MdDnS.TriKI (DAEEdDILIIMil S AKlB WEST EM AMY EM, TIE S E 18,. VOLUME II. RUTHERFORDTON, SATURDAY EVENING, IMA Y 7, 1831. NUMBER 12. i.. I! I 77 - . - i 4 .u 4 i- PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY EVENING BY ROSWRT T. RLMRR In Terms 0 subscription. Two dollars and fifty cents, per annum, if paid in advance ; or three dol lars, if paid within the year : but if delayed after, the close of the year, twenty-five cents will be added. " . No paper will be discontinued until particularly ordered and all arrearages paid, or at the, discre tion of the publisher. : - . Advertisements inserted on the usual terms. All persons advertising will please note the num ber of times they wish to have them inserted, or they will be continued and taxed accordingly: f LIST OF LETTERS, Remaining if the Post-Office at Rutherfordton, on' ! rfte lf orpni,iooi; an i.noircurenouftn mree 1 ",r. . ..jiil. i j.'ii. in i " months, iraywiiioc sent 10 me wnerat, rosi-uj-Jice as dead letters : ! A f - 7 Hicks Richard H. LLEN James ' Hardin Hozey Jiarrall John W I I . WOTICE.1 Hi ! ' 1 tPOLITICAL. exercise of the intelligence and public rpi-. THE undersigned .will have the BRIGHT- niccni TTTION OV TUP f ATITNPT " V 0Ur "ellow-ciUzew, 1 cannot tiefii HOPEFURNACE, in Greene bounty, Dlbr0ULV.UI " V atein adopting the belief that the confi-. Tennessee, in full operation by the 20th4liiistant, ; Fromthe Washington Globe, Apnl 20. de tie. as well in vour caoacitv for cjtiI whereallkindsofCastmgscanbehadonaeHhort- It will appear, by tne puDitcation in or dutveSas in our civic virtues, already. ili Castings; Bark Millsf j Fprgt Hammers ,&c. ffin ho hnA tn nrrlpr. at anV tim. t i ? flrHps arftsapd to Greenville. be promptly attended to. !' i ;, w. iiiui, tuiiiiucui w uui uaii is unnecessary. tr tt,; -. RriirhthnnP March 7. 18C1. ! i 5!5 6w o i 7! ' 1 f. . i i Liirr i Lii Liin lilli cliii v j 1 1 a i ir nil v j - i Hr r-r Z" i' i i intrebts ot our common couutry, ! f tuK Look at this IcMl - his resignation to the tadent; and yes- fi,y the lcrm of yiradmitl, Vwiti- L.i..k iii.-Miii 1 1 . - istration will in the absence of anv nromi. r 'Jl'toW'lwWW ,? ffi t 1,anaed,,nIS.e,rs: .cnt cause of discord among iu 'ip, iOituinenoraConniy, anapui everjmua pos- -: 7." " - . V HIW, attora a OlOlt laVOfatile Opportunity 3ession oi nisown iana marKs iney mT.;uien es- ims 11 is lnierreu inai a iiuw urEauiauuu i a ,i 1. 'i . , ' - - . . v - - . . w ibh iiir iiiia ail 1 1 11 1 1 1 iiiki 1 1 11 r ar m k. u 1 I "w ... . UW) lui- ponani puouc onjccis u, pKircLion ; wh;ch I have witnessed vu yotr pHrt iT'ch steady vigilauce and Cyirpujx "tltvutiDo.. To.Uie uufaorable iii!.cfc.,ih:ch- ny. continuance iu your Ctlnfit, rjd r Vr":- ung circumsianctB, may C3erci. ' ;' flattering prospect. I -c - ni' , r .r. without a total disregnrJ t f V- ,1 ,h s' cf fiaywell Alkert G. Bagwell WMtten Black well ames Bradley John Bigerstaff Benjamin BigerstafF Samuel Butler William Black Moses Barges Jleiiry Barber John Bradley enjamin H. Balew'Rey. David L. Bracket William Black Joseph M. - Hud George Claiborne Philip D. Crews Thomas Campbell Jesse Crow James Cherry Robert AD-VIIitf X3T aarO.'3 2MOTICE PERSONAL ESTATE SALE. THE undersigned having been duly qualified as the administrator of Martin Elliott senior's Personal Estate, at the Probate Court,, held oh the Carson Gen. John iiiuuuay lit tjji 11, ion l gives umiuc lumau pci- 10ns indebted to the said Martin, in his life time, are requested to.mak imjnediate payments ; and thosco whom the said Martin, was indebted will make demand of their said debts and demands, or they will be barred according to the statutes in that . case made and provided. 'J The undersigned also sives notice that Dobbins Drury all the personal estate of the said Martin Elliott, de- uggeaAnn ceased, will be offered at public sale, at the late dwelling house of the said Martin, near Elliott's Ford on 1st Broad River, about '20 miles east of Rutherfordtonon Tuesday the 17th "day of May next, and the sale continued from .day to day .'until all the property be .'sold -consisting of : ' 21 Likely Krgroesj among whom are 10 likely men, "2 of whom art) Blacksmiths one of them a first rate workman, 1 goud Cook, and I excellent Wagoner; tne remain- Cook Hugh Clements? A ndrew Callahan John Crow William ; Depreist William DownsWflliahi Davis Sarah 1 i der are young women and children, , among whom are 1 good Cook and 1 weaver : O f serviceable Horses ; v ,r ' Yearling Colt'; K . 2 oke 0f good Oxen ; J 3 head of Cattle, consisting of Milch L Cows and young HeifeYs ; head of Hogs, -and a few Sheep ; 2 J Carts ; Wagons, with J Set ' , f Harness ; . I. " i Carry-all tinU Harness 1 : 1 X winnowing Mill:; . . 2 Stills and Vessels ; A Set of lilaclsm'ttk's Tools; A Targe variety of Farming Utensils ; ' Household and Kitchen Furniture ; A copious crop of Wheat, Rye and Oats, which will be sold growing ; ALSO A first, rate GUIS T- UTJ L , v well known by ''Elliott's Hill," consisting of 2 ' run of stones all in good order, whirh will be rented for 12 months from the day of auction. ,A credit of twelve months will be given ; the pur chaser entering into bond with approved securitv. JAMES F. ELLIOTT, Administrator: Ruth'erfordton, April 13 1831. K 104wr Dickey David Duck Robert lirwin James . Edwards M. C. Fortune Pleasant Freeman Benjamin Forman Joshua Goode Edward Green William Griswold Henry Green Lewis . Guffey James . ' " Gioves Elizabeth Grainger William J. Garrison Henry : Qilkey John Gilkey Jane Henderson Benjamin Hillman Graham J. itembree James M. Huggins Polly ; Hills Robert Henry John B. Hicks John Harrison Rebecca Harris Willey 1 Henson James Johnston William Johnston Lewis ' f Jenkins Jesse '2 Kneel John Love D. Messrs. a Ledbetter Isaac , Lenoir Thomas ) Lowning William f Lattimore Samuel Logan James J. J Lyon Joseph -B. f Latemore Francis Largent Noah r Ledbetter Jonathan t Moore Rev. Joseph J M'Ginnis Andrew J Mills Marvel ' 5 M'Dowell John i MCurry Micajah ' Murchison Kennitli M' Entire Champion -J Mayhugh William . Y Magniss Robert Melton William Melton' Lindsey J Moorehead David J M'Farland James . Nix John I Aranny Shaderic f Peaces Henry J Padget John Q.uin Rev. Hugh i Richardson Hyram R. - J Ramsour P. V Renyan Jeremiah IlufF George r St is. I columns oi .o-aay, ie oecicaiy oiouue spdltanttll, ahJ strikingl7 -displayed, has tendered his resignation to the Pres- L5-i . - -JLtA L'.i.' dent, who has accepted it. The grounds - J, . M . . , f ,?JZ i ; r 1 1 .r-. . . t ' ' f i uuf.iuui an uuiiuiuuufCMCisiuusi uuuiik ;,TennU ee, will upon whtchthisstep was taken are so fully ih Jrutmostexpectationstohavcbeen moro trXm S anaaisiincuysraieaininecorrcsponaence, th'realizcd. cape the judgment denounced in a ertai'book. Uf the Cnbinpt ia to take nlace. This is therefore, to notify all rsous, : . ; (that they may not plead ignoranceln fulgre,) that, . ) . tttcA inafnn Anril Wth I am determined to prosecute all and evr individ- ' athmgtoily JiprxlUth. ual, who shall be found trespassing by kgjtivating Hear bin I feel it my dity to retire the soil, removing timber, or m an otherwise com from the office to which your confidence mitting waste upon any of the varUustracrfl of land nnrl nnrtinllitiJ mIIpH riiP Thp dplirnr v SSJSSiSg of ,hi, s.eP,u;der the cirwrnstances in lage of Rutherfordton. unless with my kyritten or which it 13 taken, will, I trtst, be deemed -.i veruai coiiseiu ; anuii is prenumeu ana permissions grantea dj mm purposes, have expired. , Persons holding bonds on him for titlf do well to present 'them. -Also persons i 'havin made purchases of land, in vhichhe is'uiterested are hereby notified that no titles will ber executed DroDerlv authorized aeent. 'I J. OVERTpN LEXVmJiAgent. Rutherfordton, 25th Jan'y 1831 0 Jy p From the moment oftakingmy seat in fmm . nYictioa of i?u r . nrt urea i, your Cabinet, thasbetn my anxious wish Ln the coutltIy9 been aToug tbc r.nni urg-: ? and zealous endeavor to prevent prema- Llt cf your advisers in ricld. yoirwlf.ta I the obvious wishes oC tho Vcopir,- aad i- lktinwintr the sacrifice of u-r20 ua I iceY'tit nance, and if possible repressthe disposi- whidiwas involved iqycur acquieVsciio;, tion, at an early day manifested, to con- h cannot reConcileit tornvtUfto 1c io -uiv nect my name with that disturbing topic decree the caue of erobr.rrttssmtnf .o you rc i : 1 .1. r 1. : I o . . . .... . . 1 ,r : j ; .jj vij ii l: proportion of the purchase noney has be&i actually lUFe aSltatlon ,of the question of your SUC- Ljic ODVioug wishes paid, or securedto bepaid.eimerto hirhBllfor his cessor; and, at all events, to discminte- I r uow;niT the sacrifi lessee Stockton Davis ) Scoggins Joseph . ) Salisbury Alex. V Sect. W. S. Lodge 'J Trad well Rubin Tanner Daniel . i Thomas Joseph .Tate David Williams Jeremiah Willis Oscar Webb Robert Worley Silas j Walker Lyman ' Wharry Thomas i Wetherow James. DR. J. JI'FARLMD, Of the sincerity and the constancy of this during the period which, nz ittcr np AKES .the liberty of respectfully ar&ouncing disposition, no one has had a Oetteroppor- cf deep interest to your couMry, is . ,. ... - - ma & XL 1 1 f anzant Lewis 8 3w GEORGE WALTON, P. M. Rutherfordton? April 1, 1831. . .t O'lVANTS A SITTJATI03M, !A YOUNG MAN 25 years of age, who writes Ja. a neat legible band is conversant with arid 020,00 REWARD ! 7f OST on the 18th 'instant a CALF, SKlN JU POCKET BOOK, containing $1 GO b cash, also one counterfeit $2;bill; also two notes on Moore Martin, one for $32 80 and the other for $13 15; also one note onAVilliamLJEskridge for $40 19. There were other valuable papers, not now recollected. 1 The bank bills were chiefly of ..the; denomination of 3 and $10 principally on tne Georgia-banks, anH among which was one $20 bill cu one of the Georgia hanks. The Pocket Book was lost between Sandv Run and Rutherfordton. The above reward, will ' be given to any person: who will deliver the pocket book and contents to the owner. JOHN G. ESK RIDGE. : R."therford, April 22. 1831. . - IQtf V ril HE subscriber aware that Loans--Salesand U business in general can be effected more ea sily expeditiously and satisfactorily has removed from the City of Philadelphia to New York , where every facility is. offered for transacting home or ; foreign business correctly, legally, and with de spatch. : GEO. W. EVERITT, , r 4 37, Nassau St., N. York City. ; N: B. . 03? To Editors. througout the Union. -. ,:.Those Editors desirous of supporting and patron izing this institution shall be entitled to the propri etor's aid gratis to the amount of $5.00, by giying his advertisement in full n conspicuous place in their . papers' 2 or 3 times', and forward a copy Containing the same, . GEO. W. EVERITT, '. ;. V l : ; " 37, Nassau St., N, Y. ; roent : manufactory; as'agentor manager on a plan tuition ; as travelling companion, or agent, or copy ist in an office, &c. &c. if required can give refer ence. A moderate salary -to warrant a genteel i suDport wouia ue required, l ommunicationsiposr. paid) to the subscriber, will meet with prompt at tention, GEO. W. EVERITT, .1 . 1 I 1. 1 J I ... u A. ....I . I ic- . I ' . - luuiLuwiu. uai iwnas wcaieu n;nieii ui luimv IO lUUiTt; llian VOUTlI. 11 Uia fn ' in 2 S bowem.bee;, C.rcumst.n. your patriotic Uem etep.ful on professional business. : ffS-. . Is u"1 U1 l"J crctniuii, uu uiwgvuirr lic Ufc. therfordton, March 26, 1831.; 6 4t heyond my control, have given to tins From these considerations, I feel it to bo 7,r7. T7 subject a turn I which cannot now be rente- doubiy mv july to resipn a 0st, the - re-' Medical Co-partnershm. . died except by a self disfranch'ement tcnlion of which is eo calculated to attract RS. HARDY & OS BORN, havassocia- which, even if dictated by my individual as?saull8 up0ii your administration, to :.c" 1 wisnts. couia inaraiy oe reconcueawe vr tin whic!l thcre m::rht olilenvie be no induce- propnetjr or self-respect. . inent assaults' of which, whateer be Concerning the injurious effects which aim$ lhc most imporlant as". well as the circumstance of a member of the Cab- most jnjurious clTect is, upon those public net s occupying the relation towards the ilitere?ts wlich deserve and should com- country to which l have adverted, is cat- mand lh guniK)rt of ai cood chiztns. This duty, I should hate discharged at an earlier peiriod, but ,for considerations, partly of a publici ' partly cf a peraonal nature, connected with ' circumstances which were calculated to expose its per formance then to misconstruction and mis representation. Having explained the motives which govern me in thus severing, and with see ming abruptness, the official ties by which we have been associated, there remains beg leave to offer their services to the citizens of Buncombe and the adjoining counties, jii the vari ous branches! of the profession, viz: Physic, Sur gery, Midwifery, Sfc, one of whom may !ai all times be lound at their shop, in Asheville, (fj werly oc cupied by Mdj. Patton, as a Stere,) units' absent (in nrnfp.c&innnl Hntips or other inHiannrvtraVilo Knci. ness. . I - . - etf Jculated to have upon the conduct of pub-. . Asheville, March 23, 1821. fic.M ' . 1 lie affairs there cannot,"! think at this I . t f -r- m REiESTABLISHMENlii AVING once carried on a Shop h;the town ol Alorganton, and that with the gfcneral sa- time, be room for two opinions. Diversi ties of ulterior preference among the friends of an Administration are unavoid able, and even if the respective advocates of those thus placed in rivalship be patri- has an idea of business in general possesses a lib- 1 . eA n AQtiAn V n rrl 1 eV on1 fM o aoital Vq s trotrfll- led much through Canada and the U. States-has ttaction of the people; and having left die place uA k.o w,me u k r.,,t against the adviceof the citizens, I maki Use of this and now seeks for a respectable situation at the m eth.od tQ 'nform the P0? ;of Burke. qty and otic enough to resist the temptation ofcre South,in any mercantile or respectable establish- adJarcP.1 nnpy thai have resumetfrny OLD alin- obstacles to the advancement of him pose of carrying on the W. ; lo.wuosc cicvauuu nicy urc uppubcu, uy embarrassing the branch of public service to 73w' 37,Nassau-st., New York City. tends to adopt a new course in doine bufer oess. viz; 1, l, , l u :i .l J i uo wxo ucwuie a- auuacriuer lit uk mosb appro vea I 1 . j n...L. a ... er,. i r .. (alienation Lincolnton. Feb. 16, ,1831 CHEAP AND FASHIONABLE TAILORING I experience and faithful exertions that they will tinue to receive a liberal patronage. They i constantly, in their employ a number of experien m A TT.rt TTT nal its various branches , E f ' wuiuiuicu iu i uis uiujuc, u.c; oic uccr- ftnp JMfP fnf fft nfnm, t, j , .. I.LI 1 ".. 'J. .j.w. w VW Ult M I J The subscriber can assure those whoay be his 1 l"t tpubi xne make profound and sincere acknowl- customers, that his leaving the County IfiBurke at suspicion of entertaining and encouraging ed,rpmenta for that sti-adr nnnrf ,.nr the time he did, will be to their interest! a! he in- such views : a suspicion which can seldom I cj ,i. j;. tau in tne ena? to aggrevate into present charff6 of raT Dubiic dutie. t h tha TTnltnJ aJt .u r IT, I rlifVprpnrpa wliirli first tjiv ricp tn it the farm ol STBL.E c tvt ti :i- jv ? i rri . i i f n. ine least uniavoraoie conse- ividual injustice is suffered, nustration embarrassed and this notice, been used by any in Morgqton, ex- weakened. Whatever may have been the cept in one or two cases by itinerant -orravel ling course of things under the peculiar cir- wfSw? lcVTal he wi?-"rVf nexion cumstances of the earlier stage of the Re- with others, for the best interest of his iclistomers. . , P . . He appeals to the people to say, whether;in any Pubc, my experience has fully satisfied case, when free too fromthe power ofco&petition, me that, at this day when the field of se- he ever exacted the sum of Seven DollkgB for ma- lection has become so extended, the cir- King ioui oais, rive lor aattmett aad liiree Lnmet!,no0t rforr,. t K ot; and motives and sources of opposition to the measures of the Executive, roust unavoid- nnHB COPARTNERSHIP which has foV Tbr!?LPllSLS 111 some time existed in MREJNHARD consent. All, make payment all the claims against the Concern T. has been rfifcmlvprf hv . mntnal ' "ltt.uuk verpoox. X I1US, UUUer " - i I rp Gli hcrri hap n a Ian Qocnra hia f in rt a -t H K a I persons indebted to the concern will rXZZc u queilCCS, md v-k a . am lvwAwa LllLi 111UJ I. fl IltJI IJ 1 naA llinil III .dlJ I III V I W . I m. m to uama titintiardt, who will pay biaimii vii-- k. ",V;uT;i7f and the adm I Wa.UUVd WW 3 m. 1 a 111. BlCn 1IIIL 1 1 I tjr" LlIlLR I VARDRY M'BEE, D. REINHARDT. 2 6w all circumstances, received at your hands; as well as for the personal kindness at all times extended to me. Rest assured, Sir, that the succtes of your administration, and the happiness of your private life will ever constitute ob jects of the deepest solicitude with Your sincere friend and obedt serrant. 31. VAN BUItEN. The Pbetident. i rniHE subscribers inform the oublic in general ii . . . r. . i r:f- r 1 1 i . i that they continue to carry on the Tailoring xulJ 'ur .uupun wnicn prices na'peen Rnsiness in greater nerfectinn than thv hnvp fnr.l acid fiom the; People during the last Spiimer tiriprlv flmiP ' thfV flattPr thHITISpliroB hn tlrair Inner Fall. ! - I ' I fSM i Icon- Tne snbscriber's prices will be frora$5.00 to ably prove the cause of iniurv to the nub- f keen $S.OO for Cloth Coats; From 3.00 to! $4.00 for i- t ; rnw. 0 n,,n.n' :tn tn .. i i I. S Sattinett; and 2.50 for Homespun.' itJhopesby c service, for a counterpoise to which tihue to receive a liberal patronage. They enen- . . ' ' . T ""f" i. .i i: , ced hands; Thev further promise the neatest fits ms attention tq business, he may receiv share of y f iiecuiiur tjuai MOSTEYI1V MARKET, OWNERS OF GOLD MINES, PLANT A TIONS, MANUFACT ORIES, &c. &c. If niH K subscriber begs leave to inform his friends , ' II nnA lUmiM thoi Via vaailtr vlmtn k A 1 OnlV that crican The boy was ..I r- i , . , . .. I PlYinlnvprl hnt sackeil his inh anH florl. the London and Philadelphia Fashions can produce. J.USBUKJN, C.OSBORN, Asheville. March 27. 1831. 7 3w ra no. t law a cnr ? MUNAWAY from the subscriber an Aprentice . Boy tu the Tailoring : business, named AL FRED BA G WELL. Said boy is of tall stature, Bad countenance, dark visage, and well dressed. I hereby caution all persons against trading With said boy, employing or harboring him in any way. The boy stated no reason for leavingthe subscriber, jsome tellow had ottered him wages ; 1 public patronage. He warrants all Gpments to lifications of any : individual; and Fit, and in execution surpass any tha(avebeen , He will have constantly from 4 to 6 gdod work men who havo served a regular time lo athe busi ness, and hopes to be ever ready to accomodate, at short notice '.and on Good Terms, i ii ; " ': i WILLIAM CiBEVENSJ. Morganton, Feb. 12, 1831. ! : I-2 tf; Washington April 12. Dear Sir. Yourletter rcsipning the of- ice of Secretary of State was received ast evening. . 1 could indeed wish that no circumstance had arisen to . interrupt even if lne relations which have, lor two years, NEW SHOPlll I should in this be mistaken, still I cannot subsisted between ns, and that tl:v might so fardeceive myself as to believe for a mo- have continued through the period during mentthat I am. included in the exceptions, which it may be my lot lo remain charg Thcse obstructions to the sucessful . ?d with the duties which the partiallity of prosecution of public affairs, when super- of my countrymen has imposed upon mc added to that opposition which is inscpa- But the reasons present are so strong that, rahle from our free institutions and whirh with a proper regard for them, 1 cannot every administration must expect, present ask you on my own account, to remain in ous of . advancing and investing their funds to good advantage w ho are desirous of purchasing Pleas ing wholes or shares of Real Estate(improved or un improved,) and other valuable property who wish io pecome proprietors, partners or sharers m Gold Asheville, March 14. 1631. I NOTICE. JOHN OSBORN. 7 3w Mines or-Mining Compahies-or would loan mo- IT AM under the painful necessity of no i nev in small flnrttnrap mm,ntont Ri- fi nA U: and loTewaming an persons trom narr per cent per annum intPrf. rt h. 'naid nnmiallu an trading, with my wife Mary, as she and semi-annuriUv n h a,;A :m., habit of deserting my house, and wastin real estate froo Cr,m j j i abroad, to the great injury of our domestic com Vorth double the amount required. Therefore those fof;. and the HAKrSS who wish to sell, lease or rnLAhtin nrt. relations. . RICHARD COVINGTON. ners, will, per mail. f nf nhM frtnV Feb. 16tb loJl. 1 3mp rmilF. RiiKsnriher wishes tn inflirm ! frrU a mas3 to which the o Derations of th (ro. the Cabinet. Jt and the public that he has commenced the vernment should at no time be voluntarily I am awarc f lc diulculties yoa have i TAILOZHrXa DU3ITrtiaS, exposed the more especially should this had to contend with, and of the benefit in tie town of Morganton.'in the LargUoom of be avoided at so eventful a period in the which haie resulted to the affairs of your the Jail, whereM is ready to execute oJtkinds of affairs of the world, when our country country, from your continued zeal in the c'tf mai picu,ariy necd ,he t k ' re '"?e bccn work Hnn a in riialln" will rw;( jrivf fhaiiKfirri. 1 nv in her councils. hected. 10 fay mat i deeply rccret 10 fvinp ber a fair triaI'.te flatters himself that fh; cannot Such being mv impressions, tlie path los? Joll '8 ut feebly to express my fee- workmen! prices will be moderate, to suit the character of the every necessary instracUonparnctalarize . their HOUSE OF ENTERTAINMENT, views and wishes and descrihi thW Wiwrtu F . !' . , . - rectly, its locanoii.6!tuation, divisionsrqiiality, im provements, quantity and real vnlno k?Z n on. rlose the advance office fee, which amounts to $5, J .for. every 00 wanted , Commissions : when 1 Loans re eneciea, win De' trom I to 14 per cent ; No business can meet with attention unless postage is paid and accompanied with a reasonable advance fee.- An established and not to be deviated rule is now in force, viz : no letters received ( stance) or taken out from the Post Office, unlpc, o make promises and will therefore only invite tra -i AT THE SIGN OF THE BELL, Union Court-House, S. C. 1 RESPECTFULLY, informs his friends and the public in general, that he has taken that large and convem- ent house lately occupied by Joseph iReid, Esq. He thinks it unnecessary country to the sta- was not without a the station I occupy : but 1 make it my Qep tense oiiUanluousresponsibimies.oi times. ! . " . ?N! I . i i- u i ,.A I ihp Rtrnnr rlictrtt nf rwLlf. that obeved OOyS ISS; i P of .he 'Government be the tM ; butchered accemmodation'of his customers. . f. f l i JOHN S. CARSON. Morffanton, March 8, 1SJJ. i m 4 hjj; for the deemed, notwithstanding the humility of that no other mojtive actuated me, j?! itsoriein, worthy of respect and observ- desire to puardhpr interest; A: to pi man a ace ber iwid or franked. GEO. W. EVERITT! t vel lital L.nait vrocer juiorney-American . T' f .....1 M J ' 73;3 ' Foreign and General Agent, iVo. 37. Nassau i:t.,mw ersto call and jndge for themselves. (52 lyp FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE, rU,e;"A8e r UPERFINE Letter Paper, Writing Paper, lork (City,) N.J Y. I and a ?cnera assortment of Blank- ! WANTED. mrch 1?. 1831 THE subscribe I wish to purchase 10 XiXXIXHT rxrxiozLo im2Z7, for which they will p; cash. Apply to the substfibers, ei ther atPattonville &l Burke, or -Asnevme. . . ss:i J JAflES W. PArTON, JOHN E. PA me, Sir, to present one more triots, have been deemed essentia to her he subject: You have consented prosperity, I ventured upon the trust as- TTON. i i . . - - ence ; cannot, 1 think, fail to prove es- upon the firm prpund oi iiiomj zieai pnnci- sentially and permanently beneficial. V pies which.byllir wisest acpuresi oi our pa- - Allow view of thesuhi tn Ktnnrl hfnr r,. r,r,cf inipnts for re-e- sir-ned mc. I did this in the confident ho lection. Of triPir ,w;ion. restincr as it of findinz the support of advisers, nMea dnpa rn Kuffraes of a frP. true : who, layitjff aside every thin hot numerous, and widely extended people, it desire to give new vigor to the vital pnn becomes no man to speak with certainty, ciples of our Union, would look rith Judging, however, from the part, and single eye to the best means or ettccti making a reasonable allowance for the fair this paramount object. In you, this b' PC nd . t : i a 7 ; . m i I i