''' ' ' . . ' ..--'-s. :r : '7"". ' ' $ : ' i :i! '" : .; . '!r ; ' -.: . , .... -.. . . , : A . B W JE 'IP K Jit N A B v Fj -lT Ig Fi R . VOLUME II. N, SATURDAY EVENING, 3IAY 14, 1831. NUMBER 13. ." : . . . i . . i ' ' I Ji .; - ; . i. 1 : ? : : : ; ... . . , . i . t . i ' i - ' 1 V PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY EVENING BY ivUSH ELL ELMER, Jr. Terms of tubscrmti h r nu uuiitirFi ana mtv tSTLook at this! nil HE compass has been so nnv in nQA ui t hope its utility will ere lonw cents, per annum, if paid in arU . . j.f to Kutherford county, and out everv ; . If nnirl unthintl.n .. i . . Vtginn rt hie nnrn lan4 w.1. T I ' : nH : " ' ! ( . . i - : : : r : ' ' : ' mm Iars the clo8e of the year, twenty-five cents will be caP,the jgment denounced in a certain book lUUeU. j :1ms mihiirDinM i - ii r u 5at)eI 'T!11 bd disContued until particularly th they may not plead ignoranci infutKhat' A "',-. -Hon,,- S , . .iui,uie vYiii iiiH.isp nnrn thn num. I muw uu n antnt tho i u f i ., f r. r "" "uur ki.. . uiuutf iracisoi land or r.WB.' OI" Kichard Lewis. 8itnat f th. oining the vil- i mey wisn to hive them inserted Tticy will be continued and taxed accordingly. NEW YORK CHEAP WHOLESALE CLOAK, STOCK, & CLOTHING AaoTJSEKZVZO VBD. I HI 111! Pr 11'18 removed hfe establishment Rutherford county lots and land adi lap-e of Rnttiirr..ri :i. -. J L l wviumuj-uuiess wun my written or verbal consent; and tt is presumed that all leases ana permissions imintori k e purposes, have expired. - ! Persons, holdins bonds Inn Vilm ' ii Hn W.li,,, .u i iiues., wouia present them .LAI made rmrrhnsiPa rif land ...u'-.-l ir . -uu a mucn more, extensive assortment -than' noTJT " l,u'i:uus.e,money has been actually mprlv Tu i i : . "v "" Daid. or secured tit hp r.mA . V ICE AGRICULTURAL ECONOMY. ADivAixtflsiAiOjOi' 4- -PElt&bNAL ES TA TB fin HE undersigned havinff beer duly :ank& -1L as the administrator of Martin Elliott seniorH V i ie allDe rrobJ"e Court, held on the 5d Monday in April,183l gives notice that all per sons indebted to the said -Martin, in his life time are requested to make immediate payments ; and those to whonij the said Martin was; indebted will make demand jof their said debts apd demands, or O mc Diaiuics ill uiai ;f0niXOi8 Maiden Unclothe spadous Phases oflan d, in which he is int Store No 138v Pearl-street, over ilessrs. Hyde !I,ereby notified that .no titles will be ex Cleveland & Co.; where he will keep constantlv unlf s .satlsCafor' evidence; is adduced tl interested, executed, on tnrmar TL. ... l ' . . . ...... . ""J'- ue siyie, make and matrr al., nf tho cloaks will be greatly improved, and will be sold at about the same low prices as those of the last sea son. He has also on hand, a large assortment of low priced Clothing, made in good style, express ly for the Southern and IVpct. -u". .sold at about the usual prices of the most inferior quality. .Also, au assortment of Stocks, with raa- y uuier uesirapie articles. Those who will talr h i., i .t fr V4 iu uc laiU. P mar t him ir i properly authorized agent. ' "1&c" r nis I wf From the Baltimore American Farmer. foe ask the readers attentioii to the , 7 coramunication of De Rustics, on honzo. , ! .0 ploughinghe will find some truths thfcL , , tl worthy-.of calm reflec tion. JLverv farmp. upon case made and provided. i :j ; Li . 'Uatoncerecoffmse The undersigned also gives notice that T UWl 01 Ue Kustlca .e in arks all the personal estate of the said MAYnn viwt j the unwillirnmrcc nfn,.. erased, will be offered at publisalerar he hte PN f .Tr. w WWSCCIS-d labour dwelling hous4 of the said MartS near EUioU's l adPl "PPed modes ; but - ,r "."i-'of they will not all ied the force of th? itutherfordton. on Tuesday the 17th dav of M.nv . . .. ' ..' 01 lDuv next and the-iale continued from day to day until uums 115 applicable to themselv dU lue property be sold consisting of :. ! i'" Medical Co-partnership. TTfcRS. HARnv At nsipnuv II II tu 1 """'-'"-ii, uaving associa- .iy63 m. the -practice of Medicine. the trouble to examine this S " lst thecitizens of Pruu.tuiy satisiy themselves that thev rannnt nn h.i.. Jvru.s uuues, m uie van- icct the same amount from any stock in thT , TIJe. VP that will be a sa-r or more desirahl nl" : J ? ' For sale by Terms : or more desirable purchase ; F. J. -CON ANT. No. 13R Pearl-street, New York. ninths, fnr M. . 1 1 . , ' -lY-u.cu x-j.K3, uay- .lnl at In n be in 1; '? J .. olu gul,U !liaUu1ng m any part of the country ; e.ght months for city acceptances ; or five per cent, discount for cash. In all cases where the i rarn?Xtfinded- mtereStVviI1 be charged at the , one of whom may at all times 1 , J r r J v Ilia be tound at their shop, in AshevilleJ ( fc cupied by Mai. Pattnn -t Xt on professional duties, or other indispensable b Asheville, March 23, 1821 sent usi- 6tf rfi AK.uS th,1.iberty of respeciluJly announcing JU. to the public, that hp hn Ua i.-? li . . ' """"""-."iiiiiriH Uiai OO not SUlt thp nmr kiwUI. . - uUJ wvoreu uiuiMill io ket for which they were intended will 1 e exchan Sft ' &nd 0Lpened 3 shoP at house of , ged for others. ' aea, will be exchan- Johh Logan, where he may -.be-found unless absent New York Citv! Anril ie; laii lw on prolessional business. , Ima, State of North Carol - Lincoln Comif ii CoUntV Cnnrt -nf Plan. J ' . ' ' .j, . m icu.o auu tvuaner oessions' Aoril Sfissinno McBee &r'Alexamlpr.A Orinoi t' i'. ; . - 7 I ""p'"ii uihituuiUIll ievi' iwiaer. ?, )Lik( !. y th lands of Henry Fulen wider- assignees, vs : ; Caleb Fulenwider The same vs The same aV!?r;7 ? eat'ction of the Court, that hhf bkTder th,e defeQdant, is not ak in habitant of this State : It is therefore ordered by Murt that he appear at the County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the said Coun ty , at the Court House ii! Lincolnton. on the third ,Uondav in Jnlv nevt j .. . . ' li . &rlt.v -uu pieaq to issue, NOTICE. rfI?HIfiegned wHl have BRIGHT I JU- - HOP- FURNACE in operation by the 2iHh instan! edon,six negroes in the iTZ asungs can be had on the short- I est notice. Mill Castings Bark Mills ; ! For st Hammers Ar ewise original attachment 1p. led on the same neeroes. in can be had, to order, atanvtimo ie hands of the same. Orders addressed to Green vil li TV be promptlv attended to. V ' m i lptly attended to. J. ,u , . D. SHIELDS, & Co. Bnghthope, March 7, 1831. ; ' 5 fiw HE- ESTAB LTSIIMENT. frAVING once carried on a Shop in the town . i . f.'-'u.u , issue, i u u ni iiM-mn .1 . ...... vr juagments in the above cases by default will be tislaTtinn , f " , . tne general sa. entered up against him. . Ordered that SS tT??.feoPlr havujr left the place - m 1 &uauai. iiif iinviinnT v-kn a Z l Likely JSegrtTtf. amnnrr nrlinmiai'ii'ii) ja n ' .' ; . -T i c 7 "Mi men, i whom are niaLKbini us one oi them H first rate workman, 1 good Cook, aiid L excellent Wagoner ; the reruairi- aic juun- women and children: among whom are 1 good COokand 1 weaver: ' M - O hedd of sei'rciceable 'Horse's: many farmers li 13 1 Ye.arlrio-(-nlf' L m-, " . to , . & okcof 'good Oxen; head oj es. ilow lave ndomed imnrmn. t v . ments, even such as have been in success ful operation before their eyes for years? It seems almost necessary not only to sug gest and. test improvemets, but to hire far mers to adopt them; and even then, sucn is the bervprspnPc r A VA UUUJ an nature. Cattle, consisting of Milch and such its hearl-rrn.r,o l wr V,' iu UIU OUr- Co os and young Heifers ; : . 8Uit of old paths, even .v J ' U(C - Hi head hf .i-Vf-jB- . """' c,:" 'ougn wcy are Z Ot-CaZs: ZlfiLZf beset with 'lor" and filled wi.h brambles. o - 111.. f Lr : 1 i JL y"iiyuu una narness 2 Stills and Vessels A Set of Blacksmith' Tntis? A large variety of Farming Utensils; jiuusenoia ana lUtchen It limit uro 71 COmouslr.rnn nf Wh4 ..-.J:.j I ' r u,k 7fi il "ai5 coumfy suHfers and therefore T-.. jum c i iu Co i fi a - AS. . V: and lead through barren and stonv places. there are many that cannot be hired to take the new' coarse. If they were the only sufferers, though philanthropy might weep, the patriotic might let them alone; buUt is not so. The countrv. th ku J Jl nuvifi it be- ALSO-yl first rate GJUS 'li MILL V C dUl f pulrioU and Phila well known by "Elliott's Mill,";' consoling of 2 "wnpists to exert themselves to the utmost bc rthe removal of such prejudices: ' .A credit of twelve months will b given ; the pur- HORIZONTAL TLOUGHING chaser entennc into bond with .nKrT.. I ui i . . wuiimu. i JAMES F fi i inW a7 mtUIllJ- M ug"ig on me level was first practi Rutherfbj1! 10? ?Cd in U,ls cou"lI7 torty-years ago, i 19 "E1 TV3VTT r' v ' ' ,e,,MVf ln?dced by Thomas .Manu Ran- "TVXi "0,Pn auerwards Uortmor of Virir.n. 0 I cannot quote Darwin's word, as I have not now access to his book, but I re member his ideas. His object io horn zontal ploughing' was to arrest and cany ott the superfluous water of the hills, an ob ject never desirable or necessary in this country, so far as my observation has ex tended, but which, from Darwin'e pecuft ar theory of the origin of springs, I infer, " is commonly or often the case in England V but then he proposes to accomplish his object by furrows, not exactly horrizontai, but inclining so much as to carry off the water gently, in order to save the sides i and bottoms of the hills from repletion of moisture. . . f The advantages of horizontal plough- : ing arc, 1. It preserves all the water that falls in rain to nourish the roots of the rhnrs. "V. w . .... . 'i lessens the labor of teams and piuugfe. men; 9 jt enar,les you to do bctt r-r w orkC ana 4. pwVents manure, decaTi:," vr t ables, and srrVsoi, fmm bcln- akhed away. . Several circurostar c;? m i make this ploughing a Jra full extent of its capcb.r.iic I lio .) r.... . i , and the beds mellowtd de?p,v to ti.iU "oinionoiaagrcatile.-aofwatf Ih RPPn nnA inctntioa --I. I ' r v- in consequence of shallow ploughing pori a hard bed of Clay thatsra. irapi.ious' rrk-- r- ; me wmc sous and situations a 11 l u"ciij vain io attempt to retain all the water that falls and prevent a break. As,I. hercthehiliisvery steep when the highest furrow that could be thrown would only bring the surface to a level inca pable of holding water, and this difficulty is increased in proportion tmhi ri.M r.i. declivity. 2. Where there exists an ioe ciuahty of surface in eonsequence of form. h n a La"aLbrcaks; nnd 3' mn com bined with either of the foregoing, the soil, Horn its own nature, or .the absence of vegetable fibre, is deficient in r, r cohesion. . ta ti e T 111 HE Sllhsrrihor auromtkt f L. .1 I a : - .w. fc.,, me mat man i i lIjiuic .w i in ivnuii r. . n . . . . - u i hnwA;. i . r auu w. utwuiii was mven Dv liia t. vi '1I1I.11V Tlininna lur. :.. i I . UV.UU4 VU.IMIII. Ill H. ll'TI.r LU1I V.ITPt Ihn I . I in I Pnrm w i. u ' 7 . "vicuwc ana I c . .uicu HJU uC inuue six weens successively m the Ruth U)Te8te' r , VARDRY3IcBEE,C7Cr:. lOGw Tr. adv. 2.50 State of North Carolina, Haywood County. .. Court of Pleas and Quarter SessionApril Term, 1S'30. r . John Slate V ; r ,. v,8; 41 . Y Ori-inal Attachment, martin Heflrv. T appearing to the satisfaction-of thp i I noViJ r "ie C1.nzens. l make use of this o 2 1 tne pePle 01 Burke County and fTTtTn;ry' tha,t 1 have Sumedmyy0L ol4ND, m the town of MmmntAn r-.iT- . pose'ofcarryingonthe . - pur- in al its various branches. ' mil M . i ne suDscriber can assure those who may be his t.jT. S ' 8 10 tnelr """est, as he in-lntTAa.eIs-. ia. business, viz. . tt ouucuriuer io uie most approved b Court, that Sy 3 Ut now iUi of this SXf Fhions ouar- HI - i . - WWJVO i iU9ii1Ca3iU general can ne ettprtprf .1 --r--v..v.v.iJr auu Rtiusiiicioniy nasremoved from the City of Philadelohiatr, Nw Vrb every facility is ottered lor tran&ctinehome or u loreign business correctlv. 1 i on n t itk. I It N R 37. Nassau St., N. York City, rfu ' K To througout ihe Union, jni .rhose Editors desirous of supporting and patron izing this institution shall be entitled tf.0 " : etor's aid gratis to the amount of $.00, by givint?" fh his advertisement in full a consoicucL nfi'S ,!;? th papers 2 or 3 times, and forward a copy containing Se!h the same, GEO. W. r.VERITT, ' " Rand I - oemarie, voted lum a gold medal in testi iUllllRY TV 1 A T2 wr m moay - u tiiseoverv. It TO OWNERS OF GOLDMINES ptTI that.the only precise A remedy for these evils has been pro ved by Mr. Skipwith, who inherits and well inmrnv- meofccelleutAgrrcuhuraUssupub- bpU'lTO"' sea some years utro by Josenh fJ:ili. a Vr uiivx 1 iiiiw v V- I W IllllllprniA ffH general in all the contigious parts of Yir I'rupn- iiim, ana druiu. ination to enmc Inrr. rpi - lurrows corresDonr! w;ti, im 11111 r-nmrrn i i. i i . . . 1 v w wuiii iiiiiii v 1 vi riirn &.uviTA4h.A AB ougb .he praetice is slowl, extendi V,l otllt-r :r"'u " '"7. ""P- a.nd No, long before .bedea.l, of C?v. if riml S if olpb.theAL'ncu uirnl Sn.-ii. ai. i. t. i . . ' u",e leTcl. Tins v an- ivuiju lei v I lliriPflr nnrl fiA J " - w tAii if- r at-ivrv m a - - simple nnd unexpensive. artin Heflev was hvn--A fU i: :Itisorderedthatpub e nix w eeks, successively, in the North Carolina i,.rfCrib.er can ako assure his friends and the " ciaior ana vv estern Advertiser N 1 uscrioerDegs leave to in fonrjhis friends son. just mentioned. .r:rru""V"'? ueisdaiiy visited by Am- as iaras it coes. "vimuLimH caDliailSlS.Whnnrr! Hoc is remarkahfp . Tnll instructions we have ffnmj spfa, A o C0TOWan J ( f D letter of Air. Jefier- Johnson would term it,) in his remarks TIOJVS;, MANUFACTORLES;'X " on t,le suLject the Tr. . . I .. . . " uuu3bo ciear. upon inediNirn itv nrr.i.;nn ntl.Pra mo.U ' Vj i v . ""ft exeCU- . .... w '. w uuniuiuu aikjuillij to OrfiPr. tinti.o ik.. . J I . .,o rj-L.f .. 7 . . .!",'D,w ubiuu i io fiYnihif nnt.. tliin.. :n ... Si. -----1 .vo tuui . . . ic uu.auv.iuK auu i ivesnnffihwrnn t- j .i i puuiiv. mm me mnst nnnrri-crl n n .fin . ,1 . " . . - o "Jiua iu CUUU . . . ... ....it .i t r -1 ii i i n n om j I . . . -, -. uia.il in . ni I in rr i i ill I vhiiih i . . n-. i . I i .. v -'Wartin HefW nnnr . u. i " aa,u Siffhues or Wil8n's P,fQ "" h ..r5" !""" he. ;i.extCpnrt of Pleas and Uuarte; Sessions S M006' bee ed by any in JMorffa "- i it' ni inr rnia i '. . i i iii imp nr t urn i . i . ! u wuci y-w nn w Qn i r;i i i ir. idva i oi.h... - i . . " a w a c m vi WWnesv H .hr 1 , V '"f.." at workSen.whi;hP 7" ?r travel,?ng Vl01" Proprietors, partners or iharers in Gold tkl l" lrJ:li "-"meni Used to hod ved not to be convinced : and what i. ...v, ..ot iuuuuuv in . nna nat i .... i . ' v "'i ; m use. in rinnnvmn m nes or Mimnrr i i , . i iiuiiluiuui nnn n innm i . j . - . l i" - t -mv -. . - . m . i vv.lubaiuii i - 1 mii ii i id 1 1 1 1 m nr n'nii I a a m I - tut; aioresaia attarhmpnt . ' w uu wuiers, ior Uie hpat ntfl.;!f u:. : ti ?. r " rvuH II l . i vuicmiyj lUnSTTIArit I TT- ... ..Mn.igni,ui U18 CDSTOmprs I "C to exhibit any thine tint will be suhi.rt b,wn Vr.rXV i-...UCC8 to a coronarison in .twl.Q.. -" . V ".7'u " MW iauourcrs. "go you, r.iiL: . r. . w oulJ rr " uuu come, let tti do it " It mm iuu utwuiiu hip I la iiarn in tirrvflii u i . . i wis illume it rift nra rocn 10 i,li,,l,akeproressoandhe " I ..linfT. W I 1 II I f UU TOA . . I I . . W Willi. I I 1 1 M J I I 1 I - wu uum mo nAWar r, .:. . I anH cam. 11.. i ..Uv... . , Witness. 11. I nvr ri t ."lvv" case, when troo rrirt a. .1 -? ' ". uu . - ri- -" -Lr i . . iMri. ni . i -, ,vv iuu iiiiiii ina nnnAB - . - imhj 11 . t r & JOUJ. , It. I.OVF rio.i R. I.ovr iuow Fr. 'Adv. $2 50. Fiftyj I Cloth rwa p -----y- "uuttiawr ma- iice irom mcumbrancesJand valued r.H K i ir . are I -y suumitied to overseers yioin ioats,. rive for Satrinrt nni w-nrtK tnnkl i . , " Vi"ue- sua movrrl nnd oi-rn..l i .l..h I '..... . . - w wiwiwb s,r H. . i i , v . "r'""v"""p"iciuiuunireaurred. rhProrraiKt. u"u,,ksu aiuui' uie neia. iinro i nun iirtiriiirtnvA .. : Whnn.'chMII I i 1 ; ff. !! I c I .w.v u II I C UlfUCI S CXefTinn ntlH tor Homespun which prices have Fall. ouustnuer a nrii-o 117111 ho r p $6.00 for Cloth Coats: From ft4? nn Sattmett; and $2.50 for Homespun. 1 Hehop ms attention to business, he TOTHEPIFBLIC. llt.Rr BY forewarn all IS l n rr i j .. . -"ojuoijiaimjr- sr: I'xr witr,ont f js vss srs: , ""j "i m;i ueaunffs. : TAILORING! i 1 acted from the People dEH S T" T' 3 'e.-I rr,f.er0"b"j made in Burke Countv ess, he may receive a warrants all Garment; surpass any that have been . 5- v . . W4U"",UUS ; wnen .uuu a o.ic eueciea, win io Dusiness can meet " " T 11C1I be from to-J.J per cent. M organton. fcioessia greater perfecTh'anVy u"erS mcrljr done ; they flatter themselves by their W expenenco and faithful ejertionsthat t&ej w fl co redlnndV- -Tri " """ 01 "Penen- WILLIAM f! RPVr ice' Feb. 12, 1831. ! " ' 3 tf tfEW SHOP. rinHE subscriber wishes to pform his friends ouuu.epuuucinattiehas commenced the negroes. i r uuu 1 1 1 1 1 1 ihi 1 1 ri ina A - VingoffwiU be suffictutt for a eptoSto "! " m w mm a w If r' . 1 1 . t 3 taient lor command to make such derable innovation upon the cus- iarin ana neighbotirhood as to horizontal ploughing. Aneih- awarded tr. M r j' iit. .V . 8 . . ,MIHC uucc 6cni overseer to AI- -w Aiuiiuuinii. ir Ft o q i luimnri. : i . truly observe uLn -liV- V nine nna report upon this . . .. . w" 'uuon uwbdo muctl talked-of nrarJiro. !? and the Countrv I initrht n trvll l..n. 1 rri -- -j p "01c oiii ms uorsc. i. nereis- "j y..no wbt, a state and condition of ignorance firmlv paid or franked. r.Fn w uu,ess n which thn cnirlt f :. i" J 7MV,7, W uuuubbioo. 01 every new JttrfiWflrwVitli'.. f.,wi;,o ." " iocmcni snail paea. "Incredulity," says the , tr- . i. ....... , I vprh tli rr..l. ft fn..n J roreiH ana Uenernt A, T. . . . tw. iUH tYnrn. No. 37. Nassau St., New York citv. , n. V 1 with any view to detract from'the enccdaIllI,cscdifficucs in introducinfr inrWAIffTa a ryttt wfV ",efliea reputation of Mr. Randolnr, '"sdnll husbandry. "ArentlPmn A YOimn Tto JTTr "7 Which the fort T nm k... ... ' 1 1, rr-k u: t . 7 t. . J . . . . in 1 1 . .- . rs 11 a rr . - . I - aiuaa. iiiniiii if. wm n . . . . 111. . 1 111 ijiiimiiih iii. ri i i i a . . m j. ., , : " j . wuu wr tes .1 , . luiuuoni. uuum iiiAJUl CniPr- rTT- -j : . -"ersani wun and . 1 m- i. r He will have constantly from! 4 to fi is naid .nT.r :VnM0 un e.ss men wno Have served a regular timA tk u l fee An orfaki T j V cdonaoie aavance iDemarie, nes8 and hopes to SSTiSZ' nfoSL'ti be??d "d is destined, J atshbrtnotiPAnnH nrii-L:: accomraodate' ..JmxIor:v,z- o letters received fin an v in- rrt r. 1 w" x ci 111s. 1 siaucK 1 or rak-pn nnt . 1. ' i :" i JITarch 27, 1S31 J, OSBORN. C. OSBORN, 73w 0s06 KEWAlTi ? ? m BoV;:;u?"?!ibe JiO Uoy t the Tailorin rr k ' ttn Pre""0 .r;D RAanrrF?10'1 .smess, named .4L .aiu ooy is ol tall stature. work in his line of business, in th .K".V.A-nJPeW w'ing to have u,1Te . . . . 1 win please eive the R,,h.r. S!"aUfls himself that he cannot vrcueu. eiiuer in uurKe or its ad arnt rnB. No dieaoDointment nPri he r j -.i ran Aprentice the fi or execution of garment ,r 1.: i .iri . . u does not. h.,t Jtl. ?. . ; . - .uicr- redlnnri-- rr-u r J CI u exPenen- ; tki rr 1 . . , . i. . .w..n llu ana . - -.. iu cjciie lnouirr '"6 "I''" uucw tcueme 01 nusbanrlrv 4 . .vuuluUm.ei n-n-IJ . ., -j- lc tt" .mus OI I IpH mnrh V4. u . j ., .--"'- uiu uuu lOfFOlien KnftK crl T .:ll mrnt n nn .t . - been in business for himselt-has been unfortunate :'on!!'?, ,he PracUce of liornzontal plon-h- protcstant t So.h;i Sfi-J Si .. 5?j5Srf .... ,?5i,d. n" ?rholl- originate witl, M'r. Ran- Pi"'"" roent manryen,rX: S iuuuii a rf vi 1 nvo inn Anrnriinm. . - : . - " 1 Li:' 11 in linn m 1 DiiujuiaLC wi. keep I Asheville, March 14. 1831 J0HN OSBORN. 73w NOTICE. ff AM under" the painful ' necessity of 'nniJf JJL and forewarninsr all nprshna i f.n l , nyi fl trading with rhv wife Man, : 7n ymg rhvivifp. Mtnt -, u . -"a lioKU-fl"..- J , ...c,8 in th u u. ueherung my nouse, and wasting her tim abroad, to the great injury of our1 domestic com. torts, and the manifest inconvenience of bur familv rl, it RICiIARD coyiNGToT m his employ the best of workmen ; and' his . lie. 1 L'uv 1 1 j nn fi uioocu. 1 'said boy, employing or haJhn11 ding with . The bo&atePd no : ASnif?h, way. only that some fellow had offH fgi hesubscnber, suppose some fellow about his equal KVtgeS ; I employed, but sacked his iob .RiWwM His charires will he : Fnr Clmi, n.. r . tention, 00 tn nn, o,t; onj . "om 7 3 aw He will at all times be foond at his shop, for the .vwiuuniuauuu ui ijis uusiomers. ' vr , q 100 CAHSON. March 8, 1831. 4 r Drnmnt nt- 37, Nassau-st., New York City. Mprganton WMTED. : - 1 THE subscribers, wish to purchase 10 IHIBliV AwttO XKZX.EJ, for senber to his book,) and at the end of the P.1 ginst my horrhi blvJcr-sort of lilSr OPntlirrr Hot 1?-- t-v . ... InAirirl..- i . ' " 'mus liarwin. in his asne termed it: and wr over- a m. . : 1 nfn iiti rut wwl- t ii . 1 ... . . . 1 An 1 . . iiJ25.00 H.E1S7 A tt Tk .1 . , " "J'o'og'a.. wb cli first l" "naemned the whole qu te at posi. TT OSTon thT lSTS)5S.S.l .S"- "Py of Agriculture. . . J-. He had nerer en air ,ch crTt, JU POCKET BOOK, enntainm ain . "'umeiia,0n nimculturf. I.nnk ii rlian. ta OUSinetS in fiW Virginia. rr,A il,.r.r (( . . r I . 1 .iivibiuii; r. says, in ploughing it must le espe- !t must be wrong. I finally. . by dint of also one counterfeit SM hill : a!KA Zl ' xr 11 :L r "Y "ies on ch 18. 1831. Asheville. JAJtfES W. PATTON : JOHN E. PATTON. ' Moore Marun, one for $32 80 and the other for cia,,7 observed, that the furrow be always 5 one note on VilIiam;L. Eskridrp rr d 1 uui ; ior oy mis racinod rTSarf S! dlffi arisiug from tlfe acclivity of f ,. J . Ilie friiiiiwi ie r-.. 11. 1 labour, both nrtnnn nnrl rnfll. ;a The . Pookot Rnnt-I Tnrifliniiel 1 1 . ' een Sandv Run anrl R,i. ir?- "U8'7 icaaenea. f - . "ciujruion. 19. There were other valuable now recollected. The bank bills vvr RX- Fnr 1.1 1 i .. - -"J Apply to the subscribers ei- nifnfe? 620 bill the labour, both of men and theratPattnnvin0; r?.u . r w s.w 5 A .u,;h 7" ""VU'UI lost betw 5 6w T.-ll T T be given to anv nprenn u" "orsc "oeinff Husbandnr.ch. 18. de ivcr the pocket book sod contents to sas many hundred acres of gxod land llUMyaROOd "r! T 8poUed' ' ; I 1 ,r Pl0Sin? against tlio lull, and aa:n5t The abovrj reward will I who will de i the owner. P.utherfor authority carried my point; bat itrcouired n 1-..1 1 .. " . - ""oness imie iess man toat: which put down the Polignac conspiracy, ' De Rustica- The Boston Gazette Far "Twn ov three of the late shipwrecks, ou the coast' of New-England, are attributed to the un- ' popularity of General Jackson's adminis tration. ' J de r itd. IVUCtMl, V 1