDDort them. , The next and he is in a fairway of rrrnvrrv rm 1 er means: and theK same causes which the church by the populace. Ttey pu I- accounts are thought will . be decisive. ' uiaivc ucw;aaary in ine cnurcn a living mm- j tea aown me cross wiin ine ciyuftw men ure rumors ui a muuu oujuug iuc icui 'Uurinc the se- istry, and makes it the duty of every chris- from the gothie portico, and it wl( dash- Russian troops, but I could not trace them yere thunder storm on Saturday night tian to act by direct personal appeals, ed to the ground, and broken by t5e ham- to any! authentic source. From Belgium last, about 11 o'clock, a cabin' on the waimuga, anu exnortations, upon nis mers. or men engaged oy me commissary we uavesmi uncenainty aua imriguc, ana pjamauon oi iur. ueaaing rittmau, in friends,if he intends jo do them good; make of police. They destroyed the furniture it is now said that his Dutch Majesty will this county, was stuck by lightning and n it 'necessarry also to ' exert a direct and im- of the churnh, trampled on the decorations proceed single handed against the, Belgi- uegro woman aged about 22 years, and a of the IXuc dejBerri's canopy,-bro$e and lans. The deputation has left Fans, &U is child about 2 years old, were instantane- kicked about the wax tapers, spilled the stated they are determined to recommend ously killed. A younger child, lying 6n holy water, but spared the pictures pain- to the Congress the establishment of a Re- the same bed on which it is supposed the ted windows, and ffothic fret woi ; the public! Since writing the above, I find others were sitting, escaped uninjured, fib. spoken,! would not accomplish the object curate's1 house and the neighborirtj win-1 that alfairs in France are verging towards I which we have in view" that of raising dows were not so far as respected pmt the a crisis. Montalivet, the Minister of the Gold Extraordinary. ine DiacK man trom; his degraded state ot national guard mustered so strong as to of stupidity, misery, and sin with its fu- fill the streets surrounding the church, and mediate! influence upon the slave. The plan, then of teaching the slave to read, even if It were not attended with the dan gerous consequences of which we have ' ' 'i 1 - 1 ( I i XI ture consequences :; and brinsrins him to r at eleven o'clock' the mob only .vented feel and act in a way corresponding to his their angel1 in shouts of reprobation a character as a man1,! and preparing him gainst Jesuits, Carlists, Congregaonists, iur cveriasinig nappiness. r (To be concluded next week.) and other such impossible names.! An- other mob crossed the Seine aud i broke FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. ;raade with feelings corresponding with its f IMPORTANT FOREIGN NEWS, .whole meaning were it the result of a New-jYork April 6. By the packet long and accurate investigation, ! underta- ship York, Capt Biirsley, the editors of . ken under a deep sense of the greatness the Gazette have received their files of of the evil, and he pressing need of a re- London! a nd Liverpool papers to the 23d meqy.? it might receive some attention! and 24th February. I The extracts which We have sub- Interior, has resigned, and Odillon Bar- stantial foundation for the rumors of the rot has' obtained his seals of office: this last eight or ten days of the great- orinnal has created a great sensation in the city, deposit of Gold discovered in this county. - ' London, Feb. 23. We received last The account almost exceeds belief, and night," Hamburgh papers to the 15th Feb. surpasses any thing of the kind in the his- They describe the enthusiasm in Poland tory of mining. .The land on which the as very great, i An ensragemeutof no great gold was found, about 18 or 20 miles cast the windows of the Archbishop's palace, consequence with the Russians, seems to of this place, was purchased two or three The national guard prevented furthr mis- have taken place near Novogorod ; but years ago by a Mr. Carlton, from Virginia, chief, and a forest of bayonets brifjled in the Poles intend to have their grand strug- for the purpose of mining, who, after spen- gle- near Warsaw. Iney consider the ing nis time ana money lor a year or two, early thaw as very much to their favour, relinquished the undertaking as unsccess as impeding1 advance of the Russian ma- ful. Lately, however, the work was pur- uiaienei. - me spinim irrussiuu xruiauu is i sucu ujr uiucis, vuiuii lias cveniuaiea m said to have evinced itself in the most de-1 the discovery of this extraordinary rich deposit, on the Ma instant. The whole defence; of the church of, St. S&oulcre. which was also threatened. . In thl place du Palias Royal the croyd aratherSd. and howled the Marseilloise Vnd Parienne j till midnight nhder the sij-veillancof the It will disposed of in the course of our follow exhibit much i animation in thecon- national guard. Nine persons werarres- cided manner in favour of the Poles. rem;arBls.-Others answer, "'feach the dition of European politics. Some of the ted, but no one seriously njured, altjiough All Iraly is in commotion, and blacks to. read and write. "Universal ed ucatlon' say they, cis enlarged! and liber al policy of bur enlightened Repuplic: and it would Jwaker uo in ihe minds of. the ? blocks; lead them to fee) and act like men. amount of gold obtained is variously stated London! Journala, it will be 'seen, contain tne old organ blower of tie chiirchi esca- the: people have succeeded in rescuing to be irom 75 to liMJ pounds, but from the intimations that the prospects of war are Ped b7 a miracle trom thd fate intended rom their rulers, the power which has been j statement ot a gentleman who was called not very remote. Bell's Messenger of the 20th says : '.'Ministers are about to ! alter the cotton ' "id bTingthem,withiu the reach of Chris- duties ; that it is to ispare the East and tian" mnuence. As to writinsr. in the first place, the slave population have no use for it. yThey. have no : business of their tiwn to manage j'and for the little corres ponceace, ' which hey wish to maintain with friends at a distance, they can easi ly procure the assistance of a; white ac- West India cottons,' and to throw the whole weight, of the hew tax of one penny upon the American and foreign cottons." The. London Globe of 22d, says An attentive observer of our commercial for him J when he was su&ended tbv the so lone iused only to oppose them.. I upon to make a probable estimate of enragedjmbb over the rivlr. On jjTues- ' It is said that an insurrection has just the weight and value, it is supposed there day the sound of the rappk called iena broken oat in the Tyrol, and that on this is at least one hundred pounds of Gold, all tional guard to quarters. The avenues occasion also, a person of the name of obtained in ont day. The gold was found 1 " ' I WW ' I A A. JL I . W W men to all the churches were strdigly girrded ; and this precaution alone sated thW from deniohtion. The. mob in '.last numbers, preceded by the tri-coulorei flag,"; made quaintance. ; in tne next place, the amli- mat tnisj country win oei led by circum ty to write oh the part of the slaves, would stances to take part in it on the side of the an attempt on each builduir in tucces asserts that thftnnininn rrmvs that a war sion, but exceptinff at the 1'eUts trPercs. to aiantua, returned to INovi, where the will soon take place on the. continent, and where they converted a richfliadern'ofyfo- remainder of his soldiers have rallied ur ae us into a sUuli with cross botes and defaced the ex-roval andfwe'fda r we Hofer has placed himself at the head of in a small space, two or three feet below the insurgents. It is affirmed that troops the surface,' in grains and masses weigh are going to stifle this rebellion. ing from ounces and pounds to pieces of It is affirmed, that the Duke of Mode- five, seven and eight pounds ! There was - na, after having accompanied his family I nc vein discovered or sign of any, but the. laborers came Fuddenly upon the whole mass of gold, deposited as it were in a nest, and imbeded in very red clay. On pursuing the labor of digging dur ing the past week, we understand that no more discoveries have been made, this A report is spread that some troops, composed of Italian refugees, have effect- be attended with eminent, danger to the desDOtic bowers a nossibihtv which thev must add, religious omamens, the was e" a landing at Ostia. country, if not with certain destruction. Nook to with natural horror and alarm." no injur done In the clurse 5f that The most perfect order prevails in Bo- United as the blacks are, in hostility to We are jencouraged to hope that the stu- day the people were pursuing, in perfect logna and it seems certain that the other rich deposit being entirely isolated, prom- v. wr j a l . . II. m . the whites ; so ready to take the most pendous folly which any ground for this gd humor, the amusements of the .d uesnerate measures, and so numerous it alarm implies does not exist in anv Der- or carmvai. it appears mat mere was a they could but write, and, of course, read ; I sons who. have an lnnuence in two months there would be established a plan -of as regular and almost i as rapid communication among the blacks, throV rent of affairs. Russia and on the cur- simultaneous rising of the Cirlists Jn that , day at Bordeaux. The use'made Jf the the day towns in Romagnahave signified their ad-1 ising no continuance of the extraordinary b was a herence to the rrovisional Government. developement. The value of the rold. it is estimated. The North Eastern Boiaidry. AVe will not come under $20,000. after beinc " I . .'..(. .. .. fT; -li ' .i . .. I . . . Poland. The London disturbance in Fans is the (otal dmoli- Iea?n om rortiand evening Adver- separated Irom all extraneous substances. embrace the universal massacre of the white population. Destruction, it seems very plain to me, would be inevitable. As far as the ability to write existed, so far it would be directly; penicious. What could hinder a few writers from forging orders, passes and other papers, to an in definite extent And "J'n suhj a case, what would be the limit of the eviH Teach thd whole slave population, with their present characters, to write, and you surrender up yourselves and the j country tc the ueirroes' mef"cy. Teach one- and other documents, had been transmitted from Washington by -Mr. Van Buren. These papers were refered to a Commitee of the House, who on Thursday submit- Courier savs : " Aeeoiints have been rp- tion (by the authorities) of the cros&s and tiser trat on Wednesday last the iniunc- thphnL Pn.mtrv ho Pntj.hfli0 1 ppivpi hv PTnris A-nm Rprlin wrl t ho fleurs de lis on the churches and siuhlic 1 tion ot ,secrecy was removed trom the Department can boast of;"and a united and 10th Feb. containing the important iqfbr- buildings! g proceedings of the Legislature on this sub- universal plan could be formed, without mation of the entry of the Russians into The French papers of the 17th ar 18th jeet. ' A copy of the decision, accompa tVi "unes'iKil'itv rkf A'lennvvrxr IvWwU ainnl1 Prtlnnrl nn tlio oj' inctnnt intdroc are Drincinallv occnnied with snentfAtinns nied with the protest of Mr. Preble and mmA- uviwiiiv T v m, V iuvw w a v m vvbv . UilVUlU I "- v M-m. vilf MU uu v Aiiuvui M i ill blJl(jj I I I 7 . I ------ r""-' r r- - , places, namely, Mercy, Alexotin, and uPn the probable promoters ot tfcj late Prenn. On the 5th inst. a division of disturbances in Paris, of which thei pre- Russiansj was at Sgafcie,' but no; attempt ceding numbers contained such, copious at resistance had hppn mnrlp. Tip War- details. It now; seems to be thoiie-M that saw papers ofthe 5th announce that the there was Another party much the second, the Clay men, Cossacks had passed into the frontiers, at gerousthan the ,Uarlists connected with ynicn were aoopiea wunoniy one aisseiu- manufacturers, and small politicians, as- a point much nearer Warsaw, in the neigh- these movements: a party from grhich ng ce. J'The report, says the Eve- sembled in tolerable numbers. At the borhood'ofBeyese itewski, on the Bug, the present order of things in Frahfe has ning Advertiser, "is pretty decisive. It great diuner, Mr. Webster made a speech in Lithaijia. 1 j I every thing to fear that of the; rgnibli- considers the arbitration not binding, as one hourand thirty five minutes in length, Warsaw, Feb. 7. (The day before yes- cans. The discussion to wbich a Sartial the arbiter has not given a decision upon and at the litUe dinner, Mr Burges spoke terdav the Russians bassed the frontiers developement of this supposition fed in the promts submitted, but advises as to cer- one hour and twenty-five minutes by a in five places Utcilug, Brzesc, Granoe, the Chamber ot Deputies, on Thursday, is a'n uispuiea ppinis. a copy oi ine re- stop watcb A hi hlj respectable federal lykocidj aud Ajusto. Hitherto there curious ano imponant. L.amte(in re ply to a taunt trom a part of the (Cham ber, exclaimed "that the Government was still stronger than the Chamber, ami that POLITICAL. From the N. York Courier and Enquirer. The Little Dinner. Last week the great dinner was given to Mr Webster, and on Wednesday the little dinner was given to Air. Burgess At the first, we had the distinguished members of the federal par- just so tar it is an eyii, wiinoui any coun- are oniy .ossacKs, wiio mark the move terpoisioj; penefit. "As toreading if a wn- jiients of the afmyi At Utcilug some Can reaJ,' he can easily ! learn to write, dragoons have entered, belonging to the I was much struck with a fact I lately heard, crops of General Gesmar ; his design rcs;n?cTinJf a little black boy who had lust seems to it would prove port and, resolutions was ordered to be transmitted to the Prsideut of the United States, and also to the Government of the several States.' TBoston Courier. it when necessary." be to invest iZamore, and to ad- This observation has led to much cjiscusr learned his letters. Having got into a vance into thV plain country -beyond the sih and contributed j with the. othefj con- isiuia. j a. nt lLusstaii main unity auvuu ces on the line from Lomza and Brzesc. J Up to this time there; is rio account of any fighting, for thete were no troops on aiiy paitui iiic 1 1 un Del . I x lir m a i uui JJUSIS : cessions which have been made w the popular or; republican party, to ihektee a belief that the Chamber was aboutltio be I dissolved, and another convoked melre in keeping with the: march ot eventsisince i July. V The populace have completflytri- A ffreat battle is expected bvthe 12th at by order of the authorities, and cve the Austins Co sciiool-roqin, he opened one of the copy books lyjig on the desk, and, throughlhis power of imitation, wrote on ' his first at tempt,; a better copy than the scholar; and as it afterwards appeared, knew the name of every letter he had made. Further, if the of our army are three leagues from Sied slave can read, he has access to qll that is lec towards Brzesc, nud on the line to- -nmphed ; theleurs-de-lis are everywhere! printed and published on those ' subjects wards Lomza they are at Ostraimka. disappearing from the public builings , whxh so nearly concern . himselt : and . who, in this country, would wish j his ne . groes to- read what is every ' day issuing from the press on these subjects ? And even if the majority, or even a' large num ber of slaves, could read, it would require" but . few writers among them, or but few wick ed, or well-meaning, though indiscreet ice will disappear, the rivers will overflow, individuals among the whites, to produce and the low groundsjin which he acts will the whole evil of which I have been speak-' become a complete morass. His army ing. But it is said that reJiioM instruc- advancing against us ) amounts to about tion should be joined with intellectual ; 160,000 men. At preseht we have to op and as the slaves-should increase in the posehimonly 57,000 men in the field, and ability, $Q they, would increase in the rfi's- -the patriotism of ou people. The 17 positim todo their duty as rational and" new regiments of infaptryare not yet or moral beings. It could not however I be ganized. The organization of the caval hopedthat true religion would be more ry is more advanced and it will be com- The Stock in the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road is now much in demand (or per manent investements by non-residents of Baltimore. Sales to the number of eighty jt a six Shares were made to-day, at twenty jive dollars and twenty five cents, being an advance in price of more than three dollars per share within the last three civilian presided at the great dinner, and a highly respectable federal Military Chief tain" (once particularly alluded to by the N. Y. American) presided at the little din nerso that the political complexion of both dinners was somewhat alike only there was a little Clay under current in the Burgess dinner, and broad political assumed in the one riven to Mr. weeks. i Bait. Gaz. ony. Texas. The emi- Webster. At the great dinner Mr. Web ster's speech had special reference to what he conceived to be the true principles of the constitution ; at the litde dinner Mr. Burgess only abused General Jackson, and the cabinet. From all, then, that we lookers on, and curs great in these dinners to the strangers from the east. Mr. Webster's friends have of late dropped sundry intimations that Mr. Clay would be defeated in his own state, and our white populations : -and if we were night. , universally enslaved, with the ability to The Polish Diet, by a vote of 33 to 13 read and write, and with the knowledge had placed the Executive Power in a Com- we now possess, would there be religion enough among us to produce an universal obedience to the precepts, ' Servants be j . 1 T7 I . ' rr, I I 1UUI UU. UiCUt lUUt Tl C lUUftll fU, OUU farthest. Warsaw will soon ) be declared great seal of the kingdom has been Lemo- B10? 10 1 cxas last seaS0D was unpar- not Dartakers of the feasts, can rather, it in a siege; the canuoh already placed on delled, those offensive memorials 'ff the alleled. jlwelve or thirteen vessels were does not appear that there is some rivalry the ramparts. It was nqt believed that ,iaie aynasiy navmg oeeu enureiy eaceo. wi66w w iU5 uouc wmu piauc Count Diebitsch would enter no vv because The London Correspondent of Chore's and this, all of which were crowded with if the first attack does not succeed he in- Liverpool Advertiser, writes as foSows, emigrants : in addition to this, numbers danwr. If the thaw sets in the under date of Feb. f wem oy iana. i xiu bcasuuii is esxima- w - - t T -" v. m m. I mm m mmmm m w m b mr mmtm-m wmM mmm w m ww m m uui - I - ' . - - . I i m . . . . . I a I .1 m. - XI The political horizon continues tower- vnai more umu uyc umcs as many win that it was rash to hold on to him as acan- ing; every breeze that comes irom tjance cra.gumumcai, bCTerai ycs- didate. I The friends of Mr. Clay, howev- alarrasthe timid and fires . the brae. sels have already sailed three are now er, have rather compelled their allies to Will we have war is the general inrmiry, up and upwards of two hundred emi. enter into a kind of ogreement to unite on and numbers are found in the most frflu- grants aw now: in this city ; among them C!a for a and if lhe siFI)$. ental circles to proclaim the fearful affir- fe "en of capital. The crops in Texas are inst him lo estnblish a rrand "coa- ill a lire. CliaiUlV lliC USUtCl OI r-'iaifS ..viv .vii u.w , ewutv w ,tmn" in rMtii r .ntk.. m.n mn mtt the General, and here the matter rests. A few more dinners, and a generous glass or two, will develope the whole plot. When we can get these discordant ele ments together, old Hickory will put an extinguisher upon them. on and it will renuire a decree of firiWss ketfor sometime past : they enter it for and tact on; the part of the citizen &in. exportation, and consequently pay no du- prevalent amonff them than it is amons plete and ready to take the field in a fort- to rein in those ardent ' spirits, who sidi l7- - 11 18 equal, m quality to Mississippi or I i . : r : I A mm M m ... . . 1 W i mum A. 1 I .f II 1 1 U I J fl 4 - - -- - not "to greats ride oii He the mission of five members, composed of Ad am Czafterou ski. President: Vincent Menjowski, Th. Morouski, Stan. Bazzy- whirlwind and direct the storm." HeHs al kowski and Joachim Lelewel. The New eady suspected by the Republicans, and, Poland naDer. complains that one only I need not add,! hated by the Ctfrlists. The French king has rbeen tried, hd I The inducements held out by the Mex fear has been found wanting; he mty be ican government to emigrants, is very . ' I .. SJ I A. ljlft . . f great, viz ; hoj acres, 10 ever uiaa oi family. The price of passage, for a cab in passenger, is $20 ; steerage $10 ; when wise, but certainly is wants the master mind obedient unto your masters i" The inter diction of reading to the slave willi nmha- bly, however, after all, be objected to. as of these had a part in the late Revolution. The culpable negligence of the Govern-Mr0111 ree t0 Te days' proceeaing irom me same views as govern x ranee. Un ot. Valentines day, tne meui in permitting me iaie uispiay ia the the most high-minded, hard-hearted de-1 anniversary of the assasination of the Due church of St. Germain L'AuxerroisJ has - - ' ' m hi m J I 1 . I . A I A. .1 . From, the Richmond Enquirer. Great Clay meeting at Philadelphia. The banner of the Author of the Am- a family is taken, a reduction is made, erican System has been displayed try the Tbci time; for performing the voyage is Opposition at Philadelphia. The Great spot : and it will be said that if reading is Me Bern, forbiddeiij we take away the possibility ily got up N. O. Mer. Ad?. Meeting took place on the 4th, at the Dis trict Court-Room. The Philadelphia In qu ire r says : "The assemblage was large, and it was found prudent for the accommo- the nartizana of the exiled fam- eventuated in a manner that the court Rohbev. On Thursday evening the a mass for' the repose of that could neverhave anticipated; the raorsrate 17th inst. the store of Mr. Jarret Hopkins. I dation of all present, to adjourn to tbo of intelle'ctnal and moral improvement nrince's soul, in the church of St. Ger- partpf ministry have been assailed in a in thia nW. wn robbed of about &350. Musical Fund Hall, in Locust street. Let such an objector examine the history main Auxerrois, (that church whence manner thai I fear leaves them no aUern- which was in a small tin trunk in the mo- The hall was crowded, theire being, it is iuc uniniuve vure" UI ccm w ine re- sounded tne Kneii ot the massacre ot ot. fonnation : and. when he has read of the Bartholomew.) After thevscrvice, ative but retirement ; indeed .the dices- ney drawer.. The trunk was found next estimated, two thousand persons present. litho- sion of the ultra liberals is alreadv -nfi- of the store. I John Serreant. Peri, nretided. assisted bv multitudes who savingly embraced the graphic portraits of the Due de Bdrdeua dentially mooted, which, if found correct, but the money was missing. two Vice President and two Secretaries, truths of the Gospel, and well understood were distributed, an4 a figure of the child then indeed the warrior need not bidffare- ! l f Tarborouch Free Press. Josiah Randall, David Paul Brown, Jas. wen in int; pmuieu iruop. x rom I o-1 j j I xiarper and t . lirasnearo, B(r9. &uxts land, nothing of a definite nature haj yet Attempt to Murder. Early on Tuesday 1 ively addressed the meeting, and were arnyea in ine ciry. JLriesmsicn, u is true, morning last, Mr. Amos Clark overseer j much applauded, a comminee consisting has passed the frontier with an aroly of of the plantation of F.L.Dancy, Esq. of James Harper, Robert A. Parrisb, 1 P. it and adorned it by a consistent I life, and maintained their profession in, tne face of 'danger and death ; then let him how many of these could read.: inquire, And la- crowned iinthe sacristie with a wreath of fleurs-de-lis ; some of the! assistants wore the cross of St. Louis, pothers the dress of the national guard, seteral wore the uni- -.1 1 a I !