I! i I t.. - . " 1 , . . . i. " : - , " " . : "- i- ' ' t ' ' " ' ' . . ' '" : ' ' .. ' Ii ' . . ; : . . . ; . . ' I - , . v :. ; g : -:l - : ' 1 ' : ' ' . ! . , , ., ;. " ; v ! . " . ' MdDDSTFIBI (D AHECtDTLHEJA v . - L . . ' r. ' - ii i ;k vCK i mm I k 1 ANB IMTE If ABYE1 TI'SEffi. is I RUTHERFORDTON, SATURDaV EVlING, APRIL 30, 1831. VOLUME ii; NUMBER III '..4 - : ' !4 i f y '. 4 I vw. k i i: Vf.:' PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY EVENING BY ROSWELL .ELMER, Jr. Terms of subscription. .Two dollars and fifty enU, per annum, if paid in advance ; or three dol lars, if paid within the year :-rbut if delayed after the close of the year, twenty-five cents will be 7 added. V ;.!: ; W : :.: - 1 No paper will be discontinaed until particularly ordered and all arrearages paid, or at the discre tion of the publisher. Advertisements inserted on the usual terms. AH persons 'advertising -will please note the'num ' ber of times they wish to have, them inserted, or . they will be continued and taxed accordingly..' Medical Co-partnership .RS. HARDY & OSBORN.havms associa ted themselves in the practice of Medicine, beg leave to offer their services to the citftzens of ;l)uncornl)e and the adjoining counties, in 'the Vari ous branches of the profession, viz: Physic, Sur- cery: Midwifery. Sec. . one of whom m,avat all times be found at their shop," in Asheville, (formerly oc cupied by maj. fatton, as a atere,) unless absent on professional duties, or other indispensable busi ness. ' . .' - . : 6tf Asheville. March 23, 1821, : ' ; 8)11. J. M'FARt,AD, FTH AKES the liberty of respectfully announcing y to the pubhc, that, he has located himsell in Rutherfordtonvand opened a shop at the honse of Jolin Lognn, where he may be found unless absent o'n professional business, i . - Rutherfordton, March 2&, 1831. i ; 6 4t EDUCATION OF SLAVES. ... j (.From the Southern Religious Telegraph J What can the American people do, and ichat dughtthey to do, for the' Black Population of this country? , (Furnished by the Society of Inquiry iu the Union . x neoiogicai seminary.) : ! (Continued from page 3d.) What then is the true answer to the interesting question, "What can be done for the blacks 3"We reply KGire them oral religious instruction," Teach every colored person m all our borders, bona and free, those truths which it most concerns him to know the truths of relihou. Teach him that he is an immortal bepg destined to exist forever that there s a i SALEM AND GREENVILLE LOE CJP t . . i ... I according as he lmnroves or misimnrovea l3 "c viu ihait,by wayofuntsvtlle, lt. u;iu:i,n..n:w r. hearts. Over vilIS. C ' I " 'arl v w tillst iuiciw i - . their slaves can read, and instead of be ing better for it they are worse. Tbi in- , stead of being wonderful, could hardly be otherwise. .They give them liberty to at tend church, and family , worship but they wont do it And if you should pur sue the same course with your children, what would be the result"! Tlte J very same. But these you rightly think it proper to govern by authority, and yet you hope that they will be benefitted. The slaves have however a preditpoMtioru which sets them farther off from rf liptouaj iufiueiice thau others. And ) I vrry fact ; makes oral religious instruction necKsa-r ry. They must be approached with the , feeling and the voice of kindness. 1 hey must be convinced that we are really in earnest for their best wtlfare that vre are God, who created him and preserves him tlint thi frtrt rpnnirpa dim tn 1nvf nnrl srrvp him ttint his nmsni lif i n thi rt prompted bv disinterested zeal for thei oeriod ofnrnh'ntion trrm.tpHtohlmAnrltliat koocl. And then the bariersof their prejudi- ; i: t. : ... : Ices are broken down, and von rain- their' vmTTTO TTHTr . l -i . -i .i 1 , . I . .M. ... lUtWlUIU" US IIC lujururcs Uf LU 191 III UiU I UB i --.- a . r ii inio uiu- is run mroagn a distance oi juo mnes in mree days and afiau, by way otcHuntsvil e, I ... , ii u t ' 1 , , c thnrtii Over none rnn vouinsn crjmnletA U StateBriiie:-Mtkrffftnton-nr;nrfi.tnrn-.Rftrii,;ii. nA rtJhrAkfiLwTa n . ' it, he will be hannv or miserable forever. inearw. wernonecanyou gamsocompicw . ' cr 7 -r -.viv u v v.tj v uu a . u w viiui u vjilcu r i . a a i - rm . l mm m I The contractors have ffood horses and eTrpllfint drivers: thflV havemnUtliIr BtnnH wUk tn, I Teach liirhthnt he is a sinner and nsaur.h I011 iniiuence, as Oterme DlaCK. map, wnen K5 1 the accommodation of passengers. i This Line passes through a romantic and healthy country yielding all tVe bounties of naire. ; It pafes through the bosom of the Gold Region of Western North Cardhna. These considerations arid the fcheapness of fare they hope are sufficient inducements to insure i general mn of trcyellinff on this Line,-, . . . -j ; f . l b (The Line from Washington city via Fredericksburg, Lynchburg and Danville. Va. is dectly COQ- ucuicu vviiu uusai oaiem, ii. j ine vugusta iine con necisi wiiii rus at ureenTine, . U4 f ril H E subscriber aware that Loans Sales and , Ji, business in general can be effected more ea sily expeditiously and satisfactorily has removed from the City of Philadelphia to New York, where every facility is offered for transacting home or foreign business correctly, legally, and with de epatch. GEO. W . liVERITT, , i ; ' j " 37, Nassau St., N. York City. N. B. , O3 To Editors througout the Union, Those Editors desirous of supportineand patron- izinf. this institution shall be entitled to the propria etor's aid gratis to the amount of $00, by giving his advertisement in full a conspicuous place in their papers 2 or 3 times, and forward a copy containing the same, uLU. VV. bViKuT, : j- ;. 37, Nassau St., N, Y MOtfEYEtf MARKET. TO "OWNERS OF GOLD .MINi.S, PLANTA TIONS, MANUFACT ORIES, &c. &c. f n 1 II .V subscriber begs leave to inform his friends 1 JA, and the public that he is daily visited by Am erican & foreign capitalists, who are: desirous &. anx ous of . advancing and investing their funds to good ad vantage who are desirous of purchasing & leas ing wholes or shares of Real Lsrtatei improved or un improved,) and other valuable property who wish to become oroprietors, partners ' or shareirs in Gold Mines or Mining Companies or would loan mo ney in small and large amounts at 5 6, and 7 ner ceDt. per annum, interest to be. paid annually and semi-annually to be cured on, mortgages of real estate Iree trom incumbrAiijsea arid valued and worth double the amount required. Therefore those "who wish -to sell, lease or mqrtgage-r-or obtain part- ners. &c, will, per mail, (postage paid) forward every necessary instruction particularize their rview and wishes and describe their property cor rectly, its location, situation, divisions, quality, im provements, quantity and real value, fcc. and en cloj the advanceoffice fe'e, which mounts to $5, ..for- every 7500 wanted. Commissions r when loans are -effected, will be from 1 to 1 per cent No business can meet with attention unless postage ; is paid and accompanied with a reasonable advance fee. An established arid not to be deviated rule is now in force, viz: no letters received (in any in stance) or taken out from the Post Office', unless paid or Ranked, GEO. W. KVERITT, Ileal' Estate Broker Attorney- A merican , 7 3wl , Foreign and General Agent. No. 37, Nassau St.. New York (City,) N;Y. - . 1 1 .1 condemned.: Tell him of Chris and of 7ou nave convmcea mm intx you are nia i thewayofsalvutionthrougbhim-ofthena. friend.; A fad which it tf good illujtra ture of regeneration and of a life of pie- tionoftlns lately occurred, not far fr ty and holiness, and of the glorious hope here. An old negro came to ihc houHn held out in' the Bible to the believer in a lad? on Ae Sabbath, orf;he;.Cooimoat ,. riui . .1 i i i prrfliin oi anaBT . mBTHt:uui: cnr This is the most direct Line from Washington city to New Orlean.. ,d ' I nribi. J. iiese are irutna wmcn coucero 7 .U J arrive at Grfienville.fivprv Thnrsav Snrl S.mHav at 11 A 1T I Iv HrPPnvilWvPrv T'nior.v 9 ml I It thrnn.rh ilmnMnooni' tlco ir,,tWa i, .A Wlth creat earnestness, tO BDCaK tO Dim Oi Saturday at 1, P. M. and arrive at Salem every Tuesday and FridayW 8, R M. . a savir;jr embrace of them that thousands ll"e 8in anc S11"' praclicef and lue v i i : i. l ...u r,.iu l, . sisting in it: and after speakinewme lime; Ibeffed him to ro borne, and cease Irom n . ... ..varuuu. . . ... m ' 1 1 . f hoods aud but of pious families. This wicked court e. , lie pieau me cum- factcannotbe too often presented. It roon excuse, that he had no oiDer ume, i :i.. i . land declared his nuroosc of perns tin rr " in .n . m r ... m ma. m mm m m m v make too deep an impression. Of the practice, "Well, Dick, said the, whole number of black people with whom wAbe tone of disappointed zeal for his we are acquainted, how many have we good "I wUl pray for you. The o d reason to believe are truly pious or to man was melted. lie wept. He could hone that tliev will become so? Th t resistsuch evidence of disinterested re- nnmKor ia ovAprinmlv ftmaii s i. j 1 card for his welfare. Such will aim oft in- fnnt tUn io f.fif ...r ' vanaDiv ue iouna u dc ire cae, wncn .w. v itavu oui- I.. ... .. ! Morganton, N. C. March 5, 1831. SAMUEL M'D. 3tf & DAVID inr All possible care will be taken of Baggie and bundles, but thj contractors will not liable or V '"g "7-" "WIU ",a y agents br losses. S V r l ' , -r K. ot our black population pass every year, CITFare 5 cents per mile for regular passengers, and cents "per iiile fo way passengeI5, r - into a miserable eternity. And that too, LTC, JR.tCotyactort MIT ESTABLISHBIENT. I i subscriber havm become contractor for the Mail Staee frim LIKVOLNTONVIA RUTH- OJIDTON TO ASHEVILLE. takes this mode of informin? th4 nnhlie. thtllhi line is with the Salisbury, Fcyelteville and Columbia Lines at Lincolntorl and ia a continuation of inmHE JJ ERF connected the two former westwardly to Abhevilte, where it meets the Kjioxville. Tennessee line, si The country through; which it passes is healthy and romantici afBrdinr an exhibition id? as grand mountain scenery, as can any where be found. This line is the shorjest between Carolina aa&Tennes- I ,u L see: -u leaves tancointon every aaturuay morning and runs to Kutnertordton, and thence tvAsueville U . T 1 VT. . h,:tt -rL ;a .mffJ :n V:K ;mi1r tV-!- iL r Indent to nrove the dutv nF. ftvprv l.hn. 11118 ur w cnirBRt-u in wiiii cmmai ic MUv.uj v.iu.uB, i.v.iivv. k UU' v uiuvumiuu uu J. ULOUO? at cany uavci racu n JI UJ I i 7 " j " J I . . . . . . ' miiesm iwoaavs. ; s i ' i ! is::i'.. iian, ana oi course, me oDiiatiou ot eve- r 6 ""g""" wu ..w I ILTAU possible care will b taken of baggage or other things, but no liability for any loss&'r accident rv ntripr nprsriii tndoull hppnn tnonlltrli. made very interesting, if the heart Oi the thatrhav happen. ! - . GARLAND DICKERSON: Ciror. 7 omer person, io oo an ne can to enlig i- . J 'A ie W Ruthexfordton, March 6, 1831. . - 6tf " ' l len inem u? 10 anecl emontlie sub- - "5"t " v .. - 1 -jTrzr Meet of religion. No possible circumstances proof of ica, in this plan, we could ap- CHEAP ilJO FASHIOWASLi: fUlHE subscribers inform the public in general thatt they continue to carry on the Tailoring Business in greater perfection than they have for merly done ; they flattei1 themselves by their long experience and faithful exertions that they will con tinue to receive a liberal patronage. Thev.keen constantly in their employ a number of experien ced hands. They further promise the neatest fits the London and Philadelphia Fashions can produce. i j: usbukiv, ! C.OSBORN, Asheville, March 27, 1331. V' 73w aTWAN'IS A SITUATION, A YOUNG MAN 25 years ofge, who writes : AV a neat legible" hand is "'conversant with and has an idea business in general possesses a lib eral education (English and Classical) has travel -led much through Canada and the U. States has ibeen in business for himself has been unfortunate ; and now seeks for a respectable situation at tbe oouin. in any mercantile or respectaDie esianusn- ment ; manufactory; as agentor manager on apian tation ; as training companion, or 'agent, or copy ist in anoffice. &c. &c if required can giver refer ence.. A moderate salary to 4'arran a genteel support would be required. Communications (post paid) to the subscriber; will meet with prompt at tention, i . Ut(). W. EVERITT, 7 w I ; 37, Nassau-st., New York City. TTX H E C U PA RT N I .R ft H I P which 1 has for v JJL some time existed in the firni of. W'BEE A" KEINHARDT, has been dissolved by5 mutua consent. Alt persons indebvd to the concern wil make payment to David ReinhardtMho will pay au tne claims against me concern. , : VARDRY M'BEE, I ; ; ... D. REINHARDT. Lincolnton. Feb. 16, 1831. 2 6w I NOTICE. r "l I. i ' i 1 1 - t ' i t iM unaer jtne paimux necessity oi nouiyms and forewarning air persons- from barborina : and trading with my wife Mary, as she is in the habit of deserting my house, and wasting her time abroad, to the great miury ot our domestic com forts, and the manifest inconvenience of our family Feb. 16th 1S31. i ' I 1 3mp IIOU8E OF ENTERTAIjVJNIENT. . V AT THE SIGN OP THE CELL, , Union Court-House, 8. C. ft .UN A WAY from the subscriber an Aprentice ject of religi possible circumstances rii m nn -rr-n. a -mr-w ii mm tr , JLJjlmU S.'JtitJ X IlUmlj in which men cau be placed, can make it rjfnSestablishmenti:operi for lo be the duty of .their fellow beiucs to II J.? ii -.1- no gprnrnmnnniinnv ni irpnriP i.Tj - . I m Tti forl:. cease, laboring ior their eternal good pied by David Tate, Esq; nd lately Am m the case of the negro, . every cir- bv 31 ai. lioucuelle. i llifeundersiim-I cuinstnnrfi r.onr.iira to make our ea, promisq, 10 mose w no -may give upm a can, IK duty VnrtrM liinrlinn anrl it nrill rtrrtV19l.lv lid p eenteel attention, and the best possible 'dare. : The - t. P. c I. n Salem and Greenville Stages, and theSStages to question,-put to every one of us, and to all Asheville, stop atthe Hotel. They caft afford any otners, at the judgement day, and eiara- traveiling accommodations to those vyio wish to visit the Gold region 6f Burke and Rutherford. j D.TATC, JR. & BROTHERS. Morganton, N. C. March 5, 1831. ii3 tf KE-ESTABLISHMEIS3T. lOTAVlNG once carried on a Shod ftf the town JElUL of Morganton, and that witbthfjfcreneral sa- I bad countenance,' dark visage, and well dressed I hereby caution all persons against tradiD? with said bo j employing or harboring l.im in any way. The boy stated no reason for leaving the subscriber, only that soma fellow had offered him wages; I uppose some fellow about his equal.'" The boy was employed, but sacked his job and fled. - I i. ! iJUHJN US15UKN. Asheville. March 14. 1831. 73w peal to facts which have oocured very near us,' within a short time we could appeal to the success of our Slethodigt brethren, and others who have gathered churches from the free black population of the Northern and Western States, which con- tain a great aeai oi sincere piety we could appeal to the Presbyterian Church, ined in all its details. "Have you done "cn exisu m mis region oi country, a all you could for the black population PJ f the members of which are which was around you 1" AYc know who slavesand we could appeal to the preat is our neighbor, and now the Saviour com- succcss oflhc ) esleyan andMonian aiis- mantUusasIIedidthe Soibe go and "ous, among the degraded slave poputa- d him ll th. rnnn vnu rm,. - on of the. est India Islands: where , & J - . . ... I i. : :j r i, : i The Dlan recommendetf is teasible.and "" ciuC .latiup uvcu i.r uvy w ine lauurin uusioess, nameu til,- usiacuon oi me people; ana naving ittitne place I t -- v ,i ni c:-: r t RED BAGWELL. . Said boy is of tall stature, I against the adviceof the citizens,? mala use o this will be successful. There are Chistians regenerated by the Ilolj bpint, and of be- e people ot ourke punty and enough, and those probably, iu covemcut IU& "C,IB ' J1? 1,T rtesuTy LD locations, to instruct evtry black person .With respect to this plan of instruction. a k 3 ; 1 I Ihrnnnh nil nnr trn n trt' f..i'mr I . H io lit ni a v .Itn hn ro m tf L Or I . Innf if ta rtrf f faff.- M,tJ viuij- uj aiw uv ii.u.u.nvU UUU. M IHW- NOTICE. , THE undersigned will have the BRIGHT HOPE FURNACE, in Greene County, Tennessee, in full operation by the 20th instant, 'i it i i . . vvnere ail Kinasoi castings can be had on the short est notice." " J , . - Mill Castings ; 'Bark Mills ; Forge Hammers Src, can be had, to order, at any time'. Orders addressed to Greenville, lennessee; will be promptly attended to. - . i D. SHIELDS, & Co. Brighthope, ilfarch7, 1831. . 5 6w r m JAIVTE3 wonms RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public ia general, that he has taken that larire an ft rnnvuni- ent house lately occupied by Joseph '"A Reid, Esq.. Tile thinks it unnecessary to make promises and will therefore Only invite tra ' .vellerstoicall and judge for themselves. : ' " V V" V " "'' ' - 52 lyp FORSAIX T THIS OFFICE, CiUPERFINE Letter Paper. Writing Paper, k3 a general assortment of Blanks. OC?3 Look at this!esQ ' f ni HE compass has been so long in use, that, I U hope its utility will ere long hnd its way in to Rutherford county, and put every man in - pos session of his. own land marks they may then es cape the judgment denounced m a certain book. I This is therefore, to notify all persons (that they may not plead ignorance in future,) that I am determined to prosecute all and every individ ual, who shall be found trespassing, by cnltivating the sou, removing timber, or in any otherwise com niitting waste upon any 'of the various tracts of land belonging to ColJKichard Lewis, situate in the Rutherford county lots and land adjoining the vil lage of Rutherfordton, unless with my written or verbal consent ; and it is presumed that all leases and permissions granted by him, for any of those purposes, have expired. Persons holding bonds on him. for titles, would do. well to present them Also persons having made puf chases oi iana, in wnicn ne is interested, are hereby notified that no titles will be executed, unless satisfactory evidence is adduced that, his proportion of the purchase money has been actually paid, or secured to be paid, either to himself or his properly authorized agent. ,J. OVERTON LEWIS, Agent. Rutherfordton, 25th Jan'y. 1631. 50 ly p WAITED. 1 THE subscribers wish to purchase JO IiIKELY ItfEGItO 1YXEN. for which they will pay cash. ! Apply to tne subscribers, , ei ther at Pattonville in Burke, or - Asheville. . JAiliES VV. PATTON, 1 JOHN E. PATTON. 6v method to inform the i its adjacent jcountry, slAJD, m the tow i pose of carrvinff on the i- ' !ii , l.'-' r?-1' . . .f f ill r t i.i m tt.OTI TTYTft TTTTr-f Iia s aoie io imparl una instruction ; ana liy tare, reopie nave, very erroneously, in all its various branches. every oiner person wjio can reau, is aoie, ana very injuriously cuunncciru religious The subscriber can assure those whbiriav be his and is under obhsation to do it. If he with intellectual instruction in this partic- customers, that his leaving the County f Burke at does not do it, the blood of the African is I ular. It is curious that there should exist the tune he jdid, will be to theif jateres' he in- on his . head JThij" kind of instruction a mistake so perfectly croundless. As far lenus to aaopi a new course in aoinc i8iness, viz. ... , ''. i I i .'' r i i he has become a subscriber to the moapproved b understood It requires some ad- as religious instruction is successfuland and best Patent Systems of Cutting mivii'extant in vauce in intellectual Culture to understand I it always will be in some decree it is of the United btates, and receives the lasljions quar- whatisrcotf. Buthe mostinorantcanun- I directly the contrarv character. In the U . .. 1 1 1 I I . w 1 - " public, that the most approved plan of tfutting by ner. -it can ne eommunicateartfpwiy. it govern men, religious instruction win, as Sighues or! Wilson's Patent, has not tc&ile date of I requires but to speak and hear. It can be I far as it produces effect, supply the nc- this notice, been used by any in Mosahton, ex- communicated without previous expensive I ero with principles far more extensive and r.raB? Ada,temparatUnu. There is powe.M than they are. He feel, that with others,! for the best interest of hi " customers. uuJ,ng oi doohs, noycars oi iryingiui- mere is a ooa wno sees mm. iickduhs He appeals to the people to say, wbeihef, in any tion to precede, discouraged at every step, the law of God. He thinks of. "death, case, when free too from the power oCcJmpetition, by the dullness an inattention of the learn- judgement and eternity The man is el- feS tStiSS, ft Thi, plan U more apt o be general- eva.ed. He feel, that he it ..cand.d.to Fifty for Homespun which prices have been e- ly.embracedJ , All other plans are xndef- for eternity. .You have supplied him acieu uom me reopieaunng me iasi csimmer ana niic, ana meoDjeci io De gainea ailant I witu principles wmi idouto. xxe nas Fall M ! , ' J5t ', I i - . .1 . m. i - .1 ri. .1 1 uuu itnitKUllii X IIC UlOVtva UlUSl Ulil tie IIIUV I iuivim ivi w. " f uuuiov And if he be -Alarch 18, 1S3L 5 1 M f I ine suDscnoer s prices win De irora'So.uu to . i.:'. 'j ii'-i. .u -n 'I r c : vT ft no rnr ntu rX. ii fin$A taught to read. w hether they .will evtr I for refraining from vice. Sattinett ; and $2.50 for Homespun. Me hopes by learn to do so,, is very uncertain. It; truly pious, he will exhibit all tbe virtues his attention to business, he may receiypA share of then doubtful whether they mill read, aQtr and excellencies of any. Christian. The public patronage. He warrants all Cements to they have been taught. In the majority pious slave loves the Bible as much as r it, and in execution surpass any that have been - J , " , ...... J ' , . 1 :, made in Burke County. i cases, they never do. And if they do, the pious roaster and obeys its precepts. He will have constantly from 4 to 6,o6d work- it is very doubtful whether they will not Let him then, hear the following passage : men who have served a regular time ii1 the bosi- abuse their acquirement and much more, "Servants be obedient unto your masters MSSZar,?t,e fifeaUy be benefitted by according o U,e fle.h with fear and trcm- ' WILLIAM C. BEVEN3. lt The mere ability to Tead does not bling, in singleness ot your heart as unto Morganton, Feb. i2, 1331. J.jjl 2 tf change the feelings or the heart. This Christ. Not with eye-service, as men -n rwriV IT iTt 8tate the ase maes mst people, who plcasers ; but as the servant of Christ, do- C Ulf tiVlC A II HiMIiJLt otherwise, would feel it their duty to do ing the will of God from the heart. . With npHC ndersgned I have ffljmrgi something, indifferent, or at least, negli- good with doing service; as unto the Lord to copartnership m the TAILORING BL SI- geut. jj irnp0Ssible that it should be and not to merf: knowing that wb.tsoer- The v resnectfullvi inform their ffriena and the otherwise. : But in the other rasp, the ob- eT cood thine an v man doeth, the. same citizens of this and the adjoining countiQ, that they iect is definite and 'nrar. Itie to fix in shall he receive of the Lord, whether he j . .i ! J " - I. . - . .... .. the mind and conscience religious truth be bond or free." What win dc nis pnn- most reasonable terms. Thev deem it unnecesarv " uie persons are Wimin Hearing, w w i-iyics auu nis cunu- - to speak of their ability. They fUker them- impossible but that they should hear and this! All that the master, even on selves, however, that by their long pHettee and remember something: and when religious the principles of self-interest could is thus fixed, if will produce an ef- desire Now f receive a due share of the public patroirge. , feet. ; It . is objected however, that the knowledge aDd feehng .advances tbe slave They will ocenpyi as a shop, aropra&verTwit- blacks' areW hardened to religious truth, toward this point. T. here is no possibili ty & Millers Store VAT rKT 5r.v and are so hostUe to, and suspicious of ty of his abusing bis koofi ledge, mas I JAMES V. JAY the whhes tliatal1 endeavours of this kind ters then the whole ; comrounity-the Rutherfordton, Jan.6, 1831. ; H) are entirely useless. Masters and mis- government should give every facility .. .. , . ' . JLL - tresses,1 freq'uenUy, though" there are for imparting religious instruction to the kptlir.ll.lr.k oonulation. If there exxU legal handsomely executed at THi iorFiCE. J cuse ; and they appeal to facts. Some of prohibitions or restraints, they inould be ft SI!