it mm JXI AB WESTEEl; ABTEf TOE !L VOLUME II. RUTHERFORDTON, SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 9, 1831. NUMBER 21. - BSS . i i I i i ;-f ik - ' A - - r t I ; :4 V,. -A . i y '4 1 PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY EVENING BY ROSWELJ, ELMER, Jr.. Two dollars land fifty Terms of subscription : cents, per annum, if caid in advance ; or three dol lars, if paid within the year: but if delayed after ol we year, twenty-five cents will be thHSL'ose added- No paperx e discontinued until particularly ordered and aiNrearages paid, or at the discre tion of the publisher. , , f , Advertisements Irerted on the usual terms. All persona advertising-will please note the num ber ff times they, wish tb have them inserted, or iey? will be continued and taxed accordingly, .. 0,000 ACRES OBV : CUIiATI02f LAUDS, VXDER DECREE OF FORECLOSURE. arf. BY virtue ofan order postponement, j r3$ made at the last term of the .Court of S j Equity, I will expose to sale at the Court-house in Rutherfordton, on the nfn 2nd Monday in July next, (being the Monday of the July CountyCourt,) several Tracts and parcels of Laud, as the property of the Heirs at . Law of Augustus Sacketldec. containing tin aggre gate amount of about 30,000 acres or so much thereof as will be sufficient to satisfy the balance due upon thedecree. ' :. ) .r These lands Consist principally of 6,0Q acres in-MacClenagan's and Ashworth's creeks; about 4,000 acres on Floyd's creek, in the neighborhood of Poor's Ford of Main Broad river ; and 8,960 ac res on the west side of First Broad river -this last tract is included in what is known as the Whiter i site's Settlement, and is inexhaustible in its mine ral treasures. ' Gold has also been found in the neighborhood of the Floyd's creek and Hinson creek tracts. Acredit-of twelve months will be given the pur chaser entering into bond with approved security for the purchase money.' TitlesSvill by made as shall be ordered by the Court THO. DEWS, Jr.. C &. M. May 20th. 1831. , 14 6w DR. O. P. FtZILZiS, MAVING located himself, at Rutherfordton, tenders his professional services to the citi zens ot me village ana us viciniiy, . , ; He Would add, that having, had consideracle ex perience in private as well 'as public practice, he hopes to receive a liberal share of patronage. llis office will be kept in a front room ot K. G. Twitty's Hotel. OTIS P.'MILLS. Rutherfordton,' June 4, 1831. HOUSE OF ENTERTAINMENT ' STAGE OFFICE. rjfl HE subscriber takes this method of informing U her friends and the public, that she coxinues to entertain larder9 and travellers, at the Estab- ishiaent heretofore occupied by Col. Isaac Cratos liuthenordton. Several additional spacious rooms have been lately fitted up, which will enable her to rnaKe-; cointortable during their stay such private families as may think proper to call on her to spend the summer montns. . Itl. U. CKATUN. Rotherfordton, June 18, 1831. 18tf PIANO FORT flHE subscribers respectfully inform the pub U lie that they have received on consignment nnd for sale, at their store An. Lincolnton, a Piano Forte, of a very superior quality both as to tone and !!u i !ii i :.u : ; juii&u, wuiciiwia ut' sum on acvuiumouciiiug leruiss. HOKE & FULL EN WIDER. June 1,1831. . 18tf ' T HE undersigned inform the citizens of Frank- lin and the neighborhood, that they have ust opened a shop for the execution of fcll work connected with the ! ' . BUSINESS, n a , fashionable; neat, durable, and expeditious maniur, m the town .ot t rankun, where all orders will gratefully received and faithfufly executed. . 1 uey receive the latest lashions from J.-Yok and Hnlalelphia, quarterly, and practice on the most approved system ot cutting, viz : the Patent' Protractor system. They warrant all garments to fit, aid, in. point of style and workmanship, to . be inferior to none in the western part of the State. Thefr prices will be moderate ; and they hope. by a faihful and punctual discharge of their duties, to receive a chare 6f the public patronage. V : JAMES V.: JAY, & Co. Fsanklin, May 10, 1831. i 14tf TO THE P1FB.IC. iOCTORS PHILIPS & TEBAKTT, hav ing located themselves in Frariklin. respect fully tender their professional services to the citi zens of Macon and the adjoining counties. The promptest attention will be given to calls in the dif ferent branches of their profession. ttZTOrHcenext door to J. It. filer's Store. i I ' Franklin, Macon county, June 15. f 18 2w to aoiiO-ilivEBrs. 7&TOTICE is hereby given, that havinobtaihed JL3 Letters Patent for my improvement in the Rocker and Riffile, called the "PANING ROCK ER'' 1 1 forewarn all persons from making, vend- ing or using the same,- without written permission from me .5 as those violating my rights, will ; be dealt with according. to the regulations of the Pat ient laws. 4; " ) ' The subscriber, however, from the great difficult ty of supplying the immediate demand, s desirous to eell'rights to such competent persons asvvill con struct the machines in a faithful- and workmanlike manner as their efficiency, and utility ;defend in a gTeat measure on this circumstance, nn the most ; advantageous terms, either; by districts orr single ;. rights, and wiil afford every necessary instruction in the art and principle for building the same. ; - - G. B. PALMER. , Brindlctown, Burke co. May 1831. ' ' ; VALUABLE : ESTATE S At, JB. ' TIKTOTICE is hereby given; that I shall sell, at IM Dublic vendue, at the-late .dwelling house of jMac Craton, dee'd, in Rutherfordton, on the 25th July next, all the Personal Property of the Estate of said deceased, consisting of . i X3 likely Negroes Horses -Mules r- Cattle flogs Yoke of Ozen Ox . Cart Wagoii, with a Set o f good Harness A variety of Farming Utensils Household and Kitchen Furniture A quantity of Corn and Bacon Good Rifle Guns and Musket Patent .Lever Watch A (rood Library, consist ing of Law and Miscellaneous Works ' 'Alsdii theprestnt Crnptgrowi:ig three miles south of this on Gleg home's Greek, con sisting of Corn, Wheat, Rye. and Oats. All the above articles will be sold on a credit of 12 months, by purchasers giving bond with appro . ved security. The sale to continue from day to day until, all the property is sold. r 1 - Tho undersigned having been duly qualified as ,l administrator of the estate of Isaac Craton, dec, at our last Probate court I dovhereby notify all per sons who have claims gainst the Estate of said de ceased, to present them wfthin the time prescribed j-'' Kv law, iegally authenticated, otherwise this notice "will be plead m bar of their recovery; And all per ; sons indebted to said estate are requested to come , forward immediately and make payment, or their iioies ana accounts will be put in the aanas 01 an 'wmcvr xor collection. .5 ! . W. J. T. MILLER, Administrator June 18. 1.1 is'fiw ., KfLpok at tMs.'cJ rEHjlE compass has been so long in use,- that, I M - hope its utility will ere long find its way in to liuiierford county, and put every man in pos session of his own land marksthey may then es- capelhe judgment denounced in a certain book. This is tberei'ore, to notity all persons,. (thaj they 'may noi plead ignorance in future,) that, 1 anHdetermined to prosecute all and every mdivid naliho shall be- found trespassing, by cultivating the qil, removing timber, or in any otherwise com mittifg waste upon any ot the various tractsof land belonging to Col. Richard Lewis, situate in the Rulberford county lots and land adjoining the 'vil- lagebf Rulherfordton, unless with my written or ver-fcd consent ; and it is presumed that all lease's and permissions granted by him, for aDy of those punxses. nave expired. . ? hersons holding bonds on him lor titles, would do well to present them.. Also persons having made purchases of land , in ' which he is interested, are hereby notified that no titles will be executed, unless satisfactory evidence is adduced that,- his proportion ot the purchase money has been actually paid, or secured to be paid, either to himself or his properly authorized agent. I J. OV1.RTON LEWIS, Agent. Rutherfordton, 25th Jan'y, 1831, ' ' 50 ly p North Carolina Constitutionalist AND STATE RIGHTS' ADVOCATE. "The Liberty of the Press-the shield of Freedom the scourge of tyrants.'" 1 ' WILLIAM S. RANSOM W WILLIAM POTTER, ' FROPOSEto publish ij the Citt of Raxeioh, a political newspaper under the above title. They propose to give to thebublic an independent and a consistent republicanptate Righta', paper: one that will always supportkhe piinciples it pro fesses, with a due regard to ruth, and promote the rational views of the true riends of liberty and democracy. , They will evef contend for the "Un ion" inviolate, as well agaiet the open attack of "XMuiubcation, as the lnsu&oos inroads ol a latitu dinarian construction of Conatitaubn that sa cred instrument by which, the sovreignfv of the States is securei and our happy land thus far 6a ved from the vorte of a consolidated general govern ment. " .Belienng the present Taru-p Laws to be partial, oppressive and unjust, if nqt unconstitution al, they will sjiare no pains to impress the public mind with be propriety and necessity of having them repealed. These are the leading measures and, principles which it shall be their steady, pur pose to advocate and detend. They will support GeneraJJACKsox fora re-electio to the Presidency, and oppose Henry Clay and his political adherents They have now stated, with caador.the outlines of their political creed, which ther venly believe to be tie creed of North Caroling generally North Carolina is one ot the great &tttes ; great not on ly in territory and population ax in moral and phy sical resources; and it shall be ftie untiring ambition of the Editors, to maintain her high rank in the Un ion, and to set forth her-distingaished sons in their merited Characters to foster her institutions to inculcate correct moral and poltical principles, and to diffuse ueefulknowledge. "They are native sons of the State and they glory fi their , birthright They now call for patronage upbn the high-minded and patriotic citizens of North parolina, and upon the friends of republicanism aril advocates of State Rights generally As knowledge is essential to the permanency of our republican institutions, the Cosstitotionalist will be f)ond valuable in its various store ol mteugence, to the farmer, the me,- cnanic ana ine mercnanx, as Men as me physician, the lawyer, and, particularly li the politician. For eign and domestic news the proceedings of Con gress and of onr. State Legislature, and well-writ ten essays, will be Tound in bur columns. The beet papers in.the lnion will be taken by the Edit ors, from which important and interesting extracts winoe taxen. . . ; PROSPECTUS i OF THE t CJmublllt ;iHountafnctr; it of infinite momtrJ that you should properly ' estimate the immense value of your Xational Un ion" t Washington's Farewell Address. AT the earnest and solicitous request of a large and highly respectable number of the citizens 01 u us and the adjoining districts, and with the as surance of a very considerable accession to his sub- 8cnttion list, 31 r. w ells has been induced to re sume the publication, of tne Greenville Mountain eer. Indue need by the known wishes of bis for mer patrons, and the recent anxiety ol outers. subscriber has consented to take upon bamai sain the txlitonal department of this paper, in uuiog so he is lully aware of the sacrinc? ne manes, the responsibdity which he must incur. Hue con sulted only Lis own feelings and interest, he would never subject himseli again to tne trot Die ana mor tification necessarily attending the life ofan Lxlitor. He is,bow6ver,actualed by other and belter uiouves. Oar country is in an awful and most alarming cri- 19, auu eicijr vuc buuuiu ug nuuuj w iuu uu iwu, no matter how feeble it may, be, in averting the dangers by which she is surrounded. ' The politics ot the Ureenvule Aiountameer are well known-" If would be sulncient for those who have heretofore been acquainted with this paper, to say that there will not be, in any respect, the slight- est cnange in us lone ana principles. iui u una Prospectus is intended lor new subscribers, and those who may. not be acquainted with the coarse Valuable Lan& . FOR S Alii!. npY Tirtae of a Decree of the Court or JLO made at the last term, settier aside the txl heeiufore made, and ordering the biddings to I re-oencd, 1 will expose to sale, at tbe Cot Houte in Rntherforduia, on the 2nd Monday in ' ly nixt (being the 3Ionday of tbe County Cov : all Vie Lands belonging to the Estate of lh ! D4VID WEAVLll, deceased : comprisin One tract joining the lands of David liar others situate on or bear Hickory creek ; " lands. zr: .v -One other tract joining Crow lai 42a j ialy and arty jatnxag the above tr. Aiso, ooeouM iMcvjoyunx-Cr. pfr the abovementioDed tracts tbe wt about one hundred acres. ' Rich deposits of gold are said t" ' covered on these lands. . , . Term- One half payable tw the sale, and the other half eigH . with approved security to be f n. , i' made as the Court shall hert'-.-.-.r c. ' The purchasers ai the pr?vow3 f?.V V tbeir bonds re-delivered w' cr er. r c T11U. DLW S. J- C AIay23rd, 1831. I IM1V 0 1 . ... L.a tz HOLLAND'S HIGH 1.1 GRIST f7nH andersigne : li elusive right, hiherto pursued bv the Editor, it is proper that he structiog and vendiu t. should make a concise summary of those principles I counties, Grist Mill4 by which he will be governed. (intended topre- - a The subscriber has, lrom his earliest political re-1 stone or runner . : collection, been devotedly and enUiusiasucally at-J or being raised (np '7 . - this governinent is founded. He beneves in the j improVemenlgive.i.o UITU16 (igui auu puwei vi uiu jicujiio iu iuaa, uvig jiaia w ug iuuuu and abolish, at pleasure, their turmsol government, mass eqoaily tine, ana He is convinced that all good governments are foun- ed to any amount and cib ded on the virtue and intelligence of the pedple, the runner from com5 ig in c He looks upon the governinent of these U. States stone, and there wearing and c as the wisest and the best that ever has or ever can andheating tbev t136 "ct; be formed. He regards the Fedeial Constitution injures the floor) cja as the most perfect system of civil polity that the quire to bo dressed more than hah CJ wisdom, virtue and patriotism of man can institute, right was secured to the eaid If olltpv He is opposed to ail lalitudinarian constructions of laws of the U. S.underdale tf Mairt;4f that sacred charter of our liberties. He is not, J hereby forbid all persons lro ;iiiL3VyM however, in all cases, in favour of a strict and Ute- vending said improvemcpt.iUv!3t.ovj-V tal constuction ol its ; principles. He believes the I nghtaud pnvilege, arf they shall enforce L&f one will tend to consolidation and the deettuction of j allies of did1 lawfr on all who' may lnfrino u Cf of all state rights ; and he knows the other would patent, within the limits abovo namcJ;. AH pert V Mir. Ransom, (intending to reire froml the Bar ol all state rights ; and he knows the other would patent, within tbe limits aoovo named:... , All rJ i as soon as the necessary number of subscribers is disarm the general government of iu ceded poweis, 1 sons who wish to obtain ther advantages of this. ir YJ orocured.l will devote his time Tplnsivelv ta the and jrive to it those which it does not possess He I provement can either have mills constructed or fi ' . . , . . ' :l c . i rr it . i : j . eaiwriaiaeparirnent The first number of the "Constitutionalist" will appeal as soon as One' Thousand Subscribers shall have been obtained.- " . ' ' .Persons holding Subsciption Lists, will please return them, addressed to William Potter, at R& teigh, on or before the 1st of August next. ; - r conditions. . .- j The North Carolina Constitutionalist, will appear weekly, on an imperial sheet, in' 'new ' type, and on good paper, (except during' the session of the Legislature, when it will be issued. se.mi-tceck-'1v. at three dollars ner annum, pavable on receipt ot the the hrst numbei,or Jour dollars, at the end constitutionality, lie does, nowever, ol six months. i 1 . ' F'ditors of newspapers, generally, will confer an obligation by giving this Prospectus. Tne or two insertions. I , . ; ' :;.' refers to the Tariff as being a striking and remar-1 this plan or be furnished with the privilege U mako- kable mstauce ol the latter, lie is opposed to tne l wita all necessary tnstracUon?, on me mosixeasoar: American system in every lorm and measure tnaii ante terms. . ,JUUri.llJ-.L. , ; State of North Carolina, - Buncombe County. Superior Court of Law April Term, 1831. " Charles Williamson i 7 . vs. Petition for Divorce. Pplley Williamson. ) It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the defendant, Poliey Williamson, is not an in habitant of this State ; It was jrdered that publica tion be made for three months in the Rutherford Spectator and Raleigh Register, that the said Pol ley Williamson appear at the next Superior Court of Law to be held for the county of buncombe, at the Court House in Asheville, on the tird Monday iitter-the 4th Monday in September next, then and mere to plead, answer or demur to the said petition or the same will be taken pro confesso, and set for hearing ex: paite. i , Witness, .Joshua Roberts, :Clerk of said Court, at Asheville the 2nd Monday alter the 4th Monday in March', lb31. J. ROBERTS, ClerE 14 3m i ; Pr. adv. $4 50. , Raleigh, N. C. 18th May, 1831. . t : : v: ' Subscriptions received at this Office. ATS S HATS ! WOTICEisjierebv given, that the subscriber O. H -win auename courts of the rmint;ac ri?r,th erford, Buncombe and Haywood, with a complete assfutment of new, good and fashionable HATS whieh he will sell low for Cash, Lamh' wt rrJy shearing,) Furs, Beeswax.Tall6w,&ci. He hopes from his brig experience in, the Hatting hnBnLa and the superior quality of the article which he of- jers, wnicn ne is connaent is not excelled by any thing of the kind injrnarket, to give general sati. laction to tnose wno lavor rum with their custom ! W. A. M LELLAND CreenevilIe,Tenn., May 23,1831. j , I5tf State of North Carolina, -,- Lincoln County.: v' - : 1 In Equity Spring Term, 183L John McMin, V Silas Scarborough and 1 0riSinal Bil1' Shirly Scarborough. I T having been made appea'f to the Honourable vourt, that fchirly c:carb6rough, one of the de- lendants jn this cause, is not an inhabitant of the State: therefore, ordered, that publication be made for'six weeks, in the Rutherford Spectator, that un less the saidr Shiny Scarborough appear, at the next Court of Equity, to be held for the county aforesaid, on the 5th Monday after the 4th Monday ot sseptemher next, at the Court House m Lincoln ton, then and there to plead answer or demur to complainant s bill, the same, as to him, will be ta ken pro conlesso and heard ex parte. Teste, JUHIS 1VHOKE, C.M.E 14 Gw Pr. adv. $2.50 it has yet assumed; He regards that branch of it called the Tariff as; an lngemoiu aiyl dangerous fraud upon the Constitution. He believes it to be not only impolitic and unjust, but highly oppressive to the" Southern country. In resisting us cpcralions by all constitutional means in our power, he will ever be found among the foremost. . To that, mer cenary system of internal Improvement, now car ried on by the general government, he is opposed, a well on account of its inexpediency, as iu un- behcTe in the right of Congress to construct road for military , purposes, , when absolutely required as a "necessary and proper means" of carrying on war He is oposed to the United States' bank, and believes hs establishment to be one of the most palpable violations' of the Constitution that bis yet occurred. He regards the proposed division sf the surplus revenue as the most unconstitutional and extravagant measure that could characterize any administration." " . ; In regard to our state politics, he is with I lager, Smith, Drayton, Richardson, Manning, and the venerable Taylor. He is opposed to a Convention, 14tf - WM.M.LEXANDE Rotherfordton. May 20, 153L V 7 7' NEW YOKK CHEAP WHOLESALE CIiOAIE, STOCH, 6l CLOZHZNa WAREHOUSE REMOVED. fill HE subscriber has removed his establishment U from No. IS a, Maiden Lane, to the spacious biore No. 138, Pearl-street, over Messrs. Hyde, Cleveland & Co., where he will keep constantly 1st Dresent.andin all Drobabilitv will be for a num- on hand a much more extensive assortment than hr nfvom tn rnmo. H unnnt that (!nn. formerly. The style, make and material of the Upntnn mnld do anv voad. and he does believ thst cloaks will be greatly improved, and will be sold at u might do much harm .Instead of resortinz to about the same low pnees as those of. the jast sea- is rather disposed to wait for the rW HE 0ubchbr aware that Loans "-daV . JL businejs in general fan be effected more ea- fily expeditiously and saiisfactorilyhas removed from the. City bf Pniladelphta to Nevr York; wtier ' every-facility is offered for transacting home xsx foreign business correctly, legally, and wiA de spatch. GEO. W. EVERITT . 37, Nassau St, N York City. : N. B. ATT To Editors throvzout tht Union, jj Those Editors desirous of supporting and patron izing this institution shall be entitled to the propri etor's aid gratis to tiie amount of S5.00. by fivtoff his advertisement in full a conspicuous place in their . papers 2 or 3 times, and forward a copy containing the same, , . GEO.W. EVLRITT. 37, Nassau SttN. Y. . 3IOXE Y IN IiIARItET. TO OWNERS OF COLD MINES, PLANTA TIONS, MANUFACTORIES, Ac. dx. THE subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and tbe public that be is daily vhuted by Am erican & foreign capitalisU,who&re desirous V ani ons of advancing and investing their fund ;o good son f- - - aai.oca-1 sucq a proceuQre,ne is ramer uisposea to wan lor tne I - : 5 . . , v He has also on hand; a large assortment of returning good sense and justice of the American advantage who are desirous of purchasing & leas- ow priced Clothing, made in good style, express- people. He regards the doctrine of Nullification ly for the Southern and Western trade, that will be sold at about the usual prices of the most inferior quality. Also, an assortment of Stocks, with ma ny other desirable articles. Those who 'will'take the trouble to examine this stock of Godds will probably satisfy themselves that they, cannot se lect the same amount from any stock in the citv that will be a safer or more desirable purchase. For sale by ; F. J. CONANT, No. 138, . . Pearl-street,' New York. as the most odious and dangerous of all political heresies. In it he can see nothing but the dismem bered fragments of this mighty republic . He looks ' upon it as the destroyer of that noble fabric, reared by the wisdom, and cemented by the blood of onr ancestors.; Tbe union of these States he regards, in the language-qf Washington, as the main pillar in the defence of our real independence, the sup port of our tranqility at home, our peace abroad, our safety, our prosperity, and the very liberty we so ' able at banks in good standing in any part ot the country ; eight months for city acceptances ; or five per cent, discount lor cash. In all cases where the time is extended, interest will be charged at the rate of b per cent, per annum. Any goods purcha sed at this establishment that do not suit the mar ket for which they were intended, will be exchan ged for others. - " ; '1 12w New York City, April 15, 1831. ; . Terms : Six months, for approved Notes, .pay- highly prize. He is disposed to "discountenance even a suspicion that it can in any event be aban doned." He looks to the re-election of Gen. Jack sox, at this particular crisis, as of momentous im portance to the safety of this Union and the pros perity of this government. Possessed as he is of the confidence of tbe American people, and distinguish ed as he always has been for his firmness, indepen dence aud'patriotism, he should be warmly and zealously supported by evejy One who wishes well to! our common country. Were we to lose the weight of his influence and character at this time in the administration of this government, no cne can well predict the consequences. . jThe Greenville Mountaineer will contain a sum mary of all. Fpreign news, the proceedings of Con gress and the State Legislatures so far as the same may be of general interest. In it will be published, occasionally, short biographical sketches of our dis tinguished men extracts from reviews and period- cai wont State of North Carolina, j Lincoln County. County Court of Pleas and Ciuarter Sessions ' i; April Sessions, 1831. . . McBee & Alexander, Original attachment'levi- assignees, I ed on six negroes in the vs. . hands of Henry Fulen- Caleb Fulenwider. J wider. The same, 1 Likewise original attachment le vs. vied on the same negroes, in "The same. ) the hands of the same. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court', that Caleb Fulenwider,the defendant, is not an in habitant of this State : It is there foie ordered, by Court that he appear at the County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the said Coun ty, at the Court House in Lincolnton, on the third Monday in July next replevy and plead to issue, or judgments in the above cases by default will be entered up against him. Ordered that publication hereof be made six weeks successively m the Ruth erford S pectator. . ... Teste, VARDRY McBEE, Clerk. 40 Gw : ! Pr. adv. $2.50 , '! . SS.OO REWARD I "IT OST on the 18th instant a CALF SKIN JLi POCKET BOOK, containing $160 in cash, aiso one "counterfeit $2 bill; also two 'notes on Moore Martin, one for $32 80 and the other for $13 15 ; also one note on William L. Eskridge for $40 19. There were other valuable papers, not now recollected. The bank tills were' chiefly of the denomination of $5 and $10 principally on tbe Georgia banks, and among which was one $20 bill on one of the Georgia banks. The Pocket Book was lost between Sandy Run and Rutherfordton. . The above reward will be given. to any person who will deliver the pocket book andicontents to the owner, j . . JOHN G: ESKRIDGE. Rutherford, April 22, 1831. ' ! IQtf ing wholes or shares of Real Estate(improved or an' improved,) and other valuable property who wish to become proprietors, partners or sharers in Gold Mines or Mining Companies or woold loan. mo ney in small and large amounts at 5, 5, 6, and 7 per cent, per annum, interest to be paid annually and semi-annually to be secured on mortgages of , real estate free from incumbrances and valued and worth double the amount required. Therefore those who wish to sell, lease or mortgage or obtain part ners; &c, will, per mail, (postage paid) forward every necessary instruction particularize their views and wishes and describe their property cor rectly, its location, situation, divisions, quality, im provements, quantity and real value, &.c and en close the advance office fee, which amounts to $5, for every $7500 wanted. - Commissions : when loans are effected, will be from I to 1 percent. No business can meet with attention unless postage is paid and accompanied with a reasonable advance fee. An established and not to be deviated rule is-, now in force, viz: no letters received (in any in- . stance) or taken out from the Post Office, nnless paid or franked, GEO. W. EVERITT, Real Estate Broker MlorneyAmerican, 7 3wl Foreign and General Agent, No.37. Nassau St.. New York (City.) N. Y. A YOUNG MAN 25 years of age, who write a neat legible band is conversant with and ha sn idea, of basinets in rfnrrilrwMKAfit lih. the speeches in Congress, and some of Cral education (English and Clascal) has travel- HOU$E OF ENTERTAINMENT. AT THE SIGN OF THE BELL, ' ' , Union Court-House, S. C. JAXVIE3 X70RXLXS i RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public in general, that he has taken that large and conveni- . I , , . T U Reid, Esq. He thinks h unnecessary 1 1 1 1 the most important public documents. It will be the cbject of the editor to make its contents as in teresting as possible to all classes of persons. In oraer to eneci uus, ne win pay considerable atten tion to the' selection of such matter as may be use- mi 10 me Agricultural part 01 the community. The first number of the Mountaineer will be -i. sued about the first of May. It will be published on a super-royai sneet, on new and elegant type, at $ouu in advance, or alter six months. y B..F. PERRY. ' Greenville, 3. C. 3Iarch 7, 1831. HOUSE, SHOP &LOT 1 s THE aubscriber offers for sale his led much through Canada and the U. State has been in business for himself has been unfprtnnatft and now seeks for a respectable situation at tbe South, in any mercantile or respectable esuAlisb ment ; manufactory as agent or manager on a plan tation ; as travelling companion, or agent, or copy . ist in an office. &c. etc. if reauired can give refer ence. A moderate salary to warrant a genteel support would be required. Communications (port paid) to tne subscriber, will meet wiin prompt at tention. - GEO. W. EVERITT. 7 3w f 37, Nassan-st New York City. fnrO THE PUBUCWT) THEnnderigil wifl have tbe BRIGHT-' HOPE FURS ACE, in Greene Couatyv Tennessee, in fall operatwo by the 2wi mstart. to make promises and will therefore only invite tra il 11 1 : J .1. 1 T a rent veiiers tocau mm juugg oi mcmseiyes. j pi iy NOTICE. f a MRS. PATSEY MEREDITH BALES; will hear some information very- acceptable, by addressing a line' to Brown's Post-officei Fairfield District, South-Carolma, to - - . . , i J. H. TAYLOR, Afnxr. ofE:Morrit. March 5, 1831.' , . r 3 TT rjl J f I- Ik. tnn-n r.C i r June 11,1831. MAURICE M'CARTHY. 17tf FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE, SUPERFINE Letter Paper, Writing Paper, KZJ asd a general assortment 0 liianks. Forge Hamtntrs 3cc. can be bad, to order, at any time. Orders addrewed to Greenville, Tennessee, will be promptly attended to. . F D.SHIXLDS.&Co., Brisbtbope, JIarcb7, 1531. ; 5 6n - 9 v

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